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Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015


Cape Verdean Islands
Cabo Verde, also known as the Cape Verde Islands, are located in
West Africa. Cabo Verde consists of 10 islands, 9 of which are
inhabited and
was the
birthplace for a
new Creole
culture and
Cabo Verde language.

History in Cape
1456- Discovered by Portuguese

1466- Colonists were given trading


Late 1400's- Transatlantic Slave

Norms, Values, and
1592- 13,700 Slaves were working
the land

1773- 3 droughts have caused the

death of half of the island's
population The Cape Verdean community has a strong sense of pride in and
loyalty to their homeland. They identify more with the individual
1876- Decline of slave trade island from which they were born, rather than Cape Verde as a
1878- Slavery abolished whole. It comes as no surprise that Cape Verdeans also value a
strong work ethic and have long before they came to the US. The
1951- Portuguese changed status
from colony to overseas province most important thing the Cape Verdeans value is family. They are
supportive of one another and accepting of differences. Cape
1956- PAICV established
Verdeans have pride in their children's education and job success
1961- Obtained civil rights and as a collectivistic society, they have strong relationships.
1974--75- War of independence They care for others and their quality of life. Another value of
Cape Verdeans is their dual African and Portuguese heritage, and
1975- July 5, gained independence
the stories, proverbs, poetry, and music involved in their culture.

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

Cape Verdean History Impact on Counseling:

in the US
Pride and Loyalty to Homeland and Culture
1643- US colonist Jonathan Because Cape Verdeans have such a strong level of pride and
Winthrop- first to record contact with loyalty to their homeland, it might be difficult for some to
Cape Verdeans become accustomed or appreciative of the US and our values and
1740's- Whaling ships began norms. Seeing a counselor is not common in Cape Verde; a Cape
recruiting crews Verdean is more likely to find themselves at church rather than a
counselor's office, so it is often times a last resort for someone
1818- 1st US consulate established in who is Cape Verdean to seek care.
Cape Verde
Strong Work Ethic
1830-1833- Boston and New York
send money and food to Cape Verde Cape Verdeans have always had a strong work ethic, even before
they immigrated to the United States. This could potentially
Mid 1800's- First Cape Verdean benefit the counseling process because if a Cape Verdean seeks
islanders settled in US care then they are more likely to work hard in order to move
forward in the counseling process.
1917- US began to prohibit
Family and Relationships
1921- Emergency Quota Act- Family is the most important thing to Cape Verdeans. The love
Harsher immigration laws in place and support they show each other could be beneficial to the
counseling process. Progress during counseling happens more
1924- Johnson-Reed Act quickly with support from our loved ones. However, there can
1950's & 1960's- Factory strikes in also be a feeling of shame for a Cape Verdean in seeking formal
Ohio cause Cape Verdeans to come care, so the close knit relationships could also be detrimental in
back to New England this case. One may feel they will disappoint their family if they go
to a counselor because of this not get the care they need.
1960's- Children and grandchildren
of first immigrant waves became
involved in Civil Rights movement

1965-Immigration and Nationality

Act History
1975- US established diplomatic Cape Verde
relations with Cape Verde
The Cape Verde Islands were first inhabited by the Portuguese in
1983- Cape Verdean ambassador 1456. Ten years later the colonists were given trading rights and
visits US the Transatlantic Slave Trade made it's way to the Islands. The
1990- half of Cape Verdean's citizens slave trade began to encourage settlement and investment. Ships
lived abroad due to poor working left Western Europe for Africa with goods to be exchanged for
conditions slaves who were then shipped to the Americas. By 1592 there was
1992-2002- about 10,000 more cape close to 14,000 slaves working the land until the decline of slave
Verdeans immigrated to US trade in 1876 when the islands lost much of their economic value
to the Portuguese. After an uprising of slaves, slavery was
abolished in 1878. Although slavery was abolished in 1878, the

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

African Party for Independence of Cape Verde, PAICV, which was formed to peacefully campaign for
independence from Portugal, wasn't established until 1956. Five years later Cape Verde did obtain civil
rights from Portugal and better access to education. After a War of Independence from 1974-1975, Cape
Verde gained it's independence on July 5, 1975.

Cape Verdeans in the United States

In the 1740's, the US whaling ships began recruiting crews from Cape Verde, and by the middle of the
19th century the first Cape Verdean Islanders had settled in the US. Many of the men who had worked on
the New England whaling ships joined other Cape Verdeans to work on the cranberry bogs of Cape Cod,
so many Cape Verdeans settled in these areas. In 1917 the US began to prohibit the immigration of
people of color, and in 1921 the Emergency Quota Act was passed which imposed quotas on immigrants
based on the country of their birth. By 1965 the Immigration and Nationality Act were passed in which
the allowed amount of visas went from 200 to 20,000. In 1975 the US and Cape Verde established
diplomatic relations and continue to import and export goods to one another. They have an open skies
agreement which facilitates air travel safety and expansion as well. Currently the amount of Cape
Verdeans in the US is close to equal the amount of Cape Verdeans on the Islands themselves.

Origins of remittance inflows, Cape Verde, 1990 and 2000

Source: via: Banco de Cabo Verde. 1991-2001

Important History for Counselors to be Aware of:

I believe the Transatlantic Slave Trade that began in the 1400's is a very important part of Cape Verdean
history for counselors to be aware of. Many Cape Verdeans were sold and traded as slaves and made to

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

leave their homes. Because family and their homeland are so important to Cape Verdeans, the fact that
many Cape Verdeans essentially lost their identities impacted a lot of their families. Since Cape Verdeans
have come to the United States, many of them are still having a difficult time finding their identities.
Some Cape Verdeans see themselves as white, while others see themselves as black. Some Cape Verdeans
are more in touch with their European heritage while others are more in touch with their Portuguese
heritage. Since coming to the US, Cape Verdeans have had a difficult time figuring out where they fit in,
and which culture or ethnicity they most identify with.

I also believe that the say the Islands became independent, July 5, 1975, is important for counselors to be
aware of. Cape Verde has not had it's independence from Portugal for very long and it is especially
important for counselors to know this when counseling Cape Verdeans who have recently come to the
United States.

It would be beneficial to counselors to also know that Cape Verde and the US established diplomatic
relations. We import and export goods to one another and the US had even sent money and food over to
Cape Verde in the 1830's to assist during multiple famines. It is important that counselors know the
positive history that Cape Verde and the US have; it is always nice to know when two countries are able to
get along.

This website gives information This website has information gives a brief history and
about the history of the Cape about various cultures, including information about the culture of
Verde islands, and information Cape Verdean. It goes into detail Cape Verde. It also gives
about the Islands as a tourist about the culture, the history, the information about the weather
destination government, etc. and property values


Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

Seeking Help:
Many Cape Verdeans do not seek formal care when they have a problem. Often times, because Cape
Verdeans are so family oriented they will turn to family members with certain issues. Other times a Cape
Verdean may go to church and pray for help.

Community Based Agencies

Centro d’ Saude Cabo Verdeano Cape Verdean Club- Cape Verdean Association
– Adult Day Care Center 126 Sandwich Road, East in New Bedford Falmouth MA 02536
34 Hancock Street Dorchester, (508) 548-9021 Cape Verdean Association
MA 02125 The Cape Verdean Club is a in New Bedford Inc,
1-617-288-0300 meeting place for all Cape P.O. BOX 5532 NEW
The Cape Verdean Adult Day Verdeans around the Cape. They BEDFORD, MA 02742
Care Center provides a social hold festivals and rent out the 1-508-991-5796 /
outlet for older Cape Verdeans building for banquets etc. 1-508-971-6567
and enhances the quality of life. The Cape Verdean Association in
New Bedford aims to keep the
Cape Verdean culture alive.

Interview with Chandler:

Living on Cape Cod I know many people who are Cape Verdean, one of which I happen to work
with. For my interview I talked to 19 year old Chandler who lives in Falmouth, MA. During our
interview she told me about times when she has been discriminated against based on her darker
skin color. She discussed how her father has been called the "n-word" because he also has a darker
skin color. Chandler believes that everyone should be treated the same, and that skin color
shouldn't dictate how someone is treated. I believe that is an important thing for counselors to be
aware of, that regardless of a person's skin color, they are in fact, still a human being. A counselor
should also be aware of how a person identifies themselves. As Chandler said, some Cape
Verdeans see themselves as white, while others consider themselves black. I myself was unaware
of this, so I think it is important for counselors to be sure they understand how someone

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

While I was researching, I came across many articles that discussed how a Cape Verdean may feel
both embraced and ostracized by the dominant and minority groups in the US, because other
groups don't understand that Cape Verdeans have African and European ties, and how they may
identify with both cultures. To some, it is difficult to classify Cape Verdeans because they do not
classify themselves as only black, or only white. It is important for a counselor to remember not
to group someone especially before asking how they associate themselves.

Chandler and I also discussed how important family is to Cape Verdeans. She reiterated multiple
times how strong of a connection a Cape Verdean has with his or her family, and I believe a
counselor should keep that in mind in case family ever needs to be involved, or in case a client is
afraid to tell their family they are seeking counseling.

Cape Verdean Strengths

Cape Verdeans are

very family oriented
and supportive of
one another. They
have a very close
commitment to
their family, and not
just to their
immediate family.
Cape Verdeans are
close to their
extended family as
well as good friends
whom they consider
family. A counselor
can use the
relationship a client has with his or her family as an advantage. Source:

If the client is willing, the family can become involved in the counseling process, and they can
work together in order to solve any difficulties the client may be faced with.

Another strength of Cape Verdeans is their strong work ethic. They are hard workers that often
work multiple jobs and long hours in order to make money for their families. Many times Cape
Verdeans that live in America will send money over to their family back in Cape Verde. This can
benefit the counseling process because a Cape Verdean would be likely to work hard in their

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

counseling sessions in order to work towards solving what is troubling

Counseling "Do's"
Cape Verdeans are also very proud of their culture and where they are
-allow time to understand from. Because of this, counselors could involve Cape Verdean cultural
client’s stress and why they are aspects in order to interest the client in being more involved in their
there counseling sessions. Showing an interest in the culture of a client is also
beneficial to both counselor and client.
- provide support and

-ask about client’s beliefs to

better understand cultural
makeup Counseling Interventions
Because Cape Verdeans may be hesitant to seek formal counseling, it is
- allow time for client to share
good to understand possible interventions in order to better help those in
story and background
need. A community health center in Randolph, MA- Lamour Clinic- is an
-use psychoeducation- help to example of a place that offers different types of quality care. Here you can
empower the client find interventions such as in-home therapy, therapeutic mentoring,
community support, and outpatient programs. (
Because Cape Verdeans are involved in a collectivistic society, community
Counseling "Don'ts" support groups are important to offer. These groups can be short term and
introduce Cape Verdeans to other links in the community that may be
-Assume client has helpful to further their counseling. In-home therapy is beneficial
understanding of mental especially for those who are unsure if seeking formal care is right for
health services/counseling them. The counselor is able to go to them in order to introduce possible
treatments and support.
-assume you understand what
the client has been through or
why they are there
Do's and Dont's
-Bypass language barriers
It is important to remember that many Cape Verdean clients may not be
-Forget about potential
comfortable seeking help from a counselor, so there are certain things a
exposure client may have had
counselor should do, and certain things they should not do when
to discrimination
counseling someone from Cape Verde.
-Don't belittle the client's
Always remember that you do not know each client's story or background,
and that is ok. It is not ok to assume that you know what an individual
has gone through or is going through just because you have counseled a
Cape Verdean in the past. Ask the client their story if they are
comfortable telling you! Introduce the idea of counseling and mental
health services to the client in case they do not quite understand what it is, but don't speak to
them as if they are uneducated. Remember that it is often difficult for a Cape Verdean to seek
counseling so be encouraging, and remind them that it is ok to talk to someone. Allow the client

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

to talk about themselves, and their story and culture. It is important to learn about your client
and where they come from and their own personal stories, not just those of Cape Verdeans in

A Cape Verdean's Perspective on Quality Mental Health Care

A study was done by Maria De Jesus, PhD and Tara R. Earl, PhD, entitled: "Perspectives on
Quality Mental Health Care from Brazilian and Cape Verdean outpatients: Implications for
Effective Patient-Centered Policies and Models of Care." In this study, Cape Verdeans, along with
Brazilians, identified what they believed to be important aspects of a quality mental health
counselor. Here I have highlighted a few I thought to be the most important:

• Attentive- a provider who listens and captures everything

• Available to patient- for phone calls, meetings, etc.

• Respectful- sees client as a regular patient

• Nonjudgmental

• Thoughtful- the counselor thinks before they speak, thinks of the right word

• Relatable- shows some imperfections

• Encouraging- reassure the client it is ok to seek care

• Egalitarian- treats client as equals

• Good communication

Jesus, M., & Earl, T. (n.d.). Perspectives on quality mental health care from Brazilian and Cape Verdean outpatients:
Implications for effective patient-centered policies and models of care. Retrieved March 20, 2015, from

The Four Forces

The Psychodynamic approach, which focuses on the unconscious part of a person's mind
that is effecting current behavior, may be an uncomfortable form of counseling for a Cape
Verdean. Because many Cape Verdeans are hesitant to seek care, having a counselor delve into the
unconscious mind could be very uncomfortable. Cape Verdeans are also strong willed, which may
in turn cause them to hold back on allowing a counselor to really gain insight into their

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

Cognitive Behavioral:
The Cognitive Behavioral approach, which is goal oriented and hands on, would be a
beneficial form of therapy for a Cape Verdean. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is short term and
goal oriented which would work well for a hard working Cape Verdean. A Cape Verdean client
would be able to focus on the goals they want to achieve in therapy, and completing those goals in
a timely manner in order to change the negative way they feel into a more positive one, all while
learning how to help themselves in the future.

Existential Humanistic:
The Existential Humanistic approach, that promotes self awareness and personal growth
through analyzing our current reality, is also a good form of therapy for a Cape Verdean client. A
Cape Verdean client may be able to integrate their own cultures and language into reality therapy;
while interpreting their daily reality, a client can alter patterns of behavior in order to change the
repetitive nature of their day to day life.

Multicultural Counseling is also a good form of therapy to use when counseling a Cape
Verdean. People from Cape Verde are very proud of their culture and through Multicultural
counseling they can express that pride and acknowledge the oppression they have faced and are


Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015
Ethnic Groups:

Demographics, Status, • Creole: 71%

and Power • African: 28%

• European: 1%

Unfortunately, I found limited data about the economic, Population:

educational, political, and social status/power of Cape Verdeans in 538,535 (July 2014)
the United States since Cape Verdeans are not completely identified
in their own ethnic group yet. However, I was able to find Median Age: (2014)
information regarding Cape Verdeans status in all of these areas in • Total: 24 years
Cape Verde itself.
• Male: 23.2 years
• Female: 24.8 years
Cape Verde has a vulnerable economy; there are droughts,
volcanoes, soil erosion, and deforestation. The economy, which is Literacy: (15 and over and can
primarily based on agriculture, depends on aid, foreign investment, read and write; 2012)
and most importantly, tourism. However, tourism also depends on • Total: 85.3%
the conditions of the islands. Cape Verde has a poor natural
resource base and the islands end up importing most of what they • Male: 90.5%
consume. • Female: 80.5%

Education is very important to the people of Cape Verde.
They take great pride in their children's academic success, and 85.3%
of the population age 15 and over can read and write. Education is
mandatory and free between the ages of 7-14, however, in order to
obtain a degree past high school, Cape Verdeans must go abroad.
Because of this many Cape
Verdean people do not
continue to further their

Source: Education in Cape Verde -

The Borgen Project

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

Cape Verde has a Democratic Multiparty government. The Islands have a head of
government: the Prime Minister, and a head of state: the President, who serves five years. The
African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV) and the Movement for Democracy
(MpD) are the two main political parties in Cape Verde which form the government.

According to the constitution, men and women of Cape Verde have equal social status.
Regardless of their wealth, both men and women are hard workers, providing for their families.
There is little class distinction in Cape Verde; most of the population is poor, there is a small but
growing middle class, and no upper class. Often times Cape Verdeans who have come to the US
will send money and goods back home to their families. American brand name clothing is highly
valued and is often an indicator of class.

Contemporary Issues in the US:

Gang Violence:

Many Cape Verdeans in the US are living in areas such as New Bedford, Dorchester, and
Brockton which all have a high crime rate. Cape Verdeans are highly involved in gang violence in
these areas. The following graph shows "The social network of high-risk individuals in Cape
Verdean community in Boston, 2008."

Papachristos, A., Braga, A., & Hureau, D. (n.d.). Social Networks and the Risk of Gunshot Injury. Retrieved April 29, 2015,

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

Oppression and Discrimination:

Cape Verdeans are constantly at risk of being oppressed and discriminated against. Many Cape
Verdeans do not identify as white, and many do not identify as black. They have a hard time
"fitting in" with people who do not understand how they identify themselves. Other times,
because their skin is darker and not the normal "white", they are discriminated against because of
that. The lack of understanding and acceptance of differences in our world and society has gotten
worse over the years rather than better, and Cape Verdeans face this struggle daily.

A Final Note:
As a future counselor, I believe it is important to remember these three things, which ironically
enough we have taught our children since day one, and yet we continue to forget to practice what
we preach.

1. Treat others the way you want to be treated- put kindness out there in order to get kindness back

2. Don't judge a book by it's cover- you can't tell anything about who a person is just by judging them
on how they look.

3. Smile- a single smile can go a long way to improve someone's day, and can remind you that there are
so many beautiful reasons to be happy.

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015


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Cape Verde: Towards the End of Emigration? (2002, November 1). Retrieved April 23, 2015, from http://

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Cape Verdeans In the Netherlands. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2015, from

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Corey, G. (2013). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage

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Education in Cape Verde - The Borgen Project. (2015, April 6). Retrieved April 29, 2015, from http:// HighBeam Research, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.

Halter, M. (1993). Between race and ethnicity: Cape Verdean American Immigrants, 1860-1965. Urbana: University
of Illinois Press.

Hays, D. G. and Erford, B.T. (2010). Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence: A Systems Approach.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Cape Verdean Oppression April 27, 2015

References cont.

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Hornsby, A. (2011). Black America a state-by-state historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO.

"IndexMundi - Country Facts." Index Mundi. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.

Jesus, M., & Earl, T. (n.d.). Perspectives on quality mental health care from Brazilian and Cape Verdean outpatients:
Implications for effective patient-centered policies and models of care. Retrieved March 20, 2015, from

McGoldrick, M., Giordano, J., and Pearce, J.K. (2005). Ethnicity and Family Therapy (3rd edition). New York:

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Papachristos, A., Braga, A., & Hureau, D. (n.d.). Social Networks and the Risk of Gunshot Injury. Retrieved April
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Sue, D.W. and Sue, D. (2013). Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice (6th edition). New York:

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