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Recognition Day Sample script

Recognition Day is the culmination of all hard work and a year of study. It is the day when the, students
can say, “I’ve done it”.

Today ladies and gentlemen mark another milestone in our life and in the history of our TANGAN
INTEGRATED SCHOOL, as we gather and celebrate success on this ____ Recognition Rites.

Visitors, our dear parents, our unrelenting and dynamic mentors, Welcome to our Recognition Day

To our ever-equal School Principal Maam Pinky G. Tanap, our unrelenting and dynamic head teachers,
we have Mrs. Evelyn Go, Mrs. Susan Enriquez. We have also with us our Master Teachers here; to our
big hearted guest of honor and speakers in today’s event Mr. _____________(check on the program). To
our highly competent and deeply motivated members of the faculty and staff; other officials of the
Department of Education and Barangay officials of Basak Pardo and Basak San Nicolas present on this
occasion; to the proud and loving parents; visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant afternoon.

To formally start with today’s culmination, ladies and gentlemen let us all stand for the processional.
Approaching the stage are the Honor students, special awardees, together with their loving and
supportive parents,

Grade 7 Class

Grade 8 Class

Grade 9 Class

Grade 10 Class

the school administration, faculty and staff. May we all give them a resounding applause.

Please remain standing for the doxology to be performed by the SPA dance artists and national anthem
to be led by SPA musicians.

You may now take your seats.

I do believe that the secrets behind this significant event are not only teachers who have rendered their
invaluable service by guiding these students to the right path, but also the parents who give them the
support financially and love and encouragement in every activities in the school from Play ground
demonstration to the success of Sinulog sa Kabataan. Now, soon these parents will walk up here feeling
proud and successful to accompany their children to receive the fruit of success.

Ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the parents here, let us all welcome and listen to one of the proud
parents, our General PTCA President Mr. Jonathan Galarport Sr.
At this moment, we believe that not only the students should be given recognition but also the parents
who have worked so hard, gave their best to their children no matter how hard life is, they kept on
working even if their chin touches the ground because of hard work. Let us all take this chance and give
a warm applause to our dear parents.

Like their parents, our students who are at their best today aren’t just good in academics; they could
also be good in other things! Let us see their other side. Please welcome SPA students to give us their
electrifying special number.

Thank you for that fabulous special number. There you have witnessed how intelligent our students are.
Well, you hear it right. Intelligence is not just about academic, but also in arts and crafts in which our
students might have one or more of these multiple intelligences. According to Howard Gardner that
brain has evolved over millions of years to be responsive to different kinds of content in this world –
language content, music content, numerical content and more. These things can be nurtured by the
guidance of our teachers.

In behalf of the faculty of the school to give us more insights about education and success, please
welcome our motherly School principal, Dr. Eileen Irina O. Tayactac. Let us all give her a resounding
round of applause.

Aside from our parents and teachers, our epitome of success happens because of the help of our
stakeholders and community partners

who are in one way or another support our school activities.

Yolandito Cagang – Basak Pardo

Norman Navarro – Basak San Nicolas

There you have listened to our respected representatives from Barangay, Parents and to our teachers
and faculty. Because of their invaluable service in guiding you to the right path, you come here to
receive your prize. Students, why don’t we thank them by giving them a big round of applause.

Ladies and gentlemen to introduce to us our guest of honor and speaker on today’s affair, may we call
on the ever vibrant and full of enthusiasm, _________________________

Ladies and gentlemen let us all stand and welcome the man of the hour, a man dedicated to public
service and a man with philanthropic attitude, let us all give an echoing applause to our beloved

We are very much honored to have here with us our very supportive and dynamic ______ as he will
inspire us with his inspirational message. Thank you very much sir for that stirring message

To break the monotony of the program ladies and gentlemen let us all welcome the selected students as
they render their exciting special number.
How about another round of applause? Thank you for that wonderful number.

(Quote from the speech) To start with the Grade 7, may we call on the year level chairman, Mrs. Marie
Fe Barlisan, and _________ to assist on the awarding of certificates to academic excellent students and
special awardees of the Grade 7 class.

Now, let us proceed to the awarding of the top 3 honor students with their special awards. To start with
the Grade 7 students, may we call on the year level chairman, once again, ____________ for the giving
of certificates. Let’s clap our hands once again for the Grade 7 honor students.

To start with the Grade 8, may we call on the grade level leader, Mrs. Minerva Yngayo and _________ to
assist on the awarding of certificates to academic excellent students and special awardees of the Grade
8 class. Now, let us proceed to the awarding of the top 3 honor students with their special awards. To
start with the Grade 8 students, may we call on the year level chairman, once again, ____________ for
the giving of certificates. Let’s clap our hands once again for the Grade 8 honor students.

Let us move on to the next level. The Grade 9 level top 3 honor students, to be awarded and called up
onstage by no other than their year level leader Mrs. Maria Theresita Villacin. Moving on with their
academic distinction and special awards.

Let’s clap our hands, once again, to our fellow Grade 9 honor students. Congratulations

At this moment, ladies and gentlemen, let us proceed to the awarding of Academic excellence to
students of grade 10.

To start with the grade 10, may we call on the grade level leader, Mrs. Flor Concina, and _________ to
assist on the awarding of certificates to academic excellent awardees of the grade 10. Now, let us
proceed to the awarding of the top 3 honor students. To start with the may we call on the year level
chairman, once again, Mrs. Flor Concina for the giving of certificates.

Let’s clap our hands once again for our grade 10 honor students. For the benefit to everyone, our school
offers 4 kinds of program such as the Regular Class, Science Class, Special Program in the arts and SPFL
(Special program in foreign Languages), so we’re giving awards of recognition to students who belong to
these programs.

Many wants being recognized, but a few are worthy of recognition. It is worth it because you guys work
hard for that recognition. Congratulations to all of successful students of this year 2015-2016.

A recognition day is not just plainly for the awarding and giving certificates, from the root word,
recognize, we can say that it is also a time, once in a year, that we take time to give credits to our
mentors and that they are appreciated. Genuine praise is wonderful to receive and simple to give, but
none of us do it enough. Today can also be the perfect day to say a ‘thank you’. To show our gratitude
for our teachers and to entertain them, let’s give them another intermission number to be performed by
Alay Cultural Dance Troup.
Let’s give them another resounding round of applause. Most of them will move up to senior high school,
so we are going to miss them. Thank you for that wonderful number.

This day is of giving praise for job well done of our students, teachers, parents, school and community,
to recognize their kindness shown and to challenge us; Please welcome, Ladies and gentlemen, let’s lend
our ears to our PSDS South District Mrs. Daisy S. Rico. Let’s give our dear supervisor a round of applause
of warm appreciation.

quote from the speech]Thank you very much for that stirring message.

To give us a last intermission number, we have Special Program in the Arts student to sing for us. Let’s
put our hands together for___________.

“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do
it,” this was the line uttered by the late American President Dwight Eisenhower which have had helped
us move on. At this point, let us pay attention, pin our ears to our leader no other than our endearing
______________, for her official closing remarks.

[quote from the speaker.]Thank you very much ma’am. We are so pleased and delighted to your words.
As we end today’s affair, thank you so much for your participation and congratulations. Once again this
has been teacher Cel, we would like to leave a thought for all of you and all of us.

US president Abraham Lincon, once quoted, “Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be
worthy of recognition.” It’s hard not to be recognized…when you feel like you deserve it, when you feel
like it’s been left up to you, when you have been given responsibility, when you feel like you have aced
the test, when you feel worthy of it, when you think it couldn’t have been done without you, when you
know that you gave 100%, when it cost you a lot, when you sacrificed, and when you want it. We may
not be worth of the recognition in human eyes but remember, God will always be our great audience in
everything, He knows best, more than giving a certificate, a medal, or a shake hand, it is His glory, His
blessings. Congratulations! In every occasion, the presence of the guest of honor and speaker makes the
occasion more significant and memorable. By his words of wisdom we can be able to get ideas that will
help us progress.

Thank you for coming and For God be the Glory!

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