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Anxiety Disorders


University Affiliation


Anxiety disorders are one of the greatest widespread psychological disorders in the world

today. Anxiety disorders are harmful illnesses that are increasingly affecting populations

worldwide. Anxiety disorders can be classified into agoraphobia, panic disorder, posttraumatic

stress, specific phobia, and social anxiety disorders (Dziegielewski, 2014). There are some

common methods for combating anxiety disorders which include medication, psychotherapy, and

pharmacotherapy. According to NIMH (2013), psychotherapy methods have generated prognosis

associated with pharmacotherapy and medication for the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety

disorder. When it comes to anxiety it is a horrible feeling of concern and worry. Anxiety

disorders can sometimes stop a person from everyday activities when feeling anxious. A lot of

people suffer from anxiety disorders every day, and there are many probable causes of this

disorder. However, in a person lifetime, family genetics and their past possibly play a role in the

greater prospect of anxiety disorder. Stress and unsatisfactory coping mechanism may also

contribute to anxiety, but with treatments people can manage their feelings and get back to

normal life. This paper discusses why medication alone is not as successful in treating anxiety

disorders as a combination of psychotherapy with medication.

Causes of the disorder

The correct cause of anxiety disorders is not totally understood, even though it's possible

that a mixture and quite a few factors play a part. Causes of the illness of anxiety disorders is an

illness that causes very limited, if any somatic signs. If causes of anxiety and illness disorders

exist, you will suffer from aches and pain they are very minor. Research has suggested these

may include: Bad emotion in the brain, involved in behavior. History of drinking, drug misuse,

and caffeine if this patient withdrawal from the substance causes anxiety and panic attack may

occur. The illness in anxiety disorders usually comes from a family member or the loss of a

family. Family members may have a medical condition such as obsessive compulsive disorder

(OCD), and then he or she could have a greater chance of creating the illness anxiety disorder.

Therefore, causes and illness anxiety disorder can cause serious medical depression and become

more intense with obsession. Also, lots of people can develop anxiety disorders for no reason at

all. According to a number of researchers, constant worry develops an extremely elevated level

of anxiety disorders. In addition to this nonexistent disease, a person may really experience

tangible grief because of an extremely elevated anxiety level, or disturbing the anxiety disorders.

In addition to a person age, the illness of anxiety disorder mostly starts between young people or

middle age adulthood sometimes get critical with age (Bingaman, 2007). Therefore, older people

with health issues should help concentrate on the distress of forgetting what was taught to them.

Clark & Beck (2010) stated that people with anxiety disorders illness typically do not have

physical warning signs, and if people have these signs of anxiety disorders they are very

insignificant. Researchers, stated that the greatest method for handling illness anxiety disorder is

within a combination of psychiatric therapy, exercise, and prescription medicine.

Anxiety disorders consist of mental disorders that have common aspects of overpowering

fear or constant anxiety that intervenes with regular everyday events. Anxiety disorders cost at

least 40 billion dollars or more a year in healthcare cost. Anxiety disorders are the greatest

predominant group of mental disorder. Patients with anxiety disorder have been exposed to

various medications to treat the disorders. Exposing the patients to medications alone has various

side effects (Dziegielewski, 2014). A patient taking medications can have various concerns.

However, medications used to treat anxiety disorders treatment have proved to be effective such

as Benzodiazepines, Xanax, and Ativan. According to the American Psychological Association

(2013), patients with anxiety disorders are that are looking for ways to relive them from

dependence on the drugs because they have various side effects like gaining weight, ulcers, loss

of libido, restlessness, and stomach upsets (Dziegielewski, 2014).

According to ADAA (2016), anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental conditions

and illnesses in the U.S. They affect approximately 40 million adults from 18 years and above

approximately 18% of the total population (ADAA, 2016). Although depression and anxiety are

treatable, only a third of the victims receive treatment. The (ADAA, 2016) further notes of those

with an anxiety disorder, three of five are more likely to go to a hospital for mental disorder.

There are several reasons why a person may not seek therapy or treatment for their anxiety

disorder. Many different medical prescriptions are always advertised, but almost ignore

psychotherapy completely. With potential lack of understanding or having little knowledge their

illness, can mislead a patient believing there is no need for therapeutic treatment, that all they

need is medication which is purported to eliminate their symptoms. Therapy and medication are

different treatment options. However, the combination of medication and psychotherapy is more

effective and medication is not necessary or would actually hinder the client’s treatment.

Psychotherapy is very effective even after medication because after the patient is interviewed

and evaluated, their goals and severity of symptoms can be determined (DeRuebls & Hollen,


When a patient decides to go on treatment they encounter various challenges. They are

usually scared and confused. Struggling with the symptoms and their impact on their lives can be

a threat on their life. When patients come for treatment they usually seek a quick fix in terms of

medication to ease the symptoms. Although medications may alleviate some symptoms, it

doesn’t necessarily help the patient to understand their disorder, along with other forms of

treatments. Many patients see it hard to understand what the future holds with short or long-term

therapy sessions. Taking medication is easier to cope with and hide. However, therapy, the client

faces the reality of friends, family, colleagues, and in some cases the employer learning about

their disorder. Psychotherapy requires the client’s will and effort to invest in the therapy and

treatment to realize a successful session whether this includes therapy or medication or a

combination of both.

Although medication can be effective in treating anxiety, a combination of psychotherapy

and medication is known to be more effective in treating many psychological disorders. For

example, a combination of pharmacology treatment and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

has shown major improvements in adults (Norqvist, 2010). Team members of Massachusetts

General Hospital tested around 86 adults on medication combined with a one-on-one session of

CBT. The study revealed a better improvement of symptoms compared to clients who take the

medication only (Nordqvist, 2010). However, the average person prefers to start on medication

before therapy to lessen their symptoms.

The use of medications has proved to be effective for treatment of anxiety and easing

symptoms. However, medication alone does not heal mental illness, but only assists in managing

the symptoms (Wilson & Guerra, 2016). However, it may be occasionally for the patient’s safety

and stability. When a patient is suffers from anxiety, medication only helps in stabilizing the

condition. It can enable the client to opt for therapy, without the interference of symptoms.

Patients may be prescribed one or various medications the treatment for anxiety (Wilson &

Guerra, 2016). Treating patients with anxiety disorders with treatment methods is very effective

when using psychotherapy and cognitive therapy. It’s important to note that anxiety attacks

situations can be controlled through teaching the patients on how reduce the severity to a

minimum (NIMH, 2013). A therapist that uses psychotherapy intends to help the patient acquire

the required skills that can help him/her to cope with the challenging situation into an organized

and healthy one (Antony & Rowa, 2008). Therefore, patients required to have a combination of

psychotherapy and medication (Tesca, 2006). It has been stated that medication and CBT

may have conflicting effects in treating anxiety disorders. Initial data has proved that combining

medication and CBT has proved to be better than medication alone for in treating anxiety

disorders. Additionally, for treating patients with PTSD, a combination of CBT with drugs

improved their symptoms significantly (Talbot & McMurray, 2016).

The foremost approaches in treating patients include the cognitive therapy and behavioral

therapy. So, in psychotherapy, the therapist tries hard to improve the relationship with the patient

(Antony, & Rowa, 2008). This relationship is practical and useful in changing the client’s

psychological condition, the reflection of self-worth, and individual. Observing the patient’s

improvement becomes easy and efficient (Antony, & Rowa, 2008). Thus, the combination of

medication and psychotherapy tries to close the gap between the patient and the practitioner

which helps the patient recover and understand the whole therapy process (Tesca, 2006).


In conclusion, information regarding treatment options for a patient that has been

diagnosed with anxiety disorder is a serious issue. Therefore, it’s important to recommend either

psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy or a combination with medication. Anxiety disorders are

panic attacks which subject a person to extreme fear. Anxiety attacks usually occur abruptly and

without notice. Anxiety disorders can sometimes stop a person from everyday activities when

feeling anxious. A lot of people suffer from anxiety disorders every day, and there are many

probable causes of this disorder. Therapy and medication are different treatment options.

However, the combination of medication and psychotherapy is more effective and medication is

not necessary or would actually hinder the client’s treatment. Psychotherapy is very effective

even after medication because after the patient is interviewed and evaluated, their goals and

severity of symptoms can be determined.



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Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (2010). Cognitive therapy of anxiety disorders, science and practice.

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medications-for-anxiety disorders#.V6KHWsdQnww

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