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faith journey ~ GELATT family

something must die
Farmers sure are wise people—maybe more so than they realize. Years ago, one such wise farmer told me,

“In order to grow anything, something must die first.”

Though he was talking about the fact that a seed has to “die” in order for the future plant to come to “life”,
what he was really espousing was a deep, eternal spiritual truth—one that I have seen firsthand in our ministry
here at FamilyLife. That truth goes something like this—To come to life in Christ, you must first die to self.
Let me show what I mean...

For the last several months, my (Micah) role at the ministry has been to serve on our Weekend to Remember
marriage conference team. In that role, I interact with people all over the United States, and I serve them by
teaching them how to invite their friends to a marriage conference. It’s as simple as that—people caring
enough to invite friends to hear God’s truth, about life and marriage...and I get to show them how!

In my role at FamilyLife, here are 3 examples I have seen of dead things coming to life. These are all people
that I (Micah) have developed a ministry relationship with, and they shared some comments that I wanted to
share with you—our partners in ministry:

“Sandy and I were in St. Augustine this weekend and we walked in feeling very separated. There was
a real feeling of being alone. We walked away with a renewed sense of togetherness. In fact, just to-
day we held one another and just spoke out loud, Thank you Lord, for bringing us back together.”

“My wife and I attended the Weekend to Remember this past weekend. My wife (who was an unbe-
liever) and I have had many ups and downs and it came to a head about 6 months ago where we were
talking divorce. By the grace of God she decided, as one last ditch effort, to go to a Christian coun-
selor with me. Since then the Holy Spirit has been working on her heart and moving her closer to
Christ. This past Weekend at the conference my wife accepted Christ into her heart as her personal
savior!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How GREAT is our GOD!!!!”

“My husband & I were married just last month on May 15th. This was our first conference to attend & it
opened our eyes to a whole new world. We rededicated our lives as well as our family life to the Lord
this weekend.”

In order to grow anything, something must die first.

If you would like to receive our prayer letter via e-mail each month, would you let us know. This would allow us to
use our resources in other areas, and cut down on printing costs. However, because we desire to communicate
well with each of you, if you want to continue receiving it in the mail, that is just fine! Thank you!
book review: “just do something”
Are you worried that you haven't found God's perfect will for your
life? Still waiting for a clear answer? Give up trying!
That is the advice of pastor Kevin DeYoung. He teaches that by sur-
rendering, you'll discover that God's plan for your life has
already been revealed. We urge you to get this book and learn to “always praying joyfully in
love God with your whole heart, obey his Word, find hope, and every one of my prayers for
do something—for Him. It’s a powerful read! all of you because of your
FamilyLife does not carry this book, but you can easily find it online, partnership in the gospel
or your local bookstore. In fact, we found a copy at our from the first day
local small library here in Arkansas. Imagine that! until now.”
As always, if you do read the book, share your thoughts with us via Philippians 1:4-5
e-mail, phone, text, or Facebook. Happy reading!
prayer items
family scrapbook Johanna 01
We are into the final tri-
mester. Prayers for con-
tinued energy and pa-
Time at the pool tience during the last
this summer was
a good way to
pass the hot Micah —PTL 02
days. Micah loves his new role.
He has settled in quickly.
Praising the Lord for the
opportunities to use the
talents he has been
Vacation was a much needed week of
rest, fun, and family time. Faith and finances 03
There have been many
extra expenses this sum-
mer and coming up this
fall. God has provided as
always. Pray with us as
we continue on this jour-
ney of trusting Him to
supply for our every
A trip back to Kansas need.
for 10 days was so
much fun. We got to
visit family, friends
contact us
supporters and our 1718 Foxrun Road
cow Bemus! Benton, AR 72019

Micah. 785.231.9478
Johanna. 785.817.3997

While in Kansas, Abigail got her first hair “trim”.

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