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9 Bibliografia Básica e Referências Bibliográficas

9.1 Bibliografia básica

 Metalurgia Mecânica, George E. Dieter, Ed. Guanabara Dois, 2a. ed., 1.981.

 Metals Handbook, vol.14, Forming and Forging, 9a. ed., ASM Int., 1.988.

 Handbook of Metal Forming, Kurt Lange (Ed.), 1a. ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1.985.

 Metal Forming - Mechanic and Metallurgy, William F. Hasford e Robert M. Caddell,

Prentice-Hall Inc., 1.983.

 Mechanics of Plastic Deformation in Metal Processing, Erich G. Thomsen, Charles T.

Young e Shiro Kobayashi, McMillan Co., 1.965.

 Workability Testing Techniques, George E. Dieter, ASM Int., 1.984.

 Metal Forming: Processes and Analysis, Betzalel Avitzur, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1.977.

 Conformação Plástica dos Metais, Ettore Bresciani Filho, Ed. da UNICAMP, 4a. ed.,

9.2 Referências Bibliográficas

 GEGEL, H.L., MALAS, J.C., DORAIVELU, S.M. e SHENDE, V.A., “Forging Process
Design”, Metals Handbook, vol. 14, Forming and Forging, ASM International, 1.988, pp.

 ALTAN, T., OH, S.I. e GEGEL, H.L., Metal Forming - Fundamentals and Applications,
cap. 12, ASM Soc. for Metals, 1.983, p. 173.

 SEMIATIN, S.L., “Introduction to Forming and Forging Processes”, Metals Handbook,

vol. 14, Forming and Forging, ASM International, 1.988, pp. 15-21.

 BILLIGMANN, J. e FELDMANN, H.D., Estampado y Prensado a Maquina, 2a. edição,

1.979, cap.1, pp. 3-43.

 ALTAN, T., “Selection of Forging Equipment”, Metals Handbook, vol. 14, Forming and
Forging, ASM International, 1.988, p. 36.

 BLICKWEDE, D.J., “Cold Extruding Steel”, Source Book on Cold Forming, Section I,
ASM, 1.977, pp. 1-6.

 LONGO, W.P. e REED-HILL, R.E., “Alguns Aspectos do Encruamento dos Metais”,

Revista do Círculo de Eng. Militar, nos. 69, 70 e 71, 1.973 e 1.974.

 REED-HILL, R.E., Princípios de Metalurgia Física, Ed. Guanabara Dois, 2a. edição,

 WEERTMAN, J. e WEERTMAN, J.R., Elementary Dislocation Theory, McMillan, Co.,

2a. edição, 1.965.

 McQUEEN, H.J. e JONAS, J.J., “Recovery and Recrystallization during High
Temperature Deformation”, Treatise on Materials Science - vol.6, Plastic Def. of
Materials, R.J. Arsenault, Academic Press, 1.975, pp. 393-493.

 CAHN, R.W., Recovery and Recrystallization, cap. 19, pp. 1129-1197.

 BARRET, C.S. e MASSALSKI, T.B., Structure of Metals, 3a. ed., Ed. McGraw-Hill,

 HONEYCOMBE, R.W.K., The Plastic Deformation of Metals, 2a. ed., Ed. Edward
Arnold, 1.984.

 SEMIATIN, S.L. e JONAS, H.H., Formability and Workability of Metals - Plastic

Instability and Flow Localization, ASM, 1.984.

 DIETER, G.E., Ed., Workability Testing Techniques, ASM, 1.984.

 DIETER, G.E., “Evaluation of Workability”, Metals Handbook, vol. 14, 9a. ed., 1.988,
pp. 363-404.


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