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Anxiety Disorder Treatment Essay

Anxiety disorders are harmful illnesses that are increasingly invading the population

worldwide. They are becoming a noticeable illness in this current age and time. Anxiety disorder

can be classified into specific phobia, posttraumatic stress, social anxiety disorders, panic

disorder and agoraphobia, (Dziegielewski, 2014). There are two identified techniques for

combating pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, and anxiety disorders. Psychotherapy techniques

have generated prognosis that are linked to pharmacotherapy for anxiety disorder diagnosis

(National Institute of Mental Health, 2013).

Patients with anxiety disorder have been exposed to different types of medications in

ways of treatment that is desired. The exposure from the side effects connected with

pharmacotherapy in disorders such as anxiety has changed insight of medicine as the satisfying

method (Dziegielewski, 2014). A patient taking medications such as tranquilizers and sedatives

can have deadly concerns. Medications that are used for anxiety disorders treatment has been

guaranteed to work such as Benzodiazepines, Ativan, and Xanax, persuade comforting effects.

Patients with anxiety that are looking for a relief develop a dependence on this drug (American

Psychological Association, 2013). Physical effects like gaining weight, stomach upsets,

restlessness, and reduced sexual urge can be detrimental with antidepressants administered in the

treatment for anxiety disorder (Dziegielewski, 2014).

The leading approaches in the treatment for a patient that has been established with

anxiety disorder include the behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy. Therefore, in

psychoanalysis, the therapist make every effort to improve a rapport with the patient (Antony, &

Rowa, 2008). The psychotherapist relationship to patient is practical in the progression of

transforming the client’s emotional state, the observation of self-esteem, and person.
Psychotherapy is the opposite of pharmacological therapy but is well familiar with any present

state of a patient. Observing improvement of the patient comes with ease and efficiently

(Antony, & Rowa, 2008). It’s essential that the organization of pharmacological is very incline to

the patient with any precise condition (National Institute of Mental Health, 2013). In regard to

this, the discrepancy in their diagnosis is very rarely taken into consideration. Psychotherapy as a

result, attempts to close the missing pieces between the practitioner and the patient which helps

the patient get a better understanding of how the process is going (Tesca, Balfour, Ritchie, &

Bissada, 2006).

Anxiety disorder patient’s treatment methods is very efficient when using cognitive

therapy since it take in the method of shambolic though patterns and/or adapting to disorient of a

particular patient. It’s important to observe that induced anxiety attacks circumstances do not

always be completely give up. In many circumstances, panic attacks patients can be taught

methods on how to reduce the intensity to a minimum (National Institute of Mental Health,

2013).. A therapists that uses cognitive therapy, strives to provide the patient with essential skills

that can assist a patient on how to change the challenging thought pattern into healthier patterns

and well organized (Antony, & Rowa, 2008). In regards to cognitive therapy, pharmacotherapy

not only attempts to guarantee the patient with anxiety that it is relieved of the indications

however, the patient is capable of guiding his or her way around the induced anxiety future

situation. Therefore, patients with anxiety disorders diagnosis are required to have some type of

psychotherapy (Tesca, Balfour, Ritchie, & Bissada, 2006).

Behavior therapy is a tool used in treatment for patients with anxiety disorder. Behavioral

and cognitive therapy helps with equipping the patient with vital social skills that will help them

in the long run to connect with other people appropriately (Antony, & Rowa, 2008). Some
patient’s that have anxiety disorder tend to suffer from critical inability and solitude to manage

stress. Therefore, negotiating their disorienting and socialization (National Institute of Mental

Health, 2013). Thus, permitting a patient to steer their way through their difficult thinking

patterns will culminate from the disorder with ease. Through psychotherapy different behavioral

approaches should be given to patient, so when they are experience hyperventilation, the

techniques will teach them relaxation and deep breathing from instances of panic attacks

(American Psychological Association, 2013).

Benzodiazepines are one of the most popular types of anxiety medications. Its known for

helping to relieve anxiety by decreasing irregular activity in the brain is a well-known drug that

is an equivalent Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, and Valium (Dziegielewski, 2014). Benzo’s

combination to other medications, work well depending on the type of anxiety disorder

(Dziegielewski, 2014). Benzodiazepines can be used along with an antidepressant. Even though

the significant bioavailability of Benzo’s, this specific drug has displayed a lack of effectiveness

in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Some patients have be known to become reliant on their

prescription. When a person stops taking the medication suddenly, withdrawal symptoms can

occur (National Institute of Mental Health, 2013).

Treatment prepares a patient with essential skills to support the diagnosis of anxiety

disorder. For example, any individual can learn how to use simple stress management skills and

educated on substantial modifications that should to be made towards personal lifestyle to

strengthen the effectiveness of the Psychotherapy (Dziegielewski, 2014). Stimulating substance

such illegal drugs and caffeine that are being used without following to the physician’s

recommendations, nonetheless can raise anxiety levels, this should always remain prevented.

Furthermore, a therapy session should include educating the family members of the patient due
to the fact that this will help the families to learn more about the patients disorder and must of

all that the patient can have some family support(Tesca, Balfour, Ritchie, & Bissada, 2006). This

also can help to enhance the likelihood of a patient’s treatment process lacking irritating signs of

the disorder (Antony, & Rowa, 2008).

In closing, Information concerning treatment preferences for a patient that has s diagnosis

for anxiety disorder is a critical issue. In regards, its crucial t to recommend either

pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy, established on the seriousness of the prognosis of the

conditions (Marker, & Aylward, 2012). Panic attacks, also known as anxiety attacks, are

occurrences of extreme fear or panic. Anxiety attacks typically happen abruptly and without

notice. For example, thinking about a presentation in front of a class, that you have to speak

about can induce panic, however in many other cases, anxiety can come out of the blue (Antony,

& Rowa, 2008). The bottom line is, behavioral modifications fosters and induces psychotherapy

in a patient which allows the patient to cope with an anxiety disorder in the future. However, the

technique used in treatment accumulates a chance that the patient will begin to get better when

dealing with this disorder (National Institute of Mental Health, 2013).

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