Antología 20's Básico

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SEMESTER : _____________ GROUP : __________

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. January 2018


Prepositions of place 4
Food and restaurants 5
Quantifiers 6
Containers 8
Healthy food 9
Simple present 10
Abilities (can / can’t) 12

Places in town 14
There is/ there are & places 17
Prepositions of movement 18


Present simple - part II 27
Question words 32

Use of gerund (-ing) 36
Present continuous 37
Reading comprehension 39
Listening Comprehension 41

References 42



Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place in/ on/ at
in on at
inside an area or space: in contact with a surface: close to:
in the city, in the sky, in bed. on the wall, on the table, on the floor. at the table, at the bus stop.
forms of transport: forms of transport:
in a car, in a taxi, in a helicopter. on a bike, on a bus, on a train, on the
metro, on a plane, on a ship.
before nouns referring to a
place or position:
at the top, at the bottom, at
the front, at the back, at the
beginning, at the end, BUT in
the middle
arrive in a city, country: arrive at a small place: arrive
arrive in London, arrive in at the station, at the meeting,
France. at the office.

to express 'towards': look at

something, point at something,
smile at someone.

1. Our headquarters are _______ 65 Long Street.
2. You can see all members of our staff ______ this photograph.
3. The man sitting ______ the armchair in the hall is waiting for you, Mr. Green.
4. I didn't have time to read the whole report properly. I just looked at it quickly
while I was ______ the plane.
5. The address mentioned _____ this booklet is out of date. You can't use it.
6. Where are those letters that I left _____ my desk?
7. I saw a mistake _____ the beginning of the text.
8. What time did you arrive _____ the airport?
9. What time did you arrive ______ New York?
10. Don't sit_______ this stool - it's broken.
11. It's easy to get there. Turn left ______ the next crossing and you'll see a big
green building.
12. That man over there keeps staring _____ you, Mary. Do you know him?
13. There aren't many public toilets ____ the city center.
14. We usually use the front entrance but there is another one ______ the back of
the building.


Food and restaurants

Instructions: Do you like eating out? Check out these reviews of the trendiest
places to eat and improve your reading skills.

Write the names of restaurants from the article

1. Which restaurant(s) serve hot and spicy food?

2. Which restaurant(s) only have desserts and sweets?
3. In which restaurant(s) can you listen to some great music?
4. Which restaurant(s) are good for people who don't eat meat?
5. Which restaurant(s) employ staff trained in Europe?
6. Which restaurant(s) serve an all-day breakfast including
sausages, bacon and eggs? _____________________________



Quantifiers are words which show how many things or how much of something we
are talking about. They are much, many, (a) little, (a) few, a lot (of), some, any, just
to mention some of them.

Much /Many
We use much with singular uncountable nouns: much money, much sugar
We use many with plural countable nouns: many trees, many apples

Few / Little
We use few and a few with plural countable nouns: a few friends, few carrots
We use little and a little with uncountable nouns: a little time, little salt.

A lot / A lot of
We use a lot of with plural countable or singular uncountable nouns: a lot of books.

Some / Any
We use some with both countable and uncountable nouns, for offering and
requesting nouns: some milk, some friends.
We use any with negative sentences and questions: there isn’t any bread left, do
you have any money?

Exercise 1: Put in some, any or ---.

1. We can’t do without ____ bread.
2. Buy ____ bread and cheese for the picnic, if you want to help.
3. I like ____ biscuits and _____ sweets.
4. There’s hardly ______ milk in the bottle.
5. Can we have ____ milk?
6. Put _____ spices into the soup.
7. There aren’t ____ buses after ten o’clock.
8. I haven’t got _____ friends at all.
9. I don’t think there is ____ milk left in the jug

Exercise 2: Choose the correct option
1. Have we got (any / a little) honey jars in the fridge?
2. There is (a little / many) ice cream.
3. Have we got (any / a few) cheese in the fridge?
4. We haven’t got (a little / any) apples in the basket.
5. There are (a little / a lot of ) children in the garden.
6. Sandy has got (a few / a lot of ) money in the bank.
7. Ahmet, is there (a few / any) milk in that bottle?
8. Susan, how (many / much) bottles of apple juice are there in the fridge?
9. They have got (a few / a little) cats in their garden.
10. There are (a little / many) ice cream cones in the box.



Look at the following picture

Exercise 1. Circle the correct container in each picture


Healthy Food

Instructions: read the following passage about Mary and Tim and their
healthy and unhealthy habits.

My name is Mary and I am an architect. I get up

every morning and have cereal for breakfast. I also
have a can of coke. I drink too much coke but I
really like it. For lunch I have a sandwich but I also
eat a lot of fruit. I don’t do enough exercise but I
try and do for a run once a week. For dinner I
usually have pasta or salad. My brother is called
Tim and he works in an office. He doesn’t eat
breakfast in the morning but he has a salad and a
glass of orange juice for lunch. He does a lot of
exercise and goes to the gym every day but he
eats too many cakes. He works very hard and
sometimes just has a sandwich for dinner. I don’t
think he gets enough sleep.

Read the text again and fill in the blanks

1. Mary drinks _________________ coke.

2. Mary eats ___________________ fruit
3. Mary doesn’t do _________________ exercise.
4. Tim does _____________________ exercise.
5. Tim eats ____________________ cakes.
6. Tim doesn’t get __________________ sleep.

Now write sentences about you. Don’t forget to use too much/too many/enough/not
enough/a lot of.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

Source :

Simple Present Tense

We form the present tense using the base form of the infinitive (without the TO). In
general, in the third person we add 'S' in the third person:

Subject Verb Rest of the sentence

I /You / We / They speak / learn English at home
He / She / It speaks / learns English at home

Spelling rules for the –S, –ES and –IES in the simple present

Exercise 1: Write each verb with the correct -s, -es, or -ies ending.
1. study ____studies___ 2. help ______________
3. fish ______________ 4. miss ______________
5. pass _____________ 6. fly _______________
7. worry _____________ 8. fix _______________
9. explore ____________ 10. watch ___________
11. bite _____________ 12. like ______________
13. buy _____________ 14. pay _____________

Exercise 2: Read the paragraph. Find and correct five more errors with the
simple present.

Simple Present Part II

For negative statements in simple present we use the auxiliar do not or does not:

Subject Auxiliar Verb Rest of the sentence

I /You / We / They do not /don’t speak / learn English at home
He / She / It does not / doesn’t speak / learn English at home

Instructions: read the article about life in the International Space Station.
Notice the words in bold.

Exercise 3: Circle doesn’t or don’t to complete each sentence.

1. An astronaut on the International Space Station doesn’t / don’t have a lot of free
time. 2. Astronauts doesn’t / don’t work all day on Saturday.
3. An astronaut doesn’t / don’t have the same schedule every day.
4. We doesn’t / don’t work on weekends.
5. I doesn’t / don’t work in an office.
6. My office doesn’t / don’t have a window.
7. She doesn’t / don’t travel for her job.

8. You doesn’t / don’t have a busy schedule

Abilities (can / can’t)



Places in town – Vocabulary


Places in town – Vocabulary part II


There is / There are & Places


Prepositions of movement

Across / through

Across is movement from one side of an area, surface, or line to the other side.

I drew a line ACROSS the paper

Through is movement from one side of an enclosed space to the other side.

The ball went THROUGH the window

Sometimes, either ACROSS or THROUGH can be used for areas:

• We walked across the park.

= We walked through the park.
• They drove across the city.
= They drove through the city.

Along / Around

Along is to follow a line.

Around is to go in a circular direction around some obstacle.

Into / Out of

Into is to go from outside a space to inside a space.

Out of is to go from inside a space to outside a space.

The cat went INTO the box

The cat jumped OUT OF the box

Onto / Off

Onto and off refer to surfaces, differently from into / out of (which refer to enclosed

• The dog jumped onto the table.

The dog jumped into the table.

• I took the picture off the wall.

I took the picture out of the wall.

Up / Down

Going up the stairs / Going down the stairs

Go up and go down can also be used for “increase” and “decrease,” in addition to
physical movement.

 The price of food has gone up in the past two years.

 The number of children per family has gone down.

Over / Under

To go over is to pass above something.

To go under is to pass below something.

Towards / Away from

If you go towards something, you get closer to it.

If you go away from something, you get farther away from it.

The dog is running TOWARDS me

The boy is running AWAY FROM me

Back to

“Back to” is movement of return to a place you have been before:

• He went to Italy.
(maybe for the first time)
• He went back to Italy.
(it is the second time, or he is from Italy)
• He went back Italy.


Directions: Read the information about prepositions of movement and answer the

Activity 1: Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.

a. I jumped ________________the swimming pool.

b. Every morning I go jogging _______________the beach.

c. I ran _____________the beach and into the sea.

d. I climbed ____________________ the bath when I'd finished washing.

e. The burglar jumped ________________the garden fence.

f. The road was closed so we couldn't drive through the town centre, we had to go
____________________ it.

g. I went ____________________the kitchen to make a sandwich.

h. He climbed ________________the ladder to clean the second floor windows.

i. I didn't see the dog lying on the floor, and I fell ______________it.

j. I dropped a £1 coin and it rolled ______________the sofa so I couldn't find it.

k. We drove ________________ Newcastle on the way to Edinburgh.

l. When I was a student I travelled _____________ Germany, Poland and the

Czech Republic.

m. After 6 hours of walking, we decided to go back _____________ the mountain.

Activity 2: Put the words in the box in the correct space.

Activity 3: Look at this picture of a town showing the route for a race



Present Simple Part II

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I eat I don’t eat Do I eat?

You eat You don’t eat Do you eat?
He eats He doesn’t eat Does he eat?
She eats She doesn’t eat Does she eat?
It eats It doesn’t eat Does it eat?
We eat We don’t eat Do we eat?
You eat You don’t eat Do you eat?
They eat They don’t eat Do they eat?


1. We use present simple for:

 Regular habits and daily routines;

 Facts, things in general;
 Permanent or last-lasting situations;
 Timetable or schedules.

2. It is used with adverbs like:

Always Sometimes Everyday

Often Rarely ….

Usually Never


1. To form the present simple we add –s to the infinitive of the verb in the 3rd
person singular (he, she, it):

e.g.: I live

He / She/ It lives

2. But when the verb ends in:

a) –o, -ss-, -sh,- ch we add –es.

e.g.: I go  he/she/it goes

I kiss  he/she/it kisses

I wash  he/she/it washes

I watch  he/she/it watches

b) a consonant followed by -y, the y changes into –ie and we add –s:

study  studies

c) a vowel followed by –y, we add – s:

e.g: I play  he/she/ it plays

3. To form the negative and interrogative we need the auxiliary verb to do in the
present simple. This means we have to add – es in the 3rd person singular (he, she
it) while the main verb will be used in the infinitive:

e.g: do you like? you don’t like

does he like? She doesn’t like?

A. Complete the sentences choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets

1. David ___________________ table tennis (play/plays)

2. They ____________________ to school on foot (go/goes)

3. Carol ____________________ in Bath. (live/lives)

4. School ___________________ at 6 :30 (finish/finishes)

5. We T.V ___________________ in the evening (watch/watches)

6. Jessica ___________________ in her bedroom (study/studies)

7. The dog ___________________ in the kennel (sleep/sleeps)

8. The children ________________ the street to school (cross/crosses)

9. Mr. Wilson __________________ in a bank (work/works)

10. Joe ______________________ his homework in the afternoon (do/does)

B. Rewrite the sentences using He or She

1. They collect stamps.


2. I go to school by bus.

3. We drive to work.

4. They hurry home every day.


5. You arrive late every morning.


6. They wash their hands before meals.


7. We play basketball twice a week.


8. They tidy their bedroom every day.


9. I usually get up at 7.30.


10. We listen to the radio at night.


C. Fill in with the verb do or does

1. _______________ Ronald play basketball?

2. _______________ they work in an office?

3. _______________ you like English?

4. _______________ Susan usually go to a disco at the weekend?

5. _______________ we walk to school?

6. _______________ Bob and Patrick collect stamps?

7. _______________ the cat sit by the fireplace?

8. _______________ Grace finish school at 6.30?

9. _______________ Mr. Walker read the newspaper in the evening?

10. ______________ you have lunch in the canteen.

D. Complete the sentences with do / don’ t / does / doesn’t

1. __________ you like Maths? Yes, I ____________.
2. ___________ Sally like reading? Yes, she __________.
3. ___________ Mathew play handball every Saturday? No, he __________.
4. ___________ Jane and Mary go to the cinema on Sunday? No, they _______.
5. ___________ you like writing letters? No, I ________.
6. ___________ Angela get up late? No, she ________.
7. ___________ we spend the afternoon together? Yes, we ________.
8. ___________ Paul like skate-boarding? No, he ________.
9. ___________ the cat like lying in the sun? Yes, it __________.
10. ___________they speak German? No, they __________.

E. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form and interrogative form:

I get up at 8:00 everyday.

a) ________________________________________________________.
b) _________________________________________________________?
2. Grace has breakfast in the kitchen.
a) _________________________________________________________.
b) _________________________________________________________?
3. Mr. Robson drives to work every morning.
a) _________________________________________________________.
b) _________________________________________________________?
4. We usually do our homework after school.
a) _________________________________________________________.
b) _________________________________________________________?
5. Mrs. Davies works in an office.
a) _________________________________________________________.
b) _________________________________________________________?

6. Paul and Mark come back home together.
a) _________________________________________________________.
b) _________________________________________________________?
7. You go for a walk at night.
a) _________________________________________________________.
b) _________________________________________________________?


Question Words

Instructions: Watch the video and read the conversation between Sophie
and Neema. Then do these exercises to check your question words. You can
watch the video at:

1. Check your grammar: gap fill – question words

Complete the gaps with a word from the box.

What Where How How often

When Why Who Whose

1. A: ______________ are you going on holiday?

B: Next Friday

2. A: ______________ are you going?

B: Croatia

3. A: ______________ bought the tickets?

B: My mum did.

4. A: ______________ do you go on holiday?

B: Once every two years.

5. A: ______________ don’t you go more often?

B: Because we don’t want to.

6. A: _______________ do you do the other years?

B: W e relax in the garden and visit friends.

7. A: ________________ do you choose your holiday destination?

B: We use the internet.

8. A: An ______________ idea was it to go to Croatia?

B: Our neighbours recommended it.

2. Check your grammar: rewrite sentences – question words

Write the questions adding the word in brackets. Don't forget to change capital letters if

1. What you have for lunch? (did)


2. Where is that letter? (from)


3. She always sing in the shower? (does)


4. When we go and visit Gran? (can)


5. Who bought those boots? (you)


6. How do you go to the cinema? (often)


7. What did he in Germany? (do)


8. You like another piece of cake? (would)


9. Who are you going to the party? (with)


3. Check your grammar: word 2 word – question words

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. to Who were you ? talking


2. are at they ? looking What


3. music ? down the you Could turn

4. is for What homework the today ?


5. Who that photo ? took


6. match time does ? the start What


7. you How clean often ? do teeth


8. penguins bears Why don’t ? polar eat



Use of Gerund (-ing)

Exercise 1: Write the correct verb to be for each noun

1.- The car _____ 2.- My nephew _____ 3.- The accountants _____

4.- The bee_____ 5.- Her teeth _____ 6.- Iliana __________

7.- The water______ 8.- Netflix_____ 9.- The children ________

10.- Messi ______

Exercise 2: Write each verb given in infinite in the gerund form

1.- Move _____________________

2.- Cry _______________________

3.- Count ____________________

4.- Make _____________________

5.- Grow _____________________

6.- Take _____________________

7.- Flow______________________

8.- Broadcast _________________

9.- Run ______________________

10 .- Score ___________________


Present Continuous
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences using PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE in
the blanks:

1. He ………………………… (teach) his son to ride a bike.

2. A: Why …………….. Ann ………………… (wear) her new dress?
B: Because she ……………………………… (have) a party tonight.
3. Cindy usually does the shopping, but I ……………………………… (do) it today
because she is ill.
4. She ………………………….. (not / work), she ……………………………… (swim)
in the river.
5. A: ……………………. Tom ……………………… (clean) his shoes now?
B: No, he …………………… . He ………………………………….. (tidy) his room.
A: Where is his brother?
B: He is in the garden, he …………………………………… (water) the flowers.

Exercise 2: Using affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in PRESENT

CONTINOUS , complete the following chart .


They are taking a nap

She isn´t wearing makeup

Am I dreaming ?

Exercise 3: Read the following sentences, find the mistake and re write the
sentence correctly.

1.-The watches is ticking ________________________________________

2.- Jacobo is think about the future ________________________________

3.- He not is coming ___________________________________________

4.- You are listening to me ? Yes I am !_____________________________

5.- The eagle flying too fast ______________________________________

Exercise 4: Write an appropriate question for each answer. Use Wh- questions
and the PRESENT CONTINOUS structure.

1.- _________________________________________________

They are watching a soup opera.

2.- ________________________________________________

She is living in London


Because his wife is about to give birth, he is driving fast


I am currently working with my father

5.- _______________________________________________

No, I´m not ’m not selling my car.

Reading Comprehension

Instructions: Circle all of the sentences in present progressive

Sarah Miller is in New York. She is writing a letter to her best friend.

Dear Sophia,

How are you? How is London? I am having a very good time in New York. It’s Sunday
and it’s sunny and warm. Now it’s ten in the morning and we are Park. I am sitting
under a tree, I am listening to my radio… and I am writing to you, of course. My
Canadian cousin Rosemary is here with us, she is reading a comic. She’s very pretty.
She’s tall and slim and she has got long wavy brown hair. Her parents are in Toronto.
My father is reading The New York Times, an American newspaper. My mother is
playing with my little brother Jimmy on the grass and they are eating popcorn. There
are many people in the park. Some men are jogging, two girls are walking their dogs,
and an old man is skating! And he can do that quiet well. We often come to this
fantastic park, in this wonderful city because we are relaxing here. But sometimes
we visit other interesting places: museums, shops, galleries, etc…New York is great!
There are many fantastic skyscrapers, great shops and there are people

Love, Sarah

Now answer these questions.

1. What is Sarah’s surname?


2. Where is Sarah?


3. What is she doing?


4. Who is Sarah writing to?


5. What is Sarah’s father doing?


6. Is Sarah’s brother eating a hamburger?


7. How many girls are walking their dogs in the park?


8. What is her cousin doing?


9. Does Sara likes New York? Why?


Listening Comprehension

Audio source:
Pre- listening: What are you doing now?
Instructions: Watch a video and answer the questions about it:
a) What is she doing?
b) What are they doing?


c) What are Marry and Frank doing?


d) Where is Walter and what is he doing?


e) Where are Mr and Mrs Smith and what are they doing?


Instructions: Complete the following sentences:

Yes Bobby and Jackie it's a beautiful day here in the park the sun ___________
___________and the birds __________ ___________. Mr Jones _______
____________ the newspaper. Mrs Jones is __________ to the radio. Sally and
Patty Jones __________ studying and Tommy Lee Jones ____________
______________ the guitar yes it's a beautiful day. I'm Gary Carter reporting live
from Central Park.





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