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Calin Deck

Lesson Plan
25 January 2018
Elementary Education: Mathematics Lesson Plan
Background Information:
 Age/Domain: Grade 3
 Subject: Geometry
 Lesson Plan Type: Teacher Directed
 Title: Interpreting Area
 Time: 70 minutes
 Students will be able to multiply side lengths to find the area of a rectangle.
 Students will recognize that they can find the area of a polygon by counting square
 There are many authentic and real-life situations that require students to understand
area. For instance, a family putting in carpet might use area to determine how much
carpeting to purchase.
 After completing the lesson, the students will be able to use the formula, Length X
Width = Area with 100% accuracy on the homework provided.
 After completing the lesson, the students will be able to interpret area models to
form rectangular arrays with 100% accuracy on page one of the homework
Curriculum Standards:
Counting square units to find the area of a polygon.
Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole number side lengths in
the context of solving real world and mathematical problems.
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Teacher Preparation:
 Prepare visual aid: Three Ways to Find Area
 Sort square centimeter tiles and square inch tiles
 Add area model to vocabulary list/ visual aid
 Look over problem set/ Create answer key
Assessment Plans:
 Prior Knowledge:
o Students will come to class knowing area can be found by counting square units.
 Assessment: Observation
I will keep a list of those students who seem to need more assistance or practice
finding the area of a rectangle. These students will work with me in the back during
the independent activity.
Square inch tiles
Square centimeter tiles
Clip boards

Instructional Procedures:
 Introduction/ Anticipatory Set (10 Minutes):
Area of Hands Activity- Ask for a volunteer.
Have the student put his or her hand up next to your own. Ask students what they
Students should discuss size.  Area is the amount of space a shape or object covers.
“Whose hand takes up the most space and has a larger area?”
* Allow students time to do this with their one and two partners. *
Comparing Area Activity- Ask students to come to the board to identify the largest
area for the following:
- 12 square inches VS 12 square centimeters
- 6 square inches VS 6 square inches
- 1 square inch VS 1 square centimeter
I Can… multiply side lengths to find the area of a rectangle.

 Concept Development (30 Minutes):

Activity 1: Same Shape Different Units
One partner will use square inch tiles and the other will use square centimeters to
create a rectangle.

*The students will then discuss which rectangle has the larger area and why. *
Question: Why is it important to label the units when talking about area?

Activity 2: Area Model Template

“How can we determine the area using the grid we are provided on the last page of
this packet.”
Solve for the area (8 sq. units).
“Turn your paper.”
Question: Did the area change?

Activity 3: Problem Set- Up front

Question 1: Complete A-C as a class
Independent D-F (Take note of students who need further assistance)
Question 2-4: As a class using the Read, Draw, and Write strategy to solve.
 Closure (2 Minutes):
Discuss the three ways to solve for area.
Have students work on their homework problems independently, with their 1 and 2
partners, or in a group setting with me for the remainder of the lesson.
 Multiplication chart for students who have not mastered all of their multiplication facts
(these are in their desks for the students to utilize when needed).
 Small group instruction: After whole class instruction the students will work
independently, with me in the back, or with their one and two partners to ensure each
student is getting the support he or she needs. The students who work with me are
students who explicitly and inexplicitly express frustration or misunderstanding of the


This lesson had many transitions and utilized multiple manipulatives. Knowing this, I prepared
well for the many transitions. The students did a great job with this, and it was a great way to
break up the math lesson.

To improve this part of the lesson it might have been beneficial to provide the students with a
brain break after the problem set. However, the students did a really great job and were able to
choose a spot in the room to work on the homework problems.

Due to time restraints, I was not able to provide the closure that I had hoped to. For my next
lesson, I plan to take three to five minutes to do this, even if it means taking time from the
closing activity.

Overall, I believe the lesson went well, and most importantly the students had an adequate
understanding of the concept.

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