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Saint Jude Parish School

Trece Martires City Cavite

Effects of the establishments near schools to the study habits of senior

High School students in Saint Jude Parish School

A Research Paper

Submitted To:

Ms. Diane Apostol

Mrs. Jacquelyn Tuonan

In Fulfillment of the requirements in:

Practical Research

Statistics and Probability

Submitted By:

Kaela Mae Pimentel

Rhegor Perocho

Chrisandra Jhaye Cruz

Elija Noe Limbo

Grade 11- ABM 2

March 2018

The researchers would like to offer their sincerest and heartfelt gratitude to

the following people who stood by them im the accomplishment of their study.

Without these humble servants of God, This study would not have been possible.

First, to our Almighty Father, who continually gave the researchers strength,

wisdom, and undying guidance the world is so blessed to have you, our dear


To all researchers who help and contribute to every part of research, we're

really thankful also to the students who participate and join the research survey.

To our beloved teacher, Ms. Diane Apostol, who given us the opportunity to

conduct this research in Saint Jude Parish School. We are thankful to all

schoolmate and classmate for respect and cheering up for our research.

Kaela Mae Pimentel

Jayvee Nipay

Elija Noe Limbo

Chrisandra Jhaye Cruz


I. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

II. Review of related Literature -----------------------------------------------------------


IV. Methodology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Research Questionnaires

V. Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Graph

VI. Discussion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VII. Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VIII. Recommendation------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IX. References ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I. Introduction

The effects of the establishment near schools to the study habits of

Senior highschool students in Saint Jude Parish School

Being near on establishments are very convenient for any people of all ages. As a

result, the marketing of the computer shops, shopping malls, theatres, and many more

are in-demand to this generations.

Nowadays, many establishments are easily interacted by the students because of

its location near school which make students like to go malls habitually every free time

instead of studying. This research wants to prove that Computer shops, malls, theatres,

and the likes can affect the study habits of the senior high students studying there. Also,

the researcher wants to prove that the establishments can also be a problem for students

because instead of studying during their free period, they just relax on this

establishments. Worst, few students are enthusiastic to cut classes just to make

themselves satisfy their wants.

In this study, the researchers hope to cope ways on how to know the effects of the

establishments near schools to the study habits of the senior high students in Saint Jude

Parish School. It tells us aside from its negative effect the positive effect of this

establishments and probably the main cause of it. The researcher also wants to know

the main reason why many students are wasting no time in entering the establishments

even it’s very prohibited.

Significance of the study

This study will help to find out the prevalence and contributing factors of the effects

of the establishments near schools to the study habits of the senior high students in Saint

Jude Parish School:

 It will help the students to buy or to get their needs for their school activities

somehow, it makes us understand the reason why students focus on these

establishments nowadays.

 It will help the teachers to realize the reason of their students why they tend

to cut classes just to go on this shopping malls and other establishments.

 It will help the staffs of Saint Jude Parish School to cope for the ways on

how to cut costs of the products they are selling at canteen due to its

competitors outside school which are these establishments nearby.

Statement of the problem

This research attempts to find evidences to the effects of the establishments

near schools to the study habits of the senior high students in Saint Jude Parish School.

More specifically it seeks to find the answers to the following questions.

 What are the components of the establishments that makes people get


 How does near establishments affects the community of Saint Jude Parish

School in a negative way?

 When we are on a school needs emergency, how does the near

establishments helps the students in a fast and convenient way?

 When should the students limit their craze to these establishments?

Background of the study

We can’t deny the fact that some of the students has the habit of going to any

establishments nearby especially when it’s newly opened. Some may peer pressured

them to go in it, some may go on their own to be seen by the other peers as a ‘cool kid’.

To sum it up, Computer shops, malls, billiards, and theatres are very popular on students,

and some may push through a negative effects such as cutting classes.

The Department of Education (DepEd) are fully aware that the students in

elementary and secondary levels who goes to Computer shops, Malls, theatres and the

likes especially when they are in school uniforms are strictly prohibited inside of those

establishment premises because obviously, it has the negative effects on students.

Under the provision of Department Order 86, section 10 which is prohibiting Students in

Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools from Going to Computer Shops,

Malls, Theatres, and the Likes During Their Class Hours, it is stated in number 4 that:

“Further, it is suggested that DepEd and school officials concerned to

communicate and coordinate with their respective local government officials for the

possible enactment and/or implementation of the appropriate legislation under the subject

situation. Said legislation may be in the form of regulating the distance of computer shops,

malls, theatres, and the likes, from schools; and directive to the owners of said

establishments not to allow entry of students during their respective class hours; hence,

their class schedules should be checked first. Accordingly, schools should provide their

students with certified copies of their respective class schedules. “

Definition of terms

Establishments -a business organization, public institution, or household.

Internet café - also known as a cybercafé, is a place which provides Internet access to

the public, usually for a fee

Shopping malls- other term for a form of shopping precinct or shopping center, in

which one or more buildings form a complex of shops representing merchandisers with

interconnecting walkways that enable customers to walk from unit to unit.

Senior High School (SHS)- covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes

Grades 11 and 12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under

a track of their choice.

Department of Education (DepEd) - is the executive department of the Philippine

government responsible for ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and improving the

quality of basic education.

Assumptions and hypothesis

The Research study is anchored on the assumption that some of the students are

giving their free time or worst, cutting the class hours just to go on the establishments

nearby schools for them to be satisfied. It is also assumed that the respondents basically

the senior high students were accurate and objective in expressing their perceptions on

the problems they encountered in effects of the establishments near schools to the study


Scope limitations and delimitations

The study of the effects of the establishments near schools to the study habits of

the senior high Students in Saint Jude Parish School will focus on the adverse effects on

the shops to the students especially in senior high school. The researchers will conduct

surveys through internet, flyers and interview to those students who have the ability to

answer all problems related to their reaction toward the establishments that are slowly

crowd the choices of the students to choose on where to go especially in their free time

or after school. However the scope of the survey only focuses to the students of SJPS

And the faculty and staffs, if necessary.

Summary of the chapter

Many arising establishments nowadays captured the interest of the millennials.

Many gimmicks has been established to keep in touch with their targets especially

students because of their curiosity. Therefore, we cannot deny the fact that because of

Its attraction to the majority, they patronize it to the point that the student spend their most

of the time on it.

The researchers will conduct a study with the help of Senior High School students

of Saint Jude Parish School because they are closely related with the said issue. In this

research, we hope everyone to see how students think of a ways to eradicate the negative

effects of these in their lives. Therefore, the main objective is to explain further the effects

of the computer shops, malls, theatres, and the likes near schools to the study habits of

the senior high Students in Saint Jude Parish School. While doing that, we are seeking

for the answers on what makes people get interested to it, how does near establishments

affects the community of Saint Jude Parish School in a negative way, how does the near

establishments helps the students in a fast and convenient way, and when should the

students limit their craze to these establishments. Also there are individuals who can have

a great impact in this study, whether they can have a contribution or they are the one who

can get benefits and those are; Students, faculties and staffs, the school itself and the

establishments involved on a near scope. Department of Education is fully aware of the

prevailing situation that there are students in the elementary and secondary levels from

public and private schools who go to computer shops, malls, theatres, and the likes during

their class hours while in their school uniforms. Undoubtedly, the said situation has

adverse effect on the students. Sadly, the futures of our nation seemed to act without

limitations and boundaries in life. But still, sometimes they are taking risks that will lead

them for a better future. In this study, we will see why these students has a craze on these

Establishments despite of the negative effects of it to their daily study habits and

somehow, will give on our ways to resolve it.

II. Review of Related Literature

This chapter aims to provide strong foundation to this study which contains

gathered research works of different literature and references by the researchers. It

covers the review of relevant literatures which is explained accordingly. These are

presented to determine the connection of various findings and theories in relation to the

independent and dependent variables.

Study habits are termed as the methods of study of students. Marquez (2009)

pointed out that a student who is successful in his desired career has good study habits.

In line with this, she stated that students should apply these habits to all of their classes.

She also suggested that the students should not try to study all the subjects in a single

period. However, every students has his own study habits depending on his preferences

with regards to the duration of time devoted in studying , what place or environment would

be the best venue to study , the study skills and techniques will the student utilizes during

his study and more. It will depend upon the person if he is voluntarily interested in studying

or be prompted by the distraction of the social networking sites such as facebook , twitter

, instagram, tumblr, etc. which all of these can be easily accessed through their phones

and majority of the students possesses a smartphone as what they’ve called it. Studying

is the key to excel in one’s academic performance, because it not only prepares a student

to excel in class but reinforces the lessons that already been taught.

III. Methodology

In this chapter, the researcher discuss the research design, area of study,

population, sample of the population, sampling technique, instrument for data collection,

validation of the questionnaire, administration of the instrument and method of data


Research design

The researcher chose a survey research design because it best served to answer

the questions and the purposes of the study. The survey research is one in which a group

of people or items is studied by collecting and analysing data from only a few people or

items considered to be representative of the entire group. In other words, only a part of

the population is studied, and findings from this are expected to be generalized to the

entire population defines the survey assessing public opinion or individual characteristics

by the use of questionnaire and sampling methods.

Population of the study

The target population for this research defined to include the selected senior high

students in Saint Jude Parish school, while the accessible population is the Grade 11

students in Saint Jude Parish School, since these are the students within the researcher’s

reach. In this study, the accessible population comprised some of the senior high students

at the primary K-12 school level of education.

In addition, the senior high students are considered appropriate as population of

the study area because, as stated in chapter one, these establishments affects their

school activities negatively. Most of them have had studying for so long on the school and

therefore, they are in the best position to furnish the researcher with the information

needed to answer the research question of this study.

Sampling techniques

A Simple random sampling procedure was used for selecting the participants in

this study. This technique was employed to ensure a fairly equal representation of the

variables for the study. Data were collected through surveys that were given out to 30

participants in Saint Jude Parish School. Participants in the project completed the survey

anonymously and filled out a separate consent form. Recipients who choose not to

participate were asked to simply return the materials. Respondents have appointments in

a variety of departments, including English, Linguistics, foreign languages (e.g. Filipino),

respondents are members of departments dedicated specifically to the field, e.g. Second

Language Studies. Respondents were faculty members from both private and public

institutions, the majority being research oriented. To protect the anonymity of the

respondents, we are unable to list the institutions

Instrument for data collection

The researcher designed an interview schedule as one of the data collection

instrument for this study. The Senior High School students were interviewed.

The interview were aimed at eliciting relevant information concerning the study habit.

Questions relating to methodology and material for study habits, perceived problems of

establishments near schools and learning as well as possible strategies that could be

adopted to enhance in Saint Jude Parish School were asked during the interview


Validation of the questionnaire

The questionnaire designed for the study was subjected to a validation process for

face and content validity. Face and content validity have been defined by McBurney

(1994:123) as following:

• Face validity is the idea that a test should appear superficially to test what

it is supposed to test; and

• Content validity is the notion that a test should sample the range of

behaviour represented by the theoretical concept being tested.

In the validation process of this study, copies of the questionnaire and copies of

the research questions were given to 3 Teachers who majored literature and business

management. These experts went through the research questions and the questionnaire

carefully to ascertain the appropriateness and adequacy of the instrument.

Method of data collection

After the pilot testing and all necessary modifications, the questionnaires were

administered directly to the chosen sample for the study. Thirty copies of the

Questionnaire given out were successfully completed and returned. The possibility of

retrieving back all the questionnaire was as a result of the researchers colleagues who

offered a helping hand. The opposite could have been the case if the researcher had

taken the lonely task of going round the schools to collect the questionnaire.

Method of data gathering

After the pilot testing and all necessary modifications, the questionnaires were

administered directly to the chosen sample for the study. Three hundred and thirteen

copies of the questionnaire given out were successfully completed and returned. The

possibility of retrieving back all the questionnaire was as a result of the researchers

colleagues who offered a helping hand. The opposite could have been the case if the

researcher had taken the lonely task of going round the schools to collect the


Saint Jude Parish School
TreceMartires City, Cavite
S.Y. 2016-2017

Name (optional):
Year Level/Strand:
Questionnaires: I. Understand the questions carefully and checkmark either the “yes” or “no” box
indicated below.
1. Are you fond on going to the shopping malls near Saint Jude Parish School?
Yes No
2. Do you love playing computer games after school with your friends/classmates/schoolmates?
Yes No
3. Would you rather eat at a restaurant than to eat at home?
Yes No
4. Do you usually go to malls?
Yes No
5. Do your parents aware that you usually go to malls?
Yes No

II. Study the questions carefully and rate how strongly you agree to the questions
Mark a heart sign in a box that represents your level of agreement.

1 2 3 1.Poor 2. Fair 3. Excellent

1. How much do you love playing arcades?
2. How much do love to spend your time with your studies?
3. How much do you feel happy when you hang out with your
friends/classmates/schoolmates after school?
4. How much do you neglect your studies due to habitually going commercial
establishments? 13
5. How much do you balance your studies from hanging out with friends?

III. Shade the box which describes your preferences.

1. What do you usually buy at malls?

School supplies Clothes and shades Foods

2. Which one do you prefer?

School Shopping malls Computer shops Arcades Fast food

3. Why do you think this establishments (e.g. Shopping malls, Computer shops, Arcades,
Fastfood chain) is such a hit for the students?
To entertain one’s self To relieve stress To make it a habit

4. Which one you prefer?

Hang out with friends Spend time with your family at home self study

5. How much time do you spend having fun outdoors?

1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours


Figure 1. Questionnaires

IV. Results

I. Understand the questions carefully and checkmark either the “yes” or “no” box indicated below.
1) Out of 30 respondents, 20 (66.67%) answer YES because they spend their time

going to malls. However, 10 out of 30 respondents answer NO because some of

the students don’t enjoy going at malls and some are needed to go home early.

2) 6 out of 30 respondents (20%) answer YES because they are engage playing on

computer shops. However, 24 senior high students (70%) answer NO because of

that they are already have internet in their own home and in that way, they can

save some money.

3) 4 respondents (13.33%) answer YES because they are more engaged on eating at

restaurant then to eat at home. However, 26 respondents (86.67%) answer NO

because they can save more money by eating at home.

4) 16 respondents (53.33%) answer YES because the malls are near in Saint Jude

Parish School. 14 respondents (46.67%) answer NO because of they don’t have

enough money to spend.

5) 20 senior high students (66.67%) answer YES because they probably have cellular

phones to tell to their parents that they are on malls. 10 senior high students

(33.33%) answer NO because strict parents might get mad at them when their

parents know that they usually go at malls.

II. Study the questions carefully and rate how strongly you agree to the questions below. Mark a heart
sign in a box that represents your level of agreement.

1) 8 respondents (30.33%) answer poor because they don’t like playing arcades. 11

respondents (36.67%) answer fair because they don’t usually play arcades. Then,

10 respondents (33.33%) answer excellent because they love playing arcades.

2) No one (0%) answers poor because all respondents spend some time with their

studies. 21 respondents (70%) answer poor because they spend half of their free

time in their studies. 9 respondents (30%) answers excellent because they love

spending their time in studies.

3) 2 respondents (6.66%) answer poor because they don’t feel comfortable when

they are with many people around them. Then, 8 respondents (26.67%) answer

fair because they feel comfortable when they hang out with others. 20 respondents

(66.67%) answer excellent because the feel happy when they hang out with others

and they enjoy it.

4) 14 students (46.67%) answers poor because they prioritize their studies than

usually go to commercial establishments. Half of the respondents (50%) answer

fair because they assure that sometimes they neglect their studies due to

habitually going to commercial establishments. Only one respondent (3.33%)

answer excellent because he is sure that he enjoy more going commercial


5) Only one respondent (3.33%) answer poor because the respondent cannot

manage his/her time between studies and going out.

III. Shade the box which describes your preferences.
1) 11 out of 30 senior high school students (36.67%) still buy school supplies at mall.

Meanwhile, 6 respondents (20%) still choose to buy clothes and shades on their

allowances. Then, Food has the Majority of the respondents which is 13 over 30


2) 15 senior high students (50%) which is the majority of the respondents still prefer

to go school. However, 7 respondent (23.33%) believe that shopping malls are the

best because his/her reason was malls got most of the social places and events.

3 out of 30 respondents (10%) loves computer shops other choices that listed

because some respondents feel that it is one way to relieve their stress.1

respondent (3.33%) chose arcades to go because they love it. Then, 4 out of 30

respondents (14.33%) tend to prefer to go onto fast food chains.

3) 14 respondents (46.67%) believed that establishments, especially on rear schools

is such a hit for students because it entertain themselves from it. On the other

hand, 14 (14.67%) respondents feel that they love to go on those comfortable

establishments because it make them relieve stress. However, only 2 respondents

feel that establishments are such a hit so that it will make a habit.

4) 9 out of 30 respondents still prefer hang out with friends rather than to spend time

with your family at home and self-study. 19 out of 30 respondents however,

strongly believe that they love to spend time with their family rather than to other

activities.2 people, sadly preferring to self-study than to do other activities listed.

5) 8 out of 30 respondents believe that they are spending time outdoors in 1-2 hours

span time.10 of our respondents believe that they are spending time outdoors in a

3-4 hours’ time sadly 12 of our respondents believe that they are spending time

outdoors in a 3-4 hours’ time span.







1 2 3 4 5

Yes No

Figure 2.1




1 2 3 4 5

Poor Fair Excellent

Figure 3.1




0 Food Clothes and shades School supplies


Figure 4.1





Category 1

School Shopping malls Computer shops arcades Fast food Chain

Figure 4.2





Category 1

To entertain one's self To relieve stress To make it a habit

Figure 4.3

Category 1

Hang out with friends Spend time with your family at home Self study

Figure 4.4




Category 1

1-2 hours 2-3 hours Series 3

Figure 4.5

V. Discussion

The components of the establishments that makes people get interested are

beautiful ambiance, it has the needs of the students like school supplies, clothes,

offers a variety of food choices. It also offers entertainment after a stressful day at

school. Establishments near the school become their other source of happiness or

enjoyment which also result to building new memories usually with friends or


Because of having many establishments near Saint Jude Parish School, students

tend to think of going there instead of focusing on their studies. This may lead to

failing grades of may encourage students to commit cutting classes and they will just

choose to go on this establishments instead of going to school and attend their


However, establishments near the school may also help the students in sudden

needs of stuffs in school. Since they are complete with the school needs and

supplies, students may just go there to buy what they need. These may also become

an alternative place to buy supplies in school because there are times that the

school canteen doesn’t have the things that the students need. Another usual

establishment near the school are computer shops. Students may encounter a time

where they have to reprint a requirement or they need an urgent printout of

something, and the computer shops can give this service to the students who need


The students already need to limit their craze on these establishments when they

have their grades getting lower than usual. Students also have to limit themselves

when they already go home late. They also have to restrict themselves a little bit

from going to establishments when going on this places becomes a habit which they

can’t remove on their everyday routines. Most of the time, students find it hard to

stop being tempted to go to this places instead of going to school because of the

idea that they find it boring to attending on classes.

Having establishments near the school easily attract and grab the attention of the

students which may cause failing grades. This may also result to uncontrollable want

to go to this places for enjoyment, entertainment and stress reliever.

All in all, we can say that having establishments near the school may have either

positive or negative effects on students. This effects may vary depending on the way

the students handle this activities on themselves.

Therefore, we can conclude that the usual negative effect of this establishments

on students are falling grades, going home late, being too tempted to not attend

classes and spend their time on this establishments, and being unable to control

themselves of this habits. This may also result to addiction. But the positive effects

of this establishments are they bring enjoy and fulfilment to students, they have

complete school supplies which is handy on some times. These establishments can

relieve the stress of the students.

VI. Conclusion

Being near on establishments are very convenient for any people of all ages. As a

result, the marketing of the computer shops, shopping malls, theatre, and many

more are in-demand to this generations.

Nowadays, many establishments are easily interacted by the students because of its

location near school which make students like go to malls habitually every free time

instead of studying.

To review, the establishments near school have a negative impact to the study

habits of senior high students in Saint Jude Parish School. Out of 30 respondents,

50% of them spends their time by going malls, playing computer games or to the

other foundation that entertains them than to do their school activities. We can see

that most of the students are astonished and being affected because of the near

establishment has been built near the school. However, it depends on the student

who participate in these establishments on how they handle their behaviour and time

towards to their study habit.

VII. Recommendation

The research about the effects of the establishment near schools to the

study habits of Senior high school students in Saint Jude Parish school impose

that the senior high should be well aware that after school, many things are

considered as hindrances to his/ her study habits. Students nowadays can be

easily get by distractions that may affects us in our studies. For example, when

we play computer games on the nearest computer cafes, students easily

forgotten that many activities in schools must be done right away. Requirements

are always passed late because students usually put DOTA, LOL, PUBG,

Counterstrike and ROS as their main priority. They also go to the nearest malls

and their parents don't know about it. The discussion about the effects of the

establishment near schools to the study habits of senior high school in SJPS

have emphasize the importance shopping malls to the students as well as the

computer shops. Projects, assignments, presentation etc. require school

materials and supplies for the student to fulfil and execute the said school works.

On the other hand as per the result of the survey some of the students are

specifically attracted to play computer games and hang out with their friends so

with regards to this local government should also be alarmed implement some

regulations for businesses and establishments near school premises.

Regulations may include the following: -During Mondays to Thursday SHS

students are only allowed to enter malls after school around 5pm and will only

have 1 hour to check and buy what they need or else parents or guardian is with

the students.

-Computer shops should not allow students to go inside during class

hours, students are only allowed to enter computer shops after class and they

need school I.D and the numbers of their parents so that their parents know

where they are.

VIII. References

Department of Education (2010). Philippines, Department Order 86, series of 2010.


Trusov, M., Bucklin, R., & Pauwels, K. (2009). Effects of word of-mouth versus traditional

marketing: Findings from an internet social networking site. Journal of Marketing, 73(5), 90 –


Internet links:

Uju, M. & Olofu, P. (March 30, 2017). Study habit and its impact on secondary school

students’ academic performance in biology in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Retrieved


Crede, M. & Kuncel, N. (February 21, 2009). Study Habits, Skills, and Attitudes: The Third

Pillar Supporting Collegiate Academic Performance. Retrieved from:

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