Hepatitis A Fact Sheet

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What is hepatitis A? Who is most at risk?

Hepatitis A is a virus that can cause serious Although anyone can get hepatitis A, in the United
liver disease. States, certain groups of people are at higher risk,
such as those who:
How is hepatitis A spread?  Travel to or live in countries where
Hepatitis A virus is usually spread from getting hepatitis A is common
particles of fecal material (poop) into your  Are family members or caregivers of a
mouth that are too small to be seen. This can recent adoptee from countries where
happen through household or sexual contact hepatitis A is common
with an infected person or by eating food or  Live with someone who has hepatitis A.
drinking water that has been contaminated  Are men who have sexual contact with
with the hepatitis A virus. Casual contact, other men
such as in a school or work setting, has not  Use illegal drugs, whether injected or not
been known to spread hepatitis A virus.  Have clotting-factor disorders, such as
What are the signs and symptoms of  Have sexual contact with someone who

hepatitis A infection? has hepatitis A.

Infected people can have no symptoms at all
or be extremely ill. Only 30% of children less What type of health problems are caused
than six years of age develop symptoms, while by hepatitis A infection?
70% of older children and adults develop Most people who get hepatitis A feel sick for
symptoms. Symptoms might include fever, several months, but they usually recover
tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal completely and do not have lasting liver damage.
pain, dark urine, or jaundice (yellowing of the Sometimes hepatitis A can cause liver failure and
eyes and skin). Even without symptoms, death, although this is rare and occurs more
people infected with hepatitis A virus can commonly in people older than 50 and people
spread the infection to others. with other liver diseases.

How long after infection do symptoms How is hepatitis A infection diagnosed?

appear? A healthcare provider can determine if a person
Symptoms usually appear anywhere from two has hepatitis A by discussing his or her symptoms
to six weeks after exposure. Symptoms usually and taking a blood sample.
develop over a period of several days, and
usually last less than two months, although How is hepatitis A infection treated?
some people can be ill for as long as six months. There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A.
Bed rest is generally all that is needed. Infected

Bureau of Epidemiology • 801-538-6191 • www.health.utah.gov/epi

people should also avoid alcohol, drugs, or exposure. Some people need immune globulin
medicines without checking with a doctor. rather than vaccine. If you do become ill with
hepatitis A virus, you will need to get information
How can hepatitis A infection be from your healthcare provider on how to take
prevented? care of yourself. Your household and sexual
The best way to prevent hepatitis A infection contacts might need hepatitis A vaccine or
is by getting vaccinated. The vaccine is immune globulin so they do not get infected.
recommended for all children and people with
certain risk factors and medical conditions. What is immune globulin?
The vaccine is also recommended for travelers Immune globulin is a substance made from
to certain international countries, even if human blood plasma that contains antibodies
travel occurs for short times or on closed that protect against infection. It is given as a
resorts. The hepatitis A vaccine is safe and shot and provides short-term protection
effective and given as two shots, six months (approximately 3 months) against hepatitis A
apart. Both shots are needed for long-term infection. Immune globulin can be given either
protection. before exposure to the hepatitis A virus (before
travel to a country where hepatitis A is common)
The spread of hepatitis A can also be prevented or to prevent infection after exposure to the
by always washing hands thoroughly after using hepatitis A virus. Immune globulin must be given
the toilet, changing a diaper and before within two weeks after exposure for the best
preparing food. protection.

What should I do if I think I’ve been Where can I get more information?
exposed to hepatitis A virus?  Your personal healthcare provider
Consult your healthcare provider or health  Utah Department of Health
department right away. If you’ve been  Centers for Disease Control and
exposed, it’s important that you receive Prevention
hepatitis A vaccine within two weeks of  Immunization Action Coalition

Rev. 10/2017

Bureau of Epidemiology • 801-538-6191 • www.health.utah.gov/epi

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