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“Article Summary”


Institution Affiliation


In this article, the study intended to validate the outcome of direct instruction strategy

among 4th and 5th grade level students that had difficulties in learning Math and quantity their

improvement in their approach toward Math. The sample size comprised of sixty students with

learning difficulties. A random assignment was subjected to control and experimental groups.

The control group received traditional training while the experimental students were taught on

Direct Instruction Strategy to acquire Math skills. As a measure and test for validity and

reliability, an attitude to mathematics scale was developed. Results revealed the direct instruction

strategy improved their skills and attitude toward math.


In my application, behavioral psychology is the theory that can explain the issue of

students with learning disabilities, the problems they encounter in class, provide a solution in the

diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of learning difficulties and come up with effective and

suitable teaching methods. One of the effective methods is direct instruction in which instructors

consider the skills which they should teach systematically in a step-by-step manner. This method

allows students to master problem solving skills, and enables them to put into practice what they

have learned. In direct instruction, the teacher guides the instructional process depending on the

acquired skills. The main principle here is that every child can learn if he/she is taught carefully

and the learning process can be successful if teachers are provided with effective instructional

methods and programs Therefore, eventually the instructor is responsible for the overall student

learning; The objective is to speed up learning by carefully designing the curriculum, controlling,

and implementing the instructional delivery.



Al-Makahleh, A. A. A. (2011). The effect of direct instruction strategy on math achievement of

primary 4th and 5th grade students with learning difficulties. International Education

Studies, 4(4), 199-205

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