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Alcatel-Lucent 9353
Wireless Management System | UA08.1
Parameters Reference Guide: OAM Parameters
Issue 15.11 | March 2013

Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary
Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Use pursuant to applicable agreements

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Legal notice

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The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
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Use pursuant to applicable agreements

About this document

Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ix

Reason for reissue ........................................................................................................................................................................ ix


New in this release ....................................................................................................................................................................... ix


Intended audience .......................................................................................................................................................................... x


Supported systems ......................................................................................................................................................................... x


How to use this document ........................................................................................................................................................... xx

Conventions used ........................................................................................................................................................................... x


Related information ....................................................................................................................................................................... xx

Document support ........................................................................................................................................................................ xi


Technical support .......................................................................................................................................................................... xi


How to order ................................................................................................................................................................................... xi


How to comment ........................................................................................................................................................................... xi


1 Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1


Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation .......................................................................................... 1-2


2 Parameters reference guide introduction

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1


Object description ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2-2


Parameters description ............................................................................................................................................................ 2-4


Object/Parameters index ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-6


3 OAM parameters

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1

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Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-3


AntennaSystem .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3-4



Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-9


Cluster ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-10



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-12


ESE .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-13



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-18


INode .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-19



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-26


NodeBCommonParam .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-27


NodeBDefaultSoftware ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-34



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-37


Operator ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-38



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-42


PMCluster ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-43


POC ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-45



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-53


RNCCommonParam ............................................................................................................................................................. 3-54


iv Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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RSP .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-57


Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-62


SNMPParam ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-63


SNMPParam ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-68


SAR7705 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-73


SR7710 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-78


SR7750 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-83


Site ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-88


Sector .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-98


Scope ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-100



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-102


TraceSession .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3-103



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-110


UserEquipmentId ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-111



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-114


WNode ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-115


4 OAM parameters index

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1


Customer Parameters

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-2


Standard ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4-3


States and Status ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4-7


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Additional Information ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-9

Manufacturer Parameters

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-10


Standard ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-11


Class index

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-12


Class 0 Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................. 4-13


Alphabetical index

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-14


Parameters list .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4-15


vi Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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List of figures

1-1 Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation ........................................................................... 1-3

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List of figures


viii Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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About this document
About this document

This document provides the RAN Model information and a list of the user accessible
UMTS Access Network configuration parameters.

Reason for reissue

The reissue reasons are:

Issue number Issue date Reason for reissue

15.11 March 2013 Standard issue
15.10 January 2013 Standard issue
15.09 November 2012 Standard issue
15.08 October 2012 Standard issue
15.07 May 2012 Preliminary issue
15.06 February 2012 Preliminary issue
15.05 January 2012 Preliminary issue
15.04 November 2011 Preliminary issue
15.03 October 2011 Preliminary issue
15.02 August 2011 Preliminary issue
15.01 June 2011 Draft issue

New in this release

New features
Other changes
Roadmap update.

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Issue 15.11 March 2013
About this document

Intended audience
This document is intended for installation, operation, engineering and validation
personnel, and any other user who wants to know more about the UTRAN configuration

Supported systems
This document applies to Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA UA08.1 system release.

How to use this document

No specific recommendation applies regarding the way readers should read this

Conventions used
Vocabulary conventions
For a list of terms used in this document, see Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA System -
Terminology, NN-20500-002.

Related information
For information on subjects related to the content of this document, refer to the
documents listed in the following table:

Refer to this document At this location For more information on

Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA http://support.alcatel- Terms used in Alcatel-Lucent
System - Terminology, W-CDMA documents
Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA http://support.alcatel- Functional overview of the
System - Access Network Operation, Administration and
Management Overview , Maintenance of the Access
NN-20500-031 Network
Alcatel-Lucent 9353 http://support.alcatel- Provides the Fundamentals of
Wireless Management the network configuration
System – Configuration Management
Management ,

x Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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About this document

Document support
For support in using this or any other Alcatel-Lucent document, contact Alcatel-Lucent at
one of the following telephone numbers:
• 1-888-582-3688 (for the United States)
• 1-317-377-8618 (for all other countries)

Technical support
For technical support, contact your local Alcatel-Lucent customer support team. See the
Alcatel-Lucent Support web site ( for contact

How to order
To order Alcatel-Lucent documents, contact your local sales representative or use Online
Customer Support (OLCS) (

How to comment
To comment on this document, go to the Online Comment Form (http://infodoc.alcatel- or e-mail your comments to the Comments Hotline

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1 1oadmap to Configuration

This chapter provides the roadmap for Configuration Management documentation.


Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation 1-2

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Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation


Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation

Overall roadmap
For the roadmap relating to the full documentation collection, see:
• Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA System - Document Collection Overview, NN-20500-050
For the Access Network Management Overview, see:
• Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA System - Access Network Management Overview,

1-2 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation


Figure 1-1 Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation

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Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation Roadmap to Configuration Management documentation


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2 2arameters reference
guide introduction

This chapter introduces the organization of the parameters reference guide documents.


Object description 2-2

Parameters description 2-4
Object/Parameters index 2-6

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 2-1
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Parameters reference guide introduction Object description


Object description
Parameters belong to a containing object. Object descriptions can be found in the first
In the volumes 2 to 9, the parameters are grouped by Network Element: CNode, INode,
NodeB, OAM, POC7K, POC15K (each volume is dedicated to 1 Network Element) and
by containing object (those objects being alphabetically sorted for each Network
For further information on the parameters network engineering, please contact your
Account Manager who will support you into getting the UTRAN Parameters User Guide
(UPUG) issued by Alcatel-Lucent Wireless Network Engineering group.

Object conventions
Each object is presented by their Name. The Unique Name of each object is in the
General Information section.
RNC objects have a unique name different from their name.
NodeB and OAM objects have a unique name equal to their name.
In each volume (from volume 2 to 9), the objects are sorted by alphabetical order
according to their Unique Name.
Each object is organized as follow:
• General Information: this section details the general information related to the current
• Parent(s): this section lists all the hierarchical parent(s) of the current object if
• Child(ren): this section lists all the hierarchical child(ren) of the current object if
• Identifiers: this section list the various identification for the current object (CM XML
id are primary identifiers)
• Links: this section list the various reference from the current object to others.

General information
The General information paragraph gives for each object the following information:
• Unique name: indicates the object unique name which can be different of its name
• Object category: indicates if it is an Object (MO) or a complex data type under an
object (SMO)
• Presence: indicates if the object is required or optional
2-2 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Parameters reference guide introduction Object description

• Online creation: indicates the ability to create the object online
• Online deletion: indicates the ability to delete the object online
• Service impact on creation: indicates the impact severity on the system at object
• Service impact on deletion: indicates the impact severity on the system at object

This section gives the hierarchical parent(s) of the object in the model. The parent(s), if
applicable, are presented as links in order to facilitate the navigation between the objects.

This section gives the hierarchical child(ren) of the object in the model. The child(ren), if
applicable, are presented as links in order to facilitate the navigation between the objects.

This section gives the various identification for the current object (CM XML id are
primary identifiers).
Each identifier is presented as a table which gives the IDcategory, IDqualifier, IDscope,
Mininstances, Maxinstances information.

This section lists the different reference from the current object to others. Each link can
be clicked to see the related object.

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Parameters reference guide introduction Parameters description


Parameters description
Parameter conventions
Each object contains one or more parameter(s).
Each parameter is presented as a table as follow:

Parameter xxxxxx of YYYYYYY Object

Parameter name Gives the name of the parameter
Description Gives the parameter definition
Domain Indicates the domain for the parameter like:
Service Impact Indicates if the parameter has a direct impact on the service
Access Right Indicated the access right from the EMS north bound interface, a read only
parameter can still be modified by the EMS itself
Class • 0: the value of the parameter is set at the parent object creation. Currently, most
of the objects can only be killed and re-created through a new MIB built (either
btsEquipmentMIB or rncMIB).
• 2: the value of the parameter is set at the parent object creation. Currently, most
of the objects can only be killed and re-created through a new MIB built (either
btsEquipmentMIB or rncMIB).
• 3: the value of the parameter is set at the parent object creation. Currently, most
of the objects can only be killed and re-created through a new MIB built (either
btsEquipmentMIB or rncMIB).
Presence Indicated if the parameter is required or optional for the related object creation
Visibility • Customer: parameter accessible for the customer (read/write or read only)
• Customer restricted: parameters that can be modified by the customer, but it is
strongly recommended to set them according to Alcatel-Lucent specification as
their modifications can have performance impacts on WMS
• Manufacturer: Alcatel-Lucent defines these parameters and they are not
accessible for customer
Data type Indicates the data type of the parameter
Unit Indicated the unit of the value range when applicable
Range Indicates the parameter value range
Initial value Gives the value used by default by the system if applicable
Qualifier Indicates the category of the parameter

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Parameters reference guide introduction Parameters description


Parameter xxxxxx of YYYYYYY Object

Feature Id Indicated the portfolio manager tool ran feature identifier that introduce the
parameter value

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Parameters reference guide introduction Object/Parameters index


Object/Parameters index
Customer parameters index
This index is divided in multiple pages which correspond to a unique qualifier.
Each page shows all the customer parameters corresponding to a qualifier and is
organized as follow:
• Object XXXXX
– Parameter aaaaaa
– Parameter bbbbb
• Object YYYYY
Note that only the customer parameters are shown for each object

Manufacturer parameter index

This index is divided in multiple pages which correspond to a unique qualifier.
Each page shows all the manufacturer parameters corresponding to a qualifier and is
organized as follow:
• Object XXXXX
– Parameter aaaaaa
– Parameter bbbbb
• Object YYYYY
Note that only the manufacturer parameters are shown for each object.

Parameters sorted by class

This index is divided in three part corresponding to each existing class.
Each page list the parameters corresponding to the given class sorted by object.
Some object can be in the three part as an object can have parameters for each classes
(example: BTSCell)

Parameters sorted by alphabetical order

This index list all the parameters existing within the document and shows a table for each
alphabetical letter.
Each table contains the relative parameters links and give a link to their relative object.

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Parameters reference guide introduction Object/Parameters index


A parameters
Parameter name Object UniqueName
Link to a parameter Link to the corresponding object

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Parameters reference guide introduction Object/Parameters index


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3 OAM parameters

This chapter details the objects and their parameters related to the OAM network
element.Each object is detailed in a dedicated page. The objects are sorted and grouped
by alphabetical order. The table below lists the groups of objects.


Object-A 3-3
AntennaSystem 3-4
Object-C 3-9
Cluster 3-10
Object-E 3-12
ESE 3-13
Object-I 3-18
INode 3-19
Object-N 3-26
NodeBCommonParam 3-27
NodeBDefaultSoftware 3-34
Object-O 3-37
Operator 3-38
Object-P 3-42
PMCluster 3-43
POC 3-45
Object-R 3-53

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OAM parameters Overview


RNCCommonParam 3-54
RSP 3-57
Object-S 3-62
SNMPParam 3-63
SNMPParam 3-68
SAR7705 3-73
SR7710 3-78
SR7750 3-83
Site 3-88
Sector 3-98
Scope 3-100
Object-T 3-102
TraceSession 3-103
Object-U 3-110
UserEquipmentId 3-111
Object-W 3-114
WNode 3-115

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OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter A.


AntennaSystem 3-4

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-3
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OAM parameters AntennaSystem

General Information
• Unique name: AntennaSystem
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none

“Site” (p. 3-88) - “Sector” (p. 3-98) - AntennaSystem



Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnId relative primary none 0 15

3-4 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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OAM parameters AntennaSystem

Name Category

“rdnId” (p. 3-5) standard

“azimuth” (p. 3-5) standard
“cellPlanningId” (p. 3-6) standard
“downTilt” (p. 3-6) standard
“electricalDownTilt” (p. 3-7) standard
“height” (p. 3-7) standard
“type” (p. 3-7) standard
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-8) standard


Parameter rdnId of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Parameter name rdnId

Domain OAM
Description AntennaSystem identifier,
Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer

Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard
Data Type Decimal
Range [0...14]


Parameter azimuth of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Parameter name azimuth

Domain OAM
Description Angle in degrees between the center of the horizontal antenna beamwidth and the true north, counting
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-5
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OAM parameters AntennaSystem

Parameter azimuth of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Visibility customer

Unit deg
Data type Decimal

Range [0...2147483647]
Qualifier standard


Parameter cellPlanningId of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Parameter name cellPlanningId

Domain OAM
Description Pointer to the related FDDCell
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Qualifier standard


Parameter downTilt of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Parameter name downTilt

Domain OAM
Description downwards mechanical tilt of the antenna diagram, by opposition to the electrical tilt eventually
already integrated in the antenna (and thus taken as reference, instead of the horizontal plane)
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer
Unit deg

Data type Signed

Range [-90.0...90.0] with step = 0.1

Qualifier standard

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OAM parameters AntennaSystem

Parameter electricalDownTilt of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Parameter name electricalDownTilt

Domain OAM
Description downwards electrical tilt of the antenna diagram

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Unit deg
Data type Signed

Range [-90.0...90.0] with step = 0.1

Qualifier standard


Parameter height of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Parameter name height

Domain OAM
Description This parameter defines the antenna height above the ground.
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility customer
Unit meter

Data type Decimal

Range [0...2147483647]
Qualifier standard


Parameter type of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Parameter name type

Domain OAM
Description Open text

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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters AntennaSystem

Parameter type of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString

Qualifier standard


Parameter userSpecificInfo of “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...32]
Qualifier standard

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OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter C.


Cluster 3-10

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OAM parameters Cluster

General Information
• Unique name: Cluster
• Presence:
• OnLineCreation: NotAllowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: critical
• Service Impact on deletion: critical




Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

clusterId relative primary none 1 *

3-10 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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OAM parameters Cluster

Name Category

“clusterId” (p. 3-11) standard


Parameter clusterId of “Cluster” (p. 3-10) Object

Parameter name clusterId

Domain OAM
Description Identification of the Cluster object, this attribute indicate the cluster identification on which the
provisioning shall be imported, to one cluster is associated one main server currently the value used
are : UMAINSRV1 or UMAINSRV2 this list is not exhaustive and can change through with the
various hardware declination of the OMC.

Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString
Range [...]

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OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter E.


ESE 3-13

3-12 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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OAM parameters ESE

General Information
• Unique name: ESE
• Object category: MO
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: NotAllowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: critical
• Service Impact on deletion: critical


• “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63)


Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

userLabel absolute primary none 0 *


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OAM parameters ESE

Name Category

“userLabel” (p. 3-14) standard

“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-14) statesAndStatus
“aliasName” (p. 3-15) standard
“clusterId” (p. 3-15) standard
“mgrIpAddress” (p. 3-15) standard
“siteName” (p. 3-16) standard
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-16) statesAndStatus


Parameter userLabel of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Parameter name userLabel

Domain OAM
Description User friendly ESE name, for operator use only (at MMI)
Service Impact critical
Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString
Range [...]


Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Parameter name OAMlinkAdministrativeState

Domain OAM
Description Represents the administrative state of the link between the OMC and the ESE

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

3-14 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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OAM parameters ESE

Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Range • locked
• unlocked

Initial Value locked

Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter aliasName of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Parameter name aliasName

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite
Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString
Qualifier standard


Parameter clusterId of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Parameter name clusterId

Domain OAM
Description Reference to its corresponding cluster for further details on the clusterId object please refers to
UMT/OMC/DD/007615 V02/EN CM XML Format Description

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter mgrIpAddress of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Parameter name mgrIpAddress

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OAM parameters ESE

Parameter mgrIpAddress of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Domain OAM

Description IP Address of the A5620 NM managing the device

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type Ip4Address

Qualifier standard


Parameter siteName of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Parameter name siteName

Domain OAM
Description Name of the associated site
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter unknownStatus of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Parameter name unknownStatus

Domain OAM

Description X731 OSI state

Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration

3-16 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters ESE

Parameter unknownStatus of “ESE” (p. 3-13) Object

Range • unknownstatusfalse
• unknownstatustrue

Initial Value unknownstatustrue

Qualifier statesAndStatus

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-17
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter I.


INode 3-19

3-18 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters INode

General Information
• Unique name: INode
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: NotAllowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none




Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

neId absolute primary none 0 1

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-19
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters INode

Name Category

“neId” (p. 3-20) standard

“PPProvisionedSystemRelease” (p. 3-20) standard
“availabilityStatus” (p. 3-21) statesAndStatus
“configSynchronizationFlag” (p. 3-21) standard
“currentViewFileName” (p. 3-22) AdditionalInformation
“mdmCmGroup” (p. 3-22) AdditionalInformation
“mdmFmGroup” (p. 3-22) AdditionalInformation
“operationalState” (p. 3-23) statesAndStatus

“ppOamIpAddress” (p. 3-23) AdditionalInformation

“systemRelease” (p. 3-24) AdditionalInformation
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-24) statesAndStatus
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-25) standard


Parameter neId of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name neId

Domain OAM
Description Identifier of the Interface Node. This attribute is used to perform the connection between the IN and
the OMC for state and alarm reporting

Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer

Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString

Range [...]


Parameter PPProvisionedSystemRelease of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name PPProvisionedSystemRelease

Domain OAM

3-20 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters INode

Parameter PPProvisionedSystemRelease of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Description it is the expected release of the provisioned Network Element. This value is compared to the current
NE System Release and allows to detect compatibility problems (e.g. upgrade required, etc…).
Provided by the end user through a provisioning tool (e.g. OCAN). The syntax is identical to the NE
System Release syntax

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility manufacturer

Data type AsciiString

Qualifier standard


Parameter availabilityStatus of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name availabilityStatus

Domain OAM
Description X731OSI state
Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter configSynchronizationFlag of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name configSynchronizationFlag

Domain OAM

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration

Range • false
• true

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-21
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters INode

Parameter configSynchronizationFlag of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Initial Value true

Qualifier standard


Parameter currentViewFileName of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name currentViewFileName

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...50]
Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter mdmCmGroup of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name mdmCmGroup

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical
Access Right readOnly
Presence required

Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...40]
Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter mdmFmGroup of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name mdmFmGroup

Domain OAM

3-22 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters INode

Parameter mdmFmGroup of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString

Range [0...40]
Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter operationalState of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name operationalState

Domain OAM
Description X731OSI state
Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Data type Enumeration
Range • disabled
• enabled
Initial Value enabled
Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter ppOamIpAddress of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name ppOamIpAddress

Domain OAM

Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Ip4Address

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-23
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters INode

Parameter ppOamIpAddress of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter systemRelease of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name systemRelease

Domain OAM
Description it represents the functional level of a Network element

Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter unknownStatus of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name unknownStatus

Domain OAM
Description X731OSI state
Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

Range • unknownstatusfalse
• unknownstatustrue
Initial Value unknownstatustrue

Qualifier statesAndStatus

3-24 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters INode

Parameter userSpecificInfo of “INode” (p. 3-19) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...32]

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-25
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter N.


NodeBCommonParam 3-27
NodeBDefaultSoftware 3-34

3-26 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBCommonParam

General Information
• Unique name: NodeBCommonParam
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: NotAllowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: critical
• Service Impact on deletion: critical

“Operator” (p. 3-38) - NodeBCommonParam



Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnId relative primary none 0 4

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-27
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBCommonParam

Name Category

“rdnId” (p. 3-28) standard

“dlFrequencyList” (p. 3-28) standard
“ftpPassword” (p. 3-29) standard
“mobileCountryCode” (p. 3-29) standard
“mobileNetworkCode” (p. 3-30) standard
“secAdminPassword” (p. 3-30) standard
“telnetPassword” (p. 3-31) standard
“testFrequencyList” (p. 3-31) standard

“tilPassword” (p. 3-31) standard

“ulFrequencyList” (p. 3-32) standard
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-32) standard


Parameter rdnId of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name rdnId

Domain OAM
Description NodeBCommonParam identifier
Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer

Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard

Data Type Decimal

Range [0...3]


Parameter dlFrequencyList of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name dlFrequencyList

Domain OAM

Description List of the applicable UARFCN in the network for downlink frequency
Service Impact critical

3-28 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBCommonParam

Parameter dlFrequencyList of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Range [0...16383]
Qualifier standard


Parameter ftpPassword of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name ftpPassword

Domain OAM
Description Crypted password used for ftp access on the iBTS
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility manufacturer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...28]
Initial Value
Qualifier standard


Parameter mobileCountryCode of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name mobileCountryCode

Domain OAM

Description TS23.003 subclause 4.1(release 1999) Mobile Country Code (MCC) identifies the country in which
the PLMN is located. The value of the MCC is the same as the three digit MCC contained in
international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI)mobileCountryCode parameter is a 3 digits BCD-string
(each digit is coded on 4 bits, which results finally in a 12 bits-long string).

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Data type Bcd

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-29
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBCommonParam

Parameter mobileCountryCode of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Qualifier standard


Parameter mobileNetworkCode of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name mobileNetworkCode

Domain OAM
Description TS23.003 subclause 4.1(release 1999) Mobile Network Code (MNC) is a code identifying the PLMN
in that country. The MNC takes the same value as the two or three digit MNC contained in
IMSImobileNetworkCode parameter is a 2 or 3 digits BCD-string (each digit is coded on 4 bits,
resulting in an 8 or 12 bits-long string).

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite
Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type Bcd
Qualifier standard


Parameter secAdminPassword of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name secAdminPassword

Domain OAM
Description Crypted password used for secadmin access on the iBTS
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility manufacturer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...28]
Initial Value
Qualifier standard

3-30 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBCommonParam

Parameter telnetPassword of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name telnetPassword

Domain OAM
Description Crypted password used for telnet access on the iBTS

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility manufacturer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...28]

Initial Value
Qualifier standard


Parameter testFrequencyList of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name testFrequencyList

Domain OAM
Description UARFCN (UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number of the Down Link Frequency used by
the BTS to detect its RF cabling: Nd = 5 * (Fdownlink MHz). For UMTS Band, valid values are in
[10562 ,10838]. For UMTS1900, valid values are 412, 437, 462, 487, 512, 537, 562, 587, 612, 637,
662, 687 U [9662;9938]
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility customer

Range [0...16383]
Qualifier standard


Parameter tilPassword of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name tilPassword

Domain OAM

Description Crypted password used for TIL access on the iBTS

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-31
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBCommonParam

Parameter tilPassword of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Data type AsciiString

Range [0...28]
Initial Value

Qualifier standard


Parameter ulFrequencyList of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name ulFrequencyList

Domain OAM
Description List of the applicable UARFCN in the network for uplink frequency
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer
Range [0...16383]
Qualifier standard


Parameter userSpecificInfo of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM

Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...32]

3-32 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBCommonParam

Parameter userSpecificInfo of “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27) Object

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-33
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBDefaultSoftware

General Information
• Unique name: NodeBDefaultSoftware
• Object category: MO
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none

“Operator” (p. 3-38) - NodeBDefaultSoftware



Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnId relative primary none 0 2

3-34 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBDefaultSoftware

Name Category

“rdnId” (p. 3-35) standard

“nodeBDeliveryName” (p. 3-35) standard
“nodeBType” (p. 3-36) standard
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-36) standard


Parameter rdnId of “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34) Object

Parameter name rdnId

Domain OAM
Description NodeBDefaultSoftware identifier
Service Impact none
Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type Decimal
Range [0...1]


Parameter nodeBDeliveryName of “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34) Object

Parameter name nodeBDeliveryName

Domain OAM

Description NodeB default software present at WMS SRS level, it must match in a case sensitive way and without
leading or ending spaces the name of the delivery present at SRS level

Service Impact none

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...512]
Initial Value

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-35
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters NodeBDefaultSoftware

Parameter nodeBDeliveryName of “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34) Object

Qualifier standard


Parameter nodeBType of “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34) Object

Parameter name nodeBType

Domain OAM
Description NodeB Type on which the default software load will be used; either iBTS or oneBTS

Service Impact none

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration
Range • BTSEquipment
• OneBTSEquipment
Initial Value BTSEquipment
Qualifier standard


Parameter userSpecificInfo of “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.
Service Impact none

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...32]
Qualifier standard

3-36 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter O.


Operator 3-38

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-37
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Operator

General Information
• Unique name: Operator
• Presence:
• OnLineCreation: NotAllowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: critical
• Service Impact on deletion: critical


• “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)
• “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34)
• “RNCCommonParam” (p. 3-54)


Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

operatorId absolute primary none 1 1

3-38 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Operator

Name Category

“operatorId” (p. 3-39) standard

“frequencyBandList” (p. 3-39) standard
“mobileCountryCode” (p. 3-40) standard
“mobileNetworkCode” (p. 3-40) standard
“type” (p. 3-40) standard
“userLabel” (p. 3-41) standard


Parameter operatorId of “Operator” (p. 3-38) Object

Parameter name operatorId

Domain OAM
Description This parameter allows to authentify the operator identity in case of a utran access network sharing.
Service Impact critical
Presence optional

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString
Range [...]


Parameter frequencyBandList of “Operator” (p. 3-38) Object

Parameter name frequencyBandList

Domain OAM

Description it indicates the frequency band list supported

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Initial Value umtsBand

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-39
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Operator

Parameter mobileCountryCode of “Operator” (p. 3-38) Object

Parameter name mobileCountryCode

Domain OAM
Description TS23.003 subclause 4.1(release 1999) Mobile Country Code (MCC) identifies the country in which
the PLMN is located. The value of the MCC is the same as the three digit MCC contained in
international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI)mobileCountryCode parameter is a 3 digits BCD-string
(each digit is coded on 4 bits, which results finally in a 12 bits-long string).

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Bcd

Qualifier standard


Parameter mobileNetworkCode of “Operator” (p. 3-38) Object

Parameter name mobileNetworkCode

Domain OAM
Description TS23.003 subclause 4.1(release 1999) Mobile Network Code (MNC) is a code identifying the PLMN
in that country. The MNC takes the same value as the two or three digit MNC contained in
IMSImobileNetworkCode parameter is a 2 or 3 digits BCD-string (each digit is coded on 4 bits,
resulting in an 8 or 12 bits-long string).

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite
Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Bcd
Qualifier standard


Parameter type of “Operator” (p. 3-38) Object

Parameter name type

Domain OAM
Description This parameter clarifies the access rights assigned to the operator. In a non Utran Sharing context
(nominal case), the standard type is choosen.

3-40 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Operator

Parameter type of “Operator” (p. 3-38) Object

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration

Range • standard
• infra
• radio

Initial Value standard

Qualifier standard


Parameter userLabel of “Operator” (p. 3-38) Object

Parameter name userLabel

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite
Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-41
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter P.


PMCluster 3-43
POC 3-45

3-42 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters PMCluster

General Information
• Unique name: PMCluster
• Presence:
• OnLineCreation: NotAllowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: critical
• Service Impact on deletion: critical




Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

pmClusterId relative primary none 1 *

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-43
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters PMCluster

Name Category

“pmClusterId” (p. 3-44) standard


Parameter pmClusterId of “PMCluster” (p. 3-43) Object

Parameter name pmClusterId

Domain OAM
Description PM Cluster unique identifier

Service Impact critical

Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString
Range [...]

3-44 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters POC

General Information
• Unique name: POC
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none




Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

neId absolute primary none 0 *


Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-45
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters POC

Name Category

“neId” (p. 3-46) standard

“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-47) statesAndStatus
“PPProvisionedSystemRelease” (p. 3-47) standard
“aliasName” (p. 3-47) standard
“clusterId” (p. 3-48) standard
“configSynchronizationFlag” (p. 3-48) standard
“currentViewFileName” (p. 3-49) AdditionalInformation
“mdmCmGroup” (p. 3-49) AdditionalInformation

“mdmFmGroup” (p. 3-49) AdditionalInformation

“pocIpAddress” (p. 3-50) AdditionalInformation
“ppOamIpAddress” (p. 3-50) AdditionalInformation
“siteName” (p. 3-50) standard
“type” (p. 3-51) standard
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-51) statesAndStatus
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-52) standard


Parameter neId of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name neId

Domain OAM
Description Identifier of the Interface Node. This attribute is used to perform the connection between the IN and
the OMC for state and alarm reporting

Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard

Data Type AsciiString

Range [...]

3-46 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters POC

Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name OAMlinkAdministrativeState

Domain OAM
Description Represents the administrative state of the link between the OMC and the POC

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

Range • locked
• unlocked
Initial Value locked
Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter PPProvisionedSystemRelease of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name PPProvisionedSystemRelease

Domain OAM
Description it is the expected release of the provisioned Network Element. This value is compared to the current
NE System Release and allows to detect compatibility problems (e.g. upgrade required, etc…).
Provided by the end user through a provisioning tool (e.g. OCAN). The syntax is identical to the NE
System Release syntax.Current supported releases are: PP7K-PCR5.2
Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer

Data type AsciiString

Qualifier standard


Parameter aliasName of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name aliasName

Domain OAM

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-47
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters POC

Parameter aliasName of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString

Qualifier standard


Parameter clusterId of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name clusterId

Domain OAM
Description Reference to its corresponding cluster for further details on the clusterId object please refers to
UMT/OMC/DD/007615 V02/EN CM XML Format Description

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation
Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter configSynchronizationFlag of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name configSynchronizationFlag

Domain OAM

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

Range • false
• true

Initial Value true

Qualifier standard

3-48 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters POC

Parameter currentViewFileName of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name currentViewFileName

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Data type AsciiString

Range [0...50]
Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter mdmCmGroup of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name mdmCmGroup

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical
Access Right readOnly
Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...40]
Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter mdmFmGroup of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name mdmFmGroup

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-49
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters POC

Parameter mdmFmGroup of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Range [0...40]

Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter pocIpAddress of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name pocIpAddress

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Ip4Address
Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter ppOamIpAddress of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name ppOamIpAddress

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical
Access Right readOnly

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Ip4Address

Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter siteName of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name siteName

Domain OAM

Description Name of the associated site

Service Impact critical

3-50 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters POC

Parameter siteName of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Data type ServiceLink

Qualifier standard


Parameter type of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name type

Domain OAM
Description Indicates the type of passport based device associated which act as a point of concentration.
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration
Range • PP7420
• PP7440
• PP7480
• PP15000
• unknown
Qualifier standard


Parameter unknownStatus of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name unknownStatus

Domain OAM

Description X731OSI state

Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly
Presence required

Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-51
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters POC

Parameter unknownStatus of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Range • unknownstatusfalse
• unknownstatustrue

Initial Value unknownstatustrue

Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter userSpecificInfo of “POC” (p. 3-45) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...32]
Qualifier standard

3-52 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter R.


RNCCommonParam 3-54
RSP 3-57

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-53
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters RNCCommonParam

General Information
• Unique name: RNCCommonParam
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none

“Operator” (p. 3-38) - RNCCommonParam



Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnId relative primary none 0 1

3-54 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters RNCCommonParam

Name Category

“rdnId” (p. 3-55) standard

“GSMbandIndicator” (p. 3-55) standard
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-56) standard


Parameter rdnId of “RNCCommonParam” (p. 3-54) Object

Parameter name rdnId

Domain RNC
Description RNCCommonParam identifier
Service Impact critical
Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type Decimal
Range [0...0]


Parameter GSMbandIndicator of “RNCCommonParam” (p. 3-54) Object

Parameter name GSMbandIndicator

Domain OAM

Description GSM band used in the whole network Mandatory at the creation of the object

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration
Range • dcs1800
• pcs1900

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-55
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters RNCCommonParam

Parameter userSpecificInfo of “RNCCommonParam” (p. 3-54) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...32]

Qualifier standard

3-56 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters RSP

General Information
• Unique name: RSP
• Object category: MO
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: NotAllowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: critical
• Service Impact on deletion: critical


• “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68)


Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

userLabel absolute primary none 0 *


Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-57
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters RSP

Name Category

“userLabel” (p. 3-58) standard

“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-58) statesAndStatus
“aliasName” (p. 3-59) standard
“clusterId” (p. 3-59) standard
“mgrIpAddress” (p. 3-59) standard
“siteName” (p. 3-60) standard
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-60) statesAndStatus


Parameter userLabel of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Parameter name userLabel

Domain OAM
Description User friendly ESE name, for operator use only (at MMI)
Service Impact critical
Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString
Range [...]


Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Parameter name OAMlinkAdministrativeState

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration

3-58 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters RSP

Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Range • locked
• unlocked

Initial Value locked

Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter aliasName of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Parameter name aliasName

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite
Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString
Qualifier standard


Parameter clusterId of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Parameter name clusterId

Domain OAM
Description Reference to its corresponding cluster for further details on the clusterId object please refers to
UMT/OMC/DD/007615 V02/EN CM XML Format Description

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter mgrIpAddress of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Parameter name mgrIpAddress

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-59
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters RSP

Parameter mgrIpAddress of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Domain OAM

Description IP Address of the A5620 NM managing the device

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type Ip4Address

Qualifier standard


Parameter siteName of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Parameter name siteName

Domain OAM
Description Name of the associated site
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter unknownStatus of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Parameter name unknownStatus

Domain OAM

Description X731 OSI state

Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration

3-60 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters RSP

Parameter unknownStatus of “RSP” (p. 3-57) Object

Range • unknownstatusfalse
• unknownstatustrue

Initial Value unknownstatustrue

Qualifier statesAndStatus

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-61
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter S.


SNMPParam 3-63
SNMPParam 3-68
SAR7705 3-73
SR7710 3-78
SR7750 3-83
Site 3-88
Sector 3-98
Scope 3-100

3-62 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

General Information
• Unique name: SNMPParam
• Object category: MO
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: critical

• “ESE” (p. 3-13) - SNMPParam
• “RSP” (p. 3-57) - SNMPParam



Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnid relative primary none 0 56

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-63
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

Name Category

“rdnid” (p. 3-64) standard

“DeviceIpAddress” (p. 3-64) standard
“DeviceIpport” (p. 3-65) standard
“SNMPversion” (p. 3-65) standard
“community” (p. 3-66) standard
“description” (p. 3-66) AdditionalInformation
“mibVersion” (p. 3-66) standard


Parameter rdnid of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63) Object

Parameter name rdnid

Domain OAM
Description SNMP Connection parameters identifier
Service Impact none
Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type Decimal
Range [1...1]


Parameter DeviceIpAddress of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63) Object

Parameter name DeviceIpAddress

Domain OAM
Description IP address on remote ethernet port.

Service Impact none

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Ip4Address

3-64 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

Parameter DeviceIpAddress of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63) Object

Qualifier standard


Parameter DeviceIpport of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63) Object

Parameter name DeviceIpport

Domain OAM
Description IP address on remote ethernet port.

Service Impact none

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type Decimal
Range [0...255]
Qualifier standard


Parameter SNMPversion of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63) Object

Parameter name SNMPversion

Domain OAM
Description SNMP version to use on the interface
Service Impact none
Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Data type Enumeration
Range • v1
• v2c

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-65
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

Parameter community of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63) Object

Parameter name community

Domain OAM
Description SNMP community configuration

Service Impact none

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...50]

Qualifier standard


Parameter description of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63) Object

Parameter name description

Domain OAM
Description SNMP Description field
Service Impact none
Access Right readOnly

Presence required
Visibility manufacturer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...50]

Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter mibVersion of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63) Object

Parameter name mibVersion

Domain OAM

Description mibVersion field

Service Impact none

Access Right readOnly

3-66 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

Parameter mibVersion of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63) Object

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Data type AsciiString

Range [0...50]
Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-67
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

General Information
• Unique name: SNMPParam
• Object category: MO
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: critical

• “ESE” (p. 3-13) - SNMPParam
• “RSP” (p. 3-57) - SNMPParam



Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnid relative primary none 1 1

3-68 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

Name Category

“rdnid” (p. 3-69) standard

“DeviceIpAddress” (p. 3-69) standard
“DeviceIpport” (p. 3-70) standard
“SNMPversion” (p. 3-70) standard
“community” (p. 3-71) standard
“description” (p. 3-71) AdditionalInformation
“mibVersion” (p. 3-71) standard


Parameter rdnid of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68) Object

Parameter name rdnid

Domain OAM
Description SNMP Connection parameters identifier
Service Impact none
Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type Decimal
Range [1...1]


Parameter DeviceIpAddress of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68) Object

Parameter name DeviceIpAddress

Domain OAM
Description IP address on remote ethernet port.

Service Impact none

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Ip4Address

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-69
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

Parameter DeviceIpAddress of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68) Object

Qualifier standard


Parameter DeviceIpport of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68) Object

Parameter name DeviceIpport

Domain OAM
Description IP address on remote ethernet port.

Service Impact none

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type Decimal
Range [0...255]
Qualifier standard


Parameter SNMPversion of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68) Object

Parameter name SNMPversion

Domain OAM
Description SNMP version to use on the interface
Service Impact none
Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Data type Enumeration
Range • v1
• v2c

Qualifier standard

3-70 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

Parameter community of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68) Object

Parameter name community

Domain OAM
Description SNMP community configuration

Service Impact none

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...50]

Qualifier standard


Parameter description of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68) Object

Parameter name description

Domain OAM
Description SNMP Description field
Service Impact none
Access Right readOnly

Presence required
Visibility manufacturer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...50]

Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter mibVersion of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68) Object

Parameter name mibVersion

Domain OAM

Description mibVersion field

Service Impact none

Access Right readOnly

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-71
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SNMPParam

Parameter mibVersion of “SNMPParam” (p. 3-68) Object

Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Data type AsciiString

Range [0...50]
Qualifier standard

3-72 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SAR7705

General Information
• Unique name: SAR7705
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none




Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

userLabel absolute primary none 0 *


Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-73
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SAR7705

Name Category

“userLabel” (p. 3-74) standard

“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-74) statesAndStatus
“aliasName” (p. 3-75) standard
“clusterId” (p. 3-75) standard
“deviceSiteId” (p. 3-75) standard
“siteName” (p. 3-76) standard
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-76) statesAndStatus
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-77) standard


Parameter userLabel of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Parameter name userLabel

Domain OAM
Description User friendly 7705 SAR name.
Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer

Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString
Range [...]


Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Parameter name OAMlinkAdministrativeState

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

3-74 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SAR7705

Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Range • locked
• unlocked

Initial Value locked

Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter aliasName of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Parameter name aliasName

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite
Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString
Qualifier standard


Parameter clusterId of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Parameter name clusterId

Domain OAM
Description Reference to its corresponding cluster for further details on the clusterId object please refers to
UMT/OMC/DD/007615 V02/EN CM XML Format Description

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter deviceSiteId of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Parameter name deviceSiteId

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-75
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SAR7705

Parameter deviceSiteId of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Domain OAM

Description Device Site Identifier

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Ip4Address

Qualifier standard


Parameter siteName of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Parameter name siteName

Domain OAM
Description Name of the associated site
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter unknownStatus of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Parameter name unknownStatus

Domain OAM

Description X731 OSI state

Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration

3-76 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SAR7705

Parameter unknownStatus of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Range • unknownstatusfalse
• unknownstatustrue

Initial Value unknownstatustrue

Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter userSpecificInfo of “SAR7705” (p. 3-73) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...32]
Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-77
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7710

General Information
• Unique name: SR7710
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none




Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

userLabel absolute primary none 0 *


3-78 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7710

Name Category

“userLabel” (p. 3-79) standard

“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-79) statesAndStatus
“aliasName” (p. 3-80) standard
“clusterId” (p. 3-80) standard
“deviceSiteId” (p. 3-80) standard
“siteName” (p. 3-81) standard
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-81) statesAndStatus
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-82) standard


Parameter userLabel of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Parameter name userLabel

Domain OAM
Description User friendly 7710 SR name.
Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer

Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString
Range [...]


Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Parameter name OAMlinkAdministrativeState

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-79
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7710

Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Range • locked
• unlocked

Initial Value locked

Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter aliasName of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Parameter name aliasName

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite
Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString
Qualifier standard


Parameter clusterId of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Parameter name clusterId

Domain OAM
Description Reference to its corresponding cluster for further details on the clusterId object please refers to
UMT/OMC/DD/007615 V02/EN CM XML Format Description

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter deviceSiteId of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Parameter name deviceSiteId

3-80 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7710

Parameter deviceSiteId of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Domain OAM

Description Device Site Identifier

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Ip4Address

Qualifier standard


Parameter siteName of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Parameter name siteName

Domain OAM
Description Name of the associated site
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter unknownStatus of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Parameter name unknownStatus

Domain OAM

Description X731 OSI state

Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-81
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7710

Parameter unknownStatus of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Range • unknownstatusfalse
• unknownstatustrue

Initial Value unknownstatustrue

Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter userSpecificInfo of “SR7710” (p. 3-78) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...32]
Qualifier standard

3-82 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7750

General Information
• Unique name: SR7750
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none




Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

userLabel absolute primary none 0 *


Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-83
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7750

Name Category

“userLabel” (p. 3-84) standard

“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-84) statesAndStatus
“aliasName” (p. 3-85) standard
“clusterId” (p. 3-85) standard
“deviceSiteId” (p. 3-85) standard
“siteName” (p. 3-86) standard
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-86) statesAndStatus
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-87) standard


Parameter userLabel of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Parameter name userLabel

Domain OAM
Description User friendly 7750 SR name.
Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer

Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString
Range [...]


Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Parameter name OAMlinkAdministrativeState

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

3-84 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7750

Parameter OAMlinkAdministrativeState of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Range • locked
• unlocked

Initial Value locked

Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter aliasName of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Parameter name aliasName

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite
Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString
Qualifier standard


Parameter clusterId of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Parameter name clusterId

Domain OAM
Description Reference to its corresponding cluster for further details on the clusterId object please refers to
UMT/OMC/DD/007615 V02/EN CM XML Format Description

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter deviceSiteId of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Parameter name deviceSiteId

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-85
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7750

Parameter deviceSiteId of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Domain OAM

Description Device Site Identifier

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Ip4Address

Qualifier standard


Parameter siteName of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Parameter name siteName

Domain OAM
Description Name of the associated site
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter unknownStatus of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Parameter name unknownStatus

Domain OAM

Description X731 OSI state

Service Impact critical

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration

3-86 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters SR7750

Parameter unknownStatus of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Range • unknownstatusfalse
• unknownstatustrue

Initial Value unknownstatustrue

Qualifier statesAndStatus


Parameter userSpecificInfo of “SR7750” (p. 3-83) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...32]
Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-87
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

General Information
• Unique name: Site
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none


• “Sector” (p. 3-98)


Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

name absolute primary none 0 *


3-88 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

Name Category

“name” (p. 3-89) standard

“altitude” (p. 3-90) standard
“building” (p. 3-90) standard
“city” (p. 3-91) standard
“clusterId” (p. 3-91) standard
“country” (p. 3-91) standard
“district” (p. 3-92) standard
“latitude” (p. 3-92) standard

“location” (p. 3-92) standard

“longitude” (p. 3-93) standard
“note” (p. 3-93) standard
“operatorName” (p. 3-94) standard
“operatorPhone” (p. 3-94) standard
“postalcode” (p. 3-94) standard
“province” (p. 3-95) standard
“siteManager” (p. 3-95) standard
“street” (p. 3-95) standard
“streetNumber” (p. 3-96) standard
“userRemark” (p. 3-96) standard
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-97) standard


Parameter name of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name name

Domain OAM

Description user friendly name for the site (this one providing general + geographical characteristics of all
equipments of the same geographical area) useful for the operator only (at the MMI)

Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-89
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

Parameter name of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Data Type AsciiString

Range [...]


Parameter altitude of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name altitude

Domain OAM
Description Height of the floor cabinets site above or under sea level, it excludes the antenna elevation in the
structure (tower, building)

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite
Presence optional
Visibility customer
Unit meter
Data type Signed
Range [-400...9000] with step =

Qualifier standard


Parameter building of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name building

Domain OAM
Description Building identification in the street of the site

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer

Data type UnicodeString

Qualifier standard

3-90 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

Parameter city of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name city

Domain OAM
Description City where the site is located

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Data type UnicodeString

Qualifier standard


Parameter clusterId of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name clusterId

Domain OAM
Description Reference to its corresponding cluster for further details on the clusterId object please refers to
UMT/OMC/DD/007615 V02/EN CM XML Format Description

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation
Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type ServiceLink
Qualifier standard


Parameter country of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name country

Domain OAM

Description Country where the site is located

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite
Presence optional

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-91
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

Parameter country of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Visibility customer

Data type UnicodeString

Qualifier standard


Parameter district of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name district

Domain OAM
Description District where the site is located

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString
Qualifier standard


Parameter latitude of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name latitude

Domain OAM
Description TS 23.032 Position of a site on a map of the world measured as the distance to the North or South of
the equator. For exemple: 57 degrees latitude North.

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Qualifier standard


Parameter location of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name location

3-92 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

Parameter location of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Domain OAM

Description Free text string to indicates the location of the site (for example postal address)
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString

Qualifier standard


Parameter longitude of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name longitude

Domain OAM
Description TS 23.032 Position of a site on a map of the world measured as the distance to the East or West of a set
line. For exemple: 43 degrees latitude West.

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite
Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Qualifier standard


Parameter note of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name note

Domain OAM

Description Informal comments.

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-93
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

Parameter operatorName of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name operatorName

Domain OAM
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString

Qualifier standard


Parameter operatorPhone of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name operatorPhone

Domain OAM
Description Phone of the site responsible
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString
Qualifier standard


Parameter postalcode of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name postalcode

Domain OAM
Description Postal code of the site

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Data type UnicodeString

3-94 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

Parameter postalcode of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Qualifier standard


Parameter province of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name province

Domain OAM
Description Province where the site is located

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString
Qualifier standard


Parameter siteManager of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name siteManager

Domain OAM
Description Name of the manager or team in charge of the site
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Qualifier standard


Parameter street of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name street

Domain OAM
Description Street where the site is located

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-95
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

Parameter street of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString

Qualifier standard


Parameter streetNumber of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name streetNumber

Domain OAM
Description Street number where in the street of the site.
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer
Data type UnicodeString
Qualifier standard


Parameter userRemark of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name userRemark

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional

Visibility customer

Data type UnicodeString

Qualifier standard

3-96 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Site

Parameter userSpecificInfo of “Site” (p. 3-88) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...32]

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-97
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Sector

General Information
• Unique name: Sector
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none

“Site” (p. 3-88) - Sector

• “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4)


Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnId relative primary none 0 6

3-98 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Sector

Name Category

“rdnId” (p. 3-99) standard


Parameter rdnId of “Sector” (p. 3-98) Object

Parameter name rdnId

Domain OAM
Description Sector identifier.

Service Impact critical

Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type Decimal
Range [0...5]

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-99
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Scope

General Information
• Unique name: Scope
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none

“TraceSession” (p. 3-103) - Scope



Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnId relative primary none 0 1

3-100 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Scope

Name Category

“rdnId” (p. 3-101) standard

“objectList” (p. 3-101) standard


Parameter rdnId of “Scope” (p. 3-100) Object

Parameter name rdnId

Domain RNC
Description Scope Identifier
Service Impact critical
Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type Decimal
Range [0...0]


Parameter objectList of “Scope” (p. 3-100) Object

Parameter name objectList

Domain RNC
Description List of D.N. of the target

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility customer

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-101
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter T.


TraceSession 3-103

3-102 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters TraceSession

General Information
• Unique name: TraceSession
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none


• “Scope” (p. 3-100)
• “UserEquipmentId” (p. 3-111)


Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

externalSes- relative secondary none 0 *


Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

userLabel absolute primary none 0 *

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-103
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters TraceSession

Name Category

“externalSessionId” (p. 3-104) standard

“userLabel” (p. 3-104) standard
“datafileUploadPeriod” (p. 3-105) standard
“datafileUploadSize” (p. 3-105) standard
“date” (p. 3-106) standard
“duration” (p. 3-106) standard
“rncList” (p. 3-107) standard
“sessionNote” (p. 3-107) standard

“sessionType” (p. 3-107) standard

“startTime” (p. 3-108) standard
“traceSessionTemplateName” (p. 3-109) standard
“userName” (p. 3-109) standard


Parameter externalSessionId of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name externalSessionId

Domain OAM
Description Identifier choosen by the OAM system, this is read only for the end user, will be the externalSessionId
of the children session. This value is used to gather datas from different session in the Utran network

Service Impact critical

Presence required
Visibility customer

Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard
Data Type Decimal

Range [0...2147483647]


Parameter userLabel of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name userLabel

Domain OAM

3-104 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters TraceSession

Parameter userLabel of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Description user friendly TraceSession name, for operator use only (at MMI). The 32 first characters are reserved
to the end user, the other for the call trace wizard logic.

Service Impact critical

Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation

Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString

Range [0...64]


Parameter datafileUploadPeriod of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name datafileUploadPeriod

Domain OAM
Description The trace file for this session is made available at the end of each such period if there is no other
reason why to close a trace file (end of session or maximum file size reached).
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer
Unit min
Data type Decimal

Range [1...60]
Initial Value 15

Qualifier standard


Parameter datafileUploadSize of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name datafileUploadSize

Domain OAM

Description Indicates the maximum size of a trace file. Once this size reached the Trace file is made available for
the upload and the OMC notified of its availability.
Service Impact critical

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-105
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters TraceSession

Parameter datafileUploadSize of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Unit Kb
Data type Decimal

Range [10...2048]
Initial Value 512

Qualifier standard


Parameter date of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name date

Domain OAM
Description the date of the session creation
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Qualifier standard


Parameter duration of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name duration

Domain OAM

Description Duration of the activation of the session, (0 minutes means infinite for V3 RNCs 65535 means infinite
for V2 RNCs).

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Unit min

Data type Decimal

3-106 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters TraceSession

Parameter duration of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Range [0...65535]

Qualifier standard


Parameter rncList of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name rncList

Domain OAM
Description List of the D.N. of the rnc on which the session takes place

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer
Qualifier standard


Parameter sessionNote of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name sessionNote

Domain OAM
Description a field holding a user comment about this TraceSession
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...32]
Qualifier standard


Parameter sessionType of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name sessionType

Domain OAM

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-107
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters TraceSession

Parameter sessionType of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Description This attribute indicates the type of session (AccessSession, CellSession, GeographicalSession)

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

Range • AccessSession
• CellSession
• GeographicalSession
• IuCsSession
• IuPsSession
• IuRSession
• IuBcSession
• NeighbouringSession
• RNCSession
Qualifier standard


Parameter startTime of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name startTime

Domain OAM
Description Time between the session creation and the session first activation.
Service Impact critical
Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer

Unit min

Data type Decimal

Range [0...1440]
Initial Value 0

Qualifier standard

3-108 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters TraceSession

Parameter traceSessionTemplateName of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name traceSessionTemplateName

Domain OAM
Description template name user to instantiate the tracefilter

Service Impact critical

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Qualifier standard


Parameter userName of “TraceSession” (p. 3-103) Object

Parameter name userName

Domain OAM
Description the name of the user which instanciates the session
Service Impact critical
Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-109
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter U.


UserEquipmentId 3-111

3-110 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters UserEquipmentId

General Information
• Unique name: UserEquipmentId
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: Allowed
• OnLineDeletion: Allowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none

“TraceSession” (p. 3-103) - UserEquipmentId



Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnId relative primary none 0 1

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-111
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters UserEquipmentId

Name Category

“rdnId” (p. 3-112) standard

“tracedUeIdType” (p. 3-112) standard
“tracedUeIdentification” (p. 3-113) standard


Parameter rdnId of “UserEquipmentId” (p. 3-111) Object

Parameter name rdnId

Domain RNC
Description UserEquipment Identifier
Service Impact critical
Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type Decimal
Range [0...0]


Parameter tracedUeIdType of “UserEquipmentId” (p. 3-111) Object

Parameter name tracedUeIdType

Domain RNC

Description User Equipment identifier set inside the tracedUeIdentification can be either IMSI, TMSI, IMEI,

Class 0

Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite
Presence required

Visibility customer

Data type Enumeration

3-112 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters UserEquipmentId

Parameter tracedUeIdType of “UserEquipmentId” (p. 3-111) Object

Range • imsi
• tmsi
• ptmsi
• imei
Initial Value imsi

Qualifier standard


Parameter tracedUeIdentification of “UserEquipmentId” (p. 3-111) Object

Parameter name tracedUeIdentification

Domain RNC
Description Value of the UE identifier (IMSI, TMSI, P-TMSI or IMEI) iof the mobile to trace,
Class 0
Service Impact critical

Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-113
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters Overview


This section details all the parameters beginning by the letter W.


WNode 3-115

3-114 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters WNode

General Information
• Unique name: WNode
• Object category: MO
• Presence: optional
• OnLineCreation: NotAllowed
• OnLineDeletion: NotAllowed
• Service Impact on creation: none
• Service Impact on deletion: none




Name IDcategory IDqualifier IDscope MinInstances MaxInstances

rdnId relative primary none 0 1


Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-115
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters WNode

Name Category

“rdnId” (p. 3-116) standard

“clusterId” (p. 3-116) standard
“latestTransactionId” (p. 3-117) AdditionalInformation
“primaryScOamIpAddress” (p. 3-117) standard
“provisionedSystemRelease” (p. 3-118) standard
“secondaryScOamIpAddress” (p. 3-118) standard
“systemRelease” (p. 3-118) AdditionalInformation
“type” (p. 3-119) standard

“unknownStatus” (p. 3-119) statesAndStatus

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-120) standard


Parameter rdnId of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name rdnId

Domain OAM
Description Identifier of the WNode.
Service Impact none
Presence required

Visibility customer
Access Right writeAtCreation
Qualifier standard
Data Type AsciiString

Range [...]


Parameter clusterId of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name clusterId

Domain OAM

Description Reference to its corresponding cluster for further details on the clusterId object please refers to
UMT/OMC/DD/007615 V02/EN CM XML Format Description
Service Impact critical

3-116 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters WNode

Parameter clusterId of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility customer

Data type ServiceLink

Qualifier standard


Parameter latestTransactionId of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name latestTransactionId

Domain OAM
Service Impact none
Access Right readOnly
Presence required

Visibility manufacturer
Data type AsciiString
Range [0...50]
Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter primaryScOamIpAddress of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name primaryScOamIpAddress

Domain OAM
Description Primary IP adress RNC ATCA Inode

Service Impact none

Access Right readWrite

Presence required

Visibility customer

Data type Ip4Address

Qualifier standard

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-117
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters WNode

Parameter provisionedSystemRelease of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name provisionedSystemRelease

Domain OAM
Description it is the expected release of the provisioned Network Element. This value is compared to the current
NE System Release and allows to detect compatibility problems (e.g. upgrade required, etc…).
Provided by the end user through a provisioning tool (e.g. OCAN). The syntax is identical to the NE
System Release syntax

Service Impact none

Access Right writeAtCreation

Presence required
Visibility manufacturer

Data type AsciiString

Qualifier standard


Parameter secondaryScOamIpAddress of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name secondaryScOamIpAddress

Domain OAM
Description Secondary IP adress RNC ATCA Inode
Service Impact none
Access Right readWrite

Presence required
Visibility customer
Data type Ip4Address

Qualifier standard


Parameter systemRelease of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name systemRelease

Domain OAM

Description it represents the functional level of a Network element

Service Impact none

Access Right readOnly

3-118 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters WNode

Parameter systemRelease of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString

Qualifier AdditionalInformation


Parameter type of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name type

Domain OAM
Service Impact none
Access Right readWrite
Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type AsciiString
Initial Value true
Qualifier standard


Parameter unknownStatus of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name unknownStatus

Domain OAM
Description X731 OSI state
Service Impact none

Access Right readOnly

Presence required

Visibility customer
Data type Enumeration

Range • unknownstatusfalse
• unknownstatustrue

Initial Value unknownstatustrue

Qualifier statesAndStatus

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-119
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters WNode

Parameter userSpecificInfo of “WNode” (p. 3-115) Object

Parameter name userSpecificInfo

Domain OAM
Description information field reserved to the user. No specific treatment on this field is performed by the system.

Service Impact none

Access Right readWrite

Presence optional
Visibility customer

Data type AsciiString

Range [0...32]

Qualifier standard

3-120 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
Use pursuant to applicable agreements NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1
Issue 15.11 March 2013
4 OAM parameters index

This chapter gives different indexes of the OAM network element.


Customer Parameters 4-2

Standard 4-3
States and Status 4-7
Additional Information 4-9
Manufacturer Parameters 4-10
Standard 4-11
Class index 4-12
Class 0 Parameters 4-13
Alphabetical index 4-14
Parameters list 4-15

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-1
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Overview
Customer Parameters

Customer Parameters

This section details all the customer parameters.


Standard 4-3
States and Status 4-7
Additional Information 4-9

4-2 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Standard
Customer Parameters

Object “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4)
• “azimuth” (p. 3-5)
• “cellPlanningId” (p. 3-6)
• “downTilt” (p. 3-6)
• “electricalDownTilt” (p. 3-7)
• “height” (p. 3-7)
• “type” (p. 3-7)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-8)

Object “ESE” (p. 3-13)
• “aliasName” (p. 3-15)
• “clusterId” (p. 3-15)
• “mgrIpAddress” (p. 3-15)
• “siteName” (p. 3-16)

Object “INode” (p. 3-19)
• “PPProvisionedSystemRelease” (p. 3-20)
• “configSynchronizationFlag” (p. 3-21)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-25)

Object “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)
• “dlFrequencyList” (p. 3-28)
• “ftpPassword” (p. 3-29)
• “mobileCountryCode” (p. 3-29)
• “mobileNetworkCode” (p. 3-30)
• “secAdminPassword” (p. 3-30)
• “telnetPassword” (p. 3-31)
• “testFrequencyList” (p. 3-31)
• “tilPassword” (p. 3-31)

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-3
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Standard
Customer Parameters
• “ulFrequencyList” (p. 3-32)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-32)

Object “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34)
• “nodeBDeliveryName” (p. 3-35)
• “nodeBType” (p. 3-36)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-36)

Object “Operator” (p. 3-38)
• “frequencyBandList” (p. 3-39)
• “mobileCountryCode” (p. 3-40)
• “mobileNetworkCode” (p. 3-40)
• “type” (p. 3-40)
• “userLabel” (p. 3-41)

Object “POC” (p. 3-45)
• “PPProvisionedSystemRelease” (p. 3-47)
• “aliasName” (p. 3-47)
• “clusterId” (p. 3-48)
• “configSynchronizationFlag” (p. 3-48)
• “siteName” (p. 3-50)
• “type” (p. 3-51)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-52)

Object “RNCCommonParam” (p. 3-54)
• “GSMbandIndicator” (p. 3-55)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-56)

Object “RSP” (p. 3-57)
• “aliasName” (p. 3-59)
• “clusterId” (p. 3-59)

4-4 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Standard
Customer Parameters
• “mgrIpAddress” (p. 3-59)
• “siteName” (p. 3-60)

Object “SAR7705” (p. 3-73)
• “deviceSiteId” (p. 3-75)
• “aliasName” (p. 3-75)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-77)
• “clusterId” (p. 3-75)
• “siteName” (p. 3-76)

Object “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63)
• “DeviceIpAddress” (p. 3-64)
• “DeviceIpport” (p. 3-65)
• “SNMPversion” (p. 3-65)
• “community” (p. 3-66)
• “mibVersion” (p. 3-66)

Object “SR7710” (p. 3-78)
• “deviceSiteId” (p. 3-80)
• “aliasName” (p. 3-80)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-82)
• “clusterId” (p. 3-80)
• “siteName” (p. 3-81)

Object “SR7750” (p. 3-83)
• “deviceSiteId” (p. 3-85)
• “aliasName” (p. 3-85)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-87)
• “clusterId” (p. 3-85)
• “siteName” (p. 3-86)

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-5
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Standard
Customer Parameters
Object “Site” (p. 3-88)
• “altitude” (p. 3-90)
• “building” (p. 3-90)
• “city” (p. 3-91)
• “clusterId” (p. 3-91)
• “country” (p. 3-91)
• “district” (p. 3-92)
• “latitude” (p. 3-92)
• “location” (p. 3-92)
• “longitude” (p. 3-93)
• “note” (p. 3-93)
• “operatorName” (p. 3-94)
• “operatorPhone” (p. 3-94)
• “postalcode” (p. 3-94)
• “province” (p. 3-95)
• “siteManager” (p. 3-95)
• “street” (p. 3-95)
• “streetNumber” (p. 3-96)
• “userRemark” (p. 3-96)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-97)

Object “WNode” (p. 3-115)
• “clusterId” (p. 3-116)
• “primaryScOamIpAddress” (p. 3-117)
• “provisionedSystemRelease” (p. 3-118)
• “secondaryScOamIpAddress” (p. 3-118)
• “type” (p. 3-119)
• “userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-120)

4-6 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index States and Status
Customer Parameters

States and Status

Object “ESE” (p. 3-13)
• “OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-14)
• “unknownStatus” (p. 3-16)

Object “INode” (p. 3-19)
• “availabilityStatus” (p. 3-21)
• “operationalState” (p. 3-23)
• “unknownStatus” (p. 3-24)

Object “POC” (p. 3-45)
• “OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-47)
• “unknownStatus” (p. 3-51)

Object “RSP” (p. 3-57)
• “OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-58)
• “unknownStatus” (p. 3-60)

Object “SAR7705” (p. 3-73)
• “unknownStatus” (p. 3-76)
• “OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-74)

Object “SR7710” (p. 3-78)
• “unknownStatus” (p. 3-81)
• “OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-79)

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-7
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index States and Status
Customer Parameters
Object “SR7750” (p. 3-83)
• “unknownStatus” (p. 3-86)
• “OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-84)

Object “WNode” (p. 3-115)
• “unknownStatus” (p. 3-119)

4-8 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Additional Information
Customer Parameters

Additional Information
Object “INode” (p. 3-19)
• “currentViewFileName” (p. 3-22)
• “mdmCmGroup” (p. 3-22)
• “mdmFmGroup” (p. 3-22)
• “ppOamIpAddress” (p. 3-23)
• “systemRelease” (p. 3-24)

Object “POC” (p. 3-45)
• “currentViewFileName” (p. 3-49)
• “mdmCmGroup” (p. 3-49)
• “mdmFmGroup” (p. 3-49)
• “pocIpAddress” (p. 3-50)
• “ppOamIpAddress” (p. 3-50)

Object “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63)
• “description” (p. 3-66)

Object “WNode” (p. 3-115)
• “latestTransactionId” (p. 3-117)
• “systemRelease” (p. 3-118)

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-9
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Overview
Manufacturer Parameters

Manufacturer Parameters

This section details all the manufacturer parameters.


Standard 4-11

4-10 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Standard
Manufacturer Parameters

Object “Scope” (p. 3-100)
• “objectList” (p. 3-101)

Object “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)
• “datafileUploadPeriod” (p. 3-105)
• “datafileUploadSize” (p. 3-105)
• “date” (p. 3-106)
• “duration” (p. 3-106)
• “rncList” (p. 3-107)
• “sessionNote” (p. 3-107)
• “sessionType” (p. 3-107)
• “startTime” (p. 3-108)
• “traceSessionTemplateName” (p. 3-109)
• “userName” (p. 3-109)

Object “UserEquipmentId” (p. 3-111)
• “tracedUeIdType” (p. 3-112)
• “tracedUeIdentification” (p. 3-113)

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-11
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Overview
Class index

Class index

This section details all the parameters sorted by class.


Class 0 Parameters 4-13

4-12 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Class 0 Parameters
Class index

Class 0 Parameters
Object “UserEquipmentId” (p. 3-111)
• “tracedUeIdType” (p. 3-112)
• “tracedUeIdentification” (p. 3-113)

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-13
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Overview
Alphabetical index

Alphabetical index

This section lists all the parameters sorted by alphabetical order.


Parameters list 4-15

4-14 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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OAM parameters index Parameters list
Alphabetical index

Parameters list

D parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“DeviceIpAddress” (p. 3-64) “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63)

“DeviceIpport” (p. 3-65) “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63)

G parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“GSMbandIndicator” (p. 3-55) “RNCCommonParam” (p. 3-54)

O parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-14) “ESE” (p. 3-13)

“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-47) “POC” (p. 3-45)
“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-58) “RSP” (p. 3-57)
“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-74) “SAR7705” (p. 3-73)
“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-79) “SR7710” (p. 3-78)

“OAMlinkAdministrativeState” (p. 3-84) “SR7750” (p. 3-83)

P parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“PPProvisionedSystemRelease” (p. 3-20) “INode” (p. 3-19)

“PPProvisionedSystemRelease” (p. 3-47) “POC” (p. 3-45)

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-15
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Parameters list
Alphabetical index

S parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“SNMPversion” (p. 3-65) “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63)

a parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“aliasName” (p. 3-15) “ESE” (p. 3-13)

“aliasName” (p. 3-47) “POC” (p. 3-45)

“aliasName” (p. 3-59) “RSP” (p. 3-57)
“aliasName” (p. 3-75) “SAR7705” (p. 3-73)
“aliasName” (p. 3-80) “SR7710” (p. 3-78)

“aliasName” (p. 3-85) “SR7750” (p. 3-83)

“altitude” (p. 3-90) “Site” (p. 3-88)
“availabilityStatus” (p. 3-21) “INode” (p. 3-19)
“azimuth” (p. 3-5) “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4)

b parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“building” (p. 3-90) “Site” (p. 3-88)

c parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“cellPlanningId” (p. 3-6) “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4)

“city” (p. 3-91) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“clusterId” (p. 3-15) “ESE” (p. 3-13)

“clusterId” (p. 3-48) “POC” (p. 3-45)
“clusterId” (p. 3-59) “RSP” (p. 3-57)

“clusterId” (p. 3-75) “SAR7705” (p. 3-73)

4-16 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Parameters list
Alphabetical index

c parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“clusterId” (p. 3-80) “SR7710” (p. 3-78)

“clusterId” (p. 3-85) “SR7750” (p. 3-83)

“clusterId” (p. 3-91) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“clusterId” (p. 3-116) “WNode” (p. 3-115)

“community” (p. 3-66) “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63)

“configSynchronizationFlag” (p. 3-21) “INode” (p. 3-19)

“configSynchronizationFlag” (p. 3-48) “POC” (p. 3-45)

“country” (p. 3-91) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“currentViewFileName” (p. 3-22) “INode” (p. 3-19)

“currentViewFileName” (p. 3-49) “POC” (p. 3-45)

d parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“datafileUploadPeriod” (p. 3-105) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)

“datafileUploadSize” (p. 3-105) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)
“date” (p. 3-106) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)
“description” (p. 3-66) “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63)
“deviceSiteId” (p. 3-75) “SAR7705” (p. 3-73)

“deviceSiteId” (p. 3-80) “SR7710” (p. 3-78)

“deviceSiteId” (p. 3-85) “SR7750” (p. 3-83)
“district” (p. 3-92) “Site” (p. 3-88)
“dlFrequencyList” (p. 3-28) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

“downTilt” (p. 3-6) “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4)

“duration” (p. 3-106) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)

e parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“electricalDownTilt” (p. 3-7) “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4)

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-17
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Parameters list
Alphabetical index

f parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“frequencyBandList” (p. 3-39) “Operator” (p. 3-38)

“ftpPassword” (p. 3-29) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

h parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“height” (p. 3-7) “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4)

l parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“latestTransactionId” (p. 3-117) “WNode” (p. 3-115)

“latitude” (p. 3-92) “Site” (p. 3-88)
“location” (p. 3-92) “Site” (p. 3-88)
“longitude” (p. 3-93) “Site” (p. 3-88)

m parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“mdmCmGroup” (p. 3-22) “INode” (p. 3-19)

“mdmCmGroup” (p. 3-49) “POC” (p. 3-45)

“mdmFmGroup” (p. 3-22) “INode” (p. 3-19)

“mdmFmGroup” (p. 3-49) “POC” (p. 3-45)

“mgrIpAddress” (p. 3-15) “ESE” (p. 3-13)

“mgrIpAddress” (p. 3-59) “RSP” (p. 3-57)

“mibVersion” (p. 3-66) “SNMPParam” (p. 3-63)

“mobileCountryCode” (p. 3-29) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

“mobileCountryCode” (p. 3-40) “Operator” (p. 3-38)

“mobileNetworkCode” (p. 3-30) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

4-18 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Parameters list
Alphabetical index

m parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“mobileNetworkCode” (p. 3-40) “Operator” (p. 3-38)

n parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“nodeBDeliveryName” (p. 3-35) “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34)

“nodeBType” (p. 3-36) “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34)

“note” (p. 3-93) “Site” (p. 3-88)

o parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“objectList” (p. 3-101) “Scope” (p. 3-100)

“operationalState” (p. 3-23) “INode” (p. 3-19)
“operatorName” (p. 3-94) “Site” (p. 3-88)
“operatorPhone” (p. 3-94) “Site” (p. 3-88)

p parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“pocIpAddress” (p. 3-50) “POC” (p. 3-45)

“postalcode” (p. 3-94) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“ppOamIpAddress” (p. 3-23) “INode” (p. 3-19)

“ppOamIpAddress” (p. 3-50) “POC” (p. 3-45)

“primaryScOamIpAddress” (p. 3-117) “WNode” (p. 3-115)

“province” (p. 3-95) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“provisionedSystemRelease” (p. 3-118) “WNode” (p. 3-115)

Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 4-19
NN-20500-027P7 UA08.1 Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Parameters list
Alphabetical index

r parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“rncList” (p. 3-107) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)

s parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“secAdminPassword” (p. 3-30) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

“secondaryScOamIpAddress” (p. 3-118) “WNode” (p. 3-115)

“sessionNote” (p. 3-107) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)
“sessionType” (p. 3-107) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)
“siteManager” (p. 3-95) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“siteName” (p. 3-16) “ESE” (p. 3-13)

“siteName” (p. 3-50) “POC” (p. 3-45)
“siteName” (p. 3-60) “RSP” (p. 3-57)
“siteName” (p. 3-76) “SAR7705” (p. 3-73)
“siteName” (p. 3-81) “SR7710” (p. 3-78)
“siteName” (p. 3-86) “SR7750” (p. 3-83)
“startTime” (p. 3-108) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)

“street” (p. 3-95) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“streetNumber” (p. 3-96) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“systemRelease” (p. 3-24) “INode” (p. 3-19)

“systemRelease” (p. 3-118) “WNode” (p. 3-115)

t parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“telnetPassword” (p. 3-31) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

“testFrequencyList” (p. 3-31) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

“tilPassword” (p. 3-31) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

“traceSessionTemplateName” (p. 3-109) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)

“tracedUeIdType” (p. 3-112) “UserEquipmentId” (p. 3-111)

4-20 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9353 WMS
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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Parameters list
Alphabetical index

t parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“tracedUeIdentification” (p. 3-113) “UserEquipmentId” (p. 3-111)

“type” (p. 3-7) “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4)

“type” (p. 3-40) “Operator” (p. 3-38)

“type” (p. 3-51) “POC” (p. 3-45)

“type” (p. 3-119) “WNode” (p. 3-115)

u parameters

Parameter name Object UniqueName

“ulFrequencyList” (p. 3-32) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

“unknownStatus” (p. 3-16) “ESE” (p. 3-13)
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-24) “INode” (p. 3-19)
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-51) “POC” (p. 3-45)

“unknownStatus” (p. 3-60) “RSP” (p. 3-57)

“unknownStatus” (p. 3-76) “SAR7705” (p. 3-73)

“unknownStatus” (p. 3-81) “SR7710” (p. 3-78)

“unknownStatus” (p. 3-86) “SR7750” (p. 3-83)
“unknownStatus” (p. 3-119) “WNode” (p. 3-115)
“userLabel” (p. 3-41) “Operator” (p. 3-38)
“userName” (p. 3-109) “TraceSession” (p. 3-103)

“userRemark” (p. 3-96) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-8) “AntennaSystem” (p. 3-4)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-25) “INode” (p. 3-19)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-32) “NodeBCommonParam” (p. 3-27)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-36) “NodeBDefaultSoftware” (p. 3-34)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-52) “POC” (p. 3-45)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-56) “RNCCommonParam” (p. 3-54)
“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-77) “SAR7705” (p. 3-73)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-82) “SR7710” (p. 3-78)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-87) “SR7750” (p. 3-83)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-97) “Site” (p. 3-88)

“userSpecificInfo” (p. 3-120) “WNode” (p. 3-115)

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Issue 15.11 March 2013
OAM parameters index Parameters list


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Issue 15.11 March 2013

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