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The Engineer’s Calculations

By Robert Mote, P.Eng

When it comes to doing calculations and there has been a sea of change in the way
attracting new blood into the structural we work, where we work and how we
engineering profession, I believe that we work – from the smoky, noisy halls of
are a profession in crisis. stand-up drawing boards and manpower
Let me relate a common story. I was to the silent office spaces of cubicles and ®

asked to check a calculation, long overdue, screen power. I have experienced the
for a wide operating platform supported generational changes and seen how
on three buried vessels. In essence, it we are losing our craft. I learned from

is a continuous beam over multiple sup- past masters and then got lost in the
ports with lots of point loads for grating same ‘computer age’ maze as everybody
dead and live loads. I had a picture in my else, but I think that I have found a way

mind of what to expect – perhaps two back to the traditional roots. They have
pages describing the platform, a general
been designing structures for over 100

arrangement plan, loading and vendor in- p y
years, risuccessfully for the most part, us-
formation, a sketch layout for the designer, design tables derived from experience

and an additional two pages of simple and common sense. Traditional does not
numbers to confirm beam sizes. This would mean nostalgic, it means smart.
equate to a calculation in the range of This article looks at the structural en-

seven to ten pages and a morning’s worth gineer and the calculations that become
of work. What I actually received was the go-by examples, the default-setters for calculators became the next personal
closer to 250 pages analyzing 242 possible

the future. I find that engineers usually
project for many engineers. Results from

load combinations that took three months do not challenge these examples or seek this activity were integrated into hand cal-
to prepare, with overtime. While the de-
to improve upon them. On large projects, culations. As the programming was step-

T a
sign was not ultimately flawed, I accepted change is frowned upon and engineers are by-step in machine code, many engineers
the calculation without any changes, and not encouraged to go against the grain. It produced flowcharts and documentation

to explain their logic and assumptions.

the engineer thought that his work was a takes a special engineer, with confidence,
progressive piece of art. I know that this to challenge this mode of operation. This activity was accepted and supported
is the tip of the iceberg; it produces the
sense of engineering walking backwards.
a The last fifteen years have seen a strait-
jacket mentality evolve in how structural
by senior engineers and department man-
agers. Structural engineering calculations

Engineering calculations are a legal and
practical requirement for any structural
engineering project, because they record
engineers work in the design office. The
emergence of desktop computers ironi-
cally killed their ability to interact with
produced by hand were concise and sim-
plified; they identified and addressed the
key elements of the design.
information and updates on the impact of technology on structural engineering

the designer’s assumptions and demon- technology. What happened? It used to be The desktop computer rendered them
strate the adequacy of the design. These that mainframe computers were designed, obsolete. It brought different programming
documents are typically subjected to scruti- programmed and managed by engineers; concepts into play, which were without
ny and verification by a third party before this is how we put men on the moon, engineering precedence and non-intuitive
the design is approved. built and operated nuclear power stations to most engineers. Applications were de-
Within the oil and gas industry, where and modelled complex seismic behaviors. signed for secretarial work and did not
I have been involved for over 20 years, It was not “pretty” but it worked. Desktop engender natural support among technical
computer technology smashed that. professionals. Remember how word pro-
The structural engineering profession cessors and spreadsheets were continuously

also saw the loss of many engineering revised to our continual disappointment?
graduates and professionals to computer Electronic calculations and spreadsheet
industries during the 1990s, which left development still has a bad name among
large generation gaps within our discipline. senior engineers and department manag-
In many locations around the world, we ers, who see it as a time-wasting activity.
are a senior and aging profession lacking Crucially, in a world of high expectations,
the continuity of maturing engineers we lost time to learn, think and talk to
to maintain and nurture our numbers each other about our common tools.
into the future. While no profession Nowadays, the chances are high that
has been immune to the impact of the calculations are not concise or simplified;
new technology, some have maximized the they are voluminous and detailed, at-
benefits more than others. For example, tempting to address every component of
architects and electrical engineers have em- the design without identifying the critical
braced the opportunities more positively, behaviour. A crucial part of the engineer’s
using Web-based applications. job is to check another’s calculations, but
Thirty years ago, we lost slide rules to this is requiring more and more time and
digital calculators. Programming Hewlett resources. When I look back on twenty
Packard, Texas Instruments and Casio years of checking calculations myself, I

STRUCTURE magazine 14 September 2009

can see that fundamental questions are often Most companies now provide a standard suite one need only look at the endless examples and
overlooked, such as: of software – word processor, spreadsheet, references. In addition, the constant revisions
• Critical load path database, etc. – to all employees regardless of and upgrades also frustrate engineers. The
• Controlling load combination discipline or needs. Training is not offered, as lack of consistency and uniformity has kept
• Assumptions such as support conditions, it is deemed to be intuitive and of low value us away from learning how to maximize the
joint behavior, etc. to the business balance sheet. Such software opportunities collectively.
Explaining these things in simple terms, as is not geared for engineers but for businesses So what happened to the calculations? Struc-
positive declarative statements, would benefit concerned with payroll, marketing and sales; ®
tural analysis programmers saw the opportunity

the reader. These are not intuitive, but they
form the core of the calculations. It would be
helpful to know that a tension bracing member ®

and its connections are the most critical parts
of the pipe rack design at 146 kips (650 kN);
or to read that a total of 67 kips (300 kN)
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have used simple numbers, but you will see t


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STRUCTURE magazine 15 September 2009

to bind the structural engineers to their products • Leave the analysis towards the end of the engineer has a horror story to relate, but we are
by taking care of the reporting features. Many design cycle a melting pot of experiences and generational
of the big-name software applications were • Summarise the major loads and material knowledge, so we should be able to relay the
developed so long ago that they still employ take-offs baton into safe hands with our best efforts.
courier text, fixed lines, poor graphics and • Think about the reader We must assume responsibility for the quality,
ASCII formats. Engineers embraced the new • Do not keep a history of superseded not only of the analysis but also of the calcula-
technology to perform complex and over- pages in the calculations tions. The presentation is key to demonstrating
detailed 3D analysis, where 2D would suffice. • Ensure that the calculations are an active excellence and professional pride. Graduates
The result of every structural member is now component of the design office cycle beginning a career in the design office face a

printed out and presented as the calculation • Treat the calculations as a minimum basis culture shock on many levels. To future engi-
and the proof. We have been drawn into focus- for design, not the final neers, calculations are the face of the engineering

ing on the quality of the analysis, not the quality • Go forward in time; do not recycle work profession, far removed from applied physics or
of the calculation. Calculations have become for small changes pure analysis. It is a world of teamwork, build-
quantitative tomes of work, failing to meet their • Recognize that the sequence of ing confidence, demonstrating that confidence,

primary and fundamental requirements. work is not the same as the sequence leading, interacting and communicating. Good
To break the mold, engineers need to re- of the calculations calculations inspire good engineering.
righand use templates

examine the way we work: • Go electronic, Graduates coming into the structural engi-
p y
• Brainstorm the details together Co career goes through a life-cycle
An engineer’s neering profession need to know that they have
• Talk to each other of changes, but I believe that we often do a discovered an exciting world of challenges and

• Work together, not in isolation disservice to future generations of engineers opportunity. We, as practicing and professional
• Break the work into smaller individuals, need to recognize how we can do
calculation components better in our calculations, set a benchmark for

“We have been drawn into focusing
• Perform more frequent and on the quality of the analysis, not the expectations and engender critical thinking in

regular checks quality of the calculation. ” a world of too much information. We are back to

• Be visual in your work square one, the calculations. Let’s start talking.▪

• Identify, agree and focus on the key
component of the design when we prepare our calculations. I learned

T a
• Avoid automatically performing how to be a structural engineer through Robert Mote, P.Eng. (, is
3D analysis writing and checking such calculations. It is the author of two books, The Engineer’s Word

• Use and provide simple numbers where I started and where I come back, on and The Engineer’s Tables. More information is
available at

• Use analysis to verify the thinking every project. I know that just about every

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STRUCTURE magazine 16 September 2009

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