Basics of Customer Service - 7c's

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Basics of

Customer Service
Customer Service

Customer service means listening to the customer, fulfilling the customer’s

needs, using all the tools and means available. This has to be a consistent effort
on every employee’s part to satisfy the query of a customer. It is necessary for
the customer to continue coming back to us. It is about making every possible
effort for the customer.

Customer service is when the customer is completely satisfied with the service
you have provided to them. It is when you make the customer feel he/she is
important and his/her business is important. It is where you make the caller
feel as if you have been waiting just for his/her call.

Communication Skills
The 7 C’s of effective communication:

o Remember the five W’s as in who, what, when, where and why
o Answer all questions that will make your call complete
o Give extra information when desirable

o Use one word in place of phrases and one sentence in place of two
o Ask yourself what material is really relevant
o Avoid unnecessary repetition

o Focus on “You” instead of “I” or “We”
o Show audience benefit or Interest in the Receiver
o Emphasize positive and pleasant facts

o Use specific facts and figures
o Put Action in your verbs
o Choose Vivid and Image-Building words

o Choose precise, concrete and familiar words
o Construct effective sentences and paragraphs
o Use figurative language

o Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative
o Use expressions that show respect
o Choose nondiscriminatory expressions

o Use the right level of language
o Check Accuracy of figures, facts and words
o Confirm for correct figures, facts and words

Effective Listening
The 10 Commandments of Good Listening

Random: “Good listeners know why they have two ears and one tongue.”
And you cannot be a good listener if you talk too much.

Good listeners know that you should listen more than you should talk. Lets get
back to the tips.

I. Stop talking! You can’t listen if you’re talking.

II. Put the customer at ease. Help him feel that he’s free to talk. This is often
called a “permissive environment” and this is what callers (customers)
should feel when they talk to you.
III. Show that you want to listen. Sound interested by using encouraging,
affirmative expressions (uh-huh, I see, yes). Listen to understand rather
than to reply.
IV. Remove distractions-don’t doodle, shuffle papers, eat, drink to pass
gestures to your friend rep sitting next to you, etc. etc. Check out your
work place (cabin) beforehand and get rid of any potential listening
V. Empathize with the customer. Try to see his or her point of view.
VI. Be patient. Give the customer as much time as he or see needs. Don’t
rush, and don’t interrupt.
VII. Control your own temper. If the customer is angry, don’t let them take
control of your emotions, too. Keep in mind: He, who angers you,
conquers you.
VIII. Don’t argue. That only puts the customer on the defensive, and if you win,
you lose. So the game you are playing is a tough one.
IX. Ask questions. This encourages him and shows that you’re listening. It
helps develop further points.
X. Again- Stop talking! You can’t be a good listener while you’re talking.

Practical tips for how to talk on the telephone

Important principles that must become second nature to you when speaking to
customers. None of them are difficult to understand but they will need rehearsing
before you become familiar with them.

Speak slowly
There is a perfectly natural tendency to talk fast over the phone. We probably
feel that we have to get our first few words out as quickly as possible or else our
listener will hang up. You must try to resist this temptation- no one is going to
hang up on you or swear at you. Be calm and be confident.

Instead, try to speak as slowly as you dare (without sounding ridiculous) for the
first 20 seconds of your call.

Speak Clearly
This is obvious, but still needs to be said. You must be very particular about how
you treat your listeners. Remember, not everyone has perfect hearing, not
everyone can understand certain accents. Try to make a point of holding the
telephone receiver, or placing the headset mike properly and speak into it rather
tan across it.

Be brief
You have to not only fully satisfy the customer you are dealing with, but also start
mentally preparing for the next call that may already be on its way. The most
efficient way to handle a call is to be accurate and brief. Use fewer words to
express an idea.

Avoid discussion
Speed and quality responses are of prime significance in a call center. Getting
into a discussion or argument with the caller can lead to havoc. In matters where
the customer wants to talk, just agree with him/her. In places where his/her facts
are going wrong, offer to send a brochure, so the customer can find out about the
product, relative to his/her needs, at leisure and ease.
Avoid jargons
Always use simple words and phrases when speaking on the telephone. Clarity
always takes precedence over slickness when it comes to giving out information.
Jargon may come naturally to you, but sounds alien and even condescending to
those unfamiliar with it. Your use of jargon will create distance between you and
the caller and immediate tension will set in.

Making a Perfect Impression

o Speak clearly so that the caller can understand you.
o Use a pace that is suitable, not too fast like you are in a hurry nor too slow
giving the impression that you are lazy and bored
o Don’t sound monotonous; bring variation in your tone to show that you are
o Don’t sound accented, use a standard accent to make the caller feel
o Pronounce the callers name correctly. (Not in our case as of yet)

Professional Approach
o Be prompt in your responses and give out accurate information.
o You should be well aware of any additional information to be provided.
o Effectively probe to get the accurate and complete information required to
avoid any inconvenience to the caller at any stage.
o Information sharing (taking or giving) should be carried out in a very
pleasant manner. Also remember information is information if and only if it
has been verified. Otherwise it is a just a useless data.
o You should possess the ability to take ownership and responsibility to
guide the caller.

Business Friendliness
o Building rapport with the caller. (Use their name(s) or Sir/Ma’am)
o Giving positive response and offering choices. Let the caller know what
you CAN DO instead of telling what you CAN NOT DO.
o Being patient and not interrupting the caller.
o Using value added phrases.
o Go and extra mile to help the caller out.
PACE Planned and Careful Expression
The rate at which we speak in a certain emotional state is known as pace.

Two major factors can either make the perfect pace or break the perfect pace.
The rate of speech is a measurable factor but the emotional state of person is
not. The rate of speech is measured in words per minute WPM and emotional
state can be identified as static/silent, dull/laid back/bored, lively, irritating/angry.

Rate of Speech vs. Emotional state

Static/Silence Dull/Laid back/Bored Lively


0 WPM 75 WPM 140 WPM 170 WPM

Be prepared to shift your emotional gears.

Take a deep breath and calm down.


If you tell me, I’ll forget

If you show me, I might remember
If you involve me, I will understand

Value Added Phrases

What I can do is…. Should be an alternative to “I can’t do this…”
That’s a good question…
I’m sure you will be happy…
The best thing to do is…
I can provide you with that…
I can help you with that…
Is there anything else?
I’m glad you asked that
I understand, however…
That’s not a problem at all…
I’ll be happy to do that for you

Tips on handling difficult calls

Customers get upset because of the product or service they have purchased or
subscribed for; they are not upset on you. Remember this.

The reasons 

o Frustration: Wrongly, partially or unmet expectations

o Sloppiness
o Unfulfilled promises
o Indifference, rude, discourteous behavior
o Different voices – being passed around
o Wrong assumption
o Dishonesty
o Incompetence
o Lack of attention

The don’ts of handling complaints 

o “Its not my job”

o Made to wait; put on hold
o Getting defensive or arguing
o “We can’t do this”
o Jump to conclusions
o Use of technical and professional jargon
o Make promises you cannot fulfill
o Forced responses

When your caller throws you off balance with an awkward or unexpected
comment, having some clarifying questions up your sleeve can often help
maintain your poise and retain the initiative. For example, if you are thrown by a
sudden objective to your product, try asking clarifying questions: 

“In what way do you man that, Sir/Ma’am?”

“I’m not sure I understand your question, Sir/Ma’am?”
“Which particular aspect are you referring to Sir/Ma’am?
Such questions will give you time to rearrange your thought and to caller a
chance to explain him/herself.

A few points to remember

o It’s nothing personal
o Apologize, Sympathize, Accept responsibility, Prepare to help (ASAP)
o You can satisfy most of the callers, most of the time

5 Forbidden






(Nothing takes a second my friend)

NO  YES AND ALWAYS YES... Begin with



1. Always answer with the specific verbiage given for an account. Mention
your name and provide appropriate call to action.
2. How may I direct your call? Never just say "Hello?"
3. Try to answer before the third ring.
4. Do not "fight back" with a rude or obnoxious caller. Your mission is to
resolve any conflict peacefully.
5. Speak distinctly. Rushing your speech, will make it harder for the listener
to make out what you are saying.
6. Transfer callers only if you the caller demands for a supervisor, but try
take the call yourself by assuring the customer that you would handle his
complaint appropriately.
7. Never transfer a caller without telling supervisor you are transferring the
call, and let him know about the problem. It is best to ask if you may
transfer them. And always tell them to whom they are being transferred.
8. If you must put the caller on hold, come back "at least" once a minute,
preferably every 30 seconds, to let the caller know what's happening.
9. Take the calls by considering all the 7C’s of effective business
10. Try to use value added phrases and do not interrupt the caller when he is
11. do not keep a dead air during conversation and try to give short responses
to the caller so that he knows your are listening to his problem with full
12. Incase you receive a ghost call i.e. you hear nothing on receiving the call.
Do not hang up the phone straight away. Rather repeat the set verbiage at
least three times and then speak out: |”I am sorry but I cannot hear you. I
guess it’s a bad line. Please kindly call back again”. End the call by using
the set ending verbiage.
13. Report the ghost call to supervisor immediately.
14. Always end up the call by saying:

Is There Any Thing Else I Can Do For U? (Wait for the


Then say: Thank You for Calling Have a Good Day,


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