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Descriptive Text Kota Bogor

The city of Bogor is a city in the province of West Java, Indonesia. It is located 54 km south
ofJakarta, and its territory is located in the middle area of Bogor regency. The extent of 21.56 km²,
and a population of 834,000 inhabitants (2003). Bogor City known as the rain, as it has a very
highrainfall. Bogor City consists of 6 districts, which are further divided over a number
of 68 villages. Inthe Netherlands, colonial Bogor knownas Buitenzorg (pronunciation: boit’n–
zôrkh “, bœit ‘) which means” no anxiety“or” safe serene “.

Day so Bogor regency and city of Bogor is celebrated every June 3,, since 3 June 1482 was
theCoronation day Prabu Siliwangi as King of Pajajaran Kingdom.
Bogor (meaning “enau“) has long been known Center of national agricultural education and
research. This is where various institutions and halls–halls of agricultural research and the biology
of dating back to the 19th century. One of them, namely, Bogor agricultural University, dating back
to the early 20th century. Bogor is located between 106 ° 43 ‘ 30 “E–106 ° 51 ‘ 00″ E and 30 ‘ 30
“S – 6 ° 41 ‘ 00″ S and hasan average height of at least 190 metres, a maximum of 350 meters with
distance from the capital city of approximately 60 km.

The city has a total area of Bogor 118.5 km² and drains some of the surface waters deep below the
surface of the terrain, namely: Ci Liwung (River), Ci Sadane, Ci Pakancilan, Ci, Ci Depit Parigi, and
Ci beams. Such topography makes the city of Bogor was relatively safe from the dangers of flooding.

Climate, topography, and geography

Bogor is located at a height of 190 to 330m from sea level. The air is relatively mild
with averagetemperatures of each month is 26 ° C and the humidity of the air
is approximately 70%. The average temperature is lowest in Bogor is 21.8 ° C, most often occur in
December and January. Wind direction is influenced by the monsoon winds. May
and March affected the Western monsoon winds.
The slope of the city of Bogor in the range 0 – 15% and a small portion of its territory has a slope
ofbetween 15-30%. Types of soil in almost the whole region is reddish brown with a depth
of latosoleffective soil more than 90 cm and soil texture is smooth and are somewhat sensitive
to erosion.Bogor is located at the foot of Mount Salak and mount Gede so very rich
in rain orografi. The sea breeze from the Java Seawhich brought much moisture got into the
Interior and up suddenly in the Bogor area so that moisture condensed and directly into the
rain. Almost every day of rain on the city in a year (70%) so called “Rain City“. The uniqueness

of this local climate exploited by the planners of the colonial Netherlands by making
the Bogor BotanicalResearch Center and asagriculture, which continues to the present.

The geographical position of the city of Bogor in the middle area of Bogor regencyand the location’s
proximity to the nation’s capital, Jakarta, make it of strategic developments in economic activity and
growth. The Botanical Garden and the Palace ofBogor is an attractive tourist destination. The
position of the Bogor goal line between the peaks is also Cianjur/strategic potential for economic

The fifth century
Bogor traced from its founding was the site of the first known in the Hindu Kingdom
ofTarumanagara–Indonesia in the fifth century. Some of the other kingdoms and then chose
to live in the same place because of its Mountains area that naturally make the location easy to
defendagainst the threat of attacks, and when the same is a fertile area and has easy access on sentra–
sentra trade at that time. But until now, based on research conducted
by some erkeolog ternam asProf. Uka Tjandrasasmita, the existence of appropriate and important
sites which States the existence of this Kingdom, until now still has not found evidence of otentiknya.
The Kingdom Of Pajajaran
Among the inscriptions found in Bogor on the kingdoms of the past, one of the inscriptions of the
year 1533, King Prabu Surawisesa powers tells the story of the Kingdom of Pajajaran, one of the
most influential kingdoms in Java. This inscription is believed to have supernatural
powers,hallowed and preserved until today.
Pakwan which is the capital of the Government of the Kingdom of Pajajaran is believed to be located
in the city of Bogor, and became the administrative center
of PrabuSiliwangi (Sri BadugaMaharaja Pakuan Pajajaran Hajj Queen I) who was crowned on 3
June 1482. The day of his coronation was established as the anniversary of Bogor in 1973 by
the REGIONAL district and the city of Bogor, and commemorated every year until now.
Colonial Netherlands
After the RAID, Army records about the city of Pakuan lost, and recently rediscovered by
theNetherlands expedition led by Scipio and Riebeck in 1687. They do the research over the
inscriptionBatutulis and some other sites, and concluded that Central Government.

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