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Lecture 5: Feedback th He Frequency Dorwaiy ~ Interconnections of Syitems ~ Neate fadbacte ~ Pole aad Zeros Sensrtinty Ont Cumple men tory Sencitiity tens Tntronnetins of systems The Laplace (ieee ul Traut Fen Powde 6 Cunvemend pretreat tr rife Sy Sten, Cigar tots dinis iperres eh peypL. Iyfrtonneced Systems. WO Gaewe, o- Yor Qe prota diffi probly manceable a= GeeQadle ~ kis Gauo De Pod jhe a ayshm iibrcomnain it ply Pinltiphcatin jf sk one eam He 4 aan tin Mprtitndadin jy More Cnvenrent well ae other _Sheetty. Negative Fecdbeck Love (umd, feedback) y= Plant hppamce (Uswally Sweethiy yor *< gen) KOs) = Combater Olynawncy (Usually Something you lens) Y= Sensve clynames ( Uraelly Huse, mh fedinck) 4 per fed ee Reference sijaal (daring tne th the) retary Mee Maciel goatee? ee emmnemea Rid Yis)= Evrae Syral (Di ffirtna between abesieul | ; : Ont taal Oterhy VOd= Frpt signet (Oued of confrllen, 4 actueten i —— Cartivomed 515n6 1) an ee WE) = Tape oie (ote vahnann, cheeteizes (distuwbsmed Unor tainty In tht) “yt oF BNO Ccipmarerce s(G0Le Cain ton a Clarke 2 oo We Uneertwinty ty Measurement) Ls at — Open- ize combal systems : a a Wi) oe RO) a Ww - - ca eg ee Se KO) at PG) mut be stable Men eG) PUT) which requir ee se lL —s— Hee ae weys eres dee yee eRe) tk kei 7 Ya = Re Pw Assume HOS) Yo): Ve _P(vew) = P(K(R-¥-V) +) PeR - Pky + Pw Fide Pow "(Gre EPL a TP canoe save fo Sem ermine A nesohhe 55m fe each Eos: eee _ 1K R~ Pe Pe P = ane - a Lt Pie PR le Pik i 1+ Phe wv = ia aon Pe . rr en’ — ern Same clehomirate every whee Wes and Zeros oan Defla: The por sf @ trash &. Gur SB an He valves of 5s seh thet AG)2 0. - Def'n Th ders of a trenthe fom (05)* S oe He value of s Stok fret Blsd=0 The pals, ews, nd gai Ally cheecterize A tide oe LS: 474 a (stanlstay. (5+ 2a) y ie (sep SePad > OF Pa) Pole lees fas i s Left hd plone (LHP) pole~ 200 Coneefetione bemove ynamiy fae System © RBP zeros (rons minmnm phew 2-05) may Conse System ho ge in He ‘eens direc bee prwding corecdl e i LS: 5/4 Fuadlak pemt Coed. lap pales, Yon Cénie prove plat Zens Heyl Redback, ier Ba SPs Be Bad Rel - Topeiny rose Hers Le Fie Mahe Sensi Stetin Look Zu Gp Ay Ap \+ Bs Be Pr Pe Oe ee ee tn rehle B gon S Ae+ BuBe Ceatdition, permet a Fens 41.4 of fFPEN bar OL me CL Syitems. Assume we have! Perfect ltmowiedy of th we obecgeed thi. - Impe ter lenasiedge of the + We Caan? perdertly model honlaten Se ee ee - Bad craked S pe Page pt aneertanty, Pan. We ote Sine WV =o Shuffte of pels, corballe cAynamy, plant — Aynawmer. cee ie Sie pl Mes tov, OF Unhanan, lin cteectand bu we Weng be lender stone Ont Senctrity th thy L5%6/4 Resse eee ese Side ede : ; © Pe BoP SD add tee ante teHinty o Pe PUES) SD mitiplicatin Unerrtningy PT, = BHP) = Ble + Sek = Tut ere St, = SP Ta? Pe Defer “Buprivy & _Unectonty a = _ i Goce _ Bf tte LE skit feo 7 T= RR Pie PF © 16% ere is PR real Ih a 10% tae in To (6 Same rmeded Un cretannty Ae finn (Frik Pk }+ Cpespyic pePk Tas Tex + 8 Ten = = _ PR . a Ta = ise dla = SS cP oe. oA B Se Qo Senstaty of Ter with ropeet bh P pice > E+ Blech dP PR “CisfR) ie - Ke te - So" $ _F rt _. —!_ ¢) Prtsbhy (le Pr \® It Bie © Sensmaric, of Ob ed CL systens' te pede] vnartaty are di {ferent - OL fb aluay 4 ~ CL is ee LL Ol depmains on Pre puency. Ta se ea eo 14 Pk IFPR = Complemencmy Lensitinty bon eas Coe teh i 7+ Ten Vv = TR-TV+ PSV Ls.#/4 E= _\ ia p + Pin . en Y= Ten sR + Ty - Few ee ee ee Wii Ingots Ri Vi Ww map fb tpt | Reo Ce eee eee eee cen of Sten, 1s474

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