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AP Euro Short Answer Requirements

50 minutes for 4 questions

3 points each

1. Remember, these are short.

2. Each question will have two to three prompts.

All will have three requirements.
Even if there are only two prompts, they will ask for two requirements in one.
e.g. name two economic developments

3. 2-3 sentences per prompt.

If they ask for two examples, then you will need 2-3 sentences per example.

4. 1st sentence answers the question. The 2nd and 3rd (if needed) need specific evidence.
a. e.g. Proper noun (preferred)
b. Good examples- joint stock companies, Anglo- Dutch Wars, 7 years war
c. Not acceptable- many wars, developed economically

5. Indent and label A, B, etc. for each answer.

If asked for two examples, start a new paragraph and indent for each example.
Remember, the readers spend all day grading papers (aka teacher torture) and are human.
Make sure you make your answers easy to spot for the readers.

6. Each question will have a document stimulus.

a. 2 will be primary sources
b. 1 will be secondary sources (may be contradictory)
c. 1 can be anything or nothing

7. You must write within the box!

I (and the AP readers) will not read anything that is not written within the box.

8. The document may not be needed to answer the prompt.

You do not need to explicitly reference the document unless asked.

9. Must be specific and plausible.

10. Do not use the same example twice. Make your answers distinct.
EX: Mercantilism cannot be your answer for both economic and political development.

11. Do the one you understand the best and then go back and answer the others.

12. Do not write a thesis.

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