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Carla Rico Vera

March 13, 2018

Reflection 7

● To plant a Naysayer in my argument means to use a counterclaim.

● To make a concession is my argument, I would have to acknowledge the other
person's point but still argue what I believe. An example would be:
○ Even though ____ is true, I believe that ____.
● Naysayer paragraph:
○ Luiselli is focusing too much on the bad experience of one ethnic group
experience in the situation of immigration customs. She is biased because
of her own heritage and her own immigration story, as well as her
■ Not too sure I did this right but I tried the best I could..
● After looking at my outline:
○ I think I will need to rearrange my outline with new ideas because I have
better knowledge about this book now than I did before and found MANY
MORE quotes and information about different things. Therefore, I find it
more helpful to use information that is seen in today’s society to connect
m my essay to.
○ I plan on integrating my concession after the paragraph where I talk about
Luiselli using her personal experience and emotions to argue why children
should be granted asylum, which is throughout the first paragraph. (I might
make it my second paragraph If I rewrite my whole essay)
○ I plan on developing new ideas that support the new thesis prompt that I
will re-do into a more convincing thesis.
● My plan on writing this essay draft is to start on Wednesday, due to a heavy busy
schedule I have on Tuesday. I am counting on doing what I can in the couple of
hours I have between my class and dance practice, then finishing off or revising
what I have as soon as I get home which would be at around 10pm.

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