Me and Northern Angel (Rogue)

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says to ~*northern angel {M}: hmmm, how about one of the most appropriate for this...-gestures
to the chaise- lie on your back, northern.....hips in the air, feet tucked under your backside, so I
can get at that sweet treasure trove between those thighs..............hands positioned so you can toy
with your breasts if you like>?
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *slipping onto le chaise and tucking my feet up and
back, smiling and putting my arms behind my head as i do, watching as You move around the
chaise* as it pleases You.... mais, i tend to like my hands... right here....*a slow wicked grins
stays on my lips*.....

says to ~*northern angel {M}: of course, dear northern....-smiles as I get My bag and settle on
the ottoman, nudging to get between your thighs..inspecting your peerless pussy, admiring its
lovely folds and healthy color, taking a moment to search in My handbag for the confection I
need at the moment.....pulling forth a packet of sweet cherry powder and a sugarstick to spread it
with.........leaning in and breathing hotly over your labia, to watch your body react
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *keeping my body eerily still, my eyes are the only thing
that move or react.... i smell the cherry powder and my nostils flare for just an instant... feeling le
heated breath on my flesh... knowing that my body is reacting where i cannot control it....

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -leans forward and puts My tongue to work, brushing over your
sweet folds with the delicate precision of a paintbrush, wetting the folds even more as I nuzzle
and exhale over them, finding your button and flicking around it like an inquisitive
hummingbird...lifting it with My tongue and tasting its picant flavor gratefully..........a hand on
your thigh keeping you open to My desire...nudging your button up and down , side to side,
slowly unfurling your labia with My tongue's gentle sweep
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *groaning lightly and my blue green eyes flutter closed
for just an instant* “Think this is what Vixen had in mind? Beat moi with pleasure? *feeling my
cunt clench as Your tongue flicks and nudges my clit, my hips flexing slightly, then stilling
again, getting control over my body as best as I can as You lap at moi*

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -chuckles huskily as I take the packet of powder to My mouth and
rip the corner open on it and the sugar stick - I cannot vouch for Vixen, but I know how I've
wanted to savor you......-nuzzles you again- and I think the room might have an equal chance to
want to see this in preference to a punitive punishment.....? -smiles and eases the powder packet
open, taking the sugar stick between delicate fingertips and licking it slowly and suggestively as
I look over your mound at those intoxicating blue-green eyes....rubbing the stick into the cherry
powder to coat it.....then , ever-so-gently , carefully painting the encrusted stick against your
clit....making sure to frost it completely in delicious powder..up and down your outer labia and
over your breeding it the look of a delightful frosted cupcake as I apply more
and more powder..the appetizing scent of fresh pussy mingling with confectionary powder in a
heady scent
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *bites my lip and raises an eyebrow*…. “oh, what
You’ve wanted, oui? So we’ll say this is pas in Vixen’s stead, mais in Your own.” *watching as
Your luscious mouth tears at the packet and then licks the stick, bringing a heated moan from my
chest and a slight shudder. The powder and stick rough and sweet at the same time against my
clit and I force my hips to still, biting down and clenching my teeth. Thighs quiver in sweet
anticipation to just what You have in mind behind frosting me, the irony of moi being le “food
sub” is pas lost on moi as You do Your work diligently – the smell of sex and candy filling the
watching room*

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -takes a moment to inspect My handiwork, or at least My

contribution to a loving God's Handiwork........admiring how the crystals of edible sweetness
reflect the light...knowing I'm going to have to be sure to lick you absolutely clean in preparation
for the next I sweep My hair back over My shoulder and lean in , digging into your
sweet, sexy frosted pussy with an eager tongue, tracing your labia first, nibbling and nipping
them, tugging them outward and trapping them between My teeth as I rake My tongue over that
succulent flesh over and over, exploring you and listening to your body tell Me what it craves,
carefully trespassing around your breeding channel as I inhale the scent of your cherried-pussy,
dipping My tongue inside you and drawing out a dollop of your pussy nectar.....pulling back just
a tad so you can see the stringers of it on My tongue, connected like a spider web's embrace
between your lips and Mine......My hazel eyes wicked as I delve back into you, easing your labia
apart and licking you stem to stern, encircling your clit and dipping in beneath the hood in
pursuit of every last iota of sweet cherry powder as I lick and feed on you, making certain that
your body is prepared for more sugar...
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *watching You smile and survey Your handiwork….
Seeing the sweet smile on Your lips…. And watching You dip Your head down between my
willingly parted legs….gasping lightly as Your tongue trails up and between my swollen lips, my
fingers caressing quiet-ones cheek….. Feeling the pull and nip at my flesh…. My clit hard at the
roughness of the feel of the sugar and candy that coats me, I finally give in, my hips tipping up
towards You, mouth falling open as You tease and pleasure me…. Defiantly pas what Vixen had
in mind…. A vastly different punishment for pegging a peanut at the room Mistress….

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -smiles at your words- I find you catch more flies with honey, not
to mention that its easier to catch someone you've already trapped , if needs be....-closes My eyes
and kisses your soft, pouting lips hungrily, devouring you hard and fast for a few moments,
before adjusting back to a more reserved pace....gauging My progress by your soft noises and
body's magnetic draw to Me, My lips coated in your aroused juices and cherry powder , an
exaggerated red blush on My lips as I search every last inch of your delicious pussy for each
particle of sweet
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *I laugh sweetly at Your words and arch my back as
You devour my cunt with a heated fever… my back arching at the attack and heels digging down
into my ass…. A flicker of a shudder passes thru me as i let out a little growl…. Eyes closing to
the probe and tug on my cunt*

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -smiles and gives your tight little anus a probing lick.....taking a
moment to sit back and smile wickedly, knowing your body is ready as I palm a bag of skittles
out of My handbag, tearing the corner open and pouring a small rainbow river of the candies into
My hand as I look up to you and stroke your clitty and folds- Now , the saying
goes......'open wide'.....-smiles and kisses your clitty again and begins to place the Skittles in the
opening of your pussy and pushing them in deeper with My tonguetip
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *feeling the invasion of the small little candies,
clenching the muscles of my cunt to keep the sweet candies into me as Your tongue slides up
into me, pushing the candies in… Your lips and chin brushing against my cunt*… “this is
definitely better than a beating….” *I look down and wink at You

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -purring softly as I load your precious little treat chamber- And
I'd be among the many to take a beating to get this privilege again, northern sweetness..........-
nudges you until you are full of the sweet candies, taking a tonguefull of the sugary syrup
dripping from your cunt as I smile and caress you-
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *arches my back and mutters*…”just a girl….” *I groan
out, pressing my head down into the chaise, breath coming faster as each time my cunt clenches
the candies play inside of moi….. my clit engorged and erect as You caress moi

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -murmurs softly against your fuckflesh- There's no such thing as
'just a girl' , northern.....each one is a playground of mystery and enchantment, in the form of a
woman......-licks your clit and bites down on it, shaking My head back and forth like a terrier
with a chewtoy-

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -has some minions stage a few things for Me as I feast on you
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *rocking my hips up against Your mouth, thighs
quivering as I grab the sides of the chair behind my head, eyes closed, feeling the wash of an
orgasm pushing against me, pulling moi out and away from myself….
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: minions? *thinks i'm in trouble now*

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -nudging My tongue against your star once more, fingertips
circling your clit and stroking your labia as I urge you to cum for Me, with small moans and
sensual tongue-sweeps

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -waves the minions over with the support belt and restraints,
smiling as I see them at the ready-
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *mutters something in French as press up to Your lips
and lets go, the Crescendo of moans and french words rattles through the room as my orgasms
rivers through me.... white knuckling the edge of the chaise....

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -smiles as I suck down on your opening, the emulsified mixture
of rainbow candies and sexy cunthoney cascading over My tongue as I kiss and lap your pussy,
smearing the juices all over My mouth and chin as I suck hard on your fuckchannel and tap your
clitty back and forth
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *resisting the urge to reach down and caresses Your
head, grinding up against You the waves ebbing as I pant and groan, watching Your sweet mouth
suck down my nectar*

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -has the belt and straps connected to you, lifting you from the
chaise , so you hang, angel-fashion.......wrists being bound and ankles too, drawn up behind you
so that you are curved in a gentle backward arch, your thighs spread open to let the syrup flow
down your thighs

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -has you draw up to about face level, so anyone can see you
splayed open so delightfully, setting your body to swaying in the traces as I walk with you in a
circle, displaying your body like a piece of modern art.......

~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *groans and looks down at Your, feeling the candied
syrup easing down my thighs in colored rivers of sweetness and sugar… licking my lips and
letting a smile cross my full lips*

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -smiles up at you in delight- you're on display for all to see,
northern dearest......-is handed a riding crop from My minion as I send your body in a lazy circle
with a push, giving your ass a swat as it is presented to Me-

~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *grinning and moving my head, watching You as Your
circle moi* .. so hope You find a strung up angel pleasing? *licking my lips*

~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *gasping lightly at the swat, letting my head hang down,
shaggy blonde hair falling into my blue green eyes…the trickle of sweetness still painting le
flesh of my thighs

says to ~*northern angel {M}: Oh , I do indeed, northern precious....-chuckles huskily as I look

up your body- and now for the final part of the performance.......the pinata aspect....-leans in to
taste your pussy again as I rap your asscheeks with the crop, ducking down just a bit to open My
mouth to recieve one of your cuntflavored candies as it falls out of you with the clench of your
asscheeks from the sting of the crop


says to ~*northern angel {M}: MMmmmm, now THAT is what I call............ tasting the
rainbow....... -chuckling at My terrible pun-
~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *cunt muscles working hard as I expel the candies,
keeping silent and as still as possible, taking each sharp thwap on my ass, feeling the sweet hot
heat on my flesh as Your mouth eats me in a whole different way…each hit making me clench
and groan*


says to ~*northern angel {M}: -lets out little approving moans as I eat you clean again, making
sure each and every candy is recovered with a rewarding smack on your sexy ass, occasionally
running fingers over your star teasingly as I use My mouth to engage your senses –

~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *muscles tensing as I curl up against the bonds, body
flexing and shuddering lightly at each touch*


says to ~*northern angel {M}: -lets My fingers busy themselves, attaching the nipple clamps to
your labia, decorating the delicate chains with small bells that chime with each contraction of
your quivering pussylips , aiding them with caresses and smacks from the crop, connecting your
labia chains to your nipples and keeping a lead line attached , so I can manipulate your cunt and
breasts with one handful of chain , while I sting and heat your asscheeks

*northern angel {M} whispers to Duchess: *licks* you have about 10 min before supper is ready..
says the wife.... giggles*

whispers to ~*northern angel {M}: -giggles- I already just HAD MY

~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *groans at the bite of the clamps and the trill of the bells
chatter thru the room…. Rolling my body against the arch so that the pull of the chains are not so
deep…. Watching Your hands deftly applying the clamps and fiddling w/the chains


says to ~*northern angel {M}: -keeps gently rotating you and smacking your ass, tugging at the
chains to keep your nipples and labia fully intrigued

Rock Hard says to Duchess: moves over to you handing you a box of clothes pins... I think you
should try some of these..

(20:19:21) Duchess <

says to everyone: And that concludes the performance part of today's exercise, E/everyone.
Thank you for your indulgence! -curtseys-

(20:19:42) Duchess <


says to Rock Hard: Oh, thats for next time, Rock!


Rock Hard
says to Duchess: oh too late...

says to ~*northern angel {M}: -leaves you hanging for all to enjoy-

~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *moaning and as I dangle and dance over the floor, feeling
fresh juices easing and flowing from my cunt….. the sharp strikes of the crop heat my flesh and relax,
back arching making the chains pull and tease their biting teeth into my wanton flesh

~*northern angel {M} says to Duchess: *giggles as i hang*

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