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TEACHER Joseph Gangoo, Funtong Kang, Paige Lewis, Karissa Riofrio, Langille

Subject/Class/Course Instructional and Learning Processes (ED3313)

Topic Multiple Intelligences (MI’s)

Grade Level 1st year B.Ed Duration 20 Minutes


Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in student friendly


GCO: Students in the class will be able to distinguish the difference between the 8 multiple
SCO: Students in the class will know their own top multiple intelligences and what this means for
them as teachers.

Introduction (5 mins)

Note at the door saying to take a timbit.

Timbits in different bowls at the front of the class.
Multiple intelligence chart projected on the board (introduced by Paige)
Agenda for the day on the board (introduced by Karissa)
Link for multiple intelligences quiz on the board

Assessment (5 mins)

We will be doing a formative assessment at the end of class which the students will complete in their
Students will create a formative assessment based on a grade 6 science SCO with a specific
intelligence in mind. (One group will create their assessment for linguistic learners, another for
kinesthetic learners and so on).
The will write their assessments on loose leaf provided and will submit them by putting them in a bag
at the end of the lesson.
Langille will introduce the assessment

Develop the Instruction (10 mins)

1- Students will complete an online quiz to determine their “intelligence”/ the way they learn best.
2- Students will be broken up into groups based on their intelligences. (Langille, Jo, Paige, Futong
and Karissa will give a short explanation of each intelligence).
3- In their groups, students will create a hook for a grade 6 science SCO that caters to their own
intelligence. For example the group of visual learners will create a hook for visual learners. (Futong
will introduce this activity.
4- Groups will give presentations of their hooks to the rest of the class. (Joe will manage this

Closure (5 mins already counted for in assessment portion)

Langille will make a short conclusion tying everything in (including the MI cartoon that will be
projected on the board). She will then introduce the exit ticket (which our group is using as the
formative assessment.
Exit ticket: Create a formative assessment based on this grade 6 science SCO: observe and explain
how the relative positions of Earth, the moon, and the sun are responsible for the moon phases,
eclipses, and tides (301-20).
The assessment must cater to the group to your left. (Each group will be creating an assessment
with a different multiple intelligence in mind).

Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations

Timbits and bowls

Laptops or phones (for internet connection)
Multiple intelligences chart (to hand out)
Multiple intelligences signs (to post around the room)
Individual multiple intelligence signs (to wear around our necks)
Individual multiple intelligence costumes
Loose leaf (to put on tables for students to use for the activity and exit ticket)
Multiple intelligences cartoon projected at the front
Timer (to keep our activities on track)
Bag to collect formative assessment

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