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Current Pain and Headache Reports (2018) 22:26


Spinal Cord Stimulation, MILD Procedure, and Regenerative Medicine,

Novel Interventional Nonopioid Therapies in Chronic Pain
Ken P. Ehrhardt Jr 1 & Susan M. Mothersele 1 & Andrew J. Brunk 1 & Jeremy B. Green 1 & Mark R. Jones 2 & Craig B. Billeaud 1 &
Alan David Kaye 1,3

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Purpose of Review Chronic pain is a highly prevalent condition affecting millions of individuals.
Recent Findings In recent years, newer treatments have emerged that are changing the way clinicians treat pain pathogenesis,
including novel nonopioid strategies. In this regard, spinal cord stimulation, the MILD procedure, and regenerative medicine
have shown promise. This review summarizes recent literature on these three emerging treatment strategies.
Summary The results of this review suggest that under certain conditions, spinal cord stimulation, the MILD procedure, and
regenerative medicine can be effective treatment modalities.

Keywords Spinal cord stimulation . MILD procedure . Regenerative medicine . Pain . Ligamentum flavum hypertrophy . Lumbar

Introduction columns which in turn would block or gate off the painful
small unmyelinated nerve fibers leading to pain reduction
Spinal cord stimulation is a therapy that blocks nerves causing [2]. While this in part may be true, we have come to learn that
pain and discomfort by stimulating larger nerves directly in the spinal cord stimulation pain relieving mechanism is more
the spinal cord. By placing electrodes into the epidural space complex. It is thought to work by the reduction of wide dy-
either percutaneous or surgically, spinal cord stimulation has namic range neurons at the dorsal horn as well as diminishing
proven to be a minimally invasive method of treating other- GABAergic interneurons [3].
wise chronic debilitating pain. Since 1967, its use has helped A spinal cord stimulator can only be chosen for patients
treat painful conditions that otherwise caused decreased func- with chronic pain that suffer from specific pathologic condi-
tion and livelihood in patients [1]. tions. The patient must have been unsuccessful in all other
According to the 1965 “gate control” theory of Melzack conservative measures such as physical therapy, non-
and Wall, spinal cord stimulation was thought to relieve pain steroidal medications, and other non-invasive measures.
by stimulating large myelinated nerve fibers such as the dorsal Spinal cord stimulation has only been proven to be effective
in certain disease states such as complex regional pain syn-
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Other Pain drome (CRPS). CRPS is a neuropathic syndrome causing au-
tonomic dysfunction, edema, pain out of proportion to initial
* Alan David Kaye injury, and changes in skin color. Spinal cord stimulation has been shown to decrease pain and increase functionality in
patients suffering with CRPS. It has been shown to improve
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, LSU Health
function in affected limbs of patients and is suggested as an
Science Center, Louisiana State University School of Medicine, 1542
Tulane Avenue, Room 659, New Orleans, LA, USA early treatment if conservative treatments fail to resolve CRPS
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Department of
[1]. Another condition that is effective with spinal cord stim-
Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Harvard Medical ulation treatment is failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) or
School, Boston, MA, USA post-laminectomy syndrome. FBSS is a state of lower back
Department of Pharmacology, LSU School of Medicine, New and sometimes leg pain that has not been relieved by surgery
Orleans, LA, USA and in some cases pain worsened by surgery [4]. When
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conservative measures have failed patients suffering from likely in patients with bleeding or coagulation disorders.
FBSS, spinal cord stimulation has proven to be effective. Much caution should be placed when placing a spinal cord
Evidence has shown long-term opioid use as well as repeat stimulator in patients on anticoagulants or antiplatelets as they
surgery to be ineffective treatments for these patients. Spinal are at increased risk for spinal epidural hematomas [7].
cord stimulation helps patients suffering from FBSS regain Neurologic deficits in a patient’s lower extremities or new-
functionality and acquire pain relief [4]. Spinal cord stimula- onset lower back pain may be the first sign of this complica-
tors have been shown to be effective in treating other pain tion either hours, days, or weeks after spinal cord stimulator
conditions such as peripheral artery disease, intractable angi- placement [7].
na, and diabetic neuropathy. Spinal cord stimulators are a minimally invasive treatment
Ever since the first spinal cord stimulator was developed in for patients with chronic pain and have proven to be an effec-
1967, new and more effective spinal cord stimulators have been tive treatment for multiple types of chronic pain syndromes.
produced based off of innovative technology. Spinal cord stim- After a successful trial is completed, a permanent spinal cord
ulators are made up of an implantable pulse generator that is stimulator can be placed to treat the patient’s pain in the long
battery operated along with a stimulation lead. Implantable im- term.
pulse generators can be controlled by changing the frequency, In summary, spinal cord stimulation initially consisted of
width, and amplitude of the electrical impulse to provide a monopolar leads connected to external generators to create an
maximal decrease in pain. Before a spinal cord stimulator is electric field around the spinal cord for the treatment of chron-
permanently placed, a trial is performed on the patient to see ic pain. Currently, technology has allowed us to have expan-
what settings provide the patient with maximal benefits of pain sion to fully implanted rechargeable batteries and leads have
relief. Temporary leads are placed during the trial and then progressed from monopolar plates to multiple leads with mul-
removed and the spinal cord stimulator is normally placed per- tiple contacts allowing for up to 32 contacts. Further, each
manently at a later time using the information gained from the contact has individual power sources to maximize precise
trial [5]. Traditional spinal cord stimulators have involved low- targeting of pain.
frequency stimulation, which had side effects such as paresthe- Although there have been many advances in the technolo-
sias and tolerance of stimulation. Newer high-frequency stim- gy, relatively little has changed with the stimulation parame-
ulators have recently shown promising evidence to spare pa- ters until recently. In general, conventional spinal cord stimu-
tients from these traditional side effects [4]. lation characteristics include frequency of stimulation ranging
Numerous rare complications can arise from spinal cord from 40 to 120 Hz, pulse duration from 0.1–0.3 ms, and cur-
stimulators and prior to placing one, a recent MRI of the spine rent applied at 60–80% of motor threshold which varies per
is required to ensure safe placement. Every provider should be patient. Patients vary significantly in what parameters of stim-
familiar with potential placement obstacles, minimize the like- ulation they prefer and resultant perceived paresthesia tolerat-
lihood of these complications, and identify and treat them ed to achieve maximal analgesia. The parameters determine
immediately when they include serious complications such energy usage by the battery and allow for estimation when a
as paralysis or infection. One of the more common complica- battery will need recharging. Recharging is currently done by
tions is lead migration. Lead migration is not a life-threatening using an external radiofrequency unit to charge the implant-
or fatal complication, but it is the most likely a reason for a able pulse generator.
patient to not receive pain relief in the long term from a spinal The field of spinal cord stimulation has expanded from stim-
cord stimulator [5]. Stimulators placed percutaneously have a ulating only the spinal cord to also being applied to regions of
higher risk of becoming misplaced compared to placement by the brain, now called deep brain stimulation, as well as periph-
laminectomy. Lead migration is detected normally by either eral nerve stimulation being applied to more peripheral struc-
the patient abruptly receiving appropriate pain relief or the tures like the dorsal root ganglia. New and innovative types of
patient feeling stimulation across a different dermatome. spinal cord stimulators are being trialed and placed in patients
Lead breakage is rare at about 9.1% seen in one literature on a regular basis. The future of spinal cord stimulators appears
review and is most commonly seen in patients with active to be very promising for many debilitating pain states.
lifestyles that perform motions that require frequent spinal
movements [5]. Infection is a rare but possibly serious com-
plication of spinal cord stimulator implantation. Cameron MILD Procedure: A Review of Current
et al.’s review found infection occurring in 3.4% of about Literature
3000 patients [5]. Infections can be both prevented and treated
with appropriate antibiotics. Physicians should have a low Background
threshold to remove hardware if they have a suspicion that it
is infected [6]. The most life-threatening complication is a Lumbar spinal stenosis, narrowing of the spinal canal, is a
spinal epidural hematoma. This problem is very rare and more significant contributor to chronic pain. Found in over 19%
Curr Pain Headache Rep (2018) 22:26 Page 3 of 7 26

of sexagenarians, it is associated with a threefold increase in Recent Reports

low back pain [8]. Treatment options include physical therapy,
analgesic medications, epidural steroid injections, and surgical The MiDAS ENCORE trial is a prospective multicenter, ran-
interventions. Laminectomy has been performed for over a domized, controlled clinical trial (RCT) of patients with neu-
century with proven efficacy; however, it is not without draw- rogenic claudication and ligamentum flavum hypertrophy at
backs that accompany a more extensive surgical procedure. 26 interventional pain management centers across the USA.
The MILD procedure is a relatively new, minimally invasive This large RCT raises the quality of evidence available for
option for decompression of spinal stenosis. assessment of the MILD procedure. In 2016, 6-month results
were published. The authors identified a statistically signifi-
The MILD Procedure: An Overview cant symptomatic improvement in patients undergoing MILD
when compared to epidural steroid injection (ESI). They also
The procedure has previously been described in detail by Deer found no difference in the safety profile of the two treatment
and Kapural. The patient is positioned prone, and with the options [15]. A subsequent report from the MiDAS ENCORE
guidance of epidurography and fluoroscopy, the interlaminar trial published in 2016 supported the initial findings, with
space is accessed via a six-gauge port. The superior and infe- statistically significant improvements in pain at 1-year post-
rior laminas are sculpted to allow a specialized instrument procedure [16]. Furthermore, at 1 year, patients who
adequate space to perform resection of the hypertrophic underwent MILD had significantly improved functionality
ligamentum flavum. Decompression is confirmed by re- as measured by ODI and ZCQ Physical function. Two patients
imaging [9••]. from the MILD arm experienced adverse events, including a
The procedure offers decompression that can only be ob- non-serious procedural hemorrhage; however, the safety pro-
tained through surgical intervention, while minimizing tissue file was similar to that of the comparison ESI group.
trauma associated with traditional laminectomy. Furthermore, Outcomes for the MILD group at later post-procedure times
the procedure is normally performed using sedation and local will be reported and will allow an analysis of the durability of
anesthesia, eliminating some of the risks that accompany gen- positive early reports.
eral anesthesia. Whereas the MiDAS ENCORE trial contributes a well-
designed RCT to the literature, an article by Giannadakis
Early Experiences et al. seeks to evaluate MILD with greater applicability to
the population as a whole undergoing the procedure. This
Numerous early studies showed MILD to be an effective treat- prospective study using data from the Norwegian Spine
ment option for patient with lumbar spinal stenosis. These Registry limited exclusion criteria to patients undergoing
early studies used one or more of the following outcome mea- discectomy and those with certain associated spinal conditions
sures: visual analog score (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index and used diagnosis of central lumbar spinal stenosis, undergo-
(ODI), and Zurich Claudication Questionnaire (ZCQ). Some ing one or two level microsurgical decompression and inclu-
studies incorporated other measures as well. sion in the registry as the only inclusion criteria. Mean ODI
In 2011, a meta-analysis of four clinical patient series found score improvement for the population was a statistically sig-
3-month improvement in VAS and ODI scores of 3.5 points nificant 16.9 points [17].
and 17.1 points, respectively. The authors of this study also While the current literature seems to paint an overall favor-
compared MILD to epidural steroid injection (ESI) therapy, able picture of the MILD procedure, there are certain circum-
showing similar efficacy at 3 months [10]. Subsequently, Basu stances in which MILD may not be the optimal treatment. One
published a prospective study showing reduction in pain at study compared MILD to another approach less invasive than
6 months post-procedure when compared to pre-procedure traditional laminectomy, unilateral laminectomy for bilateral
status, with statistically significant VAS improvement of 5.2, decompression (ULBD). Use of the VAS and Japanese
and ODI improvement of 24 [11]. A separate prospective Orthopedic Association scoring system identified a favorable
study showed VAS improvement of 2.9 and ODI improve- response following MILD at 2 years, and the results were
ment of 11.9 at 12 months following MILD [12]. Published comparable to ULBD. The subgroup of patients undergoing
in 2013, Chopko describes persistent statistically significant multilevel decompression, however, had better pain and func-
improvement in pain and function per VAS, ODI, and ZCQ in tional responses to ULBD than to MILD [18].
this cohort at 2 years [13]. A review of the MILD procedure In addition to studies evaluating clinical outcomes, the
literature published through May 2013 acknowledged the con- MILD procedure has been studied from a radiologic perspec-
sistent statistically significant improvement in pain and func- tive. A 2017 study showed that signs of paravertebral muscle
tion but rated the overall body of literature as low quality [14]. inflammation and edema were evident on MRI at 3 months
More recent publications allow us a better understanding of post-procedure; however, at 12–18 months, those findings had
the value of MILD. returned to their pre-procedure levels. Furthermore, the
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authors found the rate of paravertebral muscle atrophy to be including germ cells, embryonic stem cells, mesenchymal
only 4% versus the 4–23.9% comparison rate they cite for stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells [22]. Germ cells
alternative surgical approaches. Two seemingly reasonable are the most primitive stem cells. They are pluripotent and can
explanations offered by the authors are that MILD procedure give rise to identical cells while also producing differentiated
causes less trauma to paravertebral muscles and allows sooner cell lines. Embryonic stem cells are derived from the fetus.
return to rehabilitation and exercise, minimizing damage and These cells are also pluripotent and can differentiate into any
subsequent atrophy [19]. cell line. They are derived from an aborted human embryo or
An important aspect of any medical treatment is cost-effec- left over from in vitro fertilization. They also contain different
tiveness. Given there are numerous approaches to treating DNA than the host which can lead to formation of teratomas
lumbar spinal stenosis, a very common condition, it follows or the risk of transplant rejection. Related to their source,
that cost-effectiveness should play some role in selecting the embryonic stem cells have been morally and ethically contro-
proper treatment given the heavily burdened nature of our versial. Induced pluripotent stem cells are derived from non-
healthcare system. One study compared the cost- pluripotent somatic cells such as dermal fibroblasts, which are
effectiveness of laminectomy, MILD, and epidural steroid in- then transformed and genetically engineered into a pluripotent
jections at 2 years post-procedure. The cost per quality- state.
adjusted life year (QALY) suggested that MILD is the most Mesenchymal stem cells are derived from adult bone mar-
cost-effective option. While clearly ESI is a less costly proce- row aspirate, adipose tissue, amnion, cord blood/placenta,
dure than MILD, this study assumed that ESI did not have as periosteum, synovial membrane, or dental pulp. These stem
positive an effect on QALY and pointed out that most patients cells have not generated controversy in that patients can use
with severe lumbar spinal stenosis require multiple rounds of their own supply of stem cells for treatment and therapy, and
ESI [20]. the supply is potentially limitless. Bone marrow or adipose
To summarize, recent publications have bettered our under- tissue can be aspirated and then mesenchymal stem cells can
standing of the role of the MILD procedure in treating patients be isolated and transplanted to the area in need.
with lumbar spinal stenosis. As with any relatively new treat- Each of these stem cell lines may provide potential thera-
ment, further research is needed. Additional randomized con- pies for chronic pain. Estimates by the WHO indicate that as
trolled trials comparing MILD to alternative treatments will many as 116 million people in the USA in 2011 suffered with
bolster the quality of evidence and further inform clinicians. chronic pain [23]. This number is estimated to have grown
Reports of patient outcomes at greater post-procedure time over the years and does not include those suffering with acute
points will also help in valuation of the MILD procedure. pain or children. In a recent study, mesenchymal stem cells
were found to reduce opioid tolerance and opioid-induced
Regenerative Medicine hyperalgesia caused by daily morphine injections in rats
[24]. The researchers also found that opioid tolerance was
Regenerative medicine is a term used for innovative tech- reversed with the use of stem cells. This could prove to be
niques used in the management of chronic pain that aim at an effective way to help treat chronic pain and combat the
allowing the body to repair, to replace, to restore, and to re- growing opioid epidemic. In a study looking at the use of stem
generate damaged or diseased cells, tissues, or organs. Various cells in nervous system injury, marrow transplantation was
substances have been used in regenerative medicine, includ- performed in rats with chronic constriction of their sciatic
ing stem cells, platelet-rich plasma, and amniotic fluid. nerve. Comparing this to rats who did not receive transplan-
Regenerative medicine has implications in treating joint pain, tation, they found shorter latency periods to withdrawal indic-
disc and other spinal structural disease, and ligamentous inju- ative of continuing pain in the control group [25].
ry. Pharmacologic treatments of chronic and neuropathic pain Stem cell implantation has shown promise in improvement
have varying results and also result in tolerance with long- after spinal cord injury as they have the ability to incorporate
term use. Regenerative medicine serves as a potential pain and differentiate to improve locomotor recovery [26]. Stem
reliever and disease modifier which could be used as an ad- cells transplanted following spinal cord injury have been shown
junct to current management of pain. to improve functional recovery and decrease allodynia by dif-
Stem cells are cells that have the capacity to divide both ferentiating into oligodendrocytes [27]. Hyperexcitability from
symmetrically, increasing their numbers, and asymmetrically spinal cord injury has been reduced by the use of serotonergic
to differentiated progeny that can self-renew. This ability al- neural precursor cell grafts [28]. In this way, stem cell trans-
lows the cells to have many potential uses in the treatment of plantation has shown to have many potential benefits in the
chronic pain and other chronic diseases. Transplantation of treatment of chronic pain and neuropathic pain. The effect of
stem cells has been shown to slow or even block disease and stem cells on pain modulation and relief may be related to their
have shown promise in the treatment of a variety of nervous ability to symptomatically control pain as well as modify dis-
system injuries [21••]. There are multiple types of stem cells ease progression [21••]. Research is still lacking and clinical
Curr Pain Headache Rep (2018) 22:26 Page 5 of 7 26

considerations need to be addressed in order to begin to imple- hyaluronic acid (HA) [42]. Two similar studies showed sig-
ment stem cell therapy successfully. Some considerations in- nificant clinical improvement in the PRP groups at 6 months
clude classification of cells, their efficacy and potency, their vs saline control [43], and at 1 year, although the latter was not
mode of administration, their dosage and their source, together a significant difference compared to the HA group [44]. A
with the final goal of the analysis, and the tracking of the stem 2015 meta-analysis identified 9 acceptable studies out of over
cell [29]. 500 studies on the use of PRP in the osteoarthritic knee.
Improved functional outcomes were shown over the short
Novel Interventional Nonopioid Therapies: term (<1 year) as compared to placebo and HA, with no sta-
Platelet-Rich Plasma tistically significant difference in adverse events [45]. While
there are multiple studies that suggest a benefit in the use of
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is another treatment rapidly PRP injections for OA, continued research is needed to quan-
gaining interest in the field of regenerative medicine. tify the long-term benefits in the setting of arthritis.
Originally used in the 1950s in dermatology and oral maxil- The use of PRP is also popular in the treatment of chronic
lofacial surgery, the use of PRPs has grown exponentially, tendinopathies, most notably lateral epicondylitis (Tennis
particularly in the fields of sports medicine and orthopedics, Elbow), patellar tendinitis, and Achilles tendinopathy. A
as clinicians attempt to find novel therapies that are both effi- double-blinded RCT with over 100 patients showed statisti-
cacious and safe [30••]. cally and clinically significant improvements in quality of life
pain scores in the PRP injection group as compared to the
What Is PRP conventional treatment of corticosteroid injections [46]. Two
limited studies looking at the use of PRP in chronic patellar
Fundamentally, PRP is a concentrate of proteins derived from tendinitis showed significant improvement in activity level
autologous blood that is rich in growth factors and cytokines [47] and in pain [48] in the injection group as compared to
that are involved in wound healing and tissue repair [31–34]. physiotherapy only group. Conflicting data does exist in re-
The process of obtaining PRP involves multiple rounds of gard to the use of PRP for chronic tendinopathy. A 2010
centrifugation of a patient’s whole blood. The first round of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study pub-
centrifugation yields two layers in which the plasma and plate- lished in JAMA studying the treatment of chronic Achilles
lets are separated from the reticulocytes and leukocytes. An tendinopathy showed no significant improvement in the PRP
additional round of centrifugation will yield platelet-rich and injection group as compared to the saline control [49].
platelet-poor plasma fractions [35, 36]. Although there exists
some variation and heterogeneity among differing PRP sys- PRP in Chronic Pain
tems, PRP can be expected to contain a platelet concentration
of up to five times greater than normal physiologic platelet While a majority of the studies on PRP involve the treatment
concentrations (150,000–450,000 per microliter) [37]. of musculoskeletal disease, there is growing interest in the
potential for treatment of neuropathic pain. Multiple promis-
Current Uses of PRP ing animal studies have shown the potential for axonal regen-
eration in the presence of PRP and neural-induced human
Despite a paucity of randomized, double-blind clinical studies mesenchymal stem cells [50–53]. A small clinical study per-
confirming the efficacy of PRP, its use continues to expand, formed on humans with previous nerve damage showed ex-
particularly in the realm of musculoskeletal related injuries, tensive axonal regeneration and a significant reduction in
with many non-randomized studies and case reports suggest- chronic pain after treatment with PRP [54].
ing beneficial effects in regard to pain and healing [38–41]. One of the most common sources of chronic pain, low back
Most commonly, PRP is used in the treatment of chronic ten- pain secondary to intervertebral disk degeneration, is also be-
dinitis, osteoarthritis, and plastic surgery, with increasing re- ing treated with PRP injections. A recent meta-analysis of 11
search focusing on the potential benefits in the treatment of animal studies found significant differences in the PRP treat-
chronic neuropathic pain. ment group, with increased disc height, improved MRI sig-
naling, and decreased degeneration in the PRP group [55].
Clinical Validity of PRP Several in vivo studies echoed similar results, with increased
disc height, nucleus pulposus regeneration [56] and increased
Multiple studies have shown promise in regard to the use of accumulation of type II collagen [57] after injections of PRP.
PRP in osteoarthritis as compared to controls and convention- In contrast to corticosteroid injections which provide only
al treatments. One prospective, double-blind, randomized short-term symptomatic relief, PRP injections are targeted at
control trial showed better outcomes at 24 weeks in the PRP potentially reversing the underlying pathophysiology of
group as compared to those receiving an injection of discogenic back pain.
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