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Carla Rico Vera

Susie Huerta

Reflection 5

1. In today’s group discussion, I learned about the important history and facts in the
debate over unaccompanied minors and migration.

2. I learned that more than 120,000 children from El Salvador, Honduras, and
Guatemala arrived to the US between the years of 2014 and the end of 2016. I
also found out that the MS-13 gang has more than 50,000 members in Central
America as well as 10,000 members in the U.S. itself!

3. I choose the question from group 2 and 4:

Question 1: To what extent is the government reliable for the dislocation of
Response 1: The government has the financial resources and manpower to
move natural resources to and away from civilizations.

Question 2: Why do Americans hold anti immigrant sentiments towards illegals

when they don’t get the same government aid as citizens?

Response 2: Because they take up many public resources that many american
citizens believe they are legally entitled to.

4. I think the author's purpose of this essay is to let people understand some of the
reasons why many people escape their country. I feel like this can be directed more
towards our current president, Donald Trump, because he tends to always say that
Mexicans and “illegal aliens” are the reason why this world has come to be a disaster
basically. He has a tendency to blame us for things such as rape and murder and drug
dealing, and even though that may be true for some people, it does NOT mean that all
of us are the same. Therefore, I feel like discrimination is uncalled for and not okay.

5. I previewed the book, Tell Me How it Ends, and honestly, it seems pretty
interesting. That is why I think it will be easier for me to read it because it's based on a
topic I really find interesting. My plan is to read 15 pages on Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
and Monday, that way I can be caught up and really take in what i’m reading. I feel that
if I read too many pages all at once, I will get tired and not really pay attention to what
i’m reading, for that reason, I will divide the pages into small sections and take my time.

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