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(2018) Prenatal Care in Greece Retrieved from https://www.angloinfo.



This article discussed the programs available to a mother-to be- in Greece. The prenatal
health care clinics in Greece support the practice of natural child birth. Which is different from
what other countries have written about in their prenatal care memos. Another program that the
article showcases was prenatal yoga. According to the article, prenatal yoga will lower the stress
level in mother- to- be which will make a natural child birth easier. This article will be helpful
for the paper because it takes an in-depth look at the prenatal practices of a country that is ranked
higher than America and also not a northern European country.
(2018) Prenatal Care in Japan Health Care Info Retrieved from

This article provided a comprehensive look at prenatal care in Japan. This article provides
a different view point because Japan is a country that is very developed in some areas and very
rural in others. This article briefly touched on the nations problem with getting women to get
checked at a prenatal hospital in enough time before they are due to have their baby. This will be
helpful in this research paper because Japan represents a country that is doing much better than
predicted with its prenatal care. Japan has been able to use the resources available to it to
provide the best possible care to its expectance mothers.

(2017, January 31) What is prenatal care and why is it important? Retrieved from

This article talked about the importance of prenatal care and what a woman can expect
during a prenatal care visit. This article will be helpful in this research paper because it
highlights some of the reasons prenatal care is so important and what things women need to look
out for while they are pregnant. The article also mentions preconception care which is also very
important. It is important to have an in-depth look at women’s health care as a whole in order
better understand prenatal care as a concept.
(2013, October 7) Midwives, Not Medicine, Rule Pregnancy in Sweden, with Enduring Success

Retrieved from

This article talked about the typical prenatal care in Sweden. Sweden is ranked second in
the world when it comes to prenatal care. This article provided some helpful statistics that
compare Sweden to the rest of the world. The article also talked about how relatively un-
medicated the women of Sweden are. Additionally, this article also outlined that most of the
prenatal care is administered by midwives and not doctors. This article will be helpful for this
research paper because it shows how a country with prenatal care that is ranked higher than
America goes about prenatal care in a totally different manner than America.
Basch, Charles “Teen Pregnancy and the Achievement Gap Among Urban Minority Youth.”
Journal of School Health, 2011, pp. 614-618
This article outline how teenage pregnancy effects teen in America. Minority students are
much more likely to have a teen pregnancy during the age of 15-17 than their white class mates.
African Americans are three times more likely and Hispanics are four times for likely to have a
teen pregnancy. These women are also more likely to raise children that will also become
pregnant as teens. The article cited one of the causes of teen pregnancy as the way sex education
is taught in schools. Abstinence only is the method that was widely being used at the time of the
experiment in 2006. This article will be helpful in the paper because it outlined one of the major
reasons why America is behind other countries.

Chisholm, Andrea (2016, December) Prenatal Care and Testing Retrieved from

This article gave a basic run down of what a mother- to- be can expect from the prenatal
care in Sweden. It outlined how many prenatal checkups the women can expect. It was very
surprising how many prenatal checkups the average woman would get in Sweden. Women in
Sweden will have much fewer prenatal care check-ups than women in America. Additionally,
they will also have fewer ultrasounds. This article will be helpful with this research paper
because it presents a comprehensive look at prenatal care in Sweden. Which is one of the highest
ranked countries for prenatal care in the world.

Chriscaden, Kimberly (2016, November 7) Pregnant women must be able to access the right

care at the right time, says WHO, Retrieved from

This article talked about the importance of prenatal care and some of the
recommendations that a mother-to-be might get during her first prenatal care visit. This article
talked about the importance of folic acid and the need to have more that the recommended 4
prenatal care visits recommended by the World Health organization. This article showed a more
biologically side of prenatal care.This article will be helpful in this research paper because it
talked about the effects of not have prenatal care and how they can be deadly to the baby and to
the mother.

Dockterman, Eliana( 2015, May 6) U.S. Ranks Worst Developed Country for Maternal Health,

Retrieved from


This article illuminated the reason why America needs better prenatal care. Out of 137
countries survey America ranked 33. That put America behind Norway, Finland, Iceland,
Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Australia and Belgium. These are all
countries that America should be able to beat. This article also talked about how better
prenatal care could improve America’s ranking. This article will be help in this research
paper because it dispelled the notion that America has the best prenatal care system.
Additionally, the chart that was provided in this article will serve has a guide to the
countries that are investigated further during research for this paper.
Fisher, Max (2013, May 8) Here’s a Map of the Best and Worst Countries to be a Mother

Retrieved from


This article talked about which countries ranked the best for mother across the world. The
article also gave insight into why certain countries perform poorer in certain captions of the
study. For example, America is ranked as one of the lowest developed countries mainly due to
the cycle of teen pregnancy in America. Additionally, the majority of the countries that were
ranked above America had some sort of universal health care or free prenatal services. This
article is helpful because it helped to pointed some of America’s areas of weakness.
Ramnarace, Cythia (2018) 8 Surprising Fact About Prenatal Care Around The World, Retrieved


This article talks about the conditions that some women have to go through while
pregnant in the developing world. In European countries such as France and Sweden there are
several different cultural aspects of prenatal that are different than in the USA. Swedish women
are prescribed messages and have a medical social worker so that they can understand what is
being said. French women are concerned with gaining weight. This can negatively affect the
mother-to-be and the baby. The article also touched on illness that start in the womb and that are
the results of poor prenatal care. Such as hypertension. This article will be helpful in this
research paper because it touched on the prenatal practices of other countries. This article also
touches on illnesses that start in the womb.

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