Analysis 'De Rotterdam'

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DE ROTTERDAM EW el emcen No heo aaa fooling Maurits Berndsen Ve ery eee Sa table of content ee 2. Key element & Perspective structural engineer... rs ee 18 building services. 2 es eres er) eas Ey INTRODUCTION [Oe eee ee ee ‘This booklet is showing the process of the development of De Rotterdam seen through the distinct vocational perspectives and activities of key design participants who contributed to the realisation of De Rotterdam. In order of appearance the participants are: Sree eee ar eee Le eee eee asad eae teers a ened Contractor: Zublin represented by Frank de Roo Facades: TGM represented by Pim Lenders a eee ee ee ee ee cee booklet the lectures are analysed in two parts: a perspective part and an in depth analysis of a specific key element related to the speaker. In the perspective part the specific role and involvement of the participant is made visible and described. In ee ee ete er ee een ee ee De ir eee It starts in 1978 when the first ideas of linking the city by the municipality were set-up and ends in June 2016, the date De Rotterdam was sold by the client. The timeline is in the back of the booklet and can be folded out, so during reading the seven parts of the booklet the specific and overall progress can be followed on the timeline. Se act) peered eer anes Poe faa Sent Ae Ne Pad MAIN GOAL process area, the individual process ie being visualized seen through the ‘perspective ofthe parécpant Explanation perspec ofeach petchare Apion amet the wer letecormer showing he arg Aet frame onthe upper et ide escbig the perspective ft paripart ada proces “rec onthe ries showing terol fhe recant nperes ptograns ae pe =_— SEU a (ogo 8st O AN [aa eel The pictures in the bottom ee eee Sere ee ee Inthis section two parts of the connects all the drawings. This cae ee ee ees eae ee PERSPECTIVES co N= SBS PERSPECTIVE_CLIENT BUILD TO MAKE A PROFIT MAB Development isa leading and innovative European developer of commercial real estate and multi-use city centre projects. The company’s vision has been and is the key to develop leading bullding projects. Inspired by users and their desires MAB creates high-quality and innovative rulti- use city centre projects both in The Netherlands and abroad. For example, City centres with sustainable and successful combinations of living, shopping, ‘working and recreation. Additionally, retail is often a key ingredient in rmixed-used developments. “The development of De Rotterdam fits perfectly in this mission. To finance this project the real estate bank FGH lend a maximum of 200 milion euro. ‘The total cost is 375 million euro, so to make the development feasible MAB had to search for tenants who would invest and contribute to the project. This investment started witha collaboration with Rem Koolhaas (OMA), who was studying mixed-used BIG buildings (the concept of vertical city) Joined efforts helped to initiate the first talks with the city of Rotterdam. MAB contracted Amvest, a housing association for the ‘west tower, who financed 100 million euro and became an owner. In the search for more tenants OVG and MAB joined efforts to accommodate Deloitte and spread the risks. Deloitte choose another development but OVG remained as a partner. The ongoing search for tenants to finance the project was the main prerogative of this complex project. Also, NH Hotels and the urban planning department ofthe city of Rotterdam became tenants and helped complete the business case and start the realisation. ‘The ultimate goal for this development was bullding the project and sell it with a profit. The Korean Amundi Asset Group bought the property in June 2016, so MAB finally achieved their goal tae Mischa Molsbergen MAB - Felbank “SABL City of Rotterdam WG pal PROFIT Fg - -2C_- Deloitte. 2€, “NH, RENT _ orrices -RENT_ Carag .RENT,. sop cnsinomann RENT Housing BUY 4000€/m?_ RENT >974/p.m. KEY ELEMENT_CLIENT USER CONFIGURATION ‘The user configurations is one of the key elements for the client. In order to sell De Rotterdam and spread the financial risks, a mix use of tenants was the best strategy. “To do so an optimal user configuration of the building had to be found. Due to economic uncertainties, partnerships and new insights the user configuration changed a lot over time up until after the building period. This key element ‘was important for the client as well as for the architect and required constant cooperation between these (wo Participants. De lle Rie Milli allnl | at Loe eto! = : 1 = eS ri Ete ie A ed ' foaaes MIXED USE ' = [Pau EE RPE OeEE OEE © | nae meee i] HOTEL x4 ry Ll me i oO ey Te Lis olen y Lt = . . = . Lee | LEGEND ian aed HOUSING Co) Puce tase BUSSINESS CHANGES X a MAB OWNER ==| MAB USER MAB OVG Essential for MAB was the selling of more than 70% of the Justa few days before the start ofthe build, NH Hotels moe eee ioe decided to change their investment strategy and stopped However Delea Lloyd contracted OVG (a competitor) ee er eee esa for finding a new residence. Instead of competing against Pa ee nen eterna ented ee eae one! Pee a ee partnership was suggested to realize De Rotterdam. NH rented it. |. MERGE 2. OWNERSHIP HOTEL + ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE_ARCHITECT BIGNESS ‘The founding of OMA is based on the ideas of Rem Koolhaas, who first started with theoretical based architecture, founding the base of the later realized buildings. These theories implied a radical change in the field of architecture. Renown books of these theories are Delirious New York (1978) and S M L XL (1995). Delirious New York implied a latent “Theory of BIGNESS” based on five theorems: 1, Beyond a certain critical mass. a building becomes a BIG Building. 2. The elevator-with its potential to establish mechanical rather than architectural connections-and its family of related inventions render null and void the classical repertoire of architecture. Issues of composition, scale, proportion, detail are now moot. The ‘at’ of architecture is useless in BIGNESS, . In BIGNESS, the distance between core and envelope increases to the point where the facade can no longer reveal what happens inside. ‘Through size alone, such buildings enter an amoral domain, beyond ‘200d and bad. Their impact is independent of their quality. . BIGNESS is no longer part of any issue. It exists; at most, it coexists. Its subtext is fuck context. ‘The sheer size of a BIG building can incorporate the vertical city. combining rmix-use of different participant in one building. These paradigms are studied and implemented in the main coneeps fora commissioned {assignment from the municipality of Rotterdam in the late 1980's for implementing high-rise buildings in downtown Rotterdam on the border of the old city and the river looking towards the new city extension on the south of Rotterdam. (Boompjes Maasboulevard). Abandoned for realisation but the studies surely influenced the later masterplan for De kop von Zuid and resulting in a commission in the late 1990's for De Rotterdam and surely contributed to the rising status of OMA's ideas globally. ‘SMLXL | Ne 7” VERTICAL CITY ‘BIGNESS 5 § WIHELMINAPER, Rotterdam Krimpen aan de L KEY ELEMENT_ARCHITECT VERTICAL CITY De Rotterdam is designed from the concept of ,the vertical city’ by Rem Koolhaas. The vertical city involves a large building that includes all elements of a city, hence it contains a mixed use program. However. the masterplan of the ‘municipality did not fit the idea of mixed use, for it made a strict zoning plan where leisure, living and working were separated. Therefor the architect together with the client proposed a new masterplan for the municipality, that did ‘contain mixed use. The municipality agreed under condition, that specific view lines would remain. To express mixed Use in its architecture, several model studies were done resulting in a composition of shifted volumes. The facade is generic, so that the use is expressed from inside. REM KOOLHAAS: CONCEPTS IN DESIGN ere seveitteca Secor After his theory of the Vertical City, Rem Koolhaas has Ce ee ce Seed Pe eee ed Cee eee te ee Rotterdam this idea is integrated and expressed in shifted Sere |. SHIFTED VOLUMES 2. FACADES ARCHITECT! EXPRESSION Ret eae ae Cee eee es eet ‘expression, As Rem Koolhaas stated, he did not want a facade like the Monte Video building. The expression RE et ge Penis et ee eras pee ee ea REM KOOLHAAS: » EXPRESSION BY USE, NOT BY FACADE” PERSPECTIVE_STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 433 AUS ge ‘The structure of a high-rise building is merely dictated by the weight of the used materials and external forces influencing the construction, like user configuration and wind loads which have to be related to the load-bearing capacity of the soll. Maintaining an equilibrium between these forces and overall stability is the main goal for a structural engineer, to ensure a safe building meeting up to specifications and legislation. The involved participants have all their specific demands and specifications which have to be incorporated in the main structure of the building to meet up with their individual goals. In De Rotterdam construction design the goals were: 1) for the constructor ‘a maximum feasibility, 2) forthe client maximizing the profit by increasing rentable floor area for an economic price, (3) forthe architect non= load bearing facades and visibility of the stabity-sructure, (4 forthe ‘municipality a safe landmark, (5) for the building services engineer an integrated design of systems and (6) fr the (facade) contractor a logistic producible and economical structure. Due to differences in goals negotiation had to take place, in order to establish a reasonable compromise. Alternative configurations due to different goals can be analysed, but safety of the building prevails above al. The initial structural design of reinforced concrete cores for stability, ‘combined with reinforced concrete columns, walls and floor slabs proved to be the right choice for an incorporation of different demands. Additional system was added. Due to the chosen foundation and the cantlevers of shifting volumes in low-rise and high-rise in relation to the soil conditions, settlements had to be taken in account and a jacking system implemented inthe structure in order to correct these settlements. Enhancing Society Together slabs concrete cores C53/65 columns in high-strenghe concrete C80/95 contierers ‘TOWERS WORK TOGETHER FOR STABILITY ‘SIMPLE STABLE ECONOMIC KEY ELEMENT_STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTURAL SOLUTIONS (One of the main requirements of the architect was that the {facade would not be load bearing. In order to realize this the structural engineer did a feasebilty study on the diffe- rent construction systems. The different user groups de- ‘manded other approaches for the structure of the building as well. Therefore the final design consisted out of different construction systems for each part of the building. My first idea was realized eventually’ according to Jan font Freide. ‘The basic principle was a concrete core combined with other systems depending on the user requirement. STUDY OF CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM = i 1 i i corr = Coon = Concrete cores eee ee eines een coo = pate ees ~ Frame with beams eee ae ese td eee eee? ee pan falc =a i; o 7 a \ ' et | arte OPTION F or Beret ead cor eee ee Sed eee «COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS SHOWED HARDLY DIFFERENCES, SO ARCHITECT USED EVERYTHING” INOLOGICAL HIGHLIGHTS lelejele} ©0000 During the feasibilrystudy on the columns the best option was a large column with some steel reinforcement (right figure). However ths study was conducted from the per~ att... ee eet ee contained a option (left figure) which was more expensive eee ee as to build but saved money forthe client The saving was was added in De Rotterdam. The high-rise part of the creer rene senna tats een ree Pe ee een een Sra ed ees nee Teer eenner eevee ay ee tars COLUMNS CANTILEVER ou M eon Secor HOUSING oe KoyNoy:17\3 NRA) SMALL COLUMNS fol TR ae! PERSPECTIVE_MUNICIPALITY LINK THE CITY Urban planning through master plans gives the city means and opportunities to control urban development in an organized way incorporating new insights based on the ongoing development through time. When it became evident in the beginning of the 1980's that the expanding Rotterdam harbour was to be relocated from the city centre to a better suited area to the west of Rotterdam, the former harbour site along the river Maas gave possibilities for connecting and expanding Rotterdam to the south side of the river. “Transforming a former industrial ste, o close to the city centre, into an urban and vivid area demands detailed planning and anticipating, and can only start properly with a new bridge, which would connect two sides of the river. Thus, the Erasmus bridge, opened in 1996, established the physical connection from the city centre to Kop van Zuid, Developing an abandoned area into a qualitative and boosting new part Of the city needs an attitude of facilitating market actors to achieve their _goals iting within the main perspective of the future development of the city of Rotterdam. So by participating in and adapting to the wishes of the actors, the progress of development is facilitated. Urban planning cannot be dictated by a predetermined master plan. The masterplan responds to ‘ongoing developments and has to be a flexible tool for compromise within a clear vision towards future developments. Di eSUiaia ealh I 5 N E BS i} 4 KEY ELEMENT_MUNICIPALITY BUILDING CONFIGURATION ‘Over the years the configuration of De kop van Zuid changed. With thae the plot of the Wilhelminapier changed as well over time. In the beginning the plot was used as a harbor. As the shipyards moved the plot became unused and needed a new destination. A masterplan ‘was developed for the entire area. Due to new ideas the masterplan was revisioned and the mix-use concept was introduced for the Wilhelminapier. The client and architect of De Rotterdam could now start with the design and following the construction of the building. After the design the masterplan changed again because of the height of De Rotterdam. The architect showed that the view lines of the building were important hence the other buildings were configured so that all bulldings had good view lines. DEVELOPMENT OF WILHELMINAPIER BUILDING OF ERASMUS BRIDGE i Menor cnn as CONNECTION BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH fz Ce cet non Se eee Ey eee et ett ad Ae U aoa} te “The Eramus bridge is the key connection between the North en South of Rotterdam. The idea was first Ce eee ac) re ee and purpose of the Wilhelminapier. ESSENTIAL CHANG ‘The masterplan of De kop van Zuid changed a few times Ce ee Ceo Koolhaas. Because of his idea of a Vertical City’ the Wilhelminapier had to change from a side with only offices Bee ene ee etd pee eee eS |. ERASMUS BRIDGE 2. MIX-USE BUILDING OF BUILDING OF KPN BUILDING DE ROTTERDAM REASONS FOR REVISION Pe = Mix use idea was introduced i i f Ly f f i i i f f i f i f i i i i H i 1 H 4 Pera nes REASONS FOR REVISION = Design height of De Rotterdam increased ent et tro ead PERSPECTIVE_BUILDING SERVICES NOT ONLY PIPES ‘The client (MAB) had a separate department for the design and project ‘management of integrating MEP systems with architectural and structural design, throughout the development of De Rotterdam, under supervision of Jan van het Westeinde. ‘Systems for heating/cooling, ventilation, electricity, sewerage, light. hot and cold water, vertical transportation, fire safety and data-management systems have to meet the building legislations, especially for high-rise buildings. Building services are essential for the proper use of a building and have to be integrated in the design in order to work efficiently, reduce energy consumption, building and maintenance costs. The dimensions of larger elements, lke shafts, plant rooms, elevators and air ducts, have ‘an effect on the rentable floor space and therefore on the feasibility of a building. An efficient design ofthe location and trajectory of the building services is therefore essential. “The mixcuse of De Rotterdam dictates a differentiation of systems related ‘to different functions. By partial integration of systems in the floor slabs the requirements of the different functions can be met and give the possibility ‘to reduce the building height. Aditionally, as the site is bordered by the river ‘Maas, the possibilities are used for supplying a major part of the needed cooling capacity. Where possible sustainability is introduced in the systems. eg KEY ELEMENT_BUILDING SERVICES TECHNICAL SPECS ROOMS ‘The building services engineer is responsible for the conditioning of the building. About a third of the total building budget was spend on the technical installation, The key element of these installation are the technical specifications of the rooms. Here the installations merge with the other building parts. The floor height was essential in this case. Some of the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Cooling) were poured into the concrete. The chosen method led to a reduction of floor height, ‘which in case created two additional floors. The collaboration ‘with the structural engineer and contractor was vital due to the complex coordination. HEATING, VENTILATION AND COOLING Seen Soro d a td Ventilation Ay oyg tao DWELLINGS POURED IN CONCRETE Leelee OIL A) ‘To meet the design requirements the building services Cre eet tr hia ere kn enc ee eects Pe eee ted en eee cel eee ee ete eres Cee ee eee there were no radiators needed which consumed a lot of os TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS og Eee od ee cee recs ‘to cover the entire building with a sprinkler system. Dee eae od eee eae es found in the floor itself. All sprinkler distribution pipes ee es INDUCTION UNIT SPRINKLER HOTEL LOWERED CEILING La lelola Cane R OORT (elas) OFFICES POURED IN CONCRETE AND LOWERED CEILING Li ltola ll n ae PAYAL EPA) Fry PERSPECTIVE_CONTRACTOR SP Nee Dilys In the summer 2008 Zublin was asked by MAB to build De Rotterdam with a fixed maximum price and a fixed maximum building time. Because of these specific demands of the client Zubin suggested changes to optimise the design to enhance feasibility and the actual produeibilty in the given building time. ‘The complexity of a diagonal wind-load bearing structure, proposed before Zubiin entered the investment, would slow down production time and ‘was expensive to make. By altering this structure into a combination of diagonals visible from Rotterdam square and walls on the upper floors, installation time could be lessened. What is more, adding 90 cm of floor space throughout the whole building had no significant impact on the structure and added 2.000 m? rentable floor space with minimal costs. Moreover, changing the sizes ofthe fire compartments made it possible to save money on expensive fire doors. Drawings were reviewed and adjusted, incorporating all information introduced by other participants. ‘The engineering of especially the wind-load bearing structure, jacking system and the cantilevers had to be extensive and detailed to guarantee an ‘efficient installation ims Only if all these interfering activities are well engineered, discussed, documented, integrated in a conclusive planning and monitored with strict, compliance of all participants the building time and building costs could be possible, Because of the complexity of ths building, participants had to be flexible to discuss problems openly and negotiate for a compromise. OPTIMISATION ceddng 20002 floor exe simplify windlood structure engineering cantilevers change fire compartments teview 18.000 drawingt € — 170.000.000,- € 35.00.00, € 45,000.00, building time 4 years FEET ON THE TABLE 1000008 woe ‘concrete 75.000 m3 DELIVERY teiforcement | 200.000 kg tel constuction 800.000 kg Seranes Jocking settlements KEY ELEMENT_CONTRACTOR OPTIMIZATION Key to the construction of De Rotterdam was the financial framework. The building had to be designed and build within budget to make it feasible. Due to this the contractor had to ‘optimize the design and construction. Besides the financial requirements there also were some tachnological challenges. ‘These challenges encouraged the contractor to optimize not ‘only his work but also the design of the structural engineer (the Jacking system and trusses). For the client this was the ideal situation, in his case the savings from the floor expansion and a ‘more optimal fire compartimisation which saved firedoors. OPTIMIZATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION = SERS A= EXPANSION FLOORS Trea aN rorel SAVINGS Se ey Pe ee eee budget. Dutch contractors could not realize the building saving of 8 million euro. The contractor proposed to due to this, Zublin suggested a new approach which would See mt ee rds save millions. Instead of structural trusses all over the Cee eee ee enn md Oe ee eee ees a ke eed construction of this extra floor only costed | million Cet ee eset pee eee a ee FLOOR EXPANSION ee ee ed ete a eae DIAGONALS FIRE COMPARTMENTS | ets ey eloamedecnti imlogetaos mle son TRUSSES |i PERSPECTIVE_FACADES FOCUS ON THE DETAIL ‘TGM was asked to be the consultant for the facade of De Rotterdam. The facade incorporates many different aspects into one element, ike architectural expression, structural specifications, elements of building physics (acoustics, energy efficiency, dayigh, alr tightness etc.), maintenance, producti, dealing with settlements and installation onsite, as well as with tolerances and logistis. Due to the sheer amount of elements needed to enclose the envelop of this building, a perfectly engineered element had to be designed meeting all the specifications within a strict budget and the given installation planning, ‘To accomplish an effcient and feasible process all the mistakes had to be eliminated from the design. Clearly, the replacement of an incorrect ‘element after it was installed is not desired due to the negative economic ‘and logistic aspects. In order to prevent this unwanted situation, all he details need to be checked before their positioning, Negotiating and cooperating with all participants about the specifications and possibilities of manufacturing is therefore of utmost importance. ‘Through intensive checking and double checking of technical drawings and Installation schemes every imperfection has to be dealt with in advance. Also during construction checking of specifications needs to be done and corrected if needed. Instead of working against each other, the only way to complete a complex project successfully is by cooperating with each other ‘on every aspect. 5 1 freedom of appearence Independent + responsible inpovoteve MED 20130 per day KEY ELEMENT_FACADE FACADE TYPOLOGIES A facade typically consist out of multiple elements. Sometimes these elements create a diverse view and sometimes it all looks like one plain. For De Rotterdam the last is applicable. ‘The entire facade looks exactly the same. However if you look closely there are some essential differences beginning with the two contractors, MAB wanted to spread the financial and technical risks of the facade over multiple parties. Therefore Scheldebouw and TMG were contracted to construct the facade. Scheldebouw constructed the hotel and offices, ‘TMG the dwellings and the pint. Each party used their own solutions to construct and solve challenges. Though both had to participate and coordinate with all other building parties about Impression, indoor climate and technological solutions. DIFFERENT OPTIO! ARCHITECTURE OF FACADE G-VALUES FACADE for e-rea ey PMN est etre) FP) See eed as well. The structural solution for the settlement (jacking system) had as a result that the floors were tited during eee eet ed Pee orc solution solving this. Scheldebouw made connections at the corners so the windows could .swing’. TGM used another method and made moveble connections so the Reet UNIQUE ELEMENTS if Oe ee ea et eae eee ery eee eh ee ee eee ae ed be fire resistant up until the plint. A model was created to reduce the number of tests. This model was validated with some tests and used to predict the other situations. Det ee eee precautions were unnecessary due to new insights. BUILDING MOVEMENT FIRE PROOF GLASS BUILDING MOVEMENT ULC. Fen sins toed Bred Te ni stt Nico) ee euros | | | | FACADE OPENINGS se Cement ice oto) Cec meres Mh

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