Guide To Be A Good Lover 2017

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Krewe of Space Age Love Guide to be a Good Lover

1 Be Nice – Share your thoughts, creativity and ideas. Spread the Love & Have Fun!

2 Krewe Meetings, Work Parties & Events – Our Krewe meetings and work parties needs you to be
productive. Notifications will be sent by e-mail and Facebook postings on our Group's Page. Our Krewe
events will be notified through e-mail, Facebook postings and texts. We are a volunteer organization, the
effort and time our members donate deserve respect and appreciation. We ask that ALL members “Spread
the Love” during meetings, work parties, events and parade day by treating each other with that same
respect and appreciation. When others are expressing their ideas please LISTEN and learn. Any Lover not
adhering to this policy will be asked to leave and may be subject to discipline. ALL Ideas are Good! Space
Age Love is best when we Come Together. Be positive, Be Nice, Have Fun.

3 Dues – Due to financial planing, the elation of being done with money and the plus of knowing our
marching krewe early the dues policy is - $195 due November 1 st, if no monies received by January 1st.,
membership will be forfeited. Make checks out to KSAL, either drop off or mail to our seriously patient
treasurer Kathy Hirsch at 217 S. Bernadotte St., N.O., LA 70119. Also, payments can be made via Paypal;

4 Membership & Protocol – Space Age Love has 60 Lovers, 8 Escorts and 2 Banner Girls. Members who
have medical, family or vocational issues can petition the krewe for only one year hiatus. If the member
does not march within two conservative years, her/his membership will be terminated. New Lovers or
Lovers with little participation will be evaluated at the end of each year and if needed both Captains,
Treasurer and the high council will meet to determine what action may or may not be needed. The member
in question will be notified of the issue and if warranted will be put on a one year probation or the
membership will be terminated. Any member being evaluated should the situation warrant it will have the
opportunity to address this issue for further review. We welcome positive discussion and actions for all we
do. Prospective members will be offered to join our Social Membership or serve as an escort. When a
membership opens we will choose from the Social membership and/or escort list for our Virgin Lover. We
take nominations year round, need all contact information and what you feel they can contribute to our

5 Social Membership – Social Members have the same benefits as Krewe Members, except for: Marching on
Parade Day, Ball Ticket and voting in elections. The cost for Social Membership is $50.00, which is due on
November 1st, if no monies received by January 1st., the membership will be postpone to the following year.
As Social Members, you will be invited to all Krewe meetings, work parties and events. In addition, a Social
Member will receive the following trinkets: KSAL Signature Oyster Throw, KDV Wooden Theme Nickel, KDV
Theme Cup, KSAL Button and KSAL Theme Throws. Nominations are welcome year round, need all contact
information and what you feel they can contribute to our krewe.

5 Committees and Budget – We budget and plan everything. Projects, time or expenses that may affect our
krewe must be approved by your committee captains, Treasurer or Captains – float, costume and throws are
our parade committees. Fun Raising & Organizing are for events such as PFAM and the Brew Dieux. Work
parties will be called by the committee captains and notifications sent to all Lovers. Committees are
budgeted and any monies spent must be approved by the committee captains to be reimbursed, monies
spent without approval will not be reimbursed.

6 Stay Informed, Timeliness and Commitments – Please check and read your e-mails consistently, please
pay attention to the info that has been sent to you by your Captains and Committees. A Good Lover is one
who is knowledgeable and shares, get to know other Lovers. Please be on time for events that require set-
up or commitments regardless of your status or position with our krewe. This is a totally volunteer group
and if those of authority or those who have committed to a project have conflicts we understand and ask
you let others step in who are able to commit their time or efforts.

7 Parade Day - Enjoy the day, check in on time, have fun and be aware of those around you when we march.
No marchers unless they are paid members, keep the buzz a happy one, if a Captain makes a request please
listen and comply. Reluctance to adhere to this request will result in us asking you to step out during the
parade and/or it will put your membership in jeopardy. Jello Shots are only to be distributed to members
only. Buzzed is good, Buzz killer is bad.

8 It's Good to Be a Space Age Lover! We are one of the best krewes in New Orleans, one of the 5 original
Clones krewes in Krewe du Vieux, throw awesome parties, are fearless with our satire and we are just plain
good folks who like to party and socialize as not only Space Age Lovers but as friends!
Krewe of Space Age Love “High Council”
Consist of: Captain, Co-Captain, Treasurer, Float Captain, Throws Captain, Costume Captain, Social
Member Captain, Fun Raiser, Event Promoter and Secretary.

Treasurer, Committe Captains and Secretary are appointed positions. These positions are appointed by the
Captain and Co-Captain.

Captain and Co-Captain are elected positions. Each position serves a 4 year term with 2 consecutive term
limitation. Elections will be staggered terms to eliminate new officials being elected in the same year. Only
paid Marching Members will be allowed one vote each on a secret ballot and a 51% majority will be the
deciding factor. If a Captain or Co-Captain is uproarious, a special election will be called and held.

Any paid member that is interested in serving in any of these positons, please notify a current officer. A five
year consecutive membership is required for a Captain/Co-Captain position.

Captain – Brian Florane • 504-415-7597 •

Co-Captain – Kelly Wilkerson • 504-812-0028 •

Treasurer – Kathy Hirsch • 504-717-6247 •

Float Captain – David Hodgson • 415-850-4769 •

Throws Captain – Ed Horan • 504-756-0519 •

Costume Captain – Brent Fodera • 504-570-0134 •

Social Member Captain – Randy Lea • 985-817-0311 •

Fun Raiser – Rebeca Florane • 504-908-7556 •

Event Promoter – Sean Mauberret • 504-400-1800 •

Secretary – Holly Estes • 504-913-6487 •



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