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A publication of the International Society for Horticultural Science

Horticultural highlights
Metro nature for mental health and wellness: horticulture secondary benefits
 Multifunctional rooftop horticulture: a promising strategy for intensifying
horticulture production in cities  Isatis tinctoria L.: an ancient dye plant of interest as
multifunctional crop  New geophytes from Turkey

Symposia and workshops

Pyrethrum  Balkan Fruit Growing  Quality Management in Supply Chains of
Ornamentals  Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management
 Mango  Artichoke, Cardoon and their Wild Relatives  Edible Alliaceae
 Horticultural Economics and Management  Greensys2015  Growing Media,
Composting and Substrate Analysis

Volume 55

Number 4
Chr nica A publication of the
International Society for

Horticulturae Horticultural Science, a society

of individuals, organizations,
and government agencies
devoted to horticultural
research, education, industry,
Chronica Horticulturae© Volume 55 – Number 4; December 2015; ISSN: 0578-039X. and human well-being.
Published quarterly by the International Society for Horticultural Science, Leuven, Belgium. Lay-out
and printing by Drukkerij Geers, Gent, Belgium. ISHS© 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine > Contents
may be reproduced and/or published in any form, photocopy, microfilm or any other means without
written permission from the publisher. All previous issues are also available online at www.ishs.org.
Contact the ISHS Secretariat for details on full colour advertisements (1/1, 1/2, 1/4 page) and/or mailing News & Views from the Board
list options. 3 ISHS is an international society, but how can we
Editorial office and contact address: keep achieving more?, R. Tao
ISHS Secretariat, PO Box 500, B-3001 Leuven 1, Belgium. Phone: (+32)16229427, Fax: (+32)16229450, E-mail:
info@ishs.org, Web: www.ishs.org or www.actahort.org. Issues
Editorial staff 5 Metro nature for mental health and wellness:
Jill Stanley, Editor, jill.stanley@plantandfood.co.nz horticulture secondary benefits, K.L. Wolf
Kelly Van Dijck, Associate Editor, kelly.vandijck@ishs.org 12 Multifunctional rooftop horticulture: a
Peter Vanderborght, Associate Editor - Production & Circulation, peter.vanderborght@ishs.org promising strategy for intensifying horticulture
Editorial Advisory Board production in cities, F. Orsini, M. Dubbeling and
Yves Desjardins, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Science, Horticulture Research Centre, G. Gianquinto
Laval University, Quebec, Canada, Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board
Jorge Retamales, Universidad de Talca, Escuela de Agronomia, Talca, Chile Spotlight on Honoured ISHS Members
Sadanori Sase, National Institute for Rural Engineering, Tsukuba, Japan 18 Dan Cantliffe
Paolo Inglese, Dipartimento di Colture Arboree, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Yüksel Tüzel, Department of Horticulture, Agriculture Faculty, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Horticultural Science Focus
Julian Heyes, Institute of Food, Nutrition & Human Health, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Janet Cubey, Science Department, Royal Horticultural Society, Wisley, United Kingdom 20 Isatis tinctoria L.: an ancient dye plant of
Isaac Ore Aiyelaagbe, Department of Horticulture, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria interest as a multifunctional crop, F. Branca
Membership and orders of Chronica Horticulturae
Horticultural Science News
Chronica Horticulturae is provided to the Membership free of charge: Individual Membership is 95 EUR
(including VAT) per year (or two years for members in developing countries). Student Membership: 50 25 The International Symposia on Tropical and
EUR per year (including VAT). For details on ISHS membership categories and membership advantages, Temperate Horticulture, R. Drew
or to apply for ISHS membership go to www.ishs.org/members.
26 Dr. Chris Hale received a New Zealand Queen’s
Payments Birthday Honour
All major Credit Cards accepted. Always quote your name and invoice or membership number. Make
checks payable to ISHS Secretariat. Money transfers: ISHS main bank account number is 230-0019444-
The World of Horticulture
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B-3001 Leuven 1, Belgium. BIC (SWIFT code): GEBABEBB08A, IBAN: BE29230001944464. Please arrange for 27 New geophytes from Turkey, E. Kaya and N.
all bank costs to be taken from your account assuring that ISHS receives the net amount. Prices listed Özhatay
are in euro (EUR) but ISHS accepts payments in USD as well.
32 Courses and meetings
Acta Horticulturae
Acta Horticulturae is the series of proceedings of ISHS Scientific Meetings, Symposia or Congresses Symposia and Workshops
(ISSN: 0567-7572). ISHS Members are entitled to a substantial discount on the price of Acta Horticulturae.
A complete and accurate record of the entire Acta Horticulturae collection, including all abstracts and 33 II International Symposium on Pyrethrum
full text articles is available online at www.actahort.org. ISHS Individual Membership includes credits 34 III Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing
to download 15 full text Acta Horticulturae articles. All Acta Horticulturae titles– including those no
longer available in print format – are available in the ActaHort CD-ROM format. 36 III International Conference on Quality
Management in Supply Chains of Ornamentals
eJHS (QMSCO2015)
The European Journal of Horticultural Science (eJHS) accepts original research articles and reviews
on significant plant science discoveries and new or modified methodologies and technologies with 37 X International Symposium on Modelling in
a broad international and cross-disciplinary interest in the scope of global horticulture. The Journal Fruit Research and Orchard Management
focuses on applied and fundamental aspects of the entire food value chain, ranging from breeding, 39 XI International Mango Symposium
production, processing, trading to retailing of horticultural crops and commodities. ISHS members
benefit from discounted submission fees. eJHS is available in print + online Open Access. Additional 40 IX International Symposium on Artichoke,
information can be viewed on www.ishs.org/ejhs. Cardoon and their Wild Relatives
Scripta Horticulturae 41 VII International Symposium on Edible Alliaceae
Scripta Horticulturae is a series from ISHS devoted to specific horticultural issues such as position 42 XVIII International Symposium on Horticultural
papers, crop or technology monographs and special workshops or conferences. Economics and Management
PubHort – crossroads of horticultural publications 44 Greensys2015 – International Symposium
Pubhort is a service of ISHS as part of its mission to promote and to encourage research in all branches on New Technologies and Management for
of horticulture, and to efficiently transfer knowledge on a global scale. The PubHort platform aims Greenhouses
to provide opportunities not only to ISHS publications but also to other important series of related
societies and organizations. The ISHS and its partners welcome their members to use this valuable 45 International Symposium on Growing Media,
tool and invite others to share their commitment to our profession. The PubHort eLibrary portal Composting and Substrate Analysis
contains over 78,000 downloadable full text scientific articles in pdf format, and includes The Journal (SusGro 2015)
of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, Journal of the American Pomological Society, Journal
of the International Society for Mushroom Science, Fruits, Proceedings of the International Plant
Propagators’ Society, Journal of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture, Plant Breeding
News from the ISHS Secretariat
Reviews, Horticultural Reviews, etc. 47 New ISHS members
Additional information can be viewed on the PubHort website www.pubhort.org. 48 Calendar of ISHS events
50 Index to Volume 55 of Chronica Horticulturae
Cover photograph: Allium aksekiense N. Özhatay, M. Koyuncu and E. Kaya (Sect. Allium)
(Akseki Soáanı). See article p. 27. 52 Available issues of Acta Horticulturae

2 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
News & Views
from the Board
> ISHS is an international
society, but how can we
keep achieving more? > Ryutaro Tao
Ryutaro Tao, ISHS Treasurer

Expanding the ISHS activities 40 years old. Further, mentoring of young core funding because fewer members means
to all corners of the world people was seen as an additional service there is less income from membership fees.
At the ISHS Council meeting in Fortaleza, Bra- ISHS could offer. Yet, despite the reduction in revenue, new
zil, in 2012, the Rules of Procedure for Board • Most members were from academia, urgent challenges have to be faced. The new
elections were changed so that at least one whereas few were from industry. Board needs to continue to complete some
Board member was to be elected from each of • Under the heading of Additional Services, of the initiatives of the previous Board and
the geographical regions: (1) Africa-Oceania, (2) respondents felt that it would be useful to have focus on new ones, such as improving sym-
The Americas, (3) Asia, and (4) Europe. This deci- increased awareness and transparency of ISHS posia (Symposia 2.0, see Editorial in Chronica
sion by Council meant that there is one more and increased advocacy for horticulture. Horticulturae 55(3)) and improving benefits to
Board member than on previous Boards. How- • The main reasons for joining ISHS were young members and industry (see Editorial in
ever, Council decided that it was important to to network with colleagues, for personal Chronica Horticulturae 55(2)).
ensure that the Board covered a wide range professional development, to attend ISHS
of experiences and knowledge from around symposia at a discounted rate and to obtain Financial situation of ISHS and
the world. I was elected as the first ISHS Board free on-line Acta Horticulturae articles. membership fee increase
member from Asia under these new rules. As the Board member responsible for ISHS
Right now, the ISHS Board consists of six elect- finances, I feel I should report in my editorial
ed Board members, two from Europe, two 7.000 that the current financial figures are not as
from Oceania, one from North America, and 6.500 positive as the Council and Board expected.
one from Asia, plus the Executive Director 6.000 During their first Board meeting held at the
and the IHC2018 President, both from Europe. ISHS headquarters it was realized that there
Although more ISHS Board members come 4.500
are “clouds” on the ISHS financial horizon.
from European countries, the responsibility 4.000 The 2014 financial results closed with a neg-
of the ISHS Board, of course, is to serve all 3.500 ative balance of 100,000 euros and we face a
ISHS members from around the world. All ISHS 3.000 probable negative result in 2015, although the
Board members have a worldwide perspec- 2.000
deficit should not be as great as in 2014. The
tive of horticultural research and business 1.500 ISHS Board has carefully analyzed the current
when it comes to managing and operating 1.000 financial situation and has decided to take
the ISHS. I, as one of the ISHS Board members, 500 action accordingly, to secure the future of the

work to promote ISHS from the Far East with ISHS. After extensive discussion of the options

the help of ISHS members, not only located in available to correct the situation, we have
Asian countries, but also worldwide. Q Figure 1. Membership statistics decided to increase the ISHS membership fee.
over the past 20 years. The ISHS Board realized that the budget for
ISHS membership numbers *Number for 2015 estimated. the year 2016, initially prepared in 2014, and
and actions to increase approved by Council in Brisbane, had to be
benefits to members In response to the survey and in particu- revisited. The ISHS Board members carefully
From 1997 until 2007, there was a strong and lar the demand to increase awareness and monitored costs and identified those that
steady increase in individual memberships, after advocacy for global horticulture, the Coun- will be higher than budgeted for. They include
which the numbers plateaued (Figure  1). Since cil instructed the previous ISHS Board to a continual increase in mailing costs, moder-
2013, individual memberships, the base of the introduce new initiatives and additional ate increases in traveling expenses for the
Society, have been shrinking from over 7000 services to members. This resulted in the Board because of inflation and one additional
members. The number of paid-up individual ISHS development of new tools for publication, Board member, increased meeting expenses
members today is a little over 6000 (Figure 1). the purchase of a new peer reviewed jour- for the Executive Committee and Council, and
What has caused this turn-around? The survey nal eJHS and the publication of “Harvesting the cost of continuing new initiatives. These
of members organised in 2012 by Prof. Errol the Sun” (http://www.harvestingthesun.org/). increases in costs are concerning in light of
Hewett, Board member at that time, highlight- These new initiatives were introduced at the the decrease in revenue from fewer members.
ed some important reasons why members val- request of the membership and were intend- Considering these factors and the urgent need
ued ISHS (see Chronica Horticulturae 53(1)). The ed to promote the profession of horticulture for correction, the ISHS Board has decided to
key points of this survey were: and to promote membership. It should be increase the individual membership dues by
• Symposia, congresses and publications noted that all new activities were realized 20 euro as of 1 January 2016. The increase for
were highly valued by members. whilst inflation continued to increase costs, students and members in developing coun-
• Less than 5% of respondents were under 30 yet without any substantial increase in rev- tries is pro rata, taking into account the regular
years of age, and only 23% were less than enue. In fact, there has been a decrease in discounts and biennial invoicing for the latter

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 3

Q Table 1. What you get from your ISHS membership.
of America: 130 euro, International Plant Prop-
Membership benefits for networking in the horticulture world agators Society (Europe): 100 euro, Interna-
• a free copy of the annual ISHS membership list and Sections/Commissions directory in tional Society for Microbial Ecology: 114 euro,
electronic format (print copy optional) International Society of Cancer Metabolism:
• unlimited searching in the ISHS interactive online membership directory 150 euro. Importantly, students will pay only 40
• a quarterly copy of the magazine Chronica Horticulturae in electronic format euros per year. Membership for citizens from
(print copy optional) developing countries (countries with a classi-
• 20% discount on Acta Horticulturae orders (both ActaHort CD-rom or print). (Institutional fication other than “high income” or “upper
Members: 30% discount) - Membership discount does not apply to orders received through middle income” on the country classification
booksellers or subscription agents. list by The World Bank) is valid for two years.
• a 250 EUR discount when publishing in the European Journal of Horticultural Science (eJHS),
the ISHS open access journal Reaching out to all corners of
• a limited number of free Acta Horticulturae full text article downloads the world and all generations
• a limited number of free full text article downloads from selected third party publications
at www.pubhort.org. Titles include: Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, Horticultural research activities and indus-
Fruits, Journal of the American Pomological Society, Journal of the International Society for tries have developed rapidly over the last few
Mushroom Science, etc. decades, including in regions where ISHS was
• 50% discount when purchasing Acta Horticulturae and/or PubHort full text article downloads less active in the past. Looking at the 10 coun-
• access to ISHS ListServ mailing lists tries with most ISHS members, you could con-
• discount registration fee at ISHS symposia (ISHS membership number required when clude that the situation has remained almost
registering) the same (Table 2). However, if we list the top
• participation in ISHS Working Groups, Sections and Commissions and networking with 10 countries with increased and decreased
fellow researchers
memberships, you can see that new countries
• entitlement to a vote at the ISHS General Assembly
and regions are becoming more active and
For more details about ISHS membership benefits, please visit membership is diminishing mostly in coun-
http://www.ishs.org/ishs-membership-benefits tries where ISHS activity has traditionally been
very high. This might be expected if you consid-
Q Table 2. Country ranking for membership numbers, decreased membership numbers er the changes in horticultural research devel-
from 2012 to 2014, and increased membership numbers from 2012 to 2014. opment and funding in different countries.
For instance, recent rationalization in some
Rank Top 10 countries countries since the 2008 financial crisis has
translated into even greater cuts in research
Members Decreased membership Increased membership
budgets, and laying-off of many scientists. It
1 United States (914) United States (-157) Chile (+65) is only now that these conditions are being
reflected in our membership. There are still
2 Australia (363) Italy (-90) New Zealand (+36)
many very active ISHS members remaining in
3 China (351) The Netherlands (-79) Kenya (+29) countries that are decreasing in membership,
whilst many members are joining ISHS in
4 Japan (302) India (-77) Trinidad and Tobago (+25)
emerging countries. It is crucial, therefore,
5 Italy (285) Canada (-63) Australia (+18) that we reach out to horticultural researchers
6 Spain (240) Germany (-53) Slovak Republic (+15) and industries in the emerging countries to
enable them to network with others around
7 New Zealand (177) United Kingdom (-48) Turkey (+15) the world. Although our membership numbers
8 Germany (162) South Africa (-41) Indonesia (+7) have decreased, we obviously must reach out
wider than ever before. The new symposia 2.0
9 The Netherlands (160) Brazil (-38) Korea (+7)
will include a focus on training and workshops,
10 Chile (148) Spain (-38) Nigeria (+6) which will assist in reaching out and providing
benefits to new members in many countries
(see www.ishs.org). In accordance with the Is the membership fee too high? where horticulture is developing rapidly.
ISHS bylaws, the Board has informed Council How you feel about the 80-euro membership So what about the new generations? We need
members of this issue and discussed it by fee depends on how you value your ISHS mem- to value young members more and work to
e-mail. We will further discuss this issue in the bership and how much you are involved in become an attractive society to young hor-
joint Executive Committee and Council meet- horticultural research and/or business. When ticulturists in the future. The ISHS Board has
ing in Quebec in August, 2016. Although the you consider the benefits received during 12 decided to hear the ideas of younger scientists
ISHS membership fee has been unchanged for months of membership (Table 1), and how and postgraduate students on future man-
more than 7 years, since the last membership quickly that same amount of money can be agement and activities of the ISHS at the joint
fee rise in 2008, this was a tough decision. The spent, it is very good value. The decrease in Executive Committee and Council meeting
Board felt it was necessary to ensure that new membership is higher in the more developed in Quebec. In addition, other initiatives have
initiatives can be achieved in order to improve countries, however, their increase of 20 euros been planned to encourage younger members,
the benefits to members. With the increased is a small amount of money for members in such as new awards at symposia (see Editorial
membership fee, we will end the year 2016 these countries. We think that the ISHS mem- in Chronica Horticulturae 55(3)). I am confident
with sufficient funds to make provisions for bership is very reasonable and valuable, and that by working closely with all generations
these new initiatives in the year 2017, such as it lasts for a whole year! It is much lower than and members from all corners of the world as
the introduction of a Youth Task Force and the many other societies, which range up to 150 we develop our strategic plans, we are ensur-
development of Symposia 2.0. euros per annum, e.g. Entomological Society ing a bright future for ISHS.

4 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
Issues > Metro nature for mental health
and wellness: horticulture
secondary benefits
Kathleen L. Wolf

Challenges of urban life

More than 50% of the world’s population
now live in cities, and in some nations, such
as the United States, the proportion is above
80%. Further concentration in urban areas is
forecast. Cities are the centers of econom-
ic activity, innovation, and complex social
networks. People have to be at their best to
compete, even survive, in the urban context.
As more people move into urban centers,
they live within places and conditions that
impose demands that can compromise
health, including mental health and func-
tion. This includes such challenges as daily
commuting and work tasks, digital connec-
tions that link one to the world 24/7, and
money worries. Urban life is complicated
and includes many stressors. In addition to
the health consequences of major stress
events (such as loss of a job or loved one),
the medical community now recognizes that
the constant pressure of urban life generates
chronic stress and anxiety, with potentially > The constant pressures of urban life can elevate chronic stress and anxiety,
debilitating effects. Everyday stressors, com- with potentially debilitating mental health effects. Photo by Guy Kramer.
bined with other factors, can lead to both
physical and mental health issues. mental disorder. An emerging focus on posi- es. Recent research acknowledges the impor-
tive mental health is aligned with other health tance of social determinants in health, func-
Mental health significance promotion perspectives that focus on pre- tioning, and quality-of-life outcomes. Social
Mental health is fundamental to good health ventive approaches for wellness rather than determinants include: availability of resourc-
and quality of life, is an essential personal responding only to illness (Barry, 2009). es to meet daily needs, such as education-
resource, and contributes to effective func- al and job opportunities, living wages, and
tioning of individuals, families, communities, Health promotion healthful foods; lack of exposure to crime,
and society. The International Mental Health The biomedical approach to health has tend- violence, and social disorder; social support
Research Organization claims that one in five ed to concentrate on the individual’s genetic and social interactions; and viable trans-
people is afflicted by a mental health disor- and biological makeup, and their person- portation options. Physical determinants
der, and that mental illness is the number one al lifestyle choices and safety practices as include productive spaces such as worksites,
cause of adult disability worldwide. It is esti- causal underpinnings of health problems. schools, and offices; the built environments
mated that by the year 2020 mental health The focus is thus on what an individual can of housing, homes, and neighborhoods; the
disorders will rise to 15% of the global burden do to reduce or eliminate problems. A more degree of exposure to toxic substances or
of disease, and depression will constitute recent health promotion outlook considers physical hazards; and amenities such as
one of the largest health problems world- the physical and (especially) social factors lighting, public parks, and walkable streets.
wide (Murray and Lopez, 1996). The World that may be beyond the individual’s control
Health Organization has recognized the need yet contribute to their level of well-being. Metro nature experience
to address mental health as an integral part Health promotion programs encourage key and mental health
of improving overall health and well-being factors for positive health, while reducing Everyday spaces and places within cities
throughout the world, noting that ‘there is no risk factors for poor health. Such programs are important for improved public health.
health without mental health’ (Barry, 2009). aim to improve the full range of personal, In addition to meeting basic needs like clean
Mental health literature has traditionally social, economic, and environmental deter- air and water, a rapidly expanding research
focused on the study and treatment of mental minants that influence the health status of literature indicates that metro nature pro-
disorder. There is increasing interest in explor- individuals and populations. motes the state of mind that can both help
ing positive mental health as a notion that is Both social and physical environments play a people cope with the complexities of urban
distinct from, and more than the absence of, role in a person’s response to daily challeng- living and be more productive (Wolf and Rob-

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 5

bins, 2015). Metro nature is an inclusive term
describing the diverse expressions of nearby
nature in cities, including parks, gardens,
street trees, native ecosystem patches, com-
munity gardens, and engineered nature, such
as green walls and green roofs.
The horticulture sciences and associated
industries support improved development of
food, ornamental, and ecological plant materi-
als. The practices and products of horticulture
contribute directly to metro nature, as plants
appear to be an essential element in outdoor
settings that heal, restore, and support urban
residents. A recent research review and bene-
fits analysis evaluated the health promotion
role of landscape and plants in many urban
settings, and concluded that metro nature can
potentially reduce national and local health
care costs (Wolf et al., 2015).
The purpose of this article is to provide a brief
overview of the research literature concerning
metro nature experiences and mental health
promotion. One perspective is that nearby > Children with attention disorders may benefit from spending more
nature experiences may alleviate diagnosed time in green settings on a daily basis. Photo by Guy Kramer.
disorders or illness. In addition, having nature
in one’s everyday environment potentially Q Table 1. Activities judged as best and worst for ADD symptoms by parents
supports general functioning and productivi- (from Taylor et al., 2001).
ty. Having quality landscaping and vegetation
in and around the places where people live, Likely setting Best Worst
work, learn, and play is a low cost investment
Green (e.g. fishing, soccer) 85% (17) 15% (3)
for disease prevention and health promotion.
Ambiguous (rollerblading, playing outside) 56% (43) 44% (34)
State of the science
Natural systems in cities, if well planned and Not green (video games, TV) 43% (53) 57% (69)
designed, generate a wide range of environ-
Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of respondents by category for outcomes.
mental services that are the foundation for
healthy urban living, such as clean air, clean
and plentiful water, climate stabilization, and ment concerning questions of environments, Restoration Theory and Stress Reduction
reduced hazards. Social and public health sci- nature, and human response. The integrated Theory. In the 1990s through the first decade
entists are now partnering with biophysical research employs the science conventions of of the century ‘big data’ studies combined
scientists to learn more about the socio-eco- research design, sampling, data collection or vegetation remote sensing and public health
logical systems of cities. This evolution of secondary data use, evaluating confounds, records to establish population level correla-
scale and outlook includes research engage- and statistical analysis or modeling, as well tions between nature presence (e.g. trees,
as social qualitative methodologies. parks) and health outcomes (e.g. physical
The result is an extensive scientific literature activity, stress response, infant birth weight,
about the multiple, somewhat intangible cardiovascular and respiratory events).
co-benefits and urban ecosystem services In recent years all methods are in use, plus
provided by metro nature. Green Cities: Good experimental research about inequitable dis-
Health is a web portal that summarizes thou- tribution of urban natural resources with
sands of scientific studies that have been pub- health consequences; understanding causal
lished internationally about the human health mechanisms, such as neurology, cognition,
benefits associated with views of nature and allergy and inflammatory response, endo-
activities within green spaces (Wolf, 2015). A crine origins, immune function, and bioac-
critical mass of scientific evidence suggests cumulation; and efforts to determine nature
that nature in the city is not just nice to have, dose response (e.g. experience frequency,
but is essential for quality human habitat. nature type and character, demographic
Scientific methods have evolved. Several variability). Greater understanding of causal
> A rapidly expanding research literature, general trends are observed. In the 1970s mechanisms is a key interest at this time.
presented in the Green Cities: Good to 1980s numerous studies of landscape
Health web site (www.greenhealth. preference and perception, and self-reports Illness or disorders and
washington.edu), provides evidence of mood and reduced stress, initiated the nature response
that metro nature can help people to realization of subconscious nature depen- Several topics about mental illness and dis-
cope with the complexities of urban dence. Soon to follow was the emergence of orders are presented here, each represented
living and be more productive. evidence-based theories, including Attention by several to tens of studies in the scientific

6 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
The discovery was consistent with an earlier tions of their well-being, including a poor
finding that the “greenness” of a child’s home perception of their own mental health.
did not significantly affect ADD expression, Both chronic and peak stress can contrib-
but “greenness” of play setting was related ute to depression, schizophrenia, anxiety,
to a reduction of symptom severity (see exhaustion, and fatigue syndromes (Grahn
Table 1) (Taylor et al., 2001). Activity was not and Stigsdotter, 2010). Physical activity is
solely the source of benefit, as children with linked to improvements in mental health
ADHD concentrated better after a walk in a and stress (USDHHS, 1996) and many studies
park than after a downtown walk or a neigh- connect urban park use to decreased stress
borhood walk, and twenty minutes in a park levels and improved moods. In one study,
setting was sufficient to elevate attention the longer participants stayed in a park, the
performance relative to the same amount of less stress they exhibited (Hull and Michael,
time in the other settings (Faber Taylor and 1995). Multiple studies have shown that
Kuo, 2009). Children with attention disorders relaxation and stress reduction are signifi-
may benefit from spending more time in cant benefits associated with spending time
green settings on a daily basis, and during in green areas (Davis, 2004). Given the consis-
attention demanding activities (for instance, tent findings, how much nature is enough?
while in school or doing homework). A dose-response study revealed a positive,
linear association between the density of
Illness and cognition urban street trees (ranging from 2 to 62%
As people get older they may be more canopy cover) and self-reported stress recov-
inclined to experience serious illnesses. Clin- ery, so every tree matters (Jiang et al., 2014).
> Physical activity is linked to improvements ical reports have noted the loss of ability to
in mental health and stress, and concentrate and increased distractibility in Depression
studies connect urban park use to adult patients experiencing serious illness. A Depression also occurs at any age, but the
decreased stress levels and improved diagnosis of cancer is a life-changing event. rate of diagnosis and drug-aided treatment
moods. Photo by Kathleen Wolf. Studies have tested the correlation between appears to increase in older people. The
stress and cognitive function under various experience of depression can be helped
literature about the experience of nature conditions in women diagnosed with breast through improved social connections (to
as a healing or therapeutic influence. When cancer. Cognitive impairment (including decrease the feeling of isolation) and exer-
looking across such collections of studies memory and ability to process information) cise, both of which are promoted by having
there appears a life cycle trajectory of nature may be experienced even before the start nearby green outdoor spaces. In one study,
benefit. From ‘cradle to grave’ metro nature of a cancer treatment (Cimprich et al., 2005). adults with major depression were asked to
can be the source of salutary effects. This is likely due to the mentally-demanding take a 50 minute walk in either a park setting
and stressful nature of diagnostic tests and or a built setting in a city. Participants walk-
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) treatment planning. Participation in activi- ing in the park setting exhibited significantly
As of 2011, approximately 11% of children 4-17 ties and/or interacting with natural environ- greater increases in memory span and mood,
years of age (6.4 million) in the U.S. have been ments has been shown to ameliorate and suggesting that interacting with nature may
diagnosed with attention disorders, conditions help improve mental fatigue both before be useful as a supplement to clinical depres-
that have detrimental effects on social, cog- and after breast cancer treatment or surgery sion treatments for major depression dis-
nitive, and psychological growth. Childhood (Cimprich and Ronis, 2003). order (MDD) (Berman et al., 2012). Another
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) symptoms can study investigated MDD and found that an
be reduced through activities in green settings Stress relief exercise program can be just as effective
and “green time” may be an important supple- Stress is a combination of physiological as antidepressants in reducing depression
ment to established drug-based and behavioral responses and self-perceptions about life among patients (Blumenthal et al., 1999). The
treatments. In a U.S. national study parents situations. Stress can be experienced at any presence of green spaces as a motivator to
recorded that children with Attention Deficit time in life; however, such responses are encourage exercise is promising in treating
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who played especially prominent at later age due to depression symptoms.
regularly in green play settings had milder physical, psychological, and social changes,
symptoms than children who played in built for example, in response to chronic disease, Alzheimer’s and dementia
outdoor and indoor settings. This was true for disability, death of loved ones, or financial As people age, they are more prone to loss
all income groups and for both boys and girls hardship (Orsega-Smith et al., 2004). Stress of cognitive function, including Alzheimer’s
(Faber Taylor and Kuo, 2011). can also negatively affect people’s percep- disease. People with Alzheimer’s and other

Q Table 2. Post construction observations of dementia patient behaviors in residential care facilities (from Mooney and Nicell, 1992).

Type of incident Facilities with added gardens Control-facilities with no gardens

pre post % change pre post % change

Violence 0.3333 0.2678 19↓ 0.06750 0.4594 681↑

All incidents 2.6274 2.5357 3.5↓ 0.74320 2.3698 319↑

Morning and afternoon paired observations were conducted by nursing staff across facilities.

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 7

> Well-designed outdoor environments and healing gardens > Experiences of natural environments provide
can provide ambient support for older adults having opportunities for directed attention restoration
reduced cognitive capabilities. Photo by TKF Foundation. for office workers. Photo by Guy Kramer.

dementia disorders experience memory Everyday function and needs environments provides opportunities for the
impairment, intellectual decline, temporal In addition to the health benefits associated restoration of one’s mental capabilities.
and spatial disorientation, impaired ability with disease or disorder, having a nature Ongoing research continues to test for the
to communicate and make logical decisions, backdrop for everyday life is important. Both nature conditions that support cognitive
and decreased tolerance to high and moder- visual access and being within green space restoration. The attributes of certain natu-
ate levels of stimulation. Studies have found helps to restore the mind’s ability to focus. ral environments provide opportunities for
that nature experiences can be of particular Encounters with nearby nature help allevi- involuntary attention. It is important to note
benefit. Exposure to gardens can improve ate mental fatigue by relaxing and restoring that the restorative power of nature can play
quality of life and function of dementia the mind. Within built environments, parks out in a matter of a few minutes and can
patients by reducing negative behaviors up and green spaces are settings for cognitive be gained by simply viewing a green space
to 19% (Table 2) (Mooney and Nicell, 1992). respite, as they encourage social interaction as well as moving within it (Berman et al.,
Those patients who have access to gardens and de-stressing through exercise or conver- 2008; Bratman et al., 2015). The best places
that are designed to positively stimulate the sation, and provide calming settings. have a sense of “fascination”, “being away”,
senses and promote positive memories and “extent”, and “compatibility”, conditions
emotions are less likely to express negative Attention fatigue and recovery that are rarely experienced in highly-built
reactions and fits of anger. After gardening In today’s lifestyles and work, we must focus hardscapes (Kaplan and Berman, 2010). One
activities, dementia and stroke patients have our attention on critical information or tasks. doesn’t have to leave the city and travel to
exhibited improved mobility and dexterity, To accomplish tasks and complete projects, dramatic parks or landscapes to experience
increased confidence, and improved social a person must suppress mental distractions the cognitive enhancement that nature pro-
skills (Rappe and Kivelä, 2005; Ulrich, 2002). and impulses. More generally, urban environ- vides. Unless one is aware of the research,
The value of healing gardens is evidenced ments heavily tax the voluntary attention the dynamic interplay of attention fatigue
by numerous studies: reduction in behav- control that is used to filter urgent but large- and the restorative potential of metro nature
ioral disorders such as agitation, aggressive ly irrelevant stimuli as we go about our daily may be below consciousness.
behavior, and aimless wandering; improve- lives (such as paying attention at a cross-
ment in appetite; better sleep, and increased walk or dealing with smart phone texts). In Work and school
regular sleep patterns; as well as improved no other time in human history has there Office workers may spend entire days indoors
general health and nutritional status (Jon- been an equivalent demand on cognitive and at desks and computer screens. Some find
veaux et al., 2013). resources. A person’s psychological ability to that plants make for more attractive, pleasant,
Well-designed outdoor environments and sustain directed attention can be depleted. and healthy work environments (Grinde and
healing gardens can provide prosthetic sup- The result can be feelings of irritability and Patil, 2009; Bringslimark et al., 2007), but what
port for dementia patients to compensate frustration and an inability to stay on task or impact do plants and nature views have on
for reduced cognitive capabilities (Mooney bring up key ideas from memory. work performance? Studies show improved
and Nicell, 1992). For example, spaces that Attention Restoration Theory describes the employee morale, decreased absenteeism,
have dead-ends or are crowded can increase power of nature to replenish the capacity and increased worker efficiency result from
frustration and anxiety in Alzheimer’s-diag- for attention through unconscious, cognitive such workplace enhancements (Lohr et al.,
nosed residents. Supportive outdoor spaces processes in response to natural landscapes 1996). Having plants within view of worksta-
include these design features: looped path- (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989). Green spaces that tions decreases both illness incidence (Fjeld
ways; tree groves or sites to act as landmarks are rich in certain qualities allow directed et al., 1998), and the amount of self-report-
for orientation; non-toxic plants; even, well- attention to recover. The inherent charac- ed sick leave (Kaplan, 1993). One study found
lit paths with handrails; seating areas with teristics found in green spaces can provide that workers with workstation views that
the suggestion of privacy; and use of low-key stimulation that places little demand on a included green elements were more sat-
fragrances and colors to soothe rather than person’s ability to maintain concentration. isfied at work and had more patience, less
negatively stimulate users of a space. The experience of interacting with natural frustration, increased enthusiasm for work,

8 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
> Horticulture co-benefits are possible > Nature settings support mindfulness, as plants enable ‘soft fascination’
if landscapes are designed for and help one to maintain focus. Photo by Guy Kramer.
multiple functions within urban
settings. Photo by Kathleen Wolf. these responses occur, but generally agree or flitting birds that one can calmly observe.
on the benefits. Often a bit of nature invites one to settle in
and fewer health problems (Kaplan, 1993). Not Meditation is an act of intentional focus on and develop an appreciation as one begins to
having nature views or indoor plants is asso- any number of things, including repetition of notice remarkable details.
ciated with higher levels of tension and anxi- a word or phrase, an object in the visual field,
ety in office workers (Chang and Chen, 2005). sensations, or specific thoughts or personal Creativity
Such responses may be expressions of the reflections. Nature offers unlimited oppor- Creativity is another potential benefit of
connections between attention fatigue and tunities as both setting and focal point for metro nature experiences. For instance, in
nature-aided cognitive recovery. meditation and mindfulness. one study people performed better on cre-
Learning, like tasks at work, requires focused, Mindfulness exercises include similar strat- ative tasks in rooms having foliage plants,
directed attention and high-level cognitive egies of focus to rein in the wandering mind versus those without, and the authors pro-
functioning. When plants were added to a col- (James, 2015). In addition, mindfulness is the posed that nature may provide inspiration
lege computer lab, the study participants were condition of ‘being attentive to and aware and a source of stimulation for creativity
more productive (with 12% quicker reaction of what is taking place in the present’ with (Shibata and Suzuki, 2002). In a study of cre-
times on tested computer tasks) and showed resulting benefits. Mindfulness enhances ative professionals in Denmark, it was found
less stress – though there was no difference self-regulated functioning; that is, mindful- that experiences of nature enhance creativi-
in number of errors made on the test. Addi- ness sensitizes individuals to inner feedback ty. How? Nature can evoke creative ways of
tionally, participants reported feeling more signals, allowing people to better regulate thinking by making a person more curious,
attentive and better able to concentrate in and guide themselves toward meeting their inspiring new ideas, and introducing more
the presence of plants (Lohr et al., 1996). Col- needs (Brown and Ryan, 2003). Mindful- flexibility in how one thinks about a problem.
lege students with more natural views from ness enhances the richness and vitality of It was found that nature contact may be
their dorm windows scored higher on tests of moment-to-moment experiences. Mindful- especially helpful in two early phases of the
capacity to direct attention (CDA) and rated ness training may also improve attention-re- creative process (Plambech and Konijnendijk
themselves as able to function more effective- lated activities, such as work or study, by van den Bosch, 2015). Creative individuals
ly (Tennessen and Cimprich, 1995). In another enhancing some specific brain areas that reported finding novel ideas in the project
study of college students, those who partici- support attention (Jha et al., 2007). In one preparation phase by observing the patterns
pated in a nature walk performed higher on study, just four sessions of mindfulness and visual structures in nature. People used
a subsequent CDA test than those who went meditation training significantly improved nature in the incubation phase as a space
on an urban walk or relaxed in a comfortable visuo-spatial processing, working memory, to reflect and develop more definition for a
room with magazines and light music prior to and executive functioning; study partici- project or to take a break and regain perspec-
the test (Hartig et al., 1991). pants had greater ability to sustain attention tive. Feelings of peace, quietness or serenity,
(Zeidan et al., 2010). and beauty within nature, enhanced by the
Meditation and mindfulness Nature settings support meditation and suggestion of mystery, were the landscape
Increasingly, as people are feeling over- mindfulness activities. Studies of Attention traits that creative people identified.
whelming demands in their lives, there is a Restoration Theory find that nature is inher-
growing interest in meditation and mind- ently interesting and supports “soft fascina- Horticulture for health
fulness. Benefits of meditation include tion”, thereby helping one to maintain focus Horticulture, at its core, is about selecting,
improved cognitive functions, longer atten- with a low level of mental exertion. Nature, growing, and managing intensively-produced
tion spans, and improved perceptual ability, which is filled with intriguing stimuli, mod- plants for a wide range of human uses and
memory, intelligence, and empathy (Slagter estly grabs attention in a bottom-up fash- benefits. The applications of horticultural sci-
et al., 2011; Desbordes et al., 2012). Practicing ion, allowing top-down directed-attention ence and best practices are endless, and have
meditation may also reduce stress-induced abilities a chance to replenish (Berman et al., improved lives, places, and ecosystems. As the
immune system decline and behaviors (Pace 2008). Within even the smallest spaces, one world’s population continues to concentrate
et al., 2009). Scientists are not yet sure why can find a living thing, clouds, rustling leaves, in cities there are greater needs for plants

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 9

and the many benefits and services that they of urban settings, it seems that having access of metro nature, when of quality design and
provide, from food to shelter to aesthetics. to nearby nature may be necessary in order well-managed, serves all people. The visu-
Plants and landscapes are also penultimate to cope with the demands of urban lifestyles al and experiential products of horticulture
multi-taskers; while selected and installed for and achieve the intentional thought pro- offers salutary effects for even those healthy
one purpose, careful design of a site or collec- cesses needed to achieve one’s goals. Nature individuals who simply must manage the
tion of plants can generate co-benefits. Exam- restores when the mind is depleted, and everyday complexities and challenges of
ples are permaculture or urban forestry. enables intentional, mindful focus that is urban lifestyles. Horticulture is therapy, and
Scientific understanding of the relationship becoming recognized as a need in high-per- in a variety of ways that have only recently
between public health and nearby nature formance jobs and careers. been revealed by scientific study.
is growing rapidly, adding another level of A professional guild of horticulture thera-
purpose to horticulture applications in cities. pists intentionally use plants and garden- Acknowledgements
Within certain therapy or clinical situations, ing to address diagnosed health needs in Writing support was provided by the USDA
having quality landscapes may ease symp- hospitals and clinics. Recent science from Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
toms, perhaps even causes, of mental illness public health, psychology, and numerous Station; and the TKF Foundation, Nature
and disorders. And for the general populace other disciplines indicates that a backdrop Sacred project.

mindful-attention and compassion meditation Kaplan, R. (1993). The role of nature in the context of
> References training on amygdala response to emotional stim- the workplace. Landscape and Urban Planning 26
Barry, M.M. (2009). Addressing the determinants of uli in an ordinary, non-meditative state. Front (1-4), 193–201.
positive mental health: concepts, evidence and Hum Neurosci. 6, 1–15. Kaplan, R., and Kaplan, S. (1989). The Experience of
practice. International Journal of Mental Health Faber Taylor, A., and Kuo, F.E. (2009). Children with Nature: a Psychological Perspective (New York:
Promotion 11 (3), 4–17. attention deficits concentrate better after walk in Cambridge University Press).
Berman, M.G., Jonides, J., and Kaplan, S. (2008). The the park. J Atten Disord. 12 (5), 402–409. Kaplan, S., and Berman, M.G. (2010). Directed attention
cognitive benefits of interacting with nature. Psy- Faber Taylor, A., and Kuo, F.E.M. (2011). Could expo- as a common resource for executive functioning
chological Science 19, 1207–212. sure to everyday green spaces help treat ADHD? and self-regulation. Perspectives on Psychological
Berman, M.G., Kross, E., Krpan, K.M., Askren, M.K., Bur- Evidence from children’s play settings. Applied Science 5, 43–57.
son, A., Deldin, P.J., Kaplan, S., Sherdell, L., Gotlib, Psychology: Health and Well-Being 3 (3), 281–303. Lohr, V.I., Pearson-Mims, C.H., and Goodwin, G.K. (1996).
I.H., and Jonides, J. (2012). Interacting with nature Fjeld, T., Veiersted, B., Sandvik, L., Riise, G., and Levy, F. Interior plants may improve worker productivity
improves cognition and affect for individuals (1998). The effect of indoor foliage plants on health and reduce stress in a windowless environment.
with depression. J. Affect Disord. 140 (3), 300–305. and discomfort symptoms among office workers. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 14, 97–100.
Blumenthal, J.A., Babyak, M.A., Moore, K.A., Craig- Indoor and Built Environment 7 (4), 204–209. Mooney, P., and Nicell, P.L. (1992). The importance of
head, W.E., Herman, S., Khatri, P., Waugh, R., Napoli- Grahn, P., and Stigsdotter, U.K. (2010). The relation exterior environment for Alzheimer residents:
tano, M.A., Forman, L.M., et al. (1999). Effects of between perceived sensory dimensions of urban effective care and risk management. Healthc Man-
exercise training on older patients with major green space and stress restoration. Landscape age Forum 5 (2), 23–29.
depression. Arch Intern Med. 159 (19), 2349–2356. and Urban Planning 94 (3-4), 264–275. Murray, C.J.L., and Lopez, A.D., eds. (1996). The global
Bratman, G.N., Daily, G.C., Levy, B.J., and Gross, J.J. Grinde, B., and Patil, G.G. (2009). Biophilia: does burden of disease: a comprehensive assessment of
(2015). The benefits of nature experience: visual contact with nature impact on health and mortality and disability from diseases, injuries and
Improved affect and cognition. Landscape and well-being? Int J Environ Res Public Health 6 (9), risk factors in 1990 and projected to 2020. In Global
Urban Planning 138, 41–50. 2332–2343. Burden of Disease and Injury Series, Vol. 1 (Cam-
Bringslimark, T., Hartig, T., and Patil, G.G. (2007). Psy- Hartig, T., Mang, M., and Evans, G.W. (1991). Restora- bridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
chological benefits of indoor plants in workplac- tive effects of natural environment experiences. Orsega-Smith, E., Mowen, A.J., Payne, L.L., and Godbey,
es: putting experimental results into context. Environment and Behavior 23 (1), 3–26. G. (2004). The interaction of stress and park use on
HortScience 42 (3), 581–87. Hull, R.B., and Michael, S.E. (1995). Nature-based rec- psycho-physiological health in older adults. Journal
Brown, K.W., and Ryan, R.M. (2003). The benefits of reation, mood change, and stress restoration. Lei- of Leisure Research 36 (2), 232–257.
being present: mindfulness and its role in psycho- sure Sciences 17 (1), 1–14. Pace, T.W., Negi, L.T., Adame, D.D., Cole, S.P., Sivilli, T.I.,
logical well-being. J Pers Soc Psychol. 84, 822–848. James, A. (2015). Pocket Mindfulness. http://www. Brown, T.D., Issa, M.J., and Raison, C.L. (2009). Effect of
Chang, C.-Y., and Chen, P.-K. (2005). Human response pocketmindfulness.com/6-mindfulness-exercis- compassion meditation on neuroendocrine, innate
to window views and indoor plants in the work- es-you-can-try-today/ (Accessed July 6, 2015). immune and behavioral responses to psychosocial
place. HortScience 40 (5), 1354–59. Jha, A.P., Krompinger, J., and Baime, M.J. (2007). Mind- stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology 34, 87–98.
Cimprich, B., and Ronis, D.L. (2003). An environmental fulness training modifies subsystems of attention. Plambech, T., and Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C.C.
intervention to restore attention in women with Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci. 7, 109–119. (2015). The impact of nature on creativity – a study
newly diagnosed breast cancer. Cancer Nurs. 26 Jiang, B., Li, D., Larsen, L., and Sullivan, W.C. (2014). A among Danish creative professionals. Urban Forest-
(4), 284–293. dose-response curve describing the relationship ry & Urban Greening 14, 255–263.
Cimprich, B., So, H., Ronis, D.L., and Trask, C. (2005). between urban tree cover density and self-reported Rappe, E., and Kivelä, S.L. (2005). Effects of garden visits
Pre-treatment factors related to cognitive func- stress recovery. Environment and Behavior http:// on long-term care residents as related to depression.
tioning in women newly diagnosed with breast dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013916514552321. HortTechnology 15, 298–303
cancer. Psychooncology 14 (1), 70–78. Jonveaux, T.R., Batt, M., Fescharek, R., Benetos, A., Trog- Shibata, S., and Suzuki, N. (2002). Effects of the foliage
Davis, J. (2004). Psychological Benefits of Nature non, A., Bah Chuzeville, S., Pop, A., Jacob, C., Yzoard, plant on task performance and mood. Journal of
Experiences: an Outline of Research and Theory M., and Demarche, L. (2013). Healing gardens and Environmental Psychology 22 (3), 265–272.
(Naropa University). cognitive behavioral units in the management of Slagter, H.A., Davidson, R.J., and Lutz, A. (2011). Mental train-
Desbordes, G., Negi, L.T., Pace, T.W., Wallace, B.A., Alzheimer’s disease patients: the Nancy experience. ing as a tool in the neuroscientific study of brain and
Raison, C.L., and Schwartz, E.L. (2012). Effects of Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 34 (1), 325–338. cognitive plasticity. Front Hum Neurosci. 5, 135–159.

10 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
Taylor, A.F., Kuo, F.E., and Sullivan, W.C. (2001). Cop- sionally as a landscape architect and as
ing with ADD: The surprising connection to an environmental planner. Kathy’s studies
green play settings. Environment and Behavior are based on the principles of environmen-
33 (1), 54–77. tal psychology; her professional mission is
Tennessen, C.M., and Cimprich, B. (1995). Views to to discover, understand and communicate
nature: effects on attention. Journal of Environ- human behavior and benefits, as people
mental Psychology 15 (1), 77–85. experience nature in cities and towns. More-
Ulrich, R.S. (2002). Health benefits of gardens in over, Kathy is interested in how scientific
hospitals. Paper presented at: Plants for People, information can be integrated into local
International Exhibition Floriade. government policy and planning. She is a
USDHHS (U.S. Department of Health and Human member of, or has served with, national
Services). (1996). Physical Activity and Health: organizations that promote nature in cities:
a Report of the Surgeon General. (Atlanta, GA: the Environmental Design Research Asso-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ciation, the International Society of Arbori-
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention culture, the Society of American Foresters,
and Health Promotion), pp.278. the Transportation Research Board national
Wolf, K.L. (2015). Green Cities: Good Health. www. > Kathleen L. Wolf committee on Landscape and Environment,
greenhealth.washington.edu (last modified the Washington State Community Forestry
October 9, 2015). > About the author Council, as well as a technical contributor on
Wolf, K.L., and Robbins, A.S.T. (2015). Metro nature, Dr. Kathleen Wolf is a Research Social Scien- human well-being to the Sustainable Sites
environmental health, and economic value. tist with the College of the Environment, Initiative, and Research Advisor to the TKF
Environ Health Perspect. 123 (5), 390–98. University of Washington, and is a key Foundation’s Nature Sacred program. Dr.
Wolf, K.L., Measells, M.K., Grado, S.C., and Robbins, collaborator with the US Forest Service Wolf has presented her research throughout
A.S. (2015). Economic values of metro nature Pacific NW Research Station on a research the United States, in Canada, Europe, Aus-
health benefits: a life course approach. Urban program about Urban Forestry and Stew- tralia and Japan. An overview of Dr. Wolf’s
Forestry & Urban Greening 14, 694–701. ardship. Since receiving her Ph.D. from the research programs can be found at www.
Zeidan, F., Johnson, S.K., Diamond, B.J., David, Z., and University of Michigan, Dr. Wolf has done naturewithin.info, and a review of nature-
Goolkasian, P. (2010). Mindfulness meditation research to better understand the human based health benefits at Green Cities: Good
improves cognition: evidence of brief mental dimensions of urban forestry and urban Health: www.greenhealth.washington.edu.
training. Conscious Cogn. 19, 597–605. ecosystems. She has also worked profes- E-mail: kwolf@uw.edu

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Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 11

> Multifunctional rooftop
horticulture: a promising strategy
for intensifying horticulture
production in cities
Francesco Orsini, Marielle Dubbeling and Giorgio Gianquinto

In our urbanizing society, urban horticulture is gaining relevance due to its potential to limited start-up and maintenance costs of the
increase resource efficiency, contribute to city food security and enhance associated garden, the scarcity of regulatory standards
ecosystem and social services. In cities, however, spaces available for cultivation are (e.g. both in terms of produce quality and safe-
limited, thus leading to the need to explore innovative growing solutions, for instance, ty, as well as on the building structure/safety/
plant cultivation on building rooftops. While rooftop horticulture experiences are load) and the strong orientation toward infor-
“sprouting” all over the world, scientific evidence on the most suitable growing solu- mal and community-based marketing options.
tions, policies and potential benefits is growing. The present review will address the Nonetheless, more high-tech and commercial
main features of rooftop horticulture, providing an interdisciplinary assessment of rooftop gardens are being promoted on top of
different approaches for development and the multi-faceted forms that rooftop hor- supermarkets, restaurants or office buildings
ticulture may assume in different contexts, bringing together existing experiences as in some situations, e.g. in China.
well as suggestions for planning of future sustainable cities. At the same time, the growth of rooftop hor-
ticulture in western countries is facing its
own challenges. As the food production and
marketing sector is strongly regulated, urban
Rooftop horticulture: top horticulture may convert unused spaces actors are required to adhere to standards
status and challenges such as building covers into food-producing that were created for rural environments and
With the urban population now surpassing units, providing a number of benefits for city horticulture. Also, further development and
the rural one (Batty, 2015), the relevance of dwellers (Eigenbrod and Gruda, 2015). Roof- innovations of the required technologies is
urban food production is today commonly top farming generally differs in the Global needed, in order for rooftop farms to become
recognised among national and internation- North and Global South of the world with financially sustainable. Furthermore, as the
al bodies (Orsini et al., 2013; De Zeeuw and regards to the growing systems used, as well sector emerges, starting costs for such com-
Drechsel, 2015). Given the scarcity and high as the main functions associated with it (that mercial and intensive systems are high, while
cost of land in cities, different agricultural range from food production to a number of profit or time for return on the investment
and horticultural production and value chain social and ecosystem services) (Viljoen and are still uncertain. In addition, a main factor
intensification strategies are being explored Howe, 2012). As rooftop farming experienc- limiting the wider uptake and up-scaling of
in a number of cities and towns across the es expand across the world, scientific infor- rooftop horticulture turns out to be the lack
world. These include: (1) Optimising land/space mation and evidence is being collected by of coherent interdisciplinary policy frame-
rent of agricultural/horticultural production a number of research institutions about the works, which should guide practitioners and
by intensifying soil-based cropping and animal ways to integrate current cultivation tech- investors into the sector. These should take
husbandry, developing non-soil based produc- nologies in urban buildings (recently referred into consideration policies for food security,
tion systems (hydroponics, containers) and/ to as “Zero-Acreage Farming”, or “ZFarming”) climate change adaptation, comprehensive
or switching to above ground, building-borne and how to maximise benefits associated with planning legislation, building regulations and
systems (like rooftop gardening); (2) Optimis- the different functions of urban horticulture overall the multi-functionality of rooftop hor-
ing income-adding value to horticultural pro- (Thomaier et al., 2015). In developing countries, ticulture (Specht et al., 2014).
duction (including processing and direct pro- rooftop horticulture started to be adopted in
ducer-consumer relationships); (3) Optimising the late eighties, mainly through the adop- Rooftop crop production
multiple urban functions of horticultural value tion of simplified low-depth soil and soilless The main distinction amongst different roof-
chains (including recreation, landscape man- systems (e.g. in wooden containers and using top horticulture projects relates to the tech-
agement and other functions); and (4) Opti- rice hulls or coir as growing substrates) (Maru- nologies applied. Most widely used are the
mising resource utilisation – improving the landa and Izquierdo, 1993). Today, success- low-level technological systems such as those
spatial connectivity of horticultural activities ful income-generating rooftop horticulture found on the rooftops of women’s associa-
(promoting waste-water re-use in horticultural experiences have been reported in a number tions in Trujillo, Peru (Mezzetti et al., 2010), but
production; better linking waste management, of countries, including Senegal (Saydee and also on social housing buildings in the city of
production, processing and marketing-pro- Ujereh, 2002), Peru (Mezzetti et al., 2010), Egypt Bologna, Italy (Marchetti et al., 2015) (Figure 1).
moting food hubs) (Mougeot, 2015). (Gertel and Samir, 2000), China and India (Doshi These systems, first developed as a way to pro-
This article will specifically look into the first et al., 2003). Common features of these experi- mote urban horticulture in the dense urban
strategy and the possibility of supporting cul- ences are the low technical skills of the farm- and low-income areas of developing countries,
tivation over existing paved surfaces, specifi- ers involved, the use of low-cost materials and are characterised by the following features
cally in the form of rooftop horticulture. Roof- lower water-using production systems; the (Orsini et al., 2014):

12 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
Q Figure 1. Rooftop gardens in Dakar, Senegal (top left, Photo: M. Dubbeling), Cairo, Egypt (top right, Photo: Neveen Metwally),
Trujillo, Peru (bottom left) and Bologna, Italy (bottom right), bottom two photos: F. Orsini.

• Growing containers are made from recycled • Production mainly occurs in hydroponic tems), must be adapted to urban and roof-
materials (e.g. plastic bags or boxes, wooden systems, with the root system constantly top environments. In this specific context,
containers, PVC pipes, bricks) (Figure 2). or periodically wetted by a nutrient the main challenges include optimising the
• Growing media is either made out of solution composed of water and dissolved use of available resources (residual heat use,
compost (no fertilisation supplied) or by mineral nutrients. rainwater or grey water use for irrigation, CO2
easily available and cheap materials (e.g. rice • Greenhouses are used in order to guarantee exchange, etc.), as well as conflicts between
hulls, coir, sawdust, peat). Water cultures year-round harvests or to intensify building and greenhouse requirements (e.g.
may be also used (in the form of simplified production (Figure 4). weight and wind load, compatibility with a
Nutrient Film Technique or floating • Production is mainly sold through defined building’s equipment and compliance with
system), although generally with reduced marketing channels, trade promotion architectural codes, fire resistance and safe-
automation (e.g. manual water circulation strategies (social/eco labels) and a ty/access requirements).
and oxygenation control). relevant rate of income is associated to
• Production is highly diversified (monoculture non-horticultural services (events, courses, Managing plant cultivation
is rare), and mainly occurs under open air catering, etc.). on rooftops
(although shade nets are used in hotter • Professional skills are involved in As plant cultivation enters the city and is
climates). agronomic and financial management conducted on top of buildings, a number of
• Growers are living nearby (often in the and in promotion/dissemination activities. agronomical, ecological and environmental
same building), and generally cultivate as a Voluntary workers are often present. issues arise. Specific challenges are associ-
family or a community (e.g. neighbourhood, • Particular care is given to the use of ated with nutrient and water management,
women’s groups) (Figure 3). alternative/renewable energy sources environmental conditions shaped by the
• Rooftop horticulture is promoted not only as (e.g. solar, wind) and energy/resource use urban environment (e.g. exposure to wind,
a response to lack of alternative space on the efficiency (e.g. composting, rainwater sunlight, rain), the relationship with bene-
ground, but also for safety issues (e.g. against collection from greenhouse or waste water ficial fauna and pests, and safety measures
theft) or social purposes (improvement of re-use, LED lighting, residual heat recovery). required to obtain high quality products.
the environment, community management Rooftop greenhouse and high-tech cultiva- When container cultivation is adopted, the
of joint resources, creation of a multi-purpose tion systems share many features with con- integration of compost (either prepared indi-
family space). ventional greenhouses. Nevertheless, most vidually by the garden user or obtained from
Alternatively, more sophisticated and techno- of the available technology (greenhouse community composting) is advisable, since
logical systems present the following charac- structure and covering materials, heating it also reduces the urban ecological foot-
terising features: and cooling systems, soilless cultivation sys- print (Grard et al., 2015). Alternatively, when

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 13

sodium, chloride and carbonates, which may
result in lower crop yields. Periodic water anal-
yses and mixing with alternative water sourc-
es prior to distribution are recommended.
Controlling pests in rooftop horticulture also
demands specific management techniques dif-
ferent to those commonly practiced in rural
horticulture. Urban environments lack the bio-
diversity commonly found in the surrounding
countryside. On the one hand, pest pressure is
generally reduced because of the low presence
of alternative host crops/plants throughout the
year. On the other hand, use of closed pro-
duction systems (greenhouses), may result in
combinations of high moisture and tempera-
ture levels that increase pest and disease inci-
dence. In addition, the low horticultural skills of
urban farmers, together with the application of
wide-spectra pesticides may not only be harm-
ful for human health, but also seriously threat-
en the beneficial fauna that otherwise would
find a suitable environment in rooftop green
infrastructures. In order to promote biodiversi-
ty, the use of perennial plants and flowering at
different times of the year will be important to
offer a permanent source of food and shelter
for beneficial insects. The inclusion of small
ponds may enable the creation of aquatic hab-
itats that attract water-loving insects, although
care would need to be taken to avoid the cre-
ation of mosquito breeding grounds.
Sustainable cultivation management in cities
should also consider how air pollution may
affect produce safety. Air pollutants (includ-
ing heavy metals and particulate matter) may
pose a risk to the edibility of the products.
Recent reports have addressed the problem
Q Figure 2. Simplified soilless systems for rooftop farming. Simplified Nutrient Film of how heavy metals may accumulate in soils,
Technique on PVC pipes (top), container cultivation in pallets (center), in plant tissue and on plant surfaces, draw-
and simplified floating system (bottom). Photos: F. Orsini. ing attention to the potential risks associated
with urban agriculture and horticulture (Säu-
plants are grown in hydroponics (e.g. nutrient acid rain is common) and the absence of legal mel et al., 2012; Jean-Soro et al., 2015). However,
film technique or deep water culture), min- limitations on its use. It is often easy to collect when urban products were compared to those
eral fertilisers need to be dissolved directly rain on rooftops. Retaining rainwater on roof- obtained in concurrent experiments in hor-
into the water. As compared to traditional tops has additional benefits in terms of storm ticultural production zones (where pollution
commercial cultivation, problems may arise water management, related reduction of flood from industrial use or intensive fertilisation
in finding adequate fertilisers (not commonly risks and a decrease in water volume going existed), differences in accumulation were
distributed within cities) and in overall meet- to waste-water treatment facilities and their negligible (Vittori Antisari et al., 2015). Further-
ing of plant nutritional needs whilst avoiding associated energy and environmental costs more, by using soilless systems rather than soil
salinity. This may be exacerbated by the fact (Cohen and Wijsman, 2014). However, con- and moving the cultivation from the ground to
that water used is generally obtained from straints in relying on rainwater may include a building rooftop, heavy metal risk was dra-
municipal distribution systems, and, although the uncertainty of replenishment of the res- matically reduced, for example, in both rose-
drinkable, may not be optimal for irrigating ervoirs (and therefore the need for possible mary and eggplant (Vittori Antisari et al., 2015).
plants (mainly due to high chlorine concentra- alternative water sources), and the additional
tion). Other drawbacks of tap water usage are weight load on the building if the water is Multi-functional rooftop
its high cost, that may represent up to 80% of stored on the rooftop. Greywater treatment is horticulture
the total cultivation costs, excluding labour another option that can involve the re-use of The most immediate function associated
(Sanyé-Mengual et al., 2015) and competition the building water. When greywater is used for with rooftop cultivation is obviously the pro-
with the use of water for drinking, especially irrigation of edible crops, however, care needs duction of food. A study comparing differ-
in water-scarce areas. Possible alternatives are to be taken in order to respect regulations and ent urban cultivation systems in Cleveland
provided by either rainwater harvesting or standards for both chemical and microbiolog- (Ohio, USA) showed that hydroponic systems
greywater treatment. Rainwater is often used ical quality (by including and properly main- produced an average of 19.5 kg m-2 year-1 ver-
because of its optimal microbiological and bio- taining filtration devices). Furthermore, grey- sus 1.3 kg m-2 year-1 obtained in conventional
chemical features (care should be taken when water may have unwanted concentrations of on-ground urban gardens (Grewal and Grew-

14 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
• By evaporation, green roofs contribute to
“cooling-off” ambient temperatures;
• Absorb pollution/dust particles.
By covering and protecting the roof from direct
solar radiation (directly shading the building
surface, which would otherwise absorb heat),
rooftop gardens can reduce heat flux into the
building, thus increasing – in periods of high
temperature – thermal comfort for rooms
located directly under the rooftop. Green and
horticultural roofs thus reduce heat transfer
through the roof and also reduce ambient
temperatures on the roof surface, because
a concrete building mass also radiates the
stored heat again to the environment. Ear-
lier research done in Durban (South Africa)
showed that the air temperature above a bare
roof was indeed higher than above a green
roof. The average ambient air temperature
above the green roof and bare roof from 24
March 2009 to 24 November 2009 was 22 and
41°C, respectively, thus showing an 18°C tem-
perature difference. On average, there was
a 2.7°C fluctuation in ambient temperatures
above the green roof habitat with a maximum
difference in temperature between the low-
est and highest reading of 17.6°C. In contrast,
the average fluctuation in ambient tempera-
tures above the blank roof was 9.8°C, with a
Q Figure 3. Community rooftop garden and bee keeping at Dakakker project, maximum difference in temperature between
Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Photos: G. Silvestri. the lowest and highest reading of 45.6°C (Van
Niekerk et al., 2011).
al, 2012). Other studies report yields ranging tems or to integrate greywater regenerating Apart from having a direct impact on build-
from 18 (Altieri et al., 1999) to 50 (Drescher, units. In addition, the utilisation of re-usable ing temperature comfort and on ambient
2004) kg m-2 year-1. At city level in Toronto (Can- elements (like building or waste materials) temperatures above the rooftop, rooftop gar-
ada), Peck (2003) estimated that from 65 ha of and the intensity of garden use improved dens may also contribute to cooling the city.
“greened” rooftops growing vegetable crops, the sustainability performance. The financial Hard surfaces in urban environments, such as
a yield of 4,700 t year−1 could be generated, viability of the production of vegetables was concrete, brick, asphalt and roofing, have a
based on a mean yield of 7 kg m-2 year-1. Kaeth- maximised for eggplant (0.13 € kg-1) and toma- high thermal mass, collecting the sun’s heat
ler (2006) stated that in Vancouver (Canada), it to (0.16 € kg-1) grown on substrate. Consistent- during the day and re-radiating it slowly back
was easy to find rooftop gardens producing ly, rooftop farming production proved to be into the atmosphere. This contributes to a
food above supermarkets, restaurants and an environmentally-friendly option to further rise in the ambient temperature in cities. The
social housing. Likewise, in Bologna (Italy), it develop urban local food security. degree to which temperature can be affect-
was estimated that if the 82 ha of available Beyond food production, the presence of ed depends on the growing medium used
rooftops hosted simplified soilless gardens, greened infrastructures in urban environ- (degree of evapotranspiration), soil depth,
a potential yield of 12,500 t year-1 could be ments may contribute not only to the mitiga- proportion of rooftop coverage, and the use
obtained, covering more than three quarters tion of the urban heat island (Rosenzweig et of vertical space (e.g. also use of rooftop
of the city’s vegetable requirements (Orsini et al., 2006) but also to a wide range of ecosys- building facades, use of multi-layered tables).
al., 2014). In the same case study, other poten- tem services, such as improving air quality For rooftop horticulture involving green-
tial benefits were estimated, including the (Speak et al., 2012), providing resilience to houses, the overall impact on climate change
creation of green corridors for biodiversity exceptional meteorological events (Gregoire adaptation and temperature effects is hard
(up to 94 km of green corridors and a density and Clausen, 2011), improving storm water to estimate. Greenhouses will reduce direct
of 0.67 km km-2). Additional studies on the management (Cohen and Wijsman, 2014) solar radiation on rooftop surfaces and thus
same pilot garden enabled identification of and improving urban biodiversity and urban help reduce rooftop and building tempera-
the overall environmental and financial sus- greening (Madre et al., 2014). tures. However, compared to open rooftop
tainability of the proposed growing systems Micro-climate/temperature effects of roof- farms there will be no open air evaporation
(Sanyé-Mengual et al., 2015). According to the top farms can be high, as they: and cooling, so impacts on overall ambient air
survey, cultivation technique, crop yield and • Protect the roof from direct solar radiation temperature is estimated to be lower. There
crop period strongly affected the environ- and thus reduce transfer of heat into the has been promotion of greenhouse rooftop
mental and economic outputs. For all types building mass below the green surface. This gardens in temperate climates for reduc-
of production, irrigation was the element reduces both temperatures on rooftops tion of cold temperatures (and thus heating
that had the greatest impact on the envi- themselves (comparing a green with a dark requirements), rather than for use in more
ronment, thus supporting the recommenda- roof) and helps improve thermal comfort in tropical climates to help lower summer tem-
tion to implement rainwater harvesting sys- apartments just below the roof; peratures (and thus cooling requirements).

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 15

Greenhouses will not directly contribute to
public greening (instead roofs will be covered
with glass) and high investment costs may
limit the potential for larger application.
Ambient cooling effects on a city (or neigh-
bourhood) level can be expected only if larg-
er areas of (preferably geographically-con-
centrated) rooftops – and other open spaces
– are covered with vegetation. A scenario
study implemented in 2009 in Melbourne
(Australia), indicated that Average Summer
Daily Maximum (ASDM) temperatures would
be reduced by 0.3°C by doubling the density
of vegetation in the central business dis-
trict, or by 0.4°C with green roofs (green roof
vegetation was 0.5 m high and covered 50%
of building rooftops completely). Increasing
vegetation density both at ground level and
with green roofs reduced ASDM tempera-
tures by 0.7°C. The same relative effect of
vegetation on ASDM temperatures was pre-
dicted for 2050 and 2090 scenarios following
expected climate change trends (Khare and
Beckman, 2013). A 2005 study in Toronto,
Canada, modelled the effect of implement-
ing green roofs on low-rise buildings with
low slope and flat roofs of areas greater Q Figure 4. Gotham Greens rooftop greenhouse on the Whole Foods Market
than 350 m2, and concluded that green roofs, in Gowanus, New York City. Photos: K. Specht.
implemented as a city-wide strategy, could
mitigate the heat island effect by reducing ent noise levels in the city centre, as well as urban neighbourhoods and in areas where
local ambient temperatures by 0.5 to 2°C in office complexes, dense housing develop- land is scarce/polluted or highly priced.
(Banting et al., 2005). ments, and industrial zones (van Niekerk et Based on the many economic, social, envi-
Green and horticultural roofs can improve al., 2011). Noise reduction is dependent on ronmental and ecological benefits, and the
the living environment in cities, by bringing the thickness of the roof and the amount of large amount of open rooftop space avail-
nature back to often densely build-up spaces. (permanent) vegetation cover. able, the conversion of paved rooftops into
Horticultural green roofs offer opportunities Finally, green infrastructures may also have urban green infrastructures seems a suit-
for relaxation and physical exercise close to social (e.g. recreational, educational, etc.) and able strategy for most of our cities. However,
people’s homes. Rooftops can also contrib- financial functions (e.g. by increasing proper- further technological and policy develop-
ute to the creation of a network of green ty values) (Thomaier et al., 2015). ment is required to design efficient rooftop
spaces (green mosaic), connecting to other horticulture systems that optimise space
green open areas in the city (e.g. gardens, Concluding remarks and their different benefits.
parks, public green spaces, water bodies). This article summarises the different models Transforming rooftops into horticultural
Plants can also act as noise buffers, reflect- and various advantages associated with roof- land may be seen, not only as a way to pro-
ing and absorbing some sound. For example, top horticulture. Taking into account the mul- vide a function for these urban vacant spac-
dense vegetation can reduce noise levels by tiple challenges cities are faced with to pro- es, but also as a feasible strategy to return
up to 5 dB for every 30 m of vegetation, up vide enough food, environmental surfaces, horticulture and green areas to spaces that
to a maximum reduction of 10 dB. Green roof and green and liveable areas for their citizens, have been turned into grey, hot and built-
habitats could therefore play an important rooftop horticulture is one form of urban hor- up areas during rapid, and often ill-planned,
role in absorbing and dampening the ambi- ticulture that has specific potential in dense urbanisation processes.

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> About the authors

Dr. Francesco Orsini is a researcher at the
Research Centre for Agriculture and Biodiver-
sity in the Urban Environment (RESCUE-AB),
Agricultural Sciences Dept., University of
Bologna, Italy. Francesco is a FAO-UN consul-
tant in urban agriculture projects. He has also
been involved in the following EU projects:
“Hortis”, “Urban Green Train”, “Urban Agricul-
ture Europe” and “Urban Allotment Gardens
in European Cities”. E-mail: f.orsini@unibo.it
(corresponding author)
Dr. Marielle Dubbeling is the Director of > Francesco Orsini > Marielle Dubbeling > Giorgio Gianquinto
RUAF Foundation-International network of
Resource centres on Urban Agriculture and change adaptation and mitigation”. E-mail: on Landscape and Urban Horticulture, FAO-
Food security. She is the Coordinator of the m.dubbeling@ruaf.org UN consultant in urban agriculture projects,
RUAF involvement in the UN Habitat pro- Prof. Giorgio Gianquinto is full professor of and has been Coordinator of the EU projects,
gramme on “Integrating urban and peri-ur- Horticulture, Director of the Research Cen- “Hortis” and “Urban Green Train”. He was also
ban agriculture and forestry in city climate tre for Agriculture and Biodiversity in the Convener of the 2nd International Conference
change programmes” and research coordi- Urban Environment (RESCUE-AB), Agricultural on Landscape and Urban Horticulture held
nator for a project on “Monitoring impacts Sciences Dept., University of Bologna, Italy. in Bologna, Italy, in June 2009. E-mail: giorgio.
of urban agriculture and forestry on climate He is currently Chair of the ISHS Commission gianquinto@unibo.it

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 17

on Honoured
ISHS Members
> Dan Cantliffe

Position or previous
Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
University of Florida, USA

ISHS honour
Fellow and Honorary Member

> Dan and Biological Scientist, Nicole Pratt,

1. Tell us a bit about yourself (hometown, looking at their Beit alpha seedless cucumber crop.
current locale, family, hobbies, and com-
munity involvement?) especially football and basketball, antique 3. Give a brief overview of your career/
I was raised in River Edge, New Jersey, a sub- collecting and now, once again, vegetable achievements
urban community about 10 miles outside of gardening. I am involved with many volun- My CV gives an overview of my career and
New York City. After attending undergraduate teer projects, spending quite a bit of time is over 125 pages in length, thus what can
school at Delaware Valley College in Doyles- working with The Florida Parks Service as a be considered achievements includes many
town, Pennsylvania, then graduate school at volunteer at the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings different areas. In the area of research I pub-
Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, Farm in Cross Creek, Florida. I am presently lished over 900 papers, over 200 refereed, and
I did a post doctorate at Cornell University President of the Four Winds Condo Associa- many in Acta Horticulturae. In the teaching
in New York. I then accepted a position with tion Board in Crescent Beach, Florida. area I was major advisor to some 70 graduate
Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario students, and I taught courses in both the grad-
(HRIO), in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada working 2. What got you started in a career in horti- uate and undergraduate areas (while Chair I
as a horticulturist at the Simcoe Research cultural science? was teaching five courses in alternate years).
Centre. Four years later we moved to Gaines- My career in horticulture started because My Extension duties consisted of state-wide
ville, Florida and the University of Florida, I didn’t want to go to college in the first Extension Administrative Leadership for Vege-
where I worked for 42 years, going through place. I had no clue what horticulture was tables, working with growers, giving talks with
the ranks from Assistant Professor to Distin- when I started college, and in fact I couldn’t growers and writing publications for growers. I
guished Professor. I also served as Chairman even spell it! I was fortunate to be pushed was the County Extension Director in St. Johns
of the Vegetable Crops Department, then as by, yes, my mother, to attend college and County for several years. I was President of
Chair of the combined Fruit and Vegetable to apply to Delaware Valley College, a very the Florida State Horticultural Society (FSHS),
Crops Departments (the equivalent to a Hor- small college (at the time only 400 male stu- the American Society for Horticultural Science
ticultural Sciences Department) for 27 years. dents, now renamed Delaware Valley Univer- (ASHS) and Section Chair for Vegetables in ISHS,
I maintained an extremely active Research, sity and a much larger institution) specializ- a position I held for eight years. I have been
Teaching and Extension program during this ing in agricultural studies. As Freshmen, we awarded numerous honours including Honor-
time as well. were required to take a general course that ary Member and Fellow of ISHS, Fellow of ASHS,
My wife, Beth, and I were married two weeks surveyed the various agricultural curricula Distinguished Agricultural Alumni at Purdue
after graduation from undergraduate school. taught at the college. One of those tracks was University, ASHS Outstanding Researcher, ASHS
Our family has loved living in Gainesville, a Horticulture, and that’s where I met Dr. Josh- Outstanding Graduate Educator, and ASHS and
true University town. We raised four daugh- ua Feldstein. He tuned me into the fascina- UF Outstanding International Horticulturalist,
ters there, who all went to college and were tion of working with plants, watching them Seed Scientist Award from the Crop Science
married in Gainesville. We now have nine grow and studying how they function. By the Society of America and about 25 other awards
grandchildren, and three of the four daugh- end of my Freshmen year I had already decid- and honours. Being vetted and then approved
ters live within three miles of our home. I ed that this was going to be my career and by the University Faculty Tenure and Promo-
have had numerous hobbies through the that I wanted to go to graduate school so that tion Committee as Distinguished Professor
years, but continue with UF Gator athletics, I could become a Professor of Horticulture. was a highlight of my career.

18 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
day. We also visited all the Hawaiian Islands,
some multiple times.

7. What made you become a member of

ISHS and why did you keep the member-
ship? What contribution or role has ISHS
played in your career?
I attended my first ISHS meeting in 1977 at
the University of Nottingham, in England.
My wife and parents came along for the ride
and it proved to be more fun than I could
ever imagine. I enjoyed the interactions with
people at the international level and immedi-
ately became a totally active ISHS member. I
went to many subsequent meetings, always
introducing my graduate students to the fun
and excellence in attending an ISHS meeting.
I hosted numerous ISHS symposia, the first
one in 1985 in Tampa, Florida, and edited
numerous Actas, from symposia both in the
USA and overseas. In order to give back to
ISHS, I was a USA Council member for 24 years,
and was elected to two terms as Section Chair
of Vegetables. ISHS helped me see the real
> Dan working with undergraduate student, Rachel Ben-Avraham, horticulture as a global science. ISHS intro-
looking at seed production in greenhouse peppers. duced me to hundreds of exciting people and
brought me to dozens of new countries.
4. What do you consider were your great- tionship with Dr. Dick Robinson related to
est achievements? growth hormonal effects on cucurbits. This 8. What advice would you give to young
Raising a family while working all this time, could never happen today, and most folks people interested in a career in horticul-
raising four beautiful daughters and main- would quiver at just the thought of complet- ture/horticultural science?
taining a happy marriage for over 50 years. ing a research degree away from their home The best advice that I can give is the advice
University in 18 months while holding down a that I have followed for my entire career: have
5. Did you encounter difficulties along full time job. This experience is what groomed fun, enjoy what you do and strive for excel-
your career path and how did you deal me for what was to come, how to balance my lence. Also, know when to let go, know when
with them or how did you turn them into time and get the job done with excellence. My and how to change directions in what you
opportunities? experience at Cornell and Geneva turned out do. Most of all stay connected; this through
Life is a test, so difficulties are merely test to be nothing but fun. And how did I pull all professional societies like ISHS. Attend its
questions or test problems. Getting into that off? Gerry Marx, George MacDonald, and meetings, participate as much as you can,
undergraduate college was no easy chore for Dick Robinson, to mention but a few, cared get to know new people and learn new ideas.
me as I forgot to study in high school. Once about some hybrid cross graduate student/ Always study hard, it doesn’t stop when you
there and involved in my studies, college post-doctoral student. I also learned what leave the classroom. Learn new things, don’t
was easy and fun. When attending graduate scholarship and excellence in science were. I let anything alter your direction when you
school, my interests in plant science and hor- was able to publish over two dozen publica- know you are going in the right direction.
ticulture really blossomed, so much so that tions from all that work in three very different Don’t be afraid to work, but be sure to balance
I didn’t finish my degree, but had two job areas of science, including one publication in your life, always have fun at what you do.
offers. I decided that doing a post-doctoral the Journal of Science.
study at Cornell University would be best for 9. What are the most interesting new roles
me. That was a great decision, unfortunately 6. Tell us about one funny/exciting/inter- or opportunities you see emerging in the
one of my Graduate Committee members (A. esting experience that happened to you future within horticultural science?
Carl Leopold) felt that my dissertation was during your career? Obviously feeding the world. There has never
not the best I could personally do. He was cor- This is an easy answer: doing a sabbatical been a greater need for trained horticulturists,
rect, but both my Committee and the faculty leave at the University of Hawaii. The whole to help grow the crops, look for new produc-
at Cornell felt that I could finish my degree family went and we almost couldn’t find a tion and postharvest ideas, to better under-
while working on the post doc. So my wife, place to live, but once we did we had many stand plants, and to train the next genera-
two kids, and I went to Cornell to learn what friends and family visits as they had a free tion of horticulturists. There has never been
life was all about. Shortened story, I threw place to stay. I got the experience of tropical a greater need for new ideas, new ways to
out all my previous degree research and com- horticulture, living on an island, having every produce more with less and to better under-
pletely started a new program on surfactants day a beautiful day, and having our kids expe- stand a global economy. This is how and why I
and foliar absorption of nutrients, did a post rience a new culture. We made many friends became so connected with horticulture, work-
doc on nitrate pollution, and started a rela- while there, some keeping in touch to this ing closely with a global society like ISHS.

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 19

Science Focus
> Isatis tinctoria L.: an ancient
dye plant of interest as
a multifunctional crop
Ferdinando Branca

The history of the use confirmed the use of I. tinctoria during the ically than from I. tinctoria. It wasn’t until
of Isatis tinctoria Tène A/B1 phase (430-380 B.C.) (Bauman, 1960; the 19th century that Napoleon I brought the
Isatis tinctoria L. is an ancient crop that has Zech-Matterne and Leconte, 2010). culture of the woad crop back again. They
been used as forage to feed animals, as a The Greeks and the Romans used this plant discovered a faster way to extract the indigo
dye by extracting the indigo color from the for the prevention of scurvy and the oil-seeds color, from eight months to a few days, by
leaves and also as a medicinal crop (Epstein have often been used in manufacturing cos- creating an experimental school in Albi to
et al., 1967; Hamburger, 2002; Heinemann metics. They were aware that a mysterious extract indigo from I. tinctoria plants. During
et al., 2004; Spataro and Negri, 2007; Bratt- blue dye existed in India and they called this period, all the soldiers’ clothes were blue
ström et al., 2010). There are about 30 species it indikon or indicum, which was probably (VV. AA., 1833).
belonging to the Isatis genus, all of which obtained from Indigofera tinctoria, and was The woad industry started to decline in the
exhibit yellow flowers, winged seeds and similar to the blue dye of Isatis tinctoria. late 17th century as a consequence of the
indehiscent fruit called silicula. I. tinctoria According to Pliny the Elder and Ovid, the importation into Europe of cheaper indigo
L. is an out-bred biennial, probably native to primitive Britons used this pigment to dye extracted from Indigofera suffruticosa Mill.
south west Asia and south east Europe and it their bodies, and in the De Bello Gallico, Cae- and from Polygonum tinctorium Ait. The crop
has been cultivated since prehistoric times in sar told how the Celtic populations used it was abandoned at the end of the 19th century
Europe (Spataro and Negri, 2007). for tattoos (Giarretta, 1989). Woad was intro- when synthetic dyes were widely utilized
I. tinctoria is a tetraploid species (2n=4x=28) duced as a crop in Italy by the Romans and it and the woad crop disappeared (De Gasparin,
of the tribe Isatideae (Al-Shehbaz et al., 2006), thrived in the central and southern parts of 1818). In 1883, the German chemist, Adolf von
and is known also by the name woad in the the peninsula, such as in Pompei, which was Baeyer, discovered the chemical structure
United Kingdom, guède in France, guado in considered an important center of indigo of the indigotin molecule, and after 14 years
Italy, hierba pastel in Spain, pastel-dos-tin- production (Guarino et al., 2000). he established a process for synthetic indi-
tureiros in Portugal, färberwaid in Germany I. tinctoria was largely cultivated from the go production (Cardon, 2007). In 1897, pure
and vejde in Sweden (Al-Shehbaz et al., 2006). 12th to the 17th century in England (Somerset, indigo started to be commercialized by Badi-
In the past, to use it as dye, the leaves were Lincolnshire), France (Normandy, Somme, sche Anilin und Soda Fabrik (BASF), which
crushed and fermented in an alkaline medi- Languedoc), Germany (Jülich, Thuringia) and spent about 18 million gold marks on related
um by an empirical method in a long complex Italy (Piedmont, Tuscany), to extract the research over 18 years of work (Cardon, 2007).
procedure, which required great skill of the important dye for use as a source of the During the last few decades, interest in natu-
dyers. The “powdered paste” obtained from color indigo (Clark et al., 1993; Hurry, 1930; ral dyes to replace synthetics has increased,
this process was used all over Europe for Oberthür et al., 2004). During the Middle Ages, and plant dyes are now used for several appli-
dyeing (Guarino et al., 2000). the Normans in northern Europe extracted cations, including dyeing foods, textiles, cos-
Classical literary sources show that by the indigo to dye the dresses of the nobles (Mills metics and pharmaceutical preparations. The
first millennium B.C. woad was extensively and White, 1994). Then, in the 12th centu- current demand for natural dyes is very large,
used in south west Asia, in the Mediterra- ry in Italy and France, indigo started to be reaching about 33 million kg annually. This
nean basin, and in temperate Europe (Korber used only by painters. The first use of blue is mainly because of the popularity of blue
Gröhne, 1987). The earliest woad dyed textiles pastel (indigo extracted from woad) was in jeans, which are dyed using indigo. The reduc-
in Europe have been found in a salt mine in France around the year 1515, to colour eyes tion of indigo to leuco-indigo represents an
Hallstatt (Austria) and are up to 3500 years old, in portraits. important type of industrial process, which is
dating from the Bronze (1500-1100 B.C.) and In the Renaissance century in France, Occi- operated worldwide on a considerable scale
Iron (850-350 B.C.) ages (Hofmann-de Keijzer tania gave life to the legendary Cockaigne (Roessler and Jin, 2003; Roessler and Cret-
et al., 2013). Egyptians have used woad to pro- city and Toulouse became the heart of Euro- tenand, 2004; Palmeri et al., 2013).
duce indigo to color bandages for mummifi- pean “blue commerce”. Those who became
cation since the 14th century B.C. in the Fayum the most famous in the pasteliers history The species, Isatis tinctoria L.
province (Bauman, 1960). Initially, they utilized settled there, accumulating extraordinary The genus Isatis is represented by 30 annu-
Indigofera argentea, which was widespread fortunes. Olivier de Serre, who was a French al-biennial and perennial (I. tinctoria ssp.
as a wild species in Nubia, Kordofan, Semar agronomist, wrote in his book “Theatre d’Ag- canescens) species, most of which are
and Abssynia, and later, in pre and early Chris- riculture” in the year 1600, “on this side of the believed to produce indigo (Ball and Akeroyd,
tian times, they started to use Isatis tinctoria, whole kingdom, pastel doesn’t come as good 1991). Under natural conditions, the seeds of
which was grown all across western Asia, as from Lauraguais”. The European woad was I. tinctoria germinate in summer, the plant
southern Europe and England (Pfister, 1935; widely marketed until the 17th century, after produces leaf rosettes during autumn and
Lucas, 1962). A new archaeobotanical find on which it was replaced by the tropical indi- winter, and it produces flower stems and
the site of Roissy “Zac Demi Lune”, depart- go (i.e. Indigofera spp.) because the pigment seeds for reproduction the following spring
ment of Val d’Oise, north of Paris, France, could be extracted more easily and econom- (Angelini et al., 2005). The plant is usually

20 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e


> Different stages of plant development of Isatis tinctoria L. A) Seeds, B) Young plantlets in the field, C) Young inflorescences,
D) Inflorescences slightly more developed, E) Young infloresences of I. tinctoria ssp. canescens being harvested for use as vegetables
after cooking, F) Plants in full flower. Photos A and B by Science and Technology Park of Sicily, C-F by Ferdinando Branca.

harvested for indigo production in winter. to I. tinctoria ssp. canescens (DC.) Arcang., Technological processing
The plant prefers an open structured and largely distributed in Southern Italy and in Up until the 19th century, indigo was
well-drained, deep soil, rich in humus and Sicily. It is a perennial hemicryptophyte sim- obtained by extraction from I. tinctoria
minerals. ilar to I. tinctoria and is characterized by a leaves containing the precursors isatan
I. tinctoria is a very variable species and densely tomentose siliqua. The pre-anthesis B (indoxyl-ſ-ketogluconate) and indican
there have been disagreements regarding inflorescences of ssp. canescens are tradi- (indoxyl-ſ-d-glucoside) (Fischer et al., 1990;
the limits of the species itself and the taxo- tionally utilized as a vegetable in the Mt. Etna Wouters and Verhecken, 1991; Gilbert et
nomic status of subspecies that have been area, where they are appreciated after they al., 2000, 2004; Gilbert and Cooke, 2001;
identified. Within this intra-species pheno- have been cooked to reduce the bitter taste Oberthür et al., 2004; Angelini et al., 2007).
typic diversity (Spataro et al., 2007), Gilbert (Galletti et al., 2013, 2015). The inflorescenc- Indican takes its name from Indigofera tinc-
et al. (2002) identified a high degree of genet- es in the pre-anthesis phase are considered toria, and it was identified and character-
ic diversity within a selection of 28 woad beneficial for their health effects because ized in 1899 by Hoogewerff and ter Meulen,
landraces using amplified fragment length they represent a good source of antioxi- whereas isatan B is the main indigo precur-
polymorphism (AFLP). More recently, Spataro dants, especially glucosinolate for the high sor of Isatis tinctoria, characterized in the
and Negri (2007) extended this work using glucobrassicin content. Their availability for same year by Beijerinck (Cardon, 2007). Syn-
AFLP and Selective Amplification of Micro- a restricted period of the year has resulted thetic indigo replaced the natural product
satellite Polymorphic Loci (SAMPL) primers in the suggestion to dry them or use them for large-scale dyeing because it was not
to characterize 15 accessions collected in to produce a dried standardized extract as a only cheaper but standardized and pure
central Asia and in different parts of Europe. potential dietary supplement (Galletti et al., (Perkin and Bloxam, 1907).
A wide phenotypic and genetic diversity 2013, 2015). The traditional method for producing indi-
over a wide range of altitudes was detect- I. tinctoria is also considered a medicinal spe- go dye from woad consisted of crushing
ed, although they were clustered mainly cies and has been used in traditional Chinese the leaves to a pulp, which was kneaded
in relation to their geographic origins. The medicines for hundreds of years (Liau et al., into balls and then dried for several weeks.
bio-morphological traits of plant branching, 2007). It is utilized for treating skin inflam- The balls were then couched (crushed into
growth habit, length and width of rosetta mation and its root polysaccharides inhibit power and wetted) and allowed to ferment
leaves, leaf pubescence, and onset and end allergen-induced airway inflammation and for several weeks in water (Kokubun et al.,
of flowering, showed large variability, both in hyperreactivity in mice (Epstein et al., 1967; 1998). The amount of indigo precursors was
wild populations and domesticated cultivars Hamburger, 2002; Heinemann et al., 2004; strictly related to the cultivar, the harvesting
(Spataro and Negri, 2007). Three accessions Brattström et al., 2010). Horticulturists have time, the light radiation and the tempera-
collected in Kazakhstan, Hungary and Sicily become interested in utilizing woad plants ture (Sales et al., 2006; Palmeri et al., 2013).
were very different from each other and from as ornamentals because of their tolerance The yield from this dye extraction process
any of the other accessions. The accession to heat and water stresses, long flowering from woad was low and the indigo obtained
from Sicily was later identified as belonging period and attractive inflorescences. was very impure. For these two reasons it

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 21


> Extraction of dyes. A) Indigo precipitation

in laboratory, B) Natural dyes obtained
from Isatis tinctoria and Carthamus
tinctorius, C) Indigo produced by Isatis
tinctoria, D) Dyeing test of indigo
on wool and silk tissues. Photos A-C
by Science and Technology Park of
Sicily, D by Ferdinando Branca. D

was replaced by synthetic indigo, which was can. The free precursors are broken down Indigo is a derivate form of the colorless glu-
over 90% pure (Garcia-Macias and John, 2004). by hydrolases when the leaves are damaged cosides of the enol form of indoxyl (indican-in-
Indigo purity has been reported to be 20-40% and indoxyl is spontaneously oxidized by doxyl-ſ-D-glucoside). In the fermentation pro-
for woad indigo, up to 12% for P. tinctori- oxygen. The condensation between indox- cess, indoxyl-ſ-D-glucoside pairs react rapidly,
um and between 50 and 77% for Indigofera yl and isatin produces indirubin, which is producing an indoxyl radical that first forms
indigo (Perkin and Everest, 1918; Bechtold the by-product of bio-synthetic indigo pro- leuco-indigo and is then oxidised to the insol-
et al., 2002). The interaction between the duction. A minor precursor named isatan C uble blue indigo (Russell and Kaupp, 1969;
indigo produced by woad leaves and partic- was identified in I. tinctoria leaves, but its Ensley et al., 1983; Clark et al., 1993).
ulate impurities arising from soil and plant role in indigo production was not clarified The modern extraction method of indigo
materials, determined its purity. To exclude (Maugard et al., 2001). Extraction and HPLC from woad uses the water solubility of the
these impurities from the process, it is very analysis enable the pigments (indigo, indiru- indigo precursors by steeping the leaves in
important to rinse the leaves in cold water bin and isoindirubin) and the related indigo hot water. The precursors are broken down
before beginning the extraction process. A precursors to be identified and quantified to indoxyl and sugar moieties by enzymes
need to improve this washing process has (Palmeri et al., 2013). in the plant, but in the extraction method,
arisen because of increasing commercial The efficiency of the extraction, parameter- this step is carried out by alkali with aeration
demand for naturally sourced indigo that ized by the theoretical yield of indigo forma- (Minami et al., 1996; Stoker et al., 1998).
meets the purity standards set by the syn- tion from indoxyl molecules, is about 20-40%, The use of enzymes is a potential strategy for
thetic product. meaning that about 60-80% of the indoxyl is increasing the yield of indigo (Palmeri et al.,
Indigo production is an artefact of secondary lost during the process because of soil impu- 2013). The degradation of plant cell walls is
metabolism. I. tinctoria contains isatan B as rities, which produce isatin and indirubin of major importance for indigo production.
a major indigo precursor and indican as a and other by-products of the reaction (Gar- The enzymatic degradation of these polymers
minor indigo precursor. However, both Indi- cia-Macias and John, 2004). The extraction seems to represent a more attractive alter-
gofera tinctoria and Polygonum tinctorium process is very important for indigo yield native to chemical and mechanical process-
leaves contain only indican, which serves and purity, and it is possible to reach 90% es because it could increase the efficiency
as a starting material for indigo production purity if the leaves contain a high content of indigo extraction and its yield. The use of
(Epstein et al., 1967; Maier et al., 1990). Of of indigo precursors, the leaves are rinsed in Aspergillus spp. for the production of polysac-
these two known precursors of indigo in water free of soil, and sedimentation of indi- charide-degrading enzymes from their puri-
woad, isatan B is relatively unstable and is go occurs in an acid medium (Garcia-Macias fication, and for cell wall enzymes, such as
difficult to quantify separately from indi- and John, 2004). pectinases, cellulases and hemicellulases, may

22 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
be possible to promote the extraction process natural indigo with high purity (Angelini et al., duce indigo from a number of plants, includ-
(De Vries and Visser, 2001). ſ-glucosidase activ- 2005; Palmeri and Spagna, 2007). ing woad, and to fix it to textile fibers, has
ity catalyses the release of indoxyl from indigo In reality, indigo is not present as such in continued to progress over many centuries.
precursors without the addition of alkali. An any plants but it is produced in some plants New research and results related to I. tinc-
exogenous ſ-glucosidase has been utilized for when they are crushed or macerated in toria have stimulated renewed interest in
the hydrolysis of indigo precursors in P. tincto- water, reacting on exposure to oxygen in natural dyes, and new uses, such as a nutra-
rium leaves and Aspergillus niger seems to be the air. It is insoluble in its blue form, and a ceutical product and as an ornamental plant,
a good producer of ſ-glucosidase. It could be mordant is necessary to fix it in textile fibers have identified new opportunities for its
an eco-friendly solution for the production of (Cardon, 2007). The processes utilized to pro- exploitation in the future.

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Withnall, R. (1993). Indigo, woad and tyrian itative analysis of indigo precursors from Korber Gröhne, U. (1987). Nutzpflanzen in
purple important vat dye from antiquity to woad by HPLC and HPLC-MS. Phytochem. Deutschland: Kulturgeschichte und Biolo-
present. Endeavour New Series 17, 191–199. Anal. 11, 18–20. gie (Stuttgart, Germany: K. Theiss Verlag).

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 23

Liau, B.C., Jong, T.T., Lee, M.R., and Chen, S.S. Pfister, R. (1935). Tissus copte du musée du
(2007). LC–APCI–MS method for detection Louvre. Seminarium Kondakovianum VII,
and analysis of tryptanthrin, indigo, and 40–41.
indirubin in Daqingye and Banlangen. Roessler, A., and Jin, X. (2003). State of the
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical art technologies and new electrochemical
Analysis 43, 346–351. methods for the reduction of vat dyes.
Lucas, A. (1962). Ancient Egyptian Materials Dyes and Pigm. 59, 223–235.
and Industries (London: Edward Arnold). Roessler, A., and Crettenand, D. (2004). Direct
Maier, W., Schumann, B., and Groger, D. (1990). electrochemical reduction of vat dyes in a
Biosynthesis of indoxyl derivatives in Isatis fixed bed of graphite granules. Dyes and
tinctoria and Polygonum tinctorium. Phy- Pigm. 63, 29–37.
tochemistry 29, 817–819. Russell, G.A., and Kaupp, G. (1969). Oxidation
Maugard, T., Enaud, E., Choisy, P., and Legoy, of carbanions. IV. Oxidation of indoxyl to
M.D. (2001). Identification of an indigo indigo in basic solution. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
precursor from leaves of Isatis tinctoria 91, 3851–3859.
(woad). Phytochemistry 58, 897–904. Sales, E., Kanhonou, R., Baixauli, C., Giner, A.,
Mills, J.S., and White, R. (1994). The Organ- Cooke, D., Gilbert, K., Arrillaga, I., Segura, J., > Ferdinando Branca
ic Chemistry of Museum Objects, 2nd edn and Ros, R. (2006). Sowing date, transplant-
(Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann). ing, plant density and nitrogen fertilization > About the Author
Minami, Y., Kanafuji, T., and Miura, K. (1996). affect indigo production from Isatis spe- Ferdinando Branca is Associate Professor
Purification and characterization of a cies in a Mediterranean region of Spain. at Catania University, Italy, where he
ſ-glucosidase from Polygonum tinctorium, Industrial Crops and Products 23, 29–39. has been studying aspects related to
which catalyzes preferentially the hydro- Spataro, G., Taviani, P., and Negri, V. (2007). diversification of vegetable production,
lysis of indicant. Biosci. Biotech. Bioch. 60, Genetic variation and population structure particularly biology and health traits of
147–149. in a Eurasian collection of Isatis tinctoria L. neglected or underutilized Mediterra-
Oberthür, C., Schneider, B., and Graf, B. (2004). Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 54, 573–584. nean species, such as wild species tradi-
The elusive indigo precursor in woad (Isatis Spataro, G., and Negri, V. (2007). Assessment of tionally utilized for food, and some more
tinctoria L.) identification of the major indi- the reproductive system of Isatis tinctoria widespread species, including a few
go precursor, isatan A, and a structure revi- L. Euphytica 159, 229–231. from other geographic regions. With-
sion of isatan B. Chem. Biodiv. 1, 174–182. Stoker, K.G., Cooke, D.T., and Hill, D.J. (1998). in this research, Ferdinando evaluates
Palmeri, R., and Spagna, G. (2007). ſ-Gluco- Influence of light on natural indigo pro- their adaptation to growing in the open
sidase in cellular and a cellular form for duction from woad (Isatis tinctoria). Plant field and in protected cultivation. Within
winemaking application: a mini review. Growth Regul. 25, 181–185. the European Cooperative Program on
Enzyme Microb. Technol. 40 (3), 382–389. VV. AA. (1833). Vegetable Substances. Materi- Genetic Resources (ECPGR), managed by
Palmeri, R., Spagna, G., Branca, F., and Todaro, als of Manufacturers, Vol. 27 (London: FB Bioversity International, Ferdinando is
A. (2013). Natural indigo from Isatis tinc- &c Ltd.), p.80–89. Chair and Italian representative of the
toria L. for the reassessment of Sicilian Wouters, J., and Verhecken, A. (1991). High per- Brassica Working Group and member of
crops: a minireview. Acta Hortic. 1005, formance liquid chromatography of blue the Vegetable Network Group. He has
341–347 http://dx.doi.org/10.17660/Acta- and purple indigoid natural dyes. J. Soc. been the Vice-Chair of the ISHS Section
Hortic.2013.1005.39. Dyers Colour. 107, 265–269. “Vegetables, Roots, Tubers, Edible Bulbs,
Perkin, A.G., and Bloxam, W.P. (1907). Some Zech-Matterne, V., and Leconte, L. (2010). New Brassica, Asparagus” since 2014. He is
constituents of natural indigo. Part I trans- archaeobotanical finds of Isatis tinctoria L. author of about 180 papers related to
actions. J. Chem. Soc. 91, 279–288. (woad) from Iron Age Gaul and a discussion the exploitation of wild and cultivat-
Perkin, A.G., and Everest, A.E. (1918). Natural of the importance of woad in ancient time. ed germplasm utilized as vegetable,
Organic Colouring Matters (London: Long- Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 19, aromatic and medicinal plants. E-mail:
mans, Green and Co.). 137–142. fbranca@unict.it

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24 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
Science News
> The International
Symposia on Tropical and
Temperate Horticulture
20-25th November 2016, Cairns, Australia

It is my great pleasure to invite delegates

from all sections of the horticultural industry
worldwide to Cairns, Australia, for a series of
ISHS symposia on tropical and temperature
horticulture. Cairns is arguably the best tour-
ist destination in Australia. Close by to the
east is the Great Barrier Reef. To the west is
the Australian outback and nestled around
this small city is tropical rainforest. Much
of Australia’s unique flora and fauna can be
experienced in and around Cairns.
The International Society for Horticultur-
al Science (ISHS), the Australian Institute for
Horticulture (AIH) and the Australian Society
of Horticultural Science (AuSHS) are proud to
host in Cairns, the first of the new style of
ISHS Symposia, i.e. Symposia 2.0 (see Editorial
in Chronica Horticulturae 55(3)). This format
clusters together new symposia with larger,
established ones, as well as combining related
symposia in a concurrent one-week program.
The theme of the meetings is “Now is the
Era for Tropical Horticulture”. From November > Cairns, host city for ISTTH2016.
20-25, 2016, the world’s leading horticulturists,
horticultural scientists, resource managers, • First International Symposium on Beverage play in addressing many of the world’s pover-
conservationists, economists, educators, land- Crops ty, hidden hunger and malnutrition problems.
scape architects, planners, and students will • First International Symposium on Urban This is an area worthy of our focused attention.
meet together in Cairns to address the chang- Landscapes in Tropical Cities We are expecting a high level of industry
es that are necessary in our priorities for devel- • First International Symposium on involvement in our symposia. Our keynote
opment, research and education to secure a Protected Cultivation in Tropical and speaker for the opening session on 20th
safe, adequate and secure food supply in both Temperate Climates (incorporating the X November will be Mr. Hein Deprez who is the
tropical and temperate climate zones. International Symposium on Protected Executive Chairman of the Board of (UNIVEG)
Horticulture is fundamentally important in Cultivation in Mild Winter Climates) Greenyard Foods, which is one of the world’s
our world, both now and in the future. By • First International Symposium on Tropical leading fruit and vegetable companies. Morn-
the 2040s the world population will exceed 9 Plant Breeding ing plenary sessions will feature other world
billion and by 2050 half of the world’s popu- • First International Symposium on Tropical renowned speakers. An exhibition of horti-
lation will reside in the tropics. Already, most Plant Genomes cultural products and industries featuring
of the fastest growing cities in the world • First International Symposium on Tropical Australian and international companies will
are located in the tropics. The symposia will Plantation Crops be part of the program and will incorporate
address the environmental, social, economic • First International Symposium on Poverty, a competition for horticultural producers
and health aspects of horticultural science, Hidden Hunger and Horticulture to exhibit their horticultural products. This
and the urgent need to make effective use of The two established symposia are: will form part of the larger exhibition of hor-
horticultural crops to sustain lives in a rapidly • Second International Symposium on ticultural products and industries. François
increasing world population. Tropical Horticulture under the theme Laurens, President of IHC2022 in Angers,
The Scientific Program will feature seven new “Now is the Era for Tropical Horticulture” France, and currently the Deputy Director
ISHS symposia in addition to two established • Fourth International Symposium on Guava of The Institute of Research on Horticulture
symposia. The conveners and scientific com- and Other Myrtaceae and Seeds, will speak on “The Link between
mittees for these symposia represent the In collaboration with the Global Horticulture Fundamental Research and Plant Breeding
leading scientists in their respective fields Initiative (GHI), we are convening the First Programs: Bottlenecks and Progress”.  Since
worldwide. There will also be special meet- International Symposium on Poverty, Hidden March 2011 he has been the coordinator
ings and workshops hosted by the AuSHS and Hunger and Horticulture. Horticulture and hor- of the large collaborative European project
AIH. The new symposia are: ticultural products have a significant role to FruitBreedomics, which aims to improve

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 25

the efficiency of apple and peach breeding November 20-25, 2016 in your diary. Come
programs by filling the gap between basic ‘down under’ and join us, participate in and > Contact
research studies and applied breeding. enjoy the large and inter-related program, Professor Emeritus Rod Drew, Co-Chair,
The symposia will be held in the Cairns Con- and experience the relaxed and friendly hos- Organising Committee ISTTH2016, and
vention Centre, which was awarded the pitality of Tropical North Queensland, Aus- President ISHS, President AuSHS, Reg-
“World’s Best Convention Centre” by AIPC in tralia. Please consult our website for further istered Horticulturist AIH, Chair Board
2014 in recognition of the highest client rat- details: www.ISTTH2016.org. Call for abstracts of Directors GHI, e-mail: r.drew@griffith.
ing received by a convention centre. will commence on 1st January, 2016. edu.au or stth2016@griffith.edu.au, web:
On behalf of the Organising Committee, I www.ishs.org/symposium/589
encourage you to reserve the dates of Rod Drew

> Cairns Convention Centre, > Cairns is the gateway to the > World famous Cairns Skyrail Cableway
venue for ISTTH2016. Great Barrier Reef. that runs from the tropical rain forest
to the coast. It was twice awarded
Australia’s best major tourist attraction.

> Dr. Chris Hale received a New

Zealand Queen’s Birthday Honour
Dr. Chris Hale recently became an Officer
of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM)
for services to horticultural science and the
summerfruit industry. Appointments to the
New Zealand Order of Merit are made for
meritorious service to the Crown or to New
Zealand and to those who have become dis-
tinguished in their particular field of endeav-
our. Dr. Hale is a plant pathologist with par-
ticular expertise in bacterial diseases, and
has made significant contributions to the
horticultural industry in New Zealand and
internationally. He co-authored the Interna-
tional Society for Horticultural Science book
‘Harvesting the Sun’ (Scripta Horticulturae 14,
http://www.harvestingthesun.org/), an over-
view of the impact of horticultural science has managed the research and development > Chris Hale with his wife, Linda, at
on global nutrition and food supply. He was portfolio of Summerfruit New Zealand since Government House, Wellington, New
Chair of the ISHS Commission Plant Protec- 2003. Dr. Hale is a Fellow of the New Zealand Zealand, after receiving his New Zealand
tion from 2006 to 2014 and has been convener Society for Horticultural Science and he has Order of Merit medal from the Governor
of several symposia and editor/co-editor of also received a Royal Society of New Zealand General, Lieutenant General The Right
subsequent Acta Horticulturae volumes. He Bronze medal. Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae.

26 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
The world
of Horticulture
> New geophytes
from Turkey1
Erdal Kaya and Neriman Özhatay

Ten geophyte species have been identified as new species, based on the material Güner et al., 2000; Koyuncu, 2012). The Allium
collected from Anatolia, Turkey, between 2001 and 2014 within the framework of species in this section are easily recognised
a large national project entitled, “The collection, characterisation, cultivation and by the following morphological properties:
industrialisation of the natural ornamentals”, which was supported by the Scientific well developed, sometimes reticulated bulb
and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and the General Directorate structure; leaves on the trunk instead of the
of Agricultural Research and Policy (TAGEM) of the Ministry of Food Agriculture and base; large umbels that generally have many
Livestock of Turkey. flowers; characteristic spathe, filaments
In the “Turkey’s Geophytes” book based on the outcomes of the above mentioned unequal, outer usually simple, rarely dentate
project, 10 new species have been described in detail including photos and potential to 3-cuspidate, inner with a broader basal
uses. Nine of these new species for science are: Allium aksekiense (Akseki Onion) and lamina, usually 3-cuspidate, rarely with 5-7
Allium kayae (Saimbeyli Soáanı) collected from South Anatolia and belonging to Allium cusps, median cusp anther-bearing, usual-
section of the genus Allium; Bellevalia undulatifolia (Manavgat Sümbülü) collected ly shorter than sterile lateral cusps. Turkey
from Antalya; Colchicum erdalii (Eáin Acıçiádemi) collected from Erzincan province in could be considered a gene centre for this
East Anatolia; Colchicum osmaniyense (Osmaniye Acıçiádemi) from Osmaniye province section because a high number of taxa are
in South Anatolia; Muscari artvinense (Artvin Sümbülü) from Artvin province in North- found here, many of which are endemic.
eastern Anatolia; Muscari erdalii (Erdal Sümbülü) from Mersin province; Muscari ufukii The genus Bellevalia has a total of about 70
(Uzun Sümbül) from Gaziantep province and Ornithogalum adanense (Adana Akyıldızı) taxa worldwide (Anonymous, 2015). Twen-
from Adana province in South Anatolia. It was determined, however, that the Paeonia ty-four Bellevalia species are grown in Tur-
samples gathered from Çanakkale province were natural hybrids, named as P.× kayae key. Thirteen of them are endemic (Davis
(Ebruli Ġakayık), and were subsequently added as a new taxon. et al., 1984, 1988; Güner et al., 2000; Persson,
All of these recently discovered natural taxa are endemic to Turkey’s flora, and inten- 2006; Uzunhisarcıklı et al., 2013). Tugay (2012)
sive studies are being undertaken now for culturing and breeding objectives. They listed 24 species in a checklist, by taking
have already been shown to have very high potential as ornamentals or for medicinal the synonyms and questionable records
and aromatic plant industries. into consideration. In this checklist, B. glau-
ca is replaced by B. chrisii (Yıldırım et al.,
2014). After publication of the discovery of
B. pseudolongipes (Karabacak et al., 2014), B.
Introduction entific and Technological Research Council of koyuncui (Karabacak et al., 2015), B. pseudofo-
Turkey is one of the most important centres Turkey (TUBITAK) and the General Directorate minii and B. undulatifolia (Gürdal et al., 2014),
of biodiversity because of its geographical of Agricultural Research and Policy (TAGEM) the number of species increased to 27, 16 of
location on the crossroads of three import- of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Live- which are endemic.
ant gene centres of the world, its geomor- stock, was established in 2000. Within the Colchicum is one of the most difficult gen-
phological structure and its diverse ecology. framework of this large project, intensive col- era among petaloid monocotyledons in
There are about 12,000 flowering plant taxa lection and development of an inventory of terms of taxonomy. One of the facts causing
in Turkey’s flora and approximately 4,000 of natural geophytes has been achieved, whilst difficulty in classification is the flowering
them are endemic (Davis et al., 1984, 1988; propagation, release and commercialisation period. Flowers and leaves appear together
Güner et al., 2000; Kaya, 2014). of these new species is still in progress. This (synanthous) on some species that flower in
Turkey has become very attractive for collecting project has enabled a significant step to be spring. However, on the autumn-flowering
native ornamentals for both local and interna- taken towards the effective evaluation of the species, there are no leaves when flowering
tional markets, because of the presence of more biodiversity of this country (Kaya, 2014). occurs; they will appear in spring when fruits
than 1,000 taxa of geophytes (Kaya, 2014). Currently, the genus Allium is represented by are ripening (hysanthous). Because all plant
In addition to uprooting wild ornamental about 970 species in the world (Anonymous, parts are important in identification, these
bulbs for export, many foreign breeders 2015). Within all 14 sections of the genus various properties of this genus complicate
have been gathering parental material from Allium, some 200 species have been found its taxonomy. The species grown in northern
Turkey for successful breeding within their to be naturally-occurring in Turkey. The new and higher altitude locations are generally
national programmes. However, Turkey’s species introduced to the scientific world spring-type species. Sixty per cent of species
own national programme for cultivation, cul- are from the section Allium. There are about grown in Turkey are autumn-type species,
tivar development and commercialisation of 120 species worldwide in the section Allium, and the majority of them show polyploidy,
native plants has not realised its potential. and the country with the greatest number which also complicates the classification.
In order to accelerate national efforts in this reported is Turkey with 58 species, 50% of The region with the most species recorded
field, a national project supported by the Sci- which are endemic (Davis et al., 1984, 1988; is the Balkan Peninsula, and Turkey has the

Based on the final reports of “The collection, characterisation, cultivation and industrialisation of some natural ornamentals” (Project Nr: 105G068), and “The cultivation
of Turkey’s geophytes and contributing new species and cultivars to the relevant industries” (Project Nr: 110G007) projects supported by the Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), and implemented between 2001 and 2014.

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 27

Q Figure 1. Allium aksekiense N. Q Figure 2. Allium kayae N. Özhatay and M. Q Figure 3. Bellevalia undulatifolia
Özhatay, M. Koyuncu and E. Kaya Koyuncu (Sect. Allium) (Saimbeyli Soáanı). N. Özhatay, B. Gürdal and E.
(Sect. Allium) (Akseki Soáanı). Kaya (Manavgat Sümbülü).

most species of any country. In Turkey, 52 herbarium samples. Identification studies of used as a kind of edible garlic. Additional
taxa are found growing naturally. Of them 26 the living samples were undertaken between studies are being undertaken.
(50%) are endemic, and the type specimens of 2013 and 2014 at the research facility estab-
six species have been cited from Turkey. lished in the Geophytes Garden in Yalova. Allium kayae N. Özhatay &
In Turkey 62 Ornithogalum species (30% The outcomes of this identification were M. Koyuncu (Sect. Allium)
endemic) and 30 Muscari species (19% compared with the specimens at the ISTE (Saimbeyli Soáanı)
endemic) are grown (Anonymous, 2015; Baácı Herbarium. In identifying the species, in addi- Location: (S Turkey) C5 Adana: Doáanbey-
et al., 2009; Eker and Koyuncu, 2008; Güner et tion to “Flora of Turkey” by Davis et al. (1984, li-Hanyeri plain, under the oak grove near
al., 2000). During the project, one new species 1988), reports of various projects implement- to Çatalcam village, 22.07.2012, M. Koyuncu
in the genus Ornithogalum, and three new ed in this field (Koyuncu and Güvenç, 1994; 16318, ISTE 104 802 (holotype). Kayseri: Tufan-
species in the genus Muscari were evaluated. Özhatay, 1985) and academic theses (Koyu- beyli-Develi, STE 104804. Adana: Saimbeyli-Tu-
The new species are: Ornithogalum adan- ncu, 1978; Özhatay, 1977) were also utilised. fanbeyli, Develi junction, ISTE 104807.
ense collected from Adana province, Muscari Identification: A. kayae is closely related to A.
artvinense collected from Artvin province, New species and their properties cappadocicum Boiss. but it has rosy pinkish
Muscari erdalii from Mersin province, and flowers, dense inflorescences, conspicuous
Muscari ufukii from Gaziantep province in Allium aksekiense N. Özhatay, silver-white persistent involucrum-like brac-
Anatolia. M. Koyuncu & E. Kaya (Sect. teoles and white exserted filaments. The new
The genus Paeonia is represented by nine Allium) (Akseki Soáanı) species is named after Erdal Kaya, coordina-
taxa in Turkey (Davis, 1965; Davis et al., 1988; Location: (Turkey) C3 Antalya; between tor of the project (Özhatay et al., 2014).
Güner et al., 2000; Hong, 2000; Özhatay and Manavgat and Akseki, E. Kaya 2952; July 2013 Flowering time: June-July.
Özhatay, 1995). Recently Paeonia × kayae, ISTE 100217 (holotype). Habitat and altitude: Among oak trees, 1400-
discovered in the Çanakkale province, was Identification: A. aksekiense is allied to A. 1500 m a.s.l.
identified as a new natural hybrid. phanarantherum Boiss. et Hausskn., A. pro- Potential utilisation: This new endemic
ponticum Stearn et N. Özhatay and A. stea- species, found in Adana province, has great
Materials and Methods rnianum Koyuncu, N. Özhatay et Kollmann. potential for the ornamentals industry
Plant material was collected from through- However, it differs from the first two because because it has a very attractive shape and
out Turkey during the 2001-2014 period they have caducous spathes and very long flower colour. Studies aimed at cultivation
within the framework of various research thread-like lateral cusps. A. stearnianum also methods are currently being carried out (Fig-
projects such as: “Studies on the determina- differs because it occurs in East Anatolia, ure 2).
tion, breeding and growing techniques of the has straight stems, sub-equal pedicels and
Paeonia species existing in Turkey’s flora” different flower colours (greenish at the base Bellevalia undulatifolia N.
project supported by TAGEM; “Cultivation of and up to pinkish purple) and A. aksekiense Özhatay, B. Gürdal & E. Kaya
some natural plants and adding new species distribution is in S. Anatolia not E. Anatolia. (Manavgat Sümbülü)
and cultivars to the ornamentals sector”, This new species was named after its geo- Location: (SW Turkey) C3 Antalya; Antalya;
supported by TUBITAK and TAGEM (Pr. Nr: graphical area. It is known only in this locali- Manavgat - Οbradı yolu, Oymapınar Barajı
105G068) and “Cultivation of Turkey’s geo- ty (Özhatay et al., 2014). yanı, 51 m a.s.l., 31.03.2012, E. Kaya 3247 ISTE
phytes, and giving new species and varieties Flowering time: June-July. 102 823 (Holotype).
to the relevant sector”, supported again by Habitat and altitude: Rocky slopes, 700-800 Identification: The new species is similar to
TUBITAK and TAGEM (Pr. Nr.: 110G007). This m a.s.l. B. tauri Feinbrun (also B. clusiana Griseb. and
material was planted in “Turkey’s Geophytes Potential utilisation: This could be an import- B. mathewii Özhatay & Koçak). However, in
Garden” established at Atatürk Central Horti- ant species in the ornamental sector because B. undulatifolia, the perianth is 5.5-6 mm (in
cultural Research Institute, Yalova. Flowering of the following properties: being greenish B. tauri 6-7 mm), pedicels are shorter than or
herbarium samples of these plants were also or cream-green in the early stage, convert- as long as the perianth (in B. tauri pedicels
collected and housed at the Herbarium of the ing to sugar-pinkish colour later; pleasant are as long as the perianth). B. undulatifolia
Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University fragrance of the flower; later flowering com- is distinctly different because of its patent,
(ISTE). The identification of specimens was pared to other species, and stem length up undulating leaves and the margin of the
undertaken on both living material and the to 80 cm (Figure 1). Furthermore, it could be leaves is smooth with a purple line. In addi-

28 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
tion, the valves of the capsule are approxi- may also have potential as a medicinal plant flowers), and its large, broad and numerous
mately 8-10(-14) mm wide in B. undulatifolia because of a high colchicine content. leaves. M. artvinense is also similar to M.
(in B. tauri c. 20 mm) (Gürdal et al., 2014). aucheri, but can be distinguished by the fol-
Flowering time: April-May. Colchicum osmaniyense N. Özhatay lowing characteristics: 1-3.5 cm diam. bulb
Habitat and altitude: Meadows, calcareous & E. Kaya (Osmaniye Acıçiádemi) (not 1-3 cm); 6-10 leaves which are 2-4 cm
rocks, c. 50-100 m a.s.l. Location: (S Turkey) C6 Osmaniye: Hasanbeyli, wide, large and erect (not 2-3, 0.2-1.5 cm wide
Potential utilisation: This new endemic spe- Kemiklikayatepe district, E. Kaya ISTE 104799 and erect-patent); 40-60 flowers per raceme
cies, found in Manavgat-Antalya province, (holotype). Hasanbeyli, Kemiklikayatepe and dense (not 20-40 flowers per raceme
is considered to have great potential in the Mahallesi, 900 m a.s.l., 12.12.2014, S. Demirci, that are loosely packed). This new species
ornamentals industry because of the very B. Kayıran, T. Hastürk, ISTE 104 805’; Hasanbey- is named after its geographical area, Artvin
attractive colours of its flowers and its wavy li, Kemiklikayatepe district at 876 m a.s.l. on province of Turkey, where the new Muscari
leaves (Figure 3). A study of cultivation tech- 12.11.2007, ISTE 104805, ibid, ISTE 104806. species is located (Demirci et al., 2014).
niques is now underway. Identification: Colchicum osmaniyense Flowering time: April-May.

Q Figure 4. Colchicum erdalii N. Q Figure 5. Colchicum osmaniyense Q Figure 6. Muscari artvinense S.

Özhatay (Eáin Acıçiádemi). N. Özhatay and E. Kaya Demirci and E. Kaya (Subgen.
(Osmaniye Acıçiádemi). Botryanthus) (Artvin Sümbülü).

Colchicum erdalii N.Özhatay from South Turkey has been illustrated and Habitat and altitude: Meadows, gardens, c.
(Eáin Acıçiádemi) described as a new species. It is endemic 800 m a.s.l.
Location: (E Turkey) B7 Erzincan: Kemali- to Turkey. The species is a synanthous and Potential utilisation: This endemic species,
ye, across Sırakonak village, 1739 m a.s.l., winter-flowering species. It morphological- collected from Artvin province of Turkey, is
27.06.2008, E. Kaya-591, ISTE 96117 (holotype). ly resembles C. stevenii, which grows fur- considered to have great potential as an
Kemaliye, ISTE 96117a. ther west and at lower altitudes. They have ornamental plant because of the presence
Identification: The new species, Colchicum the same number of chromosomes, 2n=54, of large, erect leaves that are very differ-
erdalii, is an endemic species found only in but their flower colour and shape, and their ent from other species, and because of its
the area where it was collected. It is sim- flowering times are different. This species is rather attractive and mostly sterile flowers
ilar to C. serpentinum, which has a more recognized by its very dark green leaf colour, (Figure 6).
wide-spread distribution. The new species corm shape, winter flowering and the base
flowers in spring with synanthous leaves of the perianth segment being darker deep Muscari erdalii N. Özhatay
and the corm has a typical shape. Its short pinkish or yellowish. and S. Demirci (Subgen.
perianth tube begins on the soil surface, has The new species is named after its natural Leopoldia) (Erdal Sümbülü)
a broad base and has narrowly triangular distribution area, Osmaniye province of Tur- Location: (S Turkey) C4 Mersin: Mut-Kırobası,
perianth segments with acute-acuminate key (Özhatay and Kaya, 2014). 18 km of Mut, open lime soil, 1280 m a.s.l.,
tips. In addition, C. erdalii has 2n=14 chromo- Flowering time: November-December. 15.06.1990, N. and E. Özhatay, Iter Anatolicum
some counts, diploid and basic chromosome Fruiting time: April. ISTE 61829 (holotype) between Mut and
number x=7. In comparison, the chromo- Habitat and altitude: Rocky places, 600-900 Kırobası, around Kırca village, (ISTE 96672);
some number of C. serpentinum is 2n=18, m a.s.l. ibid (ISTE 96673).
basic number x=9. This new species is named Potential utilisation: There are currently no Identification: M. erdalii is closely related to
after Erdal Kaya, who contributed greatly plans for utilising this species (Figure 5). M. tenuiflorum and M. babachii, but differs
towards understanding Turkish Colchium by having a glaucous habit, shorter scape
taxa (Özhatay and Kaya, 2014). Muscari artvinense S. (15-20 cm), scabrid leaf margins, glaucous
Flowering time: February-March. Demirci and E. Kaya (Subgen. greenish ivory fertile flowers (9-11 mm), whit-
Fruiting time: May-June. Botryanthus) (Artvin Sümbülü) ish-pale violaceous sterile flowers (3-9 mm),
Habitat and altitude: Rocky, slopes, steep Location: (NE Turkey) A9 Artvin: Found in pedicels of fertile flowers (12-15 mm) longer
screen, 1700-1800 m a.s.l. Murgul, Korucular Village gardens of Artvin than 1.5-2 × perigone, pale violaceous pedi-
Potential utilisation: This endemic spe- Province at 796 m a.s.l., on 06.05.2011, E. Kaya cels of sterile flowers (10-20 mm) and a larger
cies, found in Kemaliye-Erzincan province, 2132, ISTE 99472 (holotype). capsule (12-18 mm). Named after Erdal Kaya,
could be utilised as a new ornamental plant Identification: This new species closely who is coordinator of the geophyte project
because of its fast propagation behaviour resembles M. aucheri (Boiss.) Baker, but dif- and collector of the specimens (Demirci et
and interesting flower shape (Figure 4). It fers from it mainly in its dense raceme (40-60 al., 2013).

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 29

Q Figure 7. Muscari erdalii N. Q Figure 8. Muscari ufukii E. Q Figure 9. Ornithogalum adanense
Özhatay and S. Demirci (Subgen. Kaya and S. Demirci (Subgen. S. Demirci and E. Kaya (Subgen.
Leopoldia) (Erdal Sümbülü). Leopoldia) (Boylu Sümbül). Beryllis) (Adana Akyıldızı).

Flowering time: April-May. may therefore have potential as a new orna- Identification: Four Paeonia taxa occur in
Habitat and altitude: M. erdalii is endemic to mental. A breeding program has been initi- this region. P. mascula subsp. arietina, P. mas-
Turkey and distributed in the Mediterranean ated using this species as a tall parent, with cula subsp. bodurii, P. daurica, and P. pere-
phytogeographical region. It grows on rocky the objective of developing new cut flower grina. This new discovery is a natural hybrid
slopes between the elevations of 1100 and types (Figure 8). between P. mascula subsp. arietina (G. Ander-
1700 m. son) Cullen & Heywood and P. mascula subsp.
Potential utilisation: It is envisaged that Ornithogalum adanense S. bodurii Özhatay. It is similar to subsp. bodurii,
this endemic species, collected from Mersin Demirci and E. Kaya (Subgen. except that it is much bigger and has bico-
province of Turkey, will have potential as an Beryllis) (Adana Akyıldızı) loured flowers. It is allotetraploid, 2n=20. This
ornamental plant because the flower has an Location: (S Turkey) C5 Adana: Between new species is named after Erdal Kaya, who
attractive double colour and compact mor- Saimbeyli and Tufanbeyli of Adana prov- collected the specimens (Demirci et al., 2014).
phology (Figure 7). Additional work has been ince, Güzelim village outlet, 1427 m a.s.l., Flowering time: March-April.
initiated to develop cultivation methods and flowered in the garden 15.04.2013, E. Kaya Habitat and altitude: Open forest, 1000-1100
undertake breeding. 4386, ISTE 104803 (holotype). m a.s.l.
Identification: This new species is very sim- Potential utilisation: A new cultivar has
Muscari ufukii E. Kaya and S. Demirci ilar to Ornithogalum brachystylum Zaha- been released, named ‘Kaya’ and registered
(Subgen. Leopoldia) (Boylu Sümbül) riadi, which grows in the Greek Islands, in 2011, from a single plant selection of the
Location: (SE Turkey) C7 Gaziantep: On Rhodos and Symi, and in the Turkish terri- cultivated population of this natural hybrid
the Gaziantep-Nurdaáı road, 1096 m a.s.l., tory around Sarigerme (Mugla province). species collected from Çanakkale. ‘Kaya’
7.07.2011, E. Kaya 2471, ISTE 96978 (holotype). However, the green stripe on the perianth has very attractive flowers (Figure 10). Fur-
Identification: M. ufukii differs from M. lon- and the shape of the ovary are different. thermore, it has been used as maternal and
gipes and M. tenuiflorum because it has a O. adanense also has similarities to O. paternal parents in the breeding program.
long scapus, large bulbs and erect leaves. brachystylum, but can be distinguished by In a collaborative study with Gazi University
This new species has similarities to M. lon- the following characteristics: ovary yellow Faculty of Pharmacy, it was determined that
gipes, however, it differs with respect to the and ovate-lobed (not green, ovate); styles this species has the highest phytochemical
following characteristics: the bulb is 8-13 cm 1.5-2 mm (not 1.2-2.5 mm); 2-3 leaves, 2-3 mm content among all of the species existing in
in diameter (instead of 1.5-4 cm); light brown wide and spiral curved (not 4-5, 0.5-1 cm Turkey’s flora. For these reasons, it is likely to
tunica (instead of ivory-light pinkish colour); wide, linear); raceme 5-10 flowers and loose be very important for both the ornamental
scapes 70-100 cm (not 20-60 cm); raceme is (not 20-30 flowers and dense). This new spe- and medicinal plant industries.
cylindrical (not conical); the pedicels of fer- cies is named after the geographical area,
tile flowers are 20-30 mm and flat after fer- Adana province (Turkey), where it occurs. It Acknowledgement
tilisation (not 50-80 mm and bent towards has only been found in this locality (Demirci The authors would like to express their deep
downward-curled); leaves are erect, green, et al., 2014). appreciation to the dedicated team from
up to 15 mm wide, without a spout and are Flowering time: May-June. “The collection, characterisation, cultivation
not curled (instead of spreading and touch- Habitat and altitude: Open pine forest, and industrialisation of some natural orna-
ing the soil, waxy, up to 30 mm wide, have a approximately 1500 m a.s.l. mentals” (Project Nr: 105G068) and “The cul-
spout and are curled). M. ufukii can be distin- Potential utilisation: It has parental prop- tivation of Turkey’s geophytes and contribut-
guished from M. tenuiflorum because of its erties for developing new ornamentals ing new species and cultivars to the relevant
long scapus, many-flowered raceme, larger because it is the only Muscari species in Tur- industries” (Project Nr.: 110G007) projects for
bulbs and long pedicels. This new species key that has upright spiral leaves (Figure 9). their great effort throughout the prepara-
is named after Ufuk Rastgeldi, one of the tion, implementation, report writing and dis-
collectors in the geophyte project (Demirci Paeonia × kayae N. Özhatay semination of the results of the project.
et al., 2014). (Ebruli Ġakayık) 105G068 and 110G007 Project Team: Erdal
Flowering time: May-June. Location: (NW Turkey) B1 Çanakkale: Yenice, Kaya and Kamil Erken from Atatürk Central
Habitat and altitude: Fields, 1000-1800 m a.s.l. Kalkım, Aġaáıçavuġ village, Mursel district of Horticultural Research Institute; Neriman
Potential utilisation: This new species has Çanakkale province, 15.06.2005, E. Kaya 1703 Özhatay from University of Οstanbul, Facul-
the longest stem of the Muscari species and (holotype ISTE 84 834). ty of Pharmacy; Ufuk Rastgeldi from GAP

30 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
Q Figure 10. Paeonia × kayae N. > Erdal Kaya > Neriman Özhatay
Özhatay (Ebruli Ġakayık).
> About the authors
Erdal Kaya is a senior research scientist at the Neriman Özhatay is a retired professor from
Agricultural Research Institute; Meral Aslay Department of Ornamental Plants, Atatürk the Οstanbul University. She was head of the
from Erzincan Horticultural Research Sta- Central Horticultural Research Institute, Yalo- Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Fac-
tion; Yasemin Οzgi Saraç from Black Sea Agri- va, Turkey. After working on outdoor orna- ulty of Pharmacy, between 1987 and 2014.
cultural Research Institute; Murat Hocagil mentals and exported natural bulbs at a pri- She also served as the director of ISTE (Her-
from Alata Horticultural Research Institute; vate company, he has held an assistantship barium of Faculty of Pharmacy, Istanbul).
Bilge Ġener from Gazi University, Faculty of position at the university for five years. He Flowering plants, flora of Turkey, conser-
Pharmacy; and Tijen Oáraġ from TUBITAK has been working on the cultivation, breed- vation of Turkish flora, ethnobotany, plant
Marmara Research Centre (TUBITAK MAM). ing and taxonomy of geophytes at Yalova taxonomy, medicinal wild plants of Turkey,
Atatürk Central Horticultural Research Insti- and important plant areas of Turkey, were
tute since 2000. E-mail: turkiyegeofitleri@ her main research fields. E-mail: nozhatay@
gmail.com; erdal_kaya@msn.com istanbul.edu.tr
> References
Anonymous. (2015). The Plant List. http://www.
Baácı, Y., Savran, A., and Baġköse, Ο. (2009). Ornithog- Atatürk Central Horticultural Research Institute), Professorship thesis (Οstanbul, Turkey: University of
alum nurdaniae (Liliaceae), a new species from p.525–531 (in Turkish). Οstanbul, Faculty of Pharmacy) (in Turkish).
North-West Anatolia, Turkey. Turk. J. Bot. 33, 1–5. Hong, D.Y. (2000). A subspecies of Paeonia mascula Özhatay, N. (1985). Sitotaxonomic studies on the Allium
Davis, P.H., ed. (1965). Flora of Turkey and the East (Paeoniaceae) from W. Asia and SE. Europe. Acta species of Northern Anatolia. TUBITAK Project, TBAG-
Aegean Islands, Vol. 1 (Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh Phytotax. Sin. 38 (4), 381–385. 555 (in Turkish).
University Press). Karabacak O, Yıldırım H, Martin E (2014). Bellevalia Özhatay, N., and Kaya, E. (2014). Three new Colchicum
Davis, P.H., Mill, R.R., and Tan, K. (1984). Flora of pseudolongipes sp. nova 19 (Asparagaceae): A new species from Anatolia. In Turkey’s Geophytes, Vol. 3, E.
Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 8 (Edin- species from South Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Phy- Kaya, Publ. No: 96 (Yalova, Turkey: Atatürk Central Hor-
burgh, UK: Edinburg University Press). totaxa 20 188: 209-217. ticultural Research Institute), p.532–542 (in Turkish).
Davis, P.H., Mill, R.R., and Tan, K. (1988). Flora of Tur- Karabacak O, Yıldırım H, Martin E (2015). Bellevalia Özhatay, N., and Özhatay, E. (1995). A new white Paeonia
key and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 10 (suppl. 1) koyuncui sp. nova 22 (Asparagaceae): A new spe- L. from north-western Turkey: P. mascula Miller subsp.
(Edinburgh, UK: Edinburg University Press). cies from South Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Phyto- bodurii N. Özhatay. Karaca Arbor. Mag. 3 (1), 17–26.
Demirci, S., Özhatay, N., and Koçyiáit, M. (2013). Mus- taxa 23 203: 81-84. Özhatay, N., Koyuncu, M., Koçyiáit, M., and Kaya, E.
cari erdalii (Asparagaceae, Scilloideae), a new Kaya, E. (2014). Turkey’s Geophytes, Volumes 1-2-3, (2014). Allium aksekiense & Allium kayae, (sect. Alli-
species from Southern Turkey. Phytotaxa 154 Publ. No: 96 (Yalova, Turkey: Atatürk Central Horti- um), two new species from Southern Anatolia (Tur-
(1), 38–46. cultural Research Institute) (in Turkish). key). In Turkey’s Geophytes, Vol. 3, E. Kaya, Publ.
Demirci, S., Özhatay, N., and Koçyiáit, M. (2014). Con- Koyuncu, M. (1978). Taxonomic investigation on No: 96 (Yalova, Turkey: Atatürk Central Horticultural
tributions to Turkey’s geophyte flora. In Turkey’s Allium L. species grown in Central and Southern Research Institute), p.507–513 (in Turkish).
Geophytes, Vol. 3, E. Kaya, Publ. No: 96 (Yalova, Anatolia. Assoc. Professorship thesis (Ankara, Tur- Persson, K. (2006). One new and one amended species of
Turkey: Atatürk Central Horticultural Research key: University of Ankara, Faculty of Pharmacy) Bellevalia (Hyacinthaceae) from Turkey. Bot. J. Linn.
Institute), p.543–551 (in Turkish). (in Turkish). Soc. 150, 253–260.
Eker, Ο, and Koyuncu, M. (2008). Muscari babachii sp. Koyuncu, M. (2012). Allium. In The List of Turkey’s Plant Tugay, O. (2012) Bellevalia Lapeyr. In Türkiye Bitkile-
nov. (Hyacintaceae) from South Anatolia. Nord. J. (Grained Plants), A. Güner, S. Aslan, T. Ekim, M. Vural, ri Listesi, A. Güner, S. Aslan, T. Ekim, M. Vural, and
Bot. 26, 49–52. and M.T. Babaç, eds. (Οstanbul, Turkey: Nezahat M.T. Babaç, eds (Οstanbul, Turkey: Damarlı Bitkiler),
Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T., and Canbaġer, K.H. Gökyiáit Botanic Garden and Flora Association) p.95–96.
(2000). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean (in Turkish). Uzunhisarcıklı, M.E., Duman, H., and Yılmaz, S. (2013).
Islands, Vol. 11 (Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh Uni- Koyuncu, M., and Güvenç, A. (1994). The endemic Alli- A new species of Bellevalia (Hyacinthaceae) from
versity Press). um L. species of Turkey. TUBITAK project, TBAG- Turkey. Turk. J. Bot. 37, 651–655.
Gürdal, B., Özhatay, N., Koçyiáit, M., and Kaya, E. 1089 (in Turkish). Yıldırım, H., Altıoálu, Y., Ġahin, B., and Aslan, S. (2014).
(2014). Two new species from Bellevalia genus Özhatay, N. (1977). Taxonomic, cytological and Bellevalia chrisii sp. nov. (Asparagaceae) from East-
for the Turkey’s geophyte flora. In Turkey’s Geo- palinologic studies on Alliaceae family grown in ern Anatolia, Turkey. Nordic Journal of Botany 33
phytes, Vol. 3, E. Kaya, Publ. No: 96 (Yalova, Turkey: Thrace region and around Οstanbul province. Assoc. (1), 45-49.

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 31

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> Courses and Meetings

The following are non-ISHS events. Make April 2016, Derio, Spain. Info: Mediterranean XV International Peat Congress, 15-19
sure to check out the Calendar of ISHS Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ) – August 2016, Kuching, Malaysia. Info: Con-
Events for an extensive listing of all ISHS CIHEAM, Avenida Montañana 1005, 50059 Zara- ference Secretariat, Tropical Peat Research
meetings. For updated information log goza, Spain, Phone: +34 976 716000, Fax: +34 976 Laboratory Unit, Chief Minister’s Depart-
on to www.ishs.org/calendar 716001, E-mail: iamz@iamz.ciheam.org, Web: ment, Lot 6035, Kuching-Kota Samarahan
www.iamz.ciheam.org Expressway, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sar-
International Symposium on Sustainable awak, Malaysia, Phone: +6082 662491, Fax:
Fruit Production, 21-24 March 2016, Donja Course on Horticulture Sector Develop- +6082 662497, E-mail: peat2016@gmail.com,
Stubica, Croatia. Info: Prof. Tomislav JemriÉ, ment for Emerging Markets, 9-27 May Web: www.ipc2016.com
Phone: +385 1 2393 612, E-mail: tjemric@agr.hr, 2016, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Web: http://www.life-susafruit.eu/symposium.html Info: http://goo.gl/xn3ZV3 International Course on Bees and Pollination,
16-26 August 2016, Heredia, Costa Rica. Info:
Course on Contemporary Approaches to AGRICONTROL 2016: The 5th IFAC Conference on Prof. Dr. M.J. (Rinus) Sommeijer, E-mail: m.j.som-
Genetic Resources Conservation and Use, Sensing, Control and Automation for Agricul- meijer@uu.nl or M.Sc. Luis Alejandro Sánchez
4-22 April 2016, Wageningen, The Netherlands. ture, 14-17 August 2016, Seattle, Washington, Chaves, E-mail: luis.sanchez.chaves@una.cr, Web:
Info: http://goo.gl/y2GpcJ USA. Info: Manoj Karkee, Washington State Uni- web.science.uu.nl/sommeijer/cursus.html
versity, PO Box 641227, Pullman, WA 99164, USA,
Advanced Course on Molecular Methods Phone: (509)7869208, E-mail: manoj.karkee@
for Food Quality and Safety Control, 11-15 wsu.edu, Web: http://ifac.cahnrs.wsu.edu/

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32 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
Symposia and
Workshops > II International Symposium
on Pyrethrum
Section Medicinal and Aromatic Plants #ishs_seme
Commission Plant Protection #ishs_cmpp
Commission Plant Genetic Resources #ishs_cmgr

> Participants of the symposium. > ISHS Board member Prof. Ryutaro Tao (left)
handing out the ISHS medal to Symposium
The II International Symposium on Pyrethrum sodium channels, showing successful evalu- Convener Prof. Kazuhiko Matsuda (right).
was held on August 6-9, 2015 in Kyoto, Japan, ation of pyrethroid actions on the channels.
and attracted about 120 participants. The open- Prof. Ke Dong from Michigan State University possible new controlling measures for pyre-
ing ceremony began with a welcome from the presented research on the mechanism of repel- throid-resistant malaria.
convener Prof. Kazuhiko Matsuda and after-ad- lent effect of pyrethrum, showing the action of In session 3 on “Mosquito controls”, Dr.
dresses by Prof. Hisashi Miyagawa and Prof. pyrethrum on olfactory sensory neurons. Dr. Mutsuo Kobayashi from the National Institute
Kazumitsu Ueda from Kyoto University (KU), Maarten Jongsma from Wageningen University of Infectious Diseases (NIID) presented a sum-
Dr. Ryutaro Tao, ISHS Board member, intro- lectured on localization of pyrethrin biosyn- mary of the 2014 outbreak of Dengue fever in
duced the Society’s role in world horticulture. thesis enzymes in Tanacetum and isolations Tokyo and its management with pyrethroids,
Thereafter, Mr. Naohide Ueyama, president of of some enzyme genes as well as on a new while Dr. Yoshinori Shono from Sumitomo
the Dainihon Jochugiku Co. (Kincho), gave a pyrethrin-synthesizing plant species. Chemical presented technical details of the
keynote lecture. Thanks to Mr. Eiichiro Ueya- In session 1, Mr. Brian Chung from Botanical product Olyset® Plus, a mosquito net with
ma, the first president, Japan became the No.1 Resources Australia (BRA), Mr. Eugene long-lasting efficacy. Mr. Jim Jackson from
pyrethrum producing country before World Murashi from Horizon Group and Mr. Zhong MistAway Systems introduced a misting
War II. Although Tanacetum production moved Lu Liang from Yunnan Nanbao Biotechnology device to control mosquitoes in residential
to other countries after the war, the company Co. presented overviews on the current sta- areas and Dr. Shinji Kasai from NIID presented
has expanded by developing other products to tus of pyrethrum in Australia, Rwanda, and results of studies on the mechanisms of tar-
control household and agricultural pests. China, respectively. get-based resistance in the Aedes vector.
Emeritus Prof. Hatanaka from Yamaguchi Uni- In the second session on “Stewardship and In the fourth session on “Breeding and phys-
versity gave a keynote lecture on green odor pest controls”, Dr. Thomas Osimitz from iology”, Dr. Kristin Groom from BRA present-
and its relationship with pyrethrins. He dis- Science Strategies spoke about pyrethrum ed management of pyrethrum production
covered that green odor was generated from low adverse effects. Mr. Tomohisa Kawasaki in Tasmania and Prof. Caiyun Wang from
linolenic acid (LA) and noted that the pyrethrin from Kincho presented the development of Huazhong Agricultural University (HAU)
alcohol moiety is biosynthesized from LA, shar- mosquito coils effective on pyrethroid-resis- reported on their work on breeding for high
ing a common pathway with the green odor. tant mosquitoes, while Dr. Tatsuya Mori from pyrethrin content. Ms. Dilnee Suraweera from
Prof. John Pickett from Rothamsted Research Sumitomo Chemical spoke about metoflu- the University of Melbourne presented the
lectured on the history of pyrethrum in the UK thrin with extremely high mosquito knock- effects of drought on pyrethrum production,
and showed the push-pull strategy in Africa down efficacy in non-heating devices such while Dr. Alistair Gracie from the University
and GM plants emitting (E)-ſ-farnesene for crop as fan vaporizers, paper and resin emitters. of Tasmania talked about his work on the self
protection. Prof. John Clark from the University Mr. Ryuta Miyaji from Earth Chemical Co. pre- incompatibility of Tanacetum.
of Massachusetts gave a presentation on mem- sented information on fumigants to control In session 5 entitled “Biosynthesis I”, Prof.
brane transplantation to Xenopus oocytes to pyrethroid-resistant cockroaches. Dr. Hitoshi Kenji Matsui from Yamaguchi University pre-
reconstitute mammalian voltage-sensitive Kawada from Nagasaki University presented sented results of studies on hexenol conjuga-

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 33

> Toast at the banquet. From left
to right: Kazuhiko Matsuda, John
Clark, John Pickett, Maarten
Jongsma and Akikazu Hatanaka. > Participants in front of the Golden temple during the excursion “Cool Japan”.

tion and its role in plant defense against insect on dual functions of chrysanthemyl diphos- heritage Golden, Silver and Kiyomize tem-
attacks, while Prof. Kaihei Koshio from Tokyo phate synthetase, Dr. Hideyuki Matsuura from ples. In conclusion, the symposium was suc-
University of Agriculture discussed production Hokkaido University talked about cis-jasmone cessful and fulfilled its mission.
of ethylene as a result of green odor reactions. biosynthesis studies using labeled precursors
Dr. Kazunori Okada from the University of and Dr. Michael Birkett from Rothamsted Kazuhiko Matsuda
Tokyo talked about the modulation of a tran- Research presented results of studies on the
scription factor to change volatile emission mechanisms behind cis-jasmone activities on
from rice, Ms. JinJin Li from HAU presented plants. Dr. Naoki Ono from Nara Institute of
findings on the natural enemy attraction of Science and Technology showed transcrip- > Contact
Tanacetum and Prof. Junji Takabayashi from tome analyses in Tanacetum and the author Prof. Kazuhiko Matsuda, Convener, Depart-
KU presented results of wound-induced vola- presented the current understanding of pyre- ment of Applied Biological Chemistry, Fac-
tile actions on secondary metabolism. thrin biosynthesis. ulty of Agriculture, Kinki University, 3327-
In the sixth session entitled “Biosynthesis II”, On the last day, participants fully enjoyed 204 Naka-machi, Nara 631-8505, Japan,
Mr. Hu Hao from HAU presented information the excursion “Cool Japan”, visiting the world e-mail: kmatsuda@nara.kindai.ac.jp

> III Balkan Symposium

on Fruit Growing
Section Nuts and Mediterranean Climate Fruits #ishs_senu

The III Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing > Participants of the symposium at the entrance hall of the “Crowne Plaza” hotel.
was held on September 16-18, 2015 in Belgrade,
Serbia. It was organized by the Department 167 participants from 26 countries. In addi- tries: Russia, Brazil, Latvia, USA, Belgium, Czech
of Fruit Growing, Faculty of Agriculture, tion to participants from all Balkan countries Republic, Italy, Lithuania, Slovak Republic,
University of Belgrade and under the auspices (except for Montenegro), the symposium was Germany, Iran, Republic of Korea, Portugal
of the ISHS. The symposium was attended by attended by 45 participants from other coun- and Norway. The aim of this symposium was

34 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
> Symposium participants at the technical Deputy Major of Belgrade City, also expressed opportunity to see the wine cellar and orchard,
tour in PIK “South Banat”, Bela Crkva. his welcome to the symposium participants. and finally enjoyed a cocktail and wine tasting.
On the first day of the symposium, the invited Two social activities were organized during
lecture “New cultivars of first quality cherries the symposium: the welcome party at the
at Dresden-Pillnitz” was presented by Dr. Mirko Faculty of Agriculture and the official dinner.
Schuster, Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI), Dresden, The Faculty of Agriculture was founded in
Germany. On the second day, the invited lec- 1919 and currently has more than 4,000 stu-
ture “Modern apple fruit production” was pre- dents. After the presentation of the faculty,
sented by Prof. Franci Štampar, Biotechnical a welcome cocktail was organized, followed
Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. by a walk with a guide through the Zemun,
The third day was dedicated to technical an old part of Belgrade. An official music
and cultural visits. Participants first visited dinner at a restaurant on an island in the
PIK “South Banat”, Bela Crkva. This company Sava River was one of the highlights of the
occupies an area of 1,830 hectares, of which symposium, where participants could enjoy
230 ha are planted with apples, about 170 the relaxed atmosphere for friendship, talk,
ha with peaches and nectarines, and about singing and dancing.
100 ha with grapes. After the tour to apple The value of the symposium was positively
and peach orchards, participants visited the recognized by the participants from various
fruit grading line and cold storage facilities. countries. The symposium was a good oppor-

> Prof. Tiziano Caruso (left) presenting

the ISHS medal to the Convener
Prof. Dragan MilatoviÉ (right).

to promote communication and cooperation

among researchers, companies and growers in
the Balkan region and beyond.
The scientific program consisted of two invited
lectures, 40 oral and 104 poster presentations
divided into five sessions: Fruit breeding and
biotechnology, Cultivar and rootstock evalu-
ation, Physiology and ecology of fruit trees,
Fruit growing technologies, Fruit quality, post-
harvest and processing and Other topics. The
symposium provided an overview of current > Dr. Mirko Schuster (left) and Prof. Franci Štampar (right) during their invited lectures.
research in all fields of fruit science. There was
a wide diversity of research topics presented The next stop was at Smederevo Fortress, a tunity for participants to develop friendships,
at the symposium. All participants learnt from medieval fortified city built in the XV century. old and new. New networks were established
the numerous presentations, took part in sci- After lunch in a restaurant on the banks of between research scientists for knowledge
entific discussions, found useful contacts and the Danube River, the participants visited the sharing and for further cooperation.
enjoyed meeting old and new colleagues. plantation “Blueberry Land” in the village of
At the opening ceremony, Prof. Dragan Brestovik. There are three blocks of modern Dragan MilatoviÉ
MilatoviÉ, Symposium Convener, and Prof. blueberry plantings, with a total area of 5 ha.
Predrag Pudja, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of The tour finished at the Experimental Farm
Agriculture, gave welcome addresses on “Radmilovac” of the Faculty of Agriculture. The
behalf of the host organization. Prof. Tiziano total area of the farm is 86 ha of which 30 ha > Contact
Caruso (Italy), Chair of the ISHS Section Nuts is planted with orchards and vineyards. It is a Prof. Dragan MilatoviÉ, Convener, Faculty
and Mediterranean Climate Fruits of ISHS, wel- facility for practical education and training for of Agriculture, University of Belgrade,
comed the participants and presented a brief students, as well as for carrying out research Serbia, e-mail: mdragan@agrif.bg.ac.rs
introduction to the ISHS. Andeja MladenoviÉ, by the teaching staff. Participants had the

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 35

> III International Conference on
Quality Management in Supply
Chains of Ornamentals (QMSCO2015)
Section Ornamental Plants #ishs_seop
Commission Quality and Postharvest Horticulture #ishs_cmph

> Conference Convener Dr. Mohammad > Conference participants, and the Organizing and Scientific
Mahdi Jowkar (left) receiving the Committees at the conference venue.
ISHS medal and certificate from ISHS
representative Dr. J. Heyes (right). Q Table 1. Student participation scholarships.

The III International Conference on Quality No. Name University Country

Management in Supply Chains of Ornamentals
1 Geert van Geest Wageningen University The Netherlands
(QMSCO2015) was organized by the Islamic
Azad University, Kermanshah Branch, under 2 Mahboubeh Davoudi Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Iran
the auspices of the International Society for
Horticultural Science (ISHS). The event was held 3 Karemesi Maryane Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Kenya
Research Organization
on May 1-3, 2015, in the Anahita venue at the
Parsian International Hotel, Kermanshah, Iran. 4 Mehran Kanani Islamic Azad University Iran
There were 113 papers received from 13 different 5 Mehrnaz Falaki Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed India
countries, including: China, Finland, Germany, Khalilsaraee University
India, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand, 6 Morteza Soleimani University of Tehran Iran
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The Netherlands Aghdam
and USA. Several well-known ISHS and ASHS 7 Sudarat Khunmuang King Mongkut’s University of Thailand
members presented keynote lectures, such as Technology
M. van Iersel (Univ. of Georgia, USA), J.A. Heyes 8 Marzieh Keshavarzi Massey University New Zealand
(Massey Univ., New Zealand), E. Farshadfar (Razi
Univ., Iran), S.M. Jain (Univ. of Finland), and U. van ogy, C) Cultivation techniques and innovations, In order to promote and support the par-
Meeteren (Wageningen Univ., The Netherlands). D) Harvest and postharvest, E) Biotechnology, ticipation of young students, the Islamic
The conference highlighted the most recent and F) Economics and marketing. Several out- Azad University, Kermanshah Branch, pro-
developments, innovations and scientific topics standing papers discussed issues in the fields vided student participation scholarships
dealing with improving our understanding and of biotechnology, cloning and expression of var- to eight outstanding student oral papers
sharing knowledge on various facts of ornamen- ious genes, consumer value, energy efficiency, from six different countries (Table 1). The
tal production, application and marketing cycle in vitro breeding, phytoremediation, precision student scholarship consisted of a registra-
with special emphasis on: A) Propagation tech- irrigation, programmed cell death, and water tion fee waiver and accommodation in a 5
niques and innovations, B) Physiology and biol- deprivation and stress. star hotel.

36 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
In addition to the conference sessions, a workshop
on High Performance Liquid Chromatography
(HPLC) was organized and presented by Knauer,
Germany. During the field trip, participants visited
a cut flower greenhouse complex producing var-
ious cut flowers such as: rose, alstroemeria, ger-
bera and anthurium. The tour also included a trip
to Biseton, one of the world famous heritage sites,
and to Tageh-e-Bostan, as well as an opportunity
to experience the local cuisine.
More information and a photo gallery can be
seen on the conference website available at

Mohammad Mahdi Jowkar

> Contact
Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Jowkar, Depart-
ment of Horticulture, College of Agricul-
ture, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Kermanshah, Iran, e-mail:
> Sightseeing tour to Tageh-e-Bostan.

a b c d e f

> Students receiving scholarship awards from Dr. Nowzar Ghanbari, President of Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch:
a) Geert van Geest, b) Mahboubeh Davoudi Pahnekolayi, c) Mehran Kanani, d) Mehrnaz Falaki Khalilsaraee,
e) Sudarat Khunmuang, f) Marzieh Keshavarzi (Karemesi Maryane and Morteza Soleimani Aghdam did not participate).

> X International Symposium

on Modelling in Fruit Research
and Orchard Management
Section Pome and Stone Fruits #ishs_sefr
The X International Symposium of the ISHS orchard modelling” with a number of stimulating Presentations on these topics demonstrated
Working Group Modelling in Fruit Research and ideas for future research and cooperation. a broad range of interest in using modelling
Orchard Management was successfully held The scientific program comprised 55 oral and 33 approaches in fruit tree research and orchard
at Agropolis International, Montpellier, France, poster presentations, covering 9 main themes: management to integrate recently-acquired
on June 2-5, 2015. Dr. Evelyne Costes, from INRA • Tree 3D reconstruction knowledge about fruit tree growth and func-
Montpellier, convened this event that attracted • Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM) tioning to predict outcomes under variable
about 100 people from 17 countries. • Tree architecture and production conditions, to study processes of interest and
The symposium was opened by Dr. Bernard • Phenology to promote new applications in horticulture.
Hubert, President of Agropolis International, and • Fruit growth The models presented were very diverse. The
Dr. Theodore DeJong, Chairman of the ISHS Section • Light interception first three sessions were dedicated to stud-
Pome and Stone Fruits, who gave an introduction • Carbon partitioning ies aimed at measuring or representing tree
on the ISHS. Dr. DeJong drew a large panorama on • Disease control structures in FSPM and assessing their rela-
the “Opportunities and challenges in fruit tree and • Fruit quality tionship with tree production. Model trans-

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 37

fers to new species, integration of genetic > Participants of the symposium. > Experiment to screen the responses
parameters and interfaces between existing of 200 genotypes of an apple tree core
models, illustrated how new technologies powdery mildew model that highlighted inter- collection to soil water restriction.
and models contribute to new applications, actions between plant growth, pathogen, crop
aimed at optimizing tree and orchard man- management and climate.
agement and accounting for tree complexity Two alternative field tours were offered during
and anthropogenic manipulations. which high through-put phenotyping plat-
Tree interactions with climatic conditions was forms at the INRA Phenome Network facilities
the main topic of the session on tree phenology, were visited (https://www.phenome-fppn.fr/
which welcomed the largest number of contri- Plates-formes). The first facilities, at INRA Cen-
butions. It was introduced by Dr. Garcia de Cor- ter La Gaillarde, enable researchers to study
tazar Atauri, from INRA Avignon, who presented plant responses to soil water availability in
the Perpheclim Accaf INRA Project dedicated to greenhouse controlled conditions. In this Phe-
modelling perennial fruit crop and forest phe- noArch platform, conveyors allow the move-
nology evolution facing climatic changes. Other ment of plants within the greenhouse, facili-
oral presentations demonstrated the need for tating repeated measurements of soil water
new approaches to modelling tree dormancy content (SWC) from pot weighing, as well as
and chill accumulation, to better predict flower- measurements of plant biomass and leaf area > Presentation of a drone equipped
ing time in spring under diverse climatic regions from processed images. Drs. Gerardo Lopez with visible and thermal cameras.
and/or the evolution of adequate cultivation and Benoit Pallas presented the experiment
areas for the next decades. The session on light they performed in 2014 to screen the respons- of the Working Group nominated Dr. Evelyne
interception was introduced by Dr. Michael es of 200 genotypes of an apple tree core col- Costes to be the new Chair. The members
Cieslak from the University of Calgary (Cana- lection to soil water restriction. of the Working Group decided that the next
da), who presented a model called the shadow The second platform, located at the INRA exper- symposium would be held at the Internation-
propagation model used in simulations of plant- imental unit Diascope, enables researchers to al Horticultural Congress that is scheduled to
light interactions. This session was followed phenotype trees in open fields, based on aerial be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 12-16 August,
by talks on carbon partitioning and transport images. Drs. J.L. Regnard and M. Delalande pre- 2018, to provide greater exposure of the activ-
during which very interesting new approaches sented the current facilities and applications to ities of the Working Group to the wider inter-
to simulating the dynamics of carbohydrate apple segregating populations, using a drone national horticulture community.
movement from sources to sinks were present- equipped with visible and thermal cameras.
ed. Two subsequent sessions were dedicated These tours were complemented by a tourist Evelyne Costes
to fruit growth and quality during which new visit to Aigues Mortes, one of the very well
advances in 3D representations of internal fruit preserved historical places near Montpellier,
organization of cells and tissues, bio-physical and by a regional wine tasting.
modelling of fruit growth and novel modelling During the concluding session of the sym- > Contact
of fluxes of water, carbohydrates and anthocy- posium, the convener expressed her thanks Dr. Evelyne Costes, Convener, “Architecture et
anins were presented, all of which contribute to the organizing and scientific committees. Fonctionnement des Espèces Fruitières”
to more precise predictions of fruit quality. The Prof. Peter Braun who was the Chair of the team, Genetic and Breeding of Mediter-
session on “Disease control” was introduced by ISHS Working Group on Modelling in Fruit ranean and Tropical Plants (AGAP) unit,
Dr. Agnès Calonnec from INRA Bordeaux, who Research and Orchard Management for 8 2, place Viala, 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1,
presented a sensitivity analysis of a grapevine/ years asked to be replaced and the members France, e-mail: costes@supagro.inra.fr

+60,000 articles on-line

38 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
> XI International Mango Symposium
Section Tropical and Subtropical Fruits #ishs_sets
The XI International Mango Symposium was Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and the Beijing The symposium also had a focus on research
held in Darwin, Australia between 28 Septem- Genomics Institute (BGI). The sequence data for development and capacity building of
ber and 2 October 2015 under the auspices will provide a platform on which scientists can scientists and industries in the Asia-Pacific
of the ISHS and with the theme of “Science improve the understanding of the structure, region. For the first time at an International
Supporting the Mango Industry”. The sympo- organisation and evolution of mango in areas Mango Symposium a series of six master class-
sium was co-convened by Dr. Ian Bally, Dr. Lucy such as anthracnose resistance, tree vigour, es were presented by specialist researchers
Tran-Nguyen and Mr. Bob Williams and organ- productivity, biennial bearing, shelf life, skin in a range of disciplines to foster the devel-
ised through the Northern Territory Depart- colour and flavour. opment of mango-related scientific knowl-
ment of Primary Industry and Fisheries at the The symposium was well supported by breed- edge and skills in early career researchers
Double Tree Hilton Esplanade in Darwin. It fol- ers, genetic and genomic scientists. Dr. David and post-graduate students. Master classes
lowed previous symposia held in the Domin- Kuhn of USDA gave a very valuable keynote were presented in entomology, plant pathol-

> Outgoing Chair of ISHS Working Group > Participants of the symposium.
Mango, Dr. Victor Galán Saúco (left), and
incoming Working Group Chair, Dr. Ping
Lu (right), awarding the ISHS medals to
Symposium Conveners Mr. Bob Williams
(second from left), Dr. Ian Bally (center) and
Dr. Lucy Tran-Nguyen (second from right).

ican Republic (June 2013) and in China (April

2010). The last time the mango symposium was
held in Australia was in September 1989.
One hunded and eighty-eight delegates from
26 countries attended the symposium, which
was comprised of 96 oral presentations, 42 > Pakistan delegate, Dr. Nazim Labar > Symposium delegates photographing
posters, two field tours and two themed work- Husain, examining mango roots mango cultivars at the farm of Mr. Han
shops/meetings. Presentations at the sympo- during the Flowering and Plant Shiong Siah during the field trip.
sium were divided into 12 themes: genetics Physiology Master Class.
and breeding, botany and physiology, biotech- ogy, experimental design and analyses, flower
nology, pathology, entomology, orchard man- presentation on genomic developments and manipulation in mangoes, mango biotechnol-
agement, product development, marketing this was followed by other presentations on ogy and tools for precision mango culture.
and value chains, market access, postharvest molecular markers and gene identification. The master classes attracted sponsorship from
physiology, postharvest management, and Another highlight was the keynote address development agencies such as the Australian
propagation and nursery practices. Two sepa- given by Dr. Frédéric Normand on new Centre for International Agricultural Research
rate field tours of mango production districts approaches to mango canopy management, (ACIAR) and The Crawford Fund. The master
were held on the final day of the symposium; where he outlined some of the basic principles class initiative provided the opportunity for
one to the Darwin district and the other to the and relationships between mango canopy ele- many scientists from developing countries
Katherine production district. ments and productivity and quality. This talk, to participate for the first time in an ISHS
A major highlight was the announcement of along with several other presentations, stimu- symposium and has widened the participa-
the mango genome sequence. The genome-se- lated much discussion on the transformation tion from some of the poorer nations in the
quencing project was led by Horticulture of low density, low productivity orchards to international mango science community. Dr.
Innovation Australia with the Queensland high density, high productivity orchard sys- Richard Markham (ACIAR) presented a keynote
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, the tems, as a concept that many countries are address that discussed the increasing impact
International Crops Research Institute for the beginning to investigate. of mango research internationally through

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 39

strategic planning and regional collaboration. they saw six new rootstocks being evaluated announcement of the symposium will be sent
Dr. Markham outlined many of the develop- on current and new scion cultivars. At the out soon. For updates on the Mango Working
ments that have been a result of collaborative Manbulloo farm, some of the latest mechan- Group, please visit our webpage http://www.
research partnerships between Australia and ical harvesting and pruning equipment were ishs.org/mango.
countries in the Indio-Asian-Pacific region over demonstrated to delegates.
the past 30 years. During the symposium, an ISHS business meet- Ian S.E. Bally
On the last day, delegates had the opportunity ing was held and Dr. Ping Lu from Darwin, Aus-
to see the Australian mango industry in action tralia, was elected as the new Chair of the ISHS
with a field tour of either the Darwin or Kather- Working Group Mango. Dr. Ping Lu thanked the
ine districts. Delegates saw mango harvesting outgoing Working Group Chair, Dr. Victor Galán > Contact
using harvest-aid machinery and the process- Saúco, for his long-term contribution to world Dr. Ian S.E. Bally, Symposium Co-Convener,
ing and packing operations in some of the larg- mango research and industry development. Principal Horticulturist, Department of
est farms in Australia, which grow between Members of the Working Group also voted for Agriculture and Fisheries, PO Box 1054,
30,000 and 150,000 trees. Delegates lunched the XII International Mango Symposium to Mareeba, Queensland, 4880, Australia,
at the NTG Katherine Research Station where be held in Guangxi, China (July 2017). The first e-mail: ian.bally@daf.qld.gov.au

> IX International Symposium

on Artichoke, Cardoon and
their Wild Relatives
Section Vegetables, Quality Production Systems, Leafy Green
and Non-Root Vegetables #ishs_sevq
The IX International Symposium on Arti-
choke, Cardoon and their Wild Relatives was
held from September 29 to October 2, 2015
in La Plata, Argentina. The symposium was
organized under the auspices of the Interna-
tional Society for Horticulture Science (ISHS)
by the National University of La Plata (UNLP)
and the National University of Rosario (UNR).
The event provided an international plat-
form for the exchange of information and
knowledge about the species Cynara car-
dunculus L. and the spread of scientific and
technological developments obtained by
public and private institutions, both nation-
ally and overseas. More than 100 people,
including researchers, technicians, students,
farmers, extension officers and traders, from
different countries such as Argentina, Chile,
Peru, Brazil, United States, Italy, Spain, Portu-
gal, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Korea,
among others, attended the meeting. > Participants of the symposium. introductory plenary lecture, “From Medi-
This was the first time that this event had terranean Basin to the Andean Mountains,
taken place in America, the eight previous The meeting lasted four days and included the long journey of the artichoke that unites
editions having been held in Europe (Italy, scientific sessions, two technical field trips different people and cultures”, was given by
Spain and France). The Region of La Plata was and a technical workshop. The opening ses- Prof. Dr. Nicola Calabrese – Chair of the ISHS
an ideal place to hold this event given the sion included the presentation of the Con- Working Group on Artichoke.
economic importance of the globe artichoke veners, a local government representative, The scientific program included 15 oral pre-
in this horticultural belt. During the last few a University representative and the ISHS sentations and more than 50 posters orga-
years, globe artichokes have been grown on representative, Prof. Dr. Daniel Leskovar – nized into four scientific sessions covering
about 1,500 ha, with a production volume of Chair of the ISHS Section Vegetables, Quality the following topics: Biodiversity and genetic
18,000 t (more than 50% of the total produc- Production Systems, Leafy Green and Non- resources management; Genetics, breeding
tion of the country). Root Vegetables. Afterwards, an excellent and seed production; Production technolo-

40 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
cia University, Italy) was accepted unanimous-
ly. The host of the next symposium was also
discussed. From the proposals received, the
recommendation was to host the X Interna-
tional Symposium on Artichoke, Cardoon and
their Wild Relatives in Spain (Valencia) during
March 2019. A workshop to be held in conjunc-
tion with the IHC 2018 was also considered.
The Organizing Committee is pleased to
thank the Scientific Committee and all par-
ticipants for the high quality of posters, oral
presentations and keynotes that greatly con-
tributed to the success of the event. Further-
> Organizing Committee: Claudia Kebat, > Poster session. more, the Conveners would like to thank
Adriana Riccetti, Stella Maris García,
Vanina Cravero, Enrique Cointry,
Fernando López Anido (Gonzalo
Villena is missing in the picture).

gy; and Postharvest, quality and alternative

uses. Two invited speakers presented key-
note lectures to open each subject session.
The last day of the symposium was dedicated
to a technical workshop, where eight speak-
ers gave an overview of artichoke culture and
markets in several American and European
countries and trends in consumer percep- > Field trip. all institutions and private companies who
tion. Then, ideas/experiences were shared provided sponsorship and financial support.
in an open discussion, between the private Another important item among the sym- We also wish to thank the members of our
plant breeding industry and academia. posium activities was the social program. Organizing Committee for their assistance
The program also included two field trips Lunches and coffee breaks were propitious before, during and after the meeting.
during which two different production areas moments for establishing relationships and
(La Plata and San Pedro) were visited. At both enjoying both academic-scientific discus- Vanina Cravero and Stella Maris García
sites, open field trials were being conducted sions and socio-cultural discussions. The wel-
using more than 35 globe artichoke cultivars. come cocktail and the gala dinner were also
Among the cultivars exhibited were some two relaxed moments where participants
from seed propagation and others from asex- enjoyed several cultural shows. A friend- > Contact
ual (offshoots) propagation, those belonging ly atmosphere throughout the meeting Dr. Vanina Cravero, IICAR-CONICET, CC 14,
to private companies and those developed in allowed participants to renew old and build S2125ZAA Zavalla, Santa Fe, Argentina,
the public sector. Landraces were also includ- new professional and personal relationships. e-mail: vcravero@unr.edu.ar
ed. During the field trip, participants also During the ISHS business meeting, members Dr. Stella Maris García, Facultad de Ciencias
visited a processing plant and enjoyed lunch of the Artichoke Working Group (WG) made a Agrarias (UNR), CC 14, S2125ZAA Zavalla, Santa
prepared by local farmers who presented decision concerning the next Chair of the WG. Fe, Argentina, e-mail: sgarcia@unr.edu.ar
traditional artichoke dishes. The candidature of Prof. Mario Pagnotta (Tus-

> VII International Symposium

on Edible Alliaceae
Section Vegetables, Roots, Tubers, Edible Bulbs, Brassica, Asparagus #ishs_sevr
From 21 to 25 October 2015, almost 255 inter- al Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). ty for Horticultural Science, and ISHS were
national scientists, growers and specialists Previously, the International Symposium on present.
met in Nigde, Turkey, and discussed the pres- Edible Alliaceae was organized in Argenti- Delegates from 33 countries exchanged
ent and future developments of edible Allium na (1992), Australia (1996), United States of their knowledge and the latest results from
crops. This symposium was jointly organ- America (2000), China (2004), The Netherlands their research on onions, garlic and leeks.
ized by Nidge University and the Republic (2007), and Japan (2012). In the opening ses- Important topics such as molecular breeding
of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and sion, representatives from Nidge University, and genomics, agronomy, storage and pro-
Livestock under the aegis of the Internation- the Turkish Government, the Turkish Socie- cessing, pests and diseases, and secondary

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 41

> Convener Dr. Ali Fuat Gokce and his team. > Participants of the symposium.

metabolites and phytochemicals, were dis- production was presented by Dr. Claudio quality presentations and posters. Moreover,
cussed. Some highlights were: Galmarini (Argentina). the Convener would like to thank the spon-
• The proposal for an international plant and • Isolation and molecular characterization of sors for their financial support, which greatly
Allium genomics collaboration, formulated by new tandem repeats in Allium fistulosum contributed to the success of the event.
Dr. Michael Havey (USA), in order to develop a genome was presented by Dr. Ilya Kirov During the business meeting, the members
coordinated plan of genomic resources for (Russia). of the ISHS Working Group on Edible Alliace-
Allium, especially for the onion genome. Many other interesting experiences related ae elected from proposals from India, Indo-
• A new “omics” platform technology for to garlic, shallot, Allium fistulosum, leek, and nesia and the USA, the one presented by Dr.
applied cytogenetics and its implications other Allium crops were shared and sup- Michael Havey to host the VIII International
for germplasm enhancement in Allium was ported the global research on Alliaceae. A Symposium on Edible Alliaceae in Madison,
proposed by Dr. Masayoshi Shigyo from Japan. highlight of the symposium was the field USA, in July 2018. We want to invite all our
Recent aspects of Allium cryopreservation tour to Cappadocia Nevsehir, not only for the colleagues interested in Allium to join us in
were presented by Dr. Joachim Keller technical aspects, but also for the beauty of Madison, Wisconsin.
(Germany). this historic Turkish location.
• The history and present status of onions that The Convener, Dr. Ali Fuat Gokce, and his Claudio Galmarini
would not make people cry, was discussed by team did a wonderful job organizing the
Dr. Colin Eady (New Zealand). activities of this symposium. The partici-
• Very useful information was presented by pants experienced the hospitality of Turkish >Contact
Dr. Andrew Taylor (UK) about understanding people and had the opportunity to discover Dr. Claudio Galmarini, Chair ISHS Working
the genetic control of pathogenicity and the culture of this wonderful country. Group on Edible Alliaceae, INTA E.E.A. La
resistance to Fusarium oxysporum in onion. The ISHS recognizes the effort of Dr. Gokce Consulta, C.C.8, 5567, La Consulta, Men-
• Evidence of onion morphological floral traits and his team and wish to thank the Scientific doza, Argentina, Phone: +54 2622470304,
and nectar composition related to seed Committee and all participants for their high e-mail: galmarini.claudio@inta.gob.ar

> XVIII International Symposium

on Horticultural Economics
and Management
Commission Economics and Management #ishs_cmem
Issues related to marketing and competitive- under the aegis of ISHS. The meeting had a Busch from (then West) Germany, R. Folley from
ness are high on the agenda of horticultural broad agenda, covering a range of topics from the UK and W.J. Sangers from The Netherlands.
businesses, on the local, regional, as well as the the consumer through value chains and inter- Sangers described the forming of the discipline
global scale. Growers and their organisations national trade to production management and in an article in Chronica Horticulturae 6(1) (1966),
are constantly affected by consumer demand, knowledge transfer. The event was eminently where important matters included economic
negotiations with powerful supermarkets and introduced by Mårten Carlsson, the first Swed- optimum, policy and location and structure of
changes in imports from producers elsewhere. ish professor in horticultural economics, and the industry. The first symposium was held in
The XVIII International Symposium on Horticul- former Vice Chancellor of SLU, who gave an Reading, UK in 1968, where emphasis was on
tural Economics and Management was held at exposé of the early history of the ISHS Commis- these issues, as presented in Acta Horticulturae
the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences sion Economics and Management, starting with 13 (1969). Concepts like marketing, communica-
(SLU) in Alnarp, Sweden on May 31-June 3, 2015, “the founding fathers”, among whom were W. tion and consumer preferences were not yet

42 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
> Participants of the symposium. Photo by Jan Larsson. > Symposium Convener, Dr. Lena Ekelund.
Photo by Jan Larsson.
on the agenda, and neither were any environ- tourism in China, food security in Kenya, and
mental problems. Mårten Carlsson encouraged online flower shopping in Germany. Whereas from big glasshouse firms in The Netherlands
everybody involved to complete the picture focus has earlier been on physical distribution, and small-scale growers in Turkey, highlighting
and contribute to the writing of the history it is now on value creation in the chain, i.e. value the importance of cross-communication rather
of Horticultural Economics as a discipline. The as defined – and paid for – by the final consum- than telling individuals what to do.
following link contains some of the highly inter- er. International competition is an important The 18th symposium was one in a series of
esting material, a “starting kit” for this con- area in a sector that is largely characterised by meetings between experts in business and
tinuous process: free trade. Trade routes have changed as new market aspects on horticulture, including
partnerskapAlnarp/ekonf/20150531_ISHS/Star- members, like Hungary, enter into the European researchers, and people from organisations,
ingKitDevOfHortEc.pdf Union (EU). Other production has been affected firms, advisors and other actors involved in
During the symposium some 30 participants by decisions within certain countries, for exam- the horticultural sector. Knowledge transfer
from 13 countries gave 24 oral presentations ple, the effect on Polish apples when Russia was exemplified during the technical tour to
and showed six posters within the different introduced an embargo on imports. At the same flower, fruit and vegetable growers and a fruit
topics. A third of the presented research con- time, countries outside the EU are trying to producer organisation, when the link between
cerned the consumer, which can be viewed as compete within the EU, for example, potatoes the academy and the grower became evident.
a trend. Horticultural producers are increas- from Egypt and fruit and vegetables from the Thanks to all participants for contributing to
ingly aware of the importance of consumer candidate EU country, Turkey. a successful event with interesting presenta-
trust and confidence in their products. Those Viewed in a longer perspective, from the first tions and stimulating discussions, to Partner-
who are not, risk losing market share to those meeting to the present, there has been a clear ship Alnarp for financial support and to the
who listen to the consumers’ concerns, partic- progression of focus, from production aspects organising committee for adding to the spirit
ularly about climate-friendly fruit and vegeta- downstream in the value chain, towards the of the “Horticultural Economics Family”.
bles, attractive flowers or fresh fruit as part of consumer, which has increased the emphasis
a healthy diet. Studies presented in this field on problems of marketing and sustainability. Lena Ekelund

> Discussions with the managing director (Henrik Stridh) during the visit to the > Technical tour showing the diversity of
producer-owned fruit marketing organization, Äppleriket. Photo by Jan Larsson. plant production. Photo by Jan Larsson.

showed the potential to add new value to However, improved management has contin-
products for the discerning consumer. ued to be of importance, particularly risk man- > Contact
The horticultural value chain is changing agement and conversion to organic. One pre- Dr. Lena Ekelund, Convener, Dept. of Work
according to consumer desires and habits. New sentation at the 1968 Reading symposium was: Science, Business Economics and Environ-
concepts are becoming important, as demon- Making Advice Acceptable. Now, the question is mental Psychology, Box 88, S-230 53 Alnarp,
strated in various papers on ethics and respon- rather how knowledge is transferred between Sweden, e-mail: lena.ekelund@slu.se
sibility in Australian food chains, horticultural researcher and grower, with examples given

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 43

> Greensys2015 – International
Symposium on New Technologies
and Management for Greenhouses
Commission Horticultural Engineering #ishs_cmen
Commission Protected Cultivation #ishs_cmpc

Greensys2015 – International Symposium as a poster, in the 14 thematic areas. Light use > Greensys2015 participants.
on New Technologies and Management for in greenhouses; fertigation, water and grow-
Greenhouses, held in Évora, Portugal, on 19-23 ing medium management; climate control Some discussions may lead to future coop-
July 2015, was organized by the Rural Engineer- and modelling; greenhouse management and eration arising from new ideas for future
ing Department of the University of Évora, product quality; energy; CFD; and sustainable research projects. Examples of this became
under the aegis of the International Society for production, were the thematic areas with the evident from several sessions. In the ‘Light
Horticultural Science with the direct involve- highest number of presentations (Figure 2). use in greenhouses’ area, more experiments
ment of the ISHS Commissions Horticultural The welcome reception, held in the University are needed in order to understand the effect
Engineering and Protected Cultivation. garden, was an opportunity to welcome the of light on plants and on the whole canopy.
Greensys2015 consisted of scientific and participants before starting work, in a friend- In the ‘Greenhouse systems and design’ ses-
technical oral and poster sessions, and social ly and pleasant atmosphere. sion, it seemed clear that a multi-disciplinary
and cultural programs. The thematic areas Three excellent invited lectures were given by approach is needed, to be able to propose
covered new technologies and management experts internationally recognized for their alternative greenhouse designs. It appeared
for greenhouses, namely, climate control and important contribution to the greenhouse that inconsistencies still exist in some results
modelling; covering materials; crop model- production and technology sectors. Dr. Silke concerning the effect of coloured nets. Wide
ling; equipment, robotics and automation; Hemming showed the ultimate advances in application of CFD, climate control and mod-
energy; greenhouse management and prod- greenhouse systems, focused on systems elling was discussed and some suggestions
uct quality; sustainable production; envi- design, sensors and decision support systems. were given to include more parameters in
ronmental impacts; greenhouse systems Dr. Esteban Baeza talked about innovation in order to get closer to real conditions. Growers
and design; fertigation, water and growing greenhouse technology in arid and semi-arid need to have online information about crop
medium management; computational fluid regions, with emphasis on the importance of behaviour. Some innovations were present-
dynamics (CFD); plant protection; semi-pro- improvement in climate control strategies. ed but more improvements are still needed.
tected cultivation systems; and light use in Prof. Stefania de Pascale talked about the Many of the presentations looked into possi-
greenhouses. The symposium was an excel- importance of improvement in water and bilities to increase sustainability, for example
lent opportunity for exchanging knowledge nutrient management and presented recent by using energy renewable resources.
and ideas, presenting innovations and dis- advances in soil and plant testing. Several parallel activities occurred during
cussing the state of the art and future per- Invited keynote speakers that opened the the Greensys2015 symposium. Bluecape
spectives for the greenhouse sector. oral sessions in CFD, greenhouse manage- sponsored a Workshop on the OpenFOAM
Greensys2015 had a total of 268 participants ment and product quality, and energy, were CFD software, which attracted more than
from 32 different countries, including 60 stu- Prof. Murat Kacira, Prof. Gene Giacomelli and 20 participants. During the joint business
dents. Delegates from Spain, Japan, The Neth- Prof. Qichang Yang, respectively. During the meeting of the Commissions Horticultural
erlands, China, Greece and Italy contributed three days of scientific sessions, in which Engineering and Protected Cultivation, Dr.
the most presentations (Figure 1). all sessions had a high number of partici- Thomas Bartzanas was elected as the new
A total of 345 abstracts were received and, in pants, very interesting presentations were Chair of ISHS Working Group Computational
the end, 258 were presented, either orally or reported and fruitful discussions occurred. Fluid Dynamics and Dr. Irineo Lopez Cruz as

44 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
USA: 9 Algeria: 2
Turkey: 5 Belgium: 4
Taiwan: 4 Brazil: 13
Switzerland: 5 Bulgaria: 2
Sweden: 3 Canada: 6

China: 19
Spain: 32
Denmark: 2
Finland: 1
Sustainable production
Saudi Arabia: 1 France: 11 Semi-protected cultivation systems (high tunnels)
Russia: 2 Plant protection
Romania: 1 Light use in greenhouses
Portugal: 4 Germany : 14 Greenhouse systems and design
Poland: 2
Greenhouse management and product quality
Netherlands: 16
Fertigation, water and growing medium management
Greece: 15 Equipment, robotic and automation
Environmental impacts
Hungary: 1 Energy
Mexico: 12 Iran: 4
Crop modelling
Lithuania: 4 Israel: 12 Covering materials
Korea: 14 Climate control and modelling
Italy: 21 CFD
Japan: 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Q Figure 1. Number of presentations per country. Q Figure 2. Number of presentations per thematic area.

School of Agronomy, the Specialized Section of

Rural Engineering/SCAP, the Portuguese Asso-
ciation of Horticulture, EurAgEng and Évora
Township. This event was sponsored by private
companies, namely Bayer Crop Science, Hubel
Verde, Hubel Industria da Água, Svensson,
Grundfos, Hexastep and Bluecape. We truly
believe that the participants of Greensys2015
returned home very pleased with the scientific
content of this event and also enjoyed the
atmosphere at the University and their stay in
the beautiful city of Évora.
> Prof. Murat Kacira, Chair ISHS Commission > Technical visit at Vale da Rosa.
Horticultural Engineering (left), and Fátima Baptista, Luis Silva
Prof. Stefania de Pascale, Chair ISHS importance of Greensys2015 for the scientific and Jorge Meneses
Commission Protected Cultivation (right), community and for the world, because it
handing out the ISHS medal award to Prof. deals with several scientific areas in a multi-
Luis Silva, Prof. Fátima Baptista and Prof. disciplinary approach and contributes to the
Jorge Meneses (Symposium Conveners). sustainability of our planet. > Contact
On the last day, participants were taken on Prof. Dr. Fátima Baptista and Prof. Dr. Luís
the new Chair of ISHS Working Group Green- a technical visit to Vale da Rosa, a farm with Silva, University of Evora, Dept. Eng.
house Environment and Climate Control. Dr. 250  ha of vineyards protected with plastic Rural – ICAAM, Nucleo da Mitra, Apartado
Irineo Lopez Cruz from Mexico was elected films and nets, and finished with a cultural 94, 7002-554 Évora, Portugal, e-mail: fb@
as Convener for Greensys2021. CFD and Pro- tour to Monsaraz, an historic medieval village. uevora.pt and llsilva@uevora.pt
tected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climates Greensys2015 was supported by Évora Univer- Prof. Dr. Jorge Ferro Meneses, Institu-
Working Group meetings were also held. sity, the School of Sciences and Technology, to Superior de Agronomia, Tapada da
At the closing ceremony, the University Rec- ICAAM – the Mediterranean Institute of Agrar- Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal, e-mail:
tor, Prof. Ana Maria Freitas, emphasised the ian and Environmental Sciences, the High jmeneses@isa.ulisboa.pt

> International Symposium on

Growing Media, Composting and
Substrate Analysis (SusGro 2015)
Commission Plant Substrates and Soilless Culture #ishs_cmps
The latest symposium of the Growing Media, Peatland Society (IPS) – SusGro 2015 – was held spacious lecture hall with its barrelhouse roof
Composting for Horticultural Applications, and from 5-10 September 2015. The symposium took was admired by all delegates, and the ability to
Substrate Analysis Working Groups within the place at the Vienna University of Technology, host all posters and information from sponsors
ISHS Commission Plant Substrates and Soilless Austria, in a wonderful location close to the was greatly appreciated. Just over 100 delegates
Culture, and supported by the International centre of the city. Indeed, the splendid and from 33 countries attended the symposium.

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 45

> Poster discussion.

> Participants of the symposium. pants. Finally, a tour visiting the new research
facilities at the Federal Research and Training
and the day was rounded off with a well-re- Centre for Horticulture near the Emperor’s
ceived lecture on whisky tasting presented by castle of Schönbrunn, including a marvellous
> Visit to compost plant of the City of Vienna. Nick van der Griendt, The Netherlands, who dinner served in the “blue glasshouse”, round-
stood in at the last minute for Neil Godsman ed off the excursion day.
The theme of the symposium was sustainabil- from Scotland. The tasting that accompanied Social interaction forms a major part of Com-
ity – both of production and use of growing the lecture was greatly appreciated. mission events and it was a great honour to be
media and compost – and this was reflected Biological properties of growing media was welcomed by the Mayor of Vienna to a recep-
in the keynote presentations. The Chair of the focus of the final day, which began with tion within the architectural splendour of the
the Commission Plant Substrates and Soilless a presentation by Professor Beatrix Alsanius City Hall. An evening in the country north of
Culture, Professor Michael Raviv from the from the Swedish University of Agriculture on Vienna at a “Heuriger”, or celebration of harvest,
Newe Ya’ar Research Centre in Israel, led off detection of microorganisms in growing media, was widely appreciated. There, the opportunity
by considering the use of compost in sus- which had an emphasis on modern methodolo- was taken to present an ISHS medal to Gerald
tainable growing systems. His presentation gy such as next-generation sequencing. Modern Schmilewski of Klasmann-Deilmann, first and
was followed by a series of oral and poster techniques formed part of several contribu- foremost for Gerald’s notable contributions to
presentations on production and use of com- tions, and practical considerations of biological symposia reflected in the many Acta Horticultu-
post as well as other organic wastes in grow- control of diseases as well as the expanding rae publications with which he has been associ-
ing media, finishing with contributions on the problems of unwanted saprophytic growths in ated, secondly for his unstinting support as rep-
highly developed systems for production of growing media, were considered. Papers on the resentative of the IPS for joint symposia with
composts in Austria with their notable atten- use of biochar in media concluded the formal the Commission Plant Substrates and Soilless
tion to quality control. part of the symposium. Culture, and thirdly for his company’s contin-
The second quite superb keynote presenta- Poster pitches of 90 s proved popular, and ued sponsorship of these symposia over many
tion, that of Dr. Brian Jackson from North Caro- as noted, the presence of posters in the lec- years. The prolonged applause and toast that
lina State University, USA, on “New and revised ture hall (and close to refreshment facilities!) greeted the announcement was an indication
methodologies and technologies in substrate allowed presenters and delegates to interact of the esteem in which the group holds Gerald
production and characterisation”, attracted in a splendidly informal manner. A prize for the Schmilewski! At the symposium dinner, but also
many plaudits, and provided an excellent best poster, sponsored by the Austrian Soil Sci- at the close of the symposium, our Convener,
benchmark for the oral and poster presenta- ence Society, was awarded to Hans Verhagen of Dr. Andreas Baumgarten, was rightly congrat-
tions on physical characteristics, novel sub- the RHP (Regeling HandelsPotgronden) Founda- ulated at some length for his efforts in putting
strates, methodology and nutrient status of tion, The Netherlands, to add to the ISHS medal together a superb event in the best traditions of
media that followed. An especially welcome belatedly, but very deservedly, awarded at the the Commission, and in recognition he received
contribution came from Gerald Schmilewski of symposium dinner for his unstinting help at the ISHS medal from Professor Raviv.
Klasmann-Deilmann, Germany, who outlined the previous Commission symposium in Leiden, At the close of the symposium, Drs. Brian
the production statistics of growing media The Netherlands, in 2013. Jackson, James Altland and Jim Owen gave
for Europe, illustrating the importance of the The technical tour of the symposium began a fine presentation of the Portland area of
industry: a thorough justification for research with a visit to the remarkable compost plant of Oregon where the next (all-working group)
and development. the City of Vienna, where more than 40,000 t of symposium of the Commission will be held
Professor Jean Caron, from Laval University in separately collected biowaste is processed to from 20-25 August 2017.
Quebec, Canada, provided an excellent review produce a high quality compost. This product
of the limitations of physical properties of is largely used by the city’s agricultural pro- Bill Carlile and Andreas Baumgarten
materials other than peat, and how these duction, can be received freely by the citizens
may be overcome in growing media. His pre- for use in private gardens, and is used for the
sentation was complemented by a series of production of a growing medium called “Guter > Contact
contributions associated with the theory and Grund”, performed by COMPO/terrasan. A visit Dr. Andreas Baumgarten, Austrian Agency
practice of physical determinations in growing to the production plant was also part of the for Health and Food Safety, Institute for
media, including moisture content, water use, morning programme. At the compost practi- Soil Health and Plant Nutrition, Spargel-
and wettability. A session followed on practical tioner’s day, which coincided nicely with the feldstrasse 191, 1226 Wien, Austria,
issues associated with roof gardens and use of symposium, some of the latest technology for e-mail: andreas.baumgarten@ages.at
growing media in municipal urban situations, compost production was shown to the partici-

46 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
From the
Secretariat > New ISHS members
ISHS is pleased to welcome the following new members:

New Individual Members Prof. Sun-Ju Kim, Ms. Ji-Yoon Lee, Prof. Dr. Chanapan, Mr. Rodjanacorn Chuengpanya,
Algeria: Benaissa Keltoum; Argentina: Emilio Jun Gu Lee, Mr. Ki-Ho Son; Latvia: Mr. Janis Dr. Rujira Deewatthanawong, Dr. Parichat
Busnelli, Assist. Prof. Leopoldo Fernández Lucans; Malaysia: Dr. Dayang Norulfai Abang Dittakit, Dr. Panupon Hongpakdee, Mr. Tagrid
Sabate, Prof. Alejandro Pannunzio; Australia: Zaidel, Assist. Prof. Hasfalina Che Man, Dr. Imsomboon, Prof. Kanapol Jutamanee, Mr.
Dr. Ruth Huwer, Ms. Nicola-Anne Mann, Mr. Norhashila Hashim, Dr. Md. Muklesur Rahman; Songyos Kongkijthavorn, Assist. Prof. Maliwan
Wade Mann, Dr. Emily Saeck, Ms. Melinda Mauritius: Mr. Cedric Affouye; Mexico: Ms. Nakkuntod, Ms. Witayaporn Pornchuti, Ms.
Simpson, Mr. Oscar Villalta; Austria: Dr. Eva Claudia García, Mr. Ricardo González, Dr. M.C. Sasikarn Prasongsom, Assist. Prof. Supawadee
Erhart; Bangladesh: Dr. Md. Abdul Goffar, Dr. Md. Jose Clemente Sanchez-Canseco, Dr. Salvador Ramasoot, Ms. Supaporn Rodpradit, Dr. Sainiya
Atiqur Rahman; Belgium: Rik Ceyssens, Bruno Valle-Guadarrama, Dr. Baldomero H. Zarate Samala, Dr. Chontira Sangsiri, Mr. Sutthinut
Claeys, Koen Dejonghe, Steven Franssens, Prof. Nicolas; Moldova: Alexandr Galkin; Morocco: Soonthornkalump, Dr. Sirisak Soontornyatara,
Dr. Haissam Jijakli, Carlo Krol, Hans Luts, Rik Ms. Ahlam Hamim; Nepal: Prof. Dr. Durga Mani Assist. Prof. Potjamarn Suraninpong, Dr.
Penninck, Maaike Perneel, Frédéric Rosseneu, Gautam, Assoc. Prof. Kalyani Mishra Tripathi; Prakaidao Yingsanga; Tunisia: Dr. Salwa Zehdi-
Dominiek Stinckens, Mr. Robbe Van Beers; Netherlands: Dr. Frank Bunte, Rene Geelhoed, Azouzi; Turkey: Volkan Acembekiroglu, Assist.
Brazil: Dr. Maria Coelho de Lima, Dr. Andreia Mr. Yongran Ji, Ligtvoet Joyce, Xiomara Sales; Prof. Ozlem Altuntas, Assist. Prof. Joanna
Hansen Oster, Andre Sezerino, Ms. Aline Silva, New Zealand: Mr. Edouard Perie, Ms. Anne Cross, Hakan Gazi, Yunus Iraci, Dr. Mehmet
Mr. Juan David Solano Mendoza, Prof. Dr. White; Nigeria: Mr. Ayodeji Aduloju; Norway: Keçeci, Dr. Nezihe Koksal, Songul Sever Mutlu;
Cristiano Steffens, Prof. Dr. Leila Trevisan Braz; Dr. Suthaparan Aruppillai; Oman: Mr. Muthir United Arab Emirates: Mr. Henok Alemayehu;
Cambodia: Mr. Tong Socheath; Canada: Dr. Al-Rawahy, Dr. Abdullah Al-Sadi; Pakistan: Prof. United Kingdom: Dr. Matthew Cooper, Ms.
Zengguang Pan; Chile: Dr. Andrés France, Ms. Dr. Iqrar A. Khan, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam Rachel Greenhill, Robert Jarvis, Mr. Michael
Claudia Moggia, Mr. Sebastián Rivera; China: Khan, Prof. Dr. Ishtiaq A. Rajwana; Philippines: Karnicki, Dr. Pauline Kerbiriou, Dr. Ishtiaq
Yang Bi, Yanqin Jiang, Prof. Fengwang Ma, Prof. Prof. Villaluz Acedo, Mr. Daniel Gudahl; Poland: Khaliq, Mr. Matthew Neave, Mr. Peter Petersen,
Lin Wu, Prof. Dr. Yong Xu, Biyan Zhou, Ms. Yan Lukasz Kulacz; Portugal: Ms. Indira Andrade, Prof. Hugh Pritchard, Dr. Nurul Siddiqui, Mr.
Zhu; Chinese Taipei: Ms. Chia-Chih Chang, Dr. Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Duarte; Romania: Assoc. Reinier Wolterbeek; United States of America:
Jan Chang, S.H. Huang, P.Y. Tung, Mr. Shih-Yi Prof. Adrian Asanica, Dr. Oana-Alina Sicuia, Prof. Mr. Amer Alkhaybari, Renee Allen, Jonathan
Yang; Croatia: Dr. Sinisa Srecec; Cyprus: Dr. Zoi Dr. Razvan Teodorescu, Assist. Prof. Valerica Allred, Lorenzo Bizzio, Tom Cahill, Elizabeth
Konsoula; Dominican Republic: Mr. Gustavo Tudor; Singapore: Dr. Jie He; Slovenia: Prof. Dr. Conlan, Dr. Ryan Contreras, Dr. Patrick Edger,
Gandini; Fiji: Valerie S. Tuia; France: Assist. Stanislav Tojnko; South Africa: Tarl Berry, Fred Mary Ferguson, Javier Fernandez-Salvadaor, Dr.
Prof. Alex Baumel, Mr. Patrick Henry, Dr. Herve Dupont, Charles Edmonds, Ms. Imke Kritzinger, Carlos Garcia-Salazar, Katherine Ghantous, Ms.
Sanguin; Germany: Benedict Horsbrugh, Ms. Ms. Renate Smit; Spain: Dr. Almudena Bermejo, Brianna Gonzalez, Caitlyn Hall, Ms. M. Isabel
Katharina Huntenburg, Ms. Melanie Molnar, Dr. Cristina Besada, Prof. Dr. Salvador Castillo, Hernandez P., Mr. Russell Ingram, Rachel Itle,
Swantje Mueller, Mr. Laurentiu Musteata, Dr. Virginia Fernandez Ruiz, Pilar Flores, Dr. Sastry Jayanty, Peter Jeranyama, Mr. Patrick
Ms. Verena Overbeck, German Ponce, Dr. Isabel Fortes Cuenca, Ms. Virginia Hernandez Jones, Dr. Casey Kennedy, Patrick Kingston,
Ellen Richter; Ghana: Mr. Johnson Weefah; Perez, Prof. Dr. Antonio Lopez-Gomez, Pedro Ronald Lange, Prof. Oscar Liburd, Xiaozhong
India: Prof. Dr. Praveen Rao Velchala; Israel: Marco, Mr. Nicolas Morónpendas, Ms. Liu, Prof. Charles M. Mainland, Dr. Matthew
Dr. Noam Alkan, uri Shpatz; Italy: Dr. Nuray Nancy Peña, Dr. Raquel Rosales, Dr. Maite Mickens, Mr. Richard Noonan, Assist. Prof.
Baser, Dr. Marina Buccheri, Dr. Brian Farneti, Sanchez-Ballesta, Mr. Valentin Turegano Eleni Pliakoni, Dr. Helena Pontes Chiebao, Dr.
Lara Giongo, Ms. Suzana Madzaric, Dr. Maria Meneses; Sri Lanka: Ms. Thilini Nadugala Robert Reid, Ronald Revord, Dr. Elena Rhodes,
Grazia Melilli, Ms. Daniel Silva, Dr. Lorenzo Vithanage; Sweden: Dr. Siri Caspersen, Assoc. Dr. Paula RR Costa, Dr. Seiya Saito, Dr. Steven
Spinelli; Japan: Takashi Kawai, Prof. Dr. Toru Prof. Sammar Khalil, Anna Martensson; Sargent, Assoc. Prof. William Sciarappa, Eric
Maruo, Ms. Nobuko Mase, Ms. Hien Ngo, Ms. Switzerland: Ms. Sabine Stauffacher; Stafne, Dr. Stephen Stringer, Thomas Turini,
kanjana worarad; Korea (Republic of): Ji-hoon Thailand: Dr. Supornchai Chaireok, Dr. Mr. Benjamin Udy, Dr. Gary Vallad, Ms. Angela
Bae, Assist. Prof. Yoon Jin Kim, Dr. Eunju Kim, Preedawan Chaisrichonlathan, Ms. Supavadee Veloso, David Weber, Fan-hsuan Yang

PubHort – Crossroads
of horticultural publications
> www.pubhort.org

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 47

> Calendar of ISHS events
For updates and extra information go to www.ishs.org Q April 27 - May 1, 2016, Antalya (Turkey): III International Symposium
and check out the calendar of events. Alternatively use the on Biotechnology of Fruit Species. Info: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Naci
“science” option from the website navigation menu for a Onus, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz
comprehensive list of meetings for each Section, Commission University, 07059 Antalya, Turkey. Phone: (90) 242-3102441, Fax:
or Working Group. (90) 242- 2274564, E-mail: onus@akdeniz.edu.tr E-mail symposium:
To claim reduced registration for ISHS members your personal fruitbiotech@gmail.com Web: http://fruitbiotech2016.org
membership number is required when registering - ensure your Q May 9-12, 2016, Antalya (Turkey): International Symposium
ISHS membership is current before registering. When in doubt on Carob: a Neglected Species with Genetic Resources for
sign in to your membership account and check/renew your Multifunctional Uses. Info: Prof. Dr. Hamide Gubbuk, Akdeniz
membership status first: www.actahort.org or www.ishs.org University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture,
07058 Antalya, Turkey. Phone: (90)2423102422), Fax: (90)2422274564,
Year 2016 E-mail: gubbuk@akdeniz.edu.tr Web: http://www.carob2016.org
Q January 24-27, 2016, Ambalavayal, Wayanad, Kerala (India): Q May 9-13, 2016, Antalya (Turkey): III International Symposium on
International Symposium on Succulents and Other Plum Pox Virus. Info: Prof. Dr. Kadriye Caglayan, Mustafa Kemal
Ornamentals. Info: Prof. Dr. P.V. Balachandran, Director of University, Agriculture Faculty, Plant Protection Department, 31034
Extension, Directorate of Extension - KAU, Mannuthy, Thrissur, Antakya-Hatay, Turkey. Phone: (90)326 2455836 Ext.1347, Fax: (90)326
Kerala, 680651, India. Phone: (91)487-2370150, E-mail: balachan- 2455832, E-mail: kcaglayano@yahoo.com or Dr. Birol Akbas, Tarimsal
dran.pv@kau.in or Prof. Dr. Rajendran Pangath, Associate Arastirmalar ve, Teknoloji Gelistirme Kampüsü, Istanbul Yolu Üzeri
Director of Research, Regional Agricultural Research Station, No 38, P.K. 51, 06171 Yenimahalle Ankara, Turkey. Phone: (90) 312
Kerala Agricultural University, Ambalavayal, Wayanad, 91, 3271793, Fax: (90) 312 32708024, E-mail: bakbas@tagem.gov.tr E-mail
673593, India. Phone: (91)4936 260421, Fax: (91)4936 260421, E-mail: symposium: k_degirmenci@hotmail.com Web: http://isppv2016.org
adramb@kau.in Web: http://issorars.org Q May 12-13, 2016, Palermo (Italy): I European Conference of Post
Q March 6-9, 2016, Santiago (Chile): XIV International Symposium Graduate Horticulture Scientists (ECPHS). Info: Prof. Dr. Paolo
on Processing Tomato - XII World Processing Tomato Congress. Inglese, Department Agriculture and Forest Sciences, Università
Info: Dr. Cosme A. Argerich, Instit. Nac. de Tecnol. Agro., C.C. Nro. degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, ED. 4, 90142 Palermo,
8, La Consulta, 5567 Mendoza, Argentina. Phone: (54)2622470304, Italy. Phone: (39)09123861234, Fax: (39)09123860820, E-mail:
Fax: (54)2622470753, E-mail: argerich.cosme@inta.gob.ar or Prof. paolo.inglese@unipa.it E-mail symposium: ecphs2015@unipa.it
Dr. Montaña Cámara, Dpto. Nutrición y Bromatología II, Facultad Web: http://www.soihs.it/ecphs/default.aspx
Farmacia. UCM, Plaza Ramón y Cajal sn, 28040 Madrid, Spain. Phone: Q May 16-20, 2016, Shiraz (Iran): International Symposium on
(34) 913941808, Fax: (34) 913941799, E-mail: mcamara@farm.ucm.es or Role of Plant Genetic Resources on Reclaiming Lands and
Dr. M.Teresa Pino, Rosario Norte 400 D53, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile. Environment Deteriorated by Human and Natural Actions. Info:
Phone: (56)-2-7575148, E-mail: mtpino@inia.cl E-mail symposium: Dr. Ali Gharaghani, Department of Horticultural Science, College
wptc2016@tomate.org Web: http://www.worldtomatocongress.com of Agricuture, Shiraz University, 12th Kilometers of Shiraz to
Q March 7-9, 2016, Krabi Province (Thailand): I International Isfahan Road, 71441-65186, Shiraz, Iran. Phone: (98)7136138145,
Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Ornamentals. Info: Dr. E-mail: agharghani@shirazu.ac.ir or Prof. Morteza Khosh-Khui,
Kanchit Thammasiri, Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Department of Horticultural Science, College of Agriculture, Shiraz
Science, Mahidol University, Rama VI Road, Phyathai, Bangkok University, Shiraz, Iran. Phone: (98)7116243978, Fax: (98)7116246165,
10400, Thailand. Phone: (66)89-132-7015, Fax: (66)2-354-7172, E-mail: mkhoshkhui@yahoo.com E-mail symposium: convener@
E-mail: kanchitthammasiri@gmail.com E-mail symposium: ispgr-iran2016.com Web: http://www.ispgr-iran2016.com
tso2016thailand@gmail.com Web: http://www.sc.mahidol.ac.th/ Q May 22-26, 2016, East Lansing, MI (United States of America):
scpl/tso2016 VIII International Symposium on Light in Horticulture. Info: Prof.
Q March 13-17, 2016, Giza (Egypt): IX International Symposium on In Erik Runkle, 1066 Bogue Street, Michigan State University, East
Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding. Info: Adel A. Abul-Soad, Lansing, MI 48824, United States of America. Phone: (1)5173530350,
Horticulture Research Institute, 9 Cairo University St., 12619 Giza, Fax: (1)5173530890, E-mail: runkleer@msu.edu or Prof. Roberto
Egypt. E-mail: adelaboelsoaud@gmail.com E-mail symposium: G. Lopez, Purdue University, 625 Agriculture Mall Drive, West
9ivchbegypt16@gmail.com Web: http://www.hortinstitute.com/ Lafayette, Indiana, USA 47907, United States of America. Phone:
index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=172&Itemid=113 (1) 765 4963425, Fax: (1) 765 4940391, E-mail: rglopez@purdue.edu
Q April 10-14, 2016, Orlando, FL (United States of America): Web: http://www.lightsym16.com
XI International Vaccinium Symposium. Info: James Olmstead, Q May 22-26, 2016, Port-au-Prince (Haiti): International Symposium on
University of Florida, 2211 Fifield Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611, Valorisation, Preservation and Processing of Tropical Fruits and
United States of America. E-mail: jwolmstead@ufl.edu Web: Vegetables. Info: Dr. Marie Thérèse Charles, 430 Boulevard Gouin,
http://conference.ifas.ufl.edu/vaccinium/ Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC J3B 3E6, Canada. Phone: (1)450-346-4494,
Q April 11-14, 2016, Izmir (Turkey): III International Symposium on Fax: (1)450-346-7740, E-mail: marietherese.charles@agr.gc.ca or Prof.
Organic Greenhouse Horticulture. Info: Prof. Dr. Yüksel Tüzel, Ege Harold Corantin, Damien, route Nationale #1, Port-au-Prince, BP:
University, Agriculture Faculty, Department of Horticulture, 35100 1441, Haiti. Phone: (509)48927198, E-mail: hcorantin@yahoo.fr
Bornova Izmir, Turkey. Phone: (90)2323111398, Fax: (90)2323881865, Web: http://fruitsvegetableshaiti2015.com
E-mail: yuksel.tuzel@ege.edu.tr or Assist. Prof. Golgen Bahar Q May 23-26, 2016, Murcia (Spain): II International Workshop on Floral
Oztekin, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Biology and S-Incompatibility in Fruit Species. Info: Dr. Encarnación
Horticulture, 35100 Bornova Izmir, Turkey. Phone: (90)2323112577, Ortega Pastor, Dpto. de Mejora Genética, CEBAS-CSIC, Campus
Fax: (90)2323881865, E-mail: golgen.oztekin@ege.edu.tr Web: Universitario de Espinardo, Apdo 164, 30100 Espinardo, Murcia,
http://www.oghsymposium2016.org/ Spain. E-mail: eortega@cebas.csic.es Web: http://www.fbsi2016.org

48 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
Q May 31 - June 3, 2016, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar (India): Q August 2-5, 2016, Minneapolis, MN (United States of America):
V International Symposium on Lychee, Longan and Other III International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the
Sapindaceae Fruits. Info: Prof. Dr. Vishaw Bandhu Patel, Professor Temperate Zone. Info: Dr. Stan C. Hokanson, Univ. of Minnesota,
and Chair, Department of Horticulture (F&FT), Bihar Agricultural Dept. Of Horticulture, Breeding & Genetics, Woody Landscape
University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India. Phone: (91)112451011, Plants, 258 Alderman Hall, 1970 Folwell Ave., St. Paul, MN
Fax: (91)112452613, E-mail: patelvb7@gmail.com or Dr. Rewati 55108, United States of America. Phone: (1)6126241203, Fax:
Raman Singh, Department of Horticulture FFT, Bihar Agricultural (1)6126244941, E-mail: hokan017@umn.edu Web:
University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, 813210, India. Phone: http://www.woodyornamentals2016.org/
(91)641-2451011, E-mail: drrsinghbau@gmail.com or Dr. Ruby Rani, Q August 7-12, 2016, Ibadan (Nigeria): III All Africa Horticultural
Department of Horticulture and Fruit, Bihar Agricultural College, Congress. Info: Prof. Dr. Isaac Ore Aiyelaagbe, Department of
Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, 813210, Horticulture, University of Agriculture, PMB 2240 Abeokuta, Ogun
India. Phone: (91)0641-2451011, E-mail: rruby92@yahoo.co.in E-mail State, Nigeria. Phone: (234)8033815606, Fax: (234)39243045, E-mail:
symposium: lychee2016@gmail.com ola_olu57@yahoo.com E-mail symposium: aahc2016@yahoo.com
Q June 13-16, 2016, Málaga (Spain): V International Symposium on Web: http://afrohort.org
Tomato Diseases: Perspectives and Future Directions in Tomato Q August 8-12, 2016, Atlanta, GA (United States of America):
Protection. Info: Dr. Enrique Moriones, IHSM-UMA-CSIC, Algarrobo- II International Symposium on Germplasm of Ornamentals.
Costa, Málaga, Spain. E-mail: moriones@eelm.csic.es or Dr. Rafael Info: Prof. Dr. Donglin Zhang, University of Georgia, Dept. Of
Fernández-Muñoz, IHSM La Mayora UMA-CSIC, Camino de La Mayora Horticulture, 1111 Plant Science Building, Athens, GA 30602-
sn, E-29750 Málaga Algarrobo-Costa, Spain. Phone: (34)952-548990, 7273, United States of America. Phone: (1)7065420776, Fax:
E-mail: rfern@eelm.csic.es E-mail symposium: tomatodiseases2016@ (1)7065420624, E-mail: donglin@uga.edu or Prof. Dr. Zhang Qixiang,
ihsm.uma-csic.es Web: http://www.tomatodiseases2016.es Nat’l Engineering Res.Center Floriculture, Beijing Forestry
Q June 13-18, 2016, Verona (Italy): X International Symposium on University, No.35, Qinghua East Road-Haidian Dist., Beijing 100083,
Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology. Info: Mario Pezzotti, China. Phone: (86)1062338005, Fax: (86)1062336321, E-mail: zqx@
Univeristy of Verona, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona, Italy. E-mail: bjfu.edu.cn or Prof. Dr. Byoung Ryong Jeong, Department of
mario.pezzotti@univr.it Web: http://www.grapevine2016.org Horticulture, 501 Jinjudaero, Gyeongsang National University,
Q June 20-25, 2016, Athens (Greece): VI International Conference Jinju, Gyeongnam 660-701, Korea (Republic of). Phone:
on Landscape and Urban Horticulture. Info: Prof. Dr. Maria (82)55-772-1913, Fax: (82)55-757-7542, E-mail: brjeong@gmail.com
Papafotiou, Dept. Floriculture & Landscape Architecture, Web: http://woodies.uga.edu/conference.html
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos, 118 55 Athens, Q August 14-17, 2016, Québec City (Canada): VIII International
Greece. Phone: (30)2105294555, Fax: (30)2105294553, E-mail: Strawberry Symposium. Info: Prof. Dr. Yves Desjardins,
mpapaf@aua.gr or Dr. Panayiotis Nektarios, Dept Floriculture Horticulture Research Center/INAF, Faculty of Agriculture and
& Landscape Architecture, Agricultural University of Athens, Food, 2440, Blvd. Hochelaga, # 2736, Laval University, Québec,
75, Iera Odos, 118 55 Athens, Greece. Phone: (30)2105294554, QC G1V 0A6, Canada. Phone: (1)418-656-2131x2359, Fax: (1)418-
Fax: (30)2105294553, E-mail: pan@aua.gr or Dr. Angeliki 656-3515, E-mail: yves.desjardins@fsaa.ulaval.ca or Prof. André
Paraskevopoulou, Dept. Floriculture & Landscape Architecture, Gosselin, Université Laval, Pavillon ENVIROTRON, Ste-Foy
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos, 118 55 Athens, (Quebec), G1K 7P4, Canada. Phone: (1)4186562131ext2068,
Greece. Phone: (30)2105294554, Fax: (30)2105294553, E-mail: Fax: (1)4186567871, E-mail: andre.gosselin@fsaa.ulaval.ca
aparas@aua.gr E-mail symposium: secretariat@luh2016.org Web: E-mail symposium: iss2016@conferium.com Web:
http://www.luh2016.org/ http://www.iss2016-quebec.org
Q June 21-24, 2016, Cartagena, Murcia (Spain): VIII International Q August 23-25, 2016, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): III International
Postharvest Symposium: Enhancing Supply Chain and Consumer Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering. Info: Dr.
Benefits - Ethical and Technological Issues. Info: Francisco Artes, Samsuzana Abd Aziz, Dept. of Biological Agricultural Eng., Faculty
ETSIA Paseo Alfonso XIII, 48., 30203 Murcia Cartagena, Spain. of Engineering, 43400 Selangor UPM, Serdang, Malaysia. Phone:
Phone: (34) 68-325510, Fax: (34) 68-325433, E-mail: fr.artes@upct.es (60)3 89464455, Fax: (60)3 89466425, E-mail: samsuzana@upm.edu.my
E-mail symposium: postharvest@upct.es Web: E-mail symposium: eng.cafei2016@upm.edu.my
http://www.postharvest2016.org Web: http://www.cafei.upm.edu.my
Q June 26-29, 2016, Singapore (Singapore): XIV International Q August 28 - September 2, 2016, Bologna (Italy): XI International
Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants. Info: Dr. Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and
Sek-Man Wong, Department of Biological Sciences, National Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems. Info: Prof. Dr.
University of Singapore, 14 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543, Luca Corelli-Grappadelli, Department of Agricultural Sciences,
Singapore. E-mail: dbswsm@nus.edu.sg Web: Università di Bologna, Via Fanin 46, 40127 Bologna, Italy. Phone:
http://www.dbs.nus.edu.sg/Plant2016/ (39)0512096400, Fax: (39)0512096401, E-mail: luca.corelli@unibo.it
Q June 28 - July 2, 2016, Kunming (China): XII International Symposium E-mail symposium: convener@orchardsystems2016.org
on Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials. Info: Prof. Ding Web: http://www.orchardsystems2016.org
Mu, No.12 Zhongguancunnandajie, Haidian District, Beijing City, Q September 19-22, 2016, Avignon (France): HortiModel2016: Models
100081, China. Phone: (86)10-82105944, Fax: (86)10-62174123, E-mail: for Plant Growth, Environment Control and Farming Management
muding2011@126.com Web: http://www.flowerbulbs2016.org in Protected Cultivation. Info: Dr. Nadia Bertin, UR 1115 PSH, INRA,
Q July 17-21, 2016, Freising and Hallbergmoos (Germany): Domaine St Paul, 228 route de l’aérodrome, Site Agroparc, 84914
XI International Symposium on Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding Avignon, France. Phone: (33)0432722324, E-mail: nadia.bertin@avi-
and Pomology. Info: Prof. Dr. Dieter Treutter, Am Braeuberg 7, gnon.inra.fr or Dr. Valentina Baldazzi, UR 1115 PSH, INRA, Domaine St
85410 Haag a/d Amper, Germany. Phone: (49)8161713753, Fax: Paul, 228 route de l’aérodrome, Site Agroparc, 84914 Avignon, France.
(49)8161715385, E-mail: dieter.treutter@wzw.tum.de or Dr. Michael Phone: (33)0432722447, E-mail: valentina.baldazzi@avignon.inra.fr
Neumüller, Am Süßbach 1, 85399 Hallbergmoos, Germany. Phone: E-mail symposium: hortimodel2016@paca.inra.fr Web:
(49)8119933558, Fax: (49)8119933656, E-mail: nm@obstzentrum.de https://colloque.inra.fr/hortimodel2016/

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 49

Q September 20-25, 2016, Yangling City (China): I International Apple Q October 2-7, 2016, Antalya (Turkey): VI International Chestnut
Symposium. Info: Prof. Dr. Zhen-Hai Han, Institute for Horticultural Symposium. Info: Prof. Dr. Umit Serdar, Ondokuz Mayis University,
Plants, China Agricultural University, No. 2 Yuanmingyuanxilu, Faculty of Agriculture, Horticultural Department, 55139 Samsun,
100193 Beijing, China. Phone: (86)1062732467, Fax: (86)1062734391, Turkey. Phone: (90)3623121919, Fax: (90)3624576034, E-mail: userd-
E-mail: rschan@cau.edu.cn or Prof. Fengwang Ma, 3 Taicheng Road, ar@omu.edu.tr Web: http://chestnut2016.org/
College of Horticulture, Northwest AF University, Yangling, Shaanxi Q October 5-7, 2016, Potsdam (Germany): International Symposium
Province, 712100, China. Phone: +8613572076386, E-mail: fwm64@ on Sensing Plant Water Status - Methods and Applications
nwsuaf.edu.cn or Dr. Stuart Tustin, Plant & Food Research, Private in Horticultural Science. Info: Dr. Werner B. Herppich, Leibniz-
Bag 1401, Havelock North, New Zealand. Phone: (64)68778196, Fax: Inst. Agricult. Eng. Potsdam-Bornim, Max-Eyth-Allee 100, 14469
(64)68774761, E-mail: stuart.tustin@plantandfood.co.nz Potsdam, Germany. E-mail: wherppich@atb-potsdam.de or Prof.
Q September 26-28, 2016, Chengdu City (China): II Asian Horticultural Dr. Manuela Zude, Leibniz Institute for, Agricultural Engineering,
Congress - AHC2016. Info: Prof. Dr. Yongchen Du, Institute of Max-Eyth-Allee 100, 14469 Potsdam-Bornim, Germany. Phone:
Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sci., (49)331-5699-612, Fax: (49)3315699849, E-mail: zude@atb-potsdam.de
12 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Beijing 100081, China. Phone: E-mail symposium: spws2016@atb-potsdam.de Web:
(86)1068919515, Fax: (86)1062174123, E-mail: duyongchen@caas.cn http://www.spws2016.atb-potsdam.de/
Web: http://ciccst.org.cn/ahc2016 Q October 10-14, 2016, Split (Croatia): VIII International Olive
Q September 26-28, 2016, Kafr El-Sheikh (Egypt): VI International Symposium. Info: Dr. Slavko Perica, Director, Institute for Adriatic
Symposium on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. Info: Dr. Ali Crops, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Croatia. Phone: (385) 21 434434,
R. El-Shereif, Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Fax: (385) 21 316584, E-mail: slavko@krs.hr E-mail symposium:
Kafrelsheikh University, 33516 Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt. Phone: ios2016-info@krs.hr Web: http://ios2016.krs.hr/
(20)473254315, Fax: (20)479102930, E-mail: aelshereif@agr.kfs.edu.eg Q October 10-14, 2016, Montpellier (France): X International
Web: http://www.kfs.edu.eg/intersociety/display.aspx?topic=26108 Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on
Q September 26-30, 2016, Mendoza (Argentina): IX International Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana
Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal. Info: Dr. Juan Carlos Production Systems. Info: Dr. Jean-Michel Risede, CIRAD, RU GECO,
Guevara, Argentine Institute for Arid Land Research, (IADIZA), Adrian Persyst Department, Boulevard de la Lironde, TA B26/PS4, 34398
Ruiz Leal s/n, Parque General San Martín, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina. Montpellier, France. Phone: +33(0)467617152, E-mail: risede@cirad.fr
Phone: (54)02615244103, Fax: (54)02615244101, E-mail: jguevara@ or Lescot Thierry, CIRAD, RU GECO, Persyst Department, Boulevard
mendoza-conicet.gob.ar or Prof. Maria Ochoa, Delibano Chazarreta de la Lironde, TA B26/PS4, 34398 Montpellier, France. Phone:
544, Santiago del Estero 4200, Argentina. Phone: 54 385-4315885, (33)467615666, Fax: (33)467615821, E-mail: thierry.lescot@cirad.fr or
E-mail: mariajudith8a@gmail.com or Ms. Josefina Grünwaldt, Dr. Inge Van den Bergh, Bioversity International, C/O KULeuven, W.
Argentine Institute for Arid Land Research, (IADIZA), Adrian Ruiz Leal De Croylaan 42 bus 2455, 3001 Leuven, Belgium. Phone: (32)16377067,
s/n, Parque General San Martín, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina. Phone: E-mail: i.vandenbergh@cgiar.org E-mail symposium:
(54)02615244103, Fax: (54)02615244101, E-mail: jgrunwaldt@mendoza- symposium@promusa.org Web: http://ishs-promusa2016.cirad.fr/
conicet.gob.ar E-mail symposium: cactus2016@mendoza-conicet.
gob.ar Web: http://cactus2016.mendoza-conicet.gob.ar For updates logon to www.ishs.org/symposia

> Index to Volume 55 of

Chronica Horticulturae
Subject index _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Book Reviews _______________________________________ Innovating together for sustainable horticul- Metro nature for mental health and wellness:
Dixon, G.R., and Aldous, D.E., eds., Horticulture: ture, 55 (1), 14–16 horticulture secondary benefits, 55 (4), 5–11
Plants for People and Places, 55 (1), 28–30 Prof. Janick contributes over 65 years to horti- Multifunctional rooftop horticulture: a prom-
Taylor, Judith M., Visions of Loveliness; great cultural science, 55 (3), 14 ising strategy for intensifying horticulture
flower breeders of the past, 55 (1), 30–31 Prof. Opara presented IMPRESSA Award, 55 (3), 15 production in cities, 55 (4), 12–17
The International Symposia on Tropical and Natural capital, footprints and eco-credentials,
Horticultural Science Focus _______________ Temperate Horticulture, 55 (4), 25–26 55 (1), 4–9
Isatis tinctoria L.: an ancient dye plant of inter-
est as a multifunctional crop, 55 (4), 20–24 Issues _____________________________________________________ Letter to the editor ______________________________
The history and current status of cucurbit Africa: the next frontier for development of Misgivings about a current trend in horticultur-
grafting in Israel, 55 (1), 10–13 horticultural sciences, 55 (3), 5–8 al science, 55 (2), 4
Edible fungi as a food security alternative in
Horticultural Science News ________________ diversified production systems, 55 (3), 9–12 News & Views from the Board ____________
Dr. Chris Hale received a New Zealand Queen’s Ethics and horticulture, 55 (2), 10–14 eJHS – it’s here and it looks good…, 55 (1), 3
Birthday Honour, 55 (4), 26 Horticultural science in crisis: where are the ISHS is an international society, but how can
First European Conference of Post Graduate graduates required to assure its future?, 55 we keep achieving more?, 55 (4), 3–4
Horticulture Scientists (ECPHS), 55 (3), 13–14 (2), 5–9 ISHS – What does the future hold?, 55 (2), 3–4

50 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
Let’s drive some changes and be ambitious: III International Symposium on Organic Matter VII International Symposium on Edible Alliace-
Symposia 2.0, Student Award and more Management and Compost Use in Horticul- ae, 55 (4), 41– 42
news, 55 (3), 3–4 ture, 55 (2), 32–34 VIII International Symposium on Irrigation of
III International Symposium on Postharvest Horticultural Crops, 55 (3), 32–33
Spotlight on Honoured Pathology, 55 (3), 39–40 VIII International Symposium on Kiwifruit, 55
ISHS Members ______________________________________ III International Symposium on Underutilized (1), 34–35
Dan Cantliffe, 55 (4), 18–19 Plant Species, 55 (3), 37–38 X International Symposium on Modelling in
International Symposium on Carrot and other Fruit Research and Orchard Management,
Symposia and Workshops __________________ Apiaceae, 55 (1), 32–33 55 (4), 37–38
Greensys2015 – International Symposium on International Symposium on Durian and Other XI International Mango Symposium, 55 (4), 39–40
New Technologies and Management for Humid Tropical Fruits, 55 (3), 24–25 XI International Rubus and Ribes Symposium,
Greenhouses, 55 (4), 44–45 International Symposium on GA3 Tropical Fruit 55 (3), 30–32
I International Symposium on Grapevine Roots, (Guava, Wax Apple, Pineapple and Sugar XIV Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and
55 (1), 35-37 Apple), 55 (2), 28–29 Genetics, 55 (3), 23–24
ICESC2015 – Hydroponics and aquaponics at International Symposium on Growing Media, XVIII International Symposium on Horticultural
the Gold Coast, 55 (3), 40–41 Composting and Substrate Analysis (SusGro Economics and Management, 55 (4), 42–43
II International Symposium on Pyrethrum, 55 2015), 55 (4), 45–46 XXV International Eucarpia Symposium Sec-
(4), 33–34 International Symposium on Innovation in tion Ornamentals “Crossing borders”, 55 (3),
II International Workshop on Bacterial Diseas- Integrated and Organic Horticulture (INNO- 22–23
es of Stone Fruits and Nuts, 55 (2), 34–35 HORT 2015), 55 (3), 35–36
III Asia-Pacific Symposium on Postharvest IX International Symposium on Artichoke, Car- The World of Horticulture __________________
Research, Education and Extension, 55 (2), 29–31 doon and their Wild Relatives, 55 (4), 40–41 An overview of horticulture in Turkey, 55 (1),
III Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing, 55 (4), V International Symposium on Cucurbits, 55 17–22
34–35 (3), 26–27 Globe artichoke cultivation in Argentina, 55
III International Conference on Quality Man- V International Symposium on Ecologically (2), 15–20
agement in Supply Chains of Ornamentals Sound Fertilization Strategies for Field Veg- New geophytes from Turkey, 55 (4), 27–31
(QMSCO2015), 55 (4), 36–37 etable Production, 55 (3), 28–29 Protected cultivation in Turkey, 55 (2), 21–26
III International Symposium on Citrus Biotech- VI International Symposium on Production and Turkish soft fruit production, 55 (3), 16–20
nology, 55 (2), 31–32 Establishment of Micropropagated Plants, Vegetable production in India: an overview, 55
55 (3), 33–35 (1), 23–28

Author index __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Aksoy, Uygun, 55 (1), 17–22 Galmarini, Claudio, 55 (4), 41–42 Palmer, John W., 55 (2), 4
Alburquerque, Jose A., 55 (2), 32–34 García, Stella Maris, 55 (2), 15–20; 55 (4), 40–41 Parulekar, Yogesh R., 55 (1), 23–28
Bally, Ian S.E., 55 (4), 39–40 Genty, Céline, 55 (1), 32–33 Peck, Gregory, 55 (3), 35–36
Baptista, Fátima, 55 (4), 44–45 Geoffriau, Emmanuel, 55 (1), 32–33 Penvern, Servane, 55 (3), 35–36
Battista, Fabrizio, 55 (1), 35-37 Gianquinto, Giorgio, 55 (4), 12–17 Pérez Alfocea, Francisco, 55 (3), 26–27
Baumgarten, Andreas, 55 (4), 45–46 Gómez-Guillamón, María Luisa, 55 (3), 26–27 Roig, Asunción, 55 (2), 32–34
Bellon, Stéphane, 55 (3), 35–36 Granatstein, David, 55 (3), 35–36 Sánchez-Monedero, Miguel A., 55 (2), 32–34
Bertin, Nadia, 55 (3), 35–36 Hewett, Errol W., 55 (2), 5–9 Sanzani, Simona M., 55 (3), 39–40
Beruto, Margherita, 55 (3), 33–35 Huang, Hongwen, 55 (1), 34–35 Schirring, Albert, 55 (1), 14–16
Branca, Ferdinando, 55 (4), 20–24 Inglese, Paolo, 55 (3), 13–14 Serçe, Sedat, 55 (3), 16–20
Briard, Mathilde, 55 (1), 32–33 Ippolito, Antonio, 55 (3), 39–40 Sharma, Akhilesh, 55 (1), 23–28
Brown, Peter, 55 (3), 9–12 Janick, Jules, 55 (2), 10–14 Sharma, Susheel, 55 (1), 23–28
Carlile, Bill, 55 (4), 45–46 Jowkar, Mohammad Mahdi, 55 (4), 36–37 Shimizu, Tokurou, 55 (2), 31–32
Cayuela, Mariluz, 55 (2), 32–34 Kariuki, Wariara, 55 (3), 5–8 Silva, Luis, 55 (4), 44–45
Chandran, Ravindran, 55 (3), 37–38 Kaya, Erdal, 55 (4), 27–31 Simon, Sylvaine, 55 (3), 35–36
Clothier, Brent, 55 (1), 4–9 Koren, Amnon, 55 (1), 10–13 Smith, Graeme, 55 (3), 40–41
Codron, Jean-Marie, 55 (3), 35–36 López Anido, Fernando, 55 (2), 15–20 Tao, Ryutaro, 55 (4), 3–4
Cohen, Roni, 55 (1), 10–13 Malézieux, Eric, 55 (3), 35–36 Tartarini, Stefano, 55 (3), 23–24
Cointry, Enrique L., 55 (2), 15–20 Marsal, Jordi, 55 (3), 32–33 Tchamitchian, Marc, 55 (3), 35–36
Costes, Evelyne, 55 (4), 37–38 Matsuda, Kazuhiko, 55 (4), 33–34 Tomasi, Diego, 55 (1), 35-37
Cravero, Vanina P., 55 (2), 15–20; 55 (4), 40–41 Meneses, Jorge, 55 (4), 44–45 Tüzel, Yüksel, 55 (2), 21–26
Delporte, Marc, 55 (1), 32–33 MilatoviÉ, Dragan, 55 (4), 34–35 Twishsri, Wilaiwan, 55 (3), 24–25
Desjardins, Yves, 55 (1), 3 Nichols, Mike, 55 (3), 40–41 Urban, Laurent, 55 (3), 35–36
Dhooghe, Emmy, 55 (3), 22–23 Nicola, Silvana, 55 (3), 3–4, 28–29 Van Huylenbroeck, Johan, 55 (3), 22–23
Drew, Rod, 55 (4), 25–26 Oksar, Rüstü Efe, 55 (1), 17–22 Velayudham, K., 55 (3), 37–38
Dubbeling, Marielle, 55 (4), 12–17 Omer, Shimshon, 55 (1), 10–13 Warrington, Ian, 55 (2), 10–14
Duc, Nguyen Duy, 55 (2), 29–31 Orsini, Francesco, 55 (4), 12–17 Wirtz, Kai, 55 (1), 14–16
Edelstein, Menahem, 55 (1), 10–13 Özaktan, Hatice, 55 (2), 34–35 Wolf, Kathleen L., 55 (4), 5–11
Ekelund, Lena, 55 (4), 42–43 Özgen, Mustafa, 55 (3), 16–20 Wünsche, Jens-Norbert, 55 (2), 3–4
Fernandez, Gina E., 55 (3), 30–32 Özhatay, Neriman, 55 (4), 27–31 Yen, Chung-Ruey, 55 (2), 28–29
Gaiotti, Federica, 55 (1), 35-37 Öztekin, Gölgen Bahar, 55 (2), 21–26 Zou, Guoyuan, 55 (3), 28–29

Vol u me 55 | Nu mber 4 | 2015 51

> Available issues
of Acta Horticulturae
Available numbers of Acta Horticulturae (in print). These as well 1074 II International Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical
as all other titles are also available in ActaHort CD-rom format. and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops 55
For detailed information on price and availability, including 1073 I International Symposium on Pyrethrum, The Natural
tables of content, or to download an Acta Horticulturae order Insecticide: Scientific and Industrial Developments in the
form, please check out the ‘publications’ page at www.ishs.org Renewal of a Traditional Industry 65
or go to www.actahort.org 1072 XIII International Symposium on Virus Diseases of
Ornamental Plants 60
Acta Number Acta Title Price (EUR) 1071 XI International Controlled and Modified Atmosphere
1103 XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Research Conference 164
Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): 1070 I International Symposium on Pecans and Other Carya in
XVII International Symposium on Horticultural Economics Indigenous and Managed Systems 66
and Management and V International Symposium on 1069 IV International Symposium on Tomato Diseases 86
Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the 1068 IX International Symposium on Modelling in Fruit Research
Transitional Economies 75 and Orchard Management 73
1102 XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: 1067 VIII International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal 97
Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): 1066 Global Conference on Augmenting Production and Utilization
I International Symposium on Indigenous Vegetables 76 of Mango: Biotic and Abiotic Stresses 66
1101 XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: 1065 XII International Citrus Congress - International Society
Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): of Citriculture 388
IV International Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources 65 1064 VI International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation 82
1100 III International Symposium on Molecular Markers in 1063 II International Symposium on Plum Pox Virus 61
Horticulture 60 1062 International Conference and Exhibition on Soilless Culture 41
1099 II International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe 201 1061 I International Symposium on Elderberry 75
1098 International Symposium on Medicinal Plants and Natural 1060 X International Symposium on Postharvest Quality of
Products 55 Ornamental Plants 85
1097 VIII International Symposium on New Ornamental Crops and 1059 IX International Symposium on Temperate Zone Fruits
XII International Protea Research Symposium 71 in the Tropics and Subtropics 66
1096 VIII International Symposium on Kiwifruit 109 1058 X International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock
1095 I International Symposium on Bacterial Canker of Kiwifruit 59 and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems 140
1094 XII International Pear Symposium 127 1057 VII International Symposium on Olive Growing 153
1093 XI International People Plant Symposium on Diversity: 1056 XIII International Workshop on Fire Blight 77
Towards a New Vision of Nature 59 1055 Proceedings of the International Plant Propagators
1092 IV International Symposium on Loquat 75 Society - 2013 110
1091 VI International Conference on Managing Quality in Chains 83 1054 International Conference on Agricultural Engineering:
1090 I International Symposium on Horticulture Economics, New Technologies for Sustainable Agricultural Production
Marketing and Consumer Research 36 and Food Security 84
1089 III International Symposium on Pomegranate and Minor 1053 II International Symposium on Discovery and Development of
Mediterranean Fruits 108 Innovative Strategies for Postharvest Disease Management 67
1088 II Southeast Asia Symposium on Quality Management in 1052 VIII International Congress on Hazelnut 89
Postharvest Systems 134 1051 Middle East Horticultural Summit 51
1087 XXV International EUCARPIA Symposium Section Ornamentals: 1050 VII International Walnut Symposium 93
Crossing Borders 111 1049 VII International Strawberry Symposium 169
1086 I International Symposium on Vegetable Grafting 76 1048 II International Symposium on Biotechnology of Fruit Species 64
1085 Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the International 1047 III International Conference on Postharvest and Quality
Plant Propagators Society 119 Management of Horticultural Products of Interest
1084 VIII International Peach Symposium 174 for Tropical Regions 85
1083 VIII International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and 1046 X International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and
Horticultural Breeding 126 Genetics 143
1082 XI International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and 1044 VIII International Symposium on Chemical and Non-Chemical
Genetics 91 Soil and Substrate Disinfestation 100
1081 XIII International Symposium on Processing Tomato 83 1043 II European Congress on Chestnut 63
1080 I International Symposium on Cashew Nut 104 1042 XII International Symposium on Plant Bioregulators in Fruit
1079 V International Conference Postharvest Unlimited 149 Production 75
1078 II International Orchid Symposium 61 1040 III International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits
1077 I International Symposium on Ornamentals in Africa 55 and Vegetables - FAVHEALTH 2009 90
1076 II International Symposium on Organic Matter Management
and Compost Use in Horticulture 69 For an updated list of all titles (in print or ActaHort CD-rom format)
1075 X International Mango Symposium 68 logon to www.actahort.org

52 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e

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