IPG (Hal.9)

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Age Ability, observation of which indicates a Age Ability, observation of which indicates a

minimum developmental age level minimum developmental age level

1 months Regards object in line of vision and follow 1 year Gives a toy: releases cube into cup.
for short distances. Co-operaties with dressing.
Immobilizes to nearby sound and social Walks one hand held.
approach. Prone, raises head just clear of Responds to ‘No’ and ‘Give it’
4 months Very slight head lag when pulled to sitting. 1 ½ years Sit down on chair.
Almost complete head stability in sitting. Buillds tower of 4-5 cubes.
Prompt visual regard. Spontaneous scribble.
Holds ring, reaches for it with free hand Looks at picture book and may name or point to
and takes it to mouth. one picture.
Carries doll or teddy and hugs it.
Obeys simple direction.
6 months Immediate reach for object and retention 2 years Towers 6-7 cubes.
in radial palmar grasp. Imitates vertical stroke and circle.
Transfers object (cube) from hand of hand. Names pictures (2 or 3)
Sits momentarily on a form surface. Kicks Ball.
Takes feet to mouth. Follows directions.
Discriminates strangers. Walks up and down stairs.
9 months Index finger approach to small objects. 3 years With book turns pages singly and names
Early pincer grasp. pictures.
Shakes bell. With crayon early tripod grip, copies circle and
Pulls objects towards himself with string. names drawing.
Pulls to standing. Asks quetions: May answer one or two.
Pat-a-cakes (claps hands) and waves ‘Bye Knows name and sex.
bye’. Repeats up to 3 digits.
Imitates sounds and uses ‘Mama’, ‘Dada’ Matches 3 colours.
with meaning.

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