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“You’re “... God made

bringing a them and
bright spot to appreciate
their day.” God’s love ...”
See 2I
See 3J

Angels Among Us “... just say a
quick prayer
for us so we all
“... 17 rooms
“Everyone make it back
in the school
deserves a home to our
were built ...” families ...”
chance.” See 4K
See 2H See 4L

the sunday

lufkin news
MA R C H 2 6 , 2 0 1 7


l u f k i n d a i ly n e w s. c o m $2.00

Community Development Block Grant Program in jeopardy

Lufkin officials will be Block Grant Program, which has
provided affordable housing de-
Cities and counties use Com-
munity Development Block
1974, but the program is not well-
targeted to the poorest popula-
used grant
funds for vari-
Mulvaney said during a recent
press conference to discuss the
monitoring the federal velopments, neighborhood reha-
bilitation projects and other in-
Grant funds for various purpos-
es, such as public facilities, public
tions and has not demonstrated
results,” the budget proposal
ous infrastruc-
ture improve-
presidential blueprint. “The CD-
BGs have been identified as pro-
budget process as the frastructure and economic needs
for more than 40 years, is on the
services, housing and economic
development. Proposed projects
states. “The budget devolves
community and economic devel-
ments in recent
grams since the first, actually
the second, Bush administration
blueprint makes its chopping block in President Don- must benefit low- and moderate- opment activities to the state and “Here’s what as ones that just were not show-

way through Congress ald Trump’s budget blueprint.

According to the budget pro-
income persons or neighbor-
local level, and redirects federal
resources to other activities.”
I can tell you
about CBDGs
ing any results. We can’t do that
anymore. We can’t spend money
posal released earlier this month, In Texas, the grant program It’s unclear what kind of re- — because TRUMP on programs just because they
Trump wants to get rid of the is administered by the Texas De- sults the Trump administration that’s what sound good.”
By STEVE KNIGHT program as part of a $6 billion re- partment of Agriculture. was looking for when making we fund, right? — is that we’ve Those words from Washing-
The Lufkin News duction in the fiscal 2018 budget “The federal government has their assessment of the program, spent $150 billion on those pro- ton worry local elected leaders.
for the Department of Housing spent over $150 billion on this but Lufkin, as well as Angelina grams since the 1970s,” White
The Community Development and Urban Development. block grant since its inception in County and other entities, have House budget director Mick SEE PROGRAM, PAGE 3A


Sobering simulation LDN wins

18 awards
Hudson VFD holds Shattered Dreams event at Hudson ISD to scare students straight at APME
The Lufkin News
The Lufkin News earned 18
HUDSON — In a community effort awards during the Texas Asso-
to prevent drunk and distracted driving ciated Press Managing Editors’
among teens, the Hudson Volunteer Fire annual convention in Houston on
Department held the Shattered Dreams Saturday.
event at Hudson ISD Wednesday morn- Editor Andy Adams took one
ing. of the top honors of the Texas
Shattered Dreams is an educational APME contest with the Star Pho-
simulation of a vehicle accident in tojournalist of the Year award; he
which students act out the roles, includ- also earned second place for Star
ing some who die, some who are arrested Opinion Writer of the Year and
and others who are seriously injured as third place for Star Online Pack-
a result of the wreck. age of the Year.
The event began inside the gym with News Editor Jeff Pownall won
students watching a brief film in which second place for Star Designer of
boys and girls were getting ready for the Year.
prom. The boys were shooting pool and Among the newspaper’s other
drinking alcohol, while the girls were awards were four first-place hon-
putting on makeup and using their cell- ors for Adams in General News
phones. Photography and Feature Pho-
“Once we showed our student body the tography, and Assistant News
video, we walked them out here into the Editor Stacy Faison in Editorial
parking lot, and it picked up where the Writing and Headlines.
crash happened,” Hudson High School Adams also took second place
Principal John Courtney said. “911 was in General News Photography
called, and we had emergency vehicles ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News and third place in Sports Photog-
Hudson High School students watch the aftermath of Department’s Shattered Dreams event last week.
SEE SHATTERED, PAGE 6A a simulated car crash at the Hudson Volunteer Fire SEE AWARDS, PAGE 2A

Today’s weather Index Winner of the Pulitzer Prize we recycle EAST TEXAS

Seeds of love
Birth announcements................ 2E Dear Abby.................................. 3E On the Record........................... 5A for meritorious public service
Bridal Page............................... 2E East Texas............................. 1-4B Opinion.....................................2D
Volume 111, No. 50
Charm Lifestyle......................... 1E Entertainment/TV................ 1-24G Outdoors...................................5C
8 a.m. noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m. 89 Pages Four-acre garden provides free,
Classified...............................1-4F Hints from Heloise..................... 4E Sports................................... 1-5C
56 76 84 74 Crossword................................. 3E Janice Ann Rowe.......................1B Weather..................................... 5A © The Lufkin Daily News
fresh produce for community. 1B

Co m p lete fo r e c ast, Page 5A Newsroom 631-2618 Delivery 637-NEWS or 637-6397 Classified Ads 637-7355 Retail Ads 631-2630
2A Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

AROUND EAST TEXAS Police reports

Mosaic Center hosts
‘Hearts for Hope’
Angelina County Chamber of
Commerce at 1615 S. Chestnut
Duo charged with
stealing pressure
Street or email them to MWheel-
The Mosaic Center will host
the 12th annual Hearts for Hope
Leadership Lufkin
washer from garage
dinner and fundraiser at 6 p.m.
Tuesday at the Pitser Garrison to take applications
Convention Center in Lufkin. On April 1, applications will be
The GMC Trio, Texas Bible Col- available for the 36th Leadership
lege Ensemble and a surprise Lufkin class (program year 2017- By SHEMEKA THOMPKINS lina County Probation Office on
guest are providing entertain- 18). Interested candidates will The Lufkin News Thursday.
ment. David Calhoun of Texas be able to access the application, ———
Custom Catering will serve up brochure and tentative sched- Lufkin police arrest- A former employ-
his famous chicken fried steak. ule online at leadershiplufkin. ed a man and a woman ee at a business in the
Live, silent and dessert auctions com, or come by the Lufkin/ after they report- 4600 block of South
are sure to have something for Angelina County Chamber of edly stole a pressure Medford Drive dam-
everyone. Dinner tickets are $40 Commerce. The deadline for all washer from an open aged another employ-
each. Raffle tickets are available applications is 5 p.m. June 1 and garage in the 600 block ee’s car on Friday.
for $5 each or three for $10. Priz- applications should be turned in of Hackney Avenue on ———
es include a $500 gift certificate to the Lufkin/Angelina County Friday morning. The Lufkin Police
to Brookshire Brothers donated Chamber of Commerce at 1615 Cassidy Jefferson, Department made
by Citizens National Bank, $500 S. Chestnut in Lufkin, atten- 22, of Diboll, was two other arrests late
gift card to Sam’s Club donated tion Susie Cardwell. Applicants charged with theft of Friday and early Sat-
by The Mosaic Center board of must reside or work full-time service and had war- urday. Arrests and
directors, and an Apple Watch, in Angelina County. Tuition is rants for failure to ap- charges included:
Series 1 donated by Best Buy. For $1,200, which covers the cost of pear, assault/family Julia Goodwin, 36,
more information call 639-5068 or training materials, speakers, violence and open con- of Lufkin, warrants
visit the website mosaiccenter. program expenses, travel accom- tainer (driver), accord- for abandoning/en-
org. modations, and some meals and ing to county records. dangering a child/
LAURA McKENZIE/New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung
Lufkin News Editor Andy Adams poses with his plaque for Athena Leadership transportation. Qualified appli- Joe Nathan Dickson,
24, of Lufkin, was also
criminal negligence;
and Christie Olivarez
cants are selected on a first-come
Star Photographer of the Year at the Texas Associated Press Award nominations basis with Chamber members charged with theft and Adams, 39, of Lufkin,
Managing Editors’ annual convention award ceremony at the Do you know an exceptional receiving priority. If you are not had a warrant for no DICKSON possession of drug
Houston Chronicle on Saturday. woman that deserves recogni- a Chamber member, there’s still liability insurance and paraphernalia and
tion? Nominate her for the time to join. capias warrants for assault/ warrants for possession of drug

Awards Athena Leadership Award. Each

year the Athena Leadership
Leadership Lufkin is a nine-
month program designed to
family violence and failure to paraphernalia, public intoxica-
tion and theft.
Award is presented to a woman identify and educate the existing
Continued from Page 1A ■ Business Reporting, Night who embraces professional ex- and potential leaders of Lufkin A woman reportedly struck The Angelina County
raphy. Editor Vicky Camarillo cellence, community service and and Angelina County. It consists her ex-boyfriend in the rib cage Sheriff’s Office made four
In General Column Writing, ■ Specialty Reporting, Ca- for actively assisting women in of a two-day retreat and ropes with a bat in the 500 block of arrests late Friday and early
contributing writer Gary Stal- marillo their attainment of professional course, a trip to Austin to study Pershing Avenue late Friday Saturday. Arrests and charges
lard earned second place and ■ Feature Page Design by In- excellence and leadership skills. state government, leadership night. included: Ramon Jermaine
reporter Steve Knight took third dividual, Faison The Athena Leadership Award training, a community project, ——— Brooks, 39, of Lufkin, war-
place. “Our editorial staff competed represents eight characteristics volunteering at the Angelina Police arrested Lucy Ann rants for possession of drug
Faison and Sports Editor with newspapers from larger that are reflective of women’s County Science & Tech Fair and Dickey, 63, of Lufkin, on a paraphernalia and a judgment
Brandon Ogden took third place cities this weekend, and their contributions to leadership: the Texas State Forest Festival, charge of driving while license for possession of a controlled
in Team Page Design. dedication, skill and insight Authentic Self, Relationships, and seven monthly sessions cov- invalid after she was involved substance; Ricardo Cavazos
The newspaper also received were evident with their multiple Giving Back, Collaboration, Cou- ering issues pertaining to city, in a two-car accident in the 300 Guzman, 18, of Nacogdoches,
honorable mention recognitions awards,” said Jenniffer Ricks, rageous Acts, Learning, Fierce county and state government, block of West Frank Avenue warrants for assault causing
in the following categories: publisher of The Lufkin News. Advocacy, Celebration and Joy. education, health care, com- Friday night, according to a bodily injury/family violence;
■ Feature Photography, Ad- “I consider myself lucky to have The recipient of the 2017 Athe- munity safety, social services, police report. Dickey also had Rhonda Denise Grace, 38, of
ams, with two separate recogni- such a talented staff. Please join na Leadership Award will be economy, quality of life and his- capias pro fine warrants for dis- Lufkin, warrant for possession
tions me in congratulating them.” announced at the April Women’s tory of Angelina County. playing expired license plates of a controlled substance; and
Networking Luncheon April 9 at and no driver’s license, accord- Patrick Seth Lee, 31, of Lufkin,
the Pitser Garrison Convention ing to county records. possession of a controlled sub-
OBITUARIES Center. BIBLE VERSES ——— stance, possession of mari-
Athena Leadership Award A woman in the 1200 block juana and several warrants for
nomination forms are available Take heed that ye do not of Rogers Street reported that traffic violations.
Darrell Gene Grice at the Lufkin/Angelina County your alms before men, to someone stole money orders ———
Darrell Gene Grice went home to be with the Lord on March 18, 2017. Chamber of Commerce or you be seen of them: otherwise valued at $1,349. The Angelina County
He was born October 10, 1930 in Robstown, Texas to Clyde and Opal can download the form the web- ye have no reward of your ——— Adult Probation Office ar-
Grice. Gene, the first child of Clyde & Opal Grice, attended school in Old site, Nomina- Father which is in heaven. A woman in the 3500 block rested Brandon Taylor Willis,
Glory, Texas. Gene graduated from Texas Tech Univer- tion forms are due by Friday. Matthew 6:1 of North John Redditt Drive re- 21, of Lufkin, on a warrant for
sity in 1951 and joined the Air Force. While stationed in Send nominations forms to King James ported that someone she knows sexual assault.
Melissa Wheeler at the Lufkin/ threatened her on Friday night. ———
Columbia, South Carolina, he met the love of his life,
——— The Angelina County Jail
Elizabeth Ann Stevens, and they were married on July Metal roof vents were re- housed 238 inmates as of 3 p.m.
5, 1953 in Birmingham, Alabama. After his discharge ported stolen from a business Saturday.
from the Air Force, they moved to Hamlin, Texas to in the 1600 block of West Frank You can view all of the arrest mug shots
farm and start a family. Gene started working for the Avenue early Saturday morn- each day at
Soil Conservation Service in 1957 in Littlefield, Texas. ing. record/ on The Lufkin News’ website. To
This job required many moves in Texas, Pennsylvania ——— submit an anonymous tip about a story to
and finally Massachusetts, where he retired in 1987. Counterfeit bills were re- our news staff, visit
Gene and Liz spent their retirement years in Lufkin, Tex- George (Greg) Strait portedly passed at the Ange-
as where Gene was active in their church, volunteered Mass of Christian Burial for George (Greg) Strait, 59, of Lufkin will be
in local schools and museums, and was a member of held Monday, March 27, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church
multiple Toastmasters groups. Gene also enjoyed gar- with Fr. Gavin Vaverek and Fr. Marcos Ramos, OP officiating. Interment
dening and spending time with his grandchildren. will follow in the Berry Cemetery. Rosary will be recited
He is survived by daughter and son-in-law, Martha at 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening in the Carroway Funeral
and Bryan Steger of Taos, New Mexico; daughter and Home Chapel.
son-in-law, Carol and Jeff Castro of Houston; son and Mr. Strait was born February 28, 1958 in Lufkin,
daughter-in-law, James and Joanna Grice of LaGrange, Texas to the late Cleora (Perkins) and Fred J. “Buster”
Kentucky; son-in-law, Travis Hardaway of Round Top; Strait, and died Thursday, March 23, 2017 in a local
sister and brother-in-law, Atha Lea and Ron McKim of Austin; and grand- hospital. He was a lifetime resident of Lufkin and had death notices
children, Sarah, Emily and Melanie Castro, Bryan and Jenna Hardaway; owned Strait Motor Company for over five years. Mr.
Jimmy, Elisabeth and Sophie Grice. Gene was preceded in death by his Strait was a member of St. Patrick Catholic Church. Donald Cox
wife Elizabeth, parents; and daughters, Mary Elizabeth Grice and Lea Ann Survivors include: wife, Emma Strait; his sons, Cole Services for Donald Cox, 73, of Lufkin, are pending with Shafer
Grice Hardaway. Strait and wife Briana, Jathan Strait and wife Melissa; Funeral Home. Mr. Cox was born April 16, 1943, and died March 24,
Should you desire, memorial contributions may be made to The daughter, Emma Jo “Pinky” Naslund and husband Luke; son, Travis Garcia; 2017.
Alzheimer’s Foundation, P.O. Box 96011, Washington, DC 20090-6011 grandchildren, Andrew Naslund, David Naslund, and Matthew Naslund,
Stella Strait and Taylor Strait; sisters, Nancy Thrash and husband Phil,
(1-800-272-3900), or the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 6931 Arlington
Judy Edger and husband Mike, Marylou McMullen, Allyson Bennett and
Clifford “Leo” Knight Jr.
Road, 2nd Flood, Bethesda, MD 20814 (1-800-344-4823). Burial ser- Services for Clifford “Leo” Knight Jr., 65, of Lufkin, are pending
vices for Mr. Grice will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, March 31, 2017 in the husband Steve, and Missy Geraci; and numerous nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents and brother-in-law, Jerry Mc- with Shafer Funeral Home. Mr. Knight was born Nov. 9, 1951, and
Houston National Cemetery in Houston. Condolences may be offered at died Saturday, March 25, 2017, at his residence. Services have been placed in the trust of Mullen.
Schmidt Funeral Home. Pallbearers will be Cole Strait, Jathan Strait, Travis Garcia, Mike Edger,
Andrew Paul Naslund, and Manuel Rodriquez. Charles Watt Griswold
Honorary pallbearers will be Kenneth “KT” Thompson and Larry Brown. Services for Charles Watt Griswold, 83, of Houston, will be held
Contact us Memorial contributions may be made to the Monastery of the Infant Je- at 11:30 a.m. Monday at Cason Monk-Metcalf Funeral Home Chapel
■ To submit a news tip or feature story idea, contact Andy Adams, our editor, sus, 1501 Lotus Lane, Lufkin, Texas 75904. in Nacogdoches. Interment will follow at Sunset Memorial Park, Na-
at 631-2623 or You can also submit a news tip The family will welcome friends and loved ones from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. cogdoches.
— anonymously, if you’d like — at Sunday evening at Carroway Funeral Home, prior to the Rosary. Mr. Griswold was born Feb. 7, 1934, in Fairbanks and died March
■ To submit a listing for our community calendar or East Texas briefs, contact Memories and condolences may be added at www.carrowayfuneral- 23, 2017, in Humble.
Beverly Johnson at 631-2618 or Cason Monk-Metcalf Funeral Home, Nacogdoches, directors.
■ To submit a listing for our entertainment calendar, published in the Friday Carroway Funeral Home, Lufkin, directors.
edition, contact Beverly Johnson at 631-2618 or Curtis “Buster” Musick
■ To submit a sports score or sports calendar listing, or to suggest a topic for
Lotto Texas numbers drawn Saturday: 21-25-27-30-36-48 Services for Curtis “Buster” Musick, 58, of Apple Springs, are
a sports feature story, contact Brandon Ogden, our sports editor, at 631-2608 or
Cash Five numbers drawn Saturday: 7-23-25-31-35 pending with Shafer Funeral Home. Mr. Musick was born Nov. 26,
Pick Three numbers drawn Saturday (morning): 5-3-2 Sum It Up: 10 1958, and died Saturday, March 25, 2017, in Lufkin.
Pick Three numbers drawn Saturday (day): 3-2-4 Sum It Up: 9
Pick Three numbers drawn Saturday (evening): 8-6-5 Sum It Up: 19 Joan Lowery Quisenberry
View Pick Three numbers drawn Saturday (night): 0-4-1 Sum It Up: 5
Daily Four numbers drawn Saturday (morning): 3-1-7-6 Sum It Up: 17 Services for Joan Lowery Quisenberry, 69, of Cynthiana, Ken-
obits • Sign online guest book for anyone in today’s newspaper
• Search for past local obituaries Daily Four numbers drawn Saturday (day): 2-4-1-4 Sum It Up: 11 tucky, are pending with Cason Monk-Metcalf Funeral Home in Na-
online • View the “National Spotlight” slideshow of celebrity deaths Daily Four numbers drawn Saturday (evening): 6-6-2-1 Sum It Up: 15 cogdoches. Mrs. Quisenberry was born Sept. 27, 1947, in Etoile and
died March 25, 2017, in Brenham.
Daily Four numbers drawn Saturday (night): 3-6-8-2 Sum It Up: 19
Texas Two Step numbers drawn Thursday: 5-20-22-34 Bonus Ball: 1
Texas Triple Chance numbers drawn Saturday: Ronnie Roberts
Services for Ronnie Roberts, 46, of Lufkin, are pending with Colo-
Mega Million numbers drawn Friday: 5-28-37-61-69 nial Mortuary. Mr. Roberts died Friday in Lufkin.
Mega Ball: 1 Megaplier: 5
Powerball numbers drawn Saturday: 18-31-32-45-48
Powerball: 16 Power Play: 4

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1089, Lufkin, Tx. 75902-1089

(936) 632-6631 Fax (936) 632-6655 The

Lufkin News
Street Address: 300 Ellis, Lufkin, Tx. 75904-3817
Classified Advertising 637-7355 USPS 321-820
Retail Advertising 631-2630 Subscription rates: By carrier in advance. Daily $16 per 4 weeks; $104 for 26 weeks; $208 for 52 weeks. By mail; daily $24 per 4 weeks; $156 for 26
NEWSROOM weeks; $312 for 52 weeks. Military with APO or FPO address, $24 per 4 weeks. Out-of-state delivery, $24
Comments about a story Jenniffer Ricks 631-2602 per 4 weeks. The Lufkin Daily News is not responsible for advance subscription payments unless made
Story, Photo request, Editorials Andy Adams 631-2623 How can we help? directly to the circulation department.
Sports Brandon Ogden 631-2608 Service hours for missed paper deliveries are from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Southern Newspapers Inc., doing business as The Lufkin Daily News, is published mornings daily.
Periodicals postage is paid at Lufkin, Texas.
Lifestyle Beverly Johnson 631-2618 Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Sunday.
Postmaster: Send address changes to THE LUFKIN DAILY NEWS, P.O. Box 1089, Lufkin, Tx. 75902-
F.Y.I. Call 632-6637 Call 637-NEWS or 637-6397 1089. the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 3A

KML seeking public input on strategic plan for next 5 years

By STEVE KNIGHT munity aware of the value of its dination and resource sharing — based economic development responsible for it, how much will make these a reality,” she said.
The Lufkin News service offerings, both offered di- How the library makes decisions, and project management firm it cost, what other resources are “A strategic plan, in my opinion,
rectly and with partners. who is responsible, the relevance Maverick & Boutique, led morn- necessary, how to get the commu- is no good without action.”
Kurth Memorial Library in ■ Technology, systems and and usefulness of policies, and ing and afternoon sessions on nity involved — as many details Steve Knight’s email address is
Lufkin continued its effort of pre- future infrastructure needs — how to make better use of talent, Wednesday. as possible so that the library can
paring a strategic plan designed How the library makes use of physical and financial resources. “The goal of today’s session is
to guide its work for the next five the physical infrastructure, in- ■ Expanding the role of the li- to look at all the project ideas that
years by inviting the public to cluding buildings and technolo- brary and partnering — How the the library community has come community calendar
share more ideas during a work- gies as well as the supporting library collaborates with stake- up with during the course of the
shop Wednesday. systems, methods, processes holders and service providers to project,” Straus said. “The par- march 27 Chapel Road. Fundraiser for area youth
Participants were asked to and systems necessary to en- deliver services more efficiently ticipants have been arranged into Associate Degree Nursing Informa- shooting sports. For info/tickets: www.
contribute their knowledge and able the library to function and or effectively than either can groups by strategic goal areas to tion Session. 5:30-6:30 p.m., Angelina
explore ideas for new or expand- deliver the services at current alone, especially services that are figure out which projects there College, Health Careers I Building, Room April 3
ed projects in the following stra- and future locations. vital to the success of the city and seems to be the most energy for 103. Sign up: or Angelina County Chamber of Com-
tegic goal areas: ■ Programming and events its citizens or deal with unmet and the most feasible and devel- 633-5265. merce Golf Tournament. 11 a.m. Lunch,
■ Leadership, staffing and pro- — How well the events and pro- needs. op the details of those projects so March 28 putting contest; Noon shotgun start.
fessional development — How gramming is aligned with com- ■ Funding, financial health, that we can take them to the next Hearts for Hope Dinner. 6 p.m., Pitser Crown Colony Country Club. Fee: $500 for
the library recruits and develops munity needs and interests. capital investments, budgeting step.” Garrison Convention Center. An evening teams of four.
staff and other talent in order ■ Services innovation and — How the library is funded, Straus said she hoped partici- of live and silent auction, wonderful food. Pharmacy Tech Program Informa-
to adapt to changing patterns of collection building — How the the new capital investments that pants would come up with great Proceeds benefit The Mosaic Center. tion Session. 6-7 p.m. Angelina College
service demand and delivery. library develops and maintains need to be made, reallocation of potential project ideas and “cre- April 1 Health Careers II, Room 223, 3500 S. First
■ Marketing, promotion and collections, and what new collec- funds from services no longer re- ate action for the library.” Friends of the NRA Banquet. 5:30 St. For those interested in enrolling the
advocacy — How the library tions it develops in order to de- quired to new services. “I hope to have some really p.m., Lufkin VFW Post 1836, 1800 Ford AC Pharmacy Technology program.
makes citizens, community liver an evolving mix of services. Consultant Abby Straus, from cool project ideas with details,
groups and others in the com- ■ Governance, policies, coor- the Ashfield, Massachusetts- like who is going to run it, who is

Continued from Page 1A
Lufkin city officials will be moni- President Donald Trump’s fiscal 2017-18 federal budget blueprint Scholarship fundraiser for
toring the federal budget process Department Current levels (billions) 2018 request (billions) % change
as the blueprint makes its way Agriculture $22.6 $17.9 -20.7
APRIL 1, 2017 | 10 AM
through Congress. Commerce $9.2 $7.8 -15.7 $5 ADMISSION FOR 12 & UP
“Lufkin has had several big Defense $521.7 $574.0 +10.0 PITSER GARRISON CONVENTION CENTER
grants from that program,” city Education $68.2 $59.0 -13.5 FOOD TRUCKS & ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS
council member Lynn Torres EPA $8.2 $5.7 -31.4
said. “That would represent a Energy $29.7 $28.0 -5.6

Congregation Beth Simcha

huge loss to GSA $0.3 $0.5 N/A
citizens and Health and Human Services $77.7 $65.1 -16.2

Annual Passover Seder

cities. It’s our Homeland Security $41.3 $44.1 +6.8
only vehicle HUD $46.9 $40.7 -13.2

Tuesday April 11, 2017 6:00pm

to do repairs, Interior $13.2 $11.6 -11.7
to make enti- Justice $28.8 $27.7 -3.8
ties whole and Labor $12.2 $9.6 -20.7
move econom- NASA $19.2 $19.1 -0.8 Lufkin Pitser Garrison Convention Center
Tickets available at
ic development National Nuclear Security Administration (within Energy) $12.5 $13.9 +11.3
forward. We’ve torres Small Business Administration $0.9 $0.8 -5.0
used it for wa- Social Security Administration $9.3 $9.3 +0.2 HAVOLINE EXPRESS LUBE
Corner of Timberland and Denman
ter lines, side- State, USAID, foreign aid $38.0 $27.1 -28.7
walks and the drainage on Den- Transportation $18.6 $16.2 -12.7
man Avenue because that was
perceived as a flooding area.”
Treasury $11.7 $11.2 -4.4 (Phone # 936-634-5823)
Veterans Affairs $74.5 $78.9 +5.9
Lufkin recently received a Source: Federal News Radio Or visit our website
$275,000 grant for flood and
drainage improvements in the to order by mail
Hurricane Creek Watershed area lobby and large conference room. ing customers in the community. provides for one of the largest $20 Adults $7.50 children under 12
between Atkinson Drive and Neighbors to our north also The renovations are needed with increases in defense spending, in-
Paul Avenue. use grant funds, according to construction on U.S. Highway 69 creases the budget for immigra- For more information call 936-707-5535
That project is designed to de-
crease flooding occurrences near
Nacogdoches City Manager Jim
north, Railroad Street and U.S.
Highway 69 south.
tion enforcement and includes
additional resources for a wall on
Due to limited seating tickets must be
Lone Chapel Church and the Inez “Nacogdoches might not be as Another grant of $250,000 was the southern border with Mexico. purchased in advance.
Tims apartments, an area that
suffers damage each time heavy
significant as those entitlement
cities that are over 50,000 popu-
awarded to Angelina County in
2010 to make improvements to
Steve Knight’s email address is
No tickets will be sold at the door.
thunderstorms roar through lation, but we the Prairie Grove Water Supply
Lufkin. do routinely Company water system, running
Lubbock Street from Paul Av- receive grants along Farm-to-Market Road 1818. T
enue south to Knight Avenue got every two or That funding is also needed


a new hot-mix asphaltic surface three years. after disasters, Jasper County
and culverts thanks to a 2012 Those grants Judge Mark Allen said.
grant. The cost of that project go to low- to “Most all of our disaster fund-
was $243,410. moderate- ing after an event, after a con- U

Also in 2012, the city received income neigh- gressional authorization, is ad- IN, TEX
a $1,236,219 Community Devel- borhoods, and JEFFERS ministered through the CDBG
opment Block Disaster Recovery that’s an im- program,” Allen said. “If you ORDINANCE NO. 4686
Grant, part of round 2.2 Hurri-
cane Ike funding from HUD, to in-
portant part
of our budget, especially to pro-
eliminate that program, that’s
going to take away that vehicle
stall a 500- to 600-kilowatt genera- vide service to those who are less for communities that suffer from ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE OF ORDI-
tor with a transfer switch at one
of its water plants. That project
fortunate than the rest of us. We
are hopeful that the budget cuts
major disasters, be it hurricanes,
tornado events or wildfires. For
also included a concrete founda- don’t go through and, if they do years, the federal government TAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN; PRO-
tion and electrical work. go through, they are minimal.” has been able to work through VIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF
The city received a $275,000
grant for a paving project on Hen-
Seniors utilizing the Angelina
County Senior Citizens Center in
the CDBG program and adminis-
ter funds to the states for jurisdic- NOT EXCEEDING $500 GENERALLY OR EXCEEDING
drix Road in 2012. Lufkin will soon see an updated tions in need.” $2,000 FOR VIOLATIONS RELATING TO FIRE SAFE-
Construction and renovations
at the Pitser Garrison Conven-
facility thanks to a $275,000 grant
awarded last year. That proj-
Jasper County also depends on
those funds for day-to-day opera-
tion Center came courtesy of $6.8 ect includes constructing walls, tions, he said. PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF SUCH CODE;
million in federal and state grants
that city and county officials re-
installing about 160 linear feet
of interior sewer line and reha-
“We depend greatly on the
CDBG programs that come
ceived. That project, funded by bilitating the restroom facilities. through for our water and sewer NANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE.
the Texas Department of Rural Improvements will bring the development projects to allow our
Affairs and the U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Develop-
building into compliance with
Americans with Disabilities Act
rural communities to expand or
maintain their water treatment SECTION V. PENALTY
ment through the Development requirements. systems,” Allen said. “Without
Block Disaster Assistance Grant
Program, doubled the size of the
The Texas Department of Ru-
ral Affairs presented Zavalla with
those programs, we don’t get the
growth that we need.”
Unless a differing penalty is expressly provided for within the
facility by adding a shelter sec- a $250,000 check in 2010 to install Trump’s plan, named “Amer- Code, every person convicted of a general violation of any pro-
tion to the south side of the exist-
ing civic center, with an enlarged
water lines, two highway cross-
ings and reconnections for exist-
ica First: A Budget Blueprint to
Make America Great Again,”
vision of the Code or any rule, ordinance, or police regulation
of the City shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $2,000.00

Let Us Cater YoUr event

for violations of all such rules, ordinances and police regulations
that govern fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation,
including dumping of refuse, and not exceeding $500.00 for all
other violations. Each act of violation and each day upon which
Since 1950 & Still Smokin’ any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense.
The penalty provided by this section, unless another penalty is
expressly provided, shall apply to the amendment of any Code
section, whether or not such penalty is reenacted in the amenda-
tory ordinance. In addition to the penalty prescribed above, the
Stringer’s Lufkin Bar-B-Q City may pursue other remedies such as abatement of nuisances,
injunctive relief and revocation of licenses or permits.

ea Leg Quart APPROVED on the second and final reading this the 21st day of
Take HomBeef Plus 2 Sid er $ 00 March, 2017
ChippedPack es 6
Family Buy 2 Ch
48 Sandwicheipped Beef CITY OF LUFKIN, TEXAS
18 + tax s Get 1 Fre
e Bob F. Brown, Mayor

Let us Cater Your Event! This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its
passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the
City Charter. This ordinance can be viewed in its entirety in the
• Two Banquet Rooms City Secretary’s Office, Lufkin City Hall, 300 East Shepherd Av-
• Available Seating up to 60 or up to 150 enue, Room 145.
Paul & robin Stringer - Owners Kara Atwood
203 S. Chestnut Dr. • 936-634-4744 • Mon-Sat 10am-9pm • Closed Sunday City Secretary
4A Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news


How can I start growing my money so I feel secure in my 60s?

i Taylor: I’m 41 and years. How you save depends on ment isn’t a bad thing. I will say which you’ve already paid taxes, short term and bigger capital securities, investments, or investment strate-
watching my dad try to your current income, so I’ll lay that 401(k) plans tend to favor the the benefits of a Roth IRA far gains in the long run. Remem- gies. Investments involve risk and, unless
settle into re- out three common money managers and often come outweigh the benefits of a tradi- ber, saving for retirement is otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be
tirement. He has some options and hope- with hidden fees, so you should tional IRA. about having enough wealth sure to first consult with a qualified financial
money put away and fully this info will help consider rolling your 401(k) into 3. Alternative investing. It’s accumulated so that you can adviser and/or tax professional before
some tied up in stocks, guide you. one of the following options. hard for a lot of people to look live comfortably after you stop implementing any strategy discussed herein.
but overall the experi- 1. Employer 401(k). 2. Roth and traditional IRAs. past the traditional means of working. If you can secure that Past performance is not indicative of future
ence has been much I’m not a huge fan of An IRA is a good way to grow saving for retirement, but hear wealth in a nontraditional way, performance.
more stressful than I these accounts, most- your money, especially when me out. What if, instead of more power to you. To submit a question to be answered
want it to be when I ly because the penal- you’re able to contribute the putting all your capital into a At 41, you still have plenty in this column, please send it via email to
reach that point. How ties are so extreme maximum amount each year managed account, you bought a of time to save and grow your, or via regular
can I start growing my if you need to access ($5,500 if you’re 49 or younger, rental property? That will give money before you retire. Make mail to Lessons on Wealth, 106 E. Lufkin Ave.,
money so I feel secure your funds before $6,500 for those 50 and above). you an asset that can increase in sure you look at all the options Lufkin, TX 75901.
in my 60s? — Kevin in taylor kovar you turn 60 (or 59½). The big difference between Roth value, while also allowing you to so you can figure out what will
Corrigan Now, if you’re offered and traditional IRAs is when put some of the rental income offer the best return, and then let
Hey Kevin: This is a question a 401(k) and your employer will you get taxed. With Roth, you into a retirement account. You your money do the work. Good
that a lot more people need to be match your contribution up to pay taxes on your contributions; could also put your money into luck, Kevin!
asking. It’s really important to 5 or 6 percent, I’m not going to with a traditional IRA, you get commodities, like precious met- Information presented is for educational
plan for your retirement so that tell you to turn it down — free taxed on the back end. If you als or energy. These options can purposes only and is not an offer or solicita-
you’re able to enjoy those later money going toward your retire- can stand to invest money on offer huge tax benefits in the tion for the sale or purchase of any specific


Huntington i.S.D.
Building permits issued by the city
of Lufkin from March 17-24, listed by will begin screening students in grades
address, owner, contractor, descrip- 1-8 for possible placement in the Gifted
tion and value: and Talented Program for the 2017-2018
New commercial school year.
■ 206 E. Groesbeck Ave., Robert
Wood, Cypress Project Solutions, new
Parent nomination forms may be obtained
commercial, $246,610 from each principal’s office between 8 a.m.
Commercial repair and addition and 3 p.m. each day. The deadline for par-
■ 1702 N. Raguet St., Delwin ent nomination is Friday, April 14, 2017.
Shoemaker, Innovative Collision Equip- Call 936-876-4287 and ask for the ap-
ment, commercial remodel, $90,000
Residential repair and addition
propriate counselor for further information.
■ 400 Garner Ave., Maxine Greer,

storage building, $1,000
■ 1508 S. Chestnut St., Judd and
Kathy Williamson, The Roofing Com-
pany, roofing permit, $13,000
■ 116 Westchester St., Teresa
Phillips, Grumbles Roofing, roofing
Leadership Lufkin Class 35 visits Judge Dr. LaTonya Goffney, Lufkin ISD; Melissa permit, $6,400
■ 104 July Court, Charles and
at our NEW location
April Earley’s Municipal Court during Local Keeling, Citizens National Bank; Janet Yancey,
Government Day. Pictured, front row from left, CHI St. Luke’s Health Memorial; Nichole Torrez, Beverly Howland, storage building,
tO the ReScue! 607 S. John Redditt
are Tara Watson-Watkins, Lufkin Convention & Lockheed Martin; Alexis Pigg, Merrill Lynch;
Visitors Bureau; Briana Sanches, Lufkin ER; Marian Corley, Gann Medford Real Estate; ■ 404 Oleta St., Charles and Linda By Joe Hancock
Emily Gay, T.L.L. Temple Foundation; Kristen Melinda Moore, Cascade Health Services LLC; Kilgore, M&M Roofing, roofing permit,
Nesrsta, First Bank & Trust East Texas; April Hilary Haglund Walker, Regions Bank; and Paul $4,550 All State
Turner, The Lufkin News; Taylor Kovar, Kovar Johnson, Hospice in the Pines Inc.; back row, ■ 2410 Old Mill Road, Johnnie Ray
Capital; Britany Vinson, Tomé Catering; Karen Matt Knight, The Advanced Financial Group; Davis, J.D. Teer Construction, residen-
Vines, American Real Estate; and Emilie Hobbs, Kelly Follie, Impact Lufkin; Judge April Earley; tial remodel, $500
Woodland Heights Medical Center; middle Peter Gergen, Angelina County & Cities Health ■ 1019 E. Denman Ave., Donald
row, Clay Oliver, Brookshire Brothers; Connie District; and Matt Maisen, Century 21 Cota W. Byrd, Ramshur & Sons Contracting
McLaughlin, Mike Love & Associates, L.L.C.; Realty. Not pictured are Pastor David Briggs, Inc., roofing permit, $12,400
Sharon Kruk, Junior League of Lufkin; Ashley Abundant Life UMC; and Erika Neill, Alderman,
Berry, Tomé Catering; Kevin Pratt, Etech Texas; Cain & Neill.

Leadership Lufkin meets for 607 S. John Redditt Dr.


Taking Care of Business Day
Licensed, Bonded and Insured
Locally Owned

The Leadership Lufkin Class about the types of cases heard of Commerce, where Tara Wat-
of 2016-17 met March 9 for a lo- in municipal court. The class son-Watkins, community rela-
cal government session called then walked to city hall, where tions chair for Junior League
“Taking Care of Business” Day. Lufkin Police Chief Gerald Wil- of Lufkin, gave insights into

The day was focused on both liamson, City Manager Keith the organization, which pro-
city and county facilities and Wright and Lufkin Parks & Rec- motes volunteerism and is
functions. reation Director Mike Akridge committed to improving the
Presenting sponsor for the answered questions regarding community. The Leadership
year is Community Title, and the future of Lufkin and its Lufkin Class of 2016-17 has
session sponsors were the Ju- many assets. raised all the money necessary

nior League of Lufkin, Whata- After lunch the group trav- to fund their class project,
burger and Shelton’s Place. eled to the gun range, where Sgt. which is replacing three gates
Session coordinators were Cha- Travis Strickland shared some at the George H. Henderson
sity Gauthier of American Real training components of the Spe- Expo Center.
Estate and Lufkin City Council- cial Response Team. The SRT is Special thanks to the com-

man Robert Shankle. Leader- a five-member team that works panies and organizations who
ship Lufkin would like to thank closely with the community and provided monetary contribu-
the Junior League of Lufkin for law enforcement agencies in tions, including Brookshire
providing breakfast and city of an effort to eradicate drugs in Brothers, Mike Love & Asso-
Lufkin for providing lunch. the city and county. Report any ciates LLC, Cascade Health
The session began at the drug activity in your area to Services, Hicks-Co Real Es-
Angelina County Courthouse,
where Judge Paul White, of the
or anonymously through Crime
tate Development, Carl Ray
Polk, Commercial Bank of
The Angelina County Citizens Chamber
159th District Court, provided Stoppers at 639-TIPS. Texas, Axley & Rode LLPC,
the leadership training segment Next on the agenda was the Tomé Catering, Shafer Funer-
titled “Leadership Altruism.”
The class then traveled to An-
Angelina County Jail. Judge
Billy Ball shared the respon-
al Home, Woodland Heights
Medical Center, Southland would like to invite you to join us
gelina County Adult Probation, sibilities of being a justice of Federal Credit Union, Lufkin
518 S. First St., where Director the peace. Sheriff Greg Sanch- Lions Club, The Coalition and in celebrating our
Marcy Anthony introduced the es told us of the many areas Abeldt’s Pharmacy.
class to her staff, who shared
their duties and responsibili-
where trusties are used to save
the county money instead of
Leadership Lufkin will meet
again on April 13 for Call to
76th Anniversary!
ties in the community. Next was hiring full-time staff for cer- Action Day. For more informa-
the Municipal Court Building, tain jobs including mowing, tion, visit leadershiplufkin.
where the class saw a video pre-
sentation by Judge April Earley
cooking and laundry. The class
ended the day at the Chamber
com or email Susie Cardwell at
We are pleased to announce
Dr. Charlotte Key,
Attorney at Law and President of
Collin County Chamber of Commerce
will be the keynote speaker

The Banquet is scheduled for

6:30 p.m. on Friday, March 31, 2017
at the
Lufkin Pitser Garrison Convention Center

Tickets are $25 in advance and

$30 at the door
available at
Pinewood Park, 120 Kirksey, Lufkin
or by calling 936-632-6322 the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 5A
Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.
TODAY Clouds and sunshine; breezy this Lufkin through 7 p.m. yesterday Today Monday
afternoon Temperature City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W
Abilene 85 49 pc 79 55 s
High/low temperature .................. 76°/56°
Winds: S 7-14 mph Normal high/low ........................... 74°/50°
Henderson Alice 91 64 pc 92 67 pc
Probability of Precip: 0% Record high ........................... 93° in 1928 84/66 Amarillo
Record low ............................. 30° in 1912 Baytown 83 72 c 83 72 t
84° Precipitation Center Beaumont 84 69 c 83 68 t
RealFeel: 85° 24 hours ending 7 p.m. yest. ........... 0.38” Jacksonville 85/67
Corpus Christi
Month to date .................................. 1.98” 83/66 Dallas 84 61 t 81 57 s
Normal month to date ...................... 3.10” Rusk Del Rio 89 60 s 91 67 s
TONIGHT Overcast and mild Year to date ..................................... 9.76”
83/66 El Paso 77 50 s 81 55 s
Normal year to date ........................ 11.15” Fort Worth 83 59 t 81 56 s
Winds: SSE 7-14 mph
Palestine Nacogdoches Galveston 81 73 sh 81 73 t

Probability of Precip: 25% LAKE LEVELS 88/66 84/66

Kingsville 89 67 pc 89 71 pc
66° Statistics as of 7 a.m. Saturday Lake Charles, LA 82 67 pc 82 67 t
RealFeel: 64°
Location Normal Current Crockett San Augustine Laredo
Sam Rayburn Res. 164.5 162.81 85/66 87/67 Lubbock 79 42 pc 76 48 s
B.A. Steinhagen 85 82.25
MONDAY Lake Nacogdoches 279 278.50 LUFKIN McAllen
Some sun with a shower or thunderstorm Toledo Bend Res. 172 169.02 84/66 Palestine 88 66 pc 80 62 pc
Lake Tyler 375.5 375.62 Pasadena 83 71 c 84 71 t
Winds: SSW 7-14 mph Lake Palestine 345 345.14 Plano 80 62 t 79 56 s
Probability of Precip: 55% San Angelo 89 48 pc 86 57 s
Lake Livingston 131 131.27 Diboll San Antonio 87 65 pc 86 67 s
Cedar Creek Res. 322 321.87
83° 64° Lake Conroe 201 200.98 85/67 Shreveport, LA 85 65 pc 82 59 t

RealFeel: 86° RealFeel: 65° Trinity Jasper Texarkana

SUN AND MOON 86/69 85/69 Victoria 85 67 pc 86 68 pc
Waco 84 62 t 82 59 s
TUESDAY Clouds and sun with a brief shower or Sunrise today ............................ 7:15 a.m. Huntsville Wichita Falls 84 49 pc 75 49 s
two Sunset tonight ........................... 7:34 p.m.
Moonrise today ........................... 6:25 a.m.
85/69 Livingston Woodville
Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy,
sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flur-
Winds: S 6-12 mph
Moonset today .......................... 6:20 p.m. 87/69 88/67
ries, sn-snow, i-ice.
Probability of Precip: 55%
New First Full Last
RealFeel: 86° RealFeel: 66° NATIONAL WEATHER TODAY City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Albuquerque 67 42 s 69 47 pc
Mar 27 Apr 3 Apr 11 Apr 19 Anchorage 36 18 pc 37 23 c
WEDNESDAY Watch for severe afternoon Baltimore 54 49 r 73 52 r
Winds: SSE 10-20 mph Charleston, SC 78 56 c 79 58 pc
Minor Major Minor Major Cleveland 68 53 r 65 45 c
Probability of Precip: 65%
Mon. 4:41 a.m. 10:54 a.m. 5:07 p.m. 11:20 p.m. Fairbanks 21 -4 s 24 4 s
82° 64° Tues.
5:29 a.m.
6:21 a.m.
11:42 a.m.
12:08 a.m.
5:55 p.m.
6:47 p.m.
12:04 p.m.
RealFeel: 81° RealFeel: 64° Thur. 7:16 a.m. 1:03 a.m. 7:43 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Jackson, MS 83 62 pc 80 64 t
Fri. 8:16 a.m. 2:02 a.m. 8:44 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Las Vegas 75 59 pc 72 55 pc
Little Rock 76 60 pc 77 53 t
THURSDAY A strong morning t-storm; clouds and sun
The solunar period schedule allows plan-
ning days so you will be fishing in good ter-
Los Angeles 68 53 s 70 51 pc
Memphis 76 60 pc 74 59 t
ritory or hunting in good cover during those New York 44 40 r 62 52 r
Winds: WSW 7-14 mph times. Major periods begin at the times
Orlando 84 60 s 84 59 s
shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor
Probability of Precip: 60% periods are shorter. Showers Philadelphia 50 46 r 69 54 r
T-storms Phoenix 81 58 pc 82 57 s
75° 55° Forecasts and
Portland, OR
RealFeel: 74° RealFeel: 55° Flurries St. Louis 66 50 c 68 52 r
graphics provided Warm Salt Lake City 58 43 pc 53 40 sh
The patented RealFeel Temperature® is an by AccuWeather, Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Springfield, MO 69 54 pc 66 49 t
Ice Stationary Temperature bands are highs for the day.
exclusive index of effective temperature based on eight weather Inc. ©2017 Topeka 61 45 c 62 43 c
factors. Shown are the highest and lowest values for each day -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Tulsa 74 54 t 69 47 pc

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What’s max amount of money Mom can make to be eligible for Medicaid?
ear Jeff: I am about to year. This eligibility. She will also need to this information is private and is very broad and includes any information and educational purposes only,
apply for Medicaid for year, the meet the requirement of the as- should be protected, the federal information that is put in your and neither this column nor the transmittal
my mother, as she can no maximum set test, which allows only $2,000 government set rules and limits medical record, any conver- of a legal question via regular mail or email
longer be at home without 24- allowed of “countable resources.” on exactly who is allowed to sation between your doctor constitutes the creation of an attorney/client
hour care. What is the maximum monthly Dear Jeff: Can you explain receive your health information. and nurses about your care, relationship between the reader and Jeffrey
amount of money she can make income is what information is protected by The law applies to most doctors, information about you in your Bates and/or Southern Newspapers.
in a month to be eligible for $2,205, up the HIPAA laws? Thanks, “Hur- nurses, pharmacies, hospitals, insurer’s computer system, bill- For specific advice regarding legal matters
Medicaid? I know it changes a from $2,199 ray for HIPAA!” clinics, nursing homes, health ing information about you, and affecting you, please consult an attorney.
little each year. Thanks, “Taking in 2016. Dear “Hurray”: HIPAA is insurance companies, HMOs most other health information To submit a question to be answered in this
Care of Mom” Keep in a federal law that was enacted and certain government health that has anything to do with column, please send it via email to
Dear “Taking Care”: You are JEFFREY BATES mind, the to protect sensitive health and care programs, such as Medi- you or your treatment., or via
correct — the monthly income income test medical information from being care and Medicaid. The range ——— regular mail to Ask the Lawyer,
limits change slightly each is only the first part of Medicaid disclosed. Since most people feel of information that is protected The column above is meant for general 101 S. First St., Lufkin, TX 75901.

Marriages ■ Lindsey Dale Childerss and Charles
Robert Waldrep
assault against a public servant, five
years jail, convicted
missed; theft, dismissed
■ Michael Wayne Grimes Jr., crimi-
with intent to give false information, 10
days jail, convicted
theft, 180 days jail, convicted
■ Earl Buster Williams, DWI (second),
Marriage licenses filed in the Ange- ■ Amber M. Dudley and Clinton W. ■ Carlos Solis, DWI (third or more), 10 nal trespass, six months probation, ■ Audrey Martin Wesley, criminal one year and two days jail and two years
lina County Clerk’s Office: Dudley years probation, convicted deferred trespass, six months probation, deferred probation, convicted
■ Henry Clay Harris, 20, and Kaylon ■ Brittany Ann-Marie McLeroy and ■ Alex Ivan Santana, possession ■ Charles Albert Hand, parking or ■ Cynthia Dorris Wilkerson, theft, one ■ Kevin Lee Wilmore, evading arrest
Alsbrooks, 19 Andres Macias-Garcia of a controlled substance, dismissed; standing in a prohibited area, 180 days year probation, deferred or detention, dismissed; deadly conduct,
■ Justin Lee Howell, 30, and Emily ■ Gloria Patricia Estrada and Juan possession of a controlled substance, probation, deferred; failure to appear, ■ Clayton Emory Williams, possession 365 days jail and 18 months probation,
Nicole Finegan, 27 Anthony Cruz Jr. dismissed; assault/family violence with dismissed; duty status not current, 180 of marijuana, 90 days jail, convicted; convicted
■ Josue Yanez, 25, and Valeria ■ Laura Farias Hernandez and Ismail a previous conviction, three years jail, days probation, deferred
Morales, 23 Alfonso Gonzalez convicted ■ Jordan Andrew Holsonback, posses-
■ Avlon Wayne Hammons, 23, and ■ Osvaldo Guadalupe Torres and ■ J’Vonita Hakeem Hackett, continu- sion of drug paraphernalia, convicted
Christine Renna McKinney, 21 Paula Ann Coons ous violence against family, 10 years ■ Jessica L. Lambert, theft by check,
■ Uric Rondarius-Omar Godet, 25, ■ Staci Lynn Russell and Justin probation, deferred dismissed
and Crystal Deanne Robertson, 29 Michael Russell ■ Alison Taylor Jaimes, possession of ■ Justin Kane Lilley, criminal tres-
■ Brian Travis Smith, 30, and Hollis ■ Cameron Eugene Hood and Rocio a controlled substance, 12 months proba- pass, one year probation, deferred
Elizabeth Middlebrook, 25 Alonso tion, pre-trial diversion; possession of a ■ Katrina Loftin, criminal trespass,
■ Emilio Ruiz, 24, and Maritza Mariel controlled substance, 12 months probation, 75 days jail, convicted; theft, 75 days jail,
Diaz, 22 Lawsuits pre-trial diversion; forgery of a financial convicted
■ Rayford Alan Randolph, 30, and Lawsuits filed in Angelina County instrument, 12 months probation, pre-trial ■ Nicholas Martinez, theft by check,
Kellie Nicole Gann, 28 courts-at-law: diversion; credit or debit card abuse, 12 one year probation, deferred; bail jumping
■ Cody Lane Johnson, 21, and Savan- ■ Genco Federal Credit Union vs. months probation, pre-trial diversion and failure to appear, dismissed
nah Carson Few, 19 Reginald Deundre Malone ■■■ ■ Gerardo Meraz, evading arrest or
■ Mario Yanez Meza, 61, and Gladis ■ Genco Federal Credit Union vs. Kyle Dispositions filed in Angelina County detention, 60 days jail, convicted
Cheves, 49 Brett Pillows courts-at-law: ■ Davina Faye Mitchell Rogers, theft,
■ David Wayne Vance, 34, and Magen ■ Genco Federal Credit Union vs. ■ Kelli Ann Abel, possession of a dismissed
Jo Paresa, 31 Ashley Nichole Meaux and Sherry Staton controlled substance, dismissed ■ Craig Stephen Morris, assault caus-
■ Anthony Gordon Kessinger, 32, and Donnell ■ Stephen Nathaniel Acevedo, driving ing bodily injury/family violence, 45 days
Marcos Lucila Martinez, 35 ■ Piney Woods Healthcare System LP with an invalid license with a previous jail, convicted
■ James Daniel Riley, 22, and vs. Yolanda Rosario and Maecela Rosario conviction or suspension, 30 days jail, ■ Brian Keith Oliver, criminal tres-
Amanda Elizabeth Luther, 25 Sr. convicted; bail jumping and failure to pass, 90 days jail, convicted
■ Casey Lynn Brooks, 26, and ■ Bank of America vs. Gary S. appear, dismissed ■ Clifford Lyn Rather, accident
Meranda Catherine Worrell, 26 Modisette ■ William Emory Allen, criminal involving damage to a vehicle, one year
■ Dale Wayne Forsythe, 46, and Selina ■ Sean Neal Black vs. the state of trespass, dismissed probation, deferred; driving with an
Drinkard Day, 47 Texas ■ Teresa DeJesus Baltazar, motion to invalid license with a previous conviction
■ Rolando Reyes Marquez, 29, and ■■■ adjudicate guilt, dismissed or suspension, dismissed
Mireya Granados Campos, 31 Lawsuits filed in Angelina County ■ Tony Steve Breedlove, speeding, 120 ■ Alexis Morgan Rivas, DWI, 180 days
■ Esteban Esteves, 29, and Jessica district courts: days probation, deferred jail and one year probation, convicted
Buenrostro, 28 ■ Elia Jasso vs. Jaren Grant and St. ■ Cleveland Casey, DWI (second), 120 ■ Rick Alan Ross, speeding, 180 days
Divorces Giles Living Center Inc. days jail, convicted
■ Raychel Jaylin Clark, possession of
probation, deferred
■ Jimmy Joe Saenz, assault causing
Divorces filed in the Angelina County Dispositions a controlled substance, one year proba- bodily injury/family violence, 60 days jail,
District Clerk’s Office: Dispositions filed in Angelina County tion, deferred; possession of a dangerous convicted
■ Jojuanna Kay Reid and Carl Allen district courts: drug, dismissed ■ Deborah Ann Tinz, DWI, one year jail
Reid Jr. ■ Stevelyn Aundra McCuin, driving ■ Seth Raymond Clave, speeding, 30 and one year probation
■ Neisa Martina Moran and Rosalio while intoxicated (third or more), four days jail, convicted ■ Queen Woodson Trotty, theft by
Magana years jail, probation revocation; DWI (third ■ Jesse Lee Cooley, assault causing check, dismissed
■ La’Meca Ni’Cole Thomas and Alvin or more), 62 months jail, convicted bodily injury/family violence, dismissed ■ Alice Rose Turner, theft, dismissed
Eugene Thomas ■ Thomas Ray Johns Jr., insurance ■ Emily Alice Dubose, DWI, 180 days ■ Erica Shane Turner, DWI, 180 days
■ Llina E. Rodriquez and Robert W. fraud, 10 years probation jail and one year probation, convicted jail, convicted
Haak ■ William Herbert Sims, aggravated ■ Lindsay Gay Gilmore, theft, dis- ■ Taneisha L. Wade, failure to identify
6A Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Continued from Page 1A
come in and a helicopter come in
to life-flight, as well. One of the
drivers was actually arrested by
a trooper.”
Gwen Fenley, Hudson theater
and arts teacher, said two stu-
dents were “dead on arrival,”
one was arrested and four were
taken to the local hospitals by
ambulance; two of those students
would “expire.”
“We have prom coming up on
April 1, and our whole goal with
this event is to just have one mo-
ment’s pause where the students
consider and flashback to this on
prom weekend, because that’s
statistically one of the most
drinking-and-driving weekends
for high school students,” Fenley
She said they also wanted to il-
lustrate the dangers of distracted
driving to the students.
“In our pre-video, the girl driv-
ing had her phone up taking a
Snapchat video,” Fenley said.
“So, she was not faultless because
they were distracted driving.”
Courtney said the students
ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News
who participated in Shattered
Clockwise from above left, Hudson High School students are
Dreams toured the hospitals, fu-
dressed if they are going to prom, but several are “injured” after a
neral homes and jail so the simu-
simulated accident caused by drunk and distracted driving during
lation would “set in a little bet-
the Hudson Volunteer Fire Department’s Shattered Dreams event
ter” with the students.
last week. A Texas Department of Public Safety trooper simulates
He said the school would host a
a field sobriety test on a student during the Shattered Dreams
mock funeral on Thursday in the
event. Students gather around an “injured” friend following a
gym for those who passed away,
simulated car crash at the Shattered Dreams event Wednesday. In
complete with caskets and the
the background, Hudson volunteer firefighters help other injured
students’ parents reading eulo-
students as the Grim Reaper looks on.
Hudson Fire Marshal Joe Bur-
ton said law enforcement and
first responders see these types
of accidents regularly, and they

Straight & Beautiful Smiles Rock!

held the event to illustrate the
dangers of drunk and distracted
“This event has been in the
planning for five months, and so
many have been involved in mak-
ing it happen,” Burton said. “If Hollywood Fast Braces For Adults
we can save one kid, then all the
work will be worth it. It’s amaz-
ing — the people we tell what we Ralph W. Rose, DDS, FAGD, ICOI
are doing want to jump on board General Dentistry
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and reach out to these kids and
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fully we can slow that down.”
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Join us for the 13th Annual

Women in Red Luncheon.
You are invited to attend the 2017 Women in Red Luncheon,
sponsored by Woodland Heights Medical Center. This year,
Melissa Radke, Lufkin’s hometown girl with a big heart, will
deliver a presentation designed to inspire – and she’s going to
have you laughing. So please join us for good food, great fun
and lunch with Melissa!


The Lufkin News • Charm magazine • The Journey Magazine
First Bank & Trust • Grandough Baking Co. • Lufkin Coca-Cola
Townsquare Media • Brookshire Brothers • Georgia-Pacific
Commercial Bank of Texas • Alene’s Florist
A-1 Party Rentals • Kwik Kopy • Ulta Beauty

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Pitser Garrison Convention Center, Lufkin
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Tickets are $25 each or $300 for a reserved table of ten
Limited seating
For ticket information, please call 936-637-8688.

Woodland Heights Medical Center is owned in part by physicians. Melissa Radke

96041_WHMC_13thWIR_11_1528x10_5c.indd 1 3/13/17 2:44 PM

SUNDAY, march 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Seeds of love

4-acre garden
provides free,
fresh produce
for community
The Lufkin News

ocal pastors and churches
came together to create
and maintain a four-acre
community garden on Treadwell
Street, behind the former milk
plant off Abney Street in Lufkin,
to benefit those in need.
The garden will be managed
this year by pastor David Briggs,
Abundant Life United Methodist
Church; the Rev. Mike Butler,
Shiloh Baptist Church in Diboll;
and the Rev. Ralph Morgan, St.
Cyprian’s Episcopal Church.
“It’s my desire that we will be
able to work together to provide
free and fresh produce for this
community as well as spread
ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News
hope to the community, hope
that we can be better when we Local pastors and churches came together to create and maintain a four-acre Life United Methodist Church; Rufus Duncan, senior warden at St. Cyprian’s
garden on Treadwell Avenue, behind the former milk plant off Abney Street in Episcopal Church; and Paul Jackson, deacon at Shiloh Baptist Church in Diboll.
SEE GARDEN, PAGE 2B Lufkin, to benefit those in need. From the left are David Briggs, pastor at Abundant


Needles in the Pines featured lots of quilts and tons of talent

uilts, quilts, Lenderman, Bettie which won first place, Pepper- new executive director. I saved twins are Nancy and Steven It would make a good day trip to
quilts and Ford, Brenda Schro- mint Garden by Bettie Ford, up for Shred Day, and they were and they are 10 years old and go over and see what’s blooming.
talented people eder, Verna Griffith Pinkalicious by Gayle Fuller, really fast. When I got there in fifth grade. June and Sonny They stopped at Imogene’s Cafe
were what I saw at and Cecile Krause. Pride in Lufkin Panthers by about 9:10 (they started at 9 a.m.) took them to Kemah, Galveston, for lunch and it was really a fun
the 2017 Quilt Guild They did a super job Mary Needham, Red and White there were seven cars ahead of NASA and Columbia Museum in trip.
of the Pineywoods of promoting the art Quilt by Dee McDaniel, Kalei- me. All went quickly and they Hemphill. Lara played the violin Our former Lufkin Panther
show, Needles in the of quilting. I had a doscope by Jim Haley, Moody even came and got the sacks as a prelude in worship service baseball guys are doing good.
Pines, last weekend. hard time picking Blues by Verna Griffith, and The from my car. Thanks, AB/C. at First Presbyterian Church Blake Lazarine, son of Karen
Co-chairmen were three for my choice. I Men in My Life by Melane Mc- Marjorie Bass met Ernest while here. and John Lazarine, hit his first
Ruth Burman and Jim loved too many. Some Culler (made from men’s ties). and me at the Airport Café on Atha Martin sent me a word college home run at Angelina
Haley. They told me that I stared at were If you are interested in quilting, Thursday. Ernest and I had to of caution — those pesky old College against Bossier Parish.
that quilting relaxes JANICE ANN ROWE International Paper the guild meets every second split the big hamburger and had worms that love our trumpet Tyler Abney, son of Brandy
them, and so did fea- Dolls by Martha Iver- Monday at St. Paul’s Methodist onion rings. Some in the filled plants are back. That’s what we and David Abney, had his first
tured quilter Geraldine son, Crowned with Church at 9:30 a.m. and lasts dining room were Sonny Clem- get when we don’t have a real college start at Tyler Junior Col-
Pike. It put a stress level in me His Glory by Romelle Cleveland, until noon. Their next show will ent, David Clement with twins winter! She and Don went over lege catching. He went 3 for 7 at
just looking at the needle work. Love Those Hearts by Mary be spring of 2019. Travis Fuller Nancy and Steven, Mike Taylor, to San Augustine last week to the plate with 4 RBIs and caught
Committee members were Kim Needham, Grandmother’s Fussy was there directing people to see Dennis Johnston, Jim Riggs and visit Atha’s aunt in the rehab 16 innings in a doubleheader.
Jones, Mary Needham, Linda Garden by Jim Haley, which he wife Gayle’s quilts. Bill Smith. center and took a tour through First game was seven innings
Dixon, Romelle Cleveland, Cecile says is the “last hand-quilted I went by the Angelina Beauti- David and Lara Clement were the residential area of San Au- and second game was nine in-
Braden, Scotty Bailess, Marilyn quilt that he will do,” Where Are ful/Clean Shred Day on March here from Vicksburg, Missis- gustine. The dogwoods and aza-
Edens, D.J. Cochran, Jessica the Elephants? by Jim Haley, 17 and met Jennifer La Corte, the sippi, for spring break. The leas were absolutely gorgeous! SEE JANICE ANN, PAGE 3B

Heather Kartye, executive


Family Crisis Center

director of the Family Crisis
Center East Texas; Jaime
West, primary prevention
coordinator; Jean East,
assistant director; and
Greta Rich, community
development director,
plans public activities
hold up posters that will By STEPHANIE STEVENS march at 7:30 p.m. on April 3 in
be available to use during The Lufkin News front of the Student Center on
the “Take Back the Night” the Angelina College campus.
march at 7:30 p.m. on April In recognition of Sexual As- There will be guest speakers and
3 in front of the Student sault Awareness Month, the demonstrations, along with a
Center at Angelina College. Janelle Grum Family Crisis Cen- march to “break the silence” of
The goal of the march is ter of East Texas is holding sev- sexual assault occurrences on
to encourage people to eral public activities in April. college campuses.
“break the silence” of sexual This year’s theme is “Use Your The next event is “Prevention
assault occurrences on Voice to Change the Culture.” in the Park” from noon to 1 p.m.
college campuses. The month will be kicked off
The Lufkin News with the “Take Back the Night” SEE FAMILY CRISIS, PAGE 3B
2B Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

main street lufkin

SpringFest to offer full day of fun April 22

By STEVE KNIGHT the outdoors.”
The Lufkin News If you go Also this year, downtown mer-
What: Main Street Lufkin’s chants will line First Street as
Main Street Lufkin’s Down- SpringFest they bring their stores outside to
town Hoedown has a new name, When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 22 the streets.
a new logo and a new look, but Where: Downtown Lufkin First Street between Frank
organizers promise the same More info: Call Main Street and Burke will be closed to allow
all-day family fun. Lufkin at 633-0205 people to walk freely throughout
SpringFest takes place from the festival.
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 22. Other highlights of the day in-
Main Street has added a high- parking lot around the court- as well as turkey legs. Crafts clude a fashion show, sponsored
flying mobile zip line where house with classic cars. will include handmade pens, by Allure, as well as pony rides,
festival-goers can zip over a Several businesses and or- candles, jewelry and children’s petting zoo, rock climbing wall

Pet of the Week

city street and enjoy a bird’s- ganizations will be talking to clothes. and inflatables.
eye view about 35 feet above the people about their services, and “We are excited about the To be a vendor or to participate
street. vendors will line Lufkin Avenue changes to our festival,” Main in the Gospel Fest, car show or
Ponyo is a handsome, fluffy domestic long hair. He is incredibly
Another new event is the Gos- and Shepherd Street selling Street Director Barbara Thomp- other events at the festival, con-
soft, gentle and sweet. He’s affectionate and will come to an
pel Fest at Regal Venue on First handmade crafts and food. son said. “SpringFest reflects the tact the Main Street office at 633-
outreached hand for some pettings. Visit Ponyo at the Kurth
Street. Local gospel groups will Anything that can be served season, and what better time for 0205.
Memorial Animal Shelter and Adoption Center, 1901 Hill St.
be performing at Regal Venue on a stick will be available, in- a festival than the new season?
Hours are 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
throughout the day. cluding corn dogs, sausage, Winter is over, and everyone Steve Knight’s email address is
The car show will fill the chicken, steak and shrimp wants to get outside and enjoy
Assumed names filed in the Angelina ■ H Investments, P.O. Box 153220,

AB/C’s ‘Three-R’s’ Clay Shoot set for Saturday County Clerk’s Office March 13-17:
■ Kelley Automotive, 104 Green Acres
Drive, Lufkin, Kevin Kelley
Lufkin, George Henderson III
■ B&G Auto Sales and Service, 205 N.
Raguet St., Lufkin, GE Financial LLC
By STEVE KNIGHT disposal tools and other types of ioned Annie Oakley Shootout ■ MJ’s Insurance Agency, 1221 Abney ■ High Point Furniture and Appli-
The Lufkin News If you go outreach. and washer tournament on Fri- Ave., Lufkin, Margaret Johnson ances, 3112 S. John Redditt Drive, Lufkin,
What: “Three-R’s” Clay Shoot, Jennifer La Corte, AB/C exec- day at the Pines Gun Club from ■ Semper Fi Lawn Care, 181 Walking GE Financial LLC
The seventh edition of the utive director, said the communi- 6-9 p.m. Horse Lane, Diboll, Billy Mac Mims ■ One-Stop Insurance, 205 N. Raguet
hosted by Angelina Beautiful/Clean
annual “Three-R’s” Clay Shoot ty gets to practice their aim while Two rounds are $30 for the An- ■ Hillside Mobile Home Sales, 2808 St., Lufkin, GE Financial LLC
When: Saturday; registration and
takes place on Saturday. Angelina Beautiful/Clean aims nie Oakley Shootout. For $20, a S. John Redditt Drive, Lufkin, Harrington ■ Cellular Land, 800 S. Timberland
practice starts at 9 a.m., tourna-
Angelina Beautiful/Clean for helping Angelina County’s team of two can join the washer Summit LLC Drive, Lufkin, GE Financial LLC
ment at 10 a.m.
will host the clay shoot that environment. tournament and get a chance to ■ RW Advisors, 117 E. Shepherd Ave., ■ El Taquito Mix, 704 N. Raguet St.,
Where: Pines Gun Club, 311
aims to spotlight the “R’s” — “It’s the perfect time of year win a cash prize. Food and soft Lufkin, Wayne E. Ramsey Lufkin, Yolanda Acevedo, abandonment
reduce, reuse and recycle. The
Spring Lake Drive, Lufkin to enjoy the outdoors and get out drinks will be provided.

All Pools on SALE

biggest fundraiser of the year For info: Contact Jennifer La to shoot,” La Corte said. “We’re For more information on this
for the organization, presented Corte at 632-5326 or visit angelina- shooting for a good time and a or any other Angelina Beautiful/
SAVE Thousands!
by East Texas Asphalt, takes great cause.” Clean program, contact La Corte
place at the Pines Gun Club, 311 Breakfast, lunch and ammo at 632-5326 or visit angelinabeau-
Spring Lake Drive in Lufkin. Proceeds go toward Angelina are provided.
Registration and practice will Beautiful/Clean’s education pro- AB/C is also hosting festivities Steve Knight’s email address is All Abov
start at 9 a.m. and the tourna- grams, litter prevention, beau- the night before the clay shoot
s InGr e &
ment begins at 10 a.m. tification projects, solid waste tournament with an old-fash- s ound
& Siz e

The following is a list of restaurant Tako Time, Mt. Carmel Road, Lufkin Subway, 5772 Ted Trout Drive, Lufkin Subway, 1607 W. Frank, Lufkin
inspections done by the Angelina Date of inspection: March 13 Date of inspection: March 13 Date of inspection: March 15
County and Cities Health District Purpose of inspection: Routine Purpose of inspection: Routine Purpose of inspection: Routine
March 13-15. The reports take into Number of demerits: 4 Number of demerits: 7 Number of demerits: 4
account the cleanliness of the res- Reasons for demerits: Store knives dry Reasons for demerits: Adjust hot water Reasons for demerits: Maintain proper
taurant or business, not the quality of and on rack; mop sink out of compliance; to 100 degrees; paper towels needed at temperature at cold hold; clean hot water
the food. must function with running water. all hand sinks; wash hands properly. heater tray.

Continued from Page 1B
come together,” Briggs said. “We
“I got to thinking that many
folks were in need of fresh pro-
get people involved, to teach our
young people how to grow their
start of something great. I think
it’s going to be wonderful.”
632-Pool • 4102 S. HWY 69
are hoping that message will be duce,” Harris said. “So I started own food, feed off the land, be The churches need volunteers
heard through our efforts in the by planting a row of tomatoes self-sufficient,” he said. “While to help keep the garden culti-
garden.” and okra on the side of the they are here, we as a church can vated and pick vegetables during
Butler said the pastors set Abundant Life church.” be there for those in need, what- harvest time.
aside their cultural differences From there, Daniels bought ever their need is — to listen, to The ground has been broken
to come together to better the several acres in Cedar Grove for pray with them.” and tilled. They plan to plant,
community. a garden. It moved to various He said in the past it was weed, water and grow produce
“With the economy changing, spots around the community, difficult to maintain a garden that will be picked and bagged
more and more people with less and people such as Judge Bob In- because of a lack of volunteers, by volunteers; people in need
work, with this we can extend selmann and Bruce Love, owner but he has great hope thanks can then pick up the produce
a hand and provide maybe a of DP Solutions, offered help, to the combined efforts of the at former Lufkin City Council
fresh garden salad — tomatoes, materials or volunteers. churches. member Victor Travis’ driveway,
cucumbers,” he said. Butler said Abundant Life “If we were to really keep this which is right next to the garden.
The idea for the garden began once had a youth auxiliary with going, we have another 15 acres To volunteer, contact Travis at
about 20 years ago with Abun- about 40 kids who learned how on Kurth Drive we could use,” he 632-4741.
dant Life members George Har- to grow vegetables. said. “We just need the volun- Stephanie Stevens’ email address is
ris and Billy Daniels. “This garden is a great way to teers to help. This could be the

Join us for a special

presentation by
Ravinder Bachireddy, MD, FACC
Cardiac Rehabilitation Medical Director

Heart Attack & Stroke:

What can you do to prevent?
Thursday, April 6, 2017

9:00 A.M.

Breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. followed by a

presentation at 9:00 a.m.
CHI St. Luke’s Health
Cardiac Rehabilitation Center
(Second floor of the Heart Institute of East Texas)
310 Gaslight Blvd., Lufkin the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 3B
Family Crisis
Continued from Page 1B Family Crisis Center, the Ange- sis Center Thrift Store, at 206 W.
April 5 at Louis Bronaugh Park lina SAVE Coalition and Texas Whitehouse Drive in Lufkin, go
across from Lufkin City Hall. Association Against Sexual As- back to the agency for client ser-
The event is presented by the sault. The classes are scheduled vices; the thrift store welcomes
center as well as the Angelina according to availability of vol- donations of clothing, shoes,
County Sexual Assault Violence unteers. For more information, bedding, furniture, housewares,
Education Coalition. There will contact Primary Prevention Co- books, movies and toys. To con-
be a free lunch, guest speakers, ordinator Jaime West at 639-1681 tact the store, call 634-2324.
entertainment and a mannequin or jwestwset@suddenlinkmail. If you are in immediate dan-
challenge. In a mannequin chal- com. ger, call 911. If you need assis-
lenge, people remain frozen as if Some of the center’s services tance from the Family Crisis
they’re mannequins while a mov- include a 24-hour crisis hotline, Center or would like additional
ing camera films them, usually emergency shelter, personal/ information, call the 24-hour cri-
with the song “Black Beatles” legal advocacy, child advocacy, sis hotline at (800) 828-7233. For
by Rae Sremmurd playing in the counseling and sexual assault more information, visit family-
background. advocacy. It also has economic
Next on the agenda is the cen- stability programs, public educa- Stephanie Stevens’ email address is
ter’s “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” tion awareness training, transi-
a men’s march against violence, tional housing and a prevention
at 10:55 a.m. April 11 starting at program.
the Student Center Courtyard at The center can always use
Spirit Award Angelina College. Men from An-
gelina College can come to walk,
volunteers, monetary donations
and goods such as canned food,
Buddy Zeagler, retired executive director of the T.L.L. Temple Foundation, was presented with literally, in women’s shoes. The diapers, wipes, formula, clothes,
the Spirit Award by the SFA School of Social Work recently at the Mission Possible Conference center will provide shoes to walk toys, books, movies, sports bras,
in Nacogdoches. The award identifies and honors individuals who may not be social workers, yet in, or participants can bring their socks, sweatpants and under-
embody the spirit of social work practice. Zeagler was recognized for his undying commitment to own pair of women’s shoes. wear.
helping the community. His recent involvement with the School of Social Work and their projects A screening of the award-win- For more information or to
with Impact Lufkin and the San Augustine community service center has opened up doors for ning documentary “The Hunting help, contact Rich at 639-1681.
community vitalization in East Texas. Pictured from left are Dr. Freddie Avant, director and Ground” will be held in Hudgins Proceeds from the Family Cri-
associate dean of the SFA School of Social Work; Julie Zeagler; Buddy Zeagler; Dr. Emmerentie Hall at Angelina College at 6:30
Oliphant, professor and MSW program director of the SFA School of Social Work; and Paul p.m. on April 26. The documenta-
Jackson, community relations director at Burke. ry tells the story of sexual assault
survivors on college campuses.
18 Wheeler Accident?
The last event is one everyone

Janice Ann can easily participate in — “Na-

tional Denim Day.”
See a Board Certified
The campaign was triggered Personal Injury Specialist
trip was different because she had ever had in her entire life. by the Italian Supreme Court’s
Continued from Page 1B took the class at A&M and the She never truly knew how the ruling to overturn a rape convic- Jon L. Anderson
nings. His number is 16 if you trip was over spring break. It different cultures of the world tion in 1999. The justices felt that
see TJC baseball featured on the was actually a really cool way to could possibly impact her, but since the 18-year-old rape vic-
Tyler TV stations. get credit for a class and explore she is forever changed and will tim was wearing tight jeans, she (936) 637-7422
Gunnar Quick, son of Cheri Europe at the same time. Their definitely be filling up her pass- must have helped her 45-year-old
and coach Todd Quick, was on trip started in Milan, Italy, port for the rest of her life. attacker remove her jeans, there-
the Tyler TV sports playing out- driving to Verona, then Venice, A group of choir and theater by implying consent instead of

field for UT Tyler baseball team. where they stayed two nights on students from Lufkin High rape. Since then, wearing jeans
He transferred from Tarleton a small island called Lido. Ven- School and Lufkin Middle on Denim Day has become a visu-
State. Go former Panthers. ice was beautiful and so breath- School took a trip to New York al symbol of protest against the
Cinda Taylor, Carolyn Bea- taking. From the different City during spring break. They misconceptions that surround
vers and Julie Scott went to Las colors of each townhouse to the visited Chinatown and Little sexual assault.
Vegas to see Rod Stewart at The canal going through the streets, Italy, toured Madison Square “We hope you will wear jeans
Colosseum. They stayed at the it was a one-of-a-kind place. Garden and took a vocal and explain to people the story
Mirage and ate dinner at Tao While in Venice, they toured the workshop with Jesse Swimm, behind the jeans,” said Greta
Restaurant. Murano Glass company with one of the cast members from Rich, community development
I had an appointment for lab handmade glass. In Venice, she Broadway’s “School of Rock.” director of the Crisis Center. “We Are you interested in taking part in a CLINICAL RESEARCH STUDY
work at Angelina Internal Medi- rode a gondola. When riding They saw the Broadway show hope you will participate wher- of new investigational drug for COPD?
cine and saw Dot Brookshire. the gondola, they saw a dif- “Wicked” as well as “Hello ever you are and work to prevent
Mary Goodwin had niece ferent view of the city, which Dolly,” a new production star- sexual assault and raise aware-
Veta Murgola and daughter was something they could not ring Bette Midler, David Hyde ness.” This study is open to
Sophia from Dallas in for spring have seen anywhere else. Next Pierce and Gavin Creel. Other The center is also offering a patients aged 40 to 60
break. They enjoyed the new they went to Salzburg, Austria. stops included the Empire new, free prevention course to years with a history
“Beauty and the Beast” movie This was somewhere she was State Building, Times Square anyone who is interested in pre-
and recommend it.
I had my first hummingbird
most excited to visit, because
it is the home of “The Sound
and the 9/11 Museum. Junior
Tours planned the trip and
venting sexual assault in the
community. The course will be Participants who CALL US TO SCHEDULE AN
qualify will receive
on Saturday, March 18, at 6:10 of Music” filming. Austria has teacher sponsors were Laura eight in-person hours broken study related care
p.m. I called Patricia Brown, a special place in her heart, Hoelewyn from LHS and down to four sessions. and study drug at
who has had none, but Doris because the movie “The Sound The course will prepare indi- no cost.
Teresa Ragland from LMS. Angelina Medical Research, LLC
Jones has seen one. I talked to of Music” was her grand- Garion Taylor from LHS also viduals for situations regarding
Jimmie Putnam and she saw mother Anna Teresa Garcia’s helped chaperone. sexual assault and certify partici- Compensation for time
her first one on Sunday about 5. favorite movie, and Cheyenne Janice Ann’s email address is pants as official Sexual Violence and travel may also be 1015 Ellis Ave * Lufkin
available to you
Keep watching and put out your grew up watching it multiple Prevention Partners with the
feeders. times a week. After she passed,
Mary K Grum is the proud visiting Salzburg was top on
grandmother of Gwenyth Cheyenne’s bucket list. She
Kyger, born March 4 in Hous- will never forget sitting on the
ton to Alexandra and Ross steps and running around the
Kyger IV. Of course she looks fountain reinterpreting Julie

Prepared for your little bundle

like a doll with much hair. Andrew’s “Do-Re-Mi.” Next
This is Mary K’s fifth grand- they traveled to Garmisch-
child and Ross and Alexan- Partenkirchen, Germany.
dra’s first child. Garmisch was the location of
The SPJST in Lufkin is hav-
ing country-and-western dance
lessons from 7 to 9 p.m. every
the Winter Olympics in 1936.
They spent the night there, then
traveled to the town of Hohen-
with specialty care.
Thursday night in April. The schwangau, Germany, the home
address is 197 Hughes Road. of the Neuschwanstein Castle.
Registration is at 6:30 p.m. and This is the castle that Disney Your newborn is a miracle. So rest easy knowing that if your little one needs a
cost is $6 each per lesson or $20 used for the castle in “Sleeping
for the four lessons. Teachers Beauty” and the castle featured higher level of care, Lufkin’s only Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is
are Wheel and Debbie Craw- in “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.”
ford. For more information call Next, they traveled to Lucerne, here to help them get a healthy start. And should you need high-risk pregnancy
George Scogin at 875-2867. So, Switzerland, and stayed two care, we’re also home to a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Clinic.
grab your partner and come out nights in Lucerne. From there
to learn how to dance or just for they traveled to Mount Pilatus Schedule a tour of our birthing center today. Call 936-637-8660.
a refresher course. and experienced the breathtak-
Cheyenne Garcia, daughter ing views of the snow-covered
of Leah and Ross Garcia, told mountains. They also just spent
me about her study abroad time walking around the town Trained, caring staff
trip to Europe. She is a junior and shopping in the stores. The
human resource development last night, they stayed in Lake Spacious private labor
major with a business admin- Maggiore on the Stresa island. and delivery suites
istration minor at Texas A&M One of the coolest things she
University. She heard about the could say about the small island Skilled OB/GYN physicians
trip opportunity last semester of Stresa was that the hotel
when signing up for classes and where they stayed opened the Free childbirth and
knew right away that it would day they arrived, so she can say infant feeding classes
be a once-in-a-lifetime oppor- she was one of the first guests
tunity. This study abroad type to stay there. The next day they 24/7 neonatology coverage and
of trip was different, because traveled back to the starting
a typical study abroad is for a point to leave from the Milan on-site transport team
semester in a different country airport. This trip was probably
taking the classes there. Her the best experience Cheyenne

First Lutheran Church

1001 Atkinson Drive • 634-7468
9:00 Bible Study and Sunday School
10:15 Worship Service
505 South John Redditt Drive, Lufkin, TX 75904

Woodland Heights Medical Center is owned in part by physicians.

95450_WHMC_NICU_7_4028x10c.indd 1 2/9/17 11:35 AM

4B Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2017 the lufkin news


Athletic trainers work to

take care of LHS athletes
By BRANDON OGDEN from a young age that she wanted to get involved
The Lufkin News with something related to medicine.
As a volleyball player in middle school and high

hen you’re at a sporting event, some- school in Temple, Marek was searching for some-
times a player gets hurt and needs some thing to do when her volleyball career came to an
attention. end.
For those situations, there’s usually an athletic “I actually got hurt a whole bunch, so I was in
trainer on hand. the athletic training room a lot, so I decided to
At Lufkin High School, the athletic training switch over and give it a try just to still be involved
staff consists of head athletic trainer Shannon in something in the high school, and I just fell in
Marek, assistant athletic trainer Mitchell Batts love with it,” she said.
and 15 student athletic trainers. Marek went on to Baylor University, where she
March is National Athletic Training Month, became a certified athletic trainer. She then went
which gives an opportunity to “spread awareness to Oklahoma State University for graduate school
about the important work of athletic trainers,” for two years and also worked with their athletic
according to the National Athletic Trainers’ As- teams. Marek then accepted the job at Lufkin to
sociation website. become the head athletic trainer.
The NATA’s slogan for 2017 is “Your protection “In Texas, the sports are like no other, and I ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News
is our priority.” Lufkin High School head athletic trainer Shannon Marek, left, and student athletic trainer Elena Cruz
Marek, the daughter of a nurse, said she knew SEE LUFKIN, PAGE 4C work on an athlete during the Willie Ross Relays track and field meet Thursday at Abe Martin Stadium.


Tickets punched for Gonzaga, Oregon

the associated press

Kansas guard Frank Mason III (0) drives to the basket past Oregon forward Jordan Bell during the first
Gonzaga players celebrate after a win over Xavier during an NCAA Tournament college basketball half of a regional final of the NCAA men’s college basketball tournament, Saturday in Kansas City, Mo.
regional final game Saturday in San Jose, Calif.

Gonzaga beats Xavier 83-59 Oregon stuns Kansas 74-60

to reach its first Final Four to earn spot in Final Four
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Purdue in the Sweet 16 quickly back-to-back 3s, including a deep
SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — The The Zags (36-1) claimed their “Gonzaga has been a great pro- Tyler Dorsey poured in 27 points, became a distant memory on a bank shot at the buzzer, as the
criticism dogged Gonzaga wher- spot in Arizona and history with a gram and we’re just happy to keep Dillon Brooks added 17 and night that belonged to the Pac-12 Ducks pranced to their locker
ever it went, no matter how much superb all-around game, showing carrying the torch.” plucky Oregon ended Kansas’ champions. room relishing in a 44-33 advan-
it won. off their usual offensive efficiency The Musketeers brought their romp through the NCAA Tour- Altman had never been to the tage. They kept right on dancing
The Zags run up their record while flexing the smothering type turn-the-page jar of ashes to the nament with a 74-60 victory Sat- Final Four in 13 appearances in in the second half, beating the
by beating up on teams in a weak of defense that had previously NCAA Tournament, where they urday night that gave the Ducks the NCAA Tournament. And the Jayhawks at their own game: get-
conference, then always seemed been the chink in their armor. burned through a string of upsets their first Final Four trip in near- last time the Ducks were on the ting into transition, passing up
to come up short as the calen- Gonzaga made 12 of 24 shots to reach their third Elite Eight ly 80 years. big stage, it was 1939 and the Tall good shots for better ones and
dar went deep into March. Few from 3-point range after strug- and first since 2008. Dylan Ennis added 12 points Firs took home the title. knocking down 3-pointers.
outside of Spokane believed the gling the first three NCAA Tour- Their bid for the program’s first for the Ducks (33-5), who took the Jordan Bell added 11 points, The Ducks’ lead swelled to 55-37
program Mark Few helped build nament games. The Zags were No. Final Four ran into a buzz saw. lead with 16 minutes left in the 13 rebounds and eight blocks for when Brooks drilled another shot
from scratch belonged in the na- 1 in defensive efficiency during Xavier played well offensively first half and never trailed again, Oregon, while Jackson was held from the perimeter, creating the
tional powerhouse conversation. the regular season and shut down early to hang with the Zags, giving giving coach Dana Altman his to 10 points for the Jayhawks in kind of hole Kansas has rarely
Overrated no more, Gonzaga is the underdog and 11th-seeded super fan Bill Murray and the rest first trip to the national semifi- what was almost certainly his fi- faced. And the frustration was
finally headed to the Final Four. Musketeers (24-14) to become the of their supporters a glimmer of nals. nal college game. on the Jayhawks bench was only
The Zags took the pressure of first WCC team to reach the Final hope. Once Gonzaga got rolling, They’ll face the winner of Sun- The bus carrying the Ducks to compounded every time Jackson
history head on with a perfor- Four in 60 years. the Musketeers had no answer. day’s game between North Caro- Sprint Center on Saturday passed or Graham tossed up a shot that
mance worthy of their No. 1 seed, Nigel Williams-Goss scored “They’re really good. Some- lina and Kentucky in Glendale, right by the Power and Light Dis- clanked hollowly off the iron,
rolling to a dominating 83-59 win 23 points while orchestrating times you just lose to a better Arizona. trict in downtown Kansas City, their sense of desperation grow-
over Xavier in the West Region Gonzaga’s efficient offense after team,” Xavier coach Chris Mack Player of the year front-runner where thousands of Jayhawk ing with every squandered oppor-
final on Saturday that should si- struggling against West Virginia. said. “They’ve proven it all year Frank Mason III had 21 points in fans were rallying hours before tunity.
lence those critics. Johnathan Williams added 19 long.” his final game for the Jayhawks the tipoff. Jackson didn’t score until mid-
“Just an incredible feeling of points and center Przemek Kar- The Zags struggled to find an (31-5), who had rolled to the Elite In other words, they knew they way through the second half. Gra-
elation and satisfaction,” Few nowski, who was still recovering offensive rhythm against West Eight by an average margin of 30 were facing a de facto road game. ham was 0 for 6 beyond the arc.
said. “It’s been a long, hard jour- from back surgery a year ago, cre- Virginia in the regional semifi- points. But their dream season But the torrid shooting of The Jayhawks eventually be-
ney to get this program here.” ated open perimeter looks with nals— who doesn’t? — but had it ended with a thud just 40 minutes Brooks, Ennis and Dorsey quick- gan to whittle into the deficit, do-
Few and the Zags have won his deft passing out of the post. flowing against Xavier. from campus on a night where ly riled up the small section of Or- ing most of the work at the free-
the West Coast Conference Tour- Now the Zags are headed to the After hitting 29 percent of its very little went right. egon fans while deflating the rest throw line, where they were in
nament 16 times, been regulars desert, where they’ll play the win- 3-point shots its first three NCAA Star freshman Josh Jackson of sold-out Sprint Center. And the bonus with 11 minutes to go.
in the NCAA Tournament since ner between South Carolina and games, Gonzaga found the range was mired in early foul trouble. foul trouble that sent Jackson to But the Ducks remained poised
1999, reached the Sweet 16 eight Florida in next week’s Final Four. against Xavier, hitting 8 of 13 from Sharpshooting guard Devonte the bench for much of the first down the stretch, answering just
times. “The Final Four doesn’t vali- the arc in the first half, mostly Graham never got on track. half helped allow the Ducks carve enough times to keep the crowd
The Final Four was the only date or discredit a season. It’s not against the Musketeers’ zone or And the swagger that the Big 12 out a comfortable lead. from giving Kansas any extra
missing piece to their resume. an end-all, be-all,” Williams said. on kick-outs from Karnowski. champs showed in humiliating Dorsey finished the half with juice.


Central’s Bell signs with Kilgore

By brandon ogden “It’s awesome to sign and have gram.”
The Lufkin News all of the support from my family Central softball coaches Shane
and friends, and just being here Tobias and Kurtis Acosta raved
POLLOK — Makenna Bell and knowing that I’m going to about what Kilgore is gaining
has been a dynamic athlete on be in college, playing the sport I with the signing of Bell.
the basketball court and softball love.” “They’re getting an all-around
field during her career at Central Bell said she looked at a few athlete,” Tobias said. “She’s a
High School. other junior colleges, and she dual-sport kid who is tough both
But in college, Bell will focus had also been emailing the Uni- on and off the field. She’s played
just on softball as she will take versity of Dallas, but the proxim- through some injuries. They’re
her talents to Kilgore College. ity — along with coaching — of getting a solid softball player who
“I’ve just always had a love for Kilgore helped make that her fi- can impact the game on defense
softball,” Bell said. “Practice has nal choice. and at the plate.”
never been hard for me. I never “The coaching staff was defi- “They’re getting a leader from
dreaded practice. I just always nitely a big factor in it,” Bell said. day one,” said Acosta, who is also
wanted to be out there on the “They were so nice, I could really Bell’s uncle. “They’re getting brandon ogden/The Lufkin News
field, so I knew I wanted to con- tell they cared about everyone Central’s Makenna Bell is shown during a ceremony Thursday at Central High School. Bell signed to
tinue that. and have a big love for their pro- SEE BELL, PAGE 3C play softball at Kilgore College.
2C Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

2-minute drill scoreboard WOMEN’S BASKETBALL

From staff and wire reports
Lufkin takes road win
TODAY’S TV SCHEDULE Connecticut advances to regional
final with 86-71 win over UCLA
over The Woodlands NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Oklahoma City at Houston, ABC, 2:30
Auto Club 400, at Fontana, Calif., FOX, p.m.
THE WOODLANDS — 2:30 p.m. Portland at L.A. Lakers, NBA, 8:30 p.m.
Kolton Eberlan allowed one COLLEGE BASEBALL NHL HOCKEY BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) — difference in the game.” Buoyed by the success of their
earned run in six innings to Oklahoma St. at TCU, ESPN2, 1 p.m. Minnesota at Detroit, NBC, 11:30 a.m. After watching UConn’s NCAA It was the 110th straight victory Pac-12 partner, the fourth-seed
lead Lufkin to a 4-2 win over COLLEGE BASKETBALL Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, NBCSN, Tournament dominance mostly for the No. 1 Huskies, who will face Bruins jumped out a 9-2 lead over
The Woodlands on Saturday. NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, regional 6 p.m. from the bench for three seasons, 10th-seeded Oregon on Monday UConn before the Huskies scored
Eberlan recorded four final, South Carolina vs. Florida, at SOCCER Saniya Chong finally made her night. The Ducks pulled off anoth- 17 of the next 19 points. The seven-
strikeouts and four walks New York, CBS, 1:20 p.m. FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, mark. er surprise, topping Maryland to point deficit matched the Huskies’
and allowed five hits. Dylan NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, regional Azerbaijan vs. Germany, at Baku, Chong scored 16 points and advance to their first Elite Eight. largest this season.
Murphy pitched a scoreless final, North Carolina vs. Kentucky, at Azerbaijan, ESPN2, 10:50 a.m. came up with big plays on both “They don’t know enough to be The Huskies led by nine after
final inning for the save. Memphis, Tenn., CBS, 4:05 p.m. FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, ends of the court, and the top- either intimidated or pressured or one quarter and 17 at the half.
Murphy also had a triple, COLLEGE SOFTBALL England vs. Lithuania, at London, FS2, seeded Huskies beat UCLA 86-71 anything you’d associate with a “We like to say that to play with
a single and an RBI. Clayton Auburn at Florida, ESPN2, 6 p.m. 11 a.m. on Saturday to advance to the team doing this for the first time,” us, it’s a marathon, not a sprint,”
Corley had a double and two GOLF FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, Bridgeport Regional final. Auriemma said of the Ducks. said Gabby Williams, who had
RBIs. Jonathan Dewberry PGA Tour-WGC, Dell Match Play, semi- Montenegro vs. Poland, at Podgorica,
“I was looking at the stat sheet, “They are having fun and enjoy- 17 points, nine rebounds and six
finals, at Austin, Texas, TGC, 9 a.m. Montenegro, FS2, 1:30 p.m.
and Davis Powell each added that’s more points tonight than in ing the moment as they should. assists. “They came out hard, ag-
PGA Tour, Puerto Rico Open, final SPECIAL OLYMPICS
a single. maybe the three previous NCAA It’s really neat to see. ... I said gressive, there was 37 minutes left
round, at Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, Special Olympics World Winter Games,
Lufkin (10-8, 2-3) will play TGC, 1:30 p.m. Best of the Games at Schladming, Tournaments combined,” UConn when Kelly Graves was hired that to play.”
at College Park on Tuesday. PGA Tour-WGC, Dell Match Play, Austria (taped), ABC, 1 p.m. coach Geno Auriemma said. “I it won’t be long before they’re in The victory tied Auriemma
RUGBY said before the conference tourna- the Final Four. I hope it’s not this with Pat Summitt for most NCAA
Diboll’s Dover places championship, at Austin, Texas, NBC,
ment at Mohegan that there are early, but it won’t be long.” Tournament victories. The two
2 p.m. English Premiership, Saracens vs.
fifth at state meet LPGA Tour, Kia Classic, final round, at Bath, NBCSN, 8:45 a.m. two guys we need them to play at, Napheesa Collier had 27 points Hall of Fame coaches have 112
ABILENE — Diboll’s Carlsbad, Calif., TGC, 4:30 p.m. WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL or above, their level and Saniya’s and 14 rebounds for UConn (35-0), tournament victories.
Jeffrey Dover placed fifth at MLB BASEBALL NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, Re- one of them. Today the effort and which shot 55.6 percent (30 for 54) Jordin Canada had 20 points
the state powerlifting meet on Spring training, Atlanta vs. N.Y. Mets, gional final, Notre Dame vs. Stanford, play of Saniya was, I thought, the from the field. and 11 assists for UCLA (25-9).
Saturday. at Port St. Lucie, Fla., MLB, noon at Lexington, Ky., ESPN, 11:06 a.m.
Dover competed in the Spring training, San Francisco vs. NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, Re-
275-pound Class in Division Chicago White Sox, at Glendale, Ariz., gional final, Mississippi St. vs. Baylor, HIGH SCHOOL TRACK

Huntington girls win Rusk meet

2 and finished with a total of MLB, 3 p.m. at Oklahoma City, 6:36 p.m.
1,575 pounds (655 squat, 320
bench, 625 deadlift). Pro basketball Minnesota at Indiana, 6 p.m.
Miami at Detroit, 6:30 p.m.
Teammate Daniel Zarzoza National Basketball Association Philadelphia at Brooklyn, 6:30 p.m.
competed in the same weight EASTERN CONFERENCE Phoenix at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m. RUSK — Huntington’s girls run. Ray, Gates, Hadnot and Gee took
class and finished 13th. Atlantic Division Golden State at Houston, 7 p.m. track and field team won the The 400-meter relay team of first, and the 1,600-meter relay
W L Pct GB Denver at Portland, 9 p.m. Doug Jordan Relays on Thursday. Pilgrim, Gates, Hadnot and Gee team of Coleman, Karly Wil-
In the 242-pound class in
x-Boston 47 26 .644 — Washington at L.A. Lakers, 9:30 p.m. In the high jump, Torie Co- placed third.
Division 1, Lufkin’s March liams, Flournoy and Palmer was
Toronto 44 29 .603 3
meaux took first place, Cora Ray The 800-meter relay team of also first.
Thomas was disqualified, Philadelphia 27 45 .375 19½ Pro hockey second and Shalyn Hadnot fifth.
along with two other lifters. New York 27 46 .370 20
National Hockey League In the triple jump, Hadnot was
Brooklyn 15 57 .208 31½
Hudson advances in Southeast Division
Atlantic Division first and Karly Williams fifth.
soccer playoffs
W L Pct GB In the long jump, Alex Gee
x-Washington 45 28 .616 — finished second, Jessica Pilgrim
JASPER — The Hudson Montreal 75 42 24 9 93 204 187
Atlanta 37 35 .514 7½
boys soccer team took a Miami 35 37 .486 9½
Ottawa 74 41 25 8 90 194 191 third and Lainey Gates fourth. Residential • Commercial
Toronto 74 35 24 15 85 227 219 In the discus, Alyssa Dickerson
bi-district win over Little Charlotte 32 40 .444 12½
Boston 75 39 30 6 84 214 202
Cypress-Mauriceville in a Orlando 27 46 .370 18
Tampa Bay 74 36 29 9 81 205 206
was first and Haley Collins sixth. 101 Industrial Blvd., Suite 109
penalty kick shootout on
Central Division
Florida 74 33 30 11 77 193 209 Dickerson also won the shot put. Lufkin (936) 639-3073
W L Pct GB In the 3,200-meter run, Tamar
Friday night. Buffalo 75 31 32 12 74 188 216
z-Cleveland 47 25 .653 —
Hudson took an early lead Detroit 73 29 32 12 70 181 215 Humphries was first, Taylor
Milwaukee 37 35 .514 10
with a goal by Gerardo Rodri- Indiana
36 36 .500 11
34 39 .466 13½
Metropolitan Division
Mayes fourth and Armani Walk-
er fifth.
24-Hr. Emergency Service
guez on an assist by Cristian x-Washington 74 49 17 8 106 238 163 Locally Owned and Operated
Medina. Hudson then had a Detroit 34 39 .466 13½ In the 800-meter run, Halee
x-Columbus 74 48 19 7 103 232 171 License #M14413
goal by Charly Hernandez on
x-Pittsburgh 74 46 17 11 103 256 205 Palmer took second, Mayes third
Southwest Division and Lindsay Murphy fifth.
an assist from Rodriguez. N.Y. Rangers 74 45 25 4 94 235 195
W L Pct GB
LCM scored twice in the N.Y. Islanders 74 35 27 12 82 218 225 In the 100-meter dash, Gee was
x-San Antonio 56 16 .778 —
second half to force overtime. x-Houston 50 22 .694 6
Carolina 73 33 27 13 79 193 208 second, Pilgrim fourth and Gates
Philadelphia 74 34 32 8 76 191 218 sixth.
Hudson won the shootout Memphis 40 32 .556 16
New Jersey 74 27 35 12 66 170 218
4-2. Marc Guzman had a key Dallas 31 41 .431 25 In the 400-meter dash, Karly
save, and Alex Mount, Isaac
New Orleans 30 42 .417 26
Central Division Williams was second and Jenna
Northwest Division Flourney third. Courtney Cole-
Valladeras, Rodriguez and GP W L OT Pts GF GA
W L Pct GB
Hernandez had the goals. x-Chicago 75 48 21 6 102 225 192 man also placed in the top six.
Utah 44 29 .603 —
Hudson will play Liberty in Oklahoma City 41 30 .577 2
Minnesota 74 44 24 6 94 238 187 In the 300-meter hurdles, Ray
Nashville 74 38 25 11 87 222 205 took first and Tatum Williams
the next round. Denver 35 37 .486 8½
St. Louis 74 40 28 6 86 207 199
Portland 33 38 .465 10 third.
Winnipeg 75 33 35 7 73 223 240
Central powers past Minnesota 28 43 .394 15
Dallas 74 30 33 11 71 204 237 Hadnot was second in the
Pacific Division 200-meter dash, and Humphries
Hemphill 15-0 W L Pct GB
Pacific Division
73 20 50 3 43 144 245
was second in the 1,600-meter
HEMPHILL — Central z-Golden State 58 14 .806 —
x-L.A. Clippers 44 30 .595 15
had 12 hits in a 15-0 rout over Sacramento 27 45 .375 31
Anaheim 74 40 23 11 91 193 182
Hemphill on Friday in Dis- San Jose 75 42 26 7 91 201 182
Phoenix 22 51 .301 36½
trict 22-3A softball action. Edmonton 74 40 25 9 89 219 194
L.A. Lakers 21 51 .292 37
Calgary 75 42 29 4 88 207 202
Makenna Bell had a grand x-clinched playoff spot
Los Angeles 73 35 31 7 77 180 183
slam, a single and five RBIs. z-clinched division
Vancouver 74 30 35 9 69 171 217
Jarynn Sprinkle had three Friday’s Games
Arizona 75 27 39 9 63 180 240
Cleveland 112, Charlotte 105
hits, including a double, and Denver 125, Indiana 117
NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Top
two RBIs. Blyss Johnson had three teams in each division and two wild cards per confer-
Orlando 115, Detroit 87
two doubles and three RBIs. ence advance to playoffs.
Washington 129, Brooklyn 108
x-clinched playoff spot
Railey Oates had two singles. Boston 130, Phoenix 120
Friday’s Games
Shelby East had a double and Houston 117, New Orleans 107
N.Y. Islanders 4, Pittsburgh 3, SO
a single. Johnae Robinson Milwaukee 100, Atlanta 97
Tampa Bay 2, Detroit 1, OT
Philadelphia 117, Chicago 107
had a double. Golden State 114, Sacramento 100
Dallas 6, San Jose 1
Madison Innerarity al- Anaheim 3, Winnipeg 1
L.A. Lakers 130, Minnesota 119, OT
lowed no runs on one hit with Saturday’s Games
Saturday’s Games
Vancouver 4, Minnesota 2
six strikeouts in four innings. L.A. Clippers 108, Utah 95
Columbus 1, Philadelphia 0
Central (11-8-1) will host Washington 127, Cleveland 115
Calgary 3, St. Louis 2, OT
Central Heights on Friday. San Antonio 106, New York 98
Carolina 3, New Jersey 1
Toronto 94, Dallas 86
Boston 2, N.Y. Islanders 1
Hudson JV sweeps Minnesota at Portland, late
Buffalo 5, Toronto 2
Sunday’s Games
Livingston — 15-1, 18-3 Brooklyn at Atlanta, noon
Montreal 3, Ottawa 1
Washington 4, Arizona 1
HUDSON — Hudson JV Phoenix at Charlotte, noon
Florida 7, Chicago 0
Chicago at Milwaukee, 2:30 p.m.
Maroon swept Livingston on Oklahoma City at Houston, 2:30 p.m.
Nashville 7, San Jose 2
Saturday, 15-1 and 18-3. Colorado at Edmonton, late
Sacramento at L.A. Clippers, 2:30 p.m.
In the opener, Ben Penn N.Y. Rangers at Los Angeles, late
Miami at Boston, 5 p.m.
Sunday’s Games
allowed three hits and struck Philadelphia at Indiana, 5 p.m.
Minnesota at Detroit, 11:30 a.m.
out eight batters. He also had Memphis at Golden State, 5 p.m.
Dallas at New Jersey, 4 p.m.
three hits and three RBIs. New Orleans at Denver, 7 p.m.
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, 6 p.m.
Portland at L.A. Lakers, 8:30 p.m.
In the second game, Colten Monday’s Games
Vancouver at Winnipeg, 7 p.m.
Castilaw allowed one hit and N.Y. Rangers at Anaheim, 8 p.m.
Detroit at New York, 6:30 p.m.
struck out seven batters. Monday’s Games
Orlando at Toronto, 6:30 p.m.
Florida at Buffalo, 6 p.m.
Castilaw and Dusten Cleveland at San Antonio, 7 p.m.
Nashville at N.Y. Islanders, 6 p.m.
Daniel each had four hits Oklahoma City at Dallas, 7:30 p.m.
Detroit at Carolina, 6 p.m.
Memphis at Sacramento, 9:30 p.m.
and four RBIs, and Mason Chicago at Tampa Bay, 6:30 p.m.
New Orleans at Utah, 9:30 p.m.
McDonald had a three-run Tuesday’s Games
Arizona at St. Louis, 7 p.m.
triple. Colorado at Calgary, 8 p.m.
Milwaukee at Charlotte, 6 p.m.

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Roadrunners sweep Northeast Texas Ehrler heads into final round

of Bassmaster Classic with
Elvir drives in B.A.S.S. cause — even though his weight
was slightly lower than the 23-3

four in wild HOUSTON — Brent Ehrler is

trying his best to stay grounded.
he caught Friday.
“I think it was better,” said Eh-

nightcap win
He’s saying all the right things. rler, who still hasn’t been open
But after two big days, there’s about how he’s catching his fish
just no denying that he’s one with one more day to go. “I would
By GARY STALLARD step away from the biggest ac- prefer to have less wind.
AC Athletics complishment of his professional “I think in the best-case sce-
bass fishing career. The 40-year- nario, if it was slick calm, I could
The Angelina College Road- old California angler caught five probably really catch them.”
runner baseball team on Satur- bass Saturday that weighed 20 After taking the early lead
day won a game in conventional pounds, 1 ounce and pushed his Friday, Ehrler said he prefers
style, then pulled out all the stops two-day total to 43-4 in front of a to start a little farther back and
to win a wild nightcap to sweep giant crowd at Minute Maid Park, slowly work his way up the lead-
Northeast Texas Community home of Major League Baseball’s erboard by the final day. But he
College 5-3 and 14-10 at Roadrun- Houston Astros. That was good knows he’ll begin Championship
ner Field in Lufkin. enough to lead the 47th annual Sunday as the man everyone is
In the late game, AC rallied GEICO Bassmaster Classic pre- trying to top with a $300,000 first-
from a 6-0 deficit after the Eagles sented by DICK’S Sporting Goods place prize on the line. The tour-
posted a six-run first inning. Josh on Lake Conroe by more than 2 nament has long been considered
Elvir, who drove in four runs in pounds going into Sunday’s final the Super Bowl of professional
the win, doubled into the right round. bass fishing, with a total purse of
field corner in the bottom of the “I didn’t know what I could $1 million — and this year’s event
seventh to score Jacob Finke to catch today in the area where is considered perhaps the big-
tie the game at 7-7. Then, with I’ve been fishing,” Ehrler said. “I gest in history with chances for
the bases loaded, Tony Lima took thought I could go in there, and if all-time attendance records to be
a pitch off the top of his helmet I caught a limit, they’d weigh 15 set. Thousands of people have al-
to send home the go-ahead run, to 16 pounds. You just don’t know ready lined up each day for take-
and Tucker Redden followed what’s there until you start pull- offs at Lake Conroe Park, the Out-
with a bases-loaded walk for a 9-7 ing on more of them. doors Expo presented by DICK’S
AC lead. “I could go in there tomorrow Sporting Goods at the George R.
NTCC came right back to and not have a limit. I could go in Brown Convention Center and
score two in the Eagles’ half of there and catch 13 or 14 pounds, the daily weigh-ins at Minute
the eighth, but the Roadrunners or I could have 25 pounds.” Maid Park.
erupted for five runs in the bot- Unlike Day 1 when the winds Many of the 52 anglers in the
tom of the frame to take their blew 20 to 30 mph, things were field have never experienced this
final lead. Two balks with the relatively calm on Conroe Satur- kind of pressure — and Ehrler
bases loaded accounted for two day. Ehrler said that helped his admitted he’s feeling it a little bit.
Angelina College shortstop Nathan Miranda (7) leaps over teammate Tony Lima for a wind-blown
AC runs, and singles from Aaron
catch during Saturday’s game against Northeast Texas Community College. The Roadrunners rallied
Bowley, Lima and Redden led to
in both games to win 5-3 and 14-10 at Roadrunner Field in Lufkin.
three more.
AC’s Bailey Holstein pitched
another game in long relief, tak- Elvir’s game included two Lima added an insurance run out to second.
ing the ball with the ’Runners doubles and a homer. Redden, with a single to left field to score Tyler Brockner locked down
trailing 6-0 in the first inning. Bowley and Lima each finished Bowley. the save by tossing a scoreless
Holstein proceeded to throw the with two RBI. Grant Cox shook off a rough seventh inning.
next 62⁄3 innings, striking out In the opener, the Roadrunners two early innings to finish The two wins lift AC’s confer-
seven while allowing a single trailed 3-1 in the bottom of the strong, going 52⁄3 while striking ence record (6-5) above the .500
earned run while the ’Runners fourth when Bowley launched a out six. Clayton Hill earned the mark for the first time this sea-
chipped their way back into the two-run blast over the right-field official win with just one pitch: son. The Roadrunners (12-18, 6-5)
game. Jesse Cravy earned the wall to tie the score. In the sixth, He entered in the sixth with the will host TPC in a non-confer-
win, pitching two innings of re- Nathan Miranda’s sacrifice fly game tied at 3-3 and retired Eagle ence doubleheader beginning at
lief. scored Elvir to break the tie, and hitter Ruben Mims on a ground- 3 p.m. on Monday.

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nologies Match Play. holes since Thursday. And the
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United States’ Clint Dempsey, in red, dribbles next to a group of Until then, Johnson had led still hasn’t played the 18th hole
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SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — Just on a 23-yard free kick in the

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before they walked onto the field 54th. With 55 international goals,

for a critical World Cup quali- Dempsey moved within two of
fier, American players received a Landon Donovan’s American re-
message from Bruce Arena. cord.
“I have this copyrighted, but
it was something to the effect of:
first shot, first tackle, first goal,”
“I’m a fighter,” Dempsey said,
“look for the opportunity to get
out there and show that I should
Continued from Page 1C
somebody who has not only pro-
they need.”
Bell was the Defensive Player
like you mean it.
the returning coach said. “I have be around still.” duced on the field, but also in the of the Year on The Lufkin News’
T-shirt rights to that.” In its first competitive match classroom. She’s somebody that All-Angelina County Team in
Their response was emphatic, since Arena replaced Jurgen will give 100 percent every single 2016. She had 91 putouts and five
elders and youth alike. Klinsmann, the U.S. moved from day.” errors in 96 chances for a .948
Clint Dempsey came back from last to fourth in the final round Bell, who plays shortstop at fielding percentage. She also hit
an irregular heartbeat at age 34 of the North and Central Ameri- Central, said she’s open to play- .446 as a junior with a .738 slug-
to score his second international can and Caribbean region, tied at ing anywhere in college. Tobias ging percentage, a 1.294 OPS, six
hat trick, 18-year-old phenom three points with Honduras and said he sees her ending up at triples, two home runs, 22 RBIs,
Christian Pulisic had one goal with Trinidad and Tobago but third base. 21 runs scored and 21 stolen

and set up three others, and the ahead on goal difference, Mexico “I see her at third,” he said. bases. Dentures starting at
U.S. routed Honduras 6-0 Friday leads with seven points, followed “The main reason I say that is This season, Bell is hitting

night to get back in contention by Costa Rica with six and Pana- because of her drive to get the .392 with three home runs, 15
for an eighth straight World Cup ma with four. ball. She attacks the ball. She’s RBIs, 16 runs scored and nine

berth. The top three nations qualify just a bull towards the ball. She stolen bases.
“Three massive points,” cap- for next year’s tournament in actually played it her sopho- Kilgore competes in the Re-
tain Michael Bradley said. “No Russia, and the fourth-place na- more year.” gion XIV East Zone with Ange-
two ways about that.”
Surprise starter Sebastian
tion advances to a playoff. With
a victory at Panama on Tuesday,
“I think defense is what I’m
going to be strong in at the col-
lina, Tyler, Bossier Parish, Na-
varro, Northeast Texas, Trinity
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the top three.
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4C Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News

Hudson High School senior Baleigh Hudman pushes the pole back as she clears the bar in the pole Stadium on the Lufkin High School campus. Hudman won the pole vault and long jump, and she
vault competition of the Willie Ross Relays track and field meet Thursday afternoon at Abe Martin also placed second in the triple jump and 300-meter hurdles.


WILLIE ROSS RELAYS Chris Taylor, Longview, 21-8; 3. Keonta Ingram,
THURSDAY Carthage, 21-7.
ABE MARTIN STADIUM Shot put: 1. Jabrian Taylor, Lufkin, 49-2; Tanner
VARSITY BOYS Elliott, Carthage, 45-6; 3. Joseph Bell, Lufkin, 45-3.
Team Totals Discus: Jackson Sorrell, Lufkin, 123-1; 2. Jase
1. Lufkin 120, 2. Longview 119, 3. John Tyler 116, Dixon, Carthage, 121-6; 3. Chase Merrell, Hudson,
4. Carthage 92, 5. Corrigan-Camden 69, 6. Hudson 117-1.
51, 7. Central 49, 8. Tyler Lee 0. Triple jump: 1. Dee Bowens, Carthage, 42-7; 2.
Individual Results Bryson Smith, John Tyler, 42-6; 3. Ty Love, Corrigan-
Running Events Camden, 42-4.
100-meter dash: 1. Damion Miller, John Tyler, High jump: 1. Astin Henry, Longview, 6-2; 2. Ty
11.13; 2. Jerry Young, John Tyler, 11.36; 3. Titus Love, Corrigan-Camden, 6-0; 3. Jaylon Williams,
Marshall, Carthage, 11.66. Corrigan-Camden, 6-0.
200-meter dash: 1. Terrell Cook, Corrigan- Pole vault: 1. Austin Parrish, Carthage, 13-6;
Camden, 22.19; 2. Kyeran Monroe, Longview, 22.44; 2. Cade Rudd, Hudson, 13-0; 3. Braden Hollers,
3. Keundre Wilson, Longview, 22.88. Lufkin, 11-6.
400-meter dash: 1. Payton Davis, Hudson, 48.93; VARSITY GIRLS
2. Ashton Hicks, Carthage, 50.62; 3. Demmon Team Totals
Kponi, Lufkin, 51.09. 1. Longview 187, 2. Hudson 148, 3. Lufkin 96,
800-meter run: 1. Tyrek Rascoe, Carthage, 4. John Tyler 81.5, 5. Tyler Lee 76.5, 6. Corrigan-
2:00.99; 2. Stephen Brown, John Tyler, 2:00.93; 3. Camden 21, 7. Central 2, 8. Carthage 0.
Carter Vaughan, Central, 2:02.06. Individual Results
andy adams/The Lufkin News
1,600-meter run: 1. Jose Alvarez, Central, Running Events
Lufkin High School senior Cedacia
4:48.28; 2. Josh Rivas, Lufkin, 4:50.55; 3. Pedro 100-meter dash: 1. Kaila Hall, Tyler Lee, 12.90;
Johnson throws the shot put on her
Buenrostro, Central, 4:53.77. 2. J’Maiya Davis, Longview, 13.12; 3. Charity
way to winning the event in the Willie
3,200-meter run: 1. Josh Rivas, Lufkin, 10:44.88; Ervin, John Tyler, 13.28.
Ross Relays track and field meet on
2. Pedro Buenrostro, Central, 10:45.00; 3. Richard 200-meter dash: 1. Daija Carr, Longview, Thursday afternoon near Abe Martin
Thomas, Corrigan-Camden, 11:09.77. 25.91; 2. Zakarra McAdoo, John Tyler, 26.26; 3. Stadium on the LHS campus.
100-meter hurdles: 1. Ketavion Humber, John Zomaria McQueen, Corrigan-Camden, 26.69.
Tyler, 15.27; 2. Kiante Stoker, John Tyler, 16.18; 3. 400-meter dash: 1. Tyetiana Rugley, Longview, 10; 2. Destiney McAfee, Longview, 16-8; 3. Victoria
McCane Jones, Carthage, 16.22. 59.38; 2. A. Ross, Lufkin, 1:02.46; 3. Aliesha Riv- Person, Longview, 16-0.5.
300-meter hurdles: 1. Jaylon Williams, Corrigan- ers, Tyler Lee, 1:03.13. Shot put: 1. C. Johnson, Lufkin, 37-7; 2. Nikki
Camden, 39.50; 2. Ketavion Humber, John Tyler, 800-meter run: 1. Christina Hernandez, Bell, Longview, 36-5; 3. K. Borders, Lufkin, 35-9.5.
40.65; 3. Avery McElveen, Hudson, 40.92. Hudson, 2:23.44; 2. Natasha Carcano, Hudson, ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News Discus: 1. Tiece Veasley, Longview, 94-10; 2.
400-meter relay: 1. John Tyler (McMiller, Miller, 2:36.70; 3. E. Hill, Lufkin, 2:38.50. Lufkin High School junior Isaiah Phillips competes in the 100-meter dash T. Holman, Lufkin, 91-3; 3. Tyambria Shepherd,
Young, Crawford), 42.30; 2. Longview, 42.50; 3. 1,600-meter run: 1. Christina Hernandez, during the Willie Ross Relays track and field meet Thursday evening at Abe Longview, 88-8.
Carthage 42.72. Hudson, 5:13.13; 2. Natasha Carcano, Hudson, Martin Stadium on the LHS campus. Triple jump: 1. Alyssa Mayfield, John Tyler,
800-meter relay: 1. Longview (Monroe, Riggins, 6:02.13; 3. Annalise Conaway, Tyler Lee, 6:02.53. 36-11.5; 2. Baleigh Hudman, Hudson, 36-5.5; 3.
Wilson, Wells) 1:29.51; 2. John Tyler, 1:30.30; 3. 3,200-meter run: 1. Hannah Martin, Hudson, Longview, 48.02; 2. Baleigh Hudman, Hudson, Tyler Lee, 1:50.21. Destiny McAfee, Longview, 35-9.
Lufkin (Grimes, Jackson, McDaniel, Garcia), 1:30.54. 13:15.43; 2. Amber Gonzales, John Tyler, 13:26.48; 49.72; 3. Genesis Emanuel, Tyler Lee, 49.95. 1,600-meter relay: 1. Longview (Rugley, Carr, High jump: 1. Daijia Carr, Longview, 5-2;
1,600-meter relay: 1. Longview (Henry, C. Taylor, 3. Victoria Cox, Hudson, 13:39.65. 400-meter relay: 1. Longview (Davis, McAfee, Person, Jackson), 4:07.84; 2. Lufkin (Nunn, 2. Lauren Thornton, Hudson, 4-10; 3. Brittney
D. Taylor, Monroe), 3:25.98; 2. Lufkin (Kponi, More- 100-meter hurdles: 1. Carrie Gilliland, Gilliland, Jackson), 49.06; 2. John Tyler, 50.52; 3. Thomas, Ross, Moore), 4:19.06; 3. Tyler Lee, Ferguson, Longview, 4-10.
land, Watts, Curl), 3:26.23; 3. John Tyler, 3:26.89. Longview, 16.66; 2. Lauren Thornton, Hudson, Lufkin (Massie, Thomas, Maxie, Chatman), 51.59. 4:19.85. Pole vault: 1. Baleigh Hudman, Hudson, 8-6;
Field Events 18.32; 3. Genesis Emanuel, Tyler Lee, 18.58. 800-meter relay: 1. Longview (Jackson, Person, Field Events 2. Helena Collmorgen, Hudson, 8-0; 3. Cassy
Long jump: 1. Malik Jackson, Lufkin, 22-5; 2. 300-meter hurdles: 1. Carrie Gilliland, Carr, Rugley), 1:44.11; 2. John Tyler, 1:49.07; 3. Long jump: 1. Baleigh Hudman, Hudson, 16- Nguyen, Corrigan-Camden, 7-6.

Continued from Page 1C somebody on site and ready in case an concussion thing, so we decided to get
always knew I wanted to be at a high emergency or anything would happen.” him and go.”
school, so if I was going to do it any- Athletic trainers treat several types While the athletic trainers travel with
where, it might as well be at home in of injuries, minor or major. One no- the varsity teams to events, Marek said
the best state ever,” Marek said. “So I table incident during the 2016-17 school for sub-varsity events, the best decision
just looked online at all of the jobs avail- year was during a football game on is to stay at the home site.
able, and I applied to all of the locations I Oct. 14 at Abe Martin Stadium between “If every high school athletic trainer
wouldn’t mind living in, and here I am.” Lufkin and Beaumont West Brook, in Texas stays at their home facility,
Marek and her staff travel with the when Lufkin sophomore receiver Brey- then everything will be covered,” she
varsity athletic teams at LHS and are lon Garcia went down with an injury said.
also at most home games. They are also and was carted out of the stadium on a When multiple home events are hap-
at practices, ready to assist whenever stretcher. pening at the same time, especially in
they are needed. “Breylon’s was probably the biggest the spring, Marek said they have to
“Especially during the football sea- emergency we’ve had this year,” Marek make decisions on where to be based on
son, we’re at every practice and every said. “We had a couple of more we sent the number of athletes participating and
game,” Marek said. “During the school by ambulance during two-a-days for full the likelihood of injury in that particu-
day, we’ll do treatments and rehabilita- body cramps, because once a kid gets lar sport. Marek said most of the time,
tions of any injury that you see on Fri- to that point of dehydration, there’s no she will be at one event and Batts will be
day nights or that happen at practice. We amount of Powerade or water we can at another, and if there are more going
are able to actually diagnose injuries, so push in them — they need to go to the on, they have student athletic trainers
a lot of the times, our kids can bypass a hospital. But Breylon’s situation with who are assigned to different sports. ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News
doctor if we think it’s not anything seri- getting hit in the head and having some Two of the student athletic trainers From left, Trae Shepherd, Shannon Marek and Elena Cruz are pictured at the
ous enough to go see a doctor. neck pain, that was probably the biggest. are seniors Trae Shepherd and Elena Willie Ross Relays track and field meet Thursday at Abe Martin Stadium.
“I call myself mom, counselor, ev- “The biggest thing for us is if there’s Cruz, who both joined the athletic train-
erything under the sun. People come to any kind of loss of consciousness or ing program during their junior year. Cruz played volleyball and softball for and get back on the field. I love that feel-
me with tummy aches or just problems confusion or anything like that, it’s an “I’ve got a natural urge to help people, the first three years of high school, but ing. They’re happy, so I’m happy.”
they want to talk about. I’m constantly immediate sign for us just to get them and meeting new people is what I like to she had to call it quits after tearing her Shepherd said he plans to go to Tyler
seeing kids almost 24/7 in my office. But and go. He also had some neck pain, and do a lot,” Shepherd said. “We do more ACL, MCL and meniscus. Junior College to pursue a degree in ath-
the big thing for us as athletic trainers that’s another sign that ... it could pos- than just give them water. We come out “I can relate to their pain and how long letic training, while Cruz said she plans
is, of course, the emergency care part sibly be broken, and you don’t want to here, we make sure they’re healthy, and rehab is, because I know that feeling,” to do the same at Stephen F. Austin State
in high schools. We really want to bring move them. We decided that after we we make sure they don’t pass out from Cruz said. “I like helping people. And I University.
it to the forefront in how important it is looked at him a little bit longer, he was anything. If they get hit, we’re here to like the feeling when somebody gets hurt Brandon Ogden’s email address is
for us to be here all day long and to have real sleepy too, and that’s another big help them.” and after a while they go through rehab
SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2017 the lufkin news


Spring fling ET anglers enjoying banner

For The Lufkin News

crappie fishing region-wide NACOGDOCHES: Water level is about 4 inches

low and fairly clear. Water temp in the upper 60s.
Lots of traffic on the lake over the last week.
Bass are fair on Texas rig Brush Hogs, wacky
worms, Senkos and Flukes fished slowly around
By MATT WILLIAMS shallow grass beds and underwater sloughs. A few
For The Lufkin News anglers using shaky heads, Fumble Bug rigs and
Carolina rigs to pluck decent numbers of small fish
There is one thing you can count on off points and drops in 12-20 feet.
when it comes to springtime crappie fish- Crappie are fair on small jigs fished around
ing: The fish will only be where you find shoreline cover. Covering water is the ticket.
them. TOLEDO BEND: Water level is 2.61 feet low and
Harum-scarum by nature, paper- clear. Water temp in the mid-60s.
mouths can be tough to pattern this time White bass guide Jane Gallenbach says anglers
are reporting limits on Roadrunners tipped with live
of year because they are rambling the
shiners or crawfish fished on sandbars and in the
shallows here and there and looking for middle of the river. Water level is getting low; use
a place to spawn. caution when running.
The ritual is carried out similar to the Fishing guide Stephen Johnston says bass
bass spawn. Nests are built or fanned in fishing has slowed over the week with all the spring
shallow water, usually in close proximity break traffic. Best bite is shallow, 1-6 feet using
to some form of cover, such as bushes, swim jigs, Texas rigs, Senkos and wacky worms.
fallen trees, lily pad stems or stumps Rhonda Shivley at Bill’s Landing says trotliners
when available. Often times they’ll fan are bringing in some solid blues and flatheads
out nests amongst the thickest junk they to 66 pounds using live and cut bait in 8-12 feet.
Crappie are good around cypress trees using jigs
can find before carrying out the court-
and shiners.
ship that creates the next generation of PINKSTON: Water level is at full pool and
crappie. stained. Water temp the mid-60s.
Curtain time can fall as early as Feb- Bass anglers reporting lots of fish on beds
ruary on lakes across eastern Texas, but in 1-4 feet. Senkos, light Texas rigs and Rogues
it usually goes down sometime in mid- producing some solid fish. Crappie are good along
March through early April. outside grass edges using Runners and small jigs.
Judging from reports I’m hearing from CEDAR CREEK: Water level is at full pool and
fishing guides and recreational anglers, stained. Water temp in the mid-60s.
crappie are in all phases of the spawn in Fishing guide Jason Barber says catfish are
scattered in shallow and deep water, hitting shad
lakes across the region right now. The
and punch bait. Crappie are nudging the banks
spawn is going full bore on some lakes, MATT WILLIAMS/For The Lufkin News and staged on docks in 5-16 feet, hitting jigs.
winding down or just beginning to get Catching crappie in the spring means covering lots of shallow water until you find them. Spawning crappie love to hang tight to Black bass are on the banks in skinny spawning
cranked up on others. any available cover, such as brush, weed bed, brush, docks and laydown logs, usually in skinny water ranging 1-3 feet deep. coves, taking Texas rigs, spinnerbaits, Chatterbaits
Either way, the fishing has been out- and shaky heads. Hybrids and white bass are
standing for those anglers willing to available cover like brush, bushes, logs Johnston said. “The ones we are catching holding in creeks and staged on points throughout
spend the time necessary to sniff out the or pockets in the grass. When a fish takes are coming on tube jigs and Roadrunners the lake.
fish in skinny water. Lake Fork guide the bait, the cork starts moving slowly to along creek channels in 4-8 feet of water, ’PINES: Water level is about 3 inches high and
Gary Paris says he and his wife, Lisa, one side or disappears altogether. All of but they are really scattered. Some days stained to clear. Water temp in the low 60s.
have been eating plenty of crappie fillets the bites are coming shallow, 1-4 feet. it’s better to stroll than to cast. We haven’t Local bass pro Jim Tutt says bass are fair using
Senkos, Flukes and Carolina rigs on shallow flats
around their house lately. “The main thing is to stay on the been able to catch much at all on a jig un-
and points. Crappie anglers scoring limits in 2-3
“It’s been great for about three weeks,” move,” Paris said. “The fish aren’t every- der a cork. That bite should be on fire feet of water using shiners and small spinners.
says Paris. “We’ve been smacking them where, but when you find them, they’ll right now, but it’s not.” White bass are excellent on sandy points using
pretty good. They’re big, too. We’ve munch.” There isn’t a ton of shallow spawn- Roadrunners.
caught a lot of fish in the 1¼-pound range Lake Livingston fishing guide Dave ing cover on Cedar Creek Reservoir, but PALESTINE: Water level is at full pool and
and several up to 2 pounds.” Cox says he and his clients have been en- fishing guide Jason Barber of Gun Bar- stained. Water temp in the upper 60s.
One of Paris’ best trips this month pro- joying some outstanding crappie fishing rel City says there are plenty fish to be Fishing guide Ricky Vandergriff says bass are
duced 67 keepers for three guide clients. lately, as well. caught around boat docks right now. The fair using spinnerbaits, Senkos, Texas rig lizards,
That’s just eight fish shy of a three-man “It’s been good just about every day for best ones are in water ranging 1-3 feet and Carolina rigs in 2-4 feet of water. Crappie are on
limit of 75 fish. a while now,” Cox said. “We’re not catch- 4-10 feet, he said. the banks, hitting small jigs and Roadrunners.
CONTRIBUTED White bass are schooling on points up and down
“We went out another day and started ing limits — about 20-22 fish is a good day “I think there are a couple of things go-
Elizabeth Browning and her husband, the lake, hitting spoons and ’Traps. Also a strong
out fishing for channel cat,” Paris said. for two people. We’re catching some nice ing on right now,” Barber said. “We’ve got bite up the Neches. Catfish are good on windy
“We caught several, then we went look- ones, though. I’ve had several in the 16- to Steve, caught several hefty slabs during fish spawning around shallower docks
a recent afternoon trip on Cedar Creek banks using night crawlers and punch bait.
ing for crappie. There was shad spawning 17-inch range — real slabs.” on secondary points towards the backs Retaining walls, docks, rock and baited holes also
going on and we found the crappie run- Like Paris, Cox is covering lots of wa- with fishing guide Jason Barber. Barber of spawning pockets and there are pre- holding fish.
ning the shad completely onto the banks. ter to find fish and relying on long poles, says he is catching fish off shallow spawn fish still staging around the deeper RICHLAND CHAMBERS: Water level is 2 inches
We caught 40 big ones in about two hours. slip corks and shiners to help his clients beds in 1-3 feet and under secondary docks. Any type of emergent vegetation high and fairly clear. Water temp in the mid-60s.
I’m pretty sure a lot of those fish were exploit them. He says the best areas have docks in 5-12 feet. or cypress trees you can find in the edge Larry Winters at Midway Landing says bass are
post-spawn, because they didn’t have any been towards the backs of major and sec- of water also holds some potential.” good to 6 pounds on spinnerbaits and Texas rig
eggs. But they are still hanging around ondary creeks in water ranging 2-4 feet says the fish are relating primarily to old Barber says the most effective way to plastics; best bite coming in 2-4 feet midway up
creeks. Crappie are fair in 2-3 feet using shiners
shallow because there’s plenty of cover deep. cypress trees and brush in water ranging fish around Cedar Creek’s boat docks from shore in backs of creeks; no limits reported.
and plenty to eat.” “White Rock, Harmon and Caney have 1-3 feet deep. doesn’t involve a long pole and a shiner. Catfish are good in 12-16 feet around timber;
The technique Paris is using to find all been good,” Cox said. “I’m finding “Some of them are out away from Instead, it’s all about skipping or shoot- windy shorelines and points also giving up some
and catch crappie is one that will work in them around cut banks with laydowns or the bank in the middle of the sloughs, ing a jig. fish. White bass are good on points in 20-28 feet
just about any lake with a reputable crap- any other kind of wood around them. It too,” Shivley said. “You just got to move “These fish are taking advantage of using slabs; not many limits reported.
pie population. It’s called dabbling, which seems like the bigger wood is holding the around to find them. You might catch the shade, so you need to work at learn- SAM RAYBURN: Water level is 1.46 feet low and
involves the use of a 13-foot telescoping bigger fish.” three to four out of a spot, then you have ing how to get the jig as far up under the clear. Water temp in the mid-60s.
Black Widow crappie pole, a slip cork and The shallow bite has been equally good to move.” docks as you can get it,” he said. “It’s a Fishing guide Randy Dearman says bass fishing
a 1⁄8-ounce crappie jig tipped with a live at the upper reaches of Toledo Bend. Ac- Fishing guide Stephen Johnston said challenging way to fish for them, but it has been good to 4 pounds on Senkos, Texas rigs
shiner. cording to Charlie Shivley at Bill’s Land- the bite has been more sporadic at the and swim jigs in 2-5 feet water. Lots fry in the
also can be a lot of fun once you get the
shallows and some fish still on beds.
The trick, says Paris, is to move slowly ing, there are plenty of fish on the banks lake’s southern reaches and the fish are hang of it.” Crappie are good on jigs in 4-6 feet around
along the shoreline over a shallow flat in the backs of old sloughs and shallow considerably harder to find. Matt Williams is a freelance writer based in Nacogdoches. He grass and other cover. Catfish are good over baited
and carefully place the shiner tight to flats adjacent to Tenaha Creek. Shivley “We’re not catching any limits at all,” can be reached by email, holes and around standing timber up north using
punch bait. White bass are spotty.

Alan Henry kicks out 13.34 ShareLunker

NACONICHE: Water level is at full pool and fairly
clear. Water temp in the upper 60s.
Lake regular David Russell says the bass
fishing seems to be improving, but most takers
have been small, hitting spinnerbaits in the shal-
By MATT WILLIAMS entry is 27th from Alan Henry since 2000 lows. Senko and cranks have been the best bets
on points and roadbeds. Crappie are hit or miss
For The Lufkin News and the heaviest bass reported there since around shallow brush.
2006. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department FORK: Water level about 2 feet low and fairly
Like a friendly ghost from the past, little fisheries biologist Charlie Munger of Can- clear. Water temp in the low 60s.
Alan Henry Reservoir in far West Texas yon has been riding shotgun over Alan Tony Parker at the Minnow Bucket says bass
burst back onto the Texas big bass scene Henry for years and says that word of the fishing has been good to 10 pounds with lots of slot
on March 21 when John Vineyard of Lub- recent Toyota ShareLunker didn’t come as fish coming on Senkos, light Texas rigs and Chat-
bock caught a 13.34-pounder while fishing much of a shock at all. terbaits. Parker says the spawn is going strong
with a 10-inch watermelon worm in about “Alan Henry has always produced some so lots of fish are shallow in backs of creeks and
6 feet of water. good fish,” Munger said. “It had some big pockets. Best bite coming around flooded willows
I call Alan Henry a little lake with a big- and scattered grass beds. Crappie are good around
years early, but then it sort of faded away.
shallow cover in the backs of creeks using small
fish past because that’s exactly what it is. We’ve continued to hear quite a few reports jigs and shiners under a cork. Catfish are good over
The 2,800-acre impoundment built on the about guys catching 10- to 11-pounders out baited holes out to 25 feet along creeks and drops.
Double Mountain of Brazos River was there, so we know the lake still has plenty Also some decent reports filed in the shallows.
on fire with heavyweight bass during the of potential to produce fish in this class.” ATHENS: Water level is 3 inches high and fairly
early 2000s. With water temperatures still in the 50s, clear. Water temp in the mid-60s.
The lake was the state’s leading produc- Munger says Alan Henry bass are still in Bass are fair to good on Senkos and Flukes
er of Toyota ShareLunker entries in 2005 a pre-spawn mode and beginning to stage tossed around shoreline hydrilla; a few on moving
and 2006. It was the first lake in the history for the spawn at mid-range depths. The baits.
of the program to produce more entries in spawn typically runs about 30-45 days be- Crappie anglers reporting partial limits covering
water with jigs along outside grass edges.
a single season than Lake Fork, and it did hind East Texas lakes, so April is usually
CONROE: Water level is at full pool and fairly
it twice in back-to-back years with nine en- the bewitching month for whopper bass. clear. Water temp in the mid-60s.
tries. Of the lake’s 27 ShareLunker entries, 15 Fishing guide Butch Terpe says bass fishing
Things have been relatively quiet on have been caught in April. has been good using Senkos, Texas rig plastics and
Alan Henry over the last decade. After pro- “About now is when we start seeing a few Chatterbaits. Best bite still coming shallow
ducing two Toyota ShareLunker entries the guys out there with their elevated contributed towards the backs of creeks and coves on or near
in 2007, it wasn’t heard from again until platforms, sight fishing for bedding fish,” John Vineyard with the 13.34-pound Toyota ShareLunker he reeled in March spawning flats in 2-5 feet of water. Catfish are
last April, when Bruce Butler of Canyon Munger said. “You can see bottom down to 21 at Lake Alan Henry near Justiceburg. The fish is Alan Henry’s 27th entry to good over baited holes out to 20 feet. Crappie are
caught a 13.13-pounder. Vineyard’s latest about 6 feet when the conditions are right.” the state program. good on small jigs and shiners fished under a cork
in 2-4 feet.
LIVINGSTON: Water level is about 2 inches

OUTDOORS BRIEFS: Lake Fork kicks out Mega Bass high and stained to fairly clear. Water temp in the
Fishing guide Randy Dearman says bass are
good to 8 pounds on Texas rigs and jigs flipped
By MATT WILLIAMS Sam McCollum of Corsicana. ET high schoolers named All-State tions across the nation based on their around shallow wood the backs of creeks. Buzz
For The Lufkin News While Newkirk won the tournament’s tournament success, academics and baits and weightless Flukes are producing around
top prize, he wasn’t the only angler A tip of the hat to high school bass an- leadership in conservation and commu- clouds of fry. Fishing guide Dave Cox says crappie
John Newkirk of Benbrook topped a to strike bass gold. Six other anglers glers Jared Gobel of Lumberton, Trace nity service. are good in the backs of creeks using jigs and
record field of more than 1,800 anglers grabbed $15,000 big bass of the hour pay- O’Dell of Buna, Hunter Martindale of A second panel will narrow the list of shiners. White bass are slow up the river, according
to win the top prize overall in the ninth checks that were passed out at the end of Jasper and Hunter Muncrief of Pine- 69 anglers to 12 to form the 2017 Bass- to Lock-N-Dam Marina.
HOUSTON COUNTY: Water level is at full pool
annual Bass Champs Mega Bass event the day. One of them was a lady angler, land. master All-American Fishing Team.
and stained. Water temp in the upper 60s.
hosted March 19 on Lake Fork. Letita Sprayberry of Kemp. Sprayberry Gobel and O’Dell are among 69 high The 12 finalists will compete in a one-day Crockett Family Resort says bass are good
Newkirk landed a massive caught a 10.97-pounder to win the 11 school bass anglers nationwide named Bassmaster All-American High School to 6 pounds on purple worms fished in around
12.35-pounder using a Chatterbait in 6-8 o’clock hour. to the 2017 Bassmaster High School All- Bass Tournament held during the 2017 shallow vegetation and main structure in 15-20
feet of water. The fish earned him $15,000 Bass Champs paid out more than State Team. Martindale and Muncrief Toyota Bassmaster Texas Fest benefit- feet. Also some fish coming on jerk baits and shad
as the biggest bass of hour, plus a fully $200,000 in cash and prizes in what was received hononable mentions. ing the Texas Parks and Wildlife Depart- pattern cranks. A few solid white bass upwards of
rigged Skeeter bass boat. The No. 2 big billed as the richest one-day big bass The students were selected by a spe- ment, a fan-favorite festival set for May 2 pounds reported on shiners in the pump station
bass was a 12.22-pounder reeled in by hourly event ever held. cial panel of judges from 380 nomina- 17-21 on Sam Rayburn Reservoir. area. Bream are good off piers using worms.
6C Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
sunday, MARCH 26, 2017 the lufkin news

dave ramsey says unemployment

boyfriend Jobless rates remain steady in city, county
should get
By STEVE KNIGHT steady compared to the previous statement. “TWC will continue
The Lufkin News month while the number of em- to focus on the workforce needs Unemployment rates in Deep East Texas
ployed rose. of these growing industries and Area Feb. 2016 Jan. 2017 Feb. 2017

a job, too
Unemployment rates re- Angelina County’s unemploy- build partnerships that develop Lufkin 5.6% 5.6% 5.5%
mained relatively steady in ment rate rose one-tenth of a a world-class workforce for Texas Angelina County 5.7% 6.4% 6.5%
Lufkin and Angelina County in percentage point to 6.5 percent employers.” Houston County 4.6% 4.8% 4.9%
February compared to the previ- in February. The county’s jobless According to the data, the edu- Jasper County 7.6% 9.1% 9%

ear Dave: One of my ous month, according to figures rate a year ago was 5.7 percent. cation and health services indus- Nacogdoches 4.2% 5.4% 5.4%
relatives just gradu- released on Friday by the Texas The county’s labor force in- try recorded the largest private- Nacogdoches County 4.4% 5% 5%
ated from college with Workforce Commission. creased compared to the previ- industry employment gain over Newton County 7.5% 9.6% 9.3%
$20,000 in student loan debt. Lufkin’s unemployment rate ous month, while the number of the month with 11,700 jobs added. Polk County 6.1% 7.4% 7.4%
Her boyfriend graduated, too, dropped one-tenth of a percent- employed fell. Leisure and hospitality employ- Sabine County 9% 11.5% 11.2%
and he has over $100,000 in age point to 5.5 percent in Janu- The Texas economy added ment grew by 4,400 jobs in Feb- San Augustine County 8.8% 10.1% 9.5%
student ary compared to the previous 6,700 seasonally adjusted non- ruary, and manufacturing added San Jacinto County 6% 6.9% 6.8%
loan debt. month. The jobless rate was 5.6 farm jobs in February. Texas’ 3,900 jobs. Shelby County 5.6% 6.2% 6.2%
They percent a year ago. seasonally adjusted unemploy- Private-sector employment Trinity County 6.2% 6.6% 6.7%
want The data also showed that the ment rate increased to 4.9 percent has expanded over the year with
Tyler County 7.2% 9% 8.6%
to get number of employed rose slight- in February, up slightly from 4.8 an overall job growth of 189,200, Source: Texas Workforce Commission
married, ly when compared to the prior percent in January. including 12,300 jobs added in
so she’s month, while the number of un- “Texas employers added February.
looking employed declined slightly. 222,400 jobs over the year in the For more information about center at 210 N. John Redditt The Nacogdoches Daily Sentinel,
for a job. The labor force figure, the diverse Texas economy,” Texas employment programs in An- Drive in Lufkin. Visit EastTex- for a listing of local job openings.
He wants number of people employed Workforce Commission Chair- gelina County, call WorkForce, an online partnership Steve Knight’s email address is
to go to or looking for work, remained man Andres Alcantar said in a Solutions at 639-1351 or visit the between The Lufkin News and
graduate dave ramsey
and take out more loans to SEARS
remain a full-time student.
The idea of even more debt
hanging over their heads re-
Sears stores
Sears Holding Corporation,
ally bothers her. Do you have which operates both Sears
any advice? — Denise and Kmart stores, warned in
Dear Denise: You don’t a disclosure about financial
throw away a great, poten- problems the company
tially lifelong, relationship is facing.
just because of debt. Things
like laziness, dishonesty, and
irresponsible behavior are Sears Kmart
deal breakers, though. Those
2006: 3,418
are flaws that usually don’t go
away. 4 (2,030 Sears,
1,388 Kmart)
I’m glad she’s looking for a
job, but her boyfriend needs
3 2016: 1,430
to be working, too. There’s no
(695 Sears,
excuse for either of them being
735 Kmart)
full-time students with more 2
than $120,000 in combined
student loan debt hanging over
their heads. Lots of people 1
hold down real jobs, save
money, and further their edu-
cations on a part-time basis.
If she were my niece, I FY2006 FY2016
would encourage her to have Source: SEC filings
an open and honest discussion Graphic: Tribune News Service

with her boyfriend about their

future, and how he plans on At left, shoppers enter the
paying for graduate school. Sears department store at the
She also needs to be very Tri-County Mall March 22 in
real about her feelings in this Springdale, Ohio. Sears, once
situation. If, after that, he still the monolith of American retail,
wants to just borrow more says that there is “substantial
money and not work outside of doubt” that it will be able to
school, then she might have a keep its doors open.
difficult decision ahead. The Associated Press

Hard times for Sears

However, if he realizes how
damaging additional debt
could be to their relationship, Struggling department stores
and he’s willing to work while Sears Holdings, which operates Sears and Kmart stores, says there is "substantial doubt"

as retailer notes
continuing his education, I about its future. Earlier this year it said it planned to close 108 more Kmart and 42 more
think their future together Sears locations. It joins retailers including Macy's and J.C. Penney in announcing large store
looks much brighter. — Dave closings since the 2016 holiday shopping season.
Dear Dave: My husband

doubt about future

but we’re not sure what to do
J.C. Penney Kmart Macy’s Sears
next. We have between $400,000
and $500,000 in a 401(k) for 0 5 10 15 23
retirement, but we don’t have
any other savings. We’re both By ANNE D’INNOCENZIO mainly with millions in loans
in our forties, and the only and HANNAH WEIKEL funneled through the hedge fund
debt we have is our house, so The Associated Press of Chairman and CEO Edward
what should we do about Baby Lampert, but with sales fading
Steps 4 and 6? — Mary NEW YORK — Sears, a back- it is burning through cash. Sears
Dear Mary: Overall, you to-school shopping destination Holdings Corp. said late Tuesday
two have done a great job with for generations of kids, has said it lost more than $2 billion last
your money. Let’s go over the that after years of losing money, year, and its historical operating
Baby Steps you mentioned. there is “substantial doubt” it results indicated doubt about the
Baby Step 4 is putting 15 per- will be able to keep its doors future of the company that start-
cent of your income into Roth open. But it also insisted that its ed in the 1880s as a mail-order
IRAs and pre-tax retirement actions to turn around its busi- catalog business.
plans. Baby Step 6 is paying off ness should help reduce that risk. At a largely empty Sears store
your home early. It was still a dramatic acknowl- in St. Paul, Minnesota, where the
The thing that worries me edgment from the chain that available parking far outstripped
is you’ve completely skipped owns Sears and Kmart stores, the number of cars in the lot,
Baby Step 3, which is hav- which has long held fast to its 85-year-old Jack Walsh and his
ing three to six months of stance that a turnaround is pos- 82-year-old wife, Mary Ann, said
expenses in an emergency sible, even as many of its shop- they have shopped at Sears their
fund. This is money set aside pers have moved on to Wal-Mart, entire lives, buying items from
Target or Amazon.
SOURCES: The companies AP
SEE DAVE SAYS, PAGE 3D Sears has survived of late SEE SEARS, PAGE 3D

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sunday, MARCH 26, 2017 the lufkin news

The First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the

free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Lufkin News editorial board

Jenniffer Ricks
Use your voice to be a part of Lufkin’s success
T he front-page story in Tuesday’s Lufkin in the vision and sincerity of this young man and manager or owner of the business — the words
News was “4B recommending a loan for the his company. that leave your mouth may be the turning point
Andy Adams
Editor PID Group.” My first stop each morning We have other examples of 4B help that has to a major decision maker. Speak kindly, speak is Lufkin Farm Supply for been extended to Holmes Smokehouse and Atkin- positively, speak with compassion and concern
coffee and fellowship, and I son Candy, and have several commitments in the every chance you get. You are a spokesperson
Jeff Pownall Jacqueline was ready for the pushback works if and when the requesters choose to move for economic growth in our community. Lead
News Editor Berry-McDowell and constructive criticism forward. by example and be a positive influence each and Account Representative that comes from every visit. What sets Lufkin apart from the rest of our every day.
Stacy Faison There wasn’t any! We dis- state and nation is the men and women with can- We have new, fresh voices in our community
Assistant News Editor Rene Guajardo cussed webworms in trees, do attitudes and willingness to step forward and with Dr. Michael Simon, president of Angelina IT Director wood turning, water leaks share their dreams with our Economic Develop- College; Jim Johnson, president of the Lufkin/ and the health of several of ment staff in the city of Lufkin. Nancy Windham Angelina Chamber of Commerce; Jenniffer
Vicky Camarillo
Night Editor
our regulars, but nothing has just settled in as our new director of Econom- Ricks, publisher of The Lufkin News; LaTonya about the $400,000 loan to ic Development, and I personally commend City Goffney, Lufkin ISD superintendent; Captain Ja-
PID. I was not disappointed, bob brown Manager Keith Wright for recognizing and hiring son Moore, Salvation Army; Mark Newton, First
but pleased that the crowd Nancy as our voice. Nancy has 30 years of experi- Baptist Church, Lufkin; CEO Monte Bostwick,
Your opinion had absorbed the news and seemed to agree that ence and has a network of contacts that reaches CHI St. Luke’s Memorial; and Dr. Wynn Rosser,

the 4B Board had done their homework and was out all over Texas and the USA. Good things are president and CEO, T.L.L. Temple Foundation,
willing to step forward and support our “home- going to happen and the next few years will turn all singing the praises of this great city. They all
grown” businessman that is working hard to get out to be a real positive for the Lufkin/Angelina bring new ideas to the table, and we value their
his industry up and running in Lufkin, Texas. County area. thoughts and treasure their leadership in our

Troubles Scott Slusher, president and CEO of PID, and his

employees are reaching out and doing everything
they can to get this fresh new plant up and run-
ning with new orders and new products. The 4B
Each one of you reading this article can also
be a part of our success! Think of all the con-
tacts you make on a daily or weekly timetable
and how you can plant the seed to entice your
We have a chance to be even better than we
are right now, and we need to show and tell our
associates just how good Lufkin really is! Please
East Texans have differing Board and the Lufkin City Council are willing to contacts into considering growing their busi- help make it happen!
opinions on possibility of take some risks with Scott and PID to become a vi-
tal part of the economy in Lufkin, and we believe
ness in Lufkin. Whether you are a waitstaff em-
ployee at a food service establishment, a cashier,
Bob Brown is the mayor for the city of Lufkin.
His email address is
banning texting while driving

ere are your responses to our headlines IN Local HISTORY
Facebook question of the week,
March 26
“What are your thoughts on a
One Year Ago
statewide ban on texting while ■ Crown Colony Country Club exchanges its two white mute
driving? The proposed measure has swans for two less aggressive Australian black swans.
passed the Texas House of Representa- ■ Lufkin’s unemployment rate was 5.3 percent in February,
tives but would still need to be approved down about two-tenths of a percentage point compared
by the state Senate and Gov. Greg Abbott.” to the previous month. The rate in February 2015 was 4.4
Because we received a large number of percent.
responses, we split it into three parts. The Ten Years Ago
first two were published Thursday and ■ Lufkin First Assembly hosts its second annual “No Fool-
Friday; here’s the final one: ing We’re Fueling” campaign.
Willie Cox — Just what is needed: more ■ Lufkin High School Theater Arts Department presents
government! As has been stated already, Joe DiPietro’s one-act play “Over the River and Through the
there’s laws on the books now covering Woods” at Hudgins Hall on the campus of Angelina College.
distracted driving. Enforce what’s already Twenty Years Ago
■ The Lunch Box wins the “People’s Choice” award at the
on the books before adding more.
fifth annual Taste of Lufkin held in the Pitser Garrison Civic
Tarra Glaze — I think distracted driver Center. Barnhill’s Mesquite Grill & Buffet was the runner-up.
already covers it, but if it gets people’s at- ■ Precise Hydraulics Inc. of Lufkin is awarded a $160,000
tention, so be it. contract with Bell Helicopter Textron to build 50 ground-
Bridget Jones Skelly — Great idea! landing wheels for commercial helicopters.
David Jordan — I say we just ban cars From the pages of The Lufkin Daily News,
all together, LOL. compiled by The History Center,
Claudlene Duirden — It’s a dangerous
Cari Barker Levesque — GOOD. TODAY IN HISTORY
Khalesha Anderson — Are the police The Associated Press
going to follow the rules, being that they
are always on their phones while patrol-
ling? It should be banned, though.
March Madness at the Legislature Today is Sunday, March 26, the 85th day of
2017. There are 280 days left in the year.

Kevan Mericle — People should not be ast week marked the official halfway administered to those applying for citizenship in Today’s Highlight in History:
messing with their phone at all if they are point of the 85th Legislative Session. With the United States. This bill was met with great On March 26, 1917, the Seattle Metropolitans
behind the wheel. throngs of college basketball fans watching enthusiasm as it would help students and teach- became the first U.S. team to win the Stanley
the playoffs, I was recently reminded that we have ers provide for local flexibility on administering Cup as they defeated the Montreal Canadiens
Trena Lazette — Let your kids be the
our own version of March the test, and most importantly, promote a more in Game 4 of the finals by a score of 9-1.
secretary and respond. I say no texting Madness happening right engaged and informed citizenry. Another one of On this date:
and driving. I hired my daughter for that. here in Austin. With hun- my bills, HB 2995, was referred to committee and In 1812, an earthquake devastated Caracas,
Worked out great. dreds of bills being heard in aims to assist local hospitals in our rural region Venezuela, causing an estimated 26,000 deaths,
Jennifer Sulak — So many text and committees and voted upon that are unable to draw down available federal according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
drive. It’s unsafe and should be banned all daily on the House floor, dollars to assist with previously unreimbursed In 1874, poet Robert Frost was born in San
together. I’ve had too many close encoun- there is plenty of excite- uncompensated healthcare costs by creating a Francisco.
ters involving individuals who text and ment and suspense at your Local Provider Participation Fund. This measure In 1892, poet Walt Whitman died in Camden,
drive. It’s scary. Texas Capitol. With that as a would in no way create a new fee or tax on local New Jersey.
Ashley Musick — Absolutely! 100 backdrop, here’s your latest citizens. It would simply allow local hospitals the In 1937, a 6-foot-tall statue of the cartoon
percent banned! update from Austin … ability to draw down additional federal dollars to character Popeye was unveiled during the Sec-
trent ashby
First Responders Day. provide reimbursement for the care they provide. ond Annual Spinach Festival in Crystal City,
Josh Bean — I just want to point out
The State Firefighters and Reminders. The mobile office is back on the Texas.
that among the other things mentioned, Fire Marshals Association of Texas recently road in April and looks forward to seeing you In 1945, during World War II, Iwo Jima
I’ve actually witnessed a woman crochet- hosted their 2017 First Responders Legislative around the district! Here’s this month’s schedule: was fully secured by U.S. forces following a
ing while driving. Not sure what she was Day. A memorial service honoring firefighters 9 to 11 a.m. April 5 at Leon County Courthouse final, desperate attack by Japanese soldiers.
steering with. But, yeah, as someone men- who died in the line of duty was held on the South in Centerville or from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd
tioned earlier, stupid people will do stupid steps of the Capitol. The service was particularly Madison County Courthouse Annex in Madison- George, 82, died in Ty Newydd, Llanystum-
things. Overregulating just seems to open touching for me, as we celebrated the life and ville. You can also visit us from 9 to 11 a.m. April dwy, Wales.
the doors for a lot of unnecessary things. service of one of my constituents, John Kendall 19 at the Houston County Courthouse Annex in In 1958, the U.S. Army launched America’s
Some laws have to be revisited and revised Reynolds of the Buffalo VFD, whose family was Crockett or from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Trinity third successful satellite, Explorer 3.
later to work out the kinks, all costing in attendance and whose name was added to the County Courthouse in Groveton. Finally, you In 1967, Pope Paul VI issued an encyclical,
Capitol monument honoring fallen firefighters. can come see us from 9 to 11 a.m. April 26 at the “Populorum Progressio,” on “the progressive
taxpayers. If it would prevent the act, it’s
House Natural Resources. A number of San Augustine Courthouse in San Augustine. As development of peoples,” in which he expressed
worth it. If it causes people to move the my colleagues on the House Natural Resources always, please do not hesitate to contact my office concern for those trying to escape hunger, pov-
phone down further in an attempt to con- Committee and I had a spirited discussion about if we can help you in any way. erty, endemic disease and ignorance.
ceal the illegal act (further distracting the legislation that would allow for an exemption Trent Ashby is the Texas state representative for
driver), then the law itself could indirectly to the existing junior water provision on trans- District 57 that includes Angelina, Houston, Leon, Madison,
cause accidents. You just can’t spend all ferring water from one river basin to another, San Augustine and Trinity counties. His email address is Your elected officials
your time trying to fix stupid when there often referred to as an interbasin transfer. While He and his staff are available Let your elected officials know what you think. Here
are already laws in place to address the plenty of interbasin transfers have occurred, and during the week at (512) 463-0508 or 634-2762. is contact information for each.
issue. Having said all that, I think I would have all gone through the appropriate regula-
U.S. White House (202) 224-5922
have to say I’m firmly undecided. tory process, I vehemently oppose any legislative
Comment Line
TJ Stracener — All right ... I’ll play
devil’s advocate. As a libertarian, I’m not
attempt to circumvent this process by allowing
certain entities to take priority over other permit Have your say (202) 456-1111
U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert
holders in the river basin. Protecting existing To submit a letter to the editor, bring it to us at
in favor of new money making laws for the Gov. Greg Abbott 2234 Rayburn HOB
permit holders in river basins from having too 300 Ellis Ave. in downtown Lufkin, mail it to P.O.
government. There’s already a law against Room 200, State Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515
much water siphoned out, as well as updating the Box 1089, Lufkin, TX 75902-1089, or visit an easy-
distracted driving. Eating, drinking, put- water availability models that dictate whether Austin, TX 78701 (202) 225-3035
to-use form at Or
ting on makeup, singing and dancing to any surplus water exists, seems like a prudent (800) 252-9600
you can email your letter to aadams@lufkindaily-
the radio, chatting with your buddies ... and responsible approach to me. (512) 463-2000
All these things can distract you, and are Legislation. We have had a few recent legisla- Please limit your letters to 350 words. State Sen. Robert Nichols
tive developments that I want to bring everyone P.O. Box 12068
already covered under the laws. I watched Be sure to include a daytime telephone number
up to speed on. I recently had a hearing in the on your letter. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Austin, TX 78711
a John Stossel special a few years ago Capitol Station (512) 463-0103
where he suggested that making texting House Committee on Public Education where All letters are subject to editing for length and
I was able to lay out one of my bills, HB 1776, clarity, and unsigned letters will not be used. We P.O. Box 12068 robert.nichols@senate.
and driving illegal will actually make the Austin, TX 78711
which would replace the end of course exam for will only publish one letter per writer during a
problem worse, because people will have United States history with the civics test that is (512) 463-0001 202 E. Pilar, Room 208
30-day period.
their phones down low so cops can’t see, Nacogdoches, TX 75961
which takes their eyes further away from (936) 564-4252
the road than if they had the phone at MALLARD FILLMORE By Bruce Tinsley U.S. Sen. John Cornyn
steering wheel level. 517 Hart, Senate State Rep. Trent Ashby
Joseph Zambo — Wait, it’s hard to read Office Building Room E2414
this while driving. Washington, D.C. 20510 Capitol Extension
Jazmin Moyeda — Texting and driving (202) 224-2934 P.O. Box 2910
is bad ... Causes a lot of wrecks because Austin, TX 78768
somebody wants to text and drive. It’s not Tyler office: (512) 463-0508
(903) 593-0902
safe. I don’t know how else to say it, but I’d
rather be safe than sorry. Some day they
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz page/?district=57
will learn the hard way. I don’t hope, but Dirksen Senate Building, 2915 Atkinson Drive
some of y’all don’t care about texting and Suite SDB-40B Lufkin, TX 75901
driving. Don’t text and drive. Save a life Washington, D.C. 20510 (936) 634-2762
and stay alive. the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 3D
-8.76 -237.85 -6.71 -4.72 -59.86 0.53 -107.70 27.82 -3.95 11.05

22,000 6,000

21,000 5,800

20,000 5,600

19,000 5,400

18,000 5,200

Dow Jones industrials 5,000
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Close: 20,596.72 Close: 5,828.74
1-week change: -317.90 (-1.5%) 1-week change: -72.26 (-1.2%)
16,000 4,800

21169.11 17063.08 Dow Jones industrial average 20970.04 20529.67 20596.72 -317.90 -1.5 t s +4.2 |99981 +17.6
9639.33 7029.41 Dow Jones transportation 9167.84 8890.37 8928.78 -216.72 -2.4 t t -1.3 |998321 +12.7
11688.45 9918.72 NYSE Comp. 11607.23 11372.30 11418.89 -170.13 -1.5 t s +3.3 |99861 +13.2
5928.06 4574.25 Nasdaq Comp. 5928.06 5781.81 5828.74 -72.26 -1.2 t s +8.3 |999976321 +22.1
2400.98 1991.68 S&P 500 2381.92 2335.74 2343.98 -34.27 -1.4 t s +4.7 |9992 +15.1
1761.08 1399.84 S&P MidCap 1729.73 1680.83 1694.41 -36.73 -2.1 t s +2.0 |99987651 +19.8
25008.97 20583.79 Wilshire 5000 24868.88 24257.64 24377.29 -384.36 -1.6 t s +4.1 |9997432 +16.6
1414.82 1065.62 Russell 2000 1391.48 1335.22 1354.64 -36.88 -2.7 t t -0.2 |9999953 +25.5

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V $29.72 -.16 -.5%
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V $50.81 -.55 -1.1%
t 4-wk. -3.4% t YTD -4.2%
V $267.42 -4.56 -1.7%
s 4-wk. +1.2% s YTD +7.0%


BP PLC BP 28.67 6 38.68 33.78 -0.50 -1.5 s t -9.6 18.9 3 -0.2 40 7.1
The Associated Press CenterPoint CNP 20.46 0 28.18 27.87 0.19 0.7 s s 13.1 37.7 2 11.0 22 3.8
In this 1964 file photo, children and adults alike look at merchandise in a Sears department store Chevron Corp CVX 92.43 6 119.00 107.99 0.31 0.3 t t -8.2 18.4 3 3.9 \>99 4.0
in downtown Chicago. Sears, a back-to-school shopping destination for generations of kids and the ConocoPhillips COP 38.19 4 53.17 44.10 -1.59 -3.5 t t -12.0 12.7 3 -1.5 ... 2.4
Consolidated Commun CNSL 21.85 30.23 23.24 -1.15 -4.7 s t -13.4 4.0 4 9.6 ... 6.7
place newlyweds went to choose appliances, said March 21 that after years of losing money, there is 2
Entergy ETR 66.71 7 82.09 76.81 1.40 1.9 s s 4.5 1.8 4 7.0 9 4.5
“substantial doubt” it will be able to keep its doors open. Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 80.31 1 95.55 81.23 -0.77 -0.9 s t -10.0 0.3 4 2.1 36 3.7

WalMart WMT 62.72 6 75.19 69.61 -0.28 -0.4 t s 0.7 5.3 4 5.4 16 2.9
Notes on data: Total returns, shown for periods 1-year or greater, include dividend income and change in market price. Three-year and five-year returns
annualized. Ellipses indicate data not available. Price-earnings ratio unavailable for closed-end funds and companies with net losses over prior four quarters.
Rank classifies a stock’s performance relative to all U.S.-listed shares, from top 20 percent (far-left box) to bottom 20 percent (far-right box).

Continued from Page 1D at established Sears and Kmart “When I first got married
curtains and window treatments locations dropped 10.3 percent in at 19 or 20, we bought our first SFA Gardens to host
to tires and tools.
“I bought my tools from Sears
the final quarter of 2016.
Industry analysts have placed
set of kettles from Sears,” said
Darla Klemmensen, who was
spring plant sale I invite all my
and I’ve still got them,” Jack the staggering sums of money shopping at the St. Paul store on Stephen F. Austin State Uni- friends and
Walsh said. that Sears is losing beside the Wednesday. “We still have some versity’s SFA Gardens will
The company known for Die- limited number of assets it has of those.” host its annual Garden Gala customers to
Hard batteries and Kenmore ap-
pliances has been selling assets,
left to sell, and believe the storied
retailer may have reached the
Klemmensen says Sears has
been part of her life since she
Day Plant Sale from 9 a.m.
to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 1, at
stop by and say
most recently its Craftsman tool point of no return. was a child watching her grand- the Pineywoods Native Plant hello. I am now
brand. But it says pension agree- The company has lost $10.4 bil- mother order stockings and Center, 2900 Raguet St., in his-
ments may prevent the sale of lion since 2011, the last year that garters, and she remembers toric Nacogdoches. The sale at Southern
more businesses, potentially it made a profit. Excluding charg- flipping through Sears catalogs will feature a variety of hard- Chrysler Dodge
leading to a shortfall in funding. es that can be listed as one-time as thick as her forearm, full of to-find “Texas-tough” plants,
“It’s a sad story. This is the events, the loss is $4.57 billion, appliances, clothing and kitch- including Texas natives, heir- Jeep. Cory Montes
place that created the first direct- says Ken Perkins, who heads the en wares. looms, tropicals, perennials,
to-consumer retail, the first mod- research firm Retail Metrics LLC, But the onset of discount- shrubs, trees with an empha-
ern department store. It stood
like the Colossus over the Ameri-
but how the losses are stacked no
longer seems to matter.
ers like Wal-Mart created chal-
lenges for Sears that have only
sis on pollinator-friendly se-
lections, as well as exclusive
Let me help you
can retail landscape,” said Craig
Johnson, president of Customer
“They’re past the tipping
point,” Perkins said. “This is a
grown. Sears faced even more
competition from online sell-
SFA introductions. The fea-
tured plants are extensively
find your perfect car!
Growth Partners, a retail con- symbolic acknowledgement of ers and appliance retailers trialed before being offered to 936-366-6820 •
sulting firm. “But it’s been un- the end of Sears of what we know like Lowe’s and Home Depot. the public and are produced
derinvested and bled dry.”
Company shares, which hit an
it to be.”
For Sears to survive, Perkins
Its stores became its albatross,
many of them looking shabby
by staff members and volun-
teers of the SFA Gardens. For Southern Chrysler • Dodge • Jeep
all-time low last month, tumbled believes it would need to do so as and outdated. The company, more information and a list of 2711 S. Medford Dr. • Lufkin • 936-634-7793
more than 13 percent Wednesday. a company running maybe 200 based northwest of Chicago in available plants, call 468-4404
Sears tried to soothe investors’ stores. It now operates 1,430, a fig- Hoffman Estates, Illinois, lost or visit
fears, saying in a post on its site ure that has been vastly reduced $607 million in the most recent
that it remains focused on “exe- in recent years. As for Kmart, quarter and revenue fell.
cuting our transformation plan” Perkins does not see much of a “They’ve been delusional
and that news reports miss the future. about their ability to turn around
full disclosure that it’s highlight- For decades, Sears was king the business,” said Perkins.
ing actions to reduce risks. It also of the American shopping land- Johnson, though, believes one
said that the comments made in scape. Sears, Roebuck and Co.’s avenue for Sears could be return-
the filing were in line with “regu- storied catalog featured items ing to its roots as a direct-to-con-
latory standards.” from bicycles to sewing machines sumer company, only using the
Lampert combined Sears and to houses, and could generate ex- internet versus the old catalog.
Kmart in 2005, about two years af- citement throughout a household He believes the Sears name still
ter he helped bring Kmart out of when it arrived. The company stands for something for the 40-
bankruptcy. He pledged to return began opening retail locations plus customer.
Sears to greatness, leveraging its in 1925 and expanded swiftly in “It has a lot of good memo-
best-known brands and its vast suburban malls from the 1950s to ries,” he said. “It stands for being
holdings of land, and more re- 1970s. dependable and reliable.”
cently planned to entice custom-
ers with its loyalty program. The
company, which employs 140,000
Braces For Teens & Adults
people, announced in January it Fr ee Consultation
would close 108 additional Kmart A ff or dable Payment O ptions
and 42 more Sears locations, and
unveiled yet another restructur-
ing plan in February aimed at
cutting costs and reconfiguring
debts to give itself more breath-
ing room. Ralph W. Rose, DDS
But it has to get more people
through the doors or shopping
General Dentistry
online for what it’s selling. Sears,
like many department stores, has
been thwarted by a new consum-
Zero % Options 936.632.4477
Scholarship fundraiser for
er that has ripped up the decades-
Jeffrey P. Bates
old playbook that the industry
has relied upon. A plethora of
new online players have also rev- Attorney At Law ANGELINA CO. CULINARY STUDENTS
APRIL 1,2017 | 10 AM
olutionized the market.
Sears has upped its presence
online, but is having a hard time
Elder Law/Estate Planning
Business & Corporate Law
disguising its age. Its stores are in
need of a major refresh as rivals
like Wal-Mart and Target invest
heavily to revitalize stores. Sales
101 S. First St. • Lufkin • 936-639-2900
Continued from Page 1D
strictly for emergencies. The
problem right now is if you have
a real emergency, you may have
to cash out your 401(k). If you do
that, you’re going to be penalized
10 percent, plus your tax rate. Now Serving: FOR KIDS
That’s a real kick in the teeth
just because you didn’t do things
in the right order.
My advice is to temporarily LUNCH DURING LUNCH THE

stop your 401(k) contributions
until you get a fully funded Starting Monday March 13th
emergency fund in place. By
temporarily, I mean six to eight we will be serving ONLY breakfast products
months at most. That way, you’ll during the standard breakfast time
be covered when life happens
without having to make a big 6:30-10:30. This will allow our team to focus
Kevin McKay
dent in your retirement savings! on the most important meal of the day!
— Dave
We say “YES” to nuggets during breakfast!

The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than

12 million listeners each week on 575 radio
stations and multiple digital platforms. South Loop Crossing Shopping Center
Follow Dave on the web at 4605 S. Medford Dr. • (936) 634-2237
and on Twitter at @DaveRamsey.
4D Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Nathan Gann, pres- Davis is a graduate
ident of Gann Med- of Lufkin High School,
ford Real Estate Inc., Texas A&M University
has announced the and South Texas Col-
addition of Rebecca lege of Law in Hous-
Osborn Davis. ton. She is a Leader-
“Rebecca is a li- ship Lufkin alumna, a
censed attorney and member of the Junior
brings 10 years of ex- League of Lufkin, a
perience in real estate davis board member of An-
law to our organiza- gelina Beautiful/Clean
tion. She is customer-focused for several years and a mem-
and committed to providing ber of Timber Creek Church.
excellence in Realtor services,” She has three children, Rob, 5;
Gann said. Lane, 2; and Sloane, 2.

Trane Top Gun Award

Ferrara’s Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. is proud to announce that the dealership received a 2016 Trane Top Gun Award, one of the
highest distinctions for Trane dealers. This honor is presented to Hunton Distribution’s top 10 dealers in recognition of achieving Personal Injury Attorneys
the highest level of Trane equipment sales, both in retail and residential new construction. The award was presented to Brannon Lufkin and Nacogdoches
Ferrara, vice president and general manager of Ferrara’s Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Pictured from left are Bob Fullerton, Hunton
Distribution territory manager; Brannon Ferrara, Ferrara’s Heating & Air Conditioning vice president and general manager; Gary Michel, • 877-564-6181
president, Trane Residential HVAC; Robert Tyler, Hunton Distribution VP sales; Brian Davenport, Trane sales director; and Charlie WHEN IT MATTERS, CALL BADDERS
Hunton, Hunton Distribution president and general manager.

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sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

charm 1e

GatsbY Fashion ShowA Fundraiser
for the Gulf Restoration Network

Helena Collmorgen walks

the runway wearing a
dress from Bella Salon &
Kenlie May
Boutique. Hair by Jessica
poses on the
Hearnsberger and makeup
Participating boutiques runway. She is
by Ashley Conlon.
were Bella Salon & wearing a dress
Boutique, Buckle, Renee’s from Rubie &
at the Red Door, Rubie Jane. Hair by
& Jane, and Spring and Brenda Weaver
Prince. Live performances and makeup by
by Changing Lives Dance Caley Ayecock.
Studio and Tall Timbers.
Catered by Tomé Catering.

Jonathan Harbuck models

a Rubie & Jane tuxedo.


Crosby Cullen models

a dress from Rubie
& Jane. Hair by Leah
Garcia and makeup by
Brittiny Williams struts Kalin Hale.
down the runway
wearing a dress from
Bella Salon & Boutique.
Hair by Leah Garcia and
makeup by Kalin Hale.

A group of models walk

the catwalk for the finale
of the fashion show.
2E Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Cayton & Clark 98th Birthday

50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cayton of Burke announce the engagement
of their daughter, Kacy Marie Cayton of Lufkin to Anthony Hor- Anne Belle Basey celebrated her 98th birthday on March 20th
Beamon and Sheila Scogin of Huntington will celebrate their ton Clark of Lufkin, son of Ms. GeorgElla Clark of Lufkin. The at the Housing Authority Center in Huntington. Anne Belle
50th wedding anniversary on April 1, 2017. They have lived in wedding is planned for 2 p.m. Saturday, April 29, 2017 at the home teaches the Ladies Sunday School class at Highway Missionary
this area since 1975 and Mrs. Scogin is the former Sheila Russell of the groom’s grandparents. Baptist Church in Huntington. She has taught Sunday School for
Birch of Huntington. The couple has four children, Leslie Rich- 50-plus years. Her hobbies are crossword puzzles, reading and
ards of Lufkin, Pat Scroggins of Lufkin, Tim Scogin of Aurora, playing 42. She just had her driver’s license renewed! She is an
Colorado and Randy Birch of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee; six grand- awesome lady!
children and 13 great-grandchildren. Mr. Scogin was employed
as a truck driver and Mrs. Scogin was employed as a teacher.

Doing battle with the ‘green-eyed monster’

A celebration is planned for April 1 at Chestnut Drive Baptist
Church, hosted by their children.

Although some of have what others have. Thinking others don’t front and honest with their comments. While
us were born with deserve their successes, accomplishments, others talk around it or belittle it all together,
natural green eyes, we recognitions; leaving you with feelings of bit- leaving you feeling confused. That’s when
all have the potential to terness and resentfulness deep down under. you find out who your “true” friends are.
get them. Not through Focusing on what you don’t have instead of When things get rough in life and you are on
colored contacts though. counting your blessings. the bottom, friends reach their hands down,
I’m talking about a There is a difference between envy and though sometimes it takes a rope to help you
little guy that lives deep jealousy. Enviousness is wishing you had climb out. As you stand on top of that moun-
inside us call the “green- what others have and being motivated by it. tain celebrating success you will find your
eyed monster.” You’re happy for them and maybe ask how “true” friends standing right beside you!
If unleashed in full tammy stubblefield they achieved it, so you can also. If only people could understand that when
strength he has the Jealously is altogether different. It means they are in this “green-eyed” mindset they’re
power to destroy relationships, jobs and if you can’t have it, you don’t want anyone blocking the blessings that were coming or
homes. This jealous monster brings out else to either. Jealousy is altogether negative. becoming visually impaired of the ones they
insecurities, suspicion, fear, covetous, anger It’s hateful and sad, making the one carrying already have. If they only knew how others
and begrudging. it around looking foolish, pitiful and down- looking from afar wish they were as blessed
Wells homecoming This little monster gets inside our mind right mean. as they.
like a disease making you feel discontented You can tell when people are truly happy Tammy Stubblefield’s email address is
Wells homecoming queen candidates are Kendall Tucker,
with your own life and always striving to for your success or blessings. They are up
seventh grade; Samyia Stone, 10th grade; and Cortney Jones,
ninth grade. Homecoming festivities will be all day Saturday,
with the homecoming parade at 2 p.m. and the crowning of the
queen at 7 p.m. birth announcements
Want to show off your charming newborn (less Stanley, born Feb. 24 at Woodland Heights Medical Babb and Tammy Michelle Johnson. Great-grandparents

Pageant finalists than 12 months old) in Charm East Texas magazine?

Email your baby’s name, birth date, parents’ and
Center, weighing 9 lbs. 4 oz.
Sisters are Kaydence Williams and Brylee Stanley.
are Wanda Yeager, Donald Wallace Babb, Sharon Kay
(Bowien) Babb Hicks, Bryan Johnson and Ann Johnson.
grandparents’ names, and a high resolution photo Grandparents are Michael and Lanie Riddley, Robert ———
Shalyn to By doing Stegall, Kendrick and Leslie Stanley and Dana Harris. Patty and Dustin Wagstaff of Jasper announce the
Daniels, 6, birth of their son, Davin Neal Wagstaff, born March 2 at
so, you are granting The Lufkin News ownership and Great-grandparents are Lena Riddley, Camille Jones,
has been
the rights to license and republish the photograph Jane Harvill, PeeWee (Erasmus) Stanley, Eva Stanley and Woodland Heights Medical Center, weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz.
chosen as a
in any of the company’s publications. Photos will be Elaine Nichols. Great-great-grandmother is Evelyn Wood. Grandparents are Mike and Diana South and Donnie
state finalist in
published on a first-come, first-served basis. Charm ——— and Tammy Wagstaff. Great-grandparenrts are Johnny
the National
East Texas magazine is available the last Friday of Paul Wayne and Brandy M. Allen of Lufkin announce Wagstaff, Charlene Pennington and Gail Bruvold.
American Miss
every month. Questions about Charming babies? Call the birth of their son, Hunter Wayne Allen, born Feb. 26 ———
Texas pageant
to be held (936) 632-6631. at Woodland Heights Medical Center, weighing 8 lbs. Michelle and Joel Redus of Lufkin announce the birth
June 16-17 ——— 8 oz. of their daughter, Ellie Anna Redus, born March 3 at
at the Royal Lynzi Kay McKinney and James Ely Poindexter of Sisters are Karen Elizabeth Gruhn and Kelley Woodland Heights Medical Center, weighing 7 lbs. 12 oz.
Sonesta Hotel Crockett announce the birth of their son, Eli Lane Poind- Hawkins. Brothers are Nathaniel Mitchell and Dawtyn Grandparents are Tommy and Peggy Nicholes, Paul
in Houston. exter, born Feb. 23 at Woodland Heights Medical Center, Hawkins. and Claire Robbins and the late Bill Redus.
Daniels is weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. Grandparents are Tricia Cates, Billy Joe Cates, Tee —
­­­­­­ ——
a student Sister is Paityn Aaryn McKinney. Brothers are Landan Tommy Allen and Pamela Kay Allen. Great-grandparents Celia Williams and Amondo Adams of Lufkin an-
at Trout Chase McKinney and Warren John “Jay” Kemp Jr. are Bill and Joann Cates, C.A. Berryhill, Velma Berryhill, nounce the birth of their daughter, Apollonia Williams,
Elementary Grandparents are James and Stacy Lucas, George Martha Ivy, James Allen, Patricia Louise Hawkins and born March 3 at Woodland Heights Medical Center,
and is active Shippey, James and Becky Poindexter and Misty James William Brown. weighing 6 lbs. 10 oz.
in deaf Roberson. ——— Brothers are Zion and Jordan Williams and Bryce
education. She ——— Kayla and Aaron Okray of Lufkin announce the birth Gipson.
enjoys being a Angela Antley and Johnny W. Peden of Lufkin an- of their daughter, Baylee Okray, born Feb. 27 at Wood- Grandparents are Danny Williams, Elizabeth Byford,
sister, singing nounce the birth of their daughter, Cecelia Elizabeth land Heights Medical Center, weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. Bobbie Adams and Bobbie Deckard.
and dancing. Peden, born Feb. 23 at Woodland Heights Medical Grandparents are Richard and Jackie Davis and John Great-grandfather is Thomas Williams.
Her sponsors Center, weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz. and Wendy Okray. Great-grandparents are Roy and Judy ———
include Sisters are Brooke and Carmen Peden and brother is Davis and David and Ellie Mooty. Nathan and Kate Jackson of Lufkin announce the
Southland Federal Credit Union, Don S. Sanders, DDS, Trout Nicholos Lee Martin. ——— birth of their daughter, Emmette Annabel Jackson, born
Primary Deaf Education Department, Shawndra Lyn Daniels of Grandparents are Debra Kay Antley, James Edward Joel and Andrea Perez of Lufkin announce the birth of March 4 at CHI St. Luke’s Health, weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz.
Page Publishing Inc., New York, and friends and family. Antley, Auda Hope Sartor and Steve Sartor. Great-grand- their son, Noah Issac Perez, born Feb. 28 at Woodland Sister is Lucy Jane Jackson and brother is Milo Jay
father is Thomas Cooper. Heights Medical Center, weighing 8 lbs. 14 oz. Jackson.
——— Brothers are Damian and Marcus Perez. Grandparents are the late Jay Geiger, Gary and Kathy
Adams, 17, has
Nicole Turmes and Hunter Dailey of Lufkin announce Grandparents are Juanita and Jacinto Perez, Kim Espey and Peggy Jackson, all of Lufkin, and James
been chosen as
the birth of their daughter, Adaline Grace Dailey, born Sloan and Charles Coker. Great-grandparents are Maria Jackson of Madisonville.
a state finalist
Feb. 24 at CHI St. Luke’s Health, weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. De Jesus Perez and Harold Sloan. ———
in the National
American Miss Grandparents are Catherine Thompson of Lufkin and ——— Aaron James and Brandi Easley McEntire of Hunting-
Texas Teen Wanda and Victor Turmes of Beaumont. Great-grand- James and Payge Cheshire of Diboll announce the ton announce the birth of their daughter, Alex Leanne
pageant to be parents are Rueben Charles Dailey of Nacogdoches, birth of their daughter, Remington Cheshire, born Feb. McEntire, born March 4 at Woodland Heights Medical
held June 18- Sandra Riclamovicz of Seabrook, Gloria and John Turmes 28 at Woodland Heights Medical Center, weighing 6 lbs. Center, weighing 6 lbs. 10 oz.
19 at the Royal of Bedford and Gloria and Tim Perry of Vinton, Louisiana. 14 oz. Sisters are Aubree Brooke and Addison Grace Easley.
Sonesta Hotel ——— Brothers are Parker Wyatt and Chayce Warren Grandparents are Bridget and Coy Jordan, Jeff and
in Houston. Teacy Blackman and Quinton Dove of Lufkin an- Cheshire. Treasa Bailey and James and Connie McEntire.
Adams nounce the birth of their daughter, Zarena La’Quinn Joy Grandparents are Felicia and Hollis Lakey, Payton ———
participates in Dove, born Feb. 24 at CHI St. Luke’s Health, weighing 5 and Christy Pate and Tammy and Joel Cheshire. Great- Mason and Haleigh Denman of Lufkin announce the
agriculture, UIL lbs. 13 oz. grandparents are Winicie and Jimmy Pate, Sue and birth of their son, Crew Culberson Denman, born March
and purity and Sisters are Zhaniah Blackman and Aaliyah Dove. Grover Hollis, Margret and George Fields, Wanda and 4 at Woodland Heights Medical Center, weighing 7 lbs.
enjoys singing, Grandparents are Irene McCoy of Moscow and Hans- Kenneth Cheshire and Nancy and Melvin Williams. 11 oz.
dancing, ford B. Lee Sr. of Nigton. ——— Sister is Aidan.
reading and ——— Carlas Johnson and Andrea Ligon of Lufkin announce Grandparents are Andre and Jennifer Denais, Sherri
basketball. She Victor Louis and Kimberly Diane Burden of Point the birth of their daughter, Caitlyn Alyse Johnson, born Denman and Matt Denman.
is the daughter Blank announce the birth of their daughter, Emily Kay March 1 at Woodland Heights Medical Center. ———
of Danielle Burden, born Feb. 24 at Woodland Heights Medical Sister is Cailah Ashley Johnson. Kevin and Christina Martin of Huntington announce
Swindell of Center. Grandparents are Eva Arnett Noel, Sharon Cauley and the birth of their son, Bentley Dewayne Martin, born
Lufkin. Sister is Lauren Marie McCloud and brothers are Andrew Ligon. Great-grandparents are Margrett Curley March 6 at Woodland Heights Medical Center, weighing
the late Russell Douglas McCloud and Victor Douglas and the late Charles and Christine Ligon. 7 lbs. 12 oz.
Burden. ——— Brother is Bobby Wood.
Weddings & Engagements Grandparents are Douglas Walker Latimer, Kristina
Lorayne Latimer, Victor Ray Burden and Carolyn Kay
Amber and Clifton Dempsey of Lufkin announce the
birth of their son, Camden Edward Gold Dempsey, born
Grandparents are Jimmie Byford Martin Sr., Helen
Marie Martin, Deedra Allison, Chris and Sheri Oliver and
Wedding, engagement and anniversary announcement forms are available in Houston Burden. Great-grandparents are John Weese, March 2 at Woodland Heights Medical Center, weighing Mickey and Heather Starling. Great-grandparents are
the foyer of The Lufkin News and online at — click on the Ruth Pierce, Norman Louis and Violet Houston, Mary 6 lbs. 7 oz. J.D. and Dorthey Oliver.
“Customer Service” tab, then “Submission Forms” and select the appropriate Margaret Beck Houston, Gedra Allison Burden and Lil- Sister is Katelynn Malee Gerriette Chunn. Brother is ———
form. lian Beatrice Russell Burden. Collin Thomas Anthony Dempsey. Alejandra Carrillo and Gabriel Compean of Diboll
The charge for announcements are: weddings, $80, $95, $115 and $140; ——— Grandparents are Edmond and Tonia Purvis of Cor- announce the birth of their son, Guadelupe Manolo
engagements, $70 and $90; anniversaries, $70 and $80; birthdays, 80 years old Davy and Lyndy Vines of Lufkin announce the birth rigan and James and Paula Dempsey of Cushing. Great- Compean, born March 8 at Woodland Heights Medical
and older, $30; and generations, $30. Announcements are published on Sundays of their daughter, Victoria Von Vines, born Feb. 24 at grandparents are Cleo Purvis and Linda Delafossee. Center, weighing 6 lbs. 7 oz.
only. They also will be published on the website. Woodland Heights Medical Center. ——— Brothers are King Sebastian, Jose Cruz and Asuncion
A signature and phone number are required to complete the form. A good Sister is Nealee Vines. Steven Ray Reeves and Kelsi Ann Babb of Livingston Joaquin Compean.
quality color photo up to 8-by-10 inches is acceptable and may be submitted to Grandparents are Sharon and Garry Neale and David announce the birth of their daughter, Saylee Kaylee Grandparents are Guadalupe and Laura Compean
The Lufkin News. Polaroid photos and computer prints do not reproduce well. and Martha Vines. Great-grandmother is Judy Spivey. Reeves, born March 2 at Woodland Heights Medical and Jose and Sofia Carrillo. Great-grandparents are
For information, call Beverly Johnson at 631-2618 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., ——— Center, weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. Asuncion and Presiliana Compean, Maria Rangel Samu-
Monday through Friday or write to P.O. Box 1089, Lufkin, 75902. Deadline for Austin Stanley and Jasmine Riddley of Lufkin an- Sister is Kenzy Michelle Lee Bunker. dio, Robert and Sylvia Samudio, Angel and Julia Carrillo
submissions is noon Tuesday before the Sunday publication date. nounce the birth of their son, Stetson James Erasmus Grandparents are Julie Marie Reeves, Buck Waldon and Modesto and Pauline Piña. the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 3E


Business assignment abroad makes waves back home

DEAR ABBY: I took an assignment My company has asked me to stay signment, that is what you need to do. for before they can be used or eaten. letter. Other readers also responded
with my company one more year because I haven’t com- DEAR ABBY: I am responding to the An employee of mine was assigned to to that column citing firsthand experi-
that posted me to pletely finished what I was sent here to letter from “Unsure in the West” (Oct. work in a major grocery chain. He took ences working in the retail field.
Hong Kong for two do. I’m inclined to do it. My youngest 9). You advised that you “see nothing a bottle of eye drops and used them Several of them mentioned that it is
years. My adult child, however, is so angry at me for wrong with what she did” in opening while he was in the aisle. He had taken impossible to correctly charge for food
children, ages 21, even considering it that she won’t talk a box in a grocery store and eating the exact change from his pocket and that is sold by weight if someone has
26 and 29, were sup- to me. She refuses to come and visit, some of the contents before paying at was holding it in his hand as he walked eaten some, such as fruit. Others said
portive, although and is punishing me for needing to stay the checkout. You should know that to the checkout. Before he could get that customers sometimes get to the
my youngest was an additional year. Am I choosing my legally, eating or using the contents of there, he was arrested by store security. register to pay and realize they have left
not especially job over my children? — PROFESSION- an unpaid item in the aisle is considered As a courtesy to me, the chain agreed to their wallet at home, or their credit card
happy about it. We AL WOMAN FROM MICHIGAN “shoplifting.” The perpetrator can be reinstate him if he passed a lie-detector is rejected.
video chat with our DEAR PROFESSIONAL WOMAN: prosecuted to the fullest extent of the test determining his “intent to steal.” A reader also suggested that if some-
kids, trying to stay DEAR ABBY Yes, you are, but there’s a practical rea- law. (He passed the test.) I strongly recom- one wants to pay for food after consum-
involved as much son for it. Also, your adult “children” I am a certified protection profes- mend that the practice of using or eat- ing it, that’s what restaurants are for. In
as possible. We have also visited mul- aren’t children anymore, even though sional. While the intent may not be to ing items before paying for them never restaurants, if the customer can’t pay,
tiple times. It’s not always ideal, but we your youngest is acting like one. As a “steal,” retailers — whose industry loses be condoned. — ALLAN IN YONKERS there are dishes to be washed.
try. We have also offered to pay for them career woman, if you feel you should billions of dollars to theft each year — DEAR ALLAN: I apologize for say- Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box
to visit us as often as they would like. stay in Hong Kong to complete your as- require that items in their stores be paid ing otherwise and thank you for your 69440, Los Angeles, California, 90069.


If today is your birthday — If you do CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Partner- can share with him or her. The effort you
the work yourself, you won’t be disappointed ships can be developed and ideas shared. put in will motivate you to make personal
with the results. Take on responsibility, but A chance to do something different will improvements.
don’t lose sight of your personal goals. If you be exciting and will bring you in contact SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) —
talk directly and freely and are willing to with people who share your concerns and Emotional deception is present. If you feel
incorporate constructive criticism, you will dreams. uncertain, ask questions. Someone will chal-
avoid pitfalls, save time and ease your stress. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Making travel lenge you if you overreact or fail to live up to
ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Change plans, getting together with friends or at- your promises. Handle personal situations
can be good, as long as you know what you tending a reunion will give you something carefully.
are doing and what you want to accomplish. to think about and look forward to. An old CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Stick
Impulsive decisions will be your downfall. acquaintance will spark your imagination. close to home and make innovative changes
Look before you leap. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Don’t limit to your lifestyle. Do the work yourself to cut
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Contain what you can get done at home. Gather the costs, gain satisfaction and receive compli-
any disappointment you feel and refrain facts and find out exactly what’s required ments for your efforts.
from taking on too much, overspending or to make your personal surroundings more AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Make
overreacting. Let your intuition guide you convenient and comfortable. sure your papers are in order if you travel or
and your experience and knowledge help LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Catch up on deal with a government agency or institu-
you overcome adversity. jobs you left unfinished. Get your paperwork tion. Question anything that sounds too good
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Emotional in order and deal with taxes, investments to be true.
disillusionment will overwhelm you if you and health issues. A physical attempt to PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Focus on
believe everything you are told. You’ll get the make your life better looks promising. what you can do, not on what you can’t. Per-
wrong impression. Ask questions if you feel SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Show how sonal improvements will require precision,
uncertain about the information someone much you care. Do something special for a energy and the motivation to get up and get
gives you. loved one. Explore new pastimes that you moving. Strive for good health.
4E Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

social security

Your contributions help make our nation stronger

By Karen Jennings Social Security taxes from a worker’s Because you may be a long way from get a few extra dollars in your pay. But could get benefits if a working parent
For The Lufkin News paycheck. While usually referred to as retirement, you might have a tough you’re really only allowing the em- dies. And Social Security pays more
“Social Security taxes” on an em- time seeing the value of benefit pay- ployer to cheat you out of your Social benefits to children than any other
At first, seeing taxes taken out of ployee’s pay statement, sometimes the ments that could be many decades in Security credits. federal program. You can learn more at
your paycheck can be a little disappoint- deduction is labeled as “FICA” which the future. If you’d like to learn a little more
ing. However, you can take pride in stands for Federal Insurance Contribu- But keep in mind that the Social Se- about Social Security and exactly what Do you prefer videos to reading?
knowing you’re making an important tions Act, a reference to the original curity taxes you’re paying can provide you’re building up for yourself by pay- Check out webinar, “Social Security
impact each week when you contribute Social Security Act. In some cases, you valuable disability or survivors benefits ing Social Security taxes, take a look at 101: What’s in it for me?” The webi-
to Social Security. will see “OASDI” which stands for Old now in the event the unexpected hap- our online booklet, How You Earn Cred- nar explains what you need to know
Understanding how important your Age Survivors Disability Insurance. pens. Studies show that of today’s its, at about Social Security. You can find
contribution is takes some of the sting The taxes you pay now translate to a 20-year-olds, about one in four will html. it at
away because your taxes are helping lifetime of protection — for retirement become disabled, and about one in eight If you have a friend who lost a parent webinars/social_security_101.html as
millions of Americans — and protecting in old age or in the event of disability. will die, before reaching retirement. when they were a child, they probably well as on YouTube at
you and your family for life — as well as And when you die, your family (or Be warned: if an employer offers to got Social Security survivors benefits. watch?v=5hkLaBiavqQ. You can also
wounded warriors, the chronically ill, future family) may be able to receive pay you “under the table,” you should Social Security helps by providing learn more at
and disabled. survivors benefits based on your work refuse. It’s against the law. They may income for the families of workers who Karen Jennings is the district manager for the
By law, employers must withhold as well. try to sell it as a benefit to you since you die. In fact, 98 of every 100 children Social Security Administration in Lufkin.

senior news Hints from Heloise

It’s been a busy week Seedling starter
Dear Heloise: Right about now, many
people start to think of
real problem in my yard, but I hate to use
chemicals to get rid of them. Instead, I take
an old pie plate and set it into the ground
the first sign of rain or damp weather, I put
a large microfiber bath towel in front of the
doggy door. It acts like a “walk-off mat”

around Senior Center spring gardening. To

get seedlings started,
I cut off the lid to an
so that the edge of the plate is level with
the ground. Then I fill the plate with beer!
Snails are attracted to beer and will crawl
and catches most of the debris on their
When it’s a heavy rain or a rain that goes
By NELL ADDINGTON He was 90 years old. He always egg carton (foam or into the beer and die. — Tiffany L., Mans- on for a day or two, I put down several. It’s
For The Lufkin News had a sweet smile and a kind cardboard) and use the field, Ohio easy to pick them up and pop them into the
word for us. They were one sweet individual egg slots. I ——— washer and dryer for next time. — “Woof,
Welcome readers. “This is the couple. place dirt in each egg Gardening hints woof,” Chammy and Henry VIII
Day that the Lord has Made, Let Most importantly, we will see holder and plant two Dear Heloise: Here are a few hints my ———
us rejoice and be glad in it.” him again someday. Keep this or three seeds in them. mother taught me when I was learning to Adding light
I have so many notes made, family in your prayers. When it’s time to plant, hints from heloise garden: Dear Heloise: I live in a small apartment
I hardly know where to start. ——— I carefully lift out the ■ Used coffee grounds have a neutral with very few windows to bring in sunlight.
Things have been happening There were 10 State Sup- plants, soil and all. Not only do I get a start pH and can be used as fertilizer. Be sure to I used several mirrors around my apart-
around here lately. ported Living Center clients on my garden, but it’s a wonderful way to work it well into the soil around plants. ment to give the illusion of a bigger space.
After my birthday bash, along at gospel music and one of the introduce my children to the enjoyment of ■ Soak used tea bags in a gallon of water The fireplace is seldom used, so I put some
comes Lorrie’s and more dining men (with help from a comrade), gardening. — Patricia R., Stanton, Calif. overnight. Using this “weak tea” seems to mirrors in there, added a few “fake” green
out. We surely can’t lose any sang “Amazing Grace.” It was a Patricia, this is a two-for hint! You also help plants, too. — Amelia B., Fort Worth plants, and it sort of brings the outdoors
weight, but we appreciate all touching moment. are reusing the cartons for something else! ——— indoors.
those delicious meals we had, Again, I say If you want a The foam egg cartons are perfect for craft Doggy mat One mirror hanging in an alcove reflects
and most of all the fellowship boost to start your weekend, projects, especially potentially messy ones Dear Readers: With two adopted dogs — the natural light from a window on the op-
with our friends. Thanks a lot! please join us for gospel music like watercolors or finger paints. — Heloise Chammy, a silky wheaten, and Henry VIII, posite wall. — Hazel R., Athens, Ga.
——— every Friday at 10 a.m. You will ——— a small mini-schnauzer (he weighs only 14 Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O.
Sheila brought us a clock to bless us and you will receive a Snail repellent pounds) — running in and out of the doggy Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it
hang over our song book cabinet. blessing. Dear Heloise: Snails and slugs are a door, it can get a little messy at times. At to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to
The clock was made by Jim ———
Jordon’s dad and was donated The peanut butter “fairy”
for our previous garage sale. visited us and dropped off
Thanks for the clock, Sheila. several jars of peanut butter. We
——— have given it away, used it for
We do have more sad news to bingo prizes and still have some.
report. Chris Fitzgerald passed Thank you very much for the
from this life to a better place donation.
this week. ———
Chris was a volunteer at the Seniors, don’t forget to drop
center for over two years and he by Shipley’s Donuts for your
was a delight to be around. Even free treat Wednesday between
though he had beginnings of 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. and be sure
Alzheimer’s, he kept everything to thank Becky and Kirsten for
(and everybody) in order. A table doing this favor for us.
or chair might need just a little ———
nudge to be on the line, but Chris Food for thought: A woman
was sure it was going to be in the was asked by a friend what she
right place. used to make her complexion so
He was a happy, smiling beautiful and radiant, and how
person and a gentleman in every she remained so healthy and
respect. He was always there to upbeat. She answered: “For my
help some little old lady from the lips, I use truth. For my voice,
door to her seat. Everyone loved kindness. For my ears, compas-
him and missed him when he sion. For my hands, charity. For
had to stop coming to the center. my figure, uprightness. For my
We must continue to keep Deb- heart, love. And for any who do
bie and the family in our prayers not like me — prayer.”
during these days ahead. See you at the center.
Another one we lost was Nell Addington is the site manager and
Emory Quarles. He and his wife activity director at the Angelina County
used to come and eat with us and Senior Citizens Center. She can be reached at
we have missed them.

Hudson schools

Baseball, softball teams

host Shepherd on Tuesday
By Kathy Mahr plications are due to the high
For The Lufkin News school office by the end of the
day Friday. Any student that will
District news: The JV and be a junior next school year may
varsity baseball games are at 4:30 apply.
p.m. and 7 p.m. Tuesday against ———
Shepherd in Hudson. The Lady Peavy Primary news: Mark
Hornet’s softball teams will host your calendars. Kindergarten
Shepherd with games at 5 p.m. Roundup will be from 9 a.m. to
and 7 p.m. The baseball and noon April 22.Students must
softball teams will play in Jasper be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2017.
on Friday. Items needed for enrollment
——— are a certified birth certificate,
The trustee election that was immunization record including
scheduled for May 6 has been a TB test with results after third
canceled since only the incum- birthday, Social Security card,
bents signed up. two proofs of residency (current
——— utility bills) and an ID card (of
High school news: Prom is parent or guardian).
Saturday. Tickets are on sale ———
now for $35 each or $60 for a Kindergarten graduation is
couple. planned for May 25.
Guest request forms must be
completed and approved for all
guests not currently attending
Hudson High School.
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weeds starts
with seeds
The Associated Press

Weed seeds are among the most pa-

tient organisms in nature. Many weeds
can produce thousands of seeds per
plant per year, and those seeds might lie
dormant for decades, just waiting for the
The kitchen has custom cabinets, granite counters, a center island and big right conditions to sprout.
breakfast area. A 550-gallon fish tank separates the two-story entry from the living room. If you want to control weeds, then
find where these seeds accumulate — in
“seed banks.”
“Gardeners should care because
that’s where all their seeds are coming
from,” said Ed Peachey, a weed science
specialist with Oregon State University
Extension. “If you don’t prevent weeds
from producing seeds, then you’ll wind
up with large seed banks, and always
fighting with the weeds that emerge
from those seed banks.”
Weeds are unwanted because they are
considered unattractive in manicured
yards, they spread quickly, and they
muscle aside desirable plants from life-
giving sunlight, nutrients and moisture.
“Understand what you have in your
garden and then decide what to get rid
This stunning stone contemporary at 3534 FM 241 in Rusk includes 31.5 acres of land. of,” Peachey said. “Some weeds are

Stunning country estate great for entertaining

incredibly well adapted to gardens and
they compete.”
Weed seeds or banks accumulate in
neglected lawns, near downspouts and
shaded areas, around pathways and
This beautiful property at 3534 FM driveways, in newly cultivated ground
241 in Rusk includes 31.05 acres of for- — even under decks, despite the scarcity
ests and pasture land off U.S. Highway of sunlight.
69. The one-story contemporary home Weeds have a number of things in
offers five bedrooms and four baths in common, said Sandra Mason, an exten-
4,869 square feet of living space. sion horticulturist with University of
Illinois Extension.
“They go through their life cycle
rapidly, flower quickly, produce vast
quantities of seeds, and have some seed
adaptations for travel by wind, water or
animals,” Mason said in a fact sheet.
Soil movement and changes in
water content invigorate annual seeds,
Peachey said. “Most weed seeds don’t
live particularly long, a few years
The two-story entry can be custom- perhaps. But there always are a few that
ized to suit and contains a 550-gallon can linger.”
fish tank installed by the reality show A dandelion may produce 15,000 seeds
“Tanked.” Behind the tank is a big per year, purslane more than 52,000,
living room complete with ceiling fans The pool is perfect for entertaining with seating areas, a waterfall and large slide. while pigweed can leave behind over
and crown moulding. 117,000, according to Colorado State
The kitchen as custom cabinets, The master bedroom is oversized frameless showers. full kitchen. The spectacular pool has a University Extension horticulturists.
stainless steel appliances, double with french doors that lead to the pool. This spectacular home comes with a waterfall and large slide. Purslane and pigweed seeds can persist
ovens, granite counter tops and traver- The room has a fireplace and large pro- home theater with tiered seating. A big Offered at $999,999, more informa- in the soil for 20 and 40 years respec-
tine flooring. A center island includes jection screen. A big private bath has laundry room with custom cabinets tion about this property may be ob- tively, they said.
the double sink. The space an office his and her closets and double vanities. provides plenty of storage. tained by contacting any Realtor with One Arctic plant was successfully
area and a walk-in pantry with frosted Four additional bedrooms have large The home has a fenced yard and a MLS No. 54289. Listed by Buchanan germinated after its seeds lay frozen for
glass door. closets, silk plush carpeting and large large covered patio with seating and a Realty. 32,000 years in the Siberian tundra, said
Russian scientists who used radiocar-
bon dating to validate their claim.
Weed management options are many
and varied.
“Hand-weed in small spaces,”
Peachey said. “Use organic mulches to
keep weeds from emerging and produc-
ing seeds later. Create stale seed banks
by disturbing the soil, using a flaming
tool to burn off whatever weeds sprout
up, and then do your planting.”
Peachey doesn’t recommend using
chemicals in vegetable gardens unless
you’re working with more than a tenth
of an acre. “Very few (chemicals) labeled
for garden use are practical,” he said.
Be observant. When weeds make
seeds, they make them fast.
“It’s important to watch weeds
through the entire summer season,”
Peachey said. “If some get by, and if you
can’t dig them out, then at least cut off
The master bedroom has a private entrance to the pool area. The master bath has his and her closets, vanities and dressing areas. their seed heads. It’s cheaper to get rid
of the seeds than it is to fight the weeds.”

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2F SUNDAY, march 26, 2017 the lufkin news
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Mobile Home. Well Built. completing a truck Call Or Text Robin to, and players and winners agree to abide by,
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Lot on Lufkin Ave. than one moving viola- tions, policies, directives, instructions, condi-
tion per DMV. No DWI or
attend the Sale. Jewelry tions, procedures and final decisions of the
Hidden Oaks I West Loop Warehouse DUI in last 7 years. Drug
Most all units include
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1-6 BR Clean Houses/ 2BR for $599! Mint Condition! Hard Top 455 V8 110k Texas Lottery supports Texas education and
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izable 936-634-3400 locations. Seats, Cold Ac, Great
936-639-0909 w/ Approved App or contact Marilyn at a gambling problem, © 2017
Sale will start at Hwy 69 Driver $15,500/OBO/ Texas Lottery Commission. All rights reserved.
107 Ivy Terrace 3BR 2BA 936-632-1606 936-634-8155 EXT 4538 location.
$1,550 mo/$1,350 dep Legals AAA Self Storage-4339
Cartier Trinity Ring, Gold Trade 936-554-3447
Hughes Trucking North US Hwy 69 Lufkin, & Diamonds, 3 Rings
Hidden Oaks II THE STATE OF TEXAS Company Texas 75904.
Entertwined. Valued at
1BR and 2BR Duplex in 1406 Tulane Dr
CITATION BY in Corrigan, Texas Helen Bohnet, Keith $15,000, asking $7,500.
Lufkin, 1BR Duplex in March Special: PUBLICATION is looking for Mint Condition! Sealed proposals addressed to the Commissioners’ Court of Angelina
Woolf(x2 units), LeeAnn County, Texas, will be received at the office of the County Commission-
Diboll. 936-829-5262 2BR for $599! Company Drivers & Thompson, Kermit 936-552-6248
ers; 102 West Frank Ave.; Room 24; Lufkin, Texas, until 10:00 A.M. on
3BR 1BA Central AC/ $99 Pays March Rent TO: Rodrick Arthur, Jr., 410 Owner/Operators Kennedy, the 18th day of April, 2017, at which time bids will be opened for review
Heat. 1807 Culver- w/ Approved App Cunningham Dr., Lufkin, Serious inquires only! Angela Tubbs, Ricky Sports/Exercise and tabulated for the purchase of the following items in accordance
Texas 75904, Defen -
house. Ref Req. 936-637-6518
Mon - Fri 8am-5pm
Hwy 94 location. 2513
Equipment with the specifications now on file in the office of the County Commis-
$550/mo + $550/dep sioners, to-wit:
936-632-9120 Ted Trout Dr. Lufkin, Low Impact Mini Tram-
_________ NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: Warehouse Driver Texas 75904. Gasoline & Diesel; Cold Patch & Asphalt Products; Rock, Gravel and
poline. Very Good
3BR 1BA, All Elec, Hud- "You have been sued. You Needed Alexis McChristian, Condition. Crushed Concrete; Road Oil and Culverts for Road and Bridge # 1,2,3
son ISD. $700/Mo $500 may employ an attorney. Must be 21 years old & 4 for a two-year period.
If you or your attorney do Hunter Edwards. 936-615-3350
Dep. 936-637-0730 & have clear Southwood Dr. location. Fuel & Oil Products for Angelina County Waste Management Center for
not file a written answer
3BR 2BA 1304 Glade driving record. 2250 Southwood Dr. a two-year period.
$1,100 mo/$800 dep
with the clerk who issued
this citation at or before Apply in Person at Lufkin, Texas 75904. Portable Bids will be awarded at the regular Commissioners’ Court meeting at
936-634-6321 10:00 a.m. on Monday Dealers Electrical Chesterlyn Roberson, Buildings 10:00 A.M. on April 25, 2017.
next following the Supply Natasha Thompson,
expiration of forty-two 401 Atkinson Dr. Amanda Rhea, Chrisa Wood Building, Built Such competitive bids will at said time be read before the Commission-
3BR 2BA 2Car Brick, Royal Oaks days from the date of Hunter, Richard Nash, On-Site. 10X12 For ers’ Court and a contract or contracts for the purchase of such property
1501 Ginn Way. $1195
Now Accepting issuance of this citation, a Mitchell Garrett, Eulalia $1,199, And 12X24 For shall be let at that time, or any time thereafter. The Commissioners’
mo. 936-675-4099 default judgment may be Other Blair, Courtney Kelly. $2,100. Free Delivery.
Court has determined to acquire such property in accordance with the
provisions of the Public Finance Act, Article 2368a.2. V.A.C.S. Bidders
taken against you. Your South Colony location.
3BR 2BA, 416 E. Spruce, HUD SECTION-8! answer is due no later are advised that the Public Property Finance Act authorizes the govern-
Huntington $875/mo Experienced Dog 120 Whitehouse Dr. ing body of the County to enter into such contracts on such terms and
than 10:00 a.m., Monday,
$800/Dep Refs Req.
Limited Availability!
May 8, 2017." Groomer Needed
Lufkin, Texas 75901. Miscellanous conditions that are deemed appropriate by the governing body. Any
Call Today: References & Resume None
Diboll location. 1517
For Sale bidder selected will be required to enter into contracts approved by the
This suit is No. Required. Located 30 Commissioners’ Court to evidence this obligation.
3BR 2BA $1150/mo
936-632-2127 CV-00053-17-01, styled, minutes from Lufkin. North Temple Dr. Diboll,
Texas 75941.
5HP 80 Gal, Top End
A certified/cashier’s check or bid bond in an amount not less than five
CLIFFORD GRAY VS. Compressor Overhauled
$800 dep. Lawn Maint 936-707-0383 Javier Hernandez. $850 OBO percent of the total bid shall accompany each bid as a guaranty that if
RoyalOaksApts@ RODRICK ARTHUR JR. awarded the contract, the bidder will promptly enter into contract with
Incl. 936-238-8884 Suddenlink.Net Steve Pixley-AAA Self 936-205-6121 347-3667
CatronProperty the County and bids without check or proposal will not be considered.
This petition was filed Storage Manager will be January 20, 2017, in the conduction Use Happy Jack mange All prices must be stated in both script and figures. In case of ambi-
_________ 159th Judicial District the Auction/Sale guity or lack of clearness in stating the price in the bids, the County
Condos/ Court, Angelina County, according to CHAPTER
medicine to control
horse mane dandruff
reserves the right to consider the most advantageous construction
Townhomes Mobile Homes Texas. 59 of the and lice.
thereof or to reject the bid.

2BR 2BA Townhouses

Rentals Plaintiff's Attorney:
L U F K I N D A I LY N E W S. C O M TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. Lufkin Farm Supply & All bids must be submitted on the form provided and must specify the
Is now accepting Nursery delivery time required on the items included therein.
107 Springwood Circle
$900 mo/$700 dep
1BR Travel Trailer in SAM JOHNSON
MIKE LOVE & applications for Classified 936-634-7414 The County reserves the right to reject any and all bids and further
Redland, $350 mo. +
$350 dep. 936-465-8002 ASSOCIATES LLC Independent Attic reserves the right to waive and disregard any irregularity or informality
202 E. LUFKIN AVE. in the bids or bidding process and to award the contract to the bidder
LUFKIN, TX 75904. Contract Carriers - Got Clutter To Get Rid who, in the opinion of the Commissioners’ Court, offers the proposal to
Of? Call 936-637-7355 &
• HUDSON • Issued and given under
for Early
List It In The Classifieds! Farm Services the best interest of the County, and to waive formalities.
my hand and the Seal
of said Court, at office in Newspaper Baby Bed Mattress $10 1999 Chevy Corvette
Lufkin, Texas, on this the
21st day of February,
Route Delivery 936-634-5728
LS1 V8 108K Mi 2 Tops
New Tires Very Clean
2017. Applicants must be $10,195/OBO/Trade
Queen Bed Frame $25 I DO BUSH HOGGING 936-554-3447 Ford 2008 F-250 King
dependable, service
ATTEST: Reba Squyres, oriented, and have 936-526-3248 AND SMALL DRIVEWAY Ranch, 4Dr, 4x4, Short-
District Clerk 936-632-8997 REPAIRS AND DIRT 2004 Lincoln Town Car bed, BAD Engine. $5,500
reliable transporta-
119.98 acres with 4974 SF hill country style home lo- Angelina County, Texas WORK CALL BRUCE Executive 128,000 Mi 936-632-6744 414-4250
tion. Must have a valid
cated in the Hudson Independent School District only By: Kimberly Scott, 936-552-1705 New Tires, Leather Inte-
10 minutes from loop 287. Home has hilltop view with Deputy District Clerk driver’s license, and
auto liability insurance Antiques rior Very Clean. $5,500 Vans/
beautiful sunsets. Custom house with incredible de- in your name to be 936-552-7066 Stationwagons
tail for all family activities. Property includes 680 SF
secluded guest house, 1800 SF heated/cooled shop/ Adoptions considered for this 45 Hummel Figurines. Dogs 936-6451373
2012 Honda Odyssey
position. Delivery is $480.00. 2012 Kia Soul, 37,000
storage building, two barns, and large dog kennel. In 936-715-0651 EXL Like New, 17K/Mi,
completed early Beagle Puppies For Sale
addition to open pasture suitable for cattle, there are ! ADOPTION ! mornings seven days
miles. $10,000 Firm, No $22,500 936-559-7422
61 acres of maturing pine plantation, and habitat suit- Adoring, Financially Carved Ivory Tusk 31” Black & Tan. $300 Each Haggle. 936-634-6552
able for hunting as well as stocked pond. Secluded but a week between Michael: 903-646-0278
with easy access. Listed at $1,700,000
Secure, Animal Loving
Family, Outdoors,
2 a.m. and 7 a.m. High. Purchased In 2013 Toyota Corolla LE, SUV
Interested individuals Cameroon. Imported Spotless, 41K $12,750
Contact Judy at Music Awaits 1st Baby. 1972. Legal, No Papers.
Call Today!! CKC Registered 903-985-1261 2003 Expedition Eddy
Stephens Properties, Broker Expenses Paid Pics Avail. $5,500
713-724-1036 ! 1800-352-5741! 936-637-6397 310-293-5863
Blue-Eyed Siberian
Toyota Camry LE,
Bauer, 3rd Row, Loaded,
Huskies for Sale. Fol- Great Shape 145K,
low puppies on our 2012, Silver, 4 door, $4500 936-569-3978
website. www.hebert automatic, power
land liStinGS Text or
Call Theresa at anti-theft protection, Trailers
175 acres 6 acres DVD player,
cheeseland Rd.-tract 4, $738,000, 936-933-3365
garage kept, excellent 6’x10’ Single Axle
246ac MlS#53620
Hwy 69 north-$484,000, 121ac condition,$12,000, Trailer. All Metal w/
MlS#53608 Free To A Good Home: 936-414-0119 Ramps. $550
152 acres in diboll-$326,800, Black Mouth Cur Mix VW Dune Buggy Rail 936-639-9250
MlS# 52691 Pups. 936-853-4264 Job. Strong Engine,
diboll $494,162 600 JeSSica ln. 4b/2.5b 346 FM 3258 3b/2b
247 ac MlS#52963 $1,790,000 MlS# 52730 $259,000 MlS#54041 95 acres in diboll-$256,025, MlS#
Weak Reverse. $2500
new listing
cheeseland Rd.-tract 1, $221,000, ATV / Golf Firm. 936-635-6888 Equipment
65ac, MlS#53617
cheeseland Rd.-tract 2, $187,000,
Carts 1976 John Deere 310A
55ac, MlS#53618 Club Car Precedent Elec-
Trucks Backhoe. Kept Up On
Find the
n. timberland dr.-$300,000, 4.15 Repairs, Runs Great. At
tric 48v Golf Cart, Ecru Lake Striker. $14,000.
21 Runyan ct. 3b/2b 1407 Gandy St. 3b/2b 549 landRuM Rd. 3b/1b
ac, MlS#47874
Hwy 69 n-tract 1, $157,500, 35ac,
color, brand new
(48V)Trojan batteries 6V
832-514-9942 perfect
$161,000 MlS#54029 $144,500 MlS#54270 $78,500 MSl#54099 MlS#53610
Hwy 69 n-tract 4, $153,000, 34ac, X 8, lights, mirrors, front
Automotive Special

screen, folding back

Hwy 69 n-tract 2, $117,000, 26ac, seats, $2800, 30 days
Hwy 69 n-tract 3, $117,000, 26ac
936-414-0119 in Lufkin & For print
7484 Hwy 94 W-$120,000, 5-6ac
Nacogdoches and digital
676-5284 671-3950 671-3052 414-3341 MlS#54042
Papers, recruitment
douglass: deer trace Subd., starting at solutions 3.97ac-4.48ac $18,500-22,500
Hudson: Westwood bend Subd., $35 call
5762 Ted Trout Dr. Scott Lisa Josh Melinda
1.60ac-8.94ac, $38,000-$97,000 John Deer Gator, 4x2, 2000 GMC 2500, Crew The Lufkin
Looney Crow Harrison Sullivan Quail Ridge: Quail Ridge Subd., Private
936-875-2905 Agent Agent Agent Agent
936-366-0345 936-676-0467 936-676-8583 936-671-3394
$12,500, .4-.33ac Great Body & Tires. Runs
Good. Uses No Oil.
Cab, Loaded, Everything
Works, High Miles, Runs
Parties Only
$3200, or May Trade For
Golf Cart. 936-639-2791
Great. $3995.
832-654-2401 936.637.SELL

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Lufkin Daily News

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936.634.3378 • 1.888.835.3673 Unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle to identify the featured celebrity. ACROSS 33. Actor on “Conviction” (2) 12. Initials for Hawkeye Pierce’s por-
36. Robert of “The Sopranos” trayer
1. Dan __ of “Life in Pieces” 37. Actor on “Law & Order: SVU” (hyph.) 13. Hip-__; LL Cool J’s music
SECURITIES OFFERED THROUGH WOODLANDS SECURITIES CORP. MEMBER FINRA AND SIPC 8. “The __ Bear Show” (1961-62) 38. __ Dodd; role on “Scorpion” 14. Monogram for playwright Maugham
9. Start of the “Old MacDonald” refrain 20. “The __”; 2005-13 series for Jenna
10. Role on “Quantico” (2) DOWN Fischer

Polished 14. “Ace Ventura: __ Nature Calls”; 1995

Jim Carrey film
15. Actor Somerhalder
1. 1984 Bo Derek/George Kennedy
2. “__ of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
21. Potato parer’s need
22. Grown-up
23. Psychedelic drug, for short

Maids 16. Paulo or Tomé

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18. Recipe amt.
3. Breakfast cereal
4. Bruce or Laura
5. “Up in the __”; 2009 George Cloo-
24. “__ Another Day”; James Bond film
25. Ethiopia’s __ Ababa
26. “Men Behaving __”
Quality work 19. Cow comments
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ney film
6. “Tower __”; 2011 Eddie Murphy/Ben
29. Mr. Griffin
30. Clapton’s initials
& affordable prices 24. Brylcreem amount
27. FBI agents, for short
Stiller movie
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31. 1988 movie for Martin Sheen & Bar-
nard Hughes
Misty Ballard & Tamara Nicol 28. Rhoda’s ma 8. E-mail provider for millions 34. Ending for Nathan or Dan
29. “Chicago __” 11. “Life of __”; 2012 adventure fantasy
936-635-9440 • 32. “Family __” movie
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Jr. film

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NMLS#307766 - RMLO - Terri Runnels Whittlesey #307766, Lynda Fryman Waldron #398742 4100 S. US Hwy 69 • Lufkin Covering Center the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 3G
under the big top

CircusSaurus will present two shows at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the George H. Henderson Jr. Exposition Center.

CircusSaurus bringing 2 shows to Lufkin

CircusSaurus will be in Lufkin for two you back 165 million years ago to the Me- in time and show you just why dinosaurs adventure.
shows at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Thursday sozoic Era when dinosaurs roamed the ruled the land. Witness a baby Tyran- Discount tickets are available at La
at the George H. Henderson Jr. Exposi- earth. Dinosaurs will come alive before nosaurus as it emerges from its gigantic Michoacana Meat Market, 416 Atkinson
tion Center. your eyes and will once again shake the egg and meet Miller the Wooly Mam- Drive, or by visiting
Experience firsthand the giants of to- ground we walk on. moth. See extinct giants of the past and For more information, call (580) 743-
day’s world and the enormous creatures The trio of Deinoychus — Rumble, Ras- the endangered Asian elephants of today 7292. Military and senior discounts are
from the past. This adventure will take cal and Rebel — will transport you back clash under the Big Top in this thrilling also available.

stephen f. austin state university angelina college

SFA’s Rockin’ Axes presenting Visual arts exhibition opens

‘The History of Rock’ Thursday Tuesday at Angelina College
Angelina College’s visual arts and principles of design. Roach
The Stephen F. Austin State students will present their work has taught at AC for nearly 25
University College of Fine Arts in an exhibition running from years and she exhibits her prints
and School of Music will pres- Tuesday through April 11 in the and photographs internationally.
ent the Rockin’ Axes perform- Angelina Center for the Arts For details, call 633-5233.
ing “The History of Rock” gallery. An opening reception is
at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the
Twilight Ballroom of the Baker
planned from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Admission is free. The Choice Cut
Pattillo Student Center on the Students exhibiting works
SFA campus. are Jordan Abbott, Lance Cates, Meats Market
The high-energy concert Jennifer Dearing, Elisa Garcia,
will feature music originally Dona Gibbs, Velvet Guidry, Alisia
recorded by rock and pop favor- Lozano, Eddie Martin, Laurel
ites Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Melton, Chelsey Brown, Emily
Michael Jackson, Earth, Wind Escobedo, Julia Lane, Cameron
and Fire and others, according Tumslison, Michael Valerio, Moi-
to Andrew Sperandeo, director SFA’s Rockin’ Axes will perform “The History of Rock” at 7:30 ses Vazquez and Hunter Willis.
of the Rockin’ Axes groups. p.m. Thursday in the Twilight Ballroom of the Baker Pattillo Le’Anne Alexander’s Basic
“We have been progressively Student Center on the SFA campus. Admission is free. Drawing students have focused
going through every decade, as a ‘greatest hits’ semester, music, either with their writing, on developing basic drawing and We Feature US Choice
starting in the 1950s, since this which, in turn, really is the instrumentation, crossing composition skills. Alexander is
ensemble’s inception,” Spe- ‘history of rock’ from the ’50s genres and even social norms.” an award-winning artist and has Black Angus &
randeo said. “This semester, I through the ’80s.” Admission is free. For more taught at Angelina College for US Prime Steaks
decided we would essentially Sperandeo said every artist information, call the SFA Fine three years. 1006 S. John Redditt
do some of the best charts from he chose to be represented in Arts Box Office at (936) 468- Robbie Lacomb Roach’s Basic 639-1822
every semester, tailor-made for the concert “somehow revo- 6407 or (888) 240-ARTS or visit Design students have focused on
the current instrumentation, lutionized some parameter of composition and the elements
Mon.-Fri. 9-6 • Sat. 9-1
4G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
4 March 26 - April 1, 2017
Lufkin Daily News
7:00 p.m. ESPN San Antonio Spurs From Amalie Arena in Tampa, Fla. Germany. From Tofiq Bahramov

Sports zone at Oklahoma City Thunder. From

Chesapeake Energy Arena in
Oklahoma City. (Live)
7:00 p.m. NBCSN Chicago Black-
Stadium in Baku, Azerbaijan.
8:30 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Wom-
AUTO RACING 3:30 p.m. KHOU KYTX 2017 NCAA en’s Basketball Tournament hawks at Pittsburgh Penguins. 8:00 a.m. FSN UEFA Champions
Basketball Tournament Regional From PPG Paints Arena in Pitts- League Soccer Arsenal FC vs
Sunday Second Semifinal: Teams TBA.
Final: Teams TBA. (Live) burgh. (Live)
2:30 p.m. KFXK NASCAR Racing (Live) FC Bayern Munich. Round of 16,
6:30 p.m. ESPN 2017 NCAA Wom- 9:30 p.m. ESPN Houston Rockets Thursday
Monster Energy Cup Series: 2nd Leg. (Taped)
en’s Basketball Tournament Re- at Golden State Warriors. From
Auto Club 400. From Auto Club 6:30 p.m. NBCSN Dallas Stars at 10:00 a.m. FSN UEFA Champions
gional Final: Teams TBA. (Live) Oracle Arena in Oakland, Calif. Boston Bruins. From TD Garden
Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (Live) League Soccer Napoli vs Real
Monday (Live) in Boston. (Live) Madrid. Round of 16, 2nd Leg.
Tuesday 6:00 p.m. ESPN 2017 NCAA Wom- 1:00 a.m. ESPN2 San Antonio
6:00 p.m. NBCSN NASCAR Racing Spurs at Oklahoma City Thun-
en’s Basketball Tournament Re- 1:55 p.m. ESPN2 France vs Spain.
K&N Pro West Series: NKNPS gional Final: Teams TBA. (Live) der. From Chesapeake Energy Sunday
From Stade de France in Saint-
West Kern. From Kern County 7:00 p.m. ESPN2 Powerade Jam Arena in Oklahoma City. (Same- 8:00 p.m. ESPN2 Kickboxing Glory Denis, Ile-de-France, France.
Raceway Park. (Taped) Fest. From Chicago. (Live) day Tape) 39. (Taped)
12:00 a.m. NBCSN World Series of (Live)
Saturday TNT Cleveland Cavaliers at San Saturday
Fighting 35 Ivanov vs. Jordan; 6:30 p.m. KLTV Eliminatorias Copa
Antonio Spurs. From the AT&T 7:00 a.m. ESPN2 State Farm Slam
2:00 p.m. KFXK NASCAR Racing Palmer vs. Harrison; Valiev vs. Mundial 2018 Desde el Estadio
Center in San Antonio. (Live) Dunk & 3-Point Championships.
Camping World Truck Series: Magomedov; Almedia vs. Siler. Hasely Crawford, en Puerto Es-
8:00 p.m. ESPN 2017 NCAA Wom- (Taped)
Alpha Energy Solutions 250. en’s Basketball Tournament Re- From Verona, N.Y. (Taped) paña. (Live)
From Martinsville Speedway in 9:00 a.m. ESPN2 Girls High School 9:00 p.m. KLTV Eliminatorias Copa
Martinsville, Va. (Live)
gional Final: Teams TBA. (Live) Basketball Dick’s Sporting OLYMPICS Mundial 2018 Desde el estadio
9:30 p.m. TNT New Orleans Peli- Goods Nationals, Final: Teams Sunday Rommel Fernández Gutiérrez en
BASEBALL cans at Utah Jazz. From Vivint TBA. From Queens, N.Y. (Live)
Smart Home Arena in Salt Lake 1:00 p.m. KTRE KTRK 2017 Special Panamá. (Live)
Sunday 11:00 a.m. ESPN Dick’s Sporting Olympics World Games: Austria
City. (Live) Good Nationals, Final: Teams Wednesday
12:00 p.m. FSN Oklahoma at Baylor. From Austria. (Same-day Tape)
(Live) Tuesday TBA. From Queens, N.Y. (Live) 2:00 p.m. FSN UEFA Champions
5:00 p.m. KHOU KYTX 2017 NCAA Wednesday
1:00 p.m. ESPN2 Oklahoma State 6:00 p.m. ESPN NIT Tournament, League Soccer FC Barcelona vs
First Semifinal: Teams TBA. Basketball Tournament First 12:00 p.m. NBCSN Figure Skating Paris Saint-Germain FC. Round
at TCU. From Charlie and Marie
(Live) Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) World Championships: Pairs
Lupton Baseball Stadium in Fort of 16, 2nd Leg. (Taped)
8:00 p.m. ESPN NIT Tournament, 7:30 p.m. KHOU KYTX 2017 NCAA Short. (Live)
Worth, Texas. (Live) Thursday
Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. Basketball Tournament Second RUGBY
Monday (Live) Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 9:00 a.m. FSN UEFA Champions
12:00 p.m. ESPN Boston Red Sox at Sunday
Wednesday BOXING 8:45 a.m. NBCSN Premiership
League Soccer Borussia Dort-
Baltimore Orioles. From Ed Smith mund vs SL Benfica. Round of
Stadium in Sarasota, Fla. (Live) 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 Girls High School Saturday Rugby Saracens vs Bath Rugby. 16, 2nd Leg. (Taped)
Basketball McDonald’s All- 10:00 p.m. ESPN2 KeAndre Gibson From Allianz Park in Hendon, Bar-
Tuesday American Game: East vs. West. vs. Antonio Orozco. Gibson (16- net, United Kingdom. (Live) Saturday
12:00 p.m. ESPN St. Louis Cardinals (Live) 0-1, 7 KOs) takes on Orozco (25- 6:25 a.m. NBCSN English Premier
at New York Mets. From Tradition SKATING
6:00 p.m. ESPN McDonald’s All- 0, 16 KOs) in this 10-round event. League Soccer Liverpool FC vs
Field in Port St. Lucie, Fla. (Live) American Game: East vs. West. (Same-day Tape) Wednesday
Everton FC. Liverpool could equal
Saturday (Live) 10:00 a.m. NBCSN Figure Skating
8:30 p.m. ESPN Golden State War-
GOLF World Championships: Ladies
their longest top flight unbeaten
10:00 a.m. FSN Texas Tech at Okla- run against Everton (13 from 1972
riors at San Antonio Spurs. Sunday Short. (Same-day Tape)
homa. (Taped) to 1978). (Live)
From the AT&T Center in San An- 2:00 p.m. KPRC KETK WGC-Dell Thursday
1:00 p.m. FSN Kansas City Royals 8:55 a.m. NBCSN English Premier
tonio. (Live) Technologies Match Play, Cham- 10:00 a.m. NBCSN Figure Skating
at Texas Rangers. From Globe League Soccer Teams TBA.
Life Park in Arlington, Texas. Thursday pionship. From Austin Country World Championships: Men’s
Club in Austin, Texas. (Live) (Live)
(Live) 7:00 p.m. ESPN NIT Tournament, Short. (Same-day Tape) 9:00 a.m. CNBC English Premier
2:30 p.m. ESPN2 Texas A&M at Final: Teams TBA. (Live) Saturday 12:00 p.m. NBCSN Figure Skating League Soccer (Live)
LSU. From Alex Box Stadium in TNT Cleveland Cavaliers at Chi- 2:00 p.m. KPRC KETK Shell Hous- World Championships: Pairs 11:30 a.m. KPRC KETK English Pre-
Baton Rouge, La. (Live) cago Bulls. From the United Cen- ton Open, Third Round. From Free. (Live)
mier League Soccer Southamp-
BASKETBALL ter in Chicago. (Live) GC of Houston in Humble, Texas. Friday ton FC vs AFC Bournemouth.
9:00 p.m. ESPN State Farm Slam (Live) 12:00 p.m. NBCSN Figure Skating Bournemouth is winless in all their
Sunday Dunk & 3-Point Championships.
GYMNASTICS World Figure Skating Champion- 12 away matches against South-
11:00 a.m. ESPN 2017 NCAA Wom- ships: Ladies Free. (Live) ampton in all competitions. (Live)
en’s Basketball Tournament Re- 9:30 p.m. TNT Houston Rockets Sunday 7:00 p.m. NBCSN Figure Skating
at Portland Trail Blazers. From 8:00 p.m. UNI Fútbol Mexicano
gional Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:00 p.m. ESPN Women’s College World Figure Skating Champion-
Moda Center in Portland, Ore. SEC Championship, Evening Ses- Primera División Fecha 12 del
1:00 p.m. KHOU KYTX 2017 NCAA ships: Short Dance. (Same-day
Basketball Tournament Regional (Live) sion. (Taped) Clausura 2017. Desde el estadio
Final: Teams TBA. (Live) Universitario. (Live)
Friday HOCKEY Saturday 10:00 p.m. UNI Fútbol Mexicano
2:30 p.m. KTRE KTRK Oklahoma 2:00 p.m. ESPN2 Dick’s Sporting
City Thunder at Houston Rock- Sunday 11:30 a.m. NBCSN Figure Skating Primera División Fecha 12 del
Goods Nationals, First Semifi- World Championships: Men’s Clausura 2017. Desde el estadio
ets. From the Toyota Center in 11:30 a.m. KPRC KETK Minnesota
nal: Teams TBA. From Queens, Free, Free Dance. (Live) Azteca. (Live)
Houston. (Live) Wild at Detroit Red Wings. From
N.Y. (Live) 7:00 p.m. KPRC KETK Figure Skat-
Joe Louis Arena in Detroit. (Live)
4:00 p.m. ESPN2 Dick’s Sporting 6:00 p.m. NBCSN Philadelphia ing World Championships: La-
Goods Nationals, Second Semi- Flyers at Pittsburgh Penguins. dies Free Skate. From Helsinki,
final: Teams TBA. From Queens, From PPG Paints Arena in Pitts- Finland. (Same-day Tape)
N.Y. (Live)
6:30 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Wom-
burgh. (Live) SOCCER
en’s Basketball Tournament Monday Sunday
First Semifinal: Teams TBA. 6:30 p.m. NBCSN Chicago Black- 10:50 a.m. ESPN2 FIFA World Cup Always friendly service!
(Live) hawks at Tampa Bay Lightning. 2018 Qualifying Azerbaijan vs
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sports to watch

College basketball’s
season winding down
The college basketball season is start- which game to watch ... or watch both.
ing to wind down quickly. ■ Pro basketball: Golden State at
Today, the last two tickets will be San Antonio, ESPN, 8:30 p.m. — These
punched for the Final teams just played in San Antonio two
Four. Either Butler, weeks ago and rested all of the stars.
North Carolina, Ken- Maybe they will all play this time, but you
tucky or UCLA will never know.
grab one spot, and ei- ■ College basketball: NIT Tourna-
ther South Carolina, ment, Tuesday and Thursday, ESPN —
Baylor, Wisconsin or With the NCAA Tournament reserved for
Florida will get the the weekend this week, the NIT will take
other spot. center stage on Tuesday and Thursday
Fast forward to at Madison Square Garden. The semifi-
Saturday, and you brandon ogden nals will be at 6 and 8 p.m. Tuesday, and
will have both Final the championship game will be at 8 p.m.
Four games. By the end of the week, we Thursday. At the time of writing this, two
will know which two teams will be in Texas teams — TCU and UT Arlington —
competition for the national title. remained in the field.
The first round lacked the upsets we of- ■ High school basketball: Dick’s
ten desire, but there were some incredible Nationals, Thursday through Satur-
games in the first two rounds. day, ESPNU/ESPN2/ESPN — This is
Hopefully the four games this week will probably one of the best events each year
also be fun to watch. that a lot of people don’t know about out-
Here are some other sporting events to side of the high school basketball diehard
watch this week. fans. But if you want to watch some of the
premier future college and NBA players,
On TV this is your chance. Some of the players
■ Pro basketball: Oklahoma City to watch are Montverde’s R.J. Barrett;
at Houston, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, ABC — IMG Academy’s Trevon Duval and Silvio
This will be a matchup of the two leading de Sousa; Findlay Prep’s P.J. Washington;
MVP candidates — Oklahoma City’s Rus- Oak Hill’s Billy Preston, Ty-Shon Alexan-
sell Westbrook against Houston’s James der, Lindell Wigginton and Matt Coleman
Harden. I expect both players to post a (Texas signee); and La Lumiere’s Jaren
triple-double in this one. Jackson, Brian Bowen and Tyger Camp-
The Associated Press
■ Pro basketball: Cleveland at San bell. Shadow Mountain (Arizona) is in
Denver’s Mason Plumlee, right, and Houston’s James Harden (13) reach for a
Antonio, 7 p.m. Monday, TNT — Both the event and is coached by former NBA
rebound during the first half of a recent game in Houston.
coaches have a tendency to randomly rest player Mike Bibby. There are four games
players. Let’s hope that isn’t the case in Thursday on ESPNU, two on Friday better way to get the week started than an last time these two teams met at Morris
this one, because LeBron James against evening on ESPN2, and the championship All-Angelina County showdown on the Frank Park, the game went eight innings.
Kawhi Leonard is a matchup to watch, will be at 11 a.m. Saturday on ESPN. diamond? Central will be taking a break College Park was a 4-3 winner in that
and this could also be an NBA Finals ■ Pro golf: PGA Tour Shell Houston from district competition, while Hunting- contest.
preview. Open, Thursday through Saturday, ton has one final non-district tuneup. ■ High school baseball: Central
■ Pro basketball: Golden State at TGC/CBS — This is always the final ■ High school softball: Pine Tree at Heights at Central, 7 p.m. Friday —
Houston, 7 p.m. Tuesday, NBATV/ event before The Masters. The early Lufkin, 6 p.m. Tuesday — This should Central Heights is ranked No. 4 in Class
Root Sports — The Rockets get two fun rounds will be on The Golf Channel be- be an entertaining pitching matchup 3A, led by 2018 Texas A&M commit Gray-
games in a row. This game will feature fore shifting to CBS on the weekend. between Lufkin sophomore Christa “Smi- son Rodriguez. It is unknown if Rodriguez
the two highest scoring teams in the NBA, ley” Radke and Pine Tree junior Madalyn will pitch this game, but he’s also a pretty
both averaging more than 115 points. Local Alexander, a Memphis commit. good hitter.
These teams also play in Oakland at 9:30 ■ High school baseball: Central at ■ High school baseball: College Brandon Ogden’s email address is
p.m. Friday on ESPN, so take your pick on Huntington, 7 p.m. Monday — What Park at Lufkin, 6 p.m. Friday — The

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Sunday Daytime C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV March 26, 2017
C L H D DTV 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30
Sunday Today With KPRC Channel 2 Meet the Press (N) Houston Kerry NHL NHL Hockey: Minnesota Wild at Detroit Red Wings From PGA Tour Golf: WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play, Championship
KPRC ^ 2 102 Willie Geist Actress News Weekend AM (HD) Å (Cont’d) Newsmak- Shook Pregame Joe Louis Arena in Detroit. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) From Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Å
Tracee Ellis Ross. (N) (N) (HD) Å ers (Cont’d) Show (N) (Cont’d)
Live With Touching Kingdom Turning James Winning Joseph Ron Car- Jesse In Touch Power- It Is Writ- Pathway The Su- Daniel Ko- John Hagee Å Marriag- Balanced Turning
KLUF % 118 Passion! Lives Å Connec- Point MacDon- Walk Å Prince (N) penter Å Duplantis Å (Cont’d) Point Å ten ’ Å to Victory pernatural lenda Å (Cont’d) eToday Living/Dr. Point
Å tion ’ Å ald ’ Å Ministries Å Now Reeve ’ Å

Turning Point God’s Ralph Emery’s Mem- Cowboy Spirit Fest Love Faith in Calvary Baptist To Be An- BillyGra- Benson Benson ’ Barney Barney All in the All in the Archie Archie
KIBN _ 7 love remains steadfast. ories “Reba McEntire” Church ’ ’ (Cont’d) Worth Practice Church (Cont’d) nounced ham.TV “Hi, Soci- (Cont’d) Miller Miller Family Family Bunker’s Bunker’s
’ Å (Cont’d) Finding ’ (Cont’d) ’ Å ety” ’ (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Place Place
Martha Wild Krat- Ready Jet Odd Odd Cyber- Latina To the Motor- This Old Ask This SciTech The National Parks Cactus Jack: Lone Sam Houston: Ameri- Sam Houston: Ameri-
KUHT ( 8 8 Speaks ts ’ (EI Go! ’ (EI Squad (N) Squad ’ chase ’ Voices Contrary Week (N) House ’ Old House Now of Texas: In Contact Star on Capitol Hill can Statesman, Sol- can Statesman, Sol-
(Cont’d) HDTV) HDTV) (Cont’d) (EI HDTV) (Cont’d) Å (HD) (Cont’d) With Beauty ’ John Nance Garner. dier and Pioneer dier and Pioneer
Good Morning Good Morning East This Week With First Baptist Church Har- Paid Jeopardy! Paid 2017 Special Olym- NBA NBA Basketball: Oklahoma City Thunder at Houston
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 America (N) ’ (HD) Texas Weekend (N) George Stepha- Nacogdoches (Cont’d) mony Hill Program ’ (HD) Program pics World Games: Count- Rockets From the Toyota Center in Houston. (N) (Live)
Å (Cont’d) (HD) (Cont’d) nopoulos (N) (HD) Church (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Austria From Austria. down (N) (HD) Å (Cont’d)
Dr. Chris: The Open CBS News Sunday Morning ’ Face the Joel Winning Best of College Road to the Final 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Regional Final: 2017 NCAA Basketball Tourna-
KHOU + 11 20 Pet Vet Road Å (Cont’d) Nation Osteen Å Walk of Basketball 2017 (N) Four (N) (HD) Å Teams TBA (N) (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) ment: Regional Final: Teams TBA
(Cont’d) (N) Å Second (HD) Å (Cont’d) (N) (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d)
Good Morning 13 Eyewitness News Sunday 8AM (N) Å This Week With Joel Kerry Cross- Viva 2017 Special Olym- NBA NBA Basketball: Oklahoma City Thunder at Houston
KTRK ` 13 America (N) ’ (HD) (Cont’d) George Stepha- Osteen Å Shook roads Å Houston pics World Games: Count- Rockets From the Toyota Center in Houston. (N) (Live)
Å (Cont’d) nopoulos (N) (HD) Ministries Å Austria From Austria. down (N) (HD) Å (Cont’d)
Paid In Touch With Dr. Key of Campmeeting: In- Rose Heights Church Expedi- Paid Paid Paid Why ›› “Mommie Dearest” (’81) Faye Dunaway, Diana ››› “La Bamba”
KYTX2 2 5 Program Charles Stanley ’ Å David Å spiration Ministries (Cont’d) tion Texas Program Program Program Pressure Scarwid, Howard da Silva. Movie queen Joan Crawford (’87) Lou Diamond
(Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Cooker? pampers, punishes her children. Å (Cont’d) Phillips. Å (Cont’d)
On the CBS 19 CBS News Sunday Morning ’ Face the Nation (N) Marvin Best of College Road to the Final 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Regional Final: 2017 NCAA Basketball Tourna-
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 Money Sunday Å (Cont’d) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) United Basketball 2017 (N) Four (N) (HD) Å Teams TBA (N) (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) ment: Regional Final: Teams TBA
(N) Å Morning Methodist (HD) Å (Cont’d) (N) (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d)
Give Me Animal Paid Paid Sunday Today With Meet the Press (N) NHL NHL Hockey: Minnesota Wild at Detroit Red Wings From PGA Tour Golf: WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play, Championship
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 the Bible Rescue Program Program Willie Geist Actress (HD) Å (Cont’d) Pregame Joe Louis Arena in Detroit. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) From Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Å
Å (N) Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Tracee Ellis Ross. (N) Show (N) (Cont’d)
Programa Programa Programa Programa Programa Programa Programa Criss An- Enfoque ››› “Chronicle” (’12) Dane De- “Maria” (’12) Alissa Jung, Paz Vega, Andreas Pietschmann. La vida de Noticias Conduc-
KLTV G 16 17 Pagado ’ Pagado ’ Pagado ’ Pagado ’ Pagado ’ Pagado ’ Pagado ’ gel Mindf- ’ (SS) Haan. Una sustancia extraña le da María de Nazaret, madre de el Salvador. ’ (SS) (Cont’d) Telemun- tas Total-
(SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) reak ’ (Cont’d) súper poderes a tres amigos. do mente
Positively Small Paid Faith in Intelli- Hiring Paid Sport Steel Paid Raceline MOTORZ Paid Hiring Warrior Paid Jimmy J. Hous- Paid Reel
KLNM J 16 Paula ’ Town Big Program Practice gence for America Program Compact Dreams Program (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Program America Summit Program Houston ton Ad- Program Animals
(HD) Deal (N) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Your Life (N) Å (Cont’d) TV ’ Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) ’ Å Outdoors (Cont’d) Outdoors ventures (Cont’d) Fishing
Xploration Animal At- In Search Word of FOX News Sunday Paid Paid Paid Paid ››› “At Close Range” (’86) Sean Penn, NASCAR NASCAR Racing: Monster Energy Cup Series: Auto Club
KFXK S 10 51 51 Awesome las ’ (EI (Cont’d) God Min- With Chris Wallace Program Program Program Program Christopher Walken. An aimless teen follows in Cup Pre- 400 From Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (N) ’
Planet HDTV) istries (N) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) his father’s criminal footsteps. (Cont’d) Race (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d)
The Message of the Cross Å FWC Crossfire Service Å Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service FWC Music Å Generation of the Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service Å (Cont’d) FWC
METV V 6 54 54 (Cont’d) Music Å (Cont’d) (N) (Live) Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Cross Å (Cont’d) Music Å
(Cont’d) (Cont’d)

A&E 58 58 23 118 265 Parking ›› “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” (’05) Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie. ’ Å ›› “Bad Boys” (’95) Martin Lawrence. ’ Å (Cont’d) ›› “Man on Fire” (’04) Denzel Washington. Premiere. ’ Å American Pickers ’
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H (8:50) ›››› “The Godfather, Part II” (’74) Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton. Å (Cont’d) The Walking Dead The Walking Dead (3:39) The Walking Dead ’
APL 93 68 184 282 Animal Cops Phoenix Animal Cops Phoenix Rugged Justice ’ Rugged Justice ’ Rugged Justice ’ Rugged Justice ’ Bounty Hunters Bounty Hunters North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’
BET 154 124 329 Paid Prg. Abundant Joyful Noise (N) Lift Voice Browns Browns Meet the Browns Browns Browns ›› “Beauty Shop” (’05) Queen Latifah. Å (Cont’d) The New Edition Story “Part One” (Cont’d)
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 Atlanta Kandi’s Wedding Kandi’s Wedding (Cont’d) Tamra--Wedding Vanderpump Rules Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl.
CMT 150 166 327 CMT Music ’ Å Hot 20 Countdown Å (Cont’d) Sun Records Å ››› “Knocked Up” (’07) Seth Rogen. Premiere. Å (Cont’d) ›› “Bring It On” (’00) Kirsten Dunst. Å
CNBC 172 52 208 355 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg.
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 Inside Politics (N) State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources (N) State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 (6:00) Washington Journal (N) ’ Å News Washington This Week ’ Å (Cont’d)
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 Bering Sea Gold ’ Bering Sea Gold ’ Bering Sea Gold ’ Gold Rush ’ Å Epic Log Homes ’ Epic Log Homes ’ Epic Log Homes ’ Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid
DISN 98 64 172 290 Roadster Roadster Elena “Tan Star-For. Milo Stuck K.C. ›››› “Finding Nemo” (’03) Å Tangled: Cali Style Stuck Stuck Stuck Stuck Stuck Stuck Stuck
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter (N) Outside Reporters SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) NCAA Women’s Tournament Women’s College Gymnastics The Fab Five Å (Cont’d)
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 (6:00) 30 for 30 Å SportsCenter (N) Outside Reporters E:60 Profile (Cont’d) FIFA World Cup 2018 Qualifying College Baseball: Oklahoma State at TCU (N) (Live) (Cont’d) Bracket Bracket
FNC 174 48 205 360 (5:00) FOX and Friends Sunday (N) Å Maria Bartiromo MediaBuzz (N) Å America’s News HQ America’s News HQ Fox News Sunday Journal Editorial Rpt. America’s News HQ Greg Gutfeld
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Contessa Contessa Guy’s Valerie’s Trisha’s Pioneer Pioneer Farm Giada Brunch at The Kitchen Å Chopped Junior Chopped Junior Chopped Junior Chopped Junior
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 “Witch Mount” ››› “Free Willy” (’93) Jason James Richter. ’ (10:35) ›› “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” (’10) (1:10) ››› “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” (’03) Å “Hungr
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 Golf Life Sportsday Paid Prg. Paid Prg. High School Basketball Focused Polaris UEFA College Baseball: Oklahoma at Baylor (N) ’ (Live) (Cont’d) Rangers Stars Pre. Snowboarding
GAC 160 90 165 326 (5:00) Positively GAC Top 20 Country Countdown Å (Cont’d) Top 20 Country Countdown Å (Cont’d) Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 (7:15) › “Fool’s Gold” (’08) ’ Å Zookee ›› “Race” (’16) Stephan James. ’ 2 Days UConn Neighbors Real Time, Bill VICE ’ ››› “Rabbit Hole” (’10) Å “Legend Tarzan”
HGTV 90 69 112 229 Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers
HIST 96 59 120 269 The Nazi Gospels ’ Å (Cont’d) 21st Century Prophecies Revealed The Lost Pyramid ’ Å (Cont’d) Atlantis Found ’ Å (Cont’d) The Seven New Signs of the Apocalypse ’
INSP 190 24 259 364 Fellow Victory Amazing Jesse In Touch Jeremiah The Virginian “Dead-Eye Dick” The Virginian “High Stakes” ›› “Firecreek” (’68) James Stewart. (Cont’d) The Big Valley The Big Valley
LIFE 62 30 108 252 Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Paid Prg. Little Women: LA ›› “Date Night” (’10) Steve Carell. Å ›› “The Nanny Diaries” (’07) Å (Cont’d) ››› “My Best Friend’s Wedding” (’97) Å ›› “Just Wright”
MAX 310 557 310 515 (6:45) “Lights Out” (8:10) ››› “Play Misty for Me” (’71) (9:55) ››› “Pale Rider” (’85) Clint Eastwood. (11:55) ››› “I Love You, Man” (1:40) ››› “Deceived” (’91) Goldie Hawn. ›› “The Amityville Horror” (’05)
MTV 152 160 331 “Step ›› “Step Up” (’06) Channing Tatum. ’ Å (Cont’d) Catfish: The TV Show (11:10) Catfish: The TV Show ’ Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show (2:40) Catfish: The TV Show ’ Catfish: The TV Show
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 Premier League MOTW (8:45) Premiership Rugby: Saracens vs Bath Rugby (N) Auto Auctions Mecum Auto Auctions “Kansas City” (N) 2017 World Women’s Curling Championship From Beijing. (Cont’d)
NICK 120 20 170 299 Ninja Ninja Turtles Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. “Barbie: Video Game Hero” (’17) Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Loud Loud Loud Loud
SHOW 320565 318 545 Fighters The Cir ›› “Secret in Their Eyes” (’15) ’ ››› “Bridge of Spies” (’15) Tom Hanks. ’ Å ››› “No Country for Old Men” (’07) Å (2:45) ››› “Born to Be Blue” (’15) ’ The Cir
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Xtreme Engine Truck Detroit Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å
SYFY 61 82 122 244 Twi. Zone ›› “The Faculty” (’98) Jordana Brewster. ›› “A Knight’s Tale” (’01) Heath Ledger, Mark Addy. Å (Cont’d) ›› “Jeepers Creepers 2” (’03) Ray Wise. › “I, Frankenstein” (’14) Aaron Eckhart. Å “Inde
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 Friends Friends ››› “The LEGO Movie” (’14) Å (DVS) ››› “Shrek” (’01) Voices of Mike Myers. ››› “Shrek 2” (’04) Voices of Mike Myers. ›› “Shrek the Third” (’07) Å (DVS) Broke Girl Broke Girl
TCM 7175 132 256 ››› “Lifeboat” (’44) Tallulah Bankhead. Å ›› “Tension” (’49) Richard Basehart. Å ›››› “The Man Who Knew Too Much” (’56) (1:15) ›››› “Sullivan’s Travels” (’41) Å ››› “Yours, Mine and Ours” (’68) Å
TLC 6461 183 280 Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes My 600-Lb. Life “Lupe’s Story” ’ Å My 600-Lb. Life “Doug’s Story” ’ (Cont’d) My 600-Lb. Life ’
TMC 330873 327 553 “Bang (7:35) ››› “Big Eyes” (’14) Amy Adams. “Gringo: Life of John McAfee” ››› “Good Kill” (’14) ’ Å (12:45) › “Paranoia” (’13) Liam Hemsworth. ››› “Gangs of New York” (’02) Leonardo DiCaprio.
TNT 5334 22 138 245 Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ ››› “The Bourne Identity” (’02) Matt Damon. (Cont’d) ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (’04) Å “Trans
UNI 12 270 402 Programa Programa Como Dice el Dicho Al Punto (N) (SS) Netas Divinas (N) Como Dice el Dicho “La Comadrita” (’78) María Elena Velasco. República Deportiva Aquí y Ahora (N) Al Punto (SS)
USA 52 55 10 105 242 In Touch J. Osteen Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
Lufkin Daily News
the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017
March 26 - April 1, 2017 7
Little Big Shots Making History Movie: To Walk Invis- Shades of Blue
KPRC ^ 7 p.m.; KETK 3 7 p.m. KFXK S 7:30 p.m.
ible: The Brontë Sisters KPRC ^ 9 p.m.; KETK 3 9 p.m.
“The Princess and the Hot Dog” The reason for venturing to the 1990s KUHT ( 8 p.m. Harlee (Jennifer Lopez) undertakes
may seem like a random title for this is more personal than historical for Some of literature’s all-time classics, her own investigation of Julia Ayres
new episode, but it isn’t. One of the the time travelers in the new episode including “Jane Eyre” and “Wuthering (guest star Anna Gunn), since Stahl
youngsters showcased by host Steve “Chadwick’s Angels.” The mission is Heights,” are among the credits of (Warren Kole) is fiercely determined to
Harvey became a hit on the Internet to allow Dan (Adam Pally) to complete the siblings whose relationships are bust the politician, in the new episode
by costuming herself as a frankfurter his unfinished goal of consuming a dramatized in this new “Masterpiece” “Daddy’s Girl.” Wozniak’s (Ray Liotta)
on Princess Day. (Well, of course. huge ice cream sundae appropriately offering by writer-director Sally Wain- deep ties to Ayres are explained as
wright. Finn Atkins, Chloe Pirrie and
Who wouldn’t?) The other specially known as the “Bellybuster.” His plans Charlie Murphy respectively play Char- a drug case forces him to revisit the
gifted children featured during the hour hit a snag when he encounters a bully lotte, Emily and Anne, whose conser- circumstances of his daughter’s death.
include the members of an acrobatic again. Vicki Lewis (“NewsRadio”) vative lives made the sensational con- Drea de Matteo, Dayo Okeniyi, Vincent
troupe, two singers, and two siblings guest stars. Leighton Meester and tent of their books (which they devised Laresca, Hampton Fluker and Sarah
from India who both play the piano. Yassir Lester also star. Anna Gunn under male pseudonyms) surprising. Jeffery also star.

Sunday Evening C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV March 26, 2017
C L H D DTV 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
PGA Golf Little Big Shots Cowboy; Little Big Shots “The Prin- Chicago Justice A Chicago Shades of Blue Harlee be- KPRC Chan- Sports Sun- Texas Sports Entertainment Tonight ’ The Insider
KPRC ^ 2 102 slackliner; blues guitarist. cess and the Hot Dog” (N) PD officer found dead. (N) gins to investigate Ayers. nel 2 News day Å (HD) Å (Cont’d) (N) Å
KLUF % 118 Potters Joyce Meyer Lead Way Blessed Life Joel Osteen Kerry Shook K. Copeland Creflo Doll Restoring You Can “One Night With the King” (’06) Tiffany Dupont. Å “The Apocalypse” (’02)
The Facts of The Facts of Barney Miller Barney Miller All in the All in the Silver Silver Barney Miller Barney Miller I Dream of I Dream of The Mon- The Mon- Bewitched Bewitched
KIBN _ 7 Life (Cont’d) Life (Cont’d) Family Family Spoons ’ Spoons ’ Jeannie Jeannie kees ’ kees ’ (Cont’d) “Ling Ling”
American Statesman, Sol- NewsHour InnerVIEWS, Secrets of Chatsworth His- “To Walk Invisible: The Brontë Sisters” (’16) (HD) Finn DCI Banks “Buried” Lawyer Anaan Kamel is EastEnders Wuthering Heights ’ (Part
KUHT ( 8 8 dier and Pioneer Wk Manouse tory of Chatsworth Estate. Atkins, Chloe Pirrie. Premiere. (Cont’d) found dead. ’ Å (Cont’d) ’ (Cont’d) 1 of 2) Å (Cont’d)
Paid Pro- World News America’s Funniest Home Once Upon a Time “Page Time After Time John trav- American Crime Coy wit- East Texas News at 10 (N) RightThis- RightThis- Blue Bloods Garrett shares
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 gram Videos ’ (HD) Å 23” (N) ’ (HD) Å els to 1918 Paris, France. nesses a horrific incident. (Cont’d) Minute (N) Minute (N) a secret with Frank. Å
2017 NCAA Basketball 60 Minutes (N) ’ (HD) Å NCIS: Los Angeles Callen Madam Secretary A pos- Elementary Shinwell may be KHOU 11 KHOU11 CSI: Miami Horatio tries to Murdoch Mysteries “Back
KHOU + 11 20 Tournament (Cont’d) and Sam go under cover. sible mole is arrested. (N) connected to a murder. New Sports Extra save Yelina. Å (Cont’d) and to the Left” ’ (HD)
World News News America’s Funniest Home Once Upon a Time “Page Time After Time John trav- American Crime Coy wit- News Eyewitness (11:05) Scandal “Flesh and (12:05) Scandal Details of
KTRK ` 13 Videos ’ (HD) Å 23” (N) ’ (HD) Å els to 1918 Paris, France. nesses a horrific incident. News Extra Blood” ’ (HD) Å Olivia’s disappearance.
(4:00) ››› “La Bamba” ››› “Mystic Pizza” (’88) Julia Roberts. Three waitresses Marvel’s Agents of Family Guy Seinfeld Rules of En- Cops Re- Heartland Ty and Amy try to “Sam Steele and the Junior
KYTX2 2 5 (’87) Lou Diamond Phillips. cope with the trials of modern romance. Å S.H.I.E.L.D. ’ Å ’ ’ Å gagement loaded ’ rescue an eagle. ’ Detective Agency” (’09)
2017 NCAA Basketball 60 Minutes (N) ’ (HD) Å NCIS: Los Angeles Callen Madam Secretary A pos- Elementary Shinwell may be CBS 19Texas Coun- (11:05) Elementary ’ (HD) (12:05) Scandal “Where’s
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 Tournament (Cont’d) and Sam go under cover. sible mole is arrested. (N) connected to a murder. try Reporter Å (Cont’d)
News at 10 the Black Lady?” Å
PGA Golf Little Big Shots Cowboy; Little Big Shots “The Prin- Chicago Justice A Chicago Shades of Blue Harlee be- KETK News Outdoors- (11:05) Paid (11:35) Paid (12:05) Paid (12:35) Paid
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 slackliner; blues guitarist. cess and the Hot Dog” (N) PD officer found dead. (N) gins to investigate Ayers. at 10 (N) man Program Program Program Program
(4:30) Conductas Totalmente Disparatadas ’ (SS) Siempre Niños (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) Don Francisco te invita (N) Titulares y Conductas “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: ¡Viva la Fi- Programa
KLTV G 16 17 (Cont’d) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) Más Totalmente esta!” (’12) Voices of George Lopez. Pagado ’
Sport Fish- Paid Pro- Heartland Poker Tour ›››› “Rosemary’s Baby” (’68) Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes. Sa- › “Alaska Highway” (’43) Richard Arlen, Movie (Cont’d)
KLNM J 16 ing (Cont’d) gram (Cont’d) tanists want a pregnant woman to bear the Antichrist. (Cont’d) Jean Parker, Bill Henry. (Cont’d)
NASCAR Racing The Simp- Bob’s Burgers “Aquaticism/ Making His- Family Guy Last Man- The Big The Big Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Last Man Last Man
KFXK S 10 51 51 sons Ain’t Miss Debatin”’ tory (N) (N) (Cont’d) Earth Bang Theory Bang Theory ily Å ily Å Å Å Standing Standing
Living Waters With Gabriel Family Worship Center Sunday Live Ser- FWC Music Å (Cont’d) Family Worship Center Sunday Live Service Å (Cont’d) FWC Music Å (Cont’d) Jimmy Swaggart Å
METV V 6 54 54 Swaggart Å (Cont’d) vice (N) (Live) Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
A&E 58 58 23 118 265 American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ (9:01) American Pickers ’ (10:03) American Pickers (11:03) American Pickers (12:03) American Pickers
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 (4:47) The Walking Dead (5:48) The Walking Dead (6:54) The Walking Dead The Walking Dead (N) ’ (9:02) Into the Badlands (10:02) Talking Dead (N) (11:01) The Walking Dead (12:02) Into the Badlands
APL 93 68 184 282 North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law- Hunting North Woods Law (N) ’ Lone Star Law (N) ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ Lone Star Law ’ (Cont’d)
BET 154 124 329 New Edition The New Edition Story “Part Two” New Edition puts business first. (7:54) The New Edition Story “Part Three” (Part 3 of 3) (9:54) The Quad (Cont’d) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Real Housewives/Beverly Watch What Housewives/Atl. Vanderpump Rules Housewives
CMT 150 166 327 ››› “Knocked Up” (’07) Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl, Paul Rudd. Å (Cont’d) ›› “Bring It On” (’00) Kirsten Dunst, Eliza Dushku. Å Steve Austin’s Steve Austin’s Cops Rel. Cops Rel.
CNBC 172 52 208 355 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact Believer With Reza Aslan Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact Believer With Reza Aslan
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 Newsmakers Washington This Week ’ Å Q & A ’ Å (Cont’d) Prime Minis (8:40) Public Affairs Events ’ Å Q & A ’ Å (Cont’d) Prime Minis (11:40) Public Affairs Events ’ Å
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (N) ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’
DISN 98 64 172 290 Stuck Tangled: Stuck Cali Style K.C. Under. Bizaardvark “Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie” K.C. Under. Bizaardvark Mickey Girl Meets Best Friends Austin Austin
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å (Cont’d) 2017 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament NFL Great 30 for 30 Å (Cont’d) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å (Cont’d) SportsCenter Å (Cont’d)
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 DRL Drone Racing Å College Softball: Auburn at Florida (N) (Live) (Cont’d) Kickboxing: Glory 39 (Taped) (Cont’d) E:60 (Cont’d) ESPN FC (N) (Cont’d) College GameDay (N) ESPN FC
FNC 174 48 205 360 America’s News HQ Fox Report Å (Cont’d) Watters’ World Å Justice With Jeanine Fox News Sunday Watters’ World Å Justice With Jeanine Fox Report Å (Cont’d)
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Spring Baking Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games (N) Spring Baking Cake Wars (N) Å Bakers vs. Fakers Å Spring Baking Cake Wars Å (Cont’d)
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 (4:20) ››› “The Hunger Games” (’12) Jennifer Lawrence. ’ ››› “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” (’13) Jennifer Lawrence. ’ Å (Cont’d) Joel Osteen Dr. Jeremiah Robison Paid Prog.
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 Snowboarding World Poker Postgame UFC Unleashed (N) World Poker UFC Main Event (Cont’d) Wrap Spotlight World Poker UFC Reloaded (Cont’d)
GAC 160 90 165 326 Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 “The Legend of Tarzan” (5:55) ›› “Independence Day: Resurgence” (’16) Å Big Little Lies (N) Å Girls (N) Crashing (N) VICE ’ Å (Cont’d) Big Little Lies Å Crashing Girls Å
HGTV 90 69 112 229 Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å Beach Beach Caribbean Caribbean Island Life Island Life Hunters Hunters Int’l Caribbean Caribbean Island Life Island Life
HIST 96 59 120 269 Alcatraz: Search for the Truth ’ Å (Cont’d) Roanoke: A Mystery Return to Roanoke: Search for the Seven (N) ’ Å (10:03) Swamp People ’ Roanoke: A Mystery Return to Roanoke
INSP 190 24 259 364 Bonanza (Cont’d) Bonanza (Cont’d) Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger ››› “North to Alaska” (’60) John Wayne, Stewart Granger. (Cont’d) ›› “Firecreek” (’68) James Stewart.
LIFE 62 30 108 252 (4:00) ›› “Just Wright” › “What Happens in Vegas” (’08) Cameron Diaz. Å ›› “The Proposal” (’09) Sandra Bullock. Å (Cont’d) (10:02) › “What Happens in Vegas” (’08) Å (Cont’d) (12:02) ›› “The Proposal”
MAX 310 557 310 515 ›› “Constantine” (’05) Keanu Reeves. ’ Å › “Gone in 60 Seconds” (’00) Nicolas Cage. ’ ›› “Lights Out” (’16) Teresa Palmer. (10:25) ›› “Tremors” (’90) Kevin Bacon. ›› “The Amityville Horror”
MTV 152 160 331 Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Are You the One: Second Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. (12:15) Ridiculousness ’
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 NHL Live (N) ’ (Live) NHL Hockey: Philadelphia Flyers at Pittsburgh Penguins (Live) (Cont’d) (8:45) NHL Overtime (N) NHL Sunday Sports Sports Sports Sports World Series of
NICK 120 20 170 299 Nicky, Ricky Nicky, Ricky Game Henry Crashletes Jagger ››› “Megamind” (’10) Voices of Will Ferrell. ’ Å Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince
SHOW 320565 318 545 Homeland “Sock Puppets” Billions An anxious insider. The Circus The Circus Homeland (N) ’ Å Billions Axe negotiates. (N) Billions Axe negotiates. The Circus Homeland ’ Å Billions
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue (N) ’ Å Adam Carolla and Friends Bar Rescue ’ Å Bar Rescue ’ Å
SYFY 61 82 122 244 (4:30) ››› “Independence Day” (’96) Will Smith. Å (DVS) (Cont’d) ›› “Red” (’10) Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman. Å (DVS) (Cont’d) › “The Darkest Hour” (’11) Emile Hirsch. Å (Cont’d) “Independence”
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal The Detour ››› “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (’04)
TCM 71 75 132 256 ››› “How to Marry a Millionaire” (’53) Marilyn Monroe. ››› “Rachel, Rachel” (’68) Joanne Woodward. (Cont’d) “Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon” ›› “The Outlaw and His Wife” (’17) Victor Sjöström.
TLC 6461 183 280 (4:00) My 600-Lb. Life ’ Long Island Medium ’ Long Island Medium (N) (8:01) Long Lost Family (N) Who Do You Long Island Medium ’ (11:04) Long Lost Family Who Do You
TMC 330873 327 553 “Gangs NY” “Gringo: The Life of John McAfee” ››› “Good Kill” (’14) Ethan Hawke. ’ Å (Cont’d) ›› “Tears of the Sun” (’03) Bruce Willis. ’ Å (11:05) ››› “Gangs of New York” (’02) ’ Å
TNT 5334 22 138 245 (4:45) ››› “Transformers” (’07) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. Å (DVS) (Cont’d) ››› “Thor” (’11) Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman. Å (DVS) ›› “Olympus Has Fallen” (’13) Gerard Butler. (Cont’d) TNT Preview
UNI 12 270 402 Durmiendo Noticiero Notanserio Univision (N) Su Nombre Era Dolores (N) (Cont’d) Aquí y Ahora (N) (Cont’d) Durmiendo Noticiero República Deportiva (N) Notanserio Univision (N)
USA 52 55 10 105 242 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Chrisley
8G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
8 March 26 - April 1, 2017
Lufkin Daily News


‘Imaginary Mary’ posed a real acting

challenge for Jenna Elfman in
ABC sitcom
W.C. Fields once warned performers to “never work with is a little tipsy, Mary is tipsy. And when Alice is enjoying
animals or children,” lest they be upstaged by their cute her melted mint chocolate chip ice cream, Mary is enjoying
castmates. Were he alive today, the famously irascible the mint chocolate chip ice cream. So she’s mirroring her
vaudeville comic and actor would likely take a dim view of and challenging her at the same time, much like our own
CGI-animated characters, too. thought process.”
And that’s not to say that Jenna Elfman is upstaged by Playing opposite the CGI Mary turned out to be quite
the animated character she plays opposite in her new ABC the exercise in acting for Elfman. In addition to having to
comedy series “Imaginary Mary.” Quite the contrary. It be funny and believable as Alice, the actress also had to
merely underscores the skill it takes to act and react to an focus her eyes on a point in space where Mary was supposed
entity that viewers can see but the actor can’t. to be while reacting to Mary’s lines being thrown at her by
In the half-hour series, which premieres Wednesday, a comedic actress off camera (on the show, she’s voiced by
March 29, Elfman (“Dharma & Greg,” “Friends With Rachel Dratch of “Saturday Night Live” fame). And then
Benefits”) stars as Alice, a PR guru enjoying the fruits of of course, when the character moved, Elfman’s gaze had to
success and the freedom that singlehood affords. But when adjust as well.
Ben (Stephen Schneider, “You’re the Worst,” “Broad City”), “We would sometimes tape marks on the walls,” Elfman
a divorced father of three, crosses her path seeking help with notes, “but obviously if she’s in this space and right here
his social media page, she falls hard. And that sets off alarm – like sometimes she’ll be right here on the table with me so
bells in the commitment-phobic Alice and summons forth then it’s a dimension point so there’s nowhere to put tape.
her imaginary friend from childhood, Mary. So sometimes there will be like eight to eleven eye (lines)
Mary, who resembles something of a cross between in a scene that I’d have to remember while also focusing on
the Pillsbury Dough Boy and a mogwai from the movie performance (and) comedic timing.”
“Gremlins,” would surface in times of crisis to talk Alice In the end, it was 15-hour days and a lot of mental
through whatever predicament she happened to be in. And calisthenics, but Elfman welcomed the challenge and says
now that the possibility of a long-term relationship has the experience made her better.
entered the picture, Alice needs Mary more than ever. “It was great because I was ready for that next level of
“She’s my inner voice and my mentor,” explains Elfman in challenge ... which really excited me,” she says. “It wasn’t
a quiet corner of a Pasadena, California, hotel. “Mary kind just the same-old. It was like definitely the next level of
Jenna Elfman of mirrors what’s going on with my character. So when Alice game for me, which I loved.”

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“Five Came Back,” www.netf-
Mark Harris’ best-selling book of
the same title forms the basis for
this three-part docu-series that tells
how World War II changed Hol-
“Harlots,” lywood and vice versa through the “13 Reasons Why,”
stories of filmmakers John Ford,
Oscar nominee Samantha Morton (“In America”) and BAFTA Dylan Minnette (“Scandal”) stars in this heart-wrenching
William Wyler, John Huston, Frank
nominee Lesley Manville (“Another Year”) star in this period Capra and George Stevens, who drama about a teen who one day finds a box on his front porch
drama set in 1763 London, where one in five women are in- went to war to serve their country containing cassette tapes recorded by his high-school crush,
volved in the sex industry and two brothel owners are engaged and bring the truth to the American who explains the 13 reasons why she took her own life two
in a deadly rivalry to maintain their piece of the hospitality pie. people. Steven Spielberg, Francis weeks earlier. Katherine Langford (“Daughter”), Miles Heizer
Jessica Brown Findlay, Eloise Smyth and Alexa Davies are Ford Coppola and Lawrence Kas- (“Parenthood”) and Brandon Flynn also star.
also in the talented cast. dan are among those interviewed.
Lufkin Daily News news Sunday, March 26, 2017
the lufkinMarch 26 - April 1, 2017 9 9G
Weekday Daytime C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV Mar. 27, 2017
C L H D DTV 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30
KPRC ^ 2 102 Today Today’s Take Today News KPRC Insider Houston Life Days of our Lives Dr. Phil News Extra
KLUF % 118 James J. Meyer Creflo D. J. Hagee J. Osteen Prince Copeland K. Shook S. Furtick BlessLife Marriage Varied Robison Varied The 700 Club J. Hagee Varied Praise Varied
KIBN _ 7 Jeannie Jeannie All/Family All/Family Benson Benson B. Miller B. Miller S. Spoons S. Spoons Facts/Life Facts/Life Benson Benson Your Health All/Family All/Family Bunker Bunker
KUHT ( 8 8 Nature Curious Tiger Tiger Splash Sesame Dinosaur Peg Super Thomas Clifford Dinosaur Splash Curious Nature Ready Jet Odd Odd Wild Kratt Arthur
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 Good Morning America LIVE with Kelly The View Jeopardy! News The Chew General Hospital Minute The List Ellen DeGeneres News News
KHOU + 11 20 CBS This Morning Great Day Houston The Price Is Right Young & Restless News Bold The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Ellen DeGeneres KHOU 11 News
KTRK ` 13 Good Morning America LIVE with Kelly The View News The Chew Minute Millionaire General Hospital Jeopardy! Inside Ed. Eyewitness News
KYTX2 2 5 Cheaters Cops Rel. Steve Wilkos Show Steve Wilkos Show Jerry Springer Jerry Springer The Dr. Oz Show Millionaire Paid Prg. Judge Judge Robert Irvine Cops Rel. Cleveland
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 CBS This Morning The Dr. Oz Show The Price Is Right Young & Restless Millionaire Bold The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Jdg Judy Jdg Judy T.D. Jakes
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 Today Today’s Take Today East Texas Live Days of our Lives Rachael Ray FamFeud FamFeud The Doctors Dr. Phil
KLTV G 16 17 (6:00) Un Nuevo Día De’siónes Mujeres Ambiciosas Amar es Primavera Suelta la Sopa Lo Mejor María Celeste Suelta Varied
KLNM J 16 America Trends Paid Prg. Sound Daytime Sully’s Biz Brew Balancing Chef’s Paid Prg. Varied Programs Paid Prg. Paula Deen’s Kitchen Daytime Paid Prg. Paid Prg.
KFXK S 10 51 51 FOX FOX Fox FOX The 700 Club Judge Judge The People’s Court Divorce Divorce Hot Hot Judge Mathis Wendy Williams Steve Harvey
METV V 6 54 54 Message-Cross FWC Insight Frances and Friends FWC Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Varied Programs Living Waters Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Classics
A&E 58 58 23 118 265 Dog Dog Dog Dog Varied Programs
M Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Breaking Bad Å (:09) Breaking Bad “4 Days Out” (:18) Breaking Bad (:27) Breaking Bad (:36) Breaking Bad (:45) Breaking Bad Å (2:54) Breaking Bad (:03) Breaking Bad
T ›› “Marked for Death” (’90) Å ››› “Rocky III” (’82) Sylvester Stallone, Mr. T. Å ››› “Inception” (’10) Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page. Å ››› “The Departed” (’06)
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 W M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H ››› “The Departed” (’06) Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon. Å ›››› “GoodFellas” (’90) Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. Å ››› “The Rock”
Th ›››› “Alien” (’79) Tom Skerritt, John Hurt. Å ››› “Batman Begins” (’05) Christian Bale, Michael Caine. Å ››› “Lethal Weapon” (’87) Mel Gibson. Å “Lethal 2”
F ›› “Alien vs. Predator” (’04) Å ›››› “The Dark Knight” (’08) Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. Å ›› “Escape Plan” (’13) Sylvester Stallone. Å “Sherlock Holmes”
APL 93 68 184 282 Pets 101 My Cat From Hell Animal Cops Phil. Animal Cops Phil. Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Bulls-Parole Varied Programs
M Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne ›› “Sparkle” (’12) Jordin Sparks, Whitney Houston. Å Browns Browns Browns Browns “The Man in 3B” (’15)
T Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’ › “Obsessed” (’09) Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles. Å “The Man in 3B” (’15) Lamman Rucker, Christian Keyes. Å ›› “Love Don’t Cost a Thing” (’03)
BET 154 124 329 W Browns Browns Browns Browns Browns Browns Browns Browns Browns Browns The Quad “The Quad: The Movie” The ambitious yet secretive life of Eva. The Quad
Th Moesha Moesha Moesha Moesha Moesha Moesha Moesha Moesha “Brotherly Love” (’15) Keke Palmer, Cory Hardrict, Romeo Miller. Browns Browns Browns Browns ›› “Soul Men”
F Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters ››› “Set It Off” (’96) Jada Pinkett, Queen Latifah, Vivica A. Fox. › “Blue Streak”
M Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules
T Sweet Sweet Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 W Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC
Th Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl.
F Southern Charm Southern Charm Southern Charm Southern Charm Southern Charm ›››› “When Harry Met Sally” (’89) Å “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous” ››› “Mean Girls”
CMT 150 166 327 CMT Music Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Last Man Last Man
CNBC 172 52 208 355 (5:00) Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Squawk Alley Fast Money Halftime Power Lunch Closing Bell Fast Mny Varied
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 Chris and Alisyn CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom At This Hour With Inside Politics Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Situation Room
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 Washington Journal Varied Programs U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives Legislative Business Varied Programs
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 Varied Programs
DISN 98 64 172 290 PJ Masks Mickey Mickey Mickey Roadster The Lion Elena Sofia Doc McS The Lion PJ Masks PJ Masks Suite Life Suite Life Phineas Star-For. Jessie Girl Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad.
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter SportsCenter First Take SportsCenter Outside Varied Programs The Jump Nation Varied Question Around Pardon
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 (5:00) Mike & Mike SportsCenter SportsCenter Dan Le Batard Tennis Varied Programs
FNC 174 48 205 360 FOX and Friends America’s Newsroom Happening Now Outnumbered Happening Now America’s News HQ Shepard Smith Neil Cavuto The Five
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Pioneer Varied Programs Pioneer Pioneer Varied Programs
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 Gilmore Gilmore Girls 700 Club The 700 Club Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Reba Reba Reba Reba Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 (6:00) Rodeo Soccer Varied Programs
GAC 160 90 165 326 More Music Videos More Music Videos More Music Videos More Music Videos American Playlist Time Capsule More Music Videos American Playlist More Music Videos More Music Videos
M (6:35) ›› “Powder” (’95) ››› “Rabbit Hole” (’10) ’ ›› “X-Men: Apocalypse” (’16) James McAvoy. ’ (:25) “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” (’08) Last REAL Sports Gumbel UConn: March
T (:15) › “Ready to Rumble” (’00) ’ (:05) ›› “Nights in Rodanthe” Abso › “The Divergent Series: Allegiant” ’ Last › “The Tuxedo” (’02) ’ Zookee “Independence Day”
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 W (6:45) ››› “The Cider House Rules” “Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma” (:45) ›› “Race” (’16) Stephan James. ’ Å ›› “Baby Mama” (’08) ’ Abso ››› “The Sixth Sense” (’99) Bruce Willis.
Th “Blues20 ›› “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” (:40) ›› “Beautiful Creatures” (’13) ’ Abso ›› “The 33” (’15) Antonio Banderas. ’ REAL Sports Gumbel (:10) Rock and a Hard Place ’ “Witch”
F (:15) ›› “The Mothman Prophecies” (’02) (:15) ›› “Independence Day: Resurgence” (’16) ’ (:20) ›› “Meet Dave” (’08) ’ (12:55) “The Legend of Tarzan” (:45) ›› “Ice Age: Collision Course” (’16) “Central”
M Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno
T Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å
HGTV 90 69 112 229 W I Want That! (N) House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling Buying and Selling
Th Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or
F Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Flea Mar Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It
HIST 96 59 120 269 Varied Programs Pickers Varied Pickers Varied
INSP 190 24 259 364 The High Chaparral Big Valley Varied Daniel Boone Daniel Boone Bonanza Matlock Matlock The Waltons The Waltons Little House/Prairie
LIFE 62 30 108 252 How I Met How I Met Movie Movie Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs
M (6:45) “The Witches of Eastwick” (:45) ››› “Bad Santa” (’03) ’ Å (:20) “Emelie” (’15) (:45) ›› “Dark Water” (’05) ’ Å “The X-Files: I Want to Believe” (:15) ››› “Everest” (’15) Jason Clarke.
T (6:45) ›› “Rails & Ties” (’07) ›› “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” (’15) ››› “Mission: Impossible 2” (’00) ’ (:35) ››› “The Pianist” (’02) Adrien Brody. ’ (:05) ››› “Ghost World” (’01) ’
MAX 310 557 310 515 W (:05) ››› “Soul Food” (’97) ’ Å ›› “Mechanic: Resurrection” (:40) ›› “The Good Shepherd” (’06) Matt Damon. ’ Å ››› “Blood and Wine” (’96) (:15) ››› “Solaris” (’02) George Clooney.
Th (:05) ›› “A Stranger Among Us” (’92) ’ (8:55) ›› “Trapped” (’02) (:45) ›› “Lights Out” (’16) (:10) ›› “Eraser” (’96) ’ Å (:05) ›› “Marauders” (’16) Bruce Willis. “Shoot ’Em Up” (’07)
F (6:50) “Not Another Teen Movie” (:20) ››› “Everest” (’15) Jason Clarke. (:25) ›› “Pearl Harbor” (’01) Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett. ›› “True Story” (’15) (:10) ›› “Last Man Standing” (’96)
MTV 152 160 331 Varied Programs Prince Prince Varied Prince Prince
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 Pro Football Talk The Dan Patrick Show Varied Programs Skating Varied Programs NASCAR
NICK 120 20 170 299 Sponge. Umizoomi PAW PAW Shimmer Bubble Bubble Blaze Blaze PAW Rivets PAW PAW PAW Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Loud Loud
M Hoops U ›› “Red Corner” (’97) Richard Gere. ’ (:45) ›› “Spy Game” (’01) Robert Redford. ’ ››› “The Hurt Locker” (’08) ’ Å (:15) ›› “Southpaw” (’15) Jake Gyllenhaal. ’ “Out”
T (6:00) “Pride” (’14) ’ “The Forger” (’14) John Travolta. (:45) ›› “Death Warrant” (’90) (:15) “Unnatural” (’15) ’ Å (:45) ››› “Everything Must Go” (’10) ’ “Trumped: Inside Political Upset” (:15) “A Bronx Tale”
SHOW 320 565 318 545 W ›› “Burnt” (’15) ’ Å (:45) ›› “Woman in Gold” (’15) ’ (:35) ›› “Meet the Browns” (’08) ’ Å ›››› “Ordinary People” (’80) ’ Å (:35) › “Love the Coopers” (’15) ’ “Burnt”
Th (:05) “Arthur & Merlin” (’15) Kirk Barker. ’ ›› “Arctic Tale” (’07) ’ Dean Smith ’ Å ›››› “Hoop Dreams” (’94) ’ Å ›› “Dead Heat” (’02) ’ (:15) “Chicago” (’02)
F “Akeelah” “Larry the Cable Guy” (:45) ››› “Everything Must Go” (’10) ’ “I Love You Phillip Morris” (’09) (:15) ››› “The Hurt Locker” (’08) ’ Å ››› “Bridge of Spies”
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Varied Programs
SYFY 61 82 122 244 (6:30) Movie Varied Programs
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 Married Married King King King King Cleveland Cleveland American American American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
M “Fresh (:45) ››› “Knute Rockne, All American” ››› “Angels in the Outfield” (:15) ››› “Gentleman Jim” (’42) Å “The Jackie Robinson Story” (:45) ››› “Jim Thorpe, All American” “National”
T “Julius ››› “Cleopatra” (’63) Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Rex Harrison. Å (:45) ››› “Rome Adventure” (’62) Å (:45) ››› “Roman Holiday” (’53) Å “Roman Spring-Mrs. Stone”
TCM 71 75 132 256 W “All This” ›› “The Arnelo Affair” (’47) “The Postman Always Rings Twice” (’46) ›› “Nora Prentiss” (’47) Ann Sheridan. ›› “The Unfaithful” (’47) Ann Sheridan. ››› “Deception” (’46) Bette Davis. Å
Th “Street (:45) “Two Against the World” › “Under Eighteen” (’32) “Ever in My Heart” (:45) ››› “The Mayor of Hell” (’33) Å “Man-Two Faces” (:45) ›› “Gambling Lady” “Bordertown” (’35)
F (6:45) ›››› “Grand Hotel” (:45) ›› “The Last of Mrs. Cheyney” ››› “The Women” (’39) Å (DVS) (:45) ››› “A Woman’s Face” (’41) Å (:45) ››› “Humoresque” (’46) Joan Crawford. Å
TLC 64 61 183 280 Say Yes Say Yes Varied Programs Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life Medium Medium Medium Medium Say Yes Say Yes
M “Invisi (:35) “Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans” (:20) ›› “What Women Want” (’00) ’ ››› “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock” (’84) “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier”
T “Christ ››› “The Illusionist” (’06) ’ Å ›› “The Alamo” (’04) Dennis Quaid. ’ Å “Medium Raw” (’10) John Rhys-Davies. ’ (1:55) › “Blackway” (’15) (:25) “The Lovers” (’14) ’ Å
TMC 330 873 327 553 W “Ginger” (:25) ›› “Hot Rod” (’07) ’ “Sweet Micky for President” (’15) (:25) › “Paranoia” (’13) ’ (:15) “Anesthesia” (’15) ’ Å (:45) ›› “The D Train” (’15) Jack Black. ›› “Hot Rod” (’07) ’ Å
Th “Loves “Compared to What?” (:05) ›› “Manglehorn” ’ (:45) “Walking on Sunshine” (’14) Greg Wise. ››› “The Yes Men” (’03) ’ ››› “Tiny Furniture” (’10) ’ (:40) “In My Father’s House” ’
F (6:30) ››› “The Illusionist” ››› “Big Eyes” (’14) Amy Adams. ’ “Gringo: Life of John McAfee” (:10) ›› “Orange County” (:35) ››› “The Illusionist” (’06) ’ Å ››› “Big Eyes” (’14) ’ Å
TNT 53 34 22 138 245 Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Bones Bones Bones Bones
UNI 12 270 402 (6:00) ¡Despierta América! Amor bravío Noticiero Hoy A Que No Me Dejas Como Dice el Dicho El Gordo y la Flaca Primer Impacto
USA 52 55 10 105 242 Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law-SVU Varied
10G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
10 March 26 - April 1, 2017
Lufkin Daily News

Eddie Jackson’s love of Eddie Jackson TueSday 2:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
food spawns a booming 10:00 a.m. FOOD Trisha’s Southern
and Dives
3:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
second career 11:00 a.m. FOOD Trisha’s Southern
and Dives
4:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
11:30 a.m. KLNM J Chef’s Kitchen and Dives
In the annals of athletes who have found a second FOOD Trisha’s Southern Kitchen
5:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
career well away from the field of play, Eddie Jackson Noon KTRE ) KTRK ` The and Dives
6:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
is in a league of his own. Chew
and Dives
A familiar Food Network face since 2015, the FOOD The Pioneer Woman
7:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
1:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped and Dives
former defensive back for three NFL teams in 3:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped 8:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
the mid-2000s has been a winner in Season 11 of 5:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped and Dives
“Food Network Star,” the host of “BBQ Blitz” and 7:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped INSP State Plate With Taylor
“Kids BBQ Championship” and now a judge on 9:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped Hicks
“Chopped: Star Power Tournament,” in which actors, 8:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
WedneSday and Dives
athletes, comedians and Internet performers compete 10:00 a.m. FOOD Farmhouse Rules 9:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
for charity. It premieres Tuesday, March 28. 11:00 a.m. FOOD Farmhouse Rules and Dives
“The thing about an athlete,” Jackson says of 11:30 a.m. KLNM J Chef’s Kitchen 10:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
FOOD Farmhouse Rules and Dives
the show’s ex-jocks, “is that they always have that Noon KTRE ) KTRK ` The
competitive edge. You know, they want to win no Chew SaTurday
matter what, so they’re going to pull out all the stops football. You know, when you’re playing football you FOOD The Pioneer Woman 10:00 a.m. KUHT ( Martha Bakes
to get that victory, even if it is for charity or whatever have a helmet on pretty much the majority of the 1:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior FOOD The Kitchen
3:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior 10:30 a.m. KUHT ( Martha Stew-
the case may be. But at the end of the day, a true time, nobody recognizes you. It’s not like the NBA. art’s Cooking School
5:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior
athlete is always trying to get the W.” But now that I’m on TV, people recognize my face. I 7:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior 11:00 a.m. KUHT ( Lidia’s Kitchen
In addition to competition, one could say a love went to the gym this morning and a lady said, ‘Hey, 9:00 p.m. FOOD Cooks vs. Cons A&E Good Spirits
of food, especially barbecue, is deeply ingrained in you’re the guy from Food Network.’ So you get that ThurSday
FOOD Valerie’s Home Cooking
a lot.” 11:30 a.m. FOOD Giada at Home
Jackson’s personality. The 36-year-old native of Plano, 10:00 a.m. FOOD Cupcake Wars Noon KUHT ( Sara’s Week-
Texas, has been grilling since he was a child, when 11:30 a.m. KLNM J Chef’s Kitchen night Meals
his dad handed him some tongs one day and showed What book are you currently reading? Noon KTRE ) KTRK ` The FOOD Spring Baking Champion-
“Right now I’m reading a book called ‘Run Fast, Chew ship
him the ropes. FOOD The Pioneer Woman 12:30 p.m. KLNM J Positively
After his playing days ended in 2008, Jackson Eat Slow’ and it’s by Shalane Flanagan and Elise 1:00 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay Paula
needed a second career, but didn’t have to look too far Kopecky. And basically what it is is just she’s a 2:00 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay 1:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
marathon runner and she has a friend who’s a chef 3:00 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay and Dives
for inspiration. He started a line of food trucks in his 1:30 p.m. KUHT ( Pati’s Mexican
and they came up with this cookbook dedicated 4:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped
home burg of Cypress, Texas, and is in the process of 6:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped Table
opening a food truck park and beer garden. Though to athletes, not professional athletes but athletes in 7:00 p.m. KFXK S MasterChef
FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and
general. So it’s just a book that’s filled with healthy Dives
he’s expanded his business to include four trucks and FOOD Chopped
2:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
now the park, he can still be seen driving around recipes, very bright and vibrant and I’m so into it 8:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped and Dives
the Houston suburb and grilling up meats for his right now.” 9:00 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay 3:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
10:00 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay and Dives
customers. 4:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
“I’m very busy so anytime I can get back on a truck What did you have for dinner last night? Friday
and Dives
– because that’s how I started – I’m always excited 10:00 a.m. FOOD Giada at Home
“Yesterday was Sunday and Sunday is my slow- 10:30 a.m. FOOD Giada Entertains
5:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
about that ...” Jackson says. “I get recognized a lot cooker day, so I made braised oxtails with polenta and Dives
11:00 a.m. FOOD Barefoot Contessa 6:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
more now than I did when I was playing professional yesterday. It was delicious (laughs).” 11:30 a.m. KLNM J Chef’s Kitchen and Dives
FOOD Barefoot Contessa 7:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
5:00 p.m. FOOD Spring Baking 1:00 p.m. FOOD Cupcake Wars Noon KTRE ) KTRK ` The and Dives

Cooking Championship
6:00 p.m. FOOD Guy’s Grocery
2:00 p.m. KLNM J Paula Deen’s
FOOD Cupcake Wars
FOOD The Pioneer Woman
12:30 p.m. KLNM J Positively
8:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
and Dives
9:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
8:00 p.m. FOOD Spring Baking 3:00 p.m. FOOD Cupcake Wars Paula and Dives
Sunday Championship 5:00 p.m. FOOD Cupcake Wars 1:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins 10:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
10:00 a.m. FOOD The Pioneer Wom- 9:00 p.m. FOOD Cake Wars 7:00 p.m. FOOD Cake Wars and Dives and Dives
an 10:00 p.m. FOOD Bakers vs. Fakers 8:00 p.m. KLNM J Paula Deen’s
10:30 a.m. FOOD Farmhouse Rules Kitchen
Monday FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and
11:00 a.m. FOOD Giada Entertains Operation # 1624961 CCS Provider
10:00 a.m. FOOD The Kitchen Dives
11:30 a.m. FOOD Brunch at Bobby’s
Noon FOOD The Kitchen
11:30 a.m. KLNM J Chef’s Kitchen
Noon KTRE ) KTRK ` The
9:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins
and Dives
6:00 am – 6:00 pm
1:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior Chew 10:00 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins 6 weeks – 12 years • Meals provided
3:00 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior FOOD The Pioneer Woman and Dives Curriculum based program owned and directed by
Morgan Beathard
600 N Raguet St • Phone 936.632.4082

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restaurant review

Vendor mall’s food court an unexpected treasure

The Food Court & That was clue No. 1 that this
food was going to be good. Clue
Events Center at the No. 2 was the number of senior
citizens chowing down. When
East Texas Vendor you reach a certain age, you’re
not going to waste your time and
Mall is serving up often fixed income dining out at
crummy restaurants.
some delicious Just about the time I returned
to the table with my first-round
country cooking plate of chicken spaghetti, green
beans, macaroni and cheese and
chopped steak, my friend’s plate
By BRIE BRADFORD lunch of baked chicken, green
The Lufkin News beans and cole slaw arrived.
The chicken spaghetti isn’t
One might expect to find some Mar Teres quality, but it’s better
hidden gems at a vendor mall, than Cotton Patch’s version.
but an all-you-can-eat Southern The macaroni was OK once I
comfort food buffet is a pleas- salted it, but the green beans and
antly unexpected treasure. chopped steak were excellent.
Located inside the East Texas You can tell the ground beef is
Vendor Mall at 1604 W. Frank fresh, not frozen, and you could
Ave., The Food Court & Events see the seasoning in the green Above, the
Center is serving up some deli- beans. But my friend’s baked baked chicken
cious country cooking available chicken might have had the on my friend’s
in plate lunch or buffet format, best flavor of anything I tasted one-meat plate
for dine-in or to-go. that day. (And I tasted a lot — so lunch might
I’d heard about this place, but much that I never even made have had the
hadn’t been since the short-lived it to the small but awesomely best flavor
venture The Black Pearl oc- fresh-looking salad bar.) of anything I
cupied its space a couple of years For round 2, I went with a tasted during
ago. And while I’d heard nothing grilled pork chop, beef tips and a recent visit,
but good things, I wasn’t expect- rice, mashed potatoes with and was also
ing to see such a decent crowd brown gravy, English peas, cab- available on
so late in their lunch service bage and a piece of fried catfish. the hot bar.
for a restaurant tucked away in The pork chop was good, but At left, the
a vendor mall scarcely visible the beef tips were the most ten- hot bar at The
from the road. der I’ve ever tasted. The mashed Food Court &
For the uninitiated, you seat potatoes and gravy and sweet Events Center
yourself anywhere you like and English peas were utterly deli- at the East
a waiter or waitress will come cious. And that tender cabbage Texas Vendor
and take your drink order. If just melted in my mouth. The Mall featured
you want the buffet, just go on vegetables here really sing. delicious
and help yourself. But they also “This cabbage is really good!” vegetables,
offer plate lunches, burgers and I remarked to my friend. super tender
sandwiches that you can order “All of this food is really beef tips and
off the menu. good,” a stranger jokingly cor- some of the
As I was perusing the buffet, a rected me as she passed by on best catfish
friend passed by with a plate of her way out. I’ve had
fresh pineapple and some pie. But the fried catfish was anywhere.
“Is this your first time eating incredible. I’d heard rave reviews
here?” he asked. “I eat here three The Lufkin News
or four times a week!” SEE RESTAURANT, PAGE 23G

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12G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
12 March 26 - April 1, 2017
Lufkin Daily News


Nicholas D’Agosto
Give your decor a shot of was allowing us all to play and find these
steampunk style by turning interpersonal relationships early, even before
discarded bicycle parts into I kind of knew what he was doing. We were
industrial-chic votive holders grounding all of our characters in what
this world was going to be ... it was such a
MATERIALS NEEDED charmed show to get to fall into.
bicycle gears ranging
from 2-1/2 inches to 6-1/2 By the time we got to Episode 3 or 4, I felt like
inches in diameter we were in such a groove. We were having so
damp cloth or paper towel much fun, and we all knew how to mess around
votive candles and toss things away and take new notes. And
for me, it’s been the most empowering thing I’ve
permanent bond glue ever gotten to do.
In order for the gear votive holder to proportionately align You’ve also been featured as Harvey Dent
on “Gotham.” What are the chances of
with the candles it holds, you must heed proper size and
your going back to that show while doing
scale. Stick with gears between 2-1/2 inches and 6-1/2
this one?
inches in diameter. Because the gears will be layered with a
pyramid effect, using several gears differing between 1/4 inch He’s technically still in the show. One of the
and 1/2 inch in diameter will result in a balanced, stacked benefits of my ability to maneuver out of that
look. show and into this show was ... first of all, that
WIPE EXCESS OIL show has some really wonderful, established
Before assembling the gears, wipe excess oil and residue stars and some big storylines that revolve
with a damp cloth or paper towel. around them. But also, Warner Bros. produces
both of the shows.
Allow one full day for glue to cure before inserting and They were incredibly generous to me and
lighting votive candle. How is it to film a comedy like “Trial encouraging me to take time off from “Gotham”
INSERT VOTIVE CANDLE & Error” in the style of a true-crime and come here. As much as I love “Gotham”
After the glue has properly cured and stacked gears have documentary? and being a part of it, the ability to come onto
bonded, place votive candle into hole of top gear. this show has been an absolute dream. I hope
(Executive producer Jeffrey) Blitz would to get back and do something there again when
come up to me, and he was like, “We’re it’s time, but they’ll call me when they want me actually ahead of schedule, Nick. We’re just to come back. And Warner Bros. will allow the
crafts/how-to-make-bicycle-gear-votive-holders killing time.” But really, what he was doing scheduling, I imagine, if it fits.

Maggie Siff of “Billions” on Showtime Daniel Wu of “Into the

“The last thing we watched was ‘The Crown,’ Badlands” on AMC
which I really loved. And I’m partial to ‘Call “ ‘Game of Thrones’ is
Terrence the Midwife’ and ‘Orange Is the New Black.’ probably my favorite show.
Howard of And ‘Transparent’ is one of my favorites, and I’m really into this show
“Empire” on I also loved ‘Togetherness.’ What I like about ‘The Last Man on Earth’ for
Fox those last two shows is what I’m really hungry some reason, just because
“I watch reruns to see on television, this kind of really intimate when I was a kid I would
storytelling that’s not obvious. They’re also really always imagine that I was
of ‘MASH’ and I interesting and complicated explorations of the last person on Earth.
also watch ‘Game gender and gender roles.” So that show, when it came
of Thrones.’ ... I out, I was like, ‘Wait, that’s
became a fan of exactly how I was thinking
‘Game of Thrones’ when I was a kid and that’s
this year and I what I was going to do
binge-watched. when I was a kid.’ And I
I never binge- watch a lot of reality shows
Lesley Manville of “Harlots” about building cars and
watched anything
on Hulu building houses. ‘Treehouse
before in my Masters’ is probably one of
life. The work in “I don’t watch television very much
my favorite shows (laughs)
there is amazing but I have enjoyed ‘Fleabag,’ which
because I was an architect
work. ... And is a comedy. ... ‘Catastrophe’ I liked before I became an actor.
‘Westworld,’ too.” a lot, written by Sharon Horgan. And So I’m still interested in
I’m on episode 9 of ‘The Crown,’ building things and stuff like
which I’m enjoying hugely. ....” that.” the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 13G
movie review

Disney/The Associated Press

Emma Watson as Belle and Dan Stevens as the Beast in “Beauty and the Beast,” a live-action adaptation of the studio’s animated classic.

‘Beauty and the Beast’ a tale as old as time

The newest installment in Disney’s able to change his ways in time to lift the difference to your kids!). There are vari- miss, much milder than viewers were
insanely successful live-action remakes curse? ous buxom beauties fawning over Gaston, originally led to believe it would be.
of their classic car- This film was perfectly cast. From but the revealing clothing is quite mild. Many strong lessons are communi-
toons, ‘‘Beauty and Emma Watson as Belle, to Luke Evans as Belle and the Beast share a kiss or two, cated through this film, such as looking
the Beast,’’ is set to the pompous Gaston, and Josh Gad as his but no more sexual content than that. beyond the surface, humility and learn-
dominate the box of- boot-licking lackey, LeFou, the ensemble The violence can be intense at times for ing to love others for who they are. The
fice for the next few cast of household names played their younger viewers (the Beast fighting the strong female lead is brave, independent
weeks to come. respective parts flawlessly. wolves and later Gaston, in particular), and resourceful, able to take care of
Based on the 1991 The settings and costumes were per- but nothing graphic or bloody. There is herself.
animated classic, fectly on point, also, making the classic some drinking in the tavern, but it is not The beautiful world of princesses and
the story focuses cartoon come alive before our eyes. They focused on much. magic will leave your kids glued to the
on a young prince were so well done, in fact, that the ex- This movie stirred up quite a bit of screen, and most likely singing “Be Our
who is turned into a tremely heavy reliance on CGI detracted controversy before its release, thanks to Guest” for weeks to come. This movie was
wade modisette
hideous beast when from the overall success, even though some comments the director made about very well done and very kid-friendly. You
he mistreats a sor- it was very well done. The music was the budding romance between two men will enjoy it as much as your kids do!
ceress, until such time as he can learn to catchy, with most of the same favorite in the movie. A lot of parents were up Rated PG
love others, not just himself. Along with songs from years ago, albeit slightly less in arms over what their children would Wade Modisette is a local husband and father that
him, all of his house staff are turned into memorable; the transition to realism be exposed to, should they choose to see seeks the best and most appropriate entertainment for
enchanted household objects (such as seemed to water down the tunes. this movie. The aforementioned content his family. A movie connoisseur in his own mind, he seeks
clocks, furniture, utensils, etc). When he There was no bad language, save the is, in reality, very mild. It comes in the to educate his friends and community on quality choices
has to care for a beautiful young maiden, Beast referring to the fact that his curse form of some slight innuendo and quiet for their family. Find more reviews and information at
he learns what true love is. But, will he be has “damned” him (enjoy explaining that comments that children will most likely
14G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
14 March 26 - April 1, 2017 Lufkin Daily News
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Ask Willie Robertson what stands out from his five time. So with with one successful concern now
years and 11 seasons of making “Duck Dynasty” for behind them, it’s time for Willie and wife Korie –
A&E Network and you’ll likely get a wry chuckle. along with brothers Jase and Jep, dad Phil, Uncle

in March, April, and May

BY GEORGE DICKIE “Well, I would say I’m just amazed at how long it Si and the others – to have a little down time and
went and how big the show got,” he says. “I guess maybe do a little traveling, fishing and hunting. And
that’s what kind of stands out for me.” reflect a little and enjoy the fruits of success.
1-6 lines-$12
And now, as the unscripted series draws to a close
with its finale on Wednesday, March 29, Robertson
“Oh yeah, it’s affected business,” Willie Robertson
says with a laugh of how the show has helped sell
Call Us Now!!! 7-12 lines-$18
finally gets a chance to take a breath. As the CEO
DC duck calls. “The year before the show started, we

of Duck Commander and a primary player and
Willie sold about 60,000 duck calls, which is pretty good in
Robertson executive producer on the show, he’s been not only
Includes Garage Sale Kit
at the center of a popular series since its creation the duck-call-selling realm. And then the year after
‘Duck Dynasty’(7355)
says farewell, and premiere in 2012 (and its Outdoor Channel
(2 Signs wl stakes, price stickers, tags and sales log)
the show hit, we sold well over a million duck calls.
incarnation for three seasons prior to that) but also So business was rolling and some of that’s leveled off.
leaving a duck call business flying the man calling the*Noshots
Estate Sales
for a Louisiana duck-call (The
I mean,last Friday
it’s grown for sureof
for aMonth.)
couple of years
company that’s grown by leaps
“Do It Now! Sometimes Later Becomes and bounds
Never.”in that there it was pretty out of control.” the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 15G
Lufkin Daily News March 26 - April 1, 2017 15
Supergirl Baby Daddy APB Bates Motel
KYTX2 2 7 p.m. FREE 7:31 p.m., 9:31 p.m. KFXK S 8:01 p.m. A&E 9 p.m.
Filmmaker Kevin Smith (“Clerks”) has In the new episode “Ben Rides a Murphy and Gideon (Natalie Mar- A special guest checks into the motel
dabbled in directing The CW’s super- Unicorn,” Ben (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) is tinez, Justin Kirk) determine that a in a new episode called “Marion” —
hero series, and he does so again convinced he has found a woman just series of blazes has a different, much as in Crane, the ill-fated guest played
with the new episode “Distant Sun,” as interested as he is in a no-strings more alarming background than they by Janet Leigh in Alfred Hitchcock’s
which finds Supergirl (Melissa Ben- hookup arrangement (which would initially suspected in the new episode
film “Psycho,” played here by Ri-
oist) a wanted woman — and not in make her the “unicorn” of the title), “Fueling Fires.” Goss (Tamberla
a good way — as aliens invade Na- but Riley (Chelsea Kane) insists he’s Perry) has doubts about an associate hanna in a guest role. Elsewhere,
tional City to claim the bounty issued kidding himself that such a set-up of Brandt (Taylor Handley), now a bar Dylan (Max Thieriot) is sent reeling
for her. President Marsdin (recurring would ever work. Meanwhile, Danny bouncer, who’s under suspicion of by some devastating news, and Sam
guest star Lynda Carter) has plans (Derek Theler) winds up competing assault. Kim Raver (“24”) and Abra- and Madeleine’s (Austin Nichols,
for Hank (David Harewood). Maggie’s against an old friend who is a profes- ham Benrubi (“ER”) guest star. Ernie Isabelle McNally) marriage reaches
(Floriana Lima) ex-girlfriend (guest sional wrestler. Melissa Peterman Hudson, Caitlin Stasey and Nestor a dramatic crossroads. Freddie High-
star Hayley Sales) visits. also stars. Melissa Benoist Serrano also star. more also stars.

Monday Evening C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV March 27, 2017
C L H D DTV 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
KPRC Chan- NBC Nightly KPRC Chan- Ent. Tonight The Voice “Battles, Part 3” Artists prepare for the Knockout Taken A Zurich bank vault KPRC Chan- (10:34) The Tonight Show (11:37) Late Night With Ent. Tonight
KPRC ^ 2 102 nel 2 News News - Holt nel 2 News rounds. (N) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) must be broken into. (N) nel 2 News Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers ’ (HD)
KLUF % 118 John Gray Call2All Rodriguez Potters Praise (N) Å (Cont’d) Franklin J. Duplantis Graham GregLau Praise Å (Cont’d) Joel Osteen Perry Stone You Can Creflo Doll
The Facts of The Facts of Barney Miller The Journey First Baptist Church of Silver Silver Barney Miller Barney Miller All in the The Journey Bunker’s Bunker’s Bewitched Bewitched
KIBN _ 7 Life (Cont’d) Life (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Lufkin (Cont’d) Spoons ’ Spoons ’ “Fog” Family (Cont’d) Place Place (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
World News Nightly Busi- PBS NewsHour (N) ’ (HD) Antiques Roadshow Oil Antiques Roadshow Chi- Apollo Wives Ten wives of Cosmonauts: How Russia Won the Charlie Rose (N) ’ (HD) Tavis Smiley
KUHT ( 8 8 America ness Report Å (Cont’d) painting circa 1900. (N) cago Seven subpoena. Apollo astronauts. ’ Space Race (Cont’d) Å (Cont’d) (N) ’ Å
East Texas ABC World East Texas Wheel of Dancing With the Stars (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) (9:01) Quantico “MOCKING- East Texas (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- East Texas RightThis-
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 News at 5 News News at 6 Fortune (N) BIRD” (N) ’ (HD) News at 10 ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) News at 10 Minute (N)
News CBS Evening KHOU 11 Wheel of The Big Kevin Can Superior Do- The Great Scorpion Walter is trapped KHOU 11 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show (12:37) Hot in
KHOU + 11 20 News New Fortune (N) Bang Theory Wait Å nuts (N) Indoors (N) in space on a rocket. Å New Stephen Colbert With James Corden Cleveland
Live at Five ABC World 13 Eyewitness News at Dancing With the Stars (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) (9:01) Quantico “MOCKING- News (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- (12:07) Inside (12:37) Ra-
KTRK ` 13 (N) Å News 6PM (N) Å (Cont’d) BIRD” (N) ’ (HD) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) Edition chael Ray
American American Family Guy Family Guy Supergirl A bounty on Su- Jane the Virgin Alba takes Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of The King of Rules of En- Rules of En- Raising Cheaters
KYTX2 2 5 Dad Å Dad Å ’ ’ pergirl draws aliens. (N) ’ Xo and Jane’s advice. (N) ’ Å ’ Å Queens ’ Queens ’ gagement gagement Hope Å ’ Å
CBS 19 5PM CBS Evening CBS 19 The Edge (N) The Big Kevin Can Superior Do- The Great Scorpion Walter is trapped CBS 19 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show Access Hol-
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 News (N) News News at 6 (Cont’d) Bang Theory Wait Å nuts (N) Indoors (N) in space on a rocket. Å News at 10 Stephen Colbert With James Corden lywood (N)
Live at Five NBC Nightly KETK News Ent. Tonight The Voice “Battles, Part 3” Artists prepare for the Knockout Taken A Zurich bank vault KETK News (10:34) The Tonight Show (11:37) Late Night With Last Call W/
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 (N) Å News - Holt at 6 (N) rounds. (N) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) must be broken into. (N) at 10 (N) Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers ’ (HD) Carson Daly
Noticias Noticias Tel- Caso Cerrado: Edición Es- La Fan (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) La Doña (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) El Chema (N) ’ (SS) Al Rojo Vivo (10:35) Titu- La Doña ’ (SS) (Cont’d) El Chema ’ (SS) (Cont’d)
KLTV G 16 17 Texas emundo (N) telar (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Edición Noct lares y Más
Garage Band Soundtrack INN News Å The Flipside Sully’s Biz Brew (N) Paula Deen’s Kitchen America Trends With Dr. Sully’s Biz Brew (Cont’d) Paula Deen’s Kitchen America Trends With Dr.
KLNM J 16 Cinema (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Gina (N) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Gina (Cont’d)
2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big 24: Legacy A threat forces (8:01) APB Another fire hits Fox51 News East Texas (N) Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Last Man Last Man
KFXK S 10 51 51 Girls Å Girls Å Bang Theory Bang Theory CTU to go on lockdown. a gang-run building. (N) (HD) Å (Cont’d) ily Å ily Å Å Å Standing Standing
Insight Å FWC Music Frances and Friends Å (Cont’d) The Message of the Cross Donnie Swaggart Å (Cont’d) FWC Music Å (Cont’d) Family Worship Center -
METV V 6 54 54 Å Å (Cont’d) Associate Pastors Å
A&E 58 58 23 118 265 The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å The First 48: Revenge Kills Bates Motel “Marion” (N) (10:05) The First 48 ’ (11:03) The First 48 ’ The First 48: Revenge Kills
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 Break-Bad (5:12) Breaking Bad (6:21) Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Å (8:35) Breaking Bad (9:44) Breaking Bad “Confessions” (10:53) Breaking Bad (12:02) Breaking Bad
APL 93 68 184 282 Alaska: Battle on the Bay Alaskan Bush People- Grit Alaskan Bush People- Grit Alaska- Last Frontier Alaska- Last Frontier Lone Star Law ’ Å Alaskan Bush People- Grit Alaskan Bush People- Grit
BET 154 124 329 (4:00) “The Man in 3B” (’15) Å ›› “The Players Club” (’98) LisaRaye. A woman works as a stripper to pay her tuition. (Cont’d) Martin ’ Martin ’ Daily Show Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules (N) Sweet Home Sweet Home Watch What Vanderpump Rules Housewives/Atl. Sweet Home
CMT 150 166 327 Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man ›› “Catch and Release” (’07) Jennifer Garner. Premiere. Å ›› “Catch and Release” (’07) Jennifer Garner. Å (Cont’d) Roseanne Roseanne
CNBC 172 52 208 355 Mad Money (N) Å Marijuana Country: Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å American American Vice: Illegal American American Vice: Illegal
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 Situation Room With Wolf Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives Special Orders (N) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d)
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 Street Outlaws Vs. Fast N’ Loud (N) ’ (Part 2 of 2) Street Outlaws Vs. Fast N’ Street Outlaws Vs. Fast N’ Loud (N) ’ (9:17) Fast N’ Loud (N) ’ Street Outlaws Vs. Fast N’ (11:34) Fast N’ Loud ’ Fast N’ Loud
DISN 98 64 172 290 Bunk’d Bizaardvark K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunk’d Bunk’d Jessie Å Jessie Å Girl Meets Best Friends Austin Austin
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter W/Michael 2017 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2017 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter W/Van Pelt SportsCenter (N) (Live)
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 Bracket Bracket SportsCenter (N) (Live) High School Basketball 30 for 30 Å (Cont’d) 30 for 30 Å (Cont’d) Baseball Jalen Nación ESPN Å
FNC 174 48 205 360 Special Report The First 100 Days (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) Å (Cont’d) The O’Reilly Factor Å Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Å (Cont’d)
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Cupcake Wars Å Cupcake Wars Å Cake Wars (N) Å Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 › “The Waterboy” (’98) Adam Sandler. ’ Å Young Baby Daddy Twins: Happily Ever After? Young Baby Daddy The 700 Club ’ Å › “The Waterboy” (’98) Adam Sandler. ’ Å
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 Awards Spotlight Championship Spotlight Mavs Pre. UFC Reloaded (Cont’d) Spotlight Focused Mavs Post. Sportsday Texas Legends Replay (N) UFC Main Event (Cont’d)
GAC 160 90 165 326 Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Off the Grid Å Alaska Off the Grid Å Alaska Off the Grid Å Alaska Off the Grid Å Alaska Off the Grid Å Alaska Off the Grid Å
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 (4:50) ›› “Baby Mama” (’08) Tina Fey. VICE News (7:10) ›› “Central Intelligence” (’16) Dwayne Johnson. Rock and a Hard Place (N) ’ Big Little Lies Å (11:45) “Within” (’16) Erin Moriarty. Å
HGTV 90 69 112 229 House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Hunters Hunters Int’l Tiny House Tiny House Love It or List It Å Hunters Hunters Int’l
HIST 96 59 120 269 American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers: Bonus Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (11:03) American Pickers American Pickers: Bonus
INSP 190 24 259 364 Little House on the Prairie The Waltons “The Choice” Bonanza “Face of Fear” Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Quinn, Medicine Woman The Virginian “Strangers at Sundown” Virginian
LIFE 62 30 108 252 ›› “Rumor Has It ...” (’05) Jennifer Aniston. Å ›› “Valentine’s Day” (’10) Jessica Alba, Kathy Bates, Jessica Biel. Å (Cont’d) (10:02) Little Women: LA (11:02) ›› “Valentine’s Day” (’10) Jessica Alba. Å
MAX 310 557 310 515 “Everest” (5:20) ››› “Changing Lanes” (’02) Å ›› “Trapped” (’02) Charlize Theron. ’ Å (8:50) ››› “The Bourne Ultimatum” (’07) (10:45) ›› “Marauders” (’16) Bruce Willis. ’ “Play It”
MTV 152 160 331 Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Teen Mom 2 (N) Å Teen Mom 2 (N) Å (9:01) Teen Mom 2 (N) ’ Are You the One: Second (11:02) Teen Mom 2 ’ (12:02) Teen Mom 2 ’
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 NASCAR NHL Live (N) ’ (Live) NHL Hockey: Chicago Blackhawks at Tampa Bay Lightning (Live) (9:15) NHL Overtime (N) Mecum Auto Auctions From Kansas City, Mo. (Cont’d) Mecum Auto Auctions
NICK 120 20 170 299 Henry Henry Hunter Ran Prank Thunder Game Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends ’ Friends “The Last One” Friends ’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince
SHOW 320565 318 545 (4:30) ››› “Out of the Furnace” (’13) The Circus Homeland ’ Å Billions Axe negotiates. Homeland ’ Å Billions Axe negotiates. The Circus ›› “Triple 9” (’16) Casey Affleck. Å
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’
SYFY 61 82 122 244 (4:30) ›› “Red” (’10) Bruce Willis. Å (DVS) (Cont’d) ›› “Red 2” (’13) Bruce Willis, John Malkovich. Å (DVS) (Cont’d) ›› “Volcano” (’97) Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche. Å (Cont’d) “Leprechaun 4 in Space”
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Conan (N) Å (Cont’d) Seinfeld ’ Conan Å (Cont’d) Seinfeld ’
TCM 71 75 132 256 (4:45) ›››› “National Velvet” (’44) Mickey Rooney. ››› “Kiss Me Kate” (’53) Kathryn Grayson. Å (DVS) ››› “Anchors Aweigh” (’45) Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly. Å (Cont’d) ››› “Show Boat” (’51) Kathryn Grayson.
TLC 6461 183 280 Say Yes Say Yes Long Lost Family ’ Long Lost Family ’ Å Long Lost Family ’ Å Long Lost Family ’ Å Long Lost Family ’ Å Long Lost Family ’ Å Long Lost Family ’ Å
TMC 330873 327 553 “Star Trk 5” (5:20) ››› “It Follows” (’14) ’ ››› “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” (’82) ’ ››› “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock” (’84) Å ›› “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier” (’89) ’
TNT 5334 22 138 245 Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å NBA Basketball: Cleveland Cavaliers at San Antonio Spurs (Live) NBA Basketball: New Orleans Pelicans at Utah Jazz (Live) Å Players Only Postgame (N)
UNI 12 270 402 Hotel Todo Noticiero La Rosa de Guadalupe (N) Pequeños Gigantes USA Vino el Amor (N) (Cont’d) La Piloto (N) (Cont’d) Impacto Noticiero Uni Contacto Deportivo (N) La Mujer del Vendaval (N)
USA 52 55 10 105 242 Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam WWE Monday Night RAW (N) ’ (Live) Å (Cont’d) (10:05) Friday Night Tykes Chrisley Chrisley CSI: Crime Scene
16G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
16 March 26 - April 1, 2017
Lufkin Daily News
Dead Reckoning: War & Bull Bones Switched at Birth
Justice KHOU + 8 p.m.; KYTX 3 8 p.m. KFXK S 8:01 p.m. FREE 8:01 p.m.
KUHT ( 7 p.m. Bull’s (Michael Weatherly) investment in One of Fox’s longest-lasting series bids Scrambling for cash to pay their electric
a case is quite literal in the new episode farewell as “The Final Chapter: The End bill, Bay and Daphne (Vanessa Marano,
The post-World War II history of war Katie Leclerc) throw together a party at
crimes is examined in this new special, “Name Game,” as he funds a class- in the End” — directed by series co-star their apartment above the Cracked Mug,
divided into three one-hour segments action suit against a bank with question- David Boreanaz — really does mark the but the mood turns sour when Toby
detailing the pursuit of those who able practices. The catch? If he doesn’t end of this show. The rest of the team (Lucas Grabeel) overhears two students
committed genocide and other mass win the resulting trial, he may have to must seek elusive, lethal Mark Kovac making tasteless disability jokes in
felonies. The opening installment, “The close his business. Benny (Freddy Ro- (guest star Gerard Celasco) without the new episode “Left in Charge.” As
General’s Ghost,” focuses on Gen. Daphne gets to know Chris (guest star
Douglas MacArthur’s campaign against driguez) doesn’t help matters by falling Brennan (Emily Deschanel), but she
Sam Adegoke) better, she senses that
a Japanese counterpart, Tomoyuki Ya- for a client. Laura Breckenridge and Kurt eventually rejoins Booth (Boreanaz) for he’s hiding something. Regina (Con-
mashita — sentenced to death despite a Fuller guest star. Geneva Carr, Jaime what’s destined to be the final show- stance Marie) spies a questionable text
lack of evidence that he had anything to Lee Kirchner and Christopher Jackson David Boreanaz and Emily down. TJ Thyne, Michaela Conlin, Ta- on Luca’s (guest star Michael Galante)
do with such atrocities in the Philippines. also star. Deschanel mara Taylor and John Boyd also star. phone.

Tuesday Evening C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV March 28, 2017
C L H D DTV 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
KPRC Chan- NBC Nightly KPRC Chan- Ent. Tonight The Voice The battle rounds Trial & Error Trial & Error Chicago Fire Similar car ac- KPRC Chan- (10:34) The Tonight Show (11:37) Late Night With Ent. Tonight
KPRC ^ 2 102 nel 2 News News - Holt nel 2 News conclude. (N) Å (N) Å (N) Å cidents turn suspicious. nel 2 News Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers ’ (HD)
KLUF % 118 John Gray You Can Supernatural Potters Praise (N) Å (Cont’d) Prince Bil Cornelius Joyce Meyer Why Israel Praise Å (Cont’d) Adventures Impact Sekulow Creflo Doll
The Facts of The Facts of Barney Miller Barney Miller Carpenters Way Baptist Silver Silver Barney Miller Barney Miller All in the All in the Bunker’s Bunker’s Bewitched Bewitched
KIBN _ 7 Life ’ Life ’ Church of Lufkin (Cont’d) Spoons ’ Spoons ’ Family Family Place Place (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
World News Nightly Busi- PBS NewsHour (N) ’ (HD) Dead Reckoning: War & Dead Reckoning: War & Dead Reckoning: War & Independent Lens Women InnerVIEWS, Charlie Rose (N) ’ (HD) Tavis Smiley
KUHT ( 8 8 America ness Report Å (Cont’d) Justice (N) Å (DVS) Justice “The Blind Eye” Justice Postwar justice. (N) cruise the streets of L.A. Manouse Å (Cont’d) (N) ’ Å
East Texas ABC World East Texas Wheel of The Middle American American Fresh Off the People Icons “Sexiest Man East Texas (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- East Texas RightThis-
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 News at 5 News News at 6 Fortune (N) ’ (HD) Housewife Housewife Boat Alive” (N) Å (Cont’d) News at 10 ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) News at 10 Minute (N)
News CBS Evening KHOU 11 Wheel of NCIS A war vet helps solve a Bull “Name Game” Bull NCIS: New Orleans “Quid KHOU 11 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show (12:37) Hot in
KHOU + 11 20 News New Fortune (N) Marine’s murder. (N) helps sue a corrupt a bank. Pro Quo” (N) ’ (HD) New Stephen Colbert With James Corden Cleveland
Live at Five ABC World 13 Eyewitness News at The Middle American American Fresh Off the People Icons “Sexiest Man News (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- (12:07) Inside (12:37) Ra-
KTRK ` 13 (N) Å News 6PM (N) Å (Cont’d) ’ (HD) Housewife Housewife Boat Alive” (N) Å (Cont’d) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) Edition chael Ray
American American Family Guy Family Guy The Flash The Flash battles DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of The King of Rules of En- Rules of En- Raising Cheaters
KYTX2 2 5 Dad Å Dad Å ’ “Peterotica” Abra Kadabra. (N) ’ “Doomworld” (N) ’ ’ Å ’ Å Queens ’ Queens ’ gagement gagement Hope Å ’ Å
CBS 19 5PM CBS Evening CBS 19 The Edge (N) NCIS A war vet helps solve a Bull “Name Game” Bull NCIS: New Orleans “Quid CBS 19 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show Access Hol-
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 News (N) News News at 6 (Cont’d) Marine’s murder. (N) helps sue a corrupt a bank. Pro Quo” (N) ’ (HD) News at 10 Stephen Colbert With James Corden lywood (N)
Live at Five NBC Nightly KETK News Ent. Tonight The Voice The battle rounds Trial & Error Trial & Error Chicago Fire Similar car ac- KETK News (10:34) The Tonight Show (11:37) Late Night With Last Call W/
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 (N) Å News - Holt at 6 (N) conclude. (N) Å (N) Å (N) Å cidents turn suspicious. at 10 (N) Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers ’ (HD) Carson Daly
Noticias Noticias Tel- La Antesala Eliminatorias Copa Mundial 2018 Desde el Estadio Hasely Crawford, en Eliminatorias Copa Mundial 2018 Desde el estadio Rom- Titulares y Al Rojo Vivo Caso Cerrado: Edición Es-
KLTV G 16 17 Texas emundo (N) (N) ’ (Live) Puerto España. (N) ’ (Live) (SS) (Cont’d) mel Fernández Gutiérrez en Panamá. (N) ’ (Live) Más ’ Edición Noct telar (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d)
Garage Band Soundtrack INN News Å Alive & Well Sully’s Biz Brew (N) Paula Deen’s Kitchen America Trends With Dr. Sully’s Biz Brew (Cont’d) Paula Deen’s Kitchen America Trends With Dr.
KLNM J 16 Cinema (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Gina (N) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Gina (Cont’d)
2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big New Girl (7:31) The (8:01) Bones (Series Finale) Fox51 News East Texas (N) Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Last Man Last Man
KFXK S 10 51 51 Girls Å Girls Å Bang Theory Bang Theory “San Diego” Mick (N) (N) ’ (HD) (Cont’d) (HD) Å (Cont’d) ily Å ily Å Å Å Standing Standing
Insight Å FWC Music Frances and Friends Å (Cont’d) The Message of the Cross Jimmy Swaggart Å (Cont’d) FWC Music Å (Cont’d) Jimmy Swaggart Å
METV V 6 54 54 Å Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
A&E 58 58 23 118 265 Intervention “Jennifer” ’ Intervention ’ Å Intervention ’ Å Intervention “Bryceton” ’ Intervention “Diana” ’ 60 Days In: Atlanta ’ (11:03) Intervention ’ (12:03) Intervention ’
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 (3:30) ››› “The Departed” (’06) Leonardo DiCaprio. ››› “The Rock” (’96) Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris. Å (Cont’d) ›››› “GoodFellas” (’90) Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci. Å (Cont’d)
APL 93 68 184 282 North America ’ Å North America ’ Å North America ’ Å The Great Barrier Reef ’ Å (Cont’d) North America ’ Å The Great Barrier Reef ’ Å (Cont’d)
BET 154 124 329 “Love Don’t Cost a Thing” › “Obsessed” (’09) Idris Elba. A stalker threatens a married man’s idyllic life. Å Rebel “Pilot” A cop has to make tough choices. (N) Daily Show Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Imposters “In the Game” Watch What Real Housewives/Beverly Housewives/Atl. Imposters
CMT 150 166 327 Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man ›› “Failure to Launch” (’06) Matthew McConaughey. Å (Cont’d) ›› “Failure to Launch” (’06) Matthew McConaughey. Å (Cont’d) Steve Austin’s
CNBC 172 52 208 355 Mad Money (N) Å The Partner Å (Cont’d) Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å The Partner (N) Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å The Partner Å (Cont’d)
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 Situation Room With Wolf Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives Special Orders (N) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d)
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 Moonshiners ’ Å Moonshiners ’ Å Moonshiners ’ Å Moonshiners (N) ’ Å Moonshiners (N) ’ Å Moonshiners ’ Å Moonshiners ’ Å Moonshiners ’ Å
DISN 98 64 172 290 Bunk’d Bizaardvark K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunk’d Bunk’d Jessie Å Jessie Å Girl Meets Best Friends Austin Austin
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter W/Michael College Basketball College Basketball: NIT Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live)
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) 30 for 30 Å (Cont’d) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) SportCtr E:60 Å Baseball NFL Live Å (Cont’d) Jalen
FNC 174 48 205 360 Special Report The First 100 Days (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) Å (Cont’d) The O’Reilly Factor Å Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Å (Cont’d)
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Chopped (Part 3 of 4) Chopped (Part 4 of 4) Chopped Å (Cont’d) Chopped “Sitcom Moms” Chopped (N) Å Chopped Å (Cont’d) Chopped “Sitcom Moms” Chopped Å (Cont’d)
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 (4:00) ›› “The Holiday” (’06) Cameron Diaz. ’ The Fosters (N) ’ Å (8:01) Switched at Birth (N) Twins: Happily Ever After? The 700 Club ’ Å ›› “National Lampoon’s Vacation” (’83) Chevy Chase.
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 UFC Unleashed (Cont’d) Stars Pre. Awards UEFA Champions League Soccer Postgame Golf Life Championship Spotlight Championship Spotlight UEFA Soccer
GAC 160 90 165 326 Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin Log Cabin
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 “Independ” Real Time With Bill Maher VICE News ›› “The Boss” (’16) Melissa McCarthy. Gifted: HBO Girls Å Crashing ›› “Child 44” (’15) Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman. ’ Å (Cont’d) 2 Days
HGTV 90 69 112 229 Fixer Upper Å (Cont’d) Home Town Å (Cont’d) Fixer Upper Å (Cont’d) Fixer Upper (N) Å Home Town (N) Å Hunters Hunters Fixer Upper Å (Cont’d) Home Town Å (Cont’d)
HIST 96 59 120 269 Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars Forged in Fire Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars
INSP 190 24 259 364 Little House on the Prairie The Waltons “The Statue” Bonanza “Blind/Hunch” Walker, Texas Ranger ’ Walker, Texas Ranger ’ Quinn, Medicine Woman The Virginian “Run Away Home” Virginian
LIFE 62 30 108 252 Little Women: LA Å Little Women: LA Å Little Women: LA (N) Little Women: LA (N) Little Women: Atlanta (N) (10:02) Little Women: LA (11:02) Little Women: LA (12:02) Little Women: LA
MAX 310 557 310 515 › “Jem and the Holograms” (’15) Aubrey Peeples. Å ››› “Dumb and Dumber” (’94) Jim Carrey. ’ (8:50) ››› “American Pie” (’99) ’ ››› “Spy” (’15) Melissa McCarthy. ’ Å “Clayton”
MTV 152 160 331 Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ The Challenge: Invasion The Challenge: Invasion Stranded, Million Dollars Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 (4:30) NASCAR America NASCAR Racing Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle
NICK 120 20 170 299 Henry Henry Hunter Ran Prank Thunder Game Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince
SHOW 320565 318 545 (4:15) ››› “A Bronx Tale” (’93) ’ Å “American Jihad” (’17) (Cont’d) Billions Axe negotiates. Homeland ’ Å ››› “The Hateful Eight” (’15) Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell. ’ Å
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 “Fast and Furious-Drift” ›› “Fast Five” (’11) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster. ’ Å (Cont’d) Adam Carolla and Friends ›› “2 Fast 2 Furious” (’03) Paul Walker, Tyrese. ’ Å (Cont’d) “Drift”
SYFY 61 82 122 244 (4:30) ›› “Red 2” (’13) Bruce Willis. Å (DVS) Face Off Å (Cont’d) Face Off “Cursed Covens” Cosplay Melee (N) Å Face Off “Cursed Covens” ›› “Ghost Rider” (’07) Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes. Å
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang The Detour Big Bang Conan (N) Å (Cont’d) The Detour Conan Å (Cont’d) Seinfeld ’
TCM 71 75 132 256 “Roman” ›› “When in Rome” (’52) Van Johnson. ››› “The Three Faces of Eve” (’57) (8:45) ›››› “Wilson” (’44) Alexander Knox, Charles Coburn. Å (Cont’d) ›› “Lizzie” (’57) Eleanor Parker. (Cont’d)
TLC 6461 183 280 Say Yes Say Yes My Big Fat Fabulous Life My Big Fat Fabulous Life My Big Fat Fabulous Life (9:02) She’s in Charge (N) My Big Fat Fabulous Life (11:04) She’s in Charge ’ My Big Fat Fabulous Life
TMC 330873 327 553 (5:15) ›› “War” (’07) Jet Li. ’ Å (Cont’d) ›› “The Alamo” (’04) Dennis Quaid. ’ Å (Cont’d) › “Blackway” (’15) Anthony Hopkins. ’ ››› “Drug War” (’12) Louis Koo, Honglei Sun. ’ Å
TNT 5334 22 138 245 (5:15) › “Tammy” (’14) Melissa McCarthy. Å (DVS) ›› “Horrible Bosses 2” (’14) Jason Bateman. Premiere. Å (DVS) ›› “Horrible Bosses 2” (’14) Jason Bateman, Charlie Day. Å (DVS) Major Crimes “Bad Blood”
UNI 12 270 402 Hotel Todo Noticiero La Rosa de Guadalupe (N) Pequeños Gigantes USA Vino el Amor (N) (Cont’d) La Piloto (N) (Cont’d) Impacto Noticiero Uni Contacto Deportivo (N) La Mujer del Vendaval (N)
USA 52 55 10 105 242 Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley WWE SmackDown! (N) ’ (Live) Å (Cont’d) Chrisley Chrisley Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Chrisley Chrisley
Lufkin Daily News
the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017
March 26 - April 1, 2017 17
Shots Fired Imaginary Mary Duck Dynasty Secrets of the Dead
Word Search Solution
KFXK S 7 p.m. KTRE ) 7:30 p.m.; KTRK ` 7:30 A&E 8 p.m., 12:03 a.m. KUHT ( 9 p.m.
p.m. The undersea ruins of “Nero’s
Deputy Beck (Mack Wilds) comes S L D O F A M I L Y V T T E U
This weekly chronicle of life among
under a different sort of fire because Voiced by “Saturday Night Live” S A R A L V E R R S W N A D L Sunken City” are explored in this new
alum Rachel Dratch, the computer- A M A U I B O L Y M E O O U W the sprawling Robertson clan in West episode, which literally dives into the
of an incriminating video in the new
animated title character in this oth- Y J T E P Z O A F D A L I C E Monroe, La., turned into a flagship Bay of Naples to examine many of
“Hour Two: Betrayal of Trust,” mak- A T C H M H W U N M V N R G R
ing Ashe and Preston’s (Sanaa erwise live-action sitcom — getting series for A&E, although not without the remains of Baiae, where the elite
a “preview” premiere here with its of ancient Rome spent much time
Lathan, Stephan James) mission L C O O R L P A B E N N S C I occasional bouts of controversy re-
“Pilot” — offers advice to the public- while it was all on dry land. Though
that much more of a challenge. A relations executive (Jenna Elfman)
N F A H Y E L F V Y C K Z O K lated to patriarch Phil Robertson’s roads and villas — which also housed
conflict between Pastor Janae (Aisha E R L R D E V M D A V A Q O I
who, as a child, invented her. The R I U N R O M N E I L M U M M outspoken religious and political view- such other legends as Julius Caesar
Hinds) and the late Joey Campbell woman is in a romance with a single and Mark Anthony — have been
W E I R R W A V J W I S A B S points. The show ends its long run
is revealed, then a witness to Joey’s dad (Stephen Schneider), and Mary U N S C H N E I D E R D W E T found beneath the waves, remnants
murder proves hard to find. Stephen tonight at the end of its 11th season
pops up to counsel her. Adam F. Y D O O Z V O N F U L O O P S of public gathering places continue
Moyer, Will Patton, Richard Dreyfuss Goldberg (“The Goldbergs”) is among O M U N H I N G E D U F G R V with a new episode called, fittingly to be sought. Actor Jay O. Sanders
and Helen Hunt also star. the show’s creator-producers. V A H C H V I A H R T H U R A enough, “End of an Era.” narrates.

Wednesday Evening C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV March 29, 2017
C L H D DTV 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
KPRC Chan- NBC Nightly KPRC Chan- Shell Hous- Blindspot Jane and Oliver Law & Order: Special Vic- Chicago P.D. A nighttime KPRC Chan- (10:34) The Tonight Show (11:37) Late Night With Ent. Tonight
KPRC ^ 2 102 nel 2 News News - Holt nel 2 News ton Open are in a dangerous spot. tims Unit “Net Worth” (N) photographer is murdered. nel 2 News Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers ’ (HD)
KLUF % 118 Behind Caroline Restoring Potters John Gray Turning Prince S. Furtick Living Proof Blessed Life John Gray Drive History Zacharias J. Duplantis GregLau Creflo Doll
The Facts of The Facts of Barney Miller Barney Miller All in the All in the Silver Silver Barney Miller Barney Miller All in the All in the Bunker’s Bunker’s Bewitched Bewitched
KIBN _ 7 Life ’ Life ’ Family Family Spoons Spoons Family Family Place Place (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
World News Nightly Busi- PBS NewsHour (N) ’ (HD) Nature Global changes af- NOVA Vikings constructed Secrets of the Dead “Nero’s Secrets of the Dead Hang- The Daytrip- Charlie Rose (N) ’ (HD) Tavis Smiley
KUHT ( 8 8 America ness Report Å (Cont’d) fect Yosemite Valley. (N) the Ulfberht sword. Å Sunken City” (N) ing Gardens of Babylon. per ’ Å (Cont’d) ’ Å
East Texas ABC World East Texas Wheel of The Gold- Imaginary Modern Fam- (8:31) black- Designated Survivor “Com- East Texas (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- (12:07) Green Acres Bap-
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 News at 5 News News at 6 Fortune (N) bergs (N) Mary “Pilot” ily (N) ish (N) mander-in-Chief” (N) News at 10 ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) tist Church (Cont’d)
News CBS Evening KHOU 11 Wheel of Survivor “Dirty Deed” (N) ’ Criminal Minds “Hell’s Criminal Minds: Beyond KHOU 11 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show (12:37) Hot in
KHOU + 11 20 News New Fortune (N) (HD) Å (Cont’d) Kitchen” (N) ’ (HD) Borders “Pretty Like Me” New Stephen Colbert With James Corden Cleveland
Live at Five ABC World 13 Eyewitness News at The Gold- Imaginary Modern Fam- (8:31) black- Designated Survivor “Com- News (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- (12:07) Inside (12:37) Ra-
KTRK ` 13 (N) Å News 6PM (N) Å (Cont’d) bergs (N) Mary “Pilot” ily (N) ish (N) mander-in-Chief” (N) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) Edition chael Ray
American American Family Guy Family Guy Arrow Oliver turns to the The 100 Jaha finds a lead to Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of The King of Rules of En- Rules of En- Raising Cheaters
KYTX2 2 5 Dad Å Dad Å “Amish Guy” ’ Bratva for help. (N) ’ the Second Dawn. (N) ’ Å ’ Å Queens ’ Queens ’ gagement gagement Hope Å ’ Å
CBS 19 5PM CBS Evening CBS 19 The Edge (N) Survivor “Dirty Deed” (N) ’ Criminal Minds “Hell’s Criminal Minds: Beyond CBS 19 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show Access Hol-
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 News (N) News News at 6 (Cont’d) (HD) Å (Cont’d) Kitchen” (N) ’ (HD) Borders “Pretty Like Me” News at 10 Stephen Colbert With James Corden lywood (N)
Live at Five NBC Nightly KETK News Ent. Tonight Blindspot Jane and Oliver Law & Order: Special Vic- Chicago P.D. A nighttime KETK News (10:34) The Tonight Show (11:37) Late Night With Last Call W/
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 (N) Å News - Holt at 6 (N) are in a dangerous spot. tims Unit “Net Worth” (N) photographer is murdered. at 10 (N) Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers ’ (HD) Carson Daly
Noticias Noticias Tel- Caso Cerrado: Edición Es- La Fan (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) La Doña (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) El Chema (N) ’ (SS) Al Rojo Vivo (10:35) Titu- La Doña ’ (SS) (Cont’d) El Chema ’ (SS) (Cont’d)
KLTV G 16 17 Texas emundo (N) telar (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Edición Noct lares y Más
Garage Band Soundtrack INN News Å Alive & Well Sully’s Biz Brew (N) Paula Deen’s Kitchen America Trends With Dr. Sully’s Biz Brew (Cont’d) Paula Deen’s Kitchen America Trends With Dr.
KLNM J 16 Cinema (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Gina (N) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Gina (Cont’d)
2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big Shots Fired A controversial Empire Leah looks for help Fox51 News East Texas (N) Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Last Man Last Man
KFXK S 10 51 51 Girls Å Girls Å Bang Theory Bang Theory video of Beck is leaked. (N) to take down Anika. (N) (HD) Å (Cont’d) ily Å ily Å Å Å Standing Standing
Insight Å FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Family Worship Center Service (N) (Live) FWC Music The Message of the Cross Frances and Friends Å (Cont’d) Family Worship Center -
METV V 6 54 54 Å Å Å Å (Cont’d) Å Å (Cont’d) Associate Pastors Å
A&E 58 58 23 118 265 Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (N) Å Jep Jep Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. (12:03) Duck Dynasty ’
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 (4:00) ››› “The Rock” (’96) Sean Connery. Å ››› “Lethal Weapon” (’87) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover. Å (Cont’d) ››› “Lethal Weapon 2” (’89) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover. Å ››› “Batman Begins”
APL 93 68 184 282 The Pool Master ’ Å Insane Pools: Deep End Insane Pools: Deep End Insane Pools Insane Pools Insane Pools: Deep End Animal Nation Insane Pools: Deep End
BET 154 124 329 The Quad “Quicksand” The Quad “Mulebone” The Quad (Cont’d) The Quad (Cont’d) The Quad (N) (Cont’d) The Quad (Cont’d) Daily Show Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Watch What Real Housewives/Beverly Vanderpump Rules Housewives
CMT 150 166 327 Last Man Last Man Last Man ›› “The Wedding Date” (’05) Debra Messing. Å ›› “The Wedding Date” (’05) Debra Messing. Å Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Steve Austin’s
CNBC 172 52 208 355 Mad Money (N) Å The Deed Å (Cont’d) Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å The Deed: Chicago (N) Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å The Deed: Chicago Å
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 Situation Room With Wolf Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives Special Orders (N) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d)
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans ’ The Last Alaskans (N) ’ Bering Sea Gold (N) ’ The Last Alaskans ’ Bering Sea Gold ’ Å The Last Alaskans ’
DISN 98 64 172 290 Bunk’d Bizaardvark K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunk’d Bunk’d Jessie Å Jessie Å Girl Meets Best Friends Austin Austin
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter W/Michael High School Basketball NBA NBA Basketball: Golden State Warriors at San Antonio Spurs (N) SportsCenter W/Van Pelt SportsCenter (N) (Live)
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 Basketball Interruption ATP Tennis: Miami Open, Quarterfinals From Miami. (N) (Live) (Cont’d) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Jalen NFL Live (N)
FNC 174 48 205 360 Special Report The First 100 Days (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) Å (Cont’d) The O’Reilly Factor Å Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Å (Cont’d)
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Chopped Junior Å Chopped Junior Å Chopped Junior (N) Å Cooks vs. Cons (N) Å Cooks vs. Cons Å Cooks vs. Cons Å Cooks vs. Cons Å Cooks vs. Cons Å
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 Twins: Happily Ever After? ›› “National Lampoon’s Vacation” (’83) Chevy Chase. ›› “National Lampoon’s European Vacation” (’85) The 700 Club ’ Å › “Zookeeper” (’11) Kevin James. ’ Å (Cont’d)
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 TBA TCU Rangers In Mavs Pre. NHRA Drag Racing: Amalie Motor Oil Gatornational (Cont’d) Mavs Post. A&M Athl. Double T World Poker UFC Main Event (Cont’d)
GAC 160 90 165 326 Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV (N) Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 (4:55) ›› “The Visit” (’15) ’ Å VICE News ›› “The Legend of Tarzan” (’16) ’ Å UConn Big Little Lies Å ›› “Old School” (’03) Luke Wilson. Å Animals UConn
HGTV 90 69 112 229 Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å Hunters Hunters Int’l Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å Hunters Hunters Int’l
HIST 96 59 120 269 American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers (N) ’ (9:03) American Pickers ’ (10:03) American Pickers (11:03) American Pickers (12:03) American Pickers
INSP 190 24 259 364 Little House on the Prairie The Waltons “The Song” Bonanza (Cont’d) Walker, Texas Ranger ’ Walker, Texas Ranger ’ Quinn, Medicine Woman The Virginian “Ride a Dark Trail” Virginian
LIFE 62 30 108 252 Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta (N) (9:02) Bringing Up Ballers Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta
MAX 310 557 310 515 (4:55) ›› “Constantine” (’05) Keanu Reeves. ’ ›› “Tremors” (’90) Kevin Bacon. Å (8:40) ›› “Mechanic: Resurrection” (’16) ’ Å (10:20) ›› “MI-5” (’15) Kit Harington. (12:05) ›› “Pitch Black”
MTV 152 160 331 Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Catfish: The TV Show (N) Are You the One: Second Catfish: The TV Show ’ Catfish: The TV Show ’ Catfish: The TV Show ’ ›› “Four Brothers” (’05)
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 (4:30) NASCAR America NHL Live (N) ’ (Live) NHL Hockey: Chicago Blackhawks at Pittsburgh Penguins (Live) (9:45) NHL Overtime (N) Sports Sports Sports Sports Auctions
NICK 120 20 170 299 Henry Henry Hunter Ran Prank Thunder Game Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince
SHOW 320565 318 545 (4:30) ›› “Burnt” (’15) (6:15) ›› “Meet the Browns” (’08) Tyler Perry. Å › “Fifty Shades of Black” (’16) ’ SXSW Comedy With Natasha › “Love the Coopers” (’15) Alan Arkin. ’ Å
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 (4:00) ›› “Snitch” (’13) Dwayne Johnson. ›› “Now You See Me” (’13) Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. ’ Å The Kalief Browder Story ›› “Now You See Me” (’13) Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. ’ Å “Men Black”
SYFY 61 82 122 244 ›› “Need for Speed” (’14) Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper. Å (DVS) (Cont’d) The Magicians (N) (9:02) The Expanse (N) › “Jonah Hex” (’10) Josh Brolin, John Malkovich. Å “Leprechaun: Back 2”
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Conan Actor Andy Daly. (N) Seinfeld ’ Conan Actor Andy Daly. Seinfeld ’
TCM 71 75 132 256 ››› “Dead Ringer” (’64) Bette Davis, Karl Malden. Å ›› “Diary of a Madman” (’63) Vincent Price. (Cont’d) ›› “Le Plaisir” (’52) Jean Gabin, Daniel Gélin. (Cont’d) ›› “Mademoiselle Fifi” (’44) Å “Masculin”
TLC 6461 183 280 My 600-Lb. Life (Cont’d) My 600-Lb. Life (Cont’d) My 600-Lb. Life Two brothers can’t stand each other. (N) ’ (Part 1 of 2) (Cont’d) My 600-Lb. Life Two brothers can’t stand each other. ’ (Part 1 of 2) (Cont’d)
TMC 330873 327 553 › “Paranoia” (’13) Liam Hemsworth. ’ Å “Anesthesia” (’15) Kristen Stewart. Å › “High School” (’10) Adrien Brody. ’ (10:10) ›› “The Original Kings of Comedy” (’00) ’ (12:05) “Sexquerade Ball”
TNT 5334 22 138 245 Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å Major Crimes “Bad Blood” Major Crimes (N) Å Good Behavior (Cont’d) Hawaii Five-0 ’ Hawaii Five-0 “Ua’aihue” Hawaii Five-0 “Poina ’ole”
UNI 12 270 402 Hotel Todo Noticiero La Rosa de Guadalupe (N) Pequeños Gigantes USA Vino el Amor (N) (Cont’d) La Piloto (N) (Cont’d) Impacto Noticiero Uni Contacto Deportivo (N) La Mujer del Vendaval (N)
USA 52 55 10 105 242 NCIS “Prime Suspect” ’ NCIS “Seek” ’ (Cont’d) NCIS “Squall” ’ (Cont’d) NCIS “Chasing Ghosts” ’ NCIS “Berlin” ’ (Cont’d) Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam NCIS: Los Angeles ’
18G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
18 March 26 - April 1, 2017
Lufkin Daily News
Supernatural Powerless Riverdale The Amazing Race
KYTX2 2 7 p.m. KPRC ^ 7:30 p.m.; KETK 3 7:30 KYTX2 2 8 p.m. KHOU + 9 p.m.; KYTX 3 9 p.m.
p.m. Fred (Luke Perry) finds himself Though it was unusual for this Emmy-
Many people, including Sam and without a construction team, just as winning competition series not to
Dean (Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ack- Emily (Vanessa Hudgens) isn’t happy
a big project is about to get under- have a fall run, it returns here for its
les), are after a werewolf in the new when Van (Alan Tudyk) claims that way, in the new “Chapter Eight: The 29th season as host Phil Keoghan
recognizing a veteran Wayne worker Outsiders.” Archie (KJ Apa) and his again sets two-person teams on an
episode “Ladies Drink Free.” Claire
was his idea instead of hers in the pals step in to help, but when one of around-the-world course. The twist
Novak (recurring guest star Kathryn them is assaulted, it becomes clear this time: The partners haven’t known
new episode “Van of the Year,”
Love Newton) is one of the others, and she’s determined to set things somebody doesn’t want the job to get each other before they meet here.
but the hunt takes a drastic turn when done. Jughead (Cole Sprouse) wor- They have to build trust while facing
straight. Teddy (Danny Pudi) wants
the quarry bites her and the Win- ries about others’ reactions to new in- challenges in various countries, aim-
a resistant Ron (Ron Funches) to in- formation about him. Polly (guest star ing to beat their rivals to each finish
chester siblings have to try to save troduce a new product to the general Tiera Skovbye) resists a baby shower line and stay in the game to win the
her. Adam Fergus also guest stars. public. Christina Kirk also stars. Phil Keoghan that others want to give her. $1 million prize at the end.

Thursday Evening C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV March 30, 2017
C L H D DTV 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
KPRC Chan- NBC Nightly KPRC Chan- Ent. Tonight Superstore Powerless Chicago Med Will fights to The Blacklist: Redemption KPRC Chan- (10:45) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Ent. Tonight (12:16) Ce-
KPRC ^ 2 102 nel 2 News News - Holt nel 2 News ’ (HD) (N) Å save his former teacher. “Hostages” (N) ’ (HD) nel 2 News Fallon ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) lebrity Page
KLUF % 118 John Gray You Can Drive History Potters Praise Å (Cont’d) Prince Hillsong TV Joel Osteen Christine Praise Å (Cont’d) No Wonder You Can Amazing Creflo Doll
The Facts of The Facts of Barney Miller Barney Miller First Assembly of God Church of the Living God Barney Miller Barney Miller All in the All in the Bunker’s Bunker’s Bewitched Bewitched
KIBN _ 7 Life ’ Life ’ Lufkin (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Family Family Place Place (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
World News Nightly Busi- PBS NewsHour (N) ’ (HD) Antiques Roadshow Oil Father Brown A director is Death in Paradise The mur- DCI Banks “Ghosts” ’ Å (Cont’d) Charlie Rose (N) ’ (HD) Tavis Smiley
KUHT ( 8 8 America ness Report Å (Cont’d) painting circa 1900. (N) murdered. ’ Å der of a bird-watcher. Å (Cont’d) ’ Å
East Texas ABC World East Texas Wheel of Grey’s Anatomy Maggie’s (8:01) Scandal A secret The Catch Alice confronts
East Texas (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- East Texas RightThis-
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 News at 5 News News at 6 Fortune (N) mom’s health deteriorates. Abby has been hiding. (N) her past. (N) ’ (HD) News at 10 ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) News at 10 Minute (N)
News CBS Evening KHOU 11 Wheel of The Big The Great (8:01) Mom Life in The Amazing Race (N) Å KHOU 11 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show (12:37) Hot in
KHOU + 11 20 News New Fortune (N) Bang Theory Indoors (N) (N) Å Pieces (N) (Cont’d) New Stephen Colbert With James Corden Cleveland
Live at Five ABC World 13 Eyewitness News at Grey’s Anatomy Maggie’s (8:01) Scandal A secret The Catch Alice confronts News (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- (12:07) Inside (12:37) Ra-
KTRK ` 13 (N) Å News 6PM (N) Å (Cont’d) mom’s health deteriorates. Abby has been hiding. (N) her past. (N) ’ (HD) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) Edition chael Ray
American American Family Guy Family Guy Supernatural Sam and Riverdale Archie helps when Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of The King of Rules of En- Rules of En- Raising Cheaters
KYTX2 2 5 Dad Å Dad Å ’ “Petergeist” Dean run into Claire Novak. Fred loses his crew. ’ Å ’ Å Queens ’ Queens ’ gagement gagement Hope Å ’ Å
CBS 19 5PM CBS Evening CBS 19 The Edge (N) The Big The Great (8:01) Mom Life in The Amazing Race (N) Å CBS 19 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show Access Hol-
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 News (N) News News at 6 (Cont’d) Bang Theory Indoors (N) (N) Å Pieces (N) (Cont’d) News at 10 Stephen Colbert With James Corden lywood (N)
Live at Five NBC Nightly KETK News Ent. Tonight Superstore Powerless Chicago Med Will fights to The Blacklist: Redemption KETK News (10:34) The Tonight Show (11:37) Late Night With Last Call W/
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 (N) Å News - Holt at 6 (N) ’ (HD) (N) Å save his former teacher. “Hostages” (N) ’ (HD) at 10 (N) Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers ’ (HD) Carson Daly
Noticias Noticias Tel- Caso Cerrado: Edición Es- La Fan (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) La Doña (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) El Chema (N) ’ (SS) Al Rojo Vivo (10:35) Titu- La Doña ’ (SS) (Cont’d) El Chema ’ (SS) (Cont’d)
KLTV G 16 17 Texas emundo (N) telar (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Edición Noct lares y Más
Garage Band Soundtrack INN News Å The Jet Set Sully’s Biz Brew (N) Paula Deen’s Kitchen America Trends With Dr. Sully’s Biz Brew (Cont’d) Paula Deen’s Kitchen America Trends With Dr.
KLNM J 16 Cinema (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Gina (N) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Gina (Cont’d)
2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big MasterChef (N) ’ (HD) Å (8:01) Kicking & Screaming Fox51 News East Texas (N) Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Last Man Last Man
KFXK S 10 51 51 Girls Å Girls Å Bang Theory Bang Theory (DVS) (Cont’d) “Jungle Love” (N) (Cont’d) (HD) Å (Cont’d) ily Å ily Å Å Å Standing Standing
Insight Å FWC Music Frances and Friends Å (Cont’d) The Message of the Cross Crossfire Service Å FWC Music Å (Cont’d) Donnie FWC Music Jimmy Swaggart Å
METV V 6 54 54 Å Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Swagg. Å (Cont’d)
A&E 58 58 23 118 265 The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å 60 Days In: Atlanta (N) ’ (9:01) Nightwatch (N) ’ (10:03) Nightwatch ’ (11:03) The First 48 ’ (12:03) 60 Days In: Atlanta
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 (4:30) ››› “Lethal Weapon 2” (’89) Mel Gibson. Å ›› “Escape Plan” (’13) Sylvester Stallone, Jim Caviezel. Å (Cont’d) ›› “Sherlock Holmes” (’09) Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law. Å (Cont’d) “Dark”
APL 93 68 184 282 North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law- Hunting North Wo. Law North Wo. Law North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’ North Woods Law ’
BET 154 124 329 (4:00) ›› “Soul Men” (’08) Samuel L. Jackson. Å Rebel “Pilot” A cop has to make tough choices. The Quad (Cont’d) Martin ’ Martin ’ Daily Show Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 ›› “Why Did I Get Married?” (’07) Tyler Perry, Janet Jackson. ›› “Why Did I Get Married?” (’07) Tyler Perry, Janet Jackson. Watch What Housewives/Atl. Real Housewives/Beverly Sweet Home
CMT 150 166 327 Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Sun Records (N) Å Nashville ’ Å (DVS) Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne
CNBC 172 52 208 355 Mad Money (N) Å The Deed: Chicago Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å Shark Tank ’ Å The Deed: Chicago Å The Partner Å (Cont’d) The Partner Å (Cont’d)
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 Situation Room With Wolf Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) The History of Comedy (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight The History of Comedy
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives Special Orders (N) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d)
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 Street Outlaws ’ Å Street Outlaws ’ Å Street Outlaws ’ Å Street Outlaws ’ Å Street Outlaws ’ Å Street Outlaws ’ Å Street Outlaws ’ Å Street Outlaws ’ Å
DISN 98 64 172 290 Bunk’d ’ Bizaardvark K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunk’d Bunk’d Jessie Å Jessie Å Girl Meets Best Friends Austin Austin
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter W/Michael SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball: NIT Tournament, Final: Teams TBA College Basketball SportsCenter W/Van Pelt SportsCenter (N) (Live)
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 Around/Horn Interruption ATP Tennis: Miami Open, Men’s Quarterfinals and Women’s Semifinal From Miami. (N) (Live) (Cont’d) NFL Live (N) Å Baseball Jalen E:60 Å NFL Live
FNC 174 48 205 360 Special Report The First 100 Days (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) Å (Cont’d) The O’Reilly Factor Å Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Å (Cont’d)
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Chopped Å (Cont’d) Chopped “Back in Time” Chopped Å (Cont’d) Chopped Å (Cont’d) Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chopped Å (Cont’d) Beat Bobby Beat Bobby
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 The Middle › “Zookeeper” (’11) Kevin James. ’ Å (Cont’d) ››› “Hitch” (’05) Will Smith, Eva Mendes. ’ Å (Cont’d) The 700 Club ’ Å ›› “Bruce Almighty” (’03) Jim Carrey. ’ Å
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 Soccer Outdoors Sportsday A&M Athl. Rodeo: RodeoHouston, Super Series Championship From Houston. ’ (Cont’d) Championship Spotlight Spotlight Sportsday UFC Reloaded (Cont’d)
GAC 160 90 165 326 Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å Extreme Homes Å
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 (4:40) ›› “The Last Witch Hunter” (’15) VICE News ››› “Live Free or Die Hard” (’07) Bruce Willis. Å Zookeeper’s REAL Sports Gumbel Big Little Lies Å Crashing Jerrod Carmichael: 8 ’
HGTV 90 69 112 229 Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Hunters Int’l Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Hunters Hunters Int’l
HIST 96 59 120 269 Swamp People ’ (Cont’d) Swamp People ’ (Cont’d) Swamp People Swamp People (N) ’ Gangland Undercover (N) (10:03) Swamp People ’ Swamp People (12:03) Swamp People ’
INSP 190 24 259 364 Little House on the Prairie The Waltons (Cont’d) Bonanza (Cont’d) Walker, Texas Ranger ’ Walker, Texas Ranger ’ Quinn, Medicine Woman The Virginian “No Tears for Savannah” Virginian
LIFE 62 30 108 252 ›› “Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds” (’12) Tyler Perry. Å ›› “Madea’s Witness Protection” (’12) Tyler Perry, Eugene Levy. Å (Cont’d) (10:02) The Rap Game (11:02) ›› “Madea’s Witness Protection” (’12) Å
MAX 310 557 310 515 “Shoot ’Em” (5:25) › “Babylon A.D.” (’08) Vin Diesel. › “Fantastic Four” (’15) Miles Teller. (8:40) ›› “The X-Files: I Want to Believe” (’08) Å (10:25) ››› “Magnolia” (’99) Jason Robards. ’ Å (Cont’d)
MTV 152 160 331 Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Nick Cannon: Wild ’n Out Wild ’n Out Lip Sync Lip Sync Lip Sync Battle ’ Å MTV Special ’ Å
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 NASCAR NHL Live (N) ’ (Live) NHL Hockey: Dallas Stars at Boston Bruins (N Subject to Blackout) NHL Overtime (N) ’ (Live) Poker After Dark (Cont’d) Poker After Dark (Cont’d) Poker After Dark (Cont’d)
NICK 120 20 170 299 Henry Henry Hunter Ran Prank ››› “The Parent Trap” (’98) Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid. ’ Å (Cont’d) Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince
SHOW 320565 318 545 (4:15) ››› “Chicago” (’02) (6:15) ››› “Born to Be Blue” (’15) Ethan Hawke. Å Billions Axe negotiates. Homeland ’ Å Gigolos Dark Net ’ The Circus Billions Axe negotiates. Homeland
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’
SYFY 61 82 122 244 ›› “Jeepers Creepers 2” (6:10) › “Jonah Hex” (’10) Josh Brolin. Å (Cont’d) ››› “Zombieland” (’09) Woody Harrelson. Å ›› “Resident Evil: Retribution” (’12) Milla Jovovich. ››› “Source Code” (’11)
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Å (Cont’d) Seinfeld ’ Conan Å (Cont’d) Seinfeld ’
TCM 71 75 132 256 “Bordertwn” (5:45) › “The Expert” (’32), Dickie Moore ››› “Daughters of the Dust” (’91) Cora Lee Day. ››› “The Learning Tree” (’69) Kyle Johnson. Å ›› “Losing Ground” (’82) Bill Gunn. “Symbio”
TLC 6461 183 280 Say Yes Say Yes My 600-Lb. Life ’ Å My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized (N) ’ (Part 1 of 2) Skin Tight: Transformed (10:01) My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized ’ (Part 1 of 2) Skin Tight: Transformed
TMC 330873 327 553 (5:15) ›› “Life of a King” (’13) Cuba Gooding Jr.. Å ›› “Hoodlum” (’97) Laurence Fishburne. ’ Å (9:10) ››› “Internal Affairs” (’90) Richard Gere. Å (11:05) “As I AM: The Life and Times of DJ AM” (’15)
TNT 5334 22 138 245 Bones ’ Å Bones ’ Å NBA Basketball: Cleveland Cavaliers at Chicago Bulls (Live) NBA Basketball: Houston Rockets at Portland Trail Blazers Å Inside the NBA (N) ’ (Live)
UNI 12 270 402 Hotel Todo Noticiero La Rosa de Guadalupe (N) Pequeños Gigantes USA Vino el Amor (N) (Cont’d) La Piloto (N) (Cont’d) Impacto Noticiero Uni Contacto Deportivo (N) La Mujer del Vendaval (N)
USA 52 55 10 105 242 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Colony “Seppuku” (N) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU (12:04) Colony “Seppuku”
Lufkin Daily News
the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017
March 26 - April 1, 2017 19
Grimm Dr. Ken Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail Sleepy Hollow
KPRC ^ 7 p.m.; KETK 3 7 p.m. KTRE ) 7:31 p.m.; KTRK ` 7:31 p.m. DISC 8 p.m., 10:01 p.m. KFXK S 8:01 p.m.
It’s genuinely a “Grimm” finale in the The second-season finale. “Ken’s Big “Gold Rush” fan favorite Parker Schna- The drama’s fourth season concludes
case of the aptly titled “The End,” which Audition” is based on title star Ken bel pays tribute to the memory of his be- with “Freedom,” which is what Crane
closes out the six-season run of this fan- Jeong’s own experience in trying out for loved grandfather by making the physi- (Tom Mison) and company hope to limit
tasy-drama series. Nick (David Giuntoli) the sitcom “Community” — right down cally arduous trek along the old Klondike when it comes to Dreyfuss (Jeremy
Gold Rush trail from his home in Alaska
runs up against the one enemy he may to enlisting that show’s creator-producer Davies). The villain is ready to exert his
to where the gold fields lay in this new
be unable to vanquish, though Monroe, Dan Harmon as himself. This series’ influence over the White House, which
three-part docu-series. Between 1896
Rosalee and Eve (Silas Weir Mitchell, fictional Ken gets the chance to star in a and 1899, more than 100,000 hopefuls only can mean disaster on a grand scale
Bree Turner, Bitsie Tulloch) do what comedy about, of all things, a commu- struck out on this quest, but only one if he isn’t stopped. Guest star John
they can to assist him. Diana (Hannah nity college. Another “Community” alum, in three completed the journey. Joining Noble returns as Henry Parrish. Javina
R. Loyd) and infant Kelly are protected Allison Brie, also appears as herself. Nia Schnabel are his foreman Rick Ness, Gavankar, Lyndie Greenwood, Rachel
by Capt. Renard and Adalind (Sasha Vardalos (“My Big Fat Greek Wedding”) wilderness guide Karla Ann and camera- Melvin, Jerry MacKinnon and Oona
Roiz, Claire Coffee). also guest stars. Tom Mison man James Levelle. Yaffe also star.

Friday Evening C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV March 31, 2017
C L H D DTV 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
KPRC Chan- NBC Nightly KPRC Chan- Ent. Tonight Grimm Nick battles against Dateline NBC (N) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) KPRC Chan- (10:45) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Ent. Tonight (12:16) Ce-
KPRC ^ 2 102 nel 2 News News - Holt nel 2 News the ultimate foe. (N) nel 2 News Fallon ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) lebrity Page
KLUF % 118 John Gray Creation Supernat. Potters Praise Å (Cont’d) Hal Lindsey End/ Age Perry Stone Watchman Praise Å (Cont’d) F.K. Price Spirit Restoring Creflo Doll
The Facts of The Facts of Barney Miller Barney Miller Harmony Hill Baptist of Silver Silver Barney Miller Barney Miller All in the All in the Bunker’s Bunker’s Bewitched Bewitched
KIBN _ 7 Life ’ Life ’ Lufkin (Cont’d) Spoons ’ Spoons ’ Family Family Place Place (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
World News Nightly Busi- PBS NewsHour (N) ’ (HD) Washington InnerVIEWS, Charlie Rose Arts InSight Great Performances Los Angeles Philhar- Skyline Ses- The Terri- Charlie Rose (N) ’ (HD) Tavis Smiley
KUHT ( 8 8 America ness Report Å (Cont’d) Week (N) Manouse -- The Week (N) (Cont’d) monic performs. (N) ’ (HD) Å sions tory Å Å (Cont’d) (N) ’ Å
East Texas ABC World East Texas Wheel of Last Man (7:31) Dr. Shark Tank Human-quality (9:01) 20/20 ’ (HD) Å East Texas (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- East Texas RightThis-
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 News at 5 News News at 6 Fortune (N) Standing (N) Ken (N) pet food business. (Cont’d) (Cont’d) News at 10 ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) News at 10 Minute (N)
News CBS Evening KHOU 11 Wheel of MacGyver “Compass” (N) ’ Hawaii Five-0 “Huikau Na Blue Bloods An ex-NYPD KHOU 11 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show (12:37) Hot in
KHOU + 11 20 News New Fortune (N) (HD) Å (Cont’d) Makau A Ka Lawai’a” (N) officer disappears. (N) New Stephen Colbert With James Corden Cleveland
Live at Five ABC World 13 Eyewitness News at Last Man (7:31) Dr. Shark Tank Human-quality (9:01) 20/20 ’ (HD) Å News (10:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live (11:37) Night- (12:07) Inside (12:37) Ra-
KTRK ` 13 (N) Å News 6PM (N) Å (Cont’d) Standing (N) Ken (N) pet food business. (Cont’d) (Cont’d) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) line (N) Edition chael Ray
American American Family Guy Family Guy The Originals Klaus tries to Reign Darnley receives a Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of The King of Rules of En- Rules of En- Raising Cheaters
KYTX2 2 5 Dad Å Dad Å ’ ’ bond with his daughter. (N) surprise visitor. (N) ’ ’ Å ’ Å Queens ’ Queens ’ gagement gagement Hope Å ’ Å
CBS 19 5PM CBS Evening CBS 19 The Edge (N) MacGyver “Compass” (N) ’ Hawaii Five-0 “Huikau Na Blue Bloods An ex-NYPD CBS 19 (10:35) The Late Show With (11:37) The Late Late Show Access Hol-
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 News (N) News News at 6 (Cont’d) (HD) Å (Cont’d) Makau A Ka Lawai’a” (N) officer disappears. (N) News at 10 Stephen Colbert With James Corden lywood (N)
Live at Five NBC Nightly KETK News Ent. Tonight Grimm Nick battles against Dateline NBC (N) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) KETK News (10:34) The Tonight Show (11:37) Late Night With Last Call W/
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 (N) Å News - Holt at 6 (N) the ultimate foe. (N) at 10 (N) Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers ’ (HD) Carson Daly
Noticias Noticias Tel- Caso Cerrado: Edición Es- La Fan (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) La Doña (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) El Chema (N) ’ (SS) Al Rojo Vivo (10:35) Titu- La Doña ’ (SS) (Cont’d) El Chema ’ (SS) (Cont’d)
KLTV G 16 17 Texas emundo (N) telar (N) ’ (SS) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Edición Noct lares y Más
Garage Band Soundtrack INN News Å H’wood Sully’s Biz Brew (N) Studio D ’ Å (Cont’d) America Trends With Dr. Sully’s Biz Brew (Cont’d) Studio D ’ Å (Cont’d) America Trends With Dr.
KLNM J 16 Cinema News (Cont’d) Gina (N) (Cont’d) Gina (Cont’d)
2 Broke 2 Broke The Big The Big Rosewood A woman’s body (8:01) Sleepy Hollow “Free- Fox51 News East Texas (N) Texas Rang- Modern Fam- Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Last Man Last Man
KFXK S 10 51 51 Girls Å Girls Å Bang Theory Bang Theory is found frozen solid. dom” (N) (Cont’d) (HD) Å (Cont’d) ers ily Å Å Å Standing Standing
Insight Å FWC Music Frances and Friends Å (Cont’d) The Message of the Cross Donnie Swaggart Å (Cont’d) Crossfire Service Å Jimmy Swaggart Å
METV V 6 54 54 Å Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
A&E 58 58 23 118 265 The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 “Senior Year” The First 48 “Chopper” ’ Live PD (N) ’ (Live) Å (Cont’d) The First 48 “Chopper” ’ Live PD ’ Å (Cont’d)
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 (4:00) ›› “Sherlock Holmes” (’09) Robert Downey Jr.. ›› “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” (’11) Robert Downey Jr.. Å (Cont’d) The Walking Dead ’ (11:01) Into the Badlands (12:01) Talking Dead Å
APL 93 68 184 282 Treehouse Masters ’ Tanked: Tank Madness (N) Tanked: Tank Madness (N) Tanked: Tank Madness (N) Tanked: Tank Madness (N) Tanked: Tank Madness (N) Tanked: Tank Madness (N) Tanked: Tank Madness (N)
BET 154 124 329 (4:00) › “Blue Streak” (’99) Martin Lawrence. Å ›› “Takers” (’10) Matt Dillon. Skilled thieves plan the biggest heist of their careers. ››› “Set It Off” (’96) Jada Pinkett. Desperation drives four women to bank-robbery.
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 (4:00) ››› “Mean Girls” ››› “Mean Girls” (’04) Lindsay Lohan. (Cont’d) ›› “Miss Congeniality” (’00) Sandra Bullock. Å ›› “Miss Congeniality” (’00) Sandra Bullock. Å “Miss Congeniality 2”
CMT 150 166 327 Last Man Last Man Last Man ››› “Home Alone” (’90) Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci. Å (Cont’d) Hometown Heroes (N) ››› “Home Alone” (’90) Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci. Å (Cont’d) S. Austin
CNBC 172 52 208 355 Mad Money (N) Å Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss “Belfor” Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss ’ Å The Deed: Chicago Å
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 Situation Room With Wolf Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight The History of Comedy The History of Comedy
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 (2:00) Public Affairs Events ’ Å (Cont’d) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d) Politics and Public Policy Today ’ Å (Cont’d)
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 Gold Rush ’ Å Gold Rush ’ Å Gold Rush ’ Å Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail (9:01) Gold Rush ’ Å Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail (11:02) Gold Rush ’ Gold Rush ’ Å
DISN 98 64 172 290 Bunk’d (N) Cali Style Tangled: Tangled: Stuck ›› “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days” (’12) ’ Tangled: Bunk’d Jessie Å Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bizaardvark Girl Meets
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter W/Michael NBA Countdown (N) (Live) NBA Basketball: San Antonio Spurs at Oklahoma City Thunder (N) NBA Basketball: Houston Rockets at Golden State Warriors (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live)
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 Basketball Interruption Final Four 2017 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2017 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament SportsCenter (N) (Live) 30 for 30 Å (Cont’d)
FNC 174 48 205 360 Special Report The First 100 Days (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) Å (Cont’d) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity Å (Cont’d)
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 ››› “Hitch” (’05) Will Smith, Eva Mendes. ’ Å (Cont’d) ››› “Coming to America” (’88) Eddie Murphy. ’ Å (Cont’d) The 700 Club ’ Å ›› “Good Burger” (’97) Kel Mitchell. ’ Å (Cont’d)
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 World Poker Drag Racing Mavs Pre. NHRA Drag Racing: Amalie Motor Oil Gatornational Destination Mavs Post. Rangers In UEFA Mag. UEFA Eu Texas A&M World Poker
GAC 160 90 165 326 Top 20 Country Countdown (N) Å (Cont’d) Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 (4:40) ›› “Central Intelligence” (’16) VICE (N) ’ ›› “Independence Day: Resurgence” (’16) ’ Real Time With Bill Maher VICE ’ Animals (N) Real Time With Bill Maher VICE ’ Animals
HGTV 90 69 112 229 Love It or List It Å Love It or List It Å Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Dream Home Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Hunters Int’l Dream Home Dream Home Hunters Hunters Int’l
HIST 96 59 120 269 American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ American Pickers ’ (9:03) American Pickers ’ (10:03) American Pickers (11:03) American Pickers (12:03) American Pickers
INSP 190 24 259 364 Little House on the Prairie The Waltons (Cont’d) Bonanza (Cont’d) State Plate Handcrafted Walker, Texas Ranger ’ Quinn, Medicine Woman The Virginian “The Evil That Men Do” Foxworthy
LIFE 62 30 108 252 Bring It! Å (Cont’d) Bring It! Å (Cont’d) Bring It! (N) Å (Cont’d) Bring It! “La La Land” (N) (9:02) The Rap Game (N) (10:06) The Pop Game (N) (11:06) Bring It! Å (12:06) Bring It! Å
MAX 310 557 310 515 (4:50) ›› “Body of Lies” (’08) Leonardo DiCaprio. ›› “In the Heart of the Sea” (’15) Chris Hemsworth. (9:05) ››› “Mission: Impossible 2” (’00) Tom Cruise. (11:10) › “Gone in 60 Seconds” (’00) Nicolas Cage.
MTV 152 160 331 Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends Friends Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 Mecum Auto Auctions TOMBOY ’ (Cont’d) Figure Skating Mecum Auto Auctions “Kansas City” Classic car auction from Kansas City. (N) Truck Tech Detroit
NICK 120 20 170 299 Henry Henry Hunter Ran Prank Thunder Game ›› “Scooby-Doo” (’02) Freddie Prinze Jr.. ’ Å Friends ’ Friends Friends Friends ’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince
SHOW 320565 318 545 (3:30) “Bridge of Spies” ››› “Out of the Furnace” (’13) Christian Bale. ’ Å “Disgraced” (’17) Premiere. (Cont’d) (9:45) Billions Axe negotiates. ’ “Disgraced” (’17) (Cont’d) The Circus
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 Cops ’ Cops Stings. Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Bellator MMA Live (N) ’ (Live) Å (Cont’d) (11:15) Cops Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’
SYFY 61 82 122 244 “Resident Evil” ››› “Zombieland” (’09) Woody Harrelson. Å ›› “Pompeii” (’14) Kit Harington. Å (Cont’d) The Magicians The Expanse “Cascade” ›› “Oculus” (’13) Å
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ “Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief” ELeague “Preview Show” ›› “Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief” (’10) “Battle LA”
TCM 71 75 132 256 ››› “Possessed” (’47) Joan Crawford. Å (Cont’d) ››› “Winchester ’73” (’50) Å (Cont’d) (8:45) ››› “The Underworld Story” (’50) Dan Duryea. ›› “Another Part of the Forest” (’48) Fredric March. “Scarlet St.”
TLC 6461 183 280 Say Yes Say Yes A Haunting “Love Curse” A Haunting A phantom. ’ A Haunting (N) ’ (Cont’d) Ghost Brothers (N) ’ A Haunting ’ (Cont’d) Ghost Brothers ’ A Haunting A phantom. ’
TMC 330873 327 553 (5:15) ›› “No Escape” (’15) Owen Wilson. ’ ›› “What Women Want” (’00) Mel Gibson. ’ (9:10) ›› “Christmas Eve” (’15) Patrick Stewart. ’ “Tooken” (’15) Lee Tergesen. ’ ›› “War”
TNT 5334 22 138 245 Castle “Heartbreaker” ’ Castle “Death Wish” ’ ››› “The Help” (’11) Viola Davis, Emma Stone. Å (DVS) (Cont’d) Major Crimes Å ›› “Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail” (’09) Å (DVS)
UNI 12 270 402 Hotel Todo Noticiero La Rosa de Guadalupe (N) Dale Replay (N) (Cont’d) Vino el Amor (N) (Cont’d) La Piloto (N) (Cont’d) Impacto Noticiero Uni Contacto Deportivo (N) La Mujer del Vendaval (N)
USA 52 55 10 105 242 Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Colony “Seppuku” Law & Order: SVU
20G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
20 March 26 - April 1, 2017
Lufkin Daily News

Saturday Daytime C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV April 1, 2017
C L H D DTV 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30
Today (N) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) KPRC Channel 2 Naturally, The Voy- Wilder- Journey English Premier League Soccer: Southamp- Prem Goal PGA Tour Golf: Shell Houston Open, Third Round From GC of Hous-
KPRC ^ 2 102 News Weekend AM Danny ager-Josh ness Vet W/ Dylan ton FC vs AFC Bournemouth (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Zone ton in Humble, Texas. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d)
(N) (HD) Å Seo Garcia (Cont’d) Dreyer Å (Cont’d)

Animated Pahap- RocKids Auto B. Joel Joseph Veggi- Mary Rice Monster Davey and Ishine Mike’s In- Praise the Lord: TBN Classics Å (Cont’d) No Won- Christian Praise Å (Cont’d)
KLUF % 118 Stories pahooey TV Å Good Osteen Å Prince eTales Å Hopkins Truck Ad- Goliath Knect Å spiration der They World
From Island ’ Å ’ Å ventures Station Call Him News
I Dream of I Dream of All in the All in the Benson ’ Benson Barney Barney Silver Silver High School Football (Cont’d) All in the All in the Archie Archie
KIBN _ 7 Jeannie Jeannie Family Family (Cont’d) “War Sto- Miller Miller Spoons ’ Spoons ’ Family Family Bunker’s Bunker’s
(Cont’d) (Cont’d) ries” ’ “Movie I” “Movie II” (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Place Place
Knit and It’s Sew Love of Central Antiques Roadshow Martha Martha Lidia’s America’s Sara’s This Old Ask This Pati’s Mexico Rick Texas The Day- Nature “Yosemite”
KUHT ( 8 8 Crochet Easy ’ Quilting Texas “Palm Springs” Oil Bakes Stewart- Kitchen Test Weeknight House Old House Mexican With Rick Steves’ Parks and tripper Global changes affect
Now! ’ (Cont’d) Gardener painting circa 1900. “South” Cooking ’ Å Kitchen Mls (N) Å (N) Table ’ Bayless Europe Wildlife ’ Å Yosemite Valley.
Good Morning Good Morning East Coolest Ocean Outback Jack On the Zoo Clues Jeopardy! Paid Paid World of X Games 30 for 30 The University of Hous- Paid Paid
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 America (N) ’ (HD) Texas Weekend (N) Places Treks Adven- Hanna Spot ’ “Life on the ’ (HD) Program Program Highlights from the ton’s high-flying basketball team Program Program
Å (Cont’d) (HD) (Cont’d) With Jeff tures (EI HDTV) Reef” (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Norway X Games. transformed the game forever. (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
KHOU 11 News Saturday Morn- Inside CBS This Morning: Lucky Hidden Innovation The In- Paid Paid Sports Spectacular At the Final Four (N) The Final Four Show A preview of the NCAA
KHOU + 11 20 ing (N) Å (Cont’d) High Saturday (N) Å Dog ’ (EI Heroes Nation spectors Program Program (N) Å (Cont’d) (HD) Å (Cont’d) Tournament semifinals. (N) (Live) (HD) Å
School (Cont’d) HDTV) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
Good Morning 13 Eyewitness News at 8am (N) Å (Cont’d) Check Auto Jack Ocean Sea Res- The Wild- Rock the Outback Jeopardy! 30 for 30 The University of Hous- World of X Games
KTRK ` 13 America (N) ’ (HD) This Out! Show Hanna Treks cue (N) life Docs Park (N) Adven- ’ (HD) ton’s high-flying basketball team Highlights from the
Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) With Jeff (Cont’d) (N) (Cont’d) tures transformed the game forever. Norway X Games.
Calling Dr. Calling Dr. Dog Whis- Dog Whis- Dog Whis- Dog Whis- Save Our Vacation Save to Unlikely Paid Paid Made in Paid The King The King Rookie Blue Andy and Rookie Blue Andy and
KYTX2 2 5 Pol ’ Å Pol ’ Å perer perer perer perer Shelter ’ Creation Win ’ Å Animal Program Program Hollywood Program of Queens of Queens Gail go under cover. Swarek investigate a
(N) ’ Friends (Cont’d) (Cont’d) ’ Å (Cont’d) ’ Å theft. ’ Å
(6:00) CBS This Lucky Dr. Chris: Innovation The In- Hidden The Open Judge Judge Elementary “Ab- Sports Spectacular At the Final Four (N) The Final Four Show A preview of the NCAA
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 Morning: Saturday Dog ’ (EI Pet Vet Nation spectors Heroes Road Judy ’ Judy ’ sconded” A beekeeper (N) Å (Cont’d) (HD) Å (Cont’d) Tournament semifinals. (N) (Live) (HD) Å
(N) ’ (HD) Å HDTV) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (HD) (HD) is killed. Å (Cont’d)
Today (N) ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) Heart of a The Voy- Wilder- Journey Naturally, Give ’ English Premier League Soccer: Southamp- Prem Goal PGA Tour Golf: Shell Houston Open, Third Round From GC of Hous-
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 Champion ager-Josh ness Vet W/ Dylan Danny (EI HDTV) ton FC vs AFC Bournemouth (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Zone ton in Humble, Texas. (N) ’ (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d)
Garcia (Cont’d) Dreyer Seo (Cont’d) Å (Cont’d)
Noodle El Show La abeja La abeja Nina’s Nina’s Programa Programa SOS: Salva Mi Casa Siempre Niños ’ (SS) (Cont’d) ›› “Killer Elite” (’11) Jason Statham, Robert Las Verdaderas
KLTV G 16 17 and Doo- de Chica Maya (N) Maya (N) World ’ World ’ Pagado ’ Pagado ’ ’ (SS) (Cont’d) De Niro. Un comando abandona su retiro para Mujeres Asesinas ’
dle ’ ’ (SS) ’ (SS) ’ (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) rescatar a su maestro. ’ (SS) (Cont’d) (SS) (Cont’d)
Dog Tales Jack Han- Wild Biz Kids Real Life Travel The Coffee Alive Paid MOTORZ Positively Paid Real Intelli- Paid Hollywood H’wood Paid Talking
KLNM J 16 (N) ’ (EI na’s Into About (Cont’d) 101 ’ (EI With Kids Jet Set With & Well Program (Cont’d) Paula ’ Program Green gence for Program Uncut News Program Pictures
HDTV) the Wild Animals HDTV) ’ (Cont’d) America (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (HD) (Cont’d) (N) Å Your Life (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
Teen Kids America’s Wild Animal Paid Paid Paid Paid Jack Han- Paid NBA 2K16 Road to The Tim NCWTS NASCAR Racing: Camping World Truck Series: Alpha Pro-Am
KFXK S 10 51 51 News (N) Heartland About Rescue Program Program Program Program na’s Into Program the Finals A $250,000 McCarver Pre-Race Energy Solutions 250 From Martinsville Speedway in Mar- Classic
Å Å Animals (N) Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) (Cont’d) the Wild (Cont’d) video gaming event. Show ’ (N) Å tinsville, Va. (N) (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d)
The Message of the FWC Music Å Frances and Friends Å (Cont’d) Generation of the Jimmy Swaggart Å (Cont’d) Living Waters With Donnie Swaggart Å (Cont’d)
METV V 6 54 54 Cross Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) Cross Å (Cont’d) Gabriel Swaggart Live
gospel music.

A&E 58 58 23 118 265 Flipping Vegas ’ Flipping Vegas (N) Zombie Flip Zombie Flip Good Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’ The First 48 ’
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 Rifleman Rifleman Riflem’n Riflem’n Riflem’n Riflem’n Riflem’n Riflem’n Rifleman ›› “The Quick and the Dead” (’95) Sharon Stone. Å ››› “The Rock” (’96) Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage. Å
APL 93 68 184 282 Tanked ’ Å Tanked ’ Å Tanked ’ Å Tanked ’ Å Insane Pools Insane Pools Insane Pools Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV
BET 154 124 329 Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’ Martin ’ Payne Payne Payne Payne Rebel A cop has to make tough choices. ›› “Takers” (’10) Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Idris Elba. (Cont’d) › “Obsessed” (’09)
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Imposters Å Imposters Å Sweet Sweet Sweet Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Real Housewives Real Housewives Real
CMT 150 166 327 CMT Music ’ Å Hot 20 Countdown (N) Å (Cont’d) Hometown Heroes ›› “Where the Heart Is” (’00) Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd. Å Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man
CNBC 172 52 208 355 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. English Premier League Soccer (N) (Live) Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg.
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 New Day Saturday Smerconish (N) (Live) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 (6:00) Washington Journal (N) ’ (Live) Å Washington This Week ’ Å (Cont’d) (1:15) Washington This Week ’ Å (Cont’d)
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 Dirty Jobs ’ Å Dirty Jobs ’ Å Dirty Jobs ’ Å Dirty Jobs ’ Å Dirty Jobs ’ Å Dirty Jobs ’ Å Bering Sea Gold ’ Bering Sea Gold ’ Bering Sea Gold ’ Gold Rush
DISN 98 64 172 290 Roadster Roadster Elena Tangled: Star-For. Milo Stuck K.C. “Diary-Wimpy Kid: Dog Days” Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d Bunk’d
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) High School Basketball College Basketball SEC Storied (N) College GameDay (N)
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 College Basketball Girls High School Basketball SportCtr SportsCenter (N) ATP Tennis: Miami Open, Women’s Final From Miami. College Baseball: Texas A&M at LSU (N) (Live) (Cont’d)
FNC 174 48 205 360 (5:00) FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Å Bulls Business Forbes Cashin’ In America’s News Headquarters (N) Å America’s News HQ Journal Editorial Rpt. America’s News HQ America’s News HQ
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Brunch at Southern Farm Pioneer Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen (N) Valerie’s Giada Spring Baking Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 (6:30) ›› “Never Been Kissed” (’99) ’ Å ››› “Coming to America” (’88) Eddie Murphy. ’ ›› “Bring It On” (’00) Kirsten Dunst. Å (1:35) ››› “Mean Girls” (’04) Lindsay Lohan. (3:40) ›› “You Again” (’10) ’
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 College Softball Outdoors UEFA Paid Prg. Paid Prg. College Baseball: Texas Tech at Oklahoma (Taped) ’ (Cont’d) MLB Baseball: Kansas City Royals at Texas Rangers (N) ’ (Live) Champ Spotlight
GAC 160 90 165 326 More Music Videos More Music Videos Top 20 Country Countdown Å (Cont’d) Top 20 Country Countdown Å (Cont’d) Texas Flip N Move Texas Flip N Move Texas Flip N Move Texas Flip N Move
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 ›› “The Wild Life” Sesame Sesame ›› “The Golden Compass” (’07) ’ “Journey-Center of Earth” (12:45) Rock and a Hard Place Gifted ››› “Catch Me if You Can” (’02) Leonardo DiCaprio.
HGTV 90 69 112 229 House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno Flipping Virgins (N) Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper Å
HIST 96 59 120 269 Swamp People ’ Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) Swamp People ’ Swamp People ’ Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars
INSP 190 24 259 364 Campmeeting Campmeeting Bonanza “Child” Daniel Boone Daniel Boone The Virginian “Man of Violence” The Virginian (Cont’d) The High Chaparral Daniel Boone
LIFE 62 30 108 252 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Little Women: Atlanta ›› “Another Woman’s Husband” (’00) Å “Secret Liaison” (’13) Meredith Monroe. “A Deadly Affair” (’17) Valerie Azlynn. Å
MAX 310 557 310 515 (6:50) › “Rush Hour 3” (’07) Å (8:25) › “Bride Wars” (’09) Å (9:55) ›› “Old School” (’03) Å ›› “Hamlet 2” (’08) ’ (1:05) ›› “The Soloist” (’09) Jamie Foxx. (3:05) ›› “Enough” (’02) Jennifer Lopez.
MTV 152 160 331 Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Teen Mom 2 ’ Teen Mom 2 ’ Teen Mom 2 ’ Are You One Are You One ›› “White Chicks” (’04) Shawn Wayans. ’
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 English Premier League Soccer Premier English Premier League Soccer: Teams TBA Premier Figure Skating: World Championships: Men’s Free, Free Dance (N) (Live) (Cont’d) Equestrian Motor
NICK 120 20 170 299 Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Loud Loud Loud Loud Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Loud Loud Loud
SHOW 320565 318 545 (5:30) “Cry Freedom” (8:15) ›› “People Like Us” (’12) Chris Pine. (10:15) “Disgraced” (’17) (Cont’d) ›› “Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys” (1:55) ››› “No Country for Old Men” (’07) Homeland ’ Å
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. ››› “Batman Begins” (’05) Christian Bale, Michael Caine. ’ Å (Cont’d) ››› “The Dark Knight Rises” (’12) Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway. ’ Å (Cont’d) Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’
SYFY 61 82 122 244 Twi. Zone The Twilight Zone ’ “Atomic Shark” (’16) Rachele Brooke Smith. “Tracers” (’14) Taylor Lautner. Å (Cont’d) › “Repo Men” (’10) Jude Law, Forest Whitaker. Å ›› “Pompeii” (’14) Kit Harington. Å
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 “Death” ››› “Blades of Glory” (’07) Will Ferrell. ›› “Liar Liar” (’97) Jim Carrey. Å (Cont’d) ›› “Kicking & Screaming” (’05) Will Ferrell. “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” ›› “The Interview” (’14) (Cont’d)
TCM 71 75 132 256 (7:15) ››› “The Man in the Iron Mask” (’39) Å ›› “Maisie Was a Lady” (’41) ››› “The Wolf Man” (’41) Å (12:45) ›››› “Vertigo” (’58) James Stewart. Å (3:15) ›› “Children of the Damned” (’63)
TLC 6461 183 280 Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes: ATL Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes
TMC 330873 327 553 (7:10) “The Caretaker” (’16) ’ ›› “Forsaken” (’15) ’ ›› “Orange County” (’02) Å ›› “Nothing to Lose” (’97) Å (1:10) › “The Ladies Man” (’00) Jimmy Vestvood: Amerikan Hero “What Women Want”
TNT 5334 22 138 245 Law & Order ’ Law & Order “Fed” Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ ›› “Paycheck” (’03) Ben Affleck, Aaron Eckhart. Å ›› “The Chronicles of Riddick” (’04) Vin Diesel. ››› “Pacific Rim”
UNI 12 270 402 Planeta U (N) (SS) (Cont’d) Programa Programa Programa Programa Juego Estrellas LAnzate! (N) (Cont’d) Recuerda y Gana (N) Los Gonz Nosotr. Como Dice el Dicho
USA 52 55 10 105 242 Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Chrisley Chrisley Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
Lufkin Daily News
the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017
March 26 - April 1, 2017 21
2017 NCAA Basketball stage for an instant classic championship
The Catch Austin City Limits
Tournament KTRE ) 8 p.m.; KTRK ` 8 p.m. KUHT ( 11 p.m.
KHOU + 5 p.m.; KYTX 3 5 p.m.
The Goldbergs The tone is lighter — more in line with Though he has dabbled in acting lately,
And then there were four. What began a KTRE ) 7 p.m.; KTRK ` 7 p.m. romantic comedies about thieves such music remains Ed Sheeran’s main
little over two weeks ago as 68 teams in Recalling the days when telephone as, well, “To Catch a Thief” — in the calling, and he’s the headliner in this
the 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament answering machines were fresh innova- second season of this series from execu- episode first shown in 2014. While he’s
has come down to the Final Four. Things tions, “Crazy Calls” pits Murray and tive producer Shonda Rhimes’ stable. In released new tunes very recently, his se-
gets underway with a pair of semi-final Pop-Pop (Jeff Garlin, guest star Judd “The New Deal,” private detective Alice lections here include some of the songs
matchups from the University of Phoenix Hirsch) against each other as they leave (Mireille Enos) remains determined to get that initially put him on the charts, such
messages. Erica, Barry and Pops (Hay- the goods on her con-man ex-beau Ben- as “The A Team,” “Thinking Out Loud”
Stadium in Glendale, Arizona where the ley Orrantia, Troy Gentile, George Segal)
winners advance to Monday’s champi- try to mediate. Just when Adam (Sean jamin (Peter Krause) while also working and “Sing.” He shares the bill with fel-
onship game. Last year North Carolina Giambrone) finds a group of school other cases. Sonya Walger, Rose Rol- low singer-songwriter Valerie June, who
imposed their will on Syracuse while peers he can be comfortable with, Bev- lins, Elvy Yost and Jay Hayden continue draws material from her album “Pushin’
Villanova routed Oklahoma, setting the erly (Wendi McLendon-Covey) noses in. Peter Krause as co-stars. Against a Stone.”

Saturday Evening C: Consolidated Cable L: Lufkin H: Huntington D: DISH DTV: DirecTV April 1, 2017
C L H D DTV 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30
The Texas NBC Nightly KPRC Chan- Paid Pro- Figure Skating: World Championships: Ladies Free Skate Saturday Night Live ’ KPRC Chan- (10:45) Saturday Night Live “Alec Baldwin; Ed Sheeran” The Texas
KPRC ^ 2 102 Bucket List News - Holt nel 2 News gram From Helsinki, Finland. (N Same-day Tape) Å (HD) Å (Cont’d) nel 2 News Host Alec Baldwin; Ed Sheeran performs. Music Scene
KLUF % 118 The Bible Main Stage Precious Memories In Touch Hour Power: Schuller Pathway Billy Graham ›› “Same River Twice” (’97) Robert Curtis-Brown. Å Juce Live L.A. Å
The Facts of The Facts of Barney Miller Barney Miller All in the All in the Silver Silver Barney Miller Barney Miller I Dream of I Dream of Bunker’s Bunker’s Bewitched Bewitched
KIBN _ 7 Life ’ Life ’ Family Family Spoons ’ Spoons ’ Jeannie Jeannie Place Place (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
Spelling Bee (N) (Cont’d) As Time Keep-Appear The Vicar of Dibley “Sum- Miss Fisher’s Murder Mys- Miss Fisher’s Murder Mys- Austin City Limits Singer- Front and Center “South-
KUHT ( 8 8 Goes By mer” ’ Å (Cont’d) teries “Deadweight” ’ teries “Murder a la Mode” songwriter Ed Sheeran. side Johnny” ’ Å
Paid Pro- World News East Texas Wheel of The Gold- Imaginary The Catch Ben must face 20/20 ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) East Texas Blue Bloods Danny finds a CSI: Miami “Man Down” Graham
KTRE ) 9 4 3 9 gram News at 6 Fortune bergs Mary “Pilot” his criminal past. Å News at 10 murdered college student. Delko fights for his life. Bensinger
2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: First Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Second Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) KHOU 11 KHOU 11 CSI: Miami “Man Down” Blue Bloods Danny finds a
KHOU + 11 20 (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) New News Delko fights for his life. murdered college student.
Paid Pro- World News News Inside Edi- The Gold- Imaginary The Catch Ben must face 20/20 ’ (HD) Å (Cont’d) News Eyewitness News Extra Texans 360 Castle Becketts reflects on
KTRK ` 13 gram tion bergs Mary “Pilot” his criminal past. Å (Cont’d) (Cont’d) her relationship. Å
Cops Re- Cops Re- Cheaters ’ Å (Cont’d) Family Guy Family Guy Bob’s Burg- Bob’s Burg- Family Guy Seinfeld Rules of En- Rules of En- Raising Raising ›› “The Shepherd” (’08)
KYTX2 2 5 loaded ’ loaded ’ ’ ’ ers ’ ers ’ ’ ’ Å gagement gagement Hope Å Hope Å Jean-Claude Van Damme.
2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: First Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Second Semifinal: Teams TBA (N) CBS 19 Scandal Andrew and Fitz Castle Becketts reflects on Major Crimes
KYTX 3 6 11 2 19 19 (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) (Live) (HD) Å (Cont’d) News at 10 face off. ’ (HD) Å her relationship. Å
Live at Five NBC Nightly Paid Pro- Texas Rang- Figure Skating: World Championships: Ladies Free Skate Saturday Night Live ’ KETK News Saturday Night Live Host Alec Baldwin; Ed (12:04) Paid (12:33) Paid
KETK 3 3 18 56 56 (N) Å News - Holt gram ers From Helsinki, Finland. (N Same-day Tape) Å (HD) Å (Cont’d) at 10 (N) Sheeran performs. ’ (HD) Å Program Program
Conductas Noticias Tel- › “Piranha 3DD” (’12) Danielle Panabaker, ›› “RoboCop” (’14) Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman. Un oficial de policía Titulares y Conductas Videos Asombrosos ’ Programa Programa
KLTV G 16 17 Totalmente emundo Matt Bush. ’ (SS) (Cont’d) herido críticamente es transformado en un cyborg. ’ (SS) Más Totalmente (SS) (Cont’d) Pagado ’ Pagado ’
Paid Pro- Steel Dreams MOTORZ Planet X RHN Presents Hip-hop culture. (Cont’d) › “Attack of the Giant Leeches” (’59) Ken Clark. Gigan- Championship Wrestling In This Cor- The Flipside
KLNM J 16 gram ’ (Cont’d) (Cont’d) tic water creatures wreak havoc in the Everglades. From Hollywood (Cont’d) ner (Cont’d)
XTERRA World Champion- The Big The Big Bones The team continues APB Brandt’s undercover Bones A diamond is found in Kicking & Screaming “Go- Houston Tex- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro-
KFXK S 10 51 51 ship (Cont’d) Bang Theory Bang Theory to hunt for Kovac. (Cont’d) mission goes awry. a corpse. Å (Cont’d) ing Coconuts” ’ (HD) ans 360 gram gram gram
The Message of the Cross FWC Music Donnie Frances and Friends Å (Cont’d) Family Worship Center Service Å (Cont’d) Crossfire Service Å Jimmy Swaggart Å
METV V 6 54 54 Å (Cont’d) Å Swagg. (Cont’d) (Cont’d)
A&E 58 58 23 118 265 The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å The First 48 ’ Å (9:01) The First 48 ’ (10:03) The First 48 ’ (11:03) The First 48 ’ (12:03) The First 48 ’
AMC 59 74 21 131 254 The Walking Dead ’ (6:05) The Walking Dead (7:10) The Walking Dead (8:10) The Walking Dead “Service” ’ (9:35) The Walking Dead (10:35) The Walking Dead (11:45) The Walking Dead ’ Å
APL 93 68 184 282 Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: Extra Dose (N) ’ Dr. Jeff: Extra Dose (N) ’ Dr. Jeff: RMV The Zoo (N) ’ (Cont’d) The Zoo “A Star is Born” The Zoo ’ (Cont’d) Dr. Jeff: RMV
BET 154 124 329 (4:00) › “Obsessed” (’09) Idris Elba. Å (Cont’d) To Be Announced (Cont’d) Rebel “Pilot” A cop has to make tough choices. Payne Payne Payne
BRAVO 60 76 129 237 Housewives Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. ››› “Selena” (’97) Jennifer Lopez. Mexican-American singer skyrockets to fame. ››› “Selena” (’97) Jennifer Lopez.
CMT 150 166 327 Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Standing ’ Å (Cont’d) Last Man Last Man ›› “Where the Heart Is” (’00) Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd. Å (Cont’d) Hometown Heroes Å
CNBC 172 52 208 355 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss ’ Å Undercover Boss “Maaco”
CNN 177 50 13 200 202 Smerconish Å (Cont’d) CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The History of Comedy The History of Comedy Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts
CSPAN 175 26 210 350 Washington Communicat Washington This Week ’ Å (Cont’d) Public Affairs Events ’ Å (Cont’d) Public Affairs Events ’ Å (Cont’d)
DISC 92 60 12 182 278 Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid Pop-Up Naked and Afraid Pop-Up Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’ Naked and Afraid ’
DISN 98 64 172 290 Bunk’d Bunk’d Stuck Cali Style K.C. Under. Bizaardvark ›› “Spy Kids 3: Game Over” (’03) Å K.C. Under. K.C. Under. Bizaardvark Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bizaardvark Girl Meets
ESPN 19 35 8 140 206 SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Softball: Auburn at Georgia (N) (Live) (Cont’d) Pro Bowl Skills Challenge Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live)
ESPN2 20 36 143 209 Baseball E:60 Å ››› “Catching Hell” (’11) Å (Cont’d) 30 for 30 Å (Cont’d) Pro Bowl Skills Challenge Boxing: KeAndre Gibson vs. Antonio Orozco (Cont’d) 30 for 30 Å (Cont’d)
FNC 174 48 205 360 America’s News HQ Fox Report (N) Å Watters’ World (N) Å Justice With Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters’ World (N) Å Justice With Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show
FOOD 91 70 110 231 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive
FREE 122 63 11 180 311 “You Again” (5:45) ›› “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” (’12) Cameron Diaz. ’ Å (8:20) ›› “The Proposal” (’09) Sandra Bullock. ’ Å (Cont’d) (10:55) ››› “My Best Friend’s Wedding” (’97) Å
FSN 25 38 24 417 692 Sportsday Stars Pre. UEFA Soccer UEFA Champions League Soccer Postgame Rangers In Soccer MLB Baseball: Kansas City Royals at Texas Rangers ’ (Cont’d)
GAC 160 90 165 326 Texas Flip N Move Å Texas Flip N Move Å Texas Flip N Move Å Texas Flip N Move Å Texas Flip N Move Å Texas Flip N Move Å Texas Flip N Move Å Texas Flip N Move Å
HBO 300 550 17 300 501 ›› “Independence Day: Resurgence” (’16) ’ ›› “Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie” Big Little Lies Å Crashing Girls Å ›› “Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie” Animals (12:40) VICE
HGTV 90 69 112 229 Fixer Upper Å (Cont’d) Fixer Upper Å (Cont’d) Property Brothers Å Property Brothers Å House Hunters Renovation Log Cabin Log Cabin Property Brothers Å House Hunters Renovation
HIST 96 59 120 269 Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cars Cnt. Cars
INSP 190 24 259 364 Daniel Boone “The Gun” The Big Valley (Cont’d) The Virginian “The Golden Door” The Virginian “A Distant Fury” (Cont’d) Bonanza “The Sure Thing” Bonanza (Cont’d) The Big Valley (Cont’d)
LIFE 62 30 108 252 “The Wrong House” (’16) Clare Kramer. Å (Cont’d) “Fatal Defense” (’17) Ashley Scott. Premiere. Å (9:02) “Mommy’s Little Boy” (’17) Bree Williamson. Å (11:02) “Fatal Defense” (’17) Ashley Scott. Å
MAX 310 557 310 515 (5:05) ›› “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor” ›› “Species” (’95) Ben Kingsley. ’ Å (8:50) › “Species II” (’98) ’ Å (10:25) ›› “Species: The Awakening” (12:05) “The Strangers”
MTV 152 160 331 Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ ››› “Pitch Perfect” (’12) Anna Kendrick, Skylar Astin. ’ Å ›› “White Chicks” (’04) Shawn Wayans. ’ Å ›› “Step Up” (’06) Channing Tatum. ’
NBCSN 29 43 159 220 Motorsports RacerTV (N) NASCAR Racing (Cont’d) NASCAR Racing (Cont’d) 2017 World Men’s Curling Championship From Edmonton. (N) (Live) (Cont’d) Poker After Dark (Cont’d) Poker After Dark (Cont’d)
NICK 120 20 170 299 Thunder Thunder Henry Henry Henry Game Thunder Nicky, Ricky Full House Full House Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince
SHOW 320565 318 545 Billions Axe negotiates. › “Love the Coopers” (’15) Alan Arkin. ’ Å › “Mother’s Day” (’16) Jennifer Aniston. Å (Cont’d) ›› “Triple 9” (’16) Casey Affleck. ’ Å Billions Axe negotiates.
SPIKE 54 54 7 241 241 Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ Cops ’ ››› “The Dark Knight Rises” (’12) Christian Bale. ’ Å (Cont’d)
SYFY 61 82 122 244 ››› “The Matrix” (’99) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. Å (Cont’d) ››› “The Matrix Reloaded” (’03) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. Å (Cont’d) ›› “Blade” (’98) Wesley Snipes, Stephen Dorff. Å
TBS 51 33 5 139 247 (3:30) ›› “The Interview” Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal The Detour ›› “Liar Liar” (’97) Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney. Å
TCM 7175 132 256 ›››› “Young Frankenstein” (’74) Gene Wilder. Å ››› “Sleeper” (’73) Woody Allen. Å (8:45) ››› “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” (’63) Spencer Tracy. Å (Cont’d) (11:45) ››› “To Be or Not to Be” (’42)
TLC 6461 183 280 Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes to the Prom Say Yes to the Prom (N) ’ (Cont’d) Say Yes (9:02) Four Weddings ’ (10:02) Say Yes to the Prom ’ (Cont’d) Say Yes (12:04) Four Weddings ’
TMC 330873 327 553 ›› “What Women Want” (6:10) ›› “The Eye” (’08) Jessica Alba. ’ Å “Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies” “Amigo Undead” (’15) Randall Park. ’ “Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies” ’ “Amigo Un”
TNT 5334 22 138 245 (4:00) ››› “Pacific Rim” (’13) Charlie Hunnam. (Cont’d) ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” (’11) Johnny Depp. Å (DVS) ›› “Blade: Trinity” (’04) Wesley Snipes. Å (Cont’d) Law & Order “Seer” ’
UNI 12 270 402 Durmiendo Noticiero Crónicas de Sábado (N) Como Dice el Dicho (N) Fútbol Mexicano Primera División (N) (Live) (Cont’d) Fútbol Mexicano Primera División (N) (Live) (Cont’d) Durmiendo Noticiero
USA 52 55 10 105 242 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU ›› “Fifty Shades of Grey” (’15) Dakota Johnson. Premiere. (Cont’d) ›› “Fifty Shades of Grey” (’15) Dakota Johnson. Å (DVS) (Cont’d) NCIS: Los Angeles ’
22G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
22 March 26 - April 1, 2017
Lufkin Daily News
Bryan Cranston and James Franco both are Indeed, a fearsome creature comes calling
suited ideally to their roles in this lightweight in this fantasy-drama based on the novel by
“FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE but still entertaining comedy, casting Cranston Patrick Hess, who adapted it for the screen.
TO FIND THEM” as a conservative dad who’s more than a bit A youngster (Lewis MacDougall) beset by
It may not be “Harry Potter” territory alarmed by his college-student daughter’s all sorts of personal problems – including
exactly, but author J.K. Rowling maintains (Zoey Deutch) choice of boyfriend (Franco). his mother’s (Felicity Jones) terminal illness
a sense of magic as the screenwriter of The beau is a wealthy iconoclast who
– meets the tree-like title monster (generated
this fanciful fantasy. Eddie Redmayne represents many things the father is against,
via a “motion-capture” performance by Liam
makes a fine hero as Newt Scamander, and as an engagement announcement
looms, the parent’s anxiety rises. DVD Neeson), which has several stories to tell him
a “magizoolgist” who loses several of his
extras: theatrical trailer; five “making-of” in the process of helping him deal with his
fantastic beasts in mid-1920s New York. A
documentaries; audio commentary by circumstances. Sigourney Weaver plays the
former investigator (Katherine Waterston)
who wants her job back gets in on the hunt director and co-writer John Hamburg, co- youth’s no-nonsense grandmother, and Toby
to retrieve them, for a variety of reasons. writer Ian Helfer and editor William Kerr; Kebbell and Geraldine Chaplin also co-star.
Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Ezra Miller, deleted scenes; outtakes; photo gallery. ››› ››› (PG-13: AS) (Also on Blu-ray and On
Samantha Morton, Jon Voight, Carmen (R: AS, P) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) Demand)
Katherine Waterston
Ejogo and Colin Farrell also are among
the picture’s stars ... as are, expectedly, “THE ACCOUNTANT” ››› “THE SECRET LIFE OF
the special-effects wizards who bring the PETS” ›››
creatures to life. DVD extras: “making-of” “JACK REACHER: NEVER
documentaries; deleted scenes. ››› (PG-
13: V) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) HOME FOR PECULIAR
“20TH CENTURY WOMEN” is viewed in some parts as a crime. The ›››
Annette Bening leads an excellent cast in would-be rescuers are eventually captured “BOO! A MADEA SEVEN” ›››
and challenged to survive, prompting them (COURTESY OF HOME
writer-director Mike Mills’ (“Beginners”) MEDIA MAGAZINE) HALLOWEEN” ››› “JASON BOURNE” ›››
drama, which recently was Oscar-nominated to rely very heavily on their faith. Scorsese
for its screenplay. The actress plays one of and his co-screenwriter, former film critic “INFERNO” ››› “SNOWDEN” ›››
several Californians in the late 1970s – with Jay Cocks, adapted Shusaku Endo’s novel.
the others portrayed by Greta Gerwig and Ciaran Hinds appears in the largely “OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY” (April 4)
Elle Fanning – who all take a major role in Japanese supporting cast. ››› (R: AS, V)
(Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) “ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY”
raising the Bening character’s son (Lucas
(April 4)
Jade Zumann), as the women’s respective “PATRIOTS DAY”
experiences come into focus as the story “SILICON VALLEY: THE COMPLETE
Though recent documentaries on the
moves back and forth in time. ››› (R: AS, THIRD SEASON” (April 11)
subject have had arguably bigger impacts,
N, P) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand)
the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing is “VEEP: THE COMPLETE FIFTH SEASON”
“SILENCE” dramatized reasonably effectively by (April 11)
Celebrated director Martin Scorsese tackles director Peter Berg. He reunites with star and (UPCOMING RELEASES)
“WAR ON EVERYONE” (April 11)
historical drama again, casting Adam producer Mark Wahlberg (also of Berg’s
Driver (“Star Wars: The Force Awakens”) “Deepwater Horizon”), who plays a police “HAWAII FIVE-O: THE COMPLETE
ORIGINAL SERIES” (April 18) Jennifer Aniston
and Andrew Garfield (“Hacksaw Ridge”) sergeant trying to help those injured by the
as 17th-century clergymen and missionaries blasts while he seeks evidence against the
who seek their mentor (Liam Neeson) in perpetrators. ››› (R: AS, P, V) (Also on Family Viewing Ratings
Japan, a risky undertaking when Christianity Blu-ray and On Demand) AS Adult situations P Profanity V Violence N Nudity GV Graphic Violence


CREATURES •Home Theater

Aswang This grey,
ghoulish Filipino monster,
a cross between a
them dead or with severe
Gelumcaedus One of
•Custom Electronics
•Outdoor Entertainment Funny ladies
werewolf and a vampire, the scariest of wesen, this We offer Design, 1) In what year did “I Love Lucy” premiere:
had a forked tongue that alligator-like beast had
could suck the amniotic razor-sharp teeth, thick, Installation, Training, & 1951, 1952 or 1953?
fluid out of a pregnant green bumpy skin and Service. 2) Who has won more Primetime Emmy
woman’s belly, as it did strength so great that it Awards, Mary Tyler Moore or Carol Burnett?
in the Season 3 episode could rip a man limb from Specializing in Audio, Video, 3) What fearless female clown is perhaps best
“Mommie Dearest.”
Damonfeuer This
limb or even shake them
apart. Like gators, they
Automation. Lighting, Cast of remembered as an original and invaluable
horned, scaly, dragon-like “I Love cast member of Sid Caesar’s “Your Show
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went through periods of Control, Surveillance, & of Shows”? (Hint: She and Caesar did a
hibernation and could be Lucy”
dwelled in caves, hoarded
found in dark subterranean
Central Vacuum Systems. memorable spoof of “From Here to Eternity.”)
treasure and breathed fire, 4) What perennial TV favorite made her
a combustion of the fat roosts like sewers.
Hexenbiest With white sitcom debut in the 1953-55 comedy “Life
from the humans it ate.
Gedachtnis Esser With hair and decayed skin, With Elizabeth”?
a head shaped like an these female witch-like
creatures were adept at Soundsmiths Extraordinaire
4) Betty White
octopus, this monster from
Season 4 was a thief and casting spells and whipping Serving Texas for over 30 years
3) Imogene Coca
a spy that could use its up alchemical potions that 1611 South First St. Lufkin, TX 2) Moore has won seven Primetime Emmys; Burnett has won six
tentacles to burrow into could manipulate people’s (936) 632-8484 1) “I Love Lucy” premiered Oct. 15, 1951, on CBS
Gedachtnis its victim’s head and steal thoughts, perceptions and 1(800) 622-8346 Answers:
Esser their memories, leaving emotions. the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 23G
around east texas coming attractions
Johnson performing Snapchat: iderekjohnson, call tuesday Singers. For tickets/info: or and special sales by downtown merchants
468-6494 or email sfastudentvet- 12th annual Hearts for Hope Dinner 633-5233. plus vendor booths along First Street. First
March 31 at LugNutz or sfaveter- Fundraiser. 6 p.m., Pitser Garrison Mechanical Mayhem Monster Truck Street will be closed for this event.
SFA student veteran Derek Convention Center. Entertainment by the Show. 6-10 p.m. April 7-8, Angelina Restoration Wine Bar Open Mic. 7
Johnson will perform at 8 GMC Trio, Texas Bible College Ensemble. Exposition Center. Advanced tickets: Kids p.m. every Thursday. Free. It is not karaoke
p.m. March 31 at LugNutz Bar Stone Fort Wind Quintet Live, silent and dessert auctions. Tickets: $12/Adults $18. For info: lufkinmonster- but if you have a CD they will play it for
& Grill to raise funds for the performing on Tuesday $40. For info: 639-5068 or visit mosaic- or email extrememonsters@ you. Glenn Lenderman will be there if you
Lumberjack veteran organiza- The Stephen F. Austin State need him to accompany you.
tion while highlighting the University College of Fine AC Visual Arts Student Exhibitions AC Graphic Arts Student Exhibitions. Square Dancing. Lufkin Pine Squares
group’s service to the campus Arts and School of Music will Reception. 6-7:30 p.m. Angelina Center April 18-May 3, Angelina Center for the Dance Club dances at 7 p.m. every second
and community. present the Stone Fort Wind for the Arts Gallery, through April 11. Arts Gallery. An artist’s reception will be Friday night and every fourth Saturday at
Johnson’s song “Real Cool Quintet in a recital at 7:30 p.m. thursday held from 6-7:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of the Angelina County Senior Citizens Cen-
Kinda Hot” is one of the top- Tuesday in Cole Concert Hall Carson & Barnes Circus. 4:30 & 7:30 the exhibition’s opening. ter, 2801 Valley Drive. For info: 639-6469.
played tunes on Spotify. Texas on the SFA campus. p.m., George H. Henderson Jr. Exposition Jarrod Spector & Kelli Barrett. 7 p.m. Joie de Vivre Duplicate Bridge Club.
country artist Aaron Sevener This SFA music faculty Center. For tickets/info: 637-3976. April 20, The Pines Theater, 113 S. First 10 a.m. Saturdays. Call Karen Jennings at
and SFA dentistry student and chamber ensemble features saturday St. For tickets/info: 633-0349 or thepines. 225-4575 for details. Affiliated with the
Texas artist Joey Greer also Christina Guenther, flute; 2017 Clay Shoot Tournament. 10 American Contract Bridge League.
will perform. Kerry Hughes, oboe; Christo- a.m.-1 p.m., The Pines Gun Club, 311 Outrageous Theater. 7 p.m. April Lufkin Community Band. Former band
LugNutz is at 5287 U.S. High- pher Ayer, clarinet; Charles Spring Lake Drive, Lufkin. seventh annual 20-22, Temple Theater, AC campus. AC members are encouraged to join the
way 59 in Nacogdoches. Gavin, horn; and Lee Goodhew, “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” Clay Shoot Tour- Theater department. For info: angelina. Lufkin Community Band that is seeking
A portion of the “Fill Our bassoon. nament. Annie Oakley Shootout, 6 p.m. edu or 633-5233. new members. Rehearsals: 7-8:30 p.m.
Canteen” funds are used for The concert is part of the March 31, washer tournament until 9 SpringFest, formerly Downtown Tuesdays, Hudgins Hall, AC campus. For
the annual trip to Austin for Cole Performing Arts Series. p.m. Dinner will be served on Friday night, Hoedown. April 22. Arts, crafts and food info: 632-7385.
the “Silkie March” to raise Tickets are $8 for adults, $6 breakfast and lunch will be provided on vendors line the streets of downtown Lufkin Area Radio Control Modelers
awareness for veteran suicide. for seniors and $3 for students Saturday. Lufkin with a variety of children’s activi- Club. 2 p.m. Sundays at the Flying Field
SFA Greek organizations and youth. For tickets or more upcoming events ties and all-day entertainment, including behind Ellen Trout Zoo, Loop 287 north. For
are in a friendly competition to information, call the SFA Fine Showtime! 2017. 7:30 p.m. April 1 a zip-line. For info on becoming a vendor, info: or call 632-4188.
raise the most funds. Arts Box Office at 468-6407 or and 2:30 p.m. April 2, Temple Theater, AC entertainer or car/truck entrant, call 633- Church League Bowling. For ages 17
For more information visit (888) 240-ARTS or visit finearts. campus. Musical menagerie featuring 0205. Free admission. and up, the league bowls every Monday, 6, add song-and-dance numbers by the AC Third annual Heritage Festival. 9 p.m., Lufkin Lanes. For info: Aubrey Brat-
a.m.-5 p.m. April 22, downtown San ton, 875-4161.

Augustine. Celebrating 300 years of the Senior Bowling League. For men
founding of Mission Dolores. Attractions and women ages 50 and up. Senior
include Antique Street, Heritage Row, live league bowls at noon every Tuesday and
entertainment, classic car show and con- Thursday. Participants can play on both
Continued from Page 11G test, History Scavenger Hunt, crafts and or either days. For info: Lufkin Lanes,
about it, and I wasn’t disap-
multi-cultural food booths. For info: Tracy 632-5656.
pointed. This is some of the best
Cox, Main Street director, 275-3172. Mixed League Bowling. Teams of five
catfish I’ve had anywhere.
ongoing events members, men and women, bowl at 6
I was worried that as late as
Corinne Jones, A Retrospective. p.m. Wednesdays. For info: Lufkin Lanes,
we had arrived, the buffet might
have been out of some stuff, or at
Museum of East Texas, through May 21. 632-5656.
least running low, but the staff Street Entertainment. 6:30-8 p.m. Youth Bowling League. For ages 6-18,
was constantly replenishing Main Street brings entertainment to the youth league bowls at 6 p.m. every
everything on that hot bar. And downtown Lufkin. Walk around and watch Tuesday and at noon every Saturday. No
I wish I could have tried it all — the entertainment or become a performer experience necessary, assistance provided
and plan to on subsequent visits the third Saturday of the month. For info: to improve your skills.
— but there’s such an abundance 633-0205. To have your events listed in the
of meats and sides to choose Main Street Market Days. Beginning entertainment calendar, contact the newsroom
from that I feared I wouldn’t April 8. New downtown event every second at 631-2618 or by email at
have room for dessert if I went Saturday, April-December featuring music
back for another round.
It was hard to choose from the
many tantalizing options on the
dessert bar, but I ultimately went BRIE BRADFORD/The Lufkin News
with a slice of Jell-O No Bake Jell-O No Bake Strawberry Cheesecake and German chocolate
Strawberry Cheesecake and a cake were among many scrumptious-looking items on the dessert
piece of German chocolate cake. bar. And the moist German chocolate cake featured both German
“This is how you wished the chocolate icing on top and between layers as well as chocolate
desserts tasted at Golden Cor- icing around the cake.
ral,” I said to my friend, refer-
encing those beautiful-looking throughout the dining room. At Adele — well, I have to admit
desserts that somehow never any rate, “Turn Down for What” she sings just as well as those
taste all that great. is the last song I’d expect to hear vegetables.
These desserts, by contrast, while dining at a country buffet, The Food Court is open from
are every bit as delicious as they and judging by the rest of the 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through
look. demographics in attendance, Friday, and the buffet (which in-
If I had one complaint about I think the music was more cludes salad, dessert and drink)
this restaurant, it would have to endured than appreciated by is $8.99 Monday-Thursday and Celebrating lives with dignity
be the pop music being played everybody but the super friendly $9.99 on Friday. 1515 S. Chestnut | Lufkin | 936-634-4411
in the dining room. Or maybe staff. Brie Bradford is a pseudonym for the food
that was pop music being played But for food this good, I can critic of The Lufkin News. Her email address
in the kitchen that was audible tolerate a little Taylor Swift. And is
24G Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news
24 March 26 - April 1, 2017
Lufkin Daily News
24 March 26 - April 1, 2017 Lufkin Daily News
The Fashion District Sudoku Solution
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“Imaginary Mary” on ABC
Lufkin Y D O O Z V O N F U L O O P S
(Words in parentheses not in puzzle)

936-630-2041 OAlice
M U N(Jenna)
H IElfmanN G E D UIndependent
(Stephen) Schneider
VMaryA H C(Rachel)
H V Dratch
I A H R T(Imaginary)

We Cut Keys, “Imaginary Mary” on ABC

Andy (Nicholas) Coombe Upheaval

Dora (Matreya)
(Words Family
Scarrwenernot in puzzle)
in parentheses
Not Corners Alice (Jenna) Elfman Independent © Zap2it
LEE’S Ben (Stephen) Schneider Unhinged

1956 In focus
(Rachel) Dratch
(Nicholas) Coombe
(Imaginary) Friend

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Dora (Matreya) Scarrwener Family
“Good ‘n Screwed,”

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632-KEYS (5397) © Zap2it
Joanna Bonaro (“The Dark

In focus
639-KEYS (5397) 699-KEYS (5397) Ages”) is the creator, writer,
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billed as a “middle age, com-
ing-of-age comedy” that fol-

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vorce and a near breakdown.
Joanna Bonaro (“The Dark
New York actors Suzanne H.
Ages”) is the creator, writer,
Smart, Armen Garo, Anna
Serving 40 Counties in East Texas producer and star of what is
Whitty and Robert Funaro are
Look No Further also in the large cast.
billed as a “middle age, com-
ing-of-age comedy” that fol-
lows the adventures of Nina,
Lone Star EastTexJ
a New York City everywoman


who gets a second chance


Small Engine at life and love following di-


(936) 824-3762 Repair & Tune Up one search. find jobs. find talent.
vorce and a near breakdown.
4138 US HWY 69S • LUFKIN Free pick up & Delivery New York actors Suzanne H. in Lufkin Smart, Armen Garo, Anna
Whitty and Robert Funaro are
also in the large cast. the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 1H

Angels “Everyone
deserves a
Among Us chance.”
See 2H
2H Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Wendy’s Misfits cares for unwanted animals

Nonprofit “The animals that normally
would be euthanized at a typi-
group rescues, cal shelter because they need
so much care and take a lot of
provides medical time for recovery are the ones we
rescue,” she said. “Everyone de-
care and helps serves a chance.”
The group once rescued a

with adoptions puppy with two broken legs and

raised money for his surgery.
They also found a puppy with an
By STEPHANIE STEVENS eyeball bulging out, caused by
The Lufkin News blunt force trauma; his eye had
to be removed and he’s deaf, but
Wendy Fulghum never “now he is doing great and is in a
thought she would be the founder loving home,” Fulghum said.
of a nonprofit organization that “I have a heart for animals,”
helps unwanted animals through she said. “If I see one that is hurt,
rescue, medical care and adop- I want to do everything I can to
tion, but “things just happen,” try and help it.”
she said. The organization has also
“It started out that I would find sponsored several spays for dog
a dog here and there and ask for owners, and Fulghum said the
donations to take them to the group hopes to offer a free spay-
vet,” Fulghum said. “Everybody and-neuter event in Lufkin.
told me I needed to start a Face- Fulghum doesn’t limit her
book page, and it snowballed kindness to animals. She said
from there. I never thought in a God led her to help a young CONTRIBUTED
million years it would be where woman with a baby who had fled August Martinez, a board member for Wendy’s Misfits Animal road starving to death. Martinez took her to the vet immediately.
it is now.” from an abusive partner and was Rescue, found Biscuit, a year-old cur mix, dumped on a country
The organization was started working long hours to keep a
in April 2016 and has helped roof over her head.
save more than 100 animals. It Fulghum first saw the lady at
provides food, vetting, kennels — Dollar General during Christ-
anything animals need. mastime, when it was very cold.
Wendy’s Misfits rescues the “She was at the front of the
worst of the worst, according to

“It started out that I would find a

dog here and there and ask for
donations to take them to the vet.
Everybody told me I needed to start
a Facebook page, and it snowballed
from there. I never thought in a
million years it would be where it
is now. The animals that normally
would be euthanized at a typical
shelter because they need so much
care and take a lot of time for
recovery are the ones we rescue.
Everyone deserves a chance.”
Biscuit’s personality has blossomed after she was placed in foster care through Wendy’s Misfits Animal Rescue.

Proud to be
part of the
East Texas


Equal Opportunity Employer

713.353.3407 the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 3H
Continued from Page 2H
store, putting gloves on her year-
and-a-half-old son’s hands,”
Fulghum said. “So I knew she
was getting ready to walk some-
Fulghum offered her a ride
and discovered she lived in a tiny
shack. A few days later, she saw
the lady walking down the road.
“I thought, this is twice in a
week — something’s got to give,”
she said. “So I turned around,
and we started talking. She lit-
erally had nothing except for a
twin-size bed she and her son
were sleeping on. It was heart-
breaking. There was no heat, no
air. I posted this need on Wendy’s
Misfits’ Facebook page. Just see-
ing what my supporters do for
animals, I knew they would be
willing to help a human.”
After word got around, the
young woman had everything
she needed, including cash, a car,
food, clothing, a bed and heaters.
She used the cash to pay for day
care and get caught up on bills.
The woman even donated
items to a family who had lost ev-
erything in a house fire.
“So she has paid it forward and
is doing great,” Fulghum said.
Deborah Winston, another lo-
cal volunteer dedicated to help-
ing animals, said Fulghum has
the ability to bring a community
of strangers together to help a
complete stranger and her child.
Winston said Fulghum even
made sure the child had a Christ-
mas tree with gifts, and she made
it happen within 10 days.
“I think she’s an asset to our
community, going above and be-
yond, not only helping the aban-
doned dogs in our community
out but people in need, as well,” CONTRIBUTED
Winston said. Wendy’s Misfits board members take dogs to the vet, rescue pups and make Kassey Bolin, Debi Van, Kimberly Wagner, Shelita Heaton, Wendy Fulghum and
Fulghum admitted that it is decisions for the organization. The members include Chairman Tanya Spivey, Bobbie Windham. Not photographed is board member August Martinez.
hard to juggle the organization,
her full-time job and life in gen- vets. It’s a group effort.” from our community, then we costs $60 to adopt. transporting dogs. 632-2080.
eral, but her backbone is the Other board members include will keep going to make a differ- The organization is in need of “Sometimes we transport dogs Checks can be made payable to
Wendy’s Misfits board. Shelita Heaton, Debi Van, Kim- ence.” more foster volunteers. to rescues out of town,” she said. Wendy’s Misfit’s, P.O. Box 3246,
“There is no way I could do any berly Wagner, Bobbie Windham, To become a foster or adopt “We can rescue dogs all day “Recently, we had 16 puppies Lufkin, TX 75903, or visit PayPal
of this without my board mem- Kassey Bolin and August Marti- a dog, email wendysmisfits@ long,” Fulghum said. “It’s hard from two different litters, and at
bers,” she said. nez. or message Wendy’s finding money, but it’s even hard- they ended up going to Houston. “If an animal is in need, con-
“Tanya Spivey is our chair- Fulghum sent a special thanks Misfits on Facebook at facebook. er to find somebody who is will- Usually it’s about two hours one tact us,” Fulghum said. “We can’t
man, and she’s the one that keeps to the organization’s supporters. com/wendysmisfits. ing to open their home for foster way. We try to meet rescue people always help because funds and
me in line because I get side- “Our supporters keep us go- The dogs are not adopted out dogs. It could take two days or halfway.” fosters are limited, but we will do
tracked easily. She keeps every- ing,” she said. “There’ve been until they are fully recovered two months before a dog is ad- To donate directly to the or- everything we can.”
thing running smoothly. We have times when people have stepped from any condition that they opted. Foster volunteers is a huge ganization’s vet, Lone Star Vet-
several board members who are up three or four times in a row. have. They are fully vetted and need.” erinary Clinic, stop by the clinic Stephanie Stevens’ email address is
always there to take dogs to the As long as we have the support neutered/spayed. Each animal She said they also need help at 2610 Brentwood Drive or call

To become a foster or adopt a dog:

or message Wendy’s Misfits on Facebook

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4H Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

LHS junior helps students ‘Count on Success’

Program designed need extra help in math, and we
try to boost their skills and confi-
lish for high schoolers, I figured
this would give me great experi-
to instill excitement dence to where it should be.” ence in explaining,” she said.

about math to He purchased the games and

books with a donation from The
The five-week program started
in February, and only a couple
second-graders at Children’s Clinic of Lufkin.
Every day, high school stu-
weeks in, Hammonds reported
a positive difference in the stu-
Dunbar Primary dents tutor about 20 second-grad-
“They know more each time I
By STEPHANIE STEVENS National Honor Society mem- come,” she said. “So the knowl-
The Lufkin News ber Travis Spore sat in the cafete- edge is sticking. They are becom-
ria, challenging students to draw ing faster in their responses, and
Lufkin High School junior a robot using two rectangular they actually tell me what and
Aman Khan started the “Count prisms, two cylinders and a cube. how they are doing it now. We’ve
on Success” program to instill “When I was a kid, I always only been doing it for a couple
an excitement about math in sec- looked up to the high schoolers,” weeks, and to see this much im-
ond-graders at Dunbar Primary. Spore said. “I really believe in provement already, it shows this
Khan and other Lufkin High education and that it fosters the program is helping kids.”
School volunteers from the Na- future, so I thought I could be of Dunbar Primary Principal
tional Honor Society and Student benefit for these guys and devel- Dorinda Wade said second-grad-
Teacher Cadets work with two op their skills and create a men- ers have greatly benefited from
or three kids each every Tues- torship.” the program.
day and Thursday after school. Khan agreed that he didn’t “They are excited about math,”
He started the program at Dun- think he would connect with the she said. “They want to come to
bar because it was the primary younger students as much as he math club. Even kids who aren’t
school he attended. has. in it are asking to come. We are
The session starts with a math- “I expected it to be fun, but I seeing a lot of excitement, and
centered book that has interac- feel as if this is more of a mentor- kids are talking about math,
tive questions. Afterward, stu- ship or role model relationship which is great.” ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News
dents play a board or card game developing,” he said. “It’s really She said one neat aspect about Aman Khan, a Lufkin High School junior, started a program called “Count on Success” to instill a
together where they do simple paid off because I can see a differ- the program is the small group love of math in second-graders through reading and board games.
addition or place value to earn ence in some of them in just how size.
points and win. fast they are able to do the math “Because there are only two or plan on the spot. adjusting and problem-solving ers and second-graders.”
“The idea is to instill excite- and visualize it in their heads.” three kids with one high school- “Sometimes they might start there. I was listening to one stu- The program has seen such
ment for math,” Khan said. “I Lufkin High School senior Au- er, they are able to focus more off with two kids and then we add dent, and he was great at keeping success that it may be extended
used to play these games when I drye Hammonds, who is in the and form those bonds to practice another to their group, or a kid their attention. He said, ‘You girls by a few weeks and even made
was younger, and they changed Teacher Cadet program, said social skills,” Wade said. has to leave and their group gets are doing great. Let’s keep the into a biannual event.
the way I thought about math and Count on Success has made her She commended the high smaller,” Wade said. “Or maybe greatness going.’ So I think it’s Stephanie Stevens’ email address is
made me like it. We are working “want to be a teacher even more.” school volunteers on their ability their activity isn’t going as de- beneficial to both the high school-

with second-grade students who “Since I wanted to teach Eng- to think and change their game signed and they are monitoring,

Good Samaritans help flooded neighbor

By VICKY CAMARILLO Mount and Guinn’s next-door from the home with Shop-Vacs “He didn’t have to say a thing
The Lufkin News neighbor, Kalvin Buckley, had before Servpro workers arrived in the beginning, and he did,”
noticed water leaking from the an hour or two later. Brown Mount said. “If it hadn’t been for
Several good Samaritans band- house. helped Guinn clean the house for him, I would’ve lost my whole
ed together on a holy night to Mount said it was “pretty rot- 10 days. house.”
part the seas in Lufkin resident ten” — not least because of the Servpro worked on Mount’s Mount, who moved to Lufkin
William Mount’s house. holiday — to find ankle-high wa- house for five days, taking out from Arizona in 2007, said the
Mount’s house flooded after a ter in several rooms in his house. water and pouring it on the front support that he and Guinn re-
water heater malfunction while “There were about 4 or 5 inch- lawn, setting up fans and humidi- ceived from their neighbors was
he and his girlfriend, Pat Guinn, es of water on the floor of my fiers to dry out the house, and “something that I’ve never expe-
were at a Christmas Eve party at bedroom, closet, spare room and drilling holes in the home’s base- rienced in my life.”
his niece Gail Jones’ house. living room,” Mount said. boards. For the next two weeks, “Never in my whole life had
Around 7 p.m., the couple’s But some of Mount’s neigh- Mount and Guinn stayed at Gail I ever figured people would do
neighbor Virginia Brown called bors lent a helping hand. and Cecil Jones’ home; Keith that,” he said. “We can’t thank
Guinn, saying the two had better His nephew, Scott, turned off Jones even offered one of his them enough. I don’t think this
get home quick and “bring a lot the water and called Mount’s houses for the couple to stay in. would’ve happened in Arizona. I
of men,” because their house was insurance company, which Mount said he was grateful to think the greatest people in the
in trouble. promptly sent over a representa- everyone who helped that night world live here in Texas.”
“I asked her, ‘Is it on fire?’” tive. Scott, Cecil and Keith Jones, — especially Buckley, who hap-
Guinn said. “She said, ‘No, worse
— it’s water.’”
Mike DeLorenzo and Richard
Idom started sucking up water
pened to be outside at the right
Vicky Camarillo’s email address is 632-0102

We’re Your

ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News

William Mount and Pat Guinn stand in their home in Lufkin. Several of the couple’s neighbors
banded together to help them when their house flooded after a water heater malfunction on
Christmas Eve.

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Volunteer always willing to lend a helping hand

Lumbley can “I have my own job and I am
doing better now, so whenever I
reflect on personal do get checks in from my books,

experiences I always give that toward those

(causes),” Lumbley said. “It’s ex-

when it comes to tra money, which we could use

in savings, of course, but other
helping others people could use it more.”
According to Lumbley’s friend
By VICKY CAMARILLO Amanda Smith, these efforts are
The Lufkin News

Kara Lumbley is drawn to giv-

ing to low-income families and
abused or neglected children for people just need
a simple reason.
“I’ve been in their situation,” a little bit of
she said. “Even as poor as I’ve
been — because, trust me, I’ve help. When I
been really poor — we always
made sure that we did something hit some really
for somebody else, because I
know what it’s like to be on that dark times, I
really bad end.”
Lumbley has contributed to had people who
Harold’s House-East Texas Alli-
ance for Children, Lufkin Com-
helped me, and
munity Partners, other local
charities, homeless people and
it made such a
multiple individuals.
Lumbley is a CPA for FTR
difference. To
Equipment, a published author,
a wife and a mother of two. But
me, imagining
when she was single and preg-
nant with her first child, she had
a kid who has
to choose which month to have nothing, waking
water on and which month to
have electricity; she couldn’t af- up on Christmas
ford to keep the heat on, so she
slept under every item of cloth- and getting
ing she owned. She put herself
through college and earned a to open those
bachelor’s degree in accounting
with honors. presents — is
Lumbley said she was always
a big reader, and publishing nov- that not worth a
els was one of her “bucket list”
items. She checked off that ac-
couple hundred
complishment in 2016, with two
mystery novels under her belt
dollars? I think it
and more to come.
And she puts her book royal-
ties to good use. Kara lumbley
She has bought bunk beds and
bedding for kids in foster care, as
well as school supplies for a col- “perhaps a small 3 percent of
lege student; she bought decora- how kind and giving she is.”
tions for a teacher at Bonner El- Lumbley once emptied her
ementary in Hudson who wanted pantry and drove 45 miles to give
her classroom to be more inviting food to a friend who had three
to her students; and she and her kids and was struggling finan-
kids give local homeless people cially; she’s emptied her savings
bags with thick socks, military to help a friend get back on his
blankets, hygiene products, non- feet. VICKY CAMARILLO/The Lufkin News
perishable food, water bottles Lumbley paid Smith’s elec-
and Bible verses. tric bill for three months, Smith Local accountant and author Kara Lumbley holds one of the Alliance for Children.
She also adopts a child through sad, even though Lumbley and children’s capes she donated to Harold’s House-East Texas
Lufkin Community Partners — her family were “in a bind” with stantly giving to charities with-
an organization that assists Child hospital bills after a surgery, and out giving her name. ... When she
Protective Services in providing Lumbley has given her things sees someone in need, she helps.”
necessary items for foster fami- away to other families even when Lumbley encouraged those
lies — to buy them Christmas she had “maybe $20 to her name.” who want to help the less fortu-
gifts every year, and she recently “Even though she still has nate to look first within their own
donated superhero capes and hard times as her family has community — find local nonprof-
masks to abused children under- grown, instead of selling the its on Facebook and follow them
going examinations at Harold’s things she could, she always gives for updates on what they need.
House to brighten their day after it away,” Smith said. “As long as “Sometimes people just need a
a scary process. One girl didn’t her family’s main things are paid little bit of help,” Lumbley said.
take off her cape for four days, and they have food, the rest she “When I hit some really dark
Lumbley said. willingly gives away. She is con- times, I had people who helped
me, and it made such a difference.
To me, imagining a kid who has
“Even though she still has hard times nothing, waking up on Christmas
and getting to open those pres-
as her family has grown, instead of ents — is that not worth a couple
hundred dollars? I think it is.”
selling the things she could, she As a mother, and as a woman
who survived abusive relation-
always gives it away. As long as her ships, Lumbley said she’s pas-
sionate about serving kids in
family’s main things are paid and particular.

they have food, the rest she willingly “I’ve been there, and I know
what it feels like to be scared,”
gives away. She is constantly giving she said. “And it took me a long
time to be able to fight back, and I
to charities without giving her just want them to know there are
people who care; there are people
name. ... When she sees someone who want to help.
“I guess it’s something I was
in need, she helps.” meant to do.”

Amanda Smith Vicky Camarillo’s email address is

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6H Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Community health worker coordinates services

Angelina County District itself, but now we can do

Connects helps
Medicaid, food stamps, (Tempo-
rary Assistance for Needy Fami-
“I’m just one little fish in a big bowl.
people find the lies), all in one spot. Our clients
don’t have to go to different agen-
I appreciate every person who I work
assistance they need cies in town. We do that all here.”
Once they get those services,
with at the district. They deserve
The Lufkin News
staff educators Paula Botsford
and Ann Watson provide clients
credit also.”
with instructions on how to use Donna Grimes
She’s part of the team that con- those services, she said.
nects people with the assistance “We don’t just give a client a on to something else. I decided to I started the first year, I was in
they need. piece of paper and make them investigate it and see.” the women’s health care center,
Donna Grimes is a community figure out what to do with it,” She was hesitant to commit overseeing that program. We
health worker at the Angelina Grimes said. to the class at first. The class diagnosed many women in that
County and Cities Health District “If they need a primary health was 160 hours, she said, and it department. We added things to
who oversees a new program care physician, that’s when I had been a long time since her the program. We had some equip-
called Angelina County Con- come in. I visit with them about last stint in school. She said her ment donated by local OB/GYNs
nects. what their health issues are. I try friend from SFA convinced her it so we could do further testing.
“I coordinate services,” Grimes to figure out, knowing some of was the right thing for her. “Then, Ms. Shaw approached
said. “It could be all kinds of ser- the physicians in town and their After her certification, she said me about coming to this depart-
vices — whatever someone who personalities, (the best match) to she approached Health District ment and working in Angelina
comes into the Health District connect those people — if they’re Administrator Sharon Shaw for County Connects. It truly has
needs. A lot of (my clients) come Spanish speakers, I try to con- a position. been a blessing for me.”
from our primary health care de- nect them with someone who Thanks to an Expanded Pri- Grimes expressed how she felt
partment as far as coordinating speaks Spanish. mary Health Care Program grant on that first day of working in the
outside care, because the Health “Whatever their situation is, I from the Texas Department of Health District.
District can only carry their try to connect them to the right State Health Services, the Health “When I walked through the
health care so far. Then, we have physician. That’s where the ‘con- District established a preventive doors of the Health District that
to refer out to different facilities nects’ comes into this depart- health care center in 2014, which first day, it was like God spoke to
in order for them to get surgery, ment — connecting people to offers comprehensive women’s me and said, ‘Here’s your mis-
cancer treatment or whatever the those services and teaching them health care, including gynecolog- sion. You do what you see fit with
situation may be. That’s where I how to use them.” ic and family planning services. it.’ It comes very easy to work
come in.” Grimes already had an exten- The expanded services — with people, because I was a vic-
Angelina County Connects is a sive medical background, includ- which include breast and cervi- tim of sitting on the other side of
program that helps families find ing 25 years of medical practice cal cancer screenings, cervical the desk.
and apply for community social management in Lufkin. Then, dysplasia treatment, family plan- “My dad was a single dad. He
services, such as health care, she saw a public service an- ning, health education, preven- was a veteran. I had a little broth-
food and housing. nouncement that would take her tive health screenings for diabe- er. My mother left us when I was
The program assists residents on a different path. tes and hypertension, acute and 9 years old. My dad made just STEVE KNIGHT/The Lufkin News
in signing up for health insur- “One morning I was getting chronic illness diagnoses and enough to keep us from qualify- Community health worker Donna Grimes poses outside the
ance under the Affordable Care ready for work and I heard a pub- treatment, laboratory and phar- ing for anything. What he made Angelina County and Cities Health District building in Lufkin.
Act, as well as Medicaid and lic service announcement for a maceutical services, and case on a monthly basis is what we
Children’s Health Insurance Pro- community health worker,” she management by a certified com- survived on, which was not very son who I work with at the dis- we all work together to make it
gram. The program also provides said. “I wrote the number down munity health worker — are of- much back then. trict. They deserve credit also. work.”
hands-on assistance with appli- and put it in my purse. It resur- fered in a clinic on Shands Drive “I guess I get my passion from They are part of the team just Steve Knight’s email address is
cations, eligibility screening and faced a couple of times and I final- in Lufkin. The building was pro- that because I remember that. ... like I’m a part of the team, and
documentation needs. ly called the number. It happened vided by the T.L.L. Temple Foun- So it comes very easy for me to
The program has been estab- to be a lady at (Stephen F. Austin) dation. reach out and nurture them.”
lished for about a year, Grimes that I had worked with many, The grant required a commu- And she credits the entire staff
said. many years placing (physician nity health worker on the staff. of the Health District for her suc-
“It was created by the Health assistant) students from (the Uni- Grimes was hired. cess.
District and the Temple Foun- versity of Texas Medical Branch) “When I look at that, it was “It’s not just one person here at
dation with this concept — An- in Galveston for rotations here. truly a blessing to me, because the Health District,” she said. “It
gelina County Connects is con- She wondered what I had been it was a perfect fit. That’s where takes all 60-plus employees here
necting our clients to the services doing and what I was doing now I had come from. That’s where at the Health District to make it
that they need,” she said. “We do because one of the doctors I used all of my experience came from work. I’m just one little fish in a Lindsay R. Syler, DVM
eligibility, not only for the Health to work for retired and I moved — women’s health care. When big bowl. I appreciate every per-
Brittany Walraven, DVM
Elizabeth Hansen, DVN

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and to join the fight golf tournament is lined up for
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exact dates to be determined.
“I’ve had relatives and a lot of McKnight Construction
By VICKY CAMARILLO good friends that are vets, and we
The Lufkin News love our country and we love to
support the people that protect Robby McKnight
When asked what drew him to it, so we do anything we possi-
host events benefiting cancer pa- bly can to support them,” Kelly Owner
tients and veterans, Ronnie Kelly said. “Anything we can do to help Free Estimates
said, “That’s how I was raised.” those who have helped us, I’m Workers Comp. &
Kelly, a Pollok resident, owns always willing to help with. I’ve
General Liability Insurance
Kelly’s Truck Parts in Nacogdo- had a lot of friends (battling) not
ches. He said he’s had customers,
close friends and family mem-
just breast cancer, but cancer as a
whole, who have fought and won, 936.675.2642
bers who have battled breast can- and that’s got a big spot in my
cer, and that inspired him to help heart, as well.”
organize golf tournaments for Pollok has also directed his ef- Metal
the past two years at Woodland forts to local education. Buildings • Houses
Hills Golf Club in Nacogdoches. A Central High School and Ste-
In those two years, the tourna- phen F. Austin graduate, Kelly
VICKY CAMARILLO/The Lufkin News Car Ports • Roofs
Pollok resident Ronnie Kelly, owner of Kelly’s Truck Parts in
ments have raised about $6,000 has served on the Central school Nacogdoches, has helped host events benefiting breast cancer Patio Covers
for cancer patients in Nacogdo- board since 2007 and is currently patients and veterans for two years. Sheds • Barns
ches County, Kelly said. the board president.
Through HDA Truck Pride, He has also coached and spon- there,” Kelly said. “That’s really get the best educators in there as
a vehicle parts supply chain of sored local baseball and basket- the best way that I know how, is possible.”
which Kelly’s Truck Parts is a ball teams. to be involved in the school Vicky Camarillo’s email address is
member, Kelly learned about In a 2013 Lufkin News ques- board, so we can always try to
the Wyakin Warrior Foundation, tionnaire for school board candi-
which offers mentoring, student dates, Kelly wrote that he’d been
financial aid and job opportuni- a Pollok resident for almost 40
ties to wounded and injured post- years and was a father to three
9/11 veterans. boys in the Central school dis-
Kelly’s involvement with the trict, adding that he and his fam-
foundation began with a simple ily were “100 percent Central.”
donation, but that contribution “I’ve always been interested in
has grown. Two years ago, Kelly making our schools the best out

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Retired FBI agent gives a piece RN taps into own experiences

of herself to help friend’s spouse to help others cope with grief By VICKY CAMARILLO ing through this type of struggle specific to their individual need.
By CASEY SIZEMORE The Lufkin News and crisis,” Burr said. “Our “We are a nondenomination-
The Lufkin News church provided our group with al group; we are fully open to
Kathy Burr is using her expe- necessary resources in order to our community. We are here to
Deb Rose lives by the motto, rience with grief to help others hold these classes and the on- help.”
“Try to make someone’s day bet- heal. going support necessary to see Vickie Graeber, pastoral staff
ter and do no harm.” Burr, a mental health reg- it grow. My husband, Hutch, secretary at Eastview, said she’s
Rose said she’s dedicated to istered nurse for 25 years, lost and my now grown children seen firsthand Burr’s passion
practicing daily acts of kindness, her husband in an automobile are a large support to me, and for helping others.
and that kindness led her to do- accident in June 2000, when he the mission of this endeavor, as “She has been a ray of light to
nate a kidney to a friend’s hus- was 34. The couple’s three kids well.” so many in this short time and
band. were 6 years old, 2 years old and Burr’s daughter, Kaleigh, has continues to make an impact in
She became an FBI agent in 9 months old at the time. participated in the class and led our community,” Graeber said.
1995 and served in that position “He was a minister and, even a Christmas ornament painting “I feel this group is a key re-
until retirement in 2015. She today, is well regarded and re- project that the group does ev- source in our community; in-
spent the last three and a half membered for his passion for ery year. dividuals need a place to meet
years of her employment at the life and preaching the gospel,” The group meets at 7 p.m. with others who have felt simi-
bureau’s Lufkin office and met Burr said. “His death and the on Thursdays at the Connect lar concerns with grief, in a set-
Becky Lanham, the wife of Bruce resulting grief we suffered were Center at the church, 1407 N. ting that is caring and support-
Lanham, after building a house catastrophic and life-changing. Medford Drive in Lufkin. The ive, in order to help them heal,”
in Nacogdoches. We experienced many personal classes are free and open to any- Burr said. “Healthy members of
Rose described Becky Lanham setbacks.” one in the community. Because community means our commu-
as “full of life, full of energy, very In 2014, Burr started a grief the classes are not sequential, nity grows stronger.”
bright, very smart and very ac- support ministry at her church, people can join the group at any Burr said Helping Hearts will
tive.” Eastview United Pentecostal time. have a special four-week session
“So I just kind of fell in love Church, with support from pas- “Every week we teach biblical in November called “Hope for
with Becky, and through her, I tor David Hunt. principles for managing grief the Holidays,” which will focus
met her husband, Bruce,” she The group’s motto: “Over- and coping strategies that are on how to navigate grief during
said. “Bruce and Becky have coming loss and grief through necessary to heal from loss,” the holidays.
their own remarkable love story, Christian education, fellowship Burr said. “We define what grief For more information about
and he is quite a prince and treats and support.” and bereavement are and en- the ministry, find Helping
her really well.” “Because of this experience courage our attendees to learn Hearts on Facebook or call the
She said Bruce Lanham previ- with my own personal grief, ways to heal. … Because grief is Eastview office at 632-3525.
ously suffered a respiratory prob- CASEY SIZEMORE/The Lufkin News and the great struggle it was to not contained within a set time
lem for which he was prescribed Deb Rose, right, and her mother, Joyce Hooper. Rose recently rebuild my life, I felt very com- frame, we offer attendees with Vicky Camarillo’s email address is
antibiotics, and three rounds of funded the construction of a home for her parents and donated pelled to reach out to others liv- the ability to receive support
the antibiotics destroyed his kid- one of her kidneys to a friend’s husband.
“Me and Becky were in Okla- ways wanted to pay that forward. saying she believed her courage
homa City for the Oklahoma I told my mom several years ago and heart came from her mother,
City Memorial Marathon, and we that I was going to build her a but she also credited her father.
were alone together,” Rose said. house.” She said she loved being able to
“She very tearfully said that he Hooper said she was taken help make her parents comfort-
had a five- to seven-year wait for aback by Rose’s contribution. able with a new home.
a kidney (transplant) and that She said that she and Fred re- Rose said she looks for oppor-
she hoped he lasted that long, and tired in 2007, with the intent of tunities daily to do good by oth-
that a cousin was testing to see if remodeling the old home. ers.
she was a match.” “Instead of remodeling it, the “I read a quote not too long ago
Rose said Becky Lanham told builder said, ‘I can build you a that says, ‘In a world where you
her several weeks later that the new one for what it would cost to can be anything, be kind,’” she
cousin was not a match. remodel it,’” she said. said. “That is how I try to live. … I
“So I asked her if I could get a Hooper said she did not know wake every morning and it is my
packet to test,” Rose said. “That is how to process what her daugh- goal to make someone’s day bet-
a long process and involved sev- ter did for her and her husband. ter and to never make anybody’s
eral appointments at Memorial “It is just beyond my thinking, day worse. If you keep your eyes
Hermann for in-depth testing. … as far as she could actually do it,” and ears open, there are thou-
But lo and behold, I was a perfect Hooper said. “I do not have that sands of things that happen ev-
match. They said I had no fighter courage; she did not get that from ery day that could be turned into
cells or antibodies, and I could me. I may have a heart for it, but I an act of kindness; it could be as
have been his sister. So it worked do not have the courage. She has simple as a hello.” VICKY CAMARILLO/The Lufkin News
out.” both.” Casey Sizemore’s email address is Kathy Burr stands at the booth for Helping Hearts, a grief support ministry she started at Eastview
She said Bruce Lanham was Rose disagreed with Hooper, United Pentecostal Church, set up for the church’s ministry fair in early March.
not aware that she was being test-
ed until after she received the ini-
tial results, which revealed there
was a 95 percent chance she was
a match.
“So I told Becky, and she asked
if she could tell Bruce,” Rose
said. “According to her, he just
broke down in tears when she
told him. He was very thankful
and appreciative.”
She said her testing and cross
matching was complete around
mid-2016, but Bruce Lanham was
not healthy enough for surgery
at the time. She said his health
was sufficient in December, so
they decided to set the date. They
went into surgery on Feb. 2 at the
Memorial Hermann Transplant
Center, and as of mid-February,
they were both doing well, she
“His energy is up, his color is
better, his counts are really good,
and the kidney is functioning
perfectly, filtering toxins as it
should,” she said.
Rose said she would like the
public to know a donor does not
necessarily have to be related to a
person to be a match for an organ
“When I asked for a packet, I
thought there was a 10-million-to-
one chance I would be a match,”
she said. “We had no relation and
were friends for only five years.
Even male to female does not
matter. If it is in your heart, try
it and see.”
She said she is satisfied with
the decision she made.
“I am very happy for him be-
cause it changed his life in a posi-
tive way: no more chemo, or the
pain related to that. I will func-
tion fine with one kidney, and
so will he,” she said. “I am most
happy that it is a stress reliever
for Becky, so she is not worried
about losing her husband years
before she should.”
In another act of kindness,
Rose funded the construction of
a home for her parents on their
property in the Bugscuffle com-
munity near Cushing.
Rose’s mother, Joyce Hooper,
said her husband, Fred, worked
and she stayed home to raise their
five daughters. Rose described
her family as “close-knit.”
She said she was raised in an
old home that her parents moved
onto the property, and she de-
cided to have the new house built
because of a promise she made to
“I have been blessed my entire
life. I have been through some
things I would not wish on my
worst enemies, but they did not
make me bitter — they made me
better,” Rose said. “So I have al-
8H Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

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bringing a
bright spot to
their day.”
See 2I

Among Us
2I Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Therapy dogs bring ‘smiles to people,’ handlers say

Good Shepherd
Pet Therapy visits
people in nursing
homes, hospitals
and special
education classes
The Lufkin News

The purpose of Good Shep-

herd Pet Therapy, Patsy Dunks
said, is “all about bringing smiles
to people.”
The group consists of regis-
tered therapy dogs and their han-
dlers who visit people in nurs-
ing homes, hospitals and special
education classes. All of the dogs
are registered with the Alliance
of Therapy Dogs to ensure they
have the disposition to interact
safely with people in those envi-
Dunks started the group about
20 years ago after her husband,
Wally, was in an accident. They
met a woman who sold German
Shepherds and introduced them
to a pet therapy group.
“We bought a German Shep- STEPHANIE STEVENS/The Lufkin News
herd, and I’m convinced that The Good Shepherd Pet Therapy group brings therapy dogs to meet and greet Retriever (white dog) Mackenzie; and Glenn Davis and Australian Shepherd Reesie.
dog kept (Wally) from going into people at places such as hospitals and nursing homes. In the front row, from the Standing from the left are Donna Work, Madeleine Arnold, Carole Arnold with her
severe depression,” Dunks said. left, are Merle Nerren with her mixed breed Penny; Shana Brevard and Golden Boston terrier Boo, Patsy Dunks and German Shepherd Ike, and Nancy Davis.
“He had to retire at 49 and went
from working 60 hours a week who is not communicative and er speaks, Dunks said. patients what they get from the
to nothing. The dog developed you see an empty room without One Christmas Eve, Dunks therapy dog group.
epilepsy and gave him a purpose pictures, you know that person brought the dog into Steve’s room “Most people say, ‘I love it and Grab & Go
because he had to medicate him has been neglected or doesn’t but didn’t put the dog in a chair enjoy it,’ but when we went to
and take care of him.” have family. You’re bringing a by Steve’s bed and help Steve pet Steve’s room, he said, ‘I love him,’ Healthy Organic
She started bringing her dog to
meet people, and as the word got
bright spot to their day with the
dogs, but it’s hard to see people in
him, as she usually did; Steve was
visibly upset.
referring to my dog,” she said.
“That was the only time I have
Foods Coming
around, more people joined her. those conditions.” “When Wally pointed it out, ever heard him speak.” Soon!
“I tell people it’s the most re- The group has visited a man Steve made ‘ugh, ugh’ noises, so Group member Carole Arnold
warding but also the most de- named Steve for about 10 years. we went back and did it,” Dunks said the dogs open all kinds of
pressing thing you will ever do,”
Dunks said. “When you go to the
Steve has muscular dystrophy
and can’t move any part of his
On another occasion, a re-
doors for them.
“People who don’t necessarily
Steak House Italian Restaurant
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Every dog in the Good Shepherd Pet Therapy group is registered disposition to interact safely with people in the areas they visit,
with the Alliance of Therapy Dogs to ensure they have the like nursing homes, hospitals and special education classes.

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(936) 639-5588 903 S John Redditt Dr. Next to Wishing Well Antiques the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 3I
Therapy dogs
Continued from Page 3I

“I tell people it’s the most rewarding

but also the most depressing thing
you will ever do. When you go to the
nursing home and visit someone
who is not communicative and you
see an empty room without pictures,
you know that person has been
neglected or doesn’t have family.
You’re bringing a bright spot to their
day with the dogs, but it’s hard to
see people in those conditions.”
want to talk to anybody will talk are unresponsive, they respond
to us because of the dogs,” Ar- to the dogs,” she said. “The peo-
nold said. “They will tell us about ple don’t seem to feel pressured.
dogs they had when they were The dogs are just here to be loved
kids. Every so often a patient and give love.”
will miss their dogs more than The group visits the Salvation
they miss their people, and it’s so Army Adult Day Center every
funny.” month.
One day at Woodland Heights “We know when they are going
Medical Center, Arnold walked to come, and we can’t wait,” cli-
past a closed door and a man ent Katy Freeman said. “We like
came tearing out at her, asking the dogs. They are friendly and
if she would visit his daughter in fun and even do tricks for us. It
the room who’d had a stroke. brightens my day real good.”
Arnold brought her Boston Her friend Linda Davis agreed.
terrior, Boo, to the room, “and “We love the dogs,” Davis said.
the young woman was just “They make us happy.” She bent
thrashing and blabbering in her down to pet Boo and laughed
bed, totally incoherent,” Arnold when he licked her hand.
said. “I picked Boo up, put him Salvation Army worker Emily
on the bed and took her hand to Terrill said the dogs are great for
pet him. I let go of her hand and, the patients.
amazingly, she continued to pet “It’s the communication that
the dog.” has gone on for years where the
When the young woman fell pet is a human’s best friend,”
asleep, Arnold left the room. Terrill said. “They give them a
“The father was standing out lot of unconditional love. I see the
in the hallway with big tears roll- patients perk up as soon as they
ing down his face,” she said. “He walk through the doors.”
said, ‘Do you know she’s been She thanked the group for
here almost two weeks and this is visiting and “making our day
the first time her stats have gone brighter.”
level?’ The dogs communicate Prospective therapy dogs go
and offer comfort to people in a through a testing and observa-
way humans can’t.” tion process before being regis-
Member Donna Work said tered. Those interested in getting
research has shown that inter- their dog registered and joining
acting with pets helps to lower the group can go to therapydogs.
stress levels and blood pressure com and click on “How to Be-
and lengthen life. come a Member.”
“Many times when we bring Stephanie Stevens’ email address is
dogs to Alzheimer’s patients who

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6I Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

‘We have a heart for outreach’

The Lufkin News Stephanie Olford mentors kids, could bring to them.”
Olford also revived a food pan-

A love for serving people in works to build community and try at the center, which gives
away groceries from 10 a.m.-1
need led Stephanie Olford and
her husband 1,500 miles away solidarity at J.D.’s Center of Hope p.m. on the second Tuesday and
fourth Thursday of every month,
from their home in Trenton, New at the church and the center, she and if we don’t come together to and started “matinee” events.
Jersey, about four years ago. said. Community outreach was help get them on the right path, The center tries to host a matinee
Since taking the reins at J.D.’s nothing new to the couple, who we’re going to lose a lot of chil- once a month, offering hot meals,
Center of Hope in Lufkin, Olford used to travel around Trenton dren,” Olford said. movies and games.
has worked to build solidarity in to give hot meals and clothing to Among the child-oriented pro- In the past several months,
the community and mentor kids homeless people. grams Olford has implemented Olford has created events such
from low-income families. “We have a heart for outreach,” are an after-school tutoring pro- as October Fest, an afternoon of
Olford and her husband, Clif- Olford said. “We’re just excited gram that currently serves 50 games, entertainment and food;
ford, who headed a church in for what we do and reaching out kids, the Tots on the Move Child a Community Formal Ball to give
Trenton for 20 years, moved to to all types of people. There’s no Education Center and a summer local adults an affordable and
Lufkin in 2012 to assume leader- specific color, because God never camp that had 86 kids last year. elegant night out; and, most re-
ship of New Zion Baptist Church looks at one color. Everybody “We got a chance to take the cently, a community brunch with
and J.D.’s Center of Hope, which means something to somebody, kids to SeaWorld last year — family entertainment.
was then called H.O.P.E. Center Valena Spradley, an official
of North Lufkin, after the pastor with Austin Bank and past presi-
of the church passed away.
The Olfords’ connection to
“She is a very intelligent woman, dent of the Lufkin Rotary Club,
said she’s been impressed by
the area, and to the church, be- and as you listen to her speak, it is Olford’s success in the few years
gan several years earlier, when she’s been in Lufkin.
Clifford learned he had an older all about the love for the kids. Our Spradley said she first met Ol-
brother he’d never met, J.D. Ol- ford while serving on the United
ford, living in Lufkin. The couple Lufkin Rotary Club made a donation Way budget board, and the two
then began traveling regularly to
East Texas. to the Blue Santa program, and I were both part of Blue Santa, a
program by the Lufkin Police De-
When they received the offer
in Lufkin, Olford had just gotten was able to spend time with the partment to give Christmas gifts
to families in need.
a promotion at work and remod-
eled her home; plus, there was kids under her care and witnessed “She is a very intelligent
woman, and as you listen to her
the prospect of her husband leav-
ing his job of 15 years, as well as
firsthand how she interacts with speak, it is all about the love for
the kids,” Spradley said. “Our
the martial arts school he ran.
The decision to move to Lufkin
each child and how much they love Lufkin Rotary Club made a dona-
tion to the Blue Santa program,
was a difficult one, not least be-
cause of the distance from their
her. She has one of the biggest and I was able to spend time
with the kids under her care and
JACKIE RAY/The Lufkin News

“We prayed about it for six
and kindest hearts I’ve ever been witnessed firsthand how she in-
teracts with each child and how
Stephanie Olford, executive director of J.D.’s Center of Hope, sits
at the center. She and her husband, Clifford, moved to Lufkin from
months, to the point where it hit around, and she wants every child much they love her. She has one
New Jersey in 2012 to assume leadership of New Zion Baptist
Church and J.D.’s Center of Hope.
me that I still wasn’t giving my of the biggest and kindest hearts
husband an answer,” Olford said. under her care to thrive.” I’ve ever been around, and she Cain St. After four years, it’s still hard
“Dec. 25, we had to make a deci- wants every child under her care “The greatest need is coming to be away from her siblings, kids
sion, because the 27th we had to VALENA SPRADLEY to thrive. to help us serve our children and and grandkids in New Jersey,
be on the road to drive to Lufkin, “Her group works hard to tutor them, showing compassion, Olford said. But she and her hus-
and I had not packed at all. It was and it’s important in our eyes — come to find out that a lot of teach each of the children that concern, and making sure that band don’t have plans to leave the
the 26th when my daughter said, not just with the center here; we parents have never been out of they can do more and be more. when our children leave here, area anytime soon.
‘Ma, you’re not packing?’ And also do a fellowship out there, Lufkin, and we thought they were She won’t settle for average. She they leave knowing that we’re “As far as the Lord takes us
that’s when it really clicked, the bringing the churches together, just kidding, but they were for wants them to be the best.” not only educating them, but we and as far as his assignment for
reality that we were transition- every denomination together.” real,” Olford said. “So we stayed Olford said she welcomes vol- love them,” Olford said. us, we’re going to be here,” she
ing coming to Lufkin.” She said she aims to spread a for about two days for them to en- unteers to tutor kids at J.D.’s That heart for outreach is said. “We’re planted here.”
The Olfords have since done message of unity to children. joy something different and have Center of Hope. Those interested keeping the Olfords rooted in Vicky Camarillo’s email address is
“a lot of plowing and changing” “Our children are our future, an opportunity to see what life can call 633-6863 or stop by 1204 Lufkin.

JACKIE RAY/The Lufkin News

Stephanie Olford, executive director of J.D.’s Center of Hope, spends time with kids at the center. New Zion Baptist Church and J.D.’s Center of Hope.
She and her husband, Clifford, moved to Lufkin from New Jersey in 2012 to assume leadership of

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Motorcycle group works to make dreams come true

East Texas consists of more than 30 mem- and we are open to volunteers.” somewhere around 300 pounds people throughout the year by even though sometimes it seems

Motorcycle bers, has raised $15,000 to $20,000

annually for the last three years,
He said those interested in vol-
unteering for the rallies can con-
of chicken wings with our special
sauce,” Crawford said.
taking part in benefits to raise
money for those in need, such as
Crawford said he encourages
Enthusiasts have and they do it all on a volunteer
tact him at 240-5246.
“We start with nothing,” Craw-
“People just gobble them up.
We also sell our brisket sand-
sick children.
When asked why he partici-
the community to become in-
volved with ETME and come out
been raising money “We get to present the wishes
to some of the kids,” Crawford
ford said. “We get donations, and
get out to find donations, but we
wich, called the Biker Special.”
He said the Bugs-N-Mud ral-
pates in the organization, Craw-
ford said, “For the kids.”
to the upcoming rallies.
“If people want to understand
for Make-A-Wish said. “We are one of the largest also donate a lot of this out of our ly usually raises about $10,000 “In my case, I just fell for it be- us, I encourage them to drop by
supporters of Make-A-Wish, and own pockets. There are a lot of for the Hawg Wild rally, which cause of the kids,” he said. sometime,” he said.
Foundation for 30 are the oldest supporter in East people, though, who donate their is scheduled for Sept. 22-24 at “Once you go see a wish be “Just come to one of the ral-
years Texas.”
ETME’s Bugs-N-Blues rally
time and money to us.”
He said Brookshire Brothers
ETME Acres.
“It takes $10,000 to put on Hawg
granted, it just goes to your
heart. It sticks with you, and I
lies, or maybe come see us when
we are going to (present) a wish.
— which raises money for the or- is one of the ETME’s largest do- Wild if we are lucky, but when we do not know how to put it in any That way, people could really
ganization’s primary fundraiser, nors. pay all our bills, we usually have other words. It will bring a big ol’ understand what we do. We are
By CASEY SIZEMORE the Hawg Wild rally — is sched- Crawford said those who at- some left over to donate,” he said. bad biker down to his knees. We legitimate and do not make any-
The Lufkin News uled for June 2-4 at ETME Acres, tend the 2017 Bugs-N-Mud rally ETME hosts memorials for for- do it for the kids.” thing out of this. I mean, really,
at 17602 state Highway 21 east will hear the live music of the mer members who have passed He described ETME members we do not make any money — it’s
The East Texas Motorcycle near Chireno. Back Porch Band and the Brick away and holds a Memorial Day as hard-working and dedicated. an empty bank account when we
Enthusiasts nonprofit organiza- “We have about 38 acres, com- Street Blues Band. There will event to honor fallen soldiers. “They are good people,” he are done because we are really
tion has been raising money for plete with a stage for bands so we also be vendors, raffles, an auc- Crawford said both the memori- said. “They come out there and trying to make a difference for
the Make-A-Wish Foundation for can have live music,” Crawford tion and free primitive camping. als and the Memorial Day event devote their time and donate for these kids.”
nearly 30 years. said. Admission is $20 at the gates. are open to the public and hosted improvements if we need it. They
ETME President Uncky Craw- “You do not have to be a biker “We usually do 600-800 pounds at the Acres. are just a really good group of Casey Sizemore’s email address is
ford said the organization, which to come out — it is for anybody — of crawfish and give it away, and He said ETME also helps other people who always get it done,

ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News

Representatives of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the East Texas Motorcycle Enthusiasts rolled up acute myeloid leukemia, in November 2016 and surprised her with an all-expenses-paid trip to Bora
to the home of 13-year-old Lufkin Middle School student Hayley Gomez, who is in remission from Bora.

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8I Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

The numbers tell the stor

numbers the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 1J

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2J Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Hudson-area woman always willing to help others

Glenda Davis to garage sales to accumulate figure everywhere I can save like fact, I think they would get more
“Anytime I can do something to
spends her
certain things the shelter needs. that, I can use the money for the income when people see their
She said some people at the ga- animals, or to help other people.” generosity. We have insurance,
help the animals or people, it is rage sales will lower their prices She said that when she is not we have Medicare, but the ani-
time, resources just my thing. I just wish there was or let her have the items for free
when they know where the items
helping animals or others, she
is working maintenance on her
mals have nothing.”
She said those who are inter-
helping people, something I could do to help more, are going.
She said that if she could af-
rental properties, all while be-
ing the primary caregiver for
ested in helping her support her
22 animals can make a donation
animals in need because no matter how much I do, I ford it, she would establish an
animal shelter large enough to
her husband, who was diagnosed
with Alzheimer’s disease.
under her name at the Angelina
Animal Hospital.
The Lufkin News
always feel it is not enough.” bring in more animals.
“Right now, I have 22 of my
Davis encourages all pet own-
ers to have their pets spayed and
“Anytime I can do something
to help the animals or people, it
Glenda Davis own and I am full house,” she neutered to help bring down the is just my thing,” she said. “I just
A Hudson-area woman spends said. “Just since the first of the number of unwanted animals. wish there was something I could
as much of her time and resourc- for $200,” she said. “That’s been with disabilities and those who year, I am close to $3,000 in vet “It’s just so important to me, do to help more, because no mat-
es helping animals as she does about five years ago now, and are working hard to turn their bills alone.” and I just wish people knew the ter how much I do, I always feel
people. they are still driving that car. It lives around. She said she spends all of her importance of getting their ani- it is not enough. My son keeps
Glenda Davis and her hus- has been a blessing for them.” “When I see someone in need money wisely and does not pur- mals fixed,” she said. “I would saying I am going to be a general
band, Tom, own a 20-acre tract of She said that she also financed and I can help, I am going to. I chase more than what she needs like to see the vets in this town in heaven, and I say if I am just
land off Highway 103 west, where another vehicle for a woman who have taught my kids and grand- so she can provide for the ani- get together to have a monthly a caregiver, I’ll be happy. There is
they have not only placed sev- lives in one of the nearby homes. kids to be the same way. I go out mals. clinic, or something like that, and just so much to be done — there
eral rental homes to help the less “She has bad credit, but she of my way to help others, and I “I am not rich or anything like have so many spays and neuters is just so much work and not
fortunate, but also established a works so hard, goes to church really enjoy it.” that,” she said. “I have been driv- free and vaccinate so many of enough workers.”
“mini animal shelter.” and does really good,” Davis said. Davis said she builds birdhous- ing the same pickup for 17 years, these animals. It would not hurt Casey Sizemore’s email address is
Davis, now 65, has been taking “She told me she could not afford es for East Texas Paws and goes and I do not need a new vehicle. I their personal businesses, and, in
in stray and abandoned animals a car, so I financed one for her
for much of her adult life and is and she pays me every month.
currently the caregiver for 12 I don’t even keep up with it be-
small dogs and 10 cats. cause I told her to do it, and she
She said she has dedicated her pays me regularly. I would trust
life to showing kindness in as her with anything I have.”
many ways as she can because She said the same neighbor
of the support she had after her recently came to her with an in-
parents passed away in a car ac- jured cat, and Davis helped her
cident when she was young. with the veterinarian costs.
“I was orphaned at 12 years “Her cat’s leg was broken in
old, and it just really changed three places and had to have a
my life,” Davis said. “People re- cast, then it got infected,” she
ally came out and helped us big said. “It was either pay up front
time with lots of food and stuff to have all this fixed, put the cat
like that. I had never seen that down or have the leg amputated.
kind of outpouring of kindness. So I paid it because I cannot look
From that point on, it changed into the eyes of a little animal and
me and I just wanted to give back say, ‘You are not worth X amount
to people, and I have always loved of dollars.’ I just cannot do that.”
animals.” In another act of compassion,
She said she routinely helps Davis said an elderly friend had a
her tenants, whom she views as sick cat, Zelda, that was going to
neighbors rather than renters. be euthanized, but Davis stepped
“I could walk up and down this up to help.
road and point out the houses “That cat was her life,” she
of all the people I have helped said. “I went to the vet with her
or tried to help,” she said. “(The and said, ‘We are not going to
wife of one of my neighbors) put the cat down.’ Her bill was
passed away and he could not like $500, which I paid and pretty
depend on his family, so he put much forgot about. She told me
me in control of his checking ac- she was going to pay me back af-
count and I paid his bills for him. ter she sold her house, and sure
For him to trust me that much, I enough, about three years later
thought was nice.” she paid me back.”
She said some other neighbors She said that she rents her
were previously without a vehi- homes to those who need help.
cle, and she helped them find one “I have rental property and
for cheap. am able to help those who need
“They came to me crying be- it with lower rent,” she said. “I CASEY SIZEMORE/The Lufkin News
cause they did not have a vehicle, know who needs it, and I have Glenda Davis, pictured at her home with several of her sheltered animals and people.
so I got to looking and found one compassion for seniors, people dogs, says she lives her life looking for ways to spread kindness to

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2008 Wildcat 30 LSBS, 3534.........................$23,500 2015 Wildcat WCF282RKX, 3698.....................$35,900
2009 Coachman 340QBS, 3536....................$14,500 2015 Ascend A231RLS, 3719..........................$21,900
2006 Grand Surveyor, 3537..........................$15,900 2015 Ascend A231RKB, 3720..........................$21,900
2004 KZ Sportsman, 3557............................$6,000 2015 Shasta SAT-16-53, 3736........................$13,900
2007 Fleetwood TT, 3560..............................$14,500 2016 Wildcat WCF31SAX, 3880.......................$37,500
2005 Tahoe 33 Toy Hauler, 3573...................$14,500 2013 Wildcat, 3819......................................$28,500 2016 Wildcat WCF29RLX, 3882.......................$37,500
2005 Laredo, 3592.......................................$15,500 2015 Shasta SAT16, 3822............................$19,900 2016 Wildcat WCF29RKP, 3884.......................$38,500
2011 Open Range 316 RLS, 3597.................$30,500 2015 Salem SMT27RKSS,3825....................$39,500 2016 Legacy LH124411SFLA,3891................$26,900
2013 Koala 23CS, 3613................................$18,500 2006 KZ, 3827...............................................$8,000 2016 Shasta Oasis SST21CK, 3892................$15,500
2011 Everlite EL31RKS, 3638.......................$31,500 2006 Wildcat WCF28RKWB, 3829.................$12,900 2016 Shasta Revere SHT27RB, 3895..............$19,500
2011 Crossroad, 3646...................................$12,500 2004 Wild, 3832...........................................$10,500 2016 Shasta Revere SHT27RB, 3896..............$20,900
1999 Skyline, 3659.........................................$7,000 2011 Road, 3834.........................................$34,900 2017 Shasta Oasis SST21CK, 3904.................$14,900
2006 Crossroad, 3660...................................$21,900 1984 Excalibur, 3868.....................................$5,500 2017 IGO G267RLS, 3930...............................$24,900
2009 Keystone, 3664....................................$16,500 2008 Spre, 3873............................................$6,500 2017 Wildcat WCT311RKS, 3935....................$26,500
2005 Wildcat, 3668.......................................$11,900 2014 Aspen, 3900........................................$23,500 2017 Salem SMF29RKSS, 3936......................$24,500
2004 Wildcat, 3676.......................................$10,500 2011 Copper Canyon, 3906..........................$24,900 2017 Shasta Oasis SST26DB, 3944................$17,500
1996 Bounder, 3692......................................$14,500 2016 Shasta Revere SHT27BH, 3919...........$18,500 2017 Salem SMT27RLSS, 3967......................$21,900
2012 Crusader, 3700.....................................$28,500 2007 Everest, 3922......................................$15,900 2017 Salem SBT299RE, 3975.........................$32,900
2008 Everest, 3707.......................................$22,900 2000 NuMar, 3924.......................................$12,900 2017 Shasta Revere SHT27RL, 3976..............$24,900
2012 Wildcat 30RL, 3716..............................$28,500 2003 Prowler, 3925.......................................$6,500 2017 Salem SMT27DBUD, 3980.....................$19,500
2008 Sierra 295 RLT, 3743............................$21,900 2015 Wildcat WCF34408 FM, 3927..............$39,500 2017 Salem SMT30KQBSS, 3981...................$23,500
2002 Hornet, 3748..........................................$5,000 2011 Wildcat, 3940......................................$22,900 2017 Shasta Revere SHT38FQ, 3982..............$25,900
2007 Gulfstream, 3763.................................$10,500 2005 Coachman, 3942...................................$7,000 2017 Shasta Revere SHT27BH, 3983..............$21,500
2008 Heartland/Big Country, 3776................$15,000 2013 Wildcat, 3949......................................$24,900 2017 Salem SBF337BAR-69, 3986.................$37,900
2012 iGO-Lite, 3779......................................$19,500 2016 Surveyor, 3961....................................$19,500 2017 Sahsta Revere SHT27RL, 3988..............$23,500
2012 Palomino TT, 3796................................$17,000 2017 Sierra SBF381 RBOK, 3964.................$42,900
2005 Cust, 3803...........................................$13,900 1995 Travel Supreme, 3966...........................$3,500
2013 Starcraft, 3806.....................................$12,900 2017 Wildcat WCT321RLI, 3984...................$26,900


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Ask for Damon and Glynn • MHDRET00002960 the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 3J

Zavalla woman working to beautify Angelina

Penny Johnson “I know the kids that go to tional organization or find LFLs
school can usually get books near you, visit littlefreelibrary.
delivers more there, but a lot of adults who org. To contact Johnson about
come in the grocery store have books or donations, send an
than 400 flower little kids who aren’t in school email to pennyjohnson85@ya-
yet,” she said. “I thought, where
vases each month are they going to get their books? Annette Dalchau, member of
Are they going to go to the Hun- Shady Chapel UMC Church, said
to businesses in tington library or Lufkin library? Johnson is very active in church.
If we had it right there in Zavalla, They have daily devotion books
Zavalla, Lufkin they’d be more apt to read it.” called “Upper Room” that John-

and Huntington Redworth, who registered the son recycles to others as a min-
libraries with the nationwide istry.
Little Free Library organization, “Everything she does, she
By STEPHANIE STEVENS said she was proud of her moth- does it from the heart and gets
The Lufkin News er’s dedication to the libraries. no credit for it except to be called
“I’m so proud of her efforts to ‘the flower lady,’” Dalchau said.
With a simple flower or book, promote literacy and the love of “We are proud of her. She is an
Penny Johnson is working to reading to her small town,” Red- angel among us.”
spread the love of Christ. worth said. Stephanie Stevens’ email address is
Every month, Johnson, of To learn more about the na-
Zavalla, delivers more than 400
flower vases every month to plac-
es in Zavalla, Huntington and
The process starts in the
spring, when she preorders zin-
nia seeds from a seed catalog.
After they have bloomed, she
picks some and transports them
in small vases to businesses, re-
tirement communities and more.
Her routine begins every Mon-
day, when she takes flowers to
grocery stores, gas stations, post
offices and school secretaries.
She continues on Tuesdays, stop-
ping by beauty shops and other
places that weren’t open the pre-
vious day.
When the zinnias stop bloom-
ing in the summer, Johnson buys
violas and pansies. In between
the two seasons, she picks wild-
flowers that grow along the roads
or lilies and daffodils from her
“I have a flower ministry all
year long,” Johnson said. “The
reason I do it is not to get people
to like me; I want people to look
at these flowers and know God
made them and appreciate God’s
love through the flowers. And I
think it works.”
At the PineCrest Retirement
Community, she brings 31 vases
of flowers to people in the health
care unit. After Johnson delivers
the tiny vases with fresh flowers
and water, the nursing staff dis-
tributes them.
A resident and former pastor,
Bob Lewis, said Johnson “never
fails to bring flowers every Mon-
day — that’s dedication.” STEPHANIE STEVENS/The Lufkin News
“It’s the little things that mean Penny Johnson fills vases with flowers at the PineCrest Retirement Community.
a lot, but sometimes it goes un-
appreciated,” he said. “She is
an unbelievable lady. She’s been
faithful in bringing flowers not
only here but many other places
all over. She’s brought so many
smiles to so many faces.”
In addition to the flower minis-
try, Johnson has set up four Little
Free Libraries in Zavalla that al-
low passers-by to pick up a book
and leave one in its place.
“Zavalla doesn’t have a public
library,” Johnson said. “Getting
people to read is very important.
This Little Free Library, outside the Blueberry Bogg Gift Shop
I was a fourth-grade teacher. I’ve
in Zavalla, is one of four that Penny Johnson has established to
raised three daughters of my
promote literacy.
own and nine foster children. I
know how important it is that
people read. If books are avail-
able, maybe they get kind of curi-
ous, start looking, take some and
go read.”
Her daughter Glenda Red-
worth, who lives in Houston,

Reserve For
tipped her off about a Little Free
Library near Standpipe Coffee

Summer Now!
House in Lufkin.
“I went up there and looked at
how they did theirs and decided
to do my own,” Johnson said.
A friend who had a shop in the
Making Beautiful Music
for 33 Years
Lufkin Antique Mall gave her
books and bookcases. Along with
help and donations from others,
four libraries came to be in Za-
Library locations:
■ Blueberry Bogg — 116 E. 1319 John redditt dr.
Main St. The case is outside the
Blueberry Bogg Gift Shop on a
tree stump by the front entrance
and is open 24 hours every day.
■ Brookshire Brothers — 198
E. Main St. The case, which in-
cludes children’s books, is inside
the Brookshire Brothers store.
Store hours are 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Established in 1991
■ Dee Dee Donuts — 300 E.

A-1 Party
Main St. Community members
can grab books inside the shop
from 5 a.m. to noon.
■ Carlene’s Café — 594 E. Main
St. The children’s library is in-
side the café in a separate room

Rentals, Inc.
toward the back of the restau- Lucky Puppy
rant, and outside of the room is Pet Grooming & Hotel
a bookcase with adult books and Mon-Fri: 7:30 to–5:30 • Sat: 8 to 12
magazines. Hours are 6 a.m. to 2506 S. John Redditt Dr. • 639-1975
9:30 p.m. on weekdays and 5 a.m.
to 10 p.m. on weekends. Voted Best Pet Groomer & Best Pet Boarding
“I want people to feel free to
take a book and leave a book, or
if they can’t leave a book, that’s
OK,” Johnson said.
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Family owned and operated
She checks them every week
to fill the cases, and if someone
has dropped off many books, she
We use top quality shampoo to treat and deal
can put those that don’t fit on the with most skin problems
shelf into storage.
The Brookshire Brothers loca-
Tours of our boarding facility are always 414 S. First St. •
tion is the one most frequented. welcome 936-639-1975
Johnson checks and refills the
case two or three times a week.
4J Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Husband-and-wife ministry leaders Celebrate Recovery

Couple also give He said state District Judge
Paul White spoke to the Lufkin
“For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is,
the youth building behind First
Christian Church on South First

their time to
Host Lions Club about 10 years Street, and walk-ins are welcome.
ago about the drug court pro-
gram, which aims to reduce
in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is He said the number of attendees
varies, but over the last nine
help community prison recidivism rates because
offenders’ “lifestyles do not
good, but I cannot carry it out.”
Romans 7:18
years, hundreds of people have
attended the meetings.

in other ways change” without treatment for

their addictions.
“One of the things Judge 25th year of operation, with more about football or anything but his step, according to Jim Riggs.
“It may be 12 people one night
and as many as 25 on other
nights,” he said.
By CASEY SIZEMORE White told us is they needed sup- than 30,000 churches around the problems. He told his pastor that For example, the first step to Carol and Jim Riggs not only
The Lufkin News port groups in the community world hosting it. when he spoke of Jesus Christ in recovery is admitting one’s pow- minister for Celebrate Recovery,
for people who are in drug court He said the program began in AA meetings, they were not in- erlessness over addiction and in- but they also volunteer for other
As Celebrate Recovery enters and other people who are dealing California when recovering alco- terested at all, so there ought to ability to manage his or her life, local programs for the better-
its 10th year in Lufkin, the hus- with addiction,” Jim Riggs said. holic John Baker, whose drink- be program in a church setting and Celebrate Recovery’s corre- ment of the community.
band-and-wife founders of the “We found Celebrate Recov- ing led to his wife leaving him, for people with addictions.” sponding Bible verse is Romans For more than 23 years, Jim
addiction recovery group also ery and it seemed appealing, so I spoke to his pastor about the The pastor, Rick Warren, then 7:18, which states, “For I know Riggs has volunteered two days
volunteer their time to help the went to a training session in Dal- stigma surrounding addiction — encouraged Baker to start the that good itself does not dwell in a week as a male role model for
community in other ways. las, and we got the people here at even within the church. program; thus, Celebrate Recov- me, that is, in my sinful nature. Lufkin ISD, and Carol Riggs
Celebrate Recovery ministry First Christian Church interest- “Later on, (Baker’s) family got ery was established, Jim Riggs For I have the desire to do what teaches a “Boundaries” class at
leaders Carol and Jim Riggs es- ed in the program, so we started back together and they were at- said. is good, but I cannot carry it out.” The Mosaic Center in Lufkin.
tablished the program after Jim offering it.” tending church,” Jim Riggs said. Baker used the 12-step pro- Jim Riggs said the program “Setting boundaries is helping
Riggs noticed the need in the Jim Riggs said Celebrate Re- “One day he was talking to his gram commonly used in addic- helps give people support with people recognize what in their
community for an anonymous covery is now a global, faith- pastor and said when he spoke of tion support groups, but added their “hurts, habits or hang-ups.” lives they are responsible for and
support group. based recovery program in its his addiction, folks wanted to talk relevant biblical verses to each “It’s not just for people with what they are not responsible
chemical or alcohol addiction,” for,” Carol Riggs said. “It’s all
Jim Riggs said. “That might be about setting boundaries and re-
anger, compulsive spending or lationships.”
sex addictions.” She also volunteers her time
Carol Riggs said she has ob- for the Kiwanis Club of Lufkin,
served people seeking support of which she is a member.
for food addiction, as well. Both Carol and Jim Riggs
“There are several women thanked First Christian Church
coming who are struggling with for providing the location and
food addiction, so the program is supporting the Celebrate Recov-
really for anybody with any ad- ery program. They are active
diction,” she said. members of the church.
Jim Riggs said the group Casey Sizemore’s email address is
meets each Friday at 6:30 p.m. in

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Carol and Jim Riggs, husband-and-wife Celebrate Recovery struggling with addiction, but also volunteer in other local
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Agency strives to build, enhance well-being of people

The Lufkin News
Innovative Homes of Deep East Texas offers special assistance to people with intellectual, developmental disabilities
“Helping people is what we do
That’s the motto of Innova-
tive Homes of Deep East Texas
Inc., which was founded in 1993
by pastor Andro Branch, James
Branch and Desmond Charlton.
The agency doesn’t construct
homes, like the name might sug-
gest, but the goal is to build and
enhance the well-being of people
with intellectual and develop-
mental disabilities in home-like
“We are a health care pro-
vider,” said James Branch, who
serves as human resources di-
rector. “We provide services to
special needs individuals — ev-
erything from vocation learning
to medical services. We provide
the group homes that they live
in. We provide specialized school-
ing for those with special needs.
Whatever their needs are is what
we provide.
“We have a school on North
Raguet Street where we teach in-
dividuals with special needs life
skills — how to balance a check-
book, how to set a table, how to do
things that will help them exist
The agency’s home- and STEVE KNIGHT/The Lufkin News

community-based services offer Pictured from left, Desmond Charlton, James Branch and pastor Andro Branch, founders of Innovative Homes of Deep East Texas Inc.
special assistance to people with
intellectual and developmental “The program started very Branch, Willie Mae Branch, Do- If people have a loved one quality of life. tainly want to be an avenue for
disabilities who are at risk of small,” James Branch said. “It’s ris Charlton, Darrell Charlton, who is at home with intellectual “If they have individuals who the community to reach out to.
placement in state supported liv- grown into a business that’s able Laverne White, Harold White and developmental disabilities, are requesting or there’s a need We’re here to help.”
ing centers. The programs assist to provide employment to a lot of and Chris Branch. James Branch said the agency to live in a home outside of their
individuals and their families by people in our local community. “We would not be where we maintains meaningful day ser- home, we have those residential Steve Knight’s email address is
providing residential support We provide not only the employ- are if it weren’t for our parents,” vices that will enhance their settings, too,” he said. “We cer-
services, program advocacy, ment but also the training they
nursing, day habilitation, trans- need to work in this industry.”
portation, respite and other sup- Employees are routinely in- “We’ve seen individuals who have been in this program who have gradually
port services to help the client serviced on all medical issues, be-
remain in the community. havior management and all other been able to move out of the program. Some have graduated high school
Other support services, ac- areas for caring for individuals
cording to the agency’s website, with special needs. and go on to have families. They’re doing very well on their own, and we’re
include: adaptive aids, support
consultation, physical therapy,
“What’s so good about that is
they are able to take that train- very proud about that. The whole idea of the program is to provide a least-
social work, occupational ther-
apy, dietary and behavioral sup-
ing and work for health care pro-
viders such as the Lufkin State restrictive environment for an individual. They have their own bedroom,
port, dental treatment, minor
home modifications, residential
Supported Living Center,” James
Branch said. “They are able to their own television, their own everything. Whatever their needs are, those
support services, speech/lan-
guage pathology, audiology, sup-
provide a living for their families.
That’s something that we’re very
same services follow them to the community. They don’t lose anything.
ported employment, supported
home living, supervised living
proud of — to be a creator of jobs
and open doors for individuals.”
They just gain more independent living. Whatever their medical needs are,
and monthly financial manage-
ment services.
In 1993, serving individuals
with intellectual and develop-
psychological needs, social services, whatever they’re getting (at a state
The agency employs about 100
mental disabilities in home-like
environments was a new idea.
facility), it follows them to the community.”
“We provide the very same James Branch said he came Andro Branch
services as facilities such as the up with the idea for Innovative
Burke center and the Lufkin Homes while brainstorming with
State Supported Living Center,” a friend. he said. “Our parents, from the
said Andro Branch, who serves “I was studying social services inception of this, even to this
as chief executive officer. “We’ve with an emphasis in health care current time, are with us 100 per-
been in business for 23 or 24 administration,” James Branch cent.”
years. Over the years we’ve seen said. “I saw there was a need for There are also plenty of client
a lot of growth.” a place to help folks. They were success stories.
When an individual enters the downsizing the state schools. “We’ve seen individuals who
HCS program, employees deter- People were being taken out of have been in this program who
mine the level of need and iden- the institutional setting and were have gradually been able to move
tify an individual plan of care. placed in residential home-like out of the program,” Andro
The level of need is determined settings, and that’s what we pro- Branch said. “Some have gradu-
by completing an Inventory for vide.” ated high school and go on to
Client and Agency Planning, a Andro Branch said they were have families. They’re doing very
scoring instrument used to iden- raised with an entrepreneurial well on their own, and we’re very
tify strengths and weaknesses. spirit. proud about that. The whole idea
The instrument also provides “We were venturing into start- of the program is to provide a
the program with important in- ing our own business,” he said. least-restrictive environment for
formation about the level of care “Our father, who worked for a an individual.”
the individual will receive while company now gone called Texas The HCS is based upon family
attending the HCS program. Foundries, raised us there. He living, just like at your home, he
The Individual Plan of Care is worked 47 years there. On the said.
established by a programming side, he always did something “They have their own bed-
team of professionals, which else as well. We would raise our room, their own television, their
consists of the individual, nurse, own crops — fields of peas, fields own everything,” Andro Branch
legally authorized representa- of corn. In the summertime, we said. “Whatever their needs are,
tive and other professionals who would harvest it and my dad those same services follow them
may be important in developing would bring it to work and sell it. to the community. They don’t
the plan. Services are established That’s how we bought our school lose anything. They just gain
based on recommendations from clothes. That spirit was put into more independent living. What-
the team. us a long time ago as boys.” ever their medical needs are, psy-
The individual’s needs and de- James Branch also credits his chological needs, social services,
sires also play a role in develop- parents and family members whatever they’re getting (at a
ing a plan. The team then over- for their success. Those family state facility), it follows them to
sees the plan. members include the Rev. Jessie the community.”

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6J Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Taking care of foster kids a ‘lifetime appointment,’ lawyer says

Wayne Haglund ready to let it go as she got close
to retirement. She got me on the
help whenever there’s a need that
state agencies don’t pay for. “In my time, we’ve done six or seven funerals for kids
has served on the board and then finagled me to be-
come chair.”
In Angelina County, a 15-mem-
ber board serves for revolving who died while they were in foster care — there’s no
Angelina County He said Allen then informed
him that the position was “a life-
three-year terms. Members are
appointed by the commissioners money for that. We’ve paid for surgeries. We’ve paid for
Child Welfare Board time appointment,” similar to an
appointment as a U.S. district or
“In my time, we’ve done six or ambulance and helicopter trips. We’ve paid for oxygen
for about 35 years Supreme Court justice.
In a roundabout way, that’s
seven funerals for kids who died
while they were in foster care — bottles. We’ve paid for the record on appeal to make
how Haglund got involved in the there’s no money for that,” Ha-
By STEVE KNIGHT Angelina County Child Welfare glund said. “We’ve paid for sur- sure that the person who abused the kid goes to the
The Lufkin News Board. That was about 35 years
ago. He continues to serve the
geries. We’ve paid for ambulance
and helicopter trips. We’ve paid pen and stays there. Every year we throw graduation
When attorney Wayne Ha-
glund arrived in Lufkin, he was
children of the county as presi-
dent of that board today.
for oxygen bottles. We’ve paid
for the record on appeal to make parties for those who graduate high school and pay
interested in becoming active in
the Texas Exes, the alumni as-
“It’s been a blessing to me be-
cause these kids don’t have much
sure that the person who abused
the kid goes to the pen and stays for graduation invitations. We rent the dress or tuxedo
sociation for the University of
Texas at Austin.
of anything going for them when
they’re in foster care,” he said.
there. Every year we throw
graduation parties for those who
for prom and the cap and gown — there are so many
“I met Cathy Todd at the self-
service postal kiosk at what
According to the Texas Coun-
cil of Child Welfare Boards, there
graduate high school and pay for
graduation invitations. We rent
needs, from the most critical to us just wanting them to
was the First Bank and Trust
building,” Haglund said. “So I
are 220 child welfare boards in
the state of Texas serving 40,000
the dress or tuxedo for prom and
the cap and gown — there are
have as normal of a life as possible.”
got involved in Texas Exes, and children each year. so many needs, from the most Wayne Haglund
through that I met a marvelous Counties establish and main- critical to us just wanting them
lady named Virginia Allen. She tain child welfare boards, which to have as normal of a life as pos-
was a secretary and a public rela- work closely with local Depart- sible.” United Way, Junior League and dren, Haglund also serves or has ment Community board.
tions person at Lufkin Industries ment of Family and Protective Haglund said the board spends the Simon and Louise Henderson served as member of the Fam- He has also served in leader-
for years and years. She chaired Service staff to serve the needs of about $20,000 to $30,000 annu- Foundation. ily Crisis Center board, Angelina ship roles at the First United
the child welfare board for a children in substitute care. ally. Most of those funds come However, there are more de- County and Cities Health Dis- Methodist Church of Lufkin,
number of years and she was Board members step in and from organizations such as the mands than funds. trict Endowment Trust Board, Lufkin Rotary Club, Christian
“For the first time in my ten- University of Texas Develop- Information and Service Center,
ure, we’re going to have some ment Board, University of Texas United Way, Main Street Lufkin,
fundraisers,” Haglund said. Leadership Society Chancellor’s Crime Stoppers of Lufkin and
“We’ve never done a fundraiser, Council, Texas Methodist Foun- the Christian Men’s Job Corps of
but we’re spending more than dation board, Methodist Retire- Lufkin.
we’re taking in. That’s just one ment Communities of Texas Steve Knight’s email address is
of the changes that’s come about. board and the PineCrest Retire-
“When I first got on the board,
we would have anywhere from 25
to 35 kids in foster care. This past
year, we had about 175 to 180 in
Angelina County. That number
fluctuates up and down. The de-
mand is unbelievable. It’s a com-
bination of poverty, ignorance,
school dropouts, broken families
and drugs. All of those things
are working together to leave the
kids out in the cold.”
There are success stories de-
spite all the negatives. 936.634.6621
“A couple of years ago we 1307 South First Street • Lufkin, Texas
had a girl elected cheerleader at
one of our schools, and we sent Lufkin • Nacogdoches
her to cheerleader camp,” Ha- Livingston • Jasper
glund said. “We also bought her
uniforms. Otherwise, she would
have had to turn it down. The One Firm - Four Locations - Eighty People
state didn’t have money for that.
Strength and Stability
Basically, our job is to do whatev-
er it is that we can do that (Child for 68 Years and for the Future
Protective Services) workers
come to us for.”
Tax, Audit, Accounting and
Whenever he’s not playing Business Advisory Services
lawyer or taking care of chil-

STEVE KNIGHT/The Lufkin News

Attorney Wayne Haglund, who serves as the president of the Angelina County Child Welfare Board,
stands in his Lufkin office.

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10-year-old turns her birthday into giving adventure

Sydnie Havard wants
friends, family to give “We were so surprised to see her
her items that she again this year because we didn’t
can donate to animals know this was going to be an
at the Winnie Berry annual thing. I guess I should have
Humane Society
known it just because of how sweet
The Lufkin News and giving she is. The generosity
To the Winnie Berry Humane that she has and that her parents
Society of Angelina County,
10-year-old Sydnie Havard is a have instilled in her is amazing.
gift that keeps on giving.
Last year, Havard decided that It’s appreciated and desperately
she would rather her friends and
family give her items to donate to
the dogs and cats at the Humane Mike stephens
Society in place of birthday pres-
She first delivered donations Her parents, Krystanna and tween a Chihuahua and dachs-
on her birthday in 2016 and decid- Mitch, said they are proud of hund — from the shelter to join
ed to make this an annual birth- their daughter’s gracious heart. their 5-year-old dachshund, Bel-
day adventure. Loaded down “We’ve always been big-time la.
with bags upon bags of cat food, animal lovers,” Krystanna said. The Havard family likes that
dog food, treats and toys, Havard “I grew up with dogs in my fam- the Winnie Berry Humane Soci-
presented her carload of goodies ily all my life. I teach my chil- ety is a no-kill shelter.
to the shelter on Feb. 6. dren the same things my parents “Some of the animals might
“We were so surprised to see taught me as far as animals are be in there for months, so they
her again this year because we concerned. It’s exciting to share are constantly in need of food,
didn’t know this was going to that love of animals with her.” cleaning products, you name it,”
be an annual thing,” Executive Havard originally got the idea Krystanna said. “It costs a lot of
Director Mike Stephens said. “I from her friend Lilly Rook, who money to keep everything going
guess I should have known it just took up donations for the society out there.”
because of how sweet and giving at her birthday party about three To see what supplies the shel-
she is.” years ago. ter needs, visit angelinacounty-
He said that by giving up her “Sydnie thought that was the
birthday presents for the benefit best idea ever,” Krystanna said. Stephens said gift cards to pet
of the animals, she is learning “So next year at Sydnie’s party, stores are always encouraged, be-
valuable lessons that will stay she decided she wanted to do that cause food expires and the staff
with her through her life. instead of presents. It went over can use gift cards to purchase
“The generosity that she has so well, she said she wanted to do exactly what they are low on. Gift
and that her parents have in- it again and make it an annual cards also take up little room,
stilled in her is amazing,” Ste- thing. which is a plus because space at
phens said. “It’s appreciated and “This is something she enjoys the shelter is limited.
desperately needed.” doing. She is a great kid, very Havard challenged others to
When asked if she regrets not caring. She consistently thinks donate to their local Humane So-
getting birthday presents, Ha- about others before herself.” ciety, raise funds or volunteer at
vard replied, “No, I don’t want Havard said she loves animals their local shelter.
birthday presents. I already have “so much.” “Remember, the animals
enough at Christmas.” “Whenever we watched TV, I need help because they don’t
She said she wants to do it sim- would see those dog commercials have their own mommies and
ply because “I like dogs and cats, and I wanted to take all the dogs daddies,” she said.
and I know they need it.” home,” she said.
“They don’t have homes like The family adopted Willow, a Stephanie Stevens’ email address is
me,” she said. Chiweenie — a crossbreed be-

“I like dogs and cats, and I know they need it. They CONTRIBUTED

don’t have homes like me.” Sydnie Havard, 10, has asked for supplies to donate to the Winnie Berry Humane Society in lieu of
birthday presents for the past two years. The American Legion Auxiliary presented Havard with the
Sydnie havard Good Deed Award in May 2016 for this selfless act.
8J Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

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“... 17 rooms
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See 4K
Among Us
2K Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Program director has been with ministry since the beginning

Mosaic Center ter is dedicated to strengthen- into the parking lot across from

dedicated to
ing women and their families by
bridging the gap from dependen-
the house and watch the renova-
tions in progress, but never spoke
“You could tell the woman was so troubled. Carol went
strengthening women
cy to economic self-sufficiency in
a Christian environment.
to anyone about getting involved.
I didn’t feel qualified enough.”
outside and just put her arms around the lady, showing
and their families
As program director, Ramsey
meets with potential clients,
The week classes were to start,
a friend asked Ramsey if she had
compassion. The lady ended up joining the program
creates class schedules and pro-
grams, works with volunteers
considered volunteering for the and had many issues, but she always went to Carol.
The Lufkin News and the mentor team, and more. “She said, ‘They need one more She showed them what part of The Mosaic Center is
But Ramsey began her jour- mentor. Can I give your name
Carol Ramsey has been with ney as a “silent supporter.” and number to the director, Kitty about — loving them enough until they understand
The Mosaic Center Inc. of Lufkin, Before the center opened in Bounds?’ I said yes and began as
a nonprofit ministry that offers 2005, Ramsey heard talk in the a mentor with the very first class God is their friend. In that room with those women, she
education, guidance and hope
for women in Angelina County,
community about a place for
women to learn life and job skills
in the fall of 2005.”
Since then, Ramsey has men- is one of the most powerful Christian women I know
since its opening.
“What a blessing that has
and saw an occasional article in
the paper about the progress of
tored numerous women to help
them gain life and job skills. because she lets God use her to help others.”
been,” said Ramsey, the center’s the first education building along Bounds, now the former direc- Kitty Bounds
program director. “To think I’ve with a list of the center’s volun- tor, said Ramsey has a big heart
met every woman who has come teer needs. for people and is very accepting
through here. It’s been amazing.” “I felt drawn to be a part of of people as they are. grounds.” got any volunteers with that skill a staff prayer and watching vol-
By partnering with local this ministry and drove past the “That gift she has puts women Bounds recalled one day when set.’ And she’d say, ‘I know, but unteers serve to learning about
churches, businesses, agencies location many times a week,” at ease,” Bounds said. “Some of she and Ramsey were at the cen- wouldn’t it be great if we did? the community’s giving heart
and individuals, The Mosaic Cen- Ramsey said. “I would often pull the women have horrible back- ter and a woman walked up the Let’s pray about that.’ I promise and watching graduates share
sidewalk to the door, paused and you, it then comes along. That’s what God has done during their
walked away. She then started to how our entire Healthy Women’s time with the center.
come back and stopped. program came to be.” “This place is a blessing for
“You could tell the woman Ramsey initiated an exercise everyone who comes here in one
was so troubled,” Bounds said. program and brought in the An- way or another,” she said. “The
“Carol went outside and just put gelina County and Cities Health hardest part of my job is to watch
her arms around the lady, show- District so women could have ac- women walk away from this op-
ing compassion. The lady ended cess to health care. portunity. God puts a strength
up joining the program and had “I’ve learned to create an envi- within each of us; along with
many issues, but she always went ronment where Carol has plenty the strength comes the freedom
to Carol. She showed them what of quiet time where she can think of choice. Some choose to walk
part of The Mosaic Center is and pray and seek the Lord’s will away and stay bound in their sit-
about — loving them enough un- for this program,” Busler said. uation. When they do, it is hard.
til they understand God is their Carol’s office is upstairs along But I believe that every woman
friend. with classrooms where the cli- who comes here is changed, even
“In that room with those wom- ents learn. if they are only here for a mo-
en, she is one of the most power- “We have a saying here,” ment. They leave knowing there
ful Christian women I know be- Busler said. “Everything we do is another way and there is hope
cause she lets God use her to help downstairs, all the admin, bill in Jesus Christ.”
others.” paying and fundraising, is to al- The centers offers GED class-
For a long time Bounds car- low what goes on upstairs. Up- es, English as a Second Language
ried around that tiny piece of stairs is where the spirit work classes, Adult Basic Education,
paper with Ramsey’s name and goes on.” certified nurse aide classes and a
number in her pocket, pulling it Ramsey attributes her success 12-week Job and Life Skills Core
out every now and then to say, to the loving support of her hus- Program, among other things.
“Someone gave me her name on band, Hillcrest Baptist Church, For more information about The
this, and that’s why she is here.” friends, God and “on-the-job Mosaic Center, call 639-5068 or
Bounds and current Executive training in the most amazing stop by between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Director Donna Busler agreed ministry, with the love and sup- The center is at 601 N. First St. in
Ramsey has greatly influenced port of incredible women on staff Lufkin.
the program. here.” Ramsey said she does not do
“Ramsey has been called and “I know I’m supposed to be this service alone, as she works
faithfully executes what the Holy here,” Ramsey said. “And that’s with a board of directors, a staff
Spirit tells her to do with the de- a great feeling — to know this of five, mentor teams, volunteers
velopment of the curriculum and is where you’re supposed to be. and community partners “who
the management of the volun- Maybe that’s why I love it so share their knowledge and re-
teers and students,” Busler said. much.” sources with the ministry.”
“I’ve never seen anything like When asked what her favorite “If I am an angel, there is a le-
this in all of my professional life. part of her job was, Ramsey’s gion of angels here,” she said.
She will have these incredible eyes lit up and she began to talk
ideas about a program. I’d say, about almost every aspect of her Stephanie Stevens’ email address is
‘Yeah, that’s great, but we haven’t job — from starting the day with

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Former nurse volunteers to help military veterans

Harkness a ten that she can bring them cof- because if there’s someone hav-

fixture at Charles
fee the way the want it.
“If I can do that, I’ll already
ing trouble getting out of a car,
I’ll go and get a wheelchair and “When I see a wheelchair coming, I go ahead and
Wilson VA
have their cup ready because I
want them to be happy and bring
take it out and help them with the
wheelchair so the caregiver can move the chair completely away from the table for
Outpatient Clinic
a little cheer to their heart,” she
said. “Some have their wives or
get the car parked,” Harkness
said. “I get that precious one into that person. That’s the happy place. There’s too
their caregiver with them. To the building. There’s something
By STEVE KNIGHT get that doughnut or coffee, I see to do at all times. There are times much distress in this world for our veterans and our
The Lufkin News their face change. Some have to that there have been some wom-
have their doughnut chopped up en veterans that have had some soldiers. I tell them, ‘When you enter this opening
Coffee — check. a little bit because of a problem personal problems. I’ve assisted
Doughnuts — check.
A helping hand — check.
they have. They need to have a
certain straw because of a sip-
them to get themselves together.
Yes, I’m a volunteer to help them
here, there’s happiness. Let’s talk silliness. Let’s be
A smile — check.
A former nurse, Pat Harkness
ping problem. I go prepared be-
cause that causes fewer problems
with coffee and doughnuts, but
they were alone. They didn’t have
happy. Let’s wear a smile.’ It’s for them. There’s just
spends her time volunteering at
the Charles Wilson VA Outpa-
for them.”
Veterans don’t necessarily
anybody. They were in difficulty.
I am there to help. They are top
too many heartbreaking things in the world.”
tient Clinic in Lufkin. have to visit the Happy House to priority. That’s the way I am.”
A staff of 55 provides primaryget a smile, a helping hand or Pat Harkness
care, laboratory, radiology, phar-
some words of reassurance. Steve Knight’s email address is
macy, social work, nutrition and “I always have my eyes open
mental health services to veter-
ans in the area. The clinic accom-
modates around 50,000 outpatient
visits annually, according to an
agency website.
Harkness sees many of those
veterans when they visit the fa-
cility’s canteen. She refers to it as
the “Happy House.”
At the Happy House, she said
there’s always something she can
do to help.
“I just have my eyes and my
arms open all the time, and I nev-
er stop,” Harkness said. “There’s
too much to do. I don’t go there to
sit down. I don’t go there to fold
my arms. That’s the way I am be-
cause the tables will be clean, the
floors will be swept. There’s not
going to be a potential for a fall.
Yes, I used to be a nurse before
medical problems became a part
of my life, but you don’t have to
have that kind of background to
still care.”
At the Happy House, she
springs into action when she sees
someone in a wheelchair.
“When I see a wheelchair com-
ing, I go ahead and move the
chair completely away from the
table for that person,” Harkness
said. “That’s the happy place.
There’s too much distress in this
world for our veterans and our
soldiers. I tell them, ‘When you
enter this opening here, there’s
happiness. Let’s talk silliness.
Let’s be happy. Let’s wear a
smile.’ It’s for them. There’s just
too many heartbreaking things
in the world.” STEVE KNIGHT/The Lufkin News
At the Happy House, there are Former nurse Pat Harkness regularly volunteers at the Charles Wilson VA Outpatient canteen, which she calls the “Happy House.”
several veterans who visit so of- Clinic in Lufkin. She can usually be found assisting veterans at the facility’s

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4K Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Lufkin native turns trash into treasured homes

Matthew Paneitz
is the executive
director of Long
Way Home, a
nonprofit that
recycles trash into
green buildings
The Lufkin News

One person’s trash is another

person’s treasure — or even their
school or home.
Lufkin native Matthew Paneitz
has been living in the Western
Highlands of Guatemala for 15
years, serving as the executive
director of Long Way Home, a
nonprofit that recycles trash into
green buildings.
But the road hasn’t been easy.
Paneitz started his journey as
a Peace Corps volunteer in Co-
malapa, Guatemala, in 2002-03.
Guatemala is the second most
dangerous country in the world,
according to
It’s plagued by drug trafficking
and had a reported average of 91
murders every week in 2015.
UNICEF estimates that there He raffled his 1973 Chevrolet She explained that the un- in a mud-based stucco and carve
are more than 370,000 orphans in
Guatemala. Many of these chil-
Caprice Classic convertible in
the U.S. to raise funds for LWH
employment rate in that area is
around 87 percent.
designs and decorate them. The
rooms are beautiful.”
“When I regained consciousness,
dren come from families facing
tremendous poverty; 70 percent
and build a park, Parque Chi-
miya, where children can bring
“He’s worked so hard,” she
said. “He’s lived without running
The area suffers from many
earthquakes, which makes the
my face was covered in blood, and
of people in Guatemala live be-
low the poverty level, according
recycled plastic bottles packed
with inorganic trash in lieu of an
water, electricity. It’s not been a
cake walk.”
tires structures a perfect choice.
“A normal structure is really
there was a group of people huddled
to entrance fee. To build out of trash, LWH rigid, but the rubber in the tires around me. I thought my head had
In 2005, Paneitz visited an or- LWH uses those bottles as con- workers dig a trench for founda- absorbs the movement, making
phanage next to a city dump in struction materials. tion and pack rows of tires with it very resistant to earthquakes,” been impaled. Amazingly enough,
Guatemala. Since its inception, the or- dirt using a sledgehammer. Row Paneitz said.
“It’s a horrendous place,” he ganization has built the mixed after row of tires are stacked on Another pro of building with the cargo van that I drove down two
said. “People live in the dump.” academic and vocational school
Just past a room full of scream- in Comalapa; a school in Cape
top of one another and then cov-
ered with a rebar cage and chick-
tires and dirt is that the walls
provide thermal mass, which months before had been converted
ing kids, EMTs were attempting
to rescue a little girl on a table.
Town, South Africa; an orphan-
age in Bloemfontein, South Af-
en wire. Glass bottles are tied into
the cage to act as skylights, and
means they store sunlight dur-
ing the day, keeping the space to the town’s first ambulance and
The girl was a sex slave who had
been thrown into the dump by
rica; a school building in Venezu-
ela; multiple homes in Colombia
concrete is poured over it. The in-
terior tire walls are finished with
cool, and then release the heat
at night when the temperature arrived with a fully outfitted rescue
her captors and had suffered sex-
ual assault-related injuries.
and Guatemala; retaining walls
for a school and health clinic in
a lime-based stucco.
Paneitz said that, this way,
cools down. The temperature
in the building can be regulated
team to take care of me. Karma?
The sight of that girl is one of
the reasons Paneitz is still dedi-
Guatemala; and much more.
Paneitz’s mother, Janet, re-
the tires are recycled; otherwise,
they would have been burned or
with windows and vents.
As the LWH workers build a
cated to LWH. cently flew to Guatemala for the thrown in a ravine, further con- room, they live in that room to Matt paneitz
“Because there was not enough grand opening of the school in taminating the land. keep costs down.
space in the orphanage, they sent Comalapa. LWH used 18,000 tires to build “When we first moved out
that 9-year-old little girl on her “The grand opening was phe- 17 rooms in the school in Coma- here, there was no water or elec- also made with tires — and water entious people” is very reward-
way, back out into the streets,” he nomenal,” Janet said. “There lapa. The nonprofit has used a tricity,” Paneitz said. “We have tanks to have water. We harvest ing.
said. “At that point I pretty much were about 700 people who were total of 42,000 tires for all projects slowly added that. There is solar the water from the rooftops of Panietz thanked Adam How-
decided that that is unacceptable gathered to enjoy food, music. since 2008. electricity and grid electricity. our classrooms.” land, who also served in the
and I would not rest, could not Matt’s done a really good job. “It’s very creative,” Janet said. We’ve created enough storage He said getting to be creative Peace Corps and has designed
rest, until a change was made.” He’s given many people jobs.” “After building, they cover them tanks — 50,000 gallons worth, and problem-solve with “consci- SEE PANEITZ, PAGE 5K

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Continued from Page 4K
“At the beginning, my goal was to
everything LWH has built.
In a video posted on YouTube, rescue the kids. Fifteen years later, model capable of strengthening
or reinforcing the democratic
some of the younger students at
the Comalapa school said they we are focused on developing a governance. If you want to im-
prove the immigration situation,
liked it because “it’s peaceful”
and “no one can bother us here.”
replicable democratic education rather than building a wall, let’s
improve opportunities.”
Paneitz strives to fill a need
anywhere he finds one. He has
model capable of strengthening This week, Paneitz will move
back to the States not just to re-
brought water to four villages by
connecting them to Engineers
or reinforcing the democratic connect with family but also to
raise funds and better his organi-
Without Borders. He even drove
gear to San Juan Comalapa to
governance. If you want to improve zation. He hopes to replicate this
initiative at home.
provide a rescue squad, which
ended up saving his own life.
the immigration situation, rather “It’s hard to fundraise, being
so isolated,” he said. “In the U.S.
In 2009, he and a few friends than building a wall, let’s improve I can go to talks, conferences, uni-
drove a cargo van full of fire/ versities and really put the mes-
EMS gear to San Juan Comalapa. opportunities.” sage out there.”
Before they arrived in town with The organization needs funds,
that gear, there was not much of matt paneitz volunteers, tools, books, school
a rescue squad. supplies and a pro bono accoun-
About two months later, Pan- months before had been convert- ficial middle school status in 2014 tant.
eitz was taking public transpor- ed to the town’s first ambulance and high school status in 2016. To find out more information
tation in the town, and the bus hit and arrived with a fully outfitted Now in its third year of middle about Long Way Home or to find
a truck head-on. A large box flew rescue team to take care of me. school, it is serving 149 students. out how you can volunteer or do-
off the luggage rack and hit him Karma? Angels?” Paneitz thanked the Hender- nate, visit or follow
square in the back of the head. The organization has earned son Foundation in Lufkin for be- Long Way Home on Facebook.
“When I regained conscious- many awards, scholarships and ing one of the organization’s big- You can also email Matt Pan-
ness, my face was covered in accomplishments throughout its gest supporters since 2011. eitz at Send
blood, and there was a group of short life. Between 2009 and 2016, “At the beginning, my goal check donations to: Long Way CONTRIBUTED photos

people huddled around me,” he it has earned more than $200,000 was to rescue the kids,” Pan- Home c/o Matt Paneitz, 9 Trail- Long Way Home has used 42,000 tires to build homes and
said. “I thought my head had been in prizes and grants. The Coma- eitz said. “Fifteen years later, wood Creek, Lufkin, TX 75904. schools. The tires and trash used to create buildings, including
impaled. Amazingly enough, the lapa school achieved official ele- we are focused on developing a Stephanie Stevens’ email address is ecobricks consisting of trash-filled bottles, amount to more than
cargo van that I drove down two mentary school status in 2013, of- replicable democratic education 1,000 tons.


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6K Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Personal trainer inspires others to change their health habits

By VICKY CAMARILLO it back on, because it’s not just the community is a weight loss
The Lufkin News exercise and diet. It’s an addic-
tion for me. I eat to cope with life,
class she began in January for
people of all ages. Members “I just determined to lose the weight and keep it off. So
When it comes to helping
people achieve and maintain a
so I had to learn other ways. And
then I just felt like God said, ‘Re-
range from 11 years old to “peo-
ple older than me,” said Wil- when I lost the weight and I learned about working out
healthy lifestyle, “I’ll do what-
ever it takes,” said local personal
tire from teaching’ — and I abso-
lutely love teaching and school
banks, who is 62.
The class, called “More Than at the gym, I learned about the causes of overeating
trainer Beth Wilbanks.
Wilbanks retired from a career
administration — ‘and do this.’
“I’ve had a passion since I lost
Conquerors,” is a free version of
a “Biggest Loser” class that Wil-
so that I didn’t put it back on, because it’s not just
in education to become a trainer
after a major life event — becom-
the weight to help people do that.
Teaching is just kind of natural
banks used to teach at LiveWell.
It incorporates a 12-step pro-
exercise and diet. It’s an addiction for me. I eat to
ing a grandmother — motivated
her to change her health habits.
to me — teaching and training.”
Wilbanks currently teaches
gram, teaching students account-
ability and how to overcome the
cope with life, so I had to learn other ways. And then I
Now she inspires others, from
preteens to seniors, to do the
water aerobics, yoga for seniors
and the Silver Sneakers senior
addiction of overeating, and com-
bines nutrition and exercise with
just felt like God said, ‘Retire from teaching’ — and I
same. fitness program at LiveWell Ath- emotional/spiritual support. absolutely love teaching and school administration —
Wilbanks was a teacher in letic Club, and yoga at PineCrest In two weeks, the group collec-
Chester, served as a campus Retirement Community. tively lost 117 pounds, Wilbanks ‘and do this.’ I’ve had a passion since I lost the weight
principal in Diboll for nine years “What sets Beth apart from said in early February.
and director of curriculum and some others in that line of work: Wilbanks said anyone is wel- to help people do that. Teaching is just kind of natural
instruction at the district for six
years, and returned to teaching
She doesn’t do it for the money,
and she brings her Christian be-
come to join the class, which
meets on Tuesdays at Harmony to me — teaching and training.”
at Hudson because she missed liefs to work with her at LiveWell Hill Baptist Church. The class
the classroom setting. every day,” said Jim Bell, a mem- starts with a weigh-in at 5:30
Beth Wilbanks
She was 85 pounds heavier ber of Wilbanks’ classes. “She p.m. Call Wilbanks at 635-8060 for
when her granddaughter was leads by example. She doesn’t more information.
born about 12 years ago, and Wil- just stand there watching us She has also offered low-cost ness, at local churches, the Diboll with the health care community, an impact on the community, ac-
banks decided she wanted to live exercise. She actually does the weight loss camps for junior high school district and multiple other other fitness people,” Wilbanks cording to Bell. He said he is just
to see her granddaughter grow exercises with us — all of them, and high school girls. LiveWell organizations — “wherever peo- said. “I think we need to make one of hundreds of people whom
up. including daily water aerobics in offered the pool for the camps’ ple will listen,” Wilbanks said. a concerted community effort Wilbanks has inspired.
“I just determined to lose the the LiveWell pool. Her personal workouts, and the girls gathered “We just need to be healthier.” to make fitness a priority in our “Through her own personal
weight and keep it off,” she said. regimen includes running and in Wilbanks’ kitchen to plan and She said she’s game to contin- community, because here we are example, she is inspiring a lot
“So when I lost the weight and I biking several miles a day, and cook meals. ue offering free classes and ser- with the highest rate in the state of people to lose weight, get fit
learned about working out at the running a half-marathon every And Wilbanks has been a vices in the future to reach more of obesity, and I see the effects and lead a healthy life,” he said.
gym, I learned about the causes year at 7,500 feet in Colorado.” guest speaker, spreading the people in the community. of that every day. If we could get “Those of us who have benefited
of overeating so that I didn’t put Her most recent effort to reach word about the importance of fit- “I would just love to work some kind of programs going for from her loving guidance are
that, that would be my goal, to get eternally in her debt.”
a community focus on it.” Vicky Camarillo’s email address is
Wilbanks has already made

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ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News
Personal trainer Beth Wilbanks speaks to members of “More Than the Harmony Hill Baptist Church Children’s Building in February.
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94-year-old dedicates his time to volunteering

Retired USFS in 1980 as a forest supervisor in
on to hold the position for 20
longtime volunteer for the Tex-
as Forestry Museum. About 20
salt, the paper towels and such,
and keep the shelves full. They
Navy as an aviation machinist’s
mate for four years, stationed in
supervisor says he “I have been retired 37 years. “Then I got too old to go in years ago he worked on the hik- reimburse me for what it costs.” Pensacola, Florida, and Santa
Yeah, I have been retired longer the woods, camp and lay on the ing trails behind the museum CHI spokeswoman Yana Ogle- Rosa, California, before return-
has spent more time than I worked,” Courtenay said ground,” he said with a smile. with help from the Boy Scouts, tree said the proceeds from the ing to college in 1946. He gradu-
volunteering than with a laugh. “I retired here in
Lufkin, but I worked in dozens of
“But I continued to go down to
the Scout meeting every Monday
and he currently hosts group dis-
cussions on topics such as the old
popcorn sales are applied to aca-
demic scholarships for graduat-
ated in 1948 with a bachelor’s de-
gree in forestry.
he did following his different places over the years. I night, and I did the paperwork, sawmills in Angelina County. ing high school seniors seeking a He said that during the process
started in Tennessee, then Mis- kept up with the advancements “Over the years I have done a degree in health care. of returning to school, he mar-
chosen career sissippi, Florida, Alabama, and the kids make, kept the records lot of things for the museum,” he “They usually give out seven to ried his wife, Jeanette, and they
ended up here for the last 13 and ordered supplies. I am more said. “I have taken tour groups 12 $1,000 scholarships each year,” enjoyed 66 years of marriage be-
By CASEY SIZEMORE years before retiring.” or less secretary-treasurer of the around to the old sawmill sites Ogletree said. “Who would have fore she passed away in 2012. To-
The Lufkin News He moved to Lufkin in 1966, troops.” and through the museum. On thought they make that much gether they raised three children,
and his son was in Cub Scouts. He said he does this voluntari- Jan. 31, I had a group that came money selling popcorn? But they John L. Courtenay, Barbara Olds
After serving in World War II, Courtenay said the Scouts tapped ly because he enjoys watching in that evening and I talked to do.” and Mary Smith, and Courtenay
working 35 years as a forester him as the Webelos in April 1967, children succeed. them about the old Aldridge Saw- When asked why he continues now has seven grandchildren
and raising a family, a 94-year- and when his son graduated to “It’s just a lot of fun to see the mill.” to volunteer, Courtenay said, and 11 great-grandchildren.
old man who claims Lufkin as his the Boy Scouts in September that kids grow up and see them make He said that given his age, he “It’s something to do that keeps Having lived in Lufkin for 51
home continues to dedicate his year, Courtenay became assis- advancements,” he said. “It’s just no longer volunteers as a tour me occupied and helpful to the years, Courtenay said he consid-
time to volunteering. tant Scoutmaster in Troop 140. fun to be around them — it keeps guide, but he can still do the dis- community at the same time.” ers the East Texas town his home.
John Courtenay said he re- A few years later, Courtenay me feeling young.” cussions sitting down. Courtenay said he grew up in “Lufkin is a great place to live,”
tired from the U.S. Forest Service became Scoutmaster and went Courtenay has also been a Courtenay also provides the Long Island, New York, and left he said. “I have lived in many
popcorn for CHI St. Luke’s Health to attend Syracuse University. towns while working with the
Memorial every Wednesday. “It took me eight years to get Forest Service, and when I moved
“They have a bunch of the la- through college because I had here, it was just like I was coming
dies there who volunteer to make a four-year recess in the middle home. I have enjoyed living here;
and sell popcorn,” he said. called World War II,” he said. “I it was home to my kids, and it is
“They cornered me one day started and got in two years be- home to me.”
and got me to get involved. I buy fore the war broke out.” Casey Sizemore’s email address is
the supplies, the popcorn, the He said he served in the U.S.

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After enjoying a long career as a forester for the U.S. Forestry Service and raising a family, 94-year-
old John Courtenay continues to volunteer for the Boys Scout Troop 140, the Texas Forestry Museum
and CHI St. Luke’s Health Memorial.

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8K Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Thank you to our dedicated city employees

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quick prayer
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make it back
home to our
families ...”
See 4L
2L Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Disabled veteran determined to give back to community

Lufkin City Council
member Robert
Shankle is excited
about how Impact
Lufkin can help the
The Lufkin News

After a 14-year stint in the Unit-

ed States Army, National Guard
and Army Reserve, including
duty in Operation Desert Storm,
Robert Shankle said although he
was a disabled veteran, he didn’t
want to be one of those people
who just lived off society.
“In my family, we were always
taught to serve the community
and give back,” Shankle said. “It
was a way for me to give back.
Although I’m disabled, I can use
my mind to help improve the
community for other people. I
always wanted to give back. I al-
ways wanted to be productive.
There are different ways you can
be productive, but mine is giving
back and helping change people’s
Shankle was elected to the
Lufkin City Council represent-
ing Ward 2 in 2009. He received
his education in the Lufkin pub-
lic schools and graduated from
Lufkin High School in 1985.
He has assisted in founding
several committees in the com-
munity, including the Lufkin Pro
Day Group, the Neighborhood
Leadership Council of North STEVE KNIGHT/The Lufkin News
Lufkin and the Clergy and Police Robert Shankle poses outside the Impact Lufkin office in Lufkin.
“Before I became a council
member, my father had his own
construction business, so we “The community will have a say in what direction, what
were brought up in construc-
tion,” he said. the needs are, and the Temple Foundation was to be
“Then I took over for a few
years. But my father always the backbone funding until Impact Lufkin could do
taught us to volunteer in what-
ever position or in whatever you its own (nonprofit organization registration). They were
can do. My volunteer service
started in the church. If they the funder until everything got going, so with Impact
needed someone to clean the
bathrooms, if they needed some-
Lufkin, it’s been a blessing because that’s brought
one to turn on the lights and dif-
ferent things, that’s what I did.”
WIC, ADAC, Workforce Solutions — everything that
Even before he became a coun-
cil member, Shankle said he en-
was lacking in the community, they have brought it
joyed helping people.
“I didn’t like being in front,
here. What I see Impact Lufkin doing is once you’ve
but I enjoyed seeing the smiles improved North Lufkin, you’ve improved the city of
that come to people’s faces — to
see that you can help individu- Lufkin. Then you can move around to other parts of the
als who didn’t know where to go,
who to talk to or what to do,” he city and continue to improve it.” TROPHY & T-SHIRT SHOP
Robert Shankle
“Once you go through that pro-
cess of helping people and then 305 E. Denman • Lufkin • 936-634-5229
you get the smile and thanks
from an individual, saying, ‘We are to get a good environment to Band-Aid on it,” Shankle said. say in what direction, what the
couldn’t have done this without live in. That’s the main goal.” “He wanted to make a transfor- needs are, and the Temple Foun-
you,’ that’s worth more than A different kind of challenge mation. So Laura Squiers and dation was to be the backbone
money — that you can receive came Shankle’s way last year Buddy Zeagler (with the Temple funding until Impact Lufkin
gratitude that you have helped when members of the North Foundation) came to me, and could do its own (nonprofit or-
change an issue or a person’s life. Lufkin community, the city we talked. This was tried in 2004 ganization registration),” he
It might not mean a lot to you, of Lufkin, Stephen F. Austin and it failed. I have always said said. “They were the funder
but it means the world to them. until everything got going, so
That’s what brings me joy more with Impact Lufkin, it’s been a
than anything else.”
Shankle said that one day, an
blessing because that’s brought
WIC, ADAC, Workforce Solu-
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individual asked why he didn’t tions — everything that was lack-
get more involved in the commu- ing in the community, they have • Free Estimates
nity. For him, Shankle said, get-
ting involved in the community
brought it here.”
That’s improving the city’s
• Insurance Claims Welcome
meant running for office. relationship and the community
“My dad (Bishop Leroy relationship, he said. 1702 N. Timberland Drive
Shankle Sr.) made his name in
the community,” he said.
“What I see Impact Lufkin
doing is once you’ve improved Lufkin
“He stood for workers’ rights North Lufkin, you’ve improved
no matter what, and so with that the city of Lufkin,” he said.
we had a well-known name in the “Then you can move around to
community, but I was the silent other parts of the city and con- Fax: 936-632-1126
one in the family. I was quiet. I State University, local nonprofit we don’t need another 2004. It tinue to improve it.”
didn’t do a lot of things, so when I agencies and the T.L.L. Temple has to be community-driven, Bryan McBride, owner
ran, I had to go from door to door. Foundation announced a new not top-down. The members of Steve Knight’s email address is
They knew the Shankles, but comprehensive community re- the community know what they
they didn’t know Robert Shankle. vitalization effort called Impact need. They don’t need someone
I had to do the grassroots and let Lufkin. coming from the outside telling
them know who I was.” Impact Lufkin was the brain- them what they need. They are
Shankle is now in his third child of the late Buddy Temple, the experts.”
term as council member as he the foundation’s former chair- Shankle said the organiza-
ran unopposed for the post in man. tion’s community-driven philoso-
2012 and 2015. “He had seen a disservice in phy is the reason he got involved
Additionally, he serves as a North Lufkin and he wanted with Impact Lufkin.
member of the Lufkin 4B Eco- to change that, not just put a “The community will have a
nomic Development Board, Mo-
saic Center board, Citizen Fire
Academy Alumni, United Way
board, The Coalition board, Af-
rican American Alzheimer’s Al-
liance board, the Lufkin Conven-
tion and Visitors Bureau board,
Leadership Lufkin Committee
board, Deep East Texas Council
of Governments board, Friend-
ship Social Club, mentor of the
local drug court and the Ange-
lina Public Health Coalition.
“With that position came re-
sponsibility, so I knew it was go-
ing to be a lot to do in the posi-
tion,” he said. “It’s always about
the people that you’re serving.
You are the liaison between them
40 years...
and the city. If the city does what
it’s supposed to do and the com-
munity does what it’s supposed
feels like yesterday!
to do, everyone comes out happy.
In order to do this job, you have to
have a heart for the community.
818 N. Raguet • Lufkin
It’s strictly for the people. It’s 936-632-7765
about what the citizen needs, not
what they want, but their needs Master License#39390 the lufkin news Sunday, March 26, 2017 3L

Longtime educator also a longtime volunteer

Passion for lic schools and at the community Chavez, a Latino-American civil he is very instrumental in inspir-
languages leads college and university level, she “If you couldn’t read or write, how rights leader and labor activist. ing them and telling them not
always found some way to volun- “‘Si se puede’ means ‘yes, I to give up. When people find out
Fran Brown to teer teach. would you feel? My students are can,’” Brown said. “That’s what I that he’s 100 years old, they get
Her passion for languages still
volunteer to burned bright after she retired smart and worthy, and want the want the students to believe when
they walk out of here. I hope that
even more inspired and think,
‘Well, I do have time to do this.’

teach English as a
to East Texas, and she decided to
volunteer to teach literacy and chance to learn to better their lives. I’ve inspired at least one person
to believe, ‘yes, I can.’”
He encouraged them to accom-
plish more.”
Second Language English as a Second Language
classes through the Adult Edu- So you elevate their self-image to a Roberts said volunteers like
Brown are vital for the Adult
The program served 565 stu-
dents in the last July-June year
at Adult Education cation and Literacy Career Path-
ways program at Angelina Col-
level where they can be successful.” Education and Literacy Career
Pathways program.
cycle and has helped 373 students
this year.
and Literacy Career lege. That’s where she has been,
happily, for the past five years.
fran brown “Fran and the other volunteers
serve as role models,” he said.
“The main focus is to help
people improve in certain subject
Pathways program Adult Education coordinator “Students can see and get advice areas, gain their GED or help in
Jesse Medina said Brown teaches on a farm to bring home food for Brown said boosting students’ from people who have succeeded remedial programs like English
By STEPHANIE STEVENS twice a week for four hours. his family. He has been working confidence is one of the most in their career in many places. I and math,” Roberts said. “But we
The Lufkin News “These are students who have ever since, but he said he decided important things one can do as a think it’s interesting for them to need the help of volunteers to do
trouble reading and/or speaking to attend classes because “it is teacher. see a different point of view.” this. Any help is appreciated.”
Each one, teach one. English,” he said. “Everything difficult to get a job if you don’t “If you couldn’t read or write, Medina thanked John Wood- Brown encouraged others who
This is the mantra that Fran is taught in English, and she’s know how to speak or write in how would you feel?” she asked. side, a 100-year-old man who just are qualified to volunteer.
Brown has lived by as she has helped a lot of students.” English.” “My students are smart and wrapped up 15 years of volun- To volunteer in the Angelina
taught adults and non-English Grant support specialist Ran- “(Brown) is a good teacher be- worthy, and want the chance to teering as a math teacher. College Adult Education and Lit-
speakers on a professional and dy Roberts said Brown teaches cause she is patient and will ex- learn to better their lives. So you “Some of the students who eracy Career Pathways program,
voluntary basis since 1962. with much enthusiasm. plain it over and over until you elevate their self-image to a level come here have already been call 633-4525. Volunteer hours are
“If you know something, you “She really wants to help the understand,” Diosdado said. “My where they can be successful.” through a conventional high flexible.
need to teach someone that very students,” he said. “I’ve hardly English is much better.” She said another mantra she school system that didn’t work
thing,” Brown said. “You really ever seen anybody with that After a long shift at work, he uses in her class is “si se puede,” out for them,” he said. Stephanie Stevens’ email address is
do. If you have that skill, you much passion for teaching. It’s goes to class with his wife, Alma, a phrase associated with Cesar “Then they come up here, and
reach back and pull somebody really inspiring to see.” who only attended five years of
up with you. I don’t see volun- Many of her adult students schooling.
teering as giving back, but my have never been to school due to Alma said the main thing the
responsibility. To me, this is just living in poverty-stricken areas. class has given her is more self-
what people do, and it really is so Artemio Diosdado, who has confidence and pride. Things that
fulfilling.” been taking Brown’s classes for were hard, such as filling out job
Brown graduated from the a year, grew up in Mexico and applications, are now much easi-
University of Texas with a bache- then moved to the United States er for her to do. Soon she hopes to
lor’s degree in English. Through- in his teenage years. He never be able to read and speak in Eng-
out her years of teaching in pub- went to school, as he had to work lish fluently.

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ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News

Fran Brown has volunteered to teach literacy and English as a Second Language classes through the
Adult Education and Literacy Career Pathways program at Angelina College for the past five years.

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4L Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

Volunteer firefighters always willing to answer emergency calls

The Lufkin News

Volunteer firefighters are a

staple in any community.
They respond to many types of
emergency calls and often visit
schools to teach kids life-saving
fire safety and fire prevention
Emergency calls come in 24
hours a day, and many volunteer
firefighters have full-time jobs,
but that does not stop them from
getting up out of bed when the
late-night call for help comes in.
They have families and friends
but make every effort, even at
their own peril, to help others,
and save lives in doing so.
In Angelina County there are
nine recognized volunteer fire
departments, which often assist
each other on emergency calls. ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News
Hudson Volunteer Fire A Moffett Volunteer Fire Department firefighter rushes bottled water to the scene of a house fire off U.S. Highway 69 between Huntington and Zavalla in June 2016.
Hudson Fire Chief Marcial “Knowing that I was helping teer firefighters include Bobby our neighbors, our friends and Childers, Chris Watson, Matthew Anthony, Randy Hambrick, John
Foise said being a member of someone in need of help — that Jones, Jerry Swearingen, Jerod our families to help us.” Goodart, Craig Teafatiller, Jacob Alverez, Chris Lucas, William
a volunteer fire department is is how I get my thanks out of it.” Oates, Brian Smith, Mike Ste- He said many of the Central Scroggins and Cullen Brock. Valentine, Aron Smith, Cedric
about giving back to the commu- He said the department does phens, Angie Barker, Gowland firefighters grew up in the Pollok Cranford is also the president Mosses, Ray Williams and Ray-
nity. employ some firefighters, but the Bass, Trey Burton, Michael Cle- area and “really love their com- of the Angelina County Firefight- mond Ryan.
He said he’s wanted to be a fire- majority are volunteers. mens, Travis Kirtley, Jeremy munity.” ers Association. Zavalla Volunteer Fire
fighter since he was 6 years old, The Hudson ranking mem- Juarez, Mark Loose, Corey Cle- “It’s kind of like the ‘Cheers’ City of Diboll Volunteer Department
and he still enjoys it at age 45. bers include Assistant Chief mens, Hawk Ornduff, Robert theme song,” he said. “We like to Fire Department Chief Chris Wade said he has
“To me, being a volunteer is Caleb Ramsey; Fire Marshal Joe Smith, Jacob Smith, Victor Mills, go where everybody knows your In a written statement, Chief been a member of the Zavalla
better than a paid firefighter just Burton; Capts. Jeff Barker, Jeff Jacob Pouland, Rachel Elliott name, and that is what I love Gary Jones said there are many VFD for 13 years and is honored
from the fact that a ‘thank you’ or Burns and Willie Thomas; and and Marcelino Perez. The depart- about this community.” reasons that firefighters volun- to serve the community along-
a smile is more gratitude than ac- Lts. Michael Vinther, Shawn ment’s Youth Explorers under The department’s other rank- teer for the task. side the department’s firefight-
tually being paid for it,” he said. Ramsey and Mike Smith. Volun- Vinther include Caleb Ramsey, ing members include Chief Den- “Several reasons members ers.
Kourtni Collins, David Timmons, nis Cochran, Capt. Steven Ner- choose to volunteer are to serve “We do this job because we
Troy Gomez and Reagan Dwire. ren, Lt. Scott Williams, 2nd Lt. the community, keep our families love our community and we want
Hudson Volunteer Fire Department K-9 The department operates un- John Miles and 2nd Lt. Garland and friends safe, provide medical to protect the citizens of our dis-
Search and Rescue der President Robert Smith and
Vice President Frankie Ornduff,
Bates. The firefighters include
Caleb Toll, John Derrick, JR
services for those in accidents or
illness, personal satisfaction from
trict,” Wade said.
He said all of the department’s
Hudson Volunteer Fire Department K-9 Search and Rescue President Jeff with secretary Brian Smith and Benton, Jessica Spencer, Justin helping others and the fraternal members have full-time jobs and
Burns said the team was established in 1996 as East Texas K-9 Search and treasurer Jacob Smith. Russell, Kody Russell, Michael brotherhood/sisterhood of being volunteer in their time off.
Rescue, but around 2005, the Hudson VFD incorporated the team and changed Central Volunteer Fire Walsh, Robert Lowery, Taylor a firefighter,” Jones wrote. “We “There are many times vol-
the name. Department Thigpen, James Johnson and all take pride in our service and unteer firefighters leave their
Burns said the unit’s primary operation is wilderness search and rescue Assistant Chief Oscar Rabago Becky Spencer. Other members dedication to the Diboll and An- families to go and help their fel-
incidents, such as missing children. He said all of the members on the unit must said he and the CVFD firefighters include secretary Paige Rabago, gelina County community.” low neighbor and not ask for
meet the national requirements for search and rescue. volunteer for the task to give back treasurer Toni Cochran and Other members include Assis- anything in return,” Wade said.
The unit responds to calls all over East Texas and nationally if requested by to the community. chaplain Greg Freijo. tant Chief Keith Dover, 1st Capt. “Sometimes volunteer firemen
law enforcement or other search and rescue teams. As of mid-February, the unit “It is something I have always Fuller Springs Volunteer Darrell Roberts, 2nd Capt. Sam get ridiculed by the public be-
had responded to five calls in 2017, according to Burns. wanted to do to help the commu- Fire Department Coleman, secretary/treasurer cause, just like in every profes-
The department’s members who serve on the team include Vice President Mike nity,” he said. “If I am in need, I Chief Sammy Braden said the Grady Courtney, Sgt. of Arms sion, there are a few bad apples,
Stephens, secretary Kristy Hall and treasurer Cathy Clark. The members assigned would want somebody to be there department “consists of dedicat- Gary Dover, safety officer Ruth and with this ridicule it gets
to communications include Mike Miles, Jeasie Miles and Leroy Moon, who each, for me. Living outside the city ed, hard-working professionals Oates, public relations specialist harder and harder to motivate
along with Amanda Suttos, make up the search and rescue portion of the unit. limits, we are not protected by who strive to deliver quality pub- Jesus Reyes, recording secretary young people to volunteer. The
K-9 handlers include Ricky Rodriguez, Stephens, Clark and Hall. the city fire department, so we lic service when called upon.” Larry Lucas and training officer only thing we ask from our citi-
have to rely on our volunteers, Other members include As- Jason Sruck. The department’s zens is when you see that big red
sistant Chief Bobby Cranford, firefighters are Juan Valdez, truck going through town with
Capt./Lt. Troy Edwards, Presi- Ruben Terrazas, Matt Reppond, the lights and siren blaring, just
dent Rayford Wright and secre- Dustin Lucas, Chris Hambrick, say a quick prayer for us so we all
tary/treasurer Don Horn, along Robbie Franks, Randy Havard, make it back home to our fami-
with firefighters Steve Lumbley, William Courtney, James Left- lies.”
Rodney Jollie, Clint Walker, Ran- wich, Jeffery Dover, Daniel Zar- Members include Assistant
dy Neville, Ben Reynolds, Kent zoza, Joe Parish, RL Lyles, Seth SEE FIREFIGHTERS, PAGE 5L

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ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News

Fuller Springs volunteer firefighters battle a blaze at a home on FM 1475, just where it intersects FM
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Continued from Page 4L someone. Whether you save a ers choose to risk their lives to public relations specialist Re- your fellow mankind,” Sweet why he is a firefighter.
Chief Tommy Blalock, Capt. life, someone’s property or just help others. becca Burton, and maintenance said. “A lot of people do not know “It is the gratitude,” he said.
Madison Porter and Lt. DJ Sand- simply put a smile on someone’s “Volunteering is a choice that officers John Cheney and Curt this, but there are more volunteer “When you lay down at night,
ers, along with firefighters Jacob face, it is a very rewarding job. … each of us has made,” Cheney Fredregill. Firefighters include fire departments than there are you can say, ‘I helped someone to-
Bailey, Zach Moore, Sam Pitt- I enjoy giving back and putting said. “We are not paid for the Doug Sheffield, Summer Thomp- paid fire departments. So if we day.’ A lot of people may do it for
man, John Pittman, Candi Pat- smiles on faces when it’s a hard job, and we do not have the new- son, Jerry Forest, Erik Knupp did not do it, who would?” different reasons. I’ll be the first
ton, Drew Beall and John Hitch- time to smile. That is why I be- est fire trucks, equipment or fire and William Calhoun, along He said that as he fought to to say when I first got into this,
cock. came a firefighter.” gear. We have a desire to help our with Brenda Epperly, BreAnna cope with his ailment, his fam- it was all about the lights and si-
Rivercrest/Redland Volunteer Other members include Chief fellow man, our teachers, our Dempsey and Tara Wiggins, who ily joined the department to help rens. Now it’s all about getting to
Fire Department Patrick McKelvey, President E.R. community leaders, our neigh- work in rehabilitation. him continue to serve the com- the call, being safe and helping
The Lufkin News received Brooks, Assistant Chief Marshal bors, our families, young and old, Moffett Volunteer Fire munity. people.”
several written statements from Ray Blackburn Jr. and Capt. Fred male and female. … We choose to Department “When I got MS, my family Members include Assistant
the Rivercrest/Redland VFD “Lingo” Sanford, along with fire- be there; we choose to leave our Chief Eddie Sweet said he has decided to come help me because Chief and President Joey Rocka,
firefighters, and each said they fighters Timothy Solly, Christo- families to come help yours in been a volunteer firefighter in being a firefighter and helping training officer and Capt. Thom-
volunteer to help put smiles on pher Ybarra, Maegann Chatham times of need.” Angelina County for more than people was so much in my blood,” as Ellis, 1st Lt. Adam Klock and
people’s faces and to give back to and Steven Giles. She said pay for a volunteer 30 years. He said that a few years he said. “They said they wanted 2nd Lt. Marie Sweet, along with
the community. City of Huntington Fire firefighter can be as simple as a back he was diagnosed with mul- to help me help the community. firefighters Dakota Ellis, Vice
“Volunteers are needed so Department smile, a handshake or a “thank tiple sclerosis, so the county’s vol- It really is a family operation — President Victor Rosales, public
much, not just where we live, Capt. Amy Dempsey-Cheney you.” unteer fire departments held fun- I have four or five people in the relations specialist and secretary
but all over the world,” train- said the department’s 2017 call Members include Fire Admin- draisers to help with his medical department that are my family Holly Klock and the department’s
ing officer Lt. William Sessum volume, as of early March, was istrator/Treasurer/Chief Bobby expenses. members.” newest recruit, Tyler Reynolds.
said. “There is an unexplainable 58. Epperly, Lt. Virgil Glawson, Lt. “It’s a brotherhood of helping He said that when his family Casey Sizemore’s email address is
feeling you get when you help She said all volunteer firefight- Melanie Garner, secretary and each other and being able to help started, they came to understand

ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News

Bobby Cranford, assistant fire chief for the Fuller Springs Fire Department, waits for water to fight a Volunteer firefighters from Fuller Springs and Moffett were able to keep the fire from spreading to the
fire in a large shed behind a home in the 4200 block of Oakwood Drive shortly in September 2014. woods around the shed or to the adjacent home.
6L Sunday, March 26, 2017 the lufkin news

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