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3, MAY 2008 1205

An Improved Control Strategy of Limiting the

DC-Link Voltage Fluctuation for a Doubly
Fed Induction Wind Generator
Jun Yao, Hui Li, Yong Liao, and Zhe Chen, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The paper presents to develop a new control strategy proposed to control the rotor current to counteract the effect of
of limiting the dc-link voltage fluctuation for a back-to-back the transient components in the stator flux, and make the DFIG
pulsewidth modulation converter in a doubly fed induction gen- ride through a grid fault [14]. Whatever the control strategy of
erator (DFIG) for wind turbine systems. The reasons of dc-link
voltage fluctuation are analyzed. An improved control strategy the rotor-side converter is used, the grid-side converter should
with the instantaneous rotor power feedback is proposed to limit be properly controlled and the dc-link voltage should be kept
the fluctuation range of the dc-link voltage. An experimental rig stable to realize the ride-through control of a DFIG, if possible.
is set up to valid the proposed strategy, and the dynamic perfor- However, when a grid fault occurs, the corresponding strategies
mances of the DFIG are compared with the traditional control of the grid-side converter and dc-link voltage have not been
method under a constant grid voltage. Furthermore, the capabil-
ities of keeping the dc-link voltage stable are also compared in discussed in detail.
the ride-through control of DFIG during a three-phase grid fault, The rotor-side converter may be protected with “crowbar pro-
by using a developed 2 MW DFIG wind power system model. tection” technology that shorting the rotor windings through re-
Both the experimental and simulation results have shown that the sistors. After the fault is removed, the grid-side converter can
proposed control strategy is more effective, and the fluctuation of be controlled again to establish the dc-link voltage; however,
the dc-link voltage may be successfully limited in a small range
under a constant grid voltage and a non-serious grid voltage dip. the dc-link voltage is likely to be fluctuated during this period.
In addition, the rotor current control might be affected by the
Index Terms—Back-to-back pulsewidth modulation (PWM)
dc-link voltage fluctuation when the DFIG is running back to
converter, DC-link voltage, doubly fed induction generator
(DFIG), instantaneous power feedback, ride-through control, the normal condition. In the paper [6], the ride-though capability
wind power generation. of a DFIG system has been evaluated under different levels of
voltage dips. It is shown that power electronic converters may
be kept in operation during a non-serious voltage dip. However,
I. INTRODUCTION it is important to keep the dc-link voltage stable and limit the
OUBLY fed induction generators (DFIGs) are popular fluctuation of the grid-side converter current during a grid fault,
D configurations for large variable-speed constant-fre-
quency wind generator systems [1]–[8]. As the penetration
so that the dc-link capacitor could be protected and the adequate
voltage on the rotor could be provided.
of wind power continually increases, more wind turbines are In this paper, Section II illustrates some reasons of dc-link
required to stay in grid connected during a grid fault. The DFIG voltage fluctuation based on the power flow characteristics of
may successfully ride through by using appropriate control converter. In Section III, an improved control strategy for grid-
strategies, and the power electronic devices [such as insulated side converter is proposed to limit the dc-link voltage fluctua-
gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs)] connected in rotor circuits tion. In Section IV, an experimental rig is presented, and some
may also be effectively protected during a grid fault [9]–[16]. experimental results of the dynamic performances are obtained
A back-to-back pulsewidth modulation (PWM) converter is and compared with the traditional strategy when the grid voltage
usually used in the rotor circuit of a large-scale DFIG system is constant. In Section V, a 2 MW DFIG wind power genera-
[1]. Several control methods have been proposed to control the tion system with a back-to-back PWM converter is further sim-
rotor-side converter in order to realize the DFIG ride-through ulated during a grid fault, and the proposed control strategy is
[9]–[16]. For example, an improved control strategy has been also demonstrated.

Manuscript received March 1, 2007; revised October 23, 2007. Recom- II. ANALYSIS OF DC-LINK VOLTAGE FLUCTUATION
mended for publication by Associate Editor J. Guerrero.
J. Yao and Y. Liao are with the State Key Laboratory of Power Transmis-
Fig. 1 shows the main circuit topology of a DFIG system
sion Equipment and System Security and New Technology, Chongqing Uni- with a back-to-back PWM converter, which is composed of a
versity, Chongqing 400044, China (e-mail:; yongliaocqu@vip. grid-side converter, a rotor-side converter and a dc-link capac-
H. Li is with the State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment
itor [4]. Though a few schemes of control the dc-link voltage of
and System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing the back-to-back PWM converter have been studied [17], [18] ,
400044, China and also with the Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg Uni- an improved control strategy of limiting the dc-link voltage fluc-
versity, Aalborg East DK-9220, Denmark (e-mail: tuation in the DFIG system is further proposed in this paper.
Z. Chen is with the Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aal-
borg East DK-9220, Denmark, (e-mail: zch@ The grid-side converter is usually controlled with a vector
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2008.921177 control strategy with the grid voltage orientation [2]. The axis
0885-8993/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

Fig. 1. Main circuit topology of a back-to-back PWM converter for DFIG.

Fig. 2. Vector control block diagram of grid-side PWM converter.

voltage component is fixed with the orientation of grid voltage When the bidirectional power is dynamically changed be-
space vector, and the axis voltage component is zero. So the tween the grid-side converter and the rotor-side converter, the
active power and reactive power of the grid-side converter can instantaneous power of the dc-link capacitor can be described
be described as as

(1) (3)

where is the axis component of grid voltage, and are Therefore, from the viewpoint of keeping the instantaneous
the axis and axis components of grid current, respectively. power balance, the power, is equal to the sum of the instan-
The active power and reactive power can be independently con- taneous input rotor power and
trolled with the double closed-loop strategy [2]. Fig. 2 shows the
control block diagram of a traditional vector control strategy for
the grid-side converter. The outer voltage control loop and inner (4)
current control loop are used to realize the stable control of the Thus, the above equation can be also rewritten as
dc-link voltage.
In the back-to-back PWM converter of DFIG, the bidirec-
tional power is transferred between the grid side and the gener-
ator rotor side. Under a constant dc-link voltage, the input power (5)
from the grid side should be equal to the input power of the gen-
erator rotor when ignoring the power losses of power electronic Assuming the value of the instantaneous voltage, , is
devices, the following (2) can be derived as: constant under a normal condition, the variation of dc-link
capacitor voltage is determined by the axis component
of grid current, , and the instantaneous power, . The
(2) current of dc-link capacitor will suddenly change as long
as is varied, so that it may make the dc-link voltage
where , and are the instantaneous grid voltages, re- fluctuate. In addition, for the grid-side converter, the dynamic
spectively, , and are the instantaneous grid currents, response of outer dc-link voltage control loop is much slower
respectively, is the instantaneous input power of grid-side than that of the inner current control loop, so that the grid-
converter, , and are the instantaneous rotor voltages side converter can not transfer enough instantaneous energy
of a DFIG, respectively, , and are the instantaneous to the rotor-side converter when the generator rotor current
rotor currents, respectively, and is the instantaneous input suddenly increases. On one hand, the capacitor will release
rotor power of a DFIG. some stored energy to feed the rotor-side converter and the

Fig. 3. Control block diagram of grid-side converter when grid voltage is constant.

dc-link voltage will decline. On the other hand, when the

rotor-side converter runs at the energy feedback status, the
grid-side converter can not feed more instantaneous power
back to the grid so that the dc-link voltage will increase due
to the overmuch instantaneous energy. So, the dc-link voltage
may fluctuate because of the imbalanced power flow between
the input and output instantaneous energy of the converter
during the dynamic regulation of DFIG. Furthermore, if the
dc-link voltage excessively fluctuates, the DFIG might not
realize the accurate power regulation even under the normal
Fig. 4. Control block diagram of grid-side converter during a grid voltage dip.
When a grid fault occurs, the input grid voltage ( ) of the
A. Control Strategy Under a Constant Grid Voltage grid-side converter will drop down to a low value, and the grid-
side converter can not feed enough current ( ) to the rotor-side
As shown in Fig. 2, in the traditional control scheme, the ac-
converter if the traditional double close-loop control strategy
tive current setting value of the grid-side converter is usu-
is used. In this case, the above two factors would introduce a
ally set as the output of the dc-link voltage PI controller when
great instantaneous power difference between the instan-
the grid voltage is constant. However, as the above analyzed, in
taneous power ( ) of the grid-side converter and of the
order to keep the dc-link voltage stable, the setting value should
rotor-side converter, so that the control of dc-link voltage will be
be properly changed to realize the instantaneous power transfer.
extremely restricted and the dc-link voltage would excessively
As it can be seen from (5), the term reflects the vari-
fluctuate [13]. In fact, a grid fault period is rather short (100
ation of the output power of the rotor-side converter. After the
ms 300 ms), and it may be not necessary to keep the dc-link
fault, the voltage of the grid-side converter will recover to the
voltage constant when a grid voltage drops. The ride-through
steady state value. So, the item can be used as a
control can be effectively realized as long as the fluctuation of
forward feed variable to describe the rotor power variation. In
the dc-link voltage is limited to a small range.
the proposed control strategy, the active current setting value
As analyzed above, the fluctuation range of the dc-link
of the grid-side converter is set to be the sum of the output of
voltage may be reduced by considering the effect of the in-
the dc-link voltage PI controller and the item . In this
stantaneous output power of the rotor-side converter. Thus, a
case, the item is named as a new variable , which
single inner current control loop is proposed to limit the dc-link
represents the compensated current component of the instanta-
voltage fluctuation. Fig. 4 shows the control block diagram of
neous rotor power. Fig. 3 shows the proposed control block di-
the grid-side converter during a voltage dip.
agram of the grid-side converter when the grid voltage is con-
The active current setting value of the grid-side converter is
stant. The item in active current setting value ( )
set to be ( ), which reflects the instantaneous output
is considered to keep the dc-link voltage stable in the proposed
power of the rotor-side converter, and enough instantaneous
control strategy.
power of the rotor-side converter could be supplied with the
B. Control Strategy During a Grid Voltage Dip input power of the grid-side converter. From (6), if the input
current of the grid-side converter is fed enough and the instan-
From (4), the variation of the dc-link voltage can be also de- taneous power ( ) is nearly equal to , the instantaneous
scribed as power difference under such condition would be equal
to zero and the dc-link voltage would be kept as a constant.
(6) However, it is difficult to realize that equals to zero

Fig. 5. Block diagram of an experimental DFIG excitation system.

because the instantaneous power ( ) is not enough equal Mitsubishi Electric Corporation are used to construct the main
to when is low. So, as the single current regulation power circuits including grid-side converter and rotor-side
control is used, the maximal input instantaneous power of the converter. A direct current motor is used to simulate the prime
grid-side converter will depend on two factors: the grid voltage mover -wind turbine. The DFIG system parameters are given in
during the fault and the maximal input current . When the Appendix A. The active power and reactive power are con-
the grid voltage drops down to a fixed value, the fluctuation trolled independently with the vector control strategy described
range of the dc-link voltage will be ultimately determined in [2].
by the current limitation (e.g., the peak value ) of the Figs. 6 and 7 show the experimental results including stator
converter semiconductors. In the proposed control scheme, the and rotor currents, active and reactive power and rotor speed
item should be limited by a saturator and then set as of the generator when the grid voltage is constant. The ac-
the active current setting value of the grid-side converter. The tive power, reactive power and rotor speed are calculated via
maximal active current setting value should be set according TMS320F2812 and the waveforms are recorded. The stator
to the peak current of the semiconductors to fully utilize the and rotor currents are the actual waveforms recorded by the
current capacity of the semiconductors. Then the inner current oscillograph. In this case, it is assumed to output active power
control loop can rapidly regulate the grid current to the to the grid when the active power is negative in the following
setting value , the power error between the instanta- figures, while the positive reactive power means the outputting
neous input power ( ) and with the proposed lagging reactive power, and vice versa. Figs. 6 and 7 show the
scheme is much smaller than that of the traditional scheme, i.e., results when the generator changes operation mode suddenly
, when the grid voltage drops down a same from delivering reactive power to absorbing reactive power, re-
value. So, a smaller fluctuation range of dc-link voltage would spectively. Fig. 6 shows the results when the grid-side converter
be achieved by the proposed control strategy. is controlled by the traditional double closed-loop strategy, and
After the grid fault is cleared, the control strategy of the grid- Fig. 7 shows the results by using the proposed control strategy
side converter should be switched back to the control strategy in this paper.
described in Fig. 3. As the active current setting value ( ) is From Figs. 6(c) and 7(c), it can be seen that the rotor cur-
the sum of the output of the dc-link voltage PI controller and the rents will rapidly decline when the generator absorbs reactive
item , the grid current can be regulated smoothly power, and the instantaneous input power of the converter
with respect to the reference current when changing the con- should rapidly decline. Figs. 6(d) and 7(d) show the wave-
trol strategy, and the maximal current of the grid-side converter forms of variable ( ), grid active current setting
can be controlled in a safe range. value ( ) and grid active current ( ). As it can be seen
from Figs. 6(d) and 7(d), the reference value drops
IV. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION down rapidly, but in Fig. 6(d), the active current setting value
An experiment rig is set up to validate the proposed control declines slowly without instantaneous power feedback con-
strategy of the grid-side converter when the grid voltage is under trol. This has been also clarified in Fig. 6(b), the input grid
the normal condition. Fig. 5 shows the block diagram of the converter current, , declines slowly. So, the dc-link voltage
DFIG experimental system. will rise up in Fig. 6(a) because of the overmuch instanta-
A digital signal processor TMS320F2812 made by TI Inc. neous input power of the grid-side converter, and it will be
is used to realize the high performance control algorithm. The harmful to the dc-link capacitor and converter. However, as
two intelligent power modules (PM100RLA060) made by from Fig. 7(d), the declines rapidly with the change of

Fig. 6. Waveform diagram without instantaneous power feedback control (P = 01 kW, Q = 1 kvar to 0 1 kvar).

with instantaneous power feedback control, and from Therefore, the experimental results demonstrated that the dy-
Fig. 7(b), the current of the grid-side converter rapidly de- namic performance of the DFIG can be effectively improved by
clines. The dc-link voltage can be kept constant in Fig. 7(a) the proposed method when the reactive power of the DFIG is
while the generator absorbs reactive power and the generator changed suddenly. It is helpful to keep the dc-link voltage stable
operation status changes smoothly. and improve the DFIG system stability.

Fig. 7. Waveform diagram with instantaneous power feedback control (P = 01 kW, Q = 1 kvar to 0 1 kvar).

V. SIMULATION COMPARISONS DURING A GRID FAULT verter under a grid fault. The simulated DFIG system parameters
are given in the Appendix B. Fig. 8 shows the typical configu-
In this section, a 2 MW DFIG wind power generation simu- ration of the DFIG wind generation system.
lation system with a back-to-back PWM converter is set up to Some assumptions for the simulation are as follows: 1) The
demonstrate the proposed control strategy for the grid-side con- generator rotor speed keeps as a constant during a grid fault. 2)

As it can be seen from Figs. 9 and 10, the DFIG can suc-
cessfully ride through the grid fault by using either of two dif-
ferent control schemes when the stator voltage drops down to
0.6 p.u. However, it can be observed from Fig. 9(b), the dc-link
voltage excessively fluctuates in a large range with the change of
grid voltage by using the traditional double closed-loop control.
From Fig. 9(b), the variable changes rapidly with the
change of the grid voltage, but the variable changes slowly.
So, the grid-side converter can not feed the overmuch active cur-
rent back to the grid or provide the enough active current to
supply the dc-link capacitor and rotor-side converter, and the
input peak current is only 1000 A. From Fig. 9(b), the max-
imal value of the dc-link voltage has arrived at 1520 V (the
rated value is 1200 V) during the fault, and the capacitor would
be under excessive voltage stress and possibly destroyed. The
minimum value of the dc-link voltage is 960 V, and it would
drop down to the much lower value if the input voltage of the
grid-side converter declines more deeply. As it can be seen in
Fig. 10(b), compared with the traditional control scheme, the
Fig. 8. The configuration of DFIG system. fluctuation range of the dc-link voltage can be limited to 50 V
by using the proposed control strategy. From Fig. 10(b),
changes rapidly with the change of , so that the rapid
The over-modulation PWM technology for the rotor-side con- response of the input grid current can be realized whatever the
verter is used to improve the ride-through control effect, and the fault occurs or cleared.
maximal rotor voltage is assumed to be a high value (1.35 p.u.).
3) The rated maximal current of the grid-side converter is set to VI. CONCLUSION
be 800 A, and the current limitation of the grid-side converter is In this paper, an improved control strategy of limiting the
1700 A during a grid fault. 4) The over-modulation PWM tech- dc-link voltage fluctuation is proposed for the grid-side con-
nology for the grid-side converter is also used and the maximal verter based on the instantaneous power feedback scheme.
control voltage is set to be 1.5 p.u. 5) A three-phase symmet- Furthermore, a single inner current control loop is also pro-
rical grid fault occurs at 3.5 s at the wind farm busbar, and it posed for the control during a grid voltage dip. An experimental
is removed at 3.61 s. The fault causes the busbar voltage drops rig is set up to validate the improved control strategy when the
down to 0.6 pu. The fault location is at the high voltage side of grid voltage is constant, and a 2 MW DFIG wind power gener-
the step-up transformer at the wind farm busbar. ation system is simulated to demonstrate the proposed control
Before the fault, the generator is controlled with the vector strategy during the grid fault. The proposed control strategy has
control strategy described in paper [2]. The output reactive been validated. Both the experimental and simulation results
power of DFIG is zero and the generator outputs the rated ac- have shown that the fluctuation of the dc-link voltage can be
tive power (2 MW) at a speed of 1950 r/min (the maximal slip effectively controlled by using the proposed control strategy.
0.3). When the fault occurs at 3.5 s, the DFIG is controlled Therefore, it may be helpful to improve the stability of the
to ride through the fault. In this case, the grid-side converter is doubly fed induction wind power generation system during the
controlled by the proposed control strategy described in Fig. 4, grid faults.
and the rotor-side converter is controlled by the control strategy
described in [14] and the back-to-back converter is still con- APPENDIX A
nected to the generator. After the grid fault is cleared at 3.61 s, EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM PARAMETERS
the control strategy of the grid-side converter is switched back Machine parameters
to the proposed control strategy described in Fig. 3. In addition, rated power: 7.5 kW Frequency: 50 Hz;
when the grid voltage recovers at the time of 4 s, the rotor-side pole pairs: 3 Connection: Y/Y;
converter is controlled again under the normal condition by the stator rated voltage: 380 V Stator rated current: 18 A;
vector control strategy described in paper [2]. rotor rated voltage: 185 V Rotor rated current: 28 A;
Figs. 9 and 10 show the simulation results of the DFIG ride- stator resistance: 0.8285 ;
through control under a three-phase symmetrical grid fault. stator leakage inductance: 3.579 mH;
is the three-phase modulation indices of rotor voltage. is rotor resistance: 0.7027 ;
the grid voltage, and the is grid current of the grid-side con- rotor leakage inductance: 3.579 mH;
verter. Fig. 9(a) and (b) show the simulation results of the DFIG magnetizing inductance: 62.64 mH;
system with the traditional control strategy of the grid-side con- inertia: 0.15 kg m .
verter during the fault and Fig. 10(a) and (b) show the simula- During the course of experiment, the line to line voltage of gen-
tion results with the proposed control strategy of the grid-side erator stator is 210 V, and the generator is connected with the
converter. grid via a step-up transformer.

Fig. 9. Simulation results of DFIG ride-through control (with the traditional control strategy of the grid-side converter).

Fig. 10. Simulation results of DFIG ride-through control (with the proposed control strategy of the grid-side converter).

Grid-side converter parameters magnetizing inductance: 3.9527 p.u.;

reactor: 5 mH, 0.1 ; H: 3.5 s.
DC-link capacitor: 6800 F 450 V; Step-up transformer parameters:
DC-link resistance: 960 ; rated power: 2.5 MW Frequency: 50 Hz;
DC-link voltage reference value: 80 V; primary winding: 20 kV-Delta Secondary winding:
SPWM and unity power factor control. 690 V-Yg;
Base value in p.u. system: short circuit impedance: 0.0098 pu
: 100 V, : 50 A, : 5000 VA Grid-side converter parameters:
reactor: 0.6 mH, 6m ;
APPENDIX B DC-link capacitor: 38000 F;
SIMULATION SYSTEM PARAMETERS DC-link voltage reference value: 1200 V;
Machine parameters: SPWM and unity power factor control.
rated power: 2 mW Frequency: 50 Hz; REFERENCES
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Zhe Chen (M’95–SM’98) received the B.Eng. and
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M.Sc. degrees from Northeast China Institute of
Electric Power Engineering, Jilin City, China, and the
[16] L. Xu and Y. Wang, “Dynamic modeling and control of DFIG-based Ph.D. degree from University of Durham, Durham,
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Power Syst., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 314–323, Feb. 2007. He was a Lecturer and then a Senior Lecturer
[17] L. Malesani, L. Rossetto, P. Tenti, and P. Tomasin, “AC/DC/AC PWM with De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K. In
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Ind. Appl., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 287–292, Mar./Apr. 1995. Professor with the Institute of Energy Technology,
[18] N. Hur, J. Jung, and K. Nam, “A fast dynamic dc-link power-balancing Aalborg University, Denmark. He has more than 140
scheme for a PWM converter-inverter system ,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Elec- publications in his technical field. His background
tron., vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 794–803, Aug. 2001. areas are power systems, power electronic, s and electric machines; and his
main current research areas are renewable energy and modern power systems.
Dr. Chen is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER
ELECTRONICS, a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology
(London, U.K.), and a Chartered Engineer in the U.K.

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