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1. Site Deployment ..................................................................................................... 5

1.1 GBSS Site deployment ........................................................................................ 5
1.2 GBSS Application ............................................................................................... 13
1.2.1 GSM / UMTS BBU hardware information ................................................. 13
1.2.2 Activate Site and Block Cells .................................................................... 14
1.2.3 Verify the Transmission ............................................................................ 15
1.2.4 E1 onsite Cabling ..................................................................................... 18
1.2.5 Check the BTS Hardware Status ............................................................. 19
1.2.6 Check the BTS Software Status ............................................................... 19
1.2.7 Cross Fiber check ................................................................................... 20
1.2.8 Unblock Cell after RF Swap Jumper ........................................................ 21
1.2.9 Monitor Channel Status ........................................................................... 21
1.2.10 VSWR Test ............................................................................................ 21
1.2.11 Check Number of Jumpers with Site Team ............................................ 22
1.2.12 Run GSM RNO Scripts ........................................................................ 23
1.2.13 Bind GSM and UMTS sites .................................................................... 23
1.2.14 Checking MBTS Data Consistency ........................................................ 24
1.2.15 Consistency Prerequisite........................................................................ 24
1.2.16 Consistency Rules ................................................................................. 24
1.2.17 Consistency Procedure .......................................................................... 24
1.2.18 GSM Antenna Part Configuration .......................................................... 26
1.2.19 GSM TMA with RET Scenario ................................................................ 27
1.2.20 GSM SBT with RET Scenario ................................................................ 29
1.2.21 Set GSM BTS to Normal Mode .............................................................. 31
1.2.22 E1 Modification Guide ............................................................................ 31
1.3 UMTS Site deployment ...................................................................................... 45
1.4 UMTS Application ............................................................................................... 45
1.4.1 Allocate NodeB License ........................................................................... 45
1.4.2 Verify the UMTS Transmission ................................................................. 45
1.4.3 IP Transmission Scenario ........................................................................ 47
1.4.4 OM IP confirmation .................................................................................. 48
1.4.5 Check the NodeB Hardware Status.......................................................... 48
1.4.6 Check the NodeB Software Version ......................................................... 50
1.4.7 VSWR Test .............................................................................................. 50
1.4.8 Run NodeB Script .................................................................................... 50
1.4.9 Active the UCELL ..................................................................................... 50
1.4.10 Service Verification 3G (optional) ........................................................... 51
1.4.11 UMTS Antenna Part Configuration ......................................................... 53
1.4.12 UMTS TMA verification .......................................................................... 55
1.4.13 Check RTWP value on NodeB ............................................................... 55
1.4.14 Set NodeB to Normal Mode ................................................................... 56
1.4.15 Power lock procedure ............................................................................ 56
1.4.16 External Alarms ..................................................................................... 59

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G country V project Site solution application

CME, Integration Project, User Guide, Site Deployment
The document is focused on the description of typical configuration scenario, for
guiding the customer to accomplish complicated scenario configuration and go
through a integration/swap process for GBSS and UMTS.
List of abbreviations:
Abbreviations Full spelling Remark
CME Configuraton Management Express Huawei CM solution
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CDD Cell Design Data radio planning tool
FNDT Fixed Network Documentation Tool transport planning tool
M2000 Huawei EMS
MCCM Mobile Common Configuration Management
IM Information Model
IRP Integration Reference Point
SFTP Security File Transfer Protocol
XML Extensible Mark-up Language

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1.1 Site Deployment

1.1.1 GBSS site deployment

1. Precondition
 2G BTS Hardware Template
Transport planning department is in charge of providing 2G BTS hardware template
according to hardware configuration. Please insure that the BTS and Cell templates
are already there in online CME.
BTS templates already imported in online CME. But if you need to import additional
templates go to CME Advanced Template Management. Under template
management you will see the type of templates supported by CME. Choose the
template type you want to import or view. For example under BTS Templates you will
see all the templates imported in CME. If you want to import new templates click on
import option and give path of new templates. Attached you can find some examples
for 2G templates.

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Cell templates already imported in online CME.

 CDD XML file

Radio planning department is in charge of planning radio and cell parameters and
creates CDD XML file. Having file extension .XGH.

 Transmission file.csv provided by region.


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2. Workflow

Transport Radio

Planner Planner


2. Fill in FNDT csv file and send it 3. Send the CDD xml file to Operator
to Operator

4. Convert the csv file to Huawei

collection table by convert tool; 5. Merge the Cell information into
Edit the simple collection Simple Collection Table


6. Import the Huawei

collection table to CME
1. Create a Plan in CME
via GUI
7. Update Radio parameters via
importing the xml file

1. The radio work flow and transport
work flow are independent, and the
Cramer file could be import to CME
before the CDD file;
Radio workflow
Transport workflow
Radio and Transport workflow

The first thing we have to do is to convert the csv file using the CSV Convert Tool. We need
to select the corresponding transmission and radio (.xgh) files.

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After the conversion is finished we will proceed inputting the necessary parameters in the
2G BTS summary file.

One important parameter is BTS type and BTS Template Name depending on the hardware
that is there on site we have to select the appropriate template as per template description
mentioned below.

BTS BTS Template

Type Name

1. Open the output summary file, change the sheet ‘ BTS transport layer’
a. change the BTS type (column C) BTS3900_GSM (Macro) or DBS_3900_GSM (Normal) .
The site type (DBS or Macro), please refer with the updated information from regional swap

b. check the BTS Template Name (column D): . to the corresponding one
‘BTS3900_BTS3900_GSM900_S888’ is for BTS3900 Macro site indoor with 3 Sec
‘DBS3900_VIRTUAL_GSM900_S888’ is for DBS3900 site.

c. change the BTS configuration (column F) refer to sheet ‘Cell basic info’ .
i. Refer the sheet ‘Cell basic info’ column B (BTSCONF) and column H (Cell Type)
ii. Rule
Sheet ‘Cell Basic Info’ Sheet ‘BTS Transport Layer’
BTSCONF CELL Type BTS Configuration
Sx GSM900 GSM900 Sx(1RRU3928) SUBRACK80 D
Sx/x GSM900 GSM900 Sx/x(1 RRU3928+1RRU3928) SUBRACK80 B
Sx/x/x GSM900 GSM900 Sx/x/x(1RRU3928+1RRU3928+1 RRU3928) S
Sx/x/x/x/x/x GSM900, GSM900 Sx/x/x &GSM1800 Sx/x/x
DCS1800 (1RRU3928+1RRU3928+1RRU3928+1RRU3928+1RR
U3928+1 RRU3928) SUBRACK80
Sx GSM900 GSM900 Sx(1Md) M
Sx/x GSM900 GSM900 Sx/x(1Md+1Md) A
Sx/x/x GSM900 GSM900 Sx/x/x(1Md+1Md+1Md) C
Sx/x/x/x/x/x GSM900, GSM900 Sx/x/x &GSM1800 Sx/x/x R
DCS1800 (1Md+1Md+1Md+1Md+1Md+1Md) O


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Usually the highlighted sections are the ones that need to be completed. When introducing
the BTS Configuration, please pay attention to the number of TRXs from the Cell Basic Info
For 1800 cells, you should choose sran8 TEMPLATE no EDGE – edge should be
deactivated for these cells, unless specified by Vodafone.

Step 1. Create a new planned data area in CME. You have to name your planned area and
make sure you select the corresponding BSC. Ensure that TISO option is unchecked.

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This is how you find the OSP code for the transmission file and the NSE Identifier:

Step 2. Next you have to import the BTS Summary Data file you have converted and completed
and the radio file provided (Import NBI data).

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Check only “Generate script on validation success”; sometimes you can get some
removal script necessary to run before the addition, but only for special cases – so check
carefully if there is something additional, to make sure it won’t affect other sites in the network;

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After we have successfully imported the BTS summary data and the radio file we will have to
export the script for creating actual site.

Once we have the script, we will have to run it. We go to Topology >>> Main Topology and we
search for our BSC. We right click the BSC and select Maintenance Client then run the script in

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For troubleshooting here is guide for BTS IdleTS calculation for Edge and BTS trx power lock.

Power lock and BTS

idleTS calculation.xlsx

1.2 GBSS Application

If a planned new E1 transmission available, one can start the E1 loop test for new E1 before downtime begins.
If no new E1 available, the old transmission has to be re-used, therefore the old GSM site has to be off air before
connecting its E1 to Huawei GTMU . Please confirm with VF OMC contact person that the transmission to
Huawei BSC has been prepared.

1.2.1 GSM / UMTS BBU hardware information

Slot number of BBU.

2G only scenario

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3G only scenario

2G+3G co-BBU scenario

Note for Extension Solution :

 GTMU has 6 CPRI ports for RRU connection. When the total number of GSM RRUs is more than 6,
an UBRI board is needed and should be inserted to slot 2 (see below)

0 4

3 7

 UTRP board will be used if 3G has more than 4 E1 lines, it will be inserted to slot 4.

1.2.2 Activate Site and Block Cells

Operation Guide: Before the commissioning of Site, we need to ACT the BTS and block Cells
Step one: ACT BTS

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1.2.3 Verify the Transmission

If the site has more than one E1, one has to test E1 connection one by one to ensure that there is no crossing of
the E1 path in the network .

After VF confirming that E1 has been configured, call the Field Team to do loop C , E and F as shown
below .

Purpose: Cooperate with on-site subcontractor to verify the TDM transmission after swapping.
Precondition: The switch of BTS commissioning has finished by Vodafone D2.

E1 (TDM) Transmission Scenario , CRC4 switched ON at BSC and BTS site

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BSC MML Command :



Precondition: The E1 is configured by Vodafone D2 and the Partner has looped the E1 form site.

Operation Guide:

Step 1:
Check the E1 PORT status as follows:

Check that the port is AVAILABLE with loop ON .

This test will work with the BTS Active or in Inactive mode , as you are checking the E1 physical layer .

Step 2 :

The BTS must be active to see the LAPD Trace .

1.1. Open “Trace” tab;

1.2. Double-click “Abis Interface CS Trace”;
1.3. In “Basics” menu choose LAPD.

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1.4. Then go to “LAPD” menu;

1.5. In “LAPD Link Type” from drop-down box choose “OML”, then enter “Site ID” and set

1.6. In the main window you should see continuous “Send” and “Receive” messages.

Step 2 (optional): After the E1 is looped at site, query form BSC the port number should be Available

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Step 3: Ask the on-site subcontractor to remove the loop when the transmission is okay. Connect the E1 cables
and check the LIU LEDS go out on the GTMU , and the BSC port is Available .

You should now have connection to the GTMU and control of the BTS .

1.2.4 E1 onsite Cabling

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1.2.5 Check the BTS Hardware Status

Operation Guide: Open the BTS Device Panel. Make sure all boards are in green status, If some Boards are in
Red, please inform subcontractors to check the Board.

There should be the following units :

GSM only – 1 X GTMU, 1 X UEIU, 1 X UPEU, 1X FAN.

GSM and UMTS - 1 X GTMU, 1 X UEIU, 1 X UPEU, 1X FAN , ( UMTS units )

1.2.6 Check the BTS Software Status

The Field team locally commission the BTS by USB stick . This loads the correct files into the GTMU .

After the BTS site is connected to the BSC and ACTIVATED , the RRU software will be updated automatically
and load from the GTMU .

Operation Guide: input DSP BTSBRD MML command to get the status and software version.

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1.2.7 Cross Fiber check

When the GSM site is connected to the BSC , and ( if possible ) before downtime starts , ask the Field team to
pull out the Fiber cables on the BBU , one by one , to ensure the sectors are connected correctly .

Ensure that they look at the correct RRU to ensure the alarms go active and clear on the correct sector!

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1.2.8 Unblock Cell after RF Swap Jumper

Purpose: if the site has no alarms, please unblock the cells.


1.2.9 Monitor Channel Status

Operation Guide: While the partners are doing call test, please monitor the channel status make sure that all
cells have at least one channel is green. Here downtime is end for GSM part.

1.2.10 VSWR Test

Precondition: The Cells has activated
Operation Guide: Please start the VSWR test cell by cell, Please notice this operation will interrupt the service,
avoid doing this operation when the partner are doing call test.

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The result of VSWR should less than 1.5, if bigger than 1.5, please inform the partner to check the connection.

1.2.11 Check Number of Jumpers with Site Team

Operation Guide: verify the CPRI fiber connection with partner on site; Make sure the fiber connection is the
same as configuration.
Check feeder connection on site:

Single Feeder [1TX+1RX] Double Feeder [2TX+2RX]

Check feeder configuration on BSC:

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Screen shots of MML output screen needed for good examples of all configurations – update after week

1.2.12 Run GSM RNO Scripts

Huawei neighbour scripts are provided by HUAWEI RNO,run the provided script when the site is on air and
inform Vodafone D2 RNO run the none Huawei neighbour scripts .

1.2.13 Bind GSM and UMTS sites

Only BIND if there are no active alarms on the UMTS and GSM sites

After binding, data consistence should be double-check, here is description from CME help document.

1. Configuration --> Multi-Mode Base Station Management --> Multi-Mode Relationship Management

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Binding the sites: choose ‘Relationship Management’ sheet, click ‘Bind…’, change the Target MBTS Type
from ‘GUL’ to ‘GU’, choose target GBTS site and NodeB, click ‘>’, click OK.

2. Check the result.

1.2.14 Checking MBTS Data Consistency

This section describes how to check the MBTS data consistency. By performing data consistency check, you
can check whether the configuration data of an MBTS complies with the configuration rules.

1.2.15 Consistency Prerequisite

 The data in the current data area is consistent with the data on the live network. For details, see Managing
the Current Data Area.
 A planned data area is open and the data in the planned data area is consistent with the data in the current
data area. For details, see Managing a Planned Data Area.

1.2.16 Consistency Rules

A maximum of 25 MBTSs can be checked at a time.

 For details about MBTS(GL) data consistency check, see Rules for Checking MBTS Data Consistency
 For details about MBTS(GU) data consistency check, see Rules for Checking MBTS Data Consistency
 For details about MBTS(UL) data consistency check, see Rules for Checking MBTS Data Consistency

1.2.17 Consistency Procedure

1. On the menu bar of the current data area or a planned data area, choose MBTS
2. Application > MBTS Check Consistency (CME Client Mode) or CM Express > MBTS Application >
MBTS Check Consistency (M2000 Client Mode). The operation window is displayed.

3. Click . The dialog box for creating a consistency check task is displayed.
4. Set the task name in Check Task Name.
5. Select the check mode from the Check Mode drop-down list box, and select the MBTS to be checked
from the MBTS list in the lower part.

The available check modes are GL, GU, UL, and GUL.

6. Open the Select Rules tab page, select the check type from the Check Categories area, and select the
check rules for the check type from the Check Rules area.

You can select Apply To All to apply the preset check types and check rules to all MBTSs of the same
7. (Optional) Set the error severity of check rules in the Check Rules area.

By default, the message level for a check rule is Warning. You can change the message level
as required.

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The message levels are as follows:

 Warning: a potential or impending service-affecting fault is detected before services are affected.
 Error: a fault that currently does not affect services occurs and that a corrective action must be
taken to prevent a more serious fault.
 Major: a service-affecting fault occurs. If the fault is not rectified in time, it will lead to a serious
8. (Optional, applicable when the RATs of the MBTS are GL, GU, or GUL) Set the related attributes of
the TRX board on the Set MBTS Parameter tab page.
 Co-Power Amplifier: indicates whether the carriers in GU or GL mode can be configured on one
power amplifier of the RXU.
 Power overload: indicates whether the carrier power on the RXU can exceed the maximum
hardware capacity. If an excessive power is allowed, the RXU can support a larger transmit power
through power sharing between carriers.
 Temperature: indicates the working temperature of the RXU. The temperature can be set to 50°C
in normal cases, and 30°C in some specific areas with low temperature. The MRRU at the
GSM900 band can support larger transmit power when it works at a low temperature.
9. Click OK. The CME starts the data check and displays check results.

If Operation Type of a data

record is displayed as... Then...

Refresh Double-click the data record. The CME reconfigures the data automatically
according to the primary technology set for the multi-mode base station.
For the conflict result record of the RXU resources, double-click the record. The
dialog box for reconfiguring the RXU resources is displayed. You need to re-
allocate the RXU resources before the CME starts reconfiguring the data
You need to adhere to the following principles if a local cell is configured with
two transmit channels:
 The local cell does not support double transmit channels and the transmit
diversity mode for the sector that the local cell belongs to is set to common
mode. In this case, if the data of any RF channel on an RXU meets check
rules, the data check is successful.
 The local cell supports double transmit channels and the two channels are
configured for different RXUs. In this case, if the data of a transmit
channel on an RXU does not meet check rules, you need to manually
modify the data.

None Manually modify the configuration data according to the error record.

After binding, data consistence should be double-check

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1.2.18 GSM Antenna Part Configuration

There are three antenna scenarios, TMA with RET, SBT with RET, and RET only.

RET connection TMA with RET (RCU)

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1.2.19 GSM TMA with RET Scenario

1. Run the BSC6900 MML command STR BTSRXUBP to open ALD power switch.

2. Run the BSC6900 MML command STR BTSALDSCAN to scan antenna devices.
 RUN command.
 Click Progress on the right top.
 Click BTS Progress Information
 Wait for result, it should be success
 Double click that record, and scan result is shown.
 Copy the serial number

3. Run the BSC6900 MML command ADD BTSTMA to add a smart TMA.
4. Run the BSC6900 MML command ADD BTSRET to add an RET antenna.
5. Run the BSC6900 MML command DLD BTSALDFILE to download the ALD software or an RET
antenna configuration file to the OMU from the FTP Server;
6. Run the BSC6900 MML command LOD BTSRETCFGDATA to load the configured RET antenna
files from OMU of BSC to the RCU board of BTS;

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7. Run the BSC6900 MML command CLB BTSRET to calibrate RET.

8. Run the BSC6900 MML command MOD BTSRETSUBUNIT to modify RET antenna subunit
configuration data
9. Run the BSC6900 MML command DSP BTSRETSUBUNIT to display RET subunit dynamic
10. Confirm current value with the following step.

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1.2.20 GSM SBT with RET Scenario

1. Run the BSC6900 MML command STR BTSRXUBP to open ALD power switch.

2. Run the BSC6900 MML command STR BTSALDSCAN to scan antenna devices.
 RUN command.
 Click Progress on the right top.
 Click BTS Progress Information
 Wait for result, it should be success
 Double click that record, and scan result is shown.
 Copy the serial number

3. Run the BSC6900 MML command ADD BTSRET to add an RET antenna.
4. Run the BSC6900 MML command DLD BTSALDFILE to download the ALD software or an RET
antenna configuration file to the OMU from the FTP Server;

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5. Run the BSC6900 MML command LOD BTSRETCFGDATA to load the configured RET antenna
files from OMU of BSC to the RCU board of BTS;
6. Run the BSC6900 MML command CLB BTSRET to calibrate RET.
7. Run the BSC6900 MML command MOD BTSRETSUBUNIT to modify RET antenna subunit
configuration data
8. Run the BSC6900 MML command DSP BTSRETSUBUNIT to display RET subunit dynamic
9. Confirm current value with the following step.

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1.2.21 Set GSM BTS to Normal Mode

Refer: 1.2 SET Site Status To "Install Mode" On M2000, the same procedure, just set with normal mode

1.2.22 E1 Modification Guide

for the situation that there are 2 E1s in the planning but actually VDF could only provide 1 E1
temporarily. As per the guide, all channels will be assigned to the 1st E1, but please pay attention:

a) Get BTS connect information, and record the E1 port No. in red oblong.

b) Check the time slots status of E1s by command DSP ABISTS. If the state is
idle or occupied that means this E1 is available, once the state is failure that
means the E1 is faulty.

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And when you monitor the channel status, you will find nearly half channels are red.

c) Check the idle time slots number by below command:

And at the bottom of the report, you will see the total idle time slot
number of the site.

d) Modify the idle time slot number to 0.

Here please pay attention, the BSC has a limitation that the biggest idle time slot
number you could modify each time is 128. So if the idle time slot number is more than 128,
first set it to 128, then set it to 0.

e) Deactivate the site and remove the 2nd E1.

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f) Activate the site and check the channel status, all channels should be

g) Add the 2nd E1 back and recover the idle time slot number to original setting.

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1.3 UMTS Deployment

a. Precondition
 3G Hardware Template
Transport planning department is in charge of making 3G hardware template
according to hardware configuration. It should be imported in CME, but it is one time
activity. The process of importing 3G templates is same as 2G. Here is attached
some examples of 3G Templates.

 reference NodeB in Simple Collection Table

Transport planning department is in charge of making reference NodeB data
according to transmission scenario.

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b. Workflow


2.2 Fetch the

2.1 Fetch the Cramer file by
FNDT file by manual

3.1 convert the files to Huawei simple

colletion table by convert tool;
5. Import the CDD file to update the radio
configuration. Manually or automatically by
3.2 fill in the paramters which are not
covered by FNDT and Cramer in simple
collection table

4.Import simple collection table


1.Create a plan in CME


After receiving the transmission file and the radio (.XUH) file we have to convert the csv file,
using the CSV Convert tool.

After we have converted our transmission file we proceed to completing the newly generated

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For 3G the NodeB template we need to select on basis of type hardware on site which can
be DBS3900 or BTS3900 with RRU or RFU and hybrid transmission. So depending on number
of E1’s, type of Ethernet port, no of carriers and power of carrier we need to select the right
NodeB template. Example is shown above.

The most important data that has to be completed has been highlighted. This is how you find
the ATM logic port. We usually choose the next available port – 56 in our case.

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This is how you find the IP Logical port, the adjacent node ID and the SAAL links (we
take the next available values, like we did for the ATM logical port):

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This is how we choose the subsystem where we will place our NodeB. We have to be
careful to not exceed 3 NodeBs/subsystem. We also need to be sure that the subrack no is
not changed if the SPU slot doesn’t have 3NodeBs/Subsystem. In such a case we need to
change the SPU slot and check the subsystem where we can put the new NodeB to avoid
SPU overload.
We should have the ATM transmission subrack same with the SPU subrack. Ex: for a
site on 0-18-2 , we should choose SPU on SR 0 ; for SN 4 and 8, we can’t choose SSN 0 ,
because that is MPU (ex can’t have 0 4 0, or 1 8 0, but we can have 0 0 0 , or 1 2 0 ).

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After all the important data has been completed we have to save the transmission file.
Then, in the transmission file, we go to Add-Ins >>> Generate Site Sheet from Summary.
We save again and this will be the file that we will import to the CME.

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Step 1. Create a new planned data area in CME. Be careful to choose the correct RNC. Ensure
that TISO option is unchecked.

Step 2. Import Base Station Summary Data Table via GUI.

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After importing the Base Station Summary Data Table we will import the NBI Data (we
select the radio file):

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After successfully importing the radio file, we have to do some modification in the site we
just created.

1. Modify the NTP Server IP. It should be set to the M2000 IP.

2.Create the Multicarrier Cell group this is not created in .XUH file sent by Vodafone so we
need to add it manually.

. 2

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c. Enable the DL64QAM parameters for local cell.

After these 3 modification we export the MML scenario which we will run on the corresponding
RNC. We go to the Topology >>> Main Topology >>> Right clik on our RNC >>> Maintenance
Client >>> Batch. When exporting the MML scenario please ensure that you select the ‘’Export
NodeB Configuration File’’ option.

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The .xml file that is created share it with field team for onsite NodeB commissioning.

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1.4 UMTS Application

The old transmission ATM has to be re-used , therefore the old UMTS site has to be off air before connecting
the UMTS WMPT . There will be some delay (60 mins) while the ATM path is modified by VF.

1.4.1 Allocate NodeB License

Purpose: Allocate NodeB License

Precondition: After the NodeB is running before the on-site subcontractor verify the service on site
Step 1: For how to configure licenses, you can refer to M2000 operator guide for reference and also you can
press F1 when you running M2000 client and get help from the topic of “Managing Common Licenses of
NodeBs of a RAN System” ”.
For each Site we need to check (modify if needed) license parameters (for example CE’s) before distributing
them. Here is the example for one NodeB license information:

1.4.2 Verify the UMTS Transmission

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Purpose: Cooperate with on-site subcontractor to verify the ATM/IP transmission after VFD2 have modified
the ATM.

Precondition: The switch of ATM has finished by Vodafone D2. The on-site subcontractor had looped the E1
on NodeB side, and VCL Continuous Check function is enabling for one SAALLNK of site in RNC.


Step 1: If possible, Ask Vodafone D2 transmission engineer to check the transmission status.
Step 2: Before patching E1 cable into BBU, loop one E1, and cooperate with OMC, OMC checks status with

Make sure CC status is up

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Step 3: Ask the on-site engineer to remove the loop when Vodafone D2 transmission engineer confirm the
transmission is OK.

Step 4: With all E1’s looped onsite, perform the IMA loop test as shown below . (Needs to be proven in live

1.4.3 IP Transmission Scenario:

Service IP confirmation

Step 1: Log in WEBLMT

Step 2: Ping NodeB Service Gateway (one VRRP IP, two physical IP) after customer update transport
configuration. And ping NodeB service IP after Huawei site is connected into transport network, the source IP
is interface board Dev IP of RNC.

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Step 3 :Check the IPPATH ping test type

The default check type is ICMP, we need to change it to UDP, and check the IPPATH is normal or not.



After the change, DSP IPPATH to check the IPPATH is available or not.

1.4.4 OM IP confirmation
Step 1: Login Citrix

Step 2: Ping NodeB Service Gateway (one VRRP IP, two physical IP) after customer update transport
configuration. And ping NodeB service IP after Huawei site is connected into transport network, The source IP
is interface board Dev IP of RNC.

1.4.5 Check the NodeB Hardware Status

Operation Guide: Open the NodeB Device Panel on M2000 or NodeB LMT. Make sure all boards are in green
status, if some Boards in Red, please inform subcontractors to check the Board. Then open RRU physical
topology in topology management of maintenance, make sure all RRUs are in green status as well.

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1.4.6 Check the NodeB Software Version

Purpose: Check the NodeB software version to insure it is same as customized version.
Precondition: The NodeB is running in normal
Operation Guide:
Step 1: Check the NodeB software version by command “LST SOFTWARE” on NodeB , to check whether the
version in main area is V200R013C00SPC510, which status is available.

1.4.7 VSWR Test

Purpose: Test the VSWR by NodeB
Precondition: After the on-site subcontractor verify the service on site
Operation Guide:
Step 1: Run VSWR test for all sectors with following example command on NodeB:
STR VSWRTEST:; save the output VSWR test, if VSWR is more than 1.5, please contact the on-site engineer
to check the connection of antenna system.

1.4.8 Run NodeB Script

Huawei neighbour scripts are provided by HUAWEI RNO,run the provided script when the site is on air and
inform Vodafone D2 to run the none Huawei neighbour scripts .

1.4.9 Active the UCELL

Purpose: Active the cell
Precondition: The on-site subcontractor had finished the commissioning and called swap engineer in swap
room to active the cell
Operation Guide:
Step 1: Check the cell status before active the cell by command”DSP UCELL” (need type in the cell ID)

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Step 2: Active the cell by the command “ACT UCELL” (need type in the cell ID)

Step 3: Active the HSPA by the command “ACT UCELLHSDPA” and “ACT UCELLHSUPA” (need type in
the cell ID)

Step 4: Check the cell status after active the cell by command ”DSP UCELL” (need type in the cell ID)

1.4.10 Service Verification 3G (optional)

Purpose: make sure this site is swap successfully. And call test is ok cell by cell.
Precondition: Subcontractors have test terminals and test SIM cards.
Operation Guide: Monitor >Cell performance Monitoring
Step 1: Select Cell User Number in Monitor Item.
Step 2: Input Cell ID and save the logs.

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Step 3: mare sure the value is not zero in Task ID 1-2 for voice call. About PS call, make sure Task ID 1-3
and 1-4 are not zero, one is HSDPA, the other is HSUPA.

Step 4: save the screen and log file.

Here is an example
Here downtime is end for UMTS part

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1.4.11 UMTS Antenna Part Configuration

There are three antenna scenarios: TMA only, TMA with RET, RET only.

i.UMTS TMA only scenario

1. Run the NodeB MML command MOD ANTENNAPORT to modify the configuration of an antenna port.
2. Run the NodeB MML command DSP ANTENNAPORT to confirm power switch is on and current value
is properly, more or less tens of mA.
3. Run the NodeB MML command SCN ALD to scan the ALDs connected to the RRU.
4. Run the NodeB MML command ADD TMA to add a tower mounted amplifier (TMA)
5. Run the NodeB MML command MOD TMADEVICEDATA to modify the TMA device data

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ii.UMTS TMA with RET scenario

1. Run the NodeB MML command MOD ANTENNAPORT to modify the configuration of an antenna port.
2. Run the NodeB MML command DSP ANTENNAPORT to confirm power switch is on and current value
is properly, more or less tens of mA.
3. Run the NodeB MML command SCN ALD to scan the ALDs connected to the RRU.
4. Run the NodeB MML command ADD TMA to add a tower mounted amplifier (TMA)
5. Run the NodeB MML command MOD TMADEVICEDATA to modify the TMA device data
6. Run the NodeB MML command ADD RET to Add a remote electrical tilt (RET) antenna
7. Run the NodeB MML command DLD RETCFGDATA to load the Remote Electrical Tilt Unit (RET)
configuration data;
8. Run the NodeB MML command CLB RET to Calibrate the RET
9. Run the NodeB MML command MOD RETTILT to Set the tilt of the RET (Remote Electrical Tilt)
10. Run the NodeB MML command DSP RETSUBUNIT to query the dynamic information about an RET

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iii.UMTS RET only scenario

1. Run the NodeB MML command MOD ANTENNAPORT to modify the configuration of an antenna port.
2. Run the NodeB MML command DSP ANTENNAPORT to confirm power switch is on and current value
is properly, more or less tens of mA.
3. Run the NodeB MML command SCN ALD to scan the ALDs connected to the RRU.
4. Run the NodeB MML command ADD RET to Add a remote electrical tilt (RET) antenna
5. Run the NodeB MML command DLD RETCFGDATA to load the Remote Electrical Tilt Unit (RET)
configuration data;
5. Run the NodeB MML command CLB RET to Calibrate the RET
6. Run the NodeB MML command MOD RETTILT to Set the tilt of the RET (Remote Electrical Tilt)
7. Run the NodeB MML command DSP RETSUBUNIT to query the dynamic information about an RET

1.4.12 UMTS TMA verification

Run the NodeB MML command DSP TMADEVICEDATA to query the gain of the TMA.

1.4.13 Check RTWP value on NodeB

Make the screenshot for RTWP test.
The RTWP should be -106 dBm
If ther TMA has been configured, the attenuator should be set to ensure the RTWP value be -106 dBm.

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1.4.14 Set NodeB to Normal Mode

Refer: 1.2 SET Site Status To "Install Mode" On M2000, the same procedure, just set with normal mode

1.4.15 Power lock procedure

a. Obtain Power Lock Value

 Obtain and calculate power lock value per power amplifier(PA)

o Get STOB[watt] value from VDF.
o Open Maintenance client of the NodeB

o Check how many cells there is?

o Check the power and antenna for each cell

o There is three scenarios

1- There is 6 cells all configured on antenna A in this case no need for power lock as
the power for one cell is 20W and the power by default locked on 40W
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2- There is 6 cells divided between the two antennas and in this case the power lock
value for both antenna A & B is 20W
3- There is 9 cells and in this case one antenna port power lock will be adjusted to 20W
and the second one no need to adjust
o So after collecting the cells data
 We go to the next step

b. Verify Alarm before Operation

 Check all NodeB alarms on the M2000

 Check all services is running normal

c. Set Power Lock Value

 Read RXU location info by using the command LST RRU

 Set power lock value for all RXU of the NodeB by MML. The example like below:

d. Reset RXU (service of will be down for 5 to 10


 Reset all RXU of the NodeB by MML one by one. The example like below:

 The resetting will cost 5 to 10 minutes.

e. Confirm the operation is successful

 After RXU is back to normal, check the power lock value by MML. The example like below:

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 If the target value is incorrect, confirm your operation and do it again. Other vise, escalate to

f. Confirm the service is normal

 Read and compare the alarm. Confirm there is no new alarm.

 Check KPI is fine. Check if traffic, assignment, immediate assignment, handover success rate and
call drop rate and so on.
 If anyone above is abnormal, set the power lock back to initial value and check each operation
step is correct.

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1.4.16 External Alarms

Priority for the external alarms: LTE BBU > UMTS > GSM

It means the external alarms should be connected to the LTE BBU as high priority. Otherwise the priority is
UMTS, then GSM.

Purpose: Configure the external alarm and cooperate with on-site subcontractor to verify the external alarm
1. The swap of GSM or UMTS part had been finished.
2. External alarm site list is presented in OMC and subcontractor sides.
3. External alarm setting list,( there might be external alarm set in RRU)

Step 1: Config external alarm in BSC if there is GSM logic site in this physical site
Step 2: Configure external alarm in NodeB if there is only UMTS logic site in this physical site.
Operation Guide:
Caution: In M2000 first you need to define alarms by adding them to NE type, this will be done only once per
one Site type (for example DBS3900 WCDMA).
Define which NE type you want to add alarms for along with alarm type according to table below.

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Step 1: Choose the Menu “NE Alarm Setting” (this will be done only once per one Site type)
Step 2: SET the external alarm according the standard which had agreed with Vodafone D2 (this will be done
only once per one Site type), make sure you click Apply button after setting

Step 3: Configure external alarm input port in BTS, NodeB or eNodeB with MML command, For example,
Command to configure the external alarm trigger in BSC(GSM):
Command to configure the external alarm trigger in NodeB(UMTS):

Step 4: Cooperate with on-site subcontractor to verify the external alarm by checking the relevant external
alarm on LMT when on-site subcontractor loop the external alarm on site according to external alarm.xls file.

1.4.17 Inventory
Step 1: M2000 client--->Configuration--->Inventory Management, then right-click that root, select Export

Step 2: select NE--->select object to be exported--->select save folder--->select one folder in your laptop---
>click save and export. At last, check report in your laptop when progress is 100%.

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