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Vocabulary Quiz: Crime and Punishment


1 A thief goes into your house through a window. HIGHJACKING – DRUG TRAFFICKING –
2 A child steals a chocolate bar from a store.

3 A teenager drives faster than the limit.

4 A Mexican sells cocaine to a Canadian.

5 A guard refuses to give a prisoner food or water unless the prisoner gives up information.

6 A man shoots his second wife dead.

7 A juvenile delinquent throws a lit match into a building.

8 A terrorist group takes over an airplane and changes its course.

9 A group of kids use spray paint to write on a bridge.

10 A man opens a law firm and pretends that he is a lawyer.

Intruder – partner- custody-

Vocabulary Quiz handcuffs – jail - fine – innocent –
fingerprints – robber – street crime

1 The opposite of guilty is ….

2 …. is a person who enters a house or business illegally.

3 Some misdemeanors are punishable by paying a …..

4 The person a police officer works closest beside every day is his …..

5 Dealing drugs behind a restaurant is an example of a …..

6 When a man commits a felony he gets taken into police …..

7 Another word for a thief is …..

8 In order to prevent a criminal from running, police use …..

9 One of the first things detectives do at a crime scene is check for …..

10 Another word for prison is …..

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