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Anxiety disorders is one of the greatest widespread psychological disorders in the world

today. This paper will be discussing different category of anxiety disorders such as generalized

anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, panic disorders, and phobia. When it comes

to anxiety it is a horrible feeling of concern and worry. Anxiety disorders can sometimes stop a

person from everyday activities when feeling anxious. A lot of people suffer from anxiety

disorders every day, and there are many probable causes of this disorder. However, in a person

lifetime, family genetics and their past possibly will show a part in the greater prospect of

anxiety disorder. Stress and unsatisfactory coping mechanism may also contribute to anxiety, but

with treatments people can manage their feelings and get back to normal life. There are helpful

treatments presented, although lots of individuals do not look for treatments, and there is a

shortage of counselors available to support these type of treatments for everyone with anxiety

disorders. Lately, there has been augmented consideration on ways to actually claim treatment

with the lowest amount of expense to health facilities. This is a critical mood disorder and it

possibly will affect an individual ability to perform, in their family, job, and social life without

any treatments from therapy or counselors.

I. Introduction

Anxiety disorders consist of mental disorders that have common aspects of overpowering

fear or constant anxiety that intervenes with regular everyday events. Which includes panic

disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social phobia, obsessive–compulsive

disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder. Just alone, anxiety disorders

cost at least 40 billion dollars or more a year in healthcare cost. Anxiety disorders are the greatest

predominant group of mental disorder. Furthermore, researchers recognize that there are some

kind of biological and psychological to all anxiety disorder and the greatest kind of treatment is a

pattern of mental behavioral treatment interventions. Relying upon the gravity of the anxiety,

medicine is utilized in mixture with treatment. However, in anxiety disorders it is not just

biological or therapeutic disorder it has some misunderstandings. Anxiety symptoms can follow

after a diversity of features together with shocking knowledge, and developing different

outcomes in a person life after a decision has already been made for the symptoms of this

disorder. The (DSM) classification for anxiety disorder, including the specific criteria as

described in the DSM checklist, are generalized anxiety disorders is characterized by persistent,

excessive, and unrealistic worry about everyday things, suffer from muscle tension, sleep

problems and difficulty controlling the worry. However, people with specific phobia have

immediate anxiety and the fear of high places they try to avoid these situations or objects. Panic

disorders without agoraphobia in people experience sudden panic attacks and are concerned with

the fear of a recurring attack and having these attacks in public places. Researchers believe some

of these attacks occur during sleep. Therefore, panic attacks with agoraphobia, people may feel

alone in their own homes they can also become depressed and may not be able to stay on a job.

For that reason, the DSM criteria is appropriate for anxiety disorders.
II. Historical

During the 1980’s by the American Psychiatric Association anxiety disorders were identified.

The history of anxiety disorders is defined as a chain reaction indicating to the diagnosis in this

world today. People 18 and above suffer from some type of anxiety disorder and phobia, because

of doubt and worry they can last for a long time if not paying attention to. Living with an anxiety

disorder is not the same issue as going through natural emotions on anxiety. The growing level of

related anxiety disorders in current years seems to have an effect on men and women equally,

even though women yet live through anxiety disorders in addition to men and at nearly the same

level as in the past. Anxiety disorders started back in the first part of the 20th century in the past,

reports from all over the world and for all known history show that anxiety and worry have

always been an aspect of the human circumstances (Nydegger, 2012). Researchers also use the

terminologies such as social phobia and social problems refer to really nervous patients. In many

communities, people worry from day to day that they will not have enough to eat, a secure home

to live in, and the necessities to carry on life. Others worry about their medical condition, their

relationships, family problems, or world events (Nydegger 2012). Researchers indicates that

American have shifted toward higher levels of anxiety in recent decades, with people in all age

groups reporting clinically relevant anxiety more often than ever before. According to Rudy, this

might be due to an increased awareness about mental health issues and more frequently reporting

problems, studies show that all ages of people experienced a substantial increase in anxiety

between 1952 and 1993, with no indication that this trend has or will decrease (Nydegger, 2012).

Definitely, throughout the history of anxiety disorders a small number of economic doubt, and

job security, were and are sources of stress, but none of these is a major factor in the rise of

diagnosed anxiety disorders.

III. Causes of the Illness

The correct cause of anxiety disorders is not totally understood, even though it's possible that

a mixture and quite a few factors plays a part. Causes of the illness of anxiety disorders is an

illness that causes very limited, if any somatic signs. If causes of anxiety and illness disorders

exist, you will suffer from aches and pain they are very minor. Research has suggested these

may include: Bad emotion in the brain, involved in behavior. History of drinking, drug misuse,

and caffeine if these patient withdrawal from the substance causes anxiety and panic attack may

occur. The illness in anxiety disorders usually comes from a family member or the loss of a

family. Family members may have a medical condition such as obsessive compulsive disorder

(OCD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), then he or she could have a greater chance of

creating the illness anxiety disorder. Therefore, causes and illness anxiety disorder can cause

serious medical depression and become more intense with obsession. Also, lots of people can

develop anxiety disorders for no reason at all. According to a number of researchers, constant

worry develops an extremely elevated level of anxiety disorders. In addition to this nonexistent

disease, a person may really experience tangible grief because of an extremely elevated anxiety

level, or disturbing the anxiety disorders. In addition to a person age, the illness of anxiety

disorder mostly starts between young people or middle age adulthood sometimes get critical with

age (Bingaman, 2007). Therefore, older people with health issues should help concentrate on the

distress of forgetting what was taught to them. Clark & Beck, (2010) stated that people with

anxiety disorders illness typically do not have physical warning signs, and if people have these

signs of anxiety disorders they are very insignificant. Researchers, stated that the greatest method

for handling illness anxiety disorder is within a combination of psychiatric therapy, exercise, and

prescription medicine.
IV. Treatment
Some treatments from anxiety disorders can be some type of counseling and medication.

Counseling can help a person think better, have better behaviors, and learn the symptoms an

individual might have. Medications such as antidepressants, benzodiazepines, tricyclics, and bet-

blocker work different, depending on the person brain that are connected to anxiety disorders.

Anxiety disorders can have an effect on people individually, as a friend, on the job and in school,

it also can influence them in time of loss, time at work, when going to get treatment and making

appointments, disability, decreased output, disagreements in family and on the job, loss of

success dreams, or broken lives and careers (Nydegger, 2012). Nowadays there is various

different and effective treatment that can reduce and control the depression, expense and other

problems caused by anxiety disorders. Unfortunately, treatments are available in some

communities, people may not know way to go to get these treatments are may avoid treatments

due to ethnic humiliation (Nydegger, 2012). In the field of research, and practice (Bar-Haim,

2010) specified treatment for a major psychopathology such as anxiety disorders, and

considering the treatment data collected this far leaves more room for improvement in treatment

efficacy. With decrease rates in anxiety disorders treatments standing at only about 50%, its

essential to continue improving existing treatments and actively pursuing more efficacious ones

(Bar-Haim, 2010). Benefits from anxiety disorders is usually seen in the development for easing

fear and anxiety reactions. In therapy mental health workers dedicate themselves to anxiety

disorders. Some researchers found that cognitive behavior therapy is the main form of therapy

that has revealed to be successful in treating anxiety disorders. Other benefits from anxiety

disorders with the right treatment can consist of a lot of relaxation, exercise, understanding and

consciousness, increase a person motivation, and their reason of living. Therefore, with the best

medicine and therapy for anxiety disorders can be treated significantly.

V. Prevention
According to (Lau & Rapee, 2011 ) stated that there are no way to prevent anxiety disorders,

they suggests that early intervention is important not only in prevention of future anxiety

disorders, but also in relief from existing interfering symptoms, early treatments is the best way

to prevent future problems of anxiety disorders. Also, considerations of cost effectiveness

indicate that treatment alone is not sufficient to eliminate that disease by anxiety disorders thus

providing additional support for the importance of early intervention and prevention. (Lau &

Rapee, 2011). With treatment and changes in a person life, symptoms that stay under control can

prevent many anxiety disorder problems by avoiding stress, exercise regularly, limited alcohol

caffeine and too much sugar. Therefore, as the mechanisms of prevention agendas capitalize

heavily on treatments of anxiety disorders in reality, the difference between prevention and

treatment reflects the fact at which the intervention is directed (Lau & Rapee, 2011). Researchers

found new techniques that are involved with three main models of early intervention, such as

worldwide, selective, and specified is now significantly accepted in the prevention of anxiety

disorder. In the prevention of anxiety disorders try to eliminate activities that is not comforting to

an individual and stay anxious of all stress in a person life. However when it comes to prevention

there are no known prevention for anxiety disorders. ABM techniques may also be used as a

prevention degree reducing anxiety and stress helplessness in individuals who are compelled to

face worrying realistic situations, which could range from minor approaching midterm

examinations to serious stress (Bar-Haim, 2010). Researchers, prefer an individual to check with

his or her doctor or local drug store prior to choosing over the counter medications or herbal

solutions. Lots of them can take in substances that can develop into more intense anxiety

VI. Cross Cultural

A person’s cultural upbringing effects the experience and demonstrations of feelings. Many

factors need to be considered when evaluating the relationship between culture and anxiety

disorders are the background factors. As stated in (Agorastos, Demiralay, & Huber, 2014).

Anxiety disorders belong to the most common mental disorders, with a universal across all

continents and cultures. Therefore, cross-cultural and cross-religious norm deviations,

differences in psychopathology, and symptoms are important (Agorastos, et al., 2014). Anxiety

disorders are a number of the highly normal psychological disorders that are related along with

destructive passionate knowledges and the cultural changes in anxiety disorders (Hoffman &

Hinton, 2014). Surrounded by the United States, an intellectual nation, Asian Americans

constantly give the support to warning sign of anxiety disorders, social anxiety disorder,

generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and post –traumatic stress disorder is not as much

often than some other cultural groups, while white Americans always validate additional warning

sign of social anxiety disorders, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder more often than

African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans (Hoffman & Hinton, 2014). This

information aim to the solid influence on anxiety disorders. These results might be a reflection of

the sociopolitical past of cultural groups in the United States. The African American community

has revealed a long-lasting struggle with discrimination in the past with important change. In

contrast, Hispanic and Asian Americans have established fairly long ago but have handled their

own individual challenges with assimilation into normal society. It is very likely that responses

to bias events are likely to change on a wider point among cultural minority groups within a

multicultural society. Therefore, researchers will observe the exclusive issues that could clarify

the cultural differences in anxiety disorders within each same cultural group.
VII. Biblical Worldview
From a Christian worldview perspective, Jesus clarifies acknowledgement in the world.

Acknowledgement leads to understanding anxiety disorders and truly accepting causes and

solutions for anxiety symptoms. According to (Jeremiah, 29:11 New International Version) For I

know the plans I have for you, “declares the LORD” plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future. At the heart of anxiety is fear, this is one of the causes

individuals discover that Christian help them overcome anxiety. Anxiety is not an abstract

phenomenon, something that only encounter in systematic theologies and on the pages of the

DSM-IV. Rather, anxiety is a deeply personal and existential reality, triggered to changing

degrees, individually and collectively, by specific stressors of the current day and age

(Bingaman, 2010). The pastoral theological approach of Jesus himself was to begin, not with

abstract theological clarity, but with the specific life experience of the people of this world and of

his own teaching on anxiety disorders (Bingaman, 2010). Anxiety disorder is a vital detail of

scriptures from a biblical worldview. People with anxiety disorders, need to involve Jesus Christ

in their life and these worldview should be verified by scriptures. Therefore do not worry about

tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own

(Matthew, 6:34 NIV). Verbally, Jesus is imagining that an individual will indeed be concerned

about tomorrow, and yet he offers us a way to put things into proper perspective. Jesus also says

in (1 Peter 5:7 NIV) cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Some treatments of

anxiety disorders in a theological perspective, would result in praying and counseling the

individuals. Afterward, the prevention of stress on a theological perspective helps individuals

overcome anxiety disorder. Many researchers suggest that Spiritual and religious traditions can

have a determined and important optimistic inspiration on over-all physical condition, lifetime

fulfillment, and personal happiness (Agorastos et al., 2014).

VIII. Conclusion
Anxiety disorders is a typical, but extremely personal social feeling. During which normal

anxiety disorder operates a helpful and adaptive goal, anxiety can furthermore turn out to be the

reason of huge grief on behalf of millions of individuals. Functioning from a biopsychosocial

viewpoint, this conclusion make available an impression of the cause and useful determination of

typical anxiety disorders. The natural, mental, and social issues that play a part to the

establishment and safeguarding of anxiety disorders were awarded. A variety of anxiety

disorders, ideas, and related treatments were looked at. The healing for anxiety disorder is built

on a firm technical groundwork, based in exploration from specialists starting with different

fields. On the other hand, research has been affected by natural, societal, emotional issues that be

part of the cause to anxiety disorders. The wide research foundation have an advantage to the

growth of many, experiential supported treatments to make sure they been established to be

extremely helpful. For that reason, thousands of brave people have recovered their strength,

reestablished their performance, and without hesitation be blessed with completely satisfying and

fulfilling lives. The forthcoming remains positive on behalf of individuals who battle in addition

to anxiety disorders. Researchers are convinced that improvements in the behavior of anxiety

disorders will manage to help bring about confidence and support to the individuals, family

members, affected by these disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorders (GAD), obsessive-

compulsive disorders (OCD), panic disorders, and phobia.

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