Tokyo Ravens Anime Quotes

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Tokyo Ravens.

Really, natsume doesn’t seem that bad to me-dude you were kind of a jerk to
someone who was trying to tell you that she was lonely. You look more mature-
thanks I guess-awkward…if you finished now can we go? You do what you
want I hope you know it costed way more to win than what its worth-maybe, but
I don’t care-why not?- just cause silly. You gotta give it to her she had this shy
girl thing going for her until an hour ago. Ah yes to be young, so dramatic.-Yeah
I guess, hey you think I was wrong? Nah that one’s on Hokoto, she should know
by now that you’re a helpless cause, You pissed to girls once in one day, nice , -
huh no sympathy?- oh sorry dude You're depressed imagine how she must feel.
Hey if you want motivation I can totally hit you, will that make you go after
her?-No thanks but um. Something tells me I might end up regretting that even
more, it’s just that these are supposed to be the best days of our lives, so I’d
rather spend them with you two.

You have to stop this, do you really think this would make your brother happy?
He’d have to lose his sister, live knowing her death was his fault with no family
left.. please stop this, there’s time, think it over again, your life is
just…beginning. What is this I don’t understand-Harutora, I love you that’s all
you need to know, listen to me, run away go now, if you die out here I swear
that I’ll never forgive you. Its weird, going to school and hanging out with
friends, that’s all I ever wanted out of life you know, I don’t have talent, and
I’m not a seer, but I’ve been so wrong, I wish I was like you, I didn’t confront
my position at all, instead I ran away from it all someone even tried to tell me
that but I wouldn’t listen. Please.-stupid tora… you will agree then? From this
day forward you offer yourself to live as my familiar, Are you prepared- I am, I
will not hide anymore-Good, children hide from what they fear. And we are not

Are you for real dude, I'm standing right here. You know what chief the name
stupid tora kinda sums you up doesn’t it? What’s up man hwo’s it going I was
wondering if you could tell me more about the school and how class…. What’s
your name?-can I join you two? Quit being creapy Harutora. I don’t usually get
so bent out of shape like that-yes never of course you don’t. The world of
addults very rarely makes sense and I'm sorry, what are your thoughts H?- I
don’t know the truth is I have a hard time following the lectures, and honestly
it’ll help me a lot if you took that into consideration-so basically, you have no
problem causing trouble for the rest of us-no I never said that, I feel really bad
about it, but just like you guys I'm a student at this school, I have the right to be
here and to learn like anyone else. I’ve sword to become an onmyo mage, that’s
my frst priority not you. Oh I'm sure you’ll be fine, a novice or not you should
beludlde yourself, to be honest I have doubted you, but what you said before,
well it was reassuring, I thought even with all that happened he still wants to be
an onmyio mage, all you need to do is simply improve your natural abilities
your own way.

What there a problem-I'm sorry I get it You're way ahead of me, but I’d really
like to do well here so do you think we can try and get along? –just that i don’t
like you S-You're a prerogative man its cool we don’t have to be best friends.
Hopefully you won’t all feel the same as him you can call me H by the way- ok
we’ll call you suchi then-umm yea that’s not what I said… Does it bother you?-
you know its kind of sad, over the summer a pretty close friend of mine actually
let herself get into a fight with that idiot, and in the end they never had the
chance to make up, I’d hate to see something like that happen again. Wait wait
wait toji is evil and lies for fun my relationship with natsume –he said you’re
connected body and spirit intimately…tradition. How many times I have to tell
you you were behind everyone else in this school, whatever free time you have
needs to be used better than this, the last thing you need is sucking up to her or
other students in class,why can't you get serious about this, You're a
Suchimicado too, you can’t depend on anyone else you have to focus so we can
become Onmio mages do you understand that we will fail if we start counting on
other people to help us? Yea it may be lonely but that’s the way it is. Natsume,
forget about lame servants from a past life, your real friends are here right now
aren’t they? You don’t have to do this by yourself, remember You're not alone,
so there’s no reason to be scared of that poser or anyone else, you got all the
help you need standing in front of you, come on let us be here for you. Have
some faith you can rely on others! So Natsume isn't coming?-does that bother
you-would you stop asking that?

Well that explains a lot , I was wondering why everyone was acting like our
table had the plague. Oh perfect I bet she’s including me in her twisted little
fantasy. Well now this isn't funny anymore…. Sorry man already have plans for
tomorrow why don’t you two go together it’ll be fun! I don’t need your help
okay-yeah you do somebody’s gotta tell you what’s cool-this is so
embarrassing…. Didn’t that clue you in? Now what’s will you all here the hotel
district is kind of a weird place to hang out. Now we wait to see if they bother
showing their hand for this moron.

You were victorious master listening to a sore loser like her is bellow the level
of such one as yourself.-I heard that you rat-heard what you must be overtired.
Look I appreciate your concern but I don’t need nay sympathy. Sorry sensitive
subject when someone reminds me I'm a spirit disaster I tend to get a little bit
annoyed didn’t mean to snap. Thanks for the heads up ill try to be careful. You
don’t think a little scrap of paper makes us even don’t you? –incorrigible…so
who are you hiding? Oh him? SO tell me has he discovered some new way to
tame that self absorbed little brat,-consider the vitriolic SOB chained and
colored, but I know better than to remove the fangs of a guard dog. What are
you doing all here alone you look all broody you want a cigarettes? And I’ll be
careful, after all its your job to go overboard. –yea I excel at taking things
overboard don’t I?-at least You're aware of it, that saves us some time.-yea your
mama Is aware bro! Peace I'm out-cool. Let’s kick that test butt tomorrow-
that’s a pretty good idea if you don’t wanna get held back.-right no pressure
huh? I’ll worry about it after i wake up. Seriously like father like son, I get
checks up from both of them like clock work.

You could hold back a little bit bro, I’m at least attempting to control myself.
Why-waw you guys finished yet? Not that I'm not having fun. Believe me when
I say I'm in your side (he’s a disgrace to the burreu) Bring it down a notch that’s
a lot of pressure You're jut making natsume feel ackward.

I wouldn’t fight him if I were you, a boring fight isn't worth for the ones fighting
or the ones watching, you should let it go at that, otherwise, the kid’s gonna get
a little help from me and I guarantee I can make it interesting. Lucky for them
they weren’t too drunk to make the right decision. He looked a little strange, you
tend to remember the ones who stand out. Don’t you remember what you told
him, aobut letting others help? You can depend on us too you know.

Did you just say essence? You're only a year older than me, sorry man but we
don’t have an essence. Yet. I'm not the same as you-there it is, that’s what all
the hipsters say, I get it, you're special, you you think about crap that doesn’t
matter,-at least that’s better than being an idiot who doesn’t think at all.=hey I
know one of those important historyrcal guys who said don’t think just feel.
Now will you drop this crap and come home? We’ve got enough were dealing
with already.-just leave me here-sorry man can’t do that, guess that’s just my
bad luck kicking in again. So we go home and let me guess-what do you expect
nothing works from the first try. Someday, yea someday right, tht sounds a little
less specific than I thought. Come on! You're acting like a spoiled brat, now
listen to me. Your life isn't your own and by the way it hasn’t been for a long
time, Me and my dad, Hokoto, natsume, K, tn, Your like is what it is because of
all the people you’ve had around you! And you can’t just decide out of the blue
that you wanna give it all up! If you get hit-I dare you to try-You're a fool-so
what if I am? Not toji no-why not. He always put on this cool act you know,
but he’s actually….more like Harutora than he thinks, despite the fact that he
was dealing with something as heavy as this he was always more concerned for
his friends than for his own safety. I think that’s why he gravitates with people
that get themselves into trouble, like me and Harutora. He has an instinct to
protect, Toji would never turn into a spirit disaster. There’s no wayl I believe in
him! Well what do you know someone doesn’t want to crush their best friend’s
head. We haven’t been friends for all these years for nothing, c’mon I know you
well enough that you could never kill me. Face it dude you care about all of us
because that’s just the kind of guy you are. Think of it as a curse I put on you,
nah its your fault you did it to yourself. And this isn’t the kind of curse that a
stupid ogre would have the power to destroy either. As long as its with you you
have no choice but to fight the ogre with everything you got. You need to
accept that fact already!-you are such a pain in the ass. Man I'm getting to old to
be caught in this kind of drama, stupid toji.

Waw kid You're a lot more gun held than I thought, I’ll send my familiars to
escort you I’ll follow once I taken care of… It’s time to accept it , to face this
head on, I have friends that will help me, friends that will always be by my side,
I'm not scared of you ogre, I refuse to be afraid of my future. I can feel my blood
boiling, the ogre’s raging alright I’ll show you how to focus your anger.
Where’s all that power you had yesterday, ? punch-guess You're stuck with me-
That kid just harnessed the power of an ogre-its Showtime!-disappear!! The
timing was flawless if I do say so myself-toji are those horns?-yea man, pretty
cool right? Yeah well this ogre power is just a trial run there’s no telling what
might happen next. What’s the matter Mr. cool you afraid of a little work?-bit
talk from a guy who just got smacked around, and if I lose control as an ogre
remember You're top candidate for getting eaten first. If you’re as late then as
you were today no worries. Seriously though today was a little crazy wasn’t it?
This morning all I could even think about was the exam to move up in the next
grade. – Yeah, right? I guess its as they say every could has a silver lining.
Silver lining? What silver lining? Stupid tora-being half ogre sucks but because
of it I met you, which makes me feel a little grateful for the lame ass thing.
Would you look at that toji’s getting all sentimental on me now-nah, think you
must’ve hit your head. Anyone have a tissue for poor little toji? Always pay
attention to your sorrundings no matter what. Didn’t they teach you that on your
first day of training? Pretty sneaky for a man with one leg Shadow-it has been a
while hasn’t it ogre eater? So how’s the retired life treating you?-it gives me
time for hobbies, like taking night time walks, but I like to keep busy you know
so I decided to try my hand at teaching. I’m back at onmyio prep-is that so
maybe I should pay you a visit one day. You seem to have some interesting
students-yes but sadly, you won’thave the time. You’ll be far too busy I imagine
it will take you quite a while to break through all of these spells.-while you were
busy making those thinly veiled threaths I was casting a lithany of spells I
thought you might find diverting, and they’re all spells you’ll need to look up in
ancient documents if you hope to break them.-you’re just bluffing, that kind of
fake out is wasted on me four eyes. I’ve known you too long for it to work. –
And what have you known about me in that time? You know the kind of person
I am, think back to your training, remember how I always made you go with me
to the harshest battles whenever it was possible? I wanted you to witness the
lengths I would go to should the situation ever force my hand. You’ve also
known me for long enough to relalise that even if 90% of what I’ve said is a
bluff, ignoring the other 10% could still prove costly. But you knew all that,
didn’t you now? Well have fun with your research if you choose to go that route,
I certalny wouldn try to spell anything I wouldn’t understand. Oh and kagami,
remember this. While there is still life in my body you will not lay finger on my
students. – So first I find a half ogre kid and the possible reincarnation of Yako,
and now I get to laugh in the face of death, not a bad day. I can’t wait, one of
these days you’ll screw up and then I’m gonna knock you down a peg or two. –
come on then, there’s no need to wait. –right lets leave it at that gents. Zengiro
what were you thinking letting an amateur do your job? No point crying over
spiled milk, after all you did let me enjoy myself tonight, I’m looking forward to
it all, but the anticipation is killing me, You're all still baby chicks in this world,
freshly hatched completely unaware. You should study diligently and when
you’re finished with that, perhaps we’ll find a place for you.-but we don’t know
who you are-overwhelming spirit pressure. Then let me introduce myself, I;m
Doman. What the….Freaky….
Hey Lolita complex, still have that stupid look huh, don’t stare at my pigtails
that much or people will get the wrong idea, or the right one… Why do you
have to be so damn fake all the time-um obviously I have to think of my public
image. I don’t get why I should talk to you about that-oh don’t be defensive, I
mean I was your first kiss right? Darling. Well I don’t know seems like it’s a
good thing ssomeby was there Well no biggie its just temporary and its not like I
couldn’t take you out with my eyes closed. Okay x2, are you still worried about
what happened that night? For real self centered much are we? Oh wait new
topic, where’s the head of the S. Hey wait slow your role a second today’s not a
good day now whose this person again?-what do you have brain damage? Why
put on a show? You should just act like yourself at school. I told you I have to
keep a public image at school-does your image as a divine general mean all that
much to you? Because I don’t think it should. What happened with your brother
is over and you’re at a different school now it’s a fresh start, you might even
find a new you, you know? Oh I'm sorry that was kind of inconsiderate of me-
so like um…why why don’t you seem to resent me? I get it… she’s been
stressing this whole time. This is the turning point, I can’t get this wrong.
There’s no need for lies. Don’t be stupid, I'm bugged about that enough for us
both, besides I was the one who was a coward, I think its best if we put back
behind us, what about you? You might’ve been going about it wrong but it was
our fault that you ended up not being able to save your brother. Must be
unbelievably hard knowing that you’ll never have him back. I can’t even
imagine how awful that is.-its terrible, it really is. For what its worth, its not like
Hokot’s dead, it’s a funny story yeah she was a familiar but she was created with
a diff sort of spell, basically someone was controlling her from the outside. Yea
h I guess someone made her to become friends with me and that person is
probably still around. That’s one reason why I started school here, I thought that
maybe I might meet whoever it was that controlled Hokoto. Pretty crazy hih?
She’s that priestess alright…finally things are starting to get fun around here.

Now then here’s what I really wanted to talk about I don’t want to dwell on the
past instead I wanna think about shaping the future.Oh poo little r suzuka did
you fall down go boom and get an ouchie?

IYou’ve been alive too long.-I choose to keep young by having some fun
which is more than anyone could say for you.=Unfortunately cheap thrills
don’t do much for me. If that’s so then what do you bother living for? Are
you wandering around in the dark having to simply choose a path? –I live
simply to find out why I'm still alive.

But what if I'm wrong? If that’s the case then I want things to stay the
same. The most frightening lie is, A lie that deceives oneself. That is, a

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