Are Men Created For Religion or Religion For Men

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From the beginning of the existence of the world, men were created. According to the myth, Adam
and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden, for pleasure and not to worship because they were
with the qualities of God and they were in full circle from the beginning, but due to disobedience,
they were sent out to toil and fend for their living. That was when religion arose because, so many
sins were committed after then; men were not experienced and needs a teaching to govern their
day to day living.

The aim of God to give men religion was not for them to be enslaved and blindfolded by it, but for
them to be liberated from their ignorant ways of living. Christianity is a religion based on the
teachings of Jesus and Islam principle of peace, Asalamu Aleikum "May the peace of God be
unto you". Both religious methods are ways of living in harmony with ourselves and our creator.
Not the so called religions that are full of dogmas, hatred and misleading. So many wrongs in the
world today are pinpointed on religion, like killing of each other and calling it Jihad, putting a rift
between men, causing agony and war in some part of the world. All religions do not get along with
each other.

Every single teachings from God, to the prophet and to the people, were designed to limit sins
and our lustful ways of living, but was turned into great weapons of war. I happened to pray in a
mosque, some years ago, there was this man preaching to the congregation, he said if; “we don't
leave our beards, we are probably going to end up in hell”. Where did he hear that? Is it from the
prophets or God himself? Hell, we are all scared of and heaven we all want to go, but what we
don't know is that both are states of mind, either hellish or heaven, they are both our makings.

Religions are to aid us into living a worthy life full of love and unity, but not to mislead us. I watched
my dad transformed before my eyes, transforming into what I can't even imagine, all in the name
of religion, I see brothers going against brothers all because of this so called religion. My dear
brothers and sisters, lets us transform religion, rather than being deformed by religion.

Most religious leaders based their teachings on condemnation and judging of people, even as
they know that the judge will be judged by the author and creator of the universe. Jesus Christ,
Prophet Mohammed, Gotama, neither judged nor condemned with their teachings. Their
teachings were solely based on love. Their teachings was based on philosophy because God is
the greatest philosopher. What I see today, are people who are manipulated all in the name of
religion. People accept all they are told without researching.

How do we define truth? There are no definitions of truth because truth is what we ourselves see
and confirm as truth even though they are not, but if it is based on our own assumption then it
becomes a conviction in our mind. What we see as truth, may not be seen as truth by the person
next to us. Truth can only be revealed to us according to what we can comprehend.
Many of us do not see God as real because we woke up a day and we have been told, there is
God, we accept that confirmation without researching, if only we can, then we will affirm for
ourselves that HE is more than real, we are in HIM and HE is in us, that means it is an illusion to
see that we are in existence, but God his, only when we dissolve our body remaining God's image
and qualities only, then we start to live.

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