Meta Vision Operation Manual

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Changing the Layer Position of Objects No. Description

Section - I Page No.
We can change the layer appearance of the objects in our report tool, so we can make one
object in front or behind another object. To do this select any object > go to the Object menu >
choose Move to Front or Move to Back or Move Forward or Move Backward. 1. Introduction 1

Inserting Pages 2. Installation of Software 2

By default the Report Tool is a single paged document, but we can add extra pages to it. To 3. Icons in Toolbar 3
add extra pages go to Pages > Insert After or Insert Before. To insert a page after the current
page Choose Inset After. To insert a page before the current page Choose Insert Before. 4. Capture through Camera 5

Navigating Between Multiple Pages 5. Calibration 7

If our document is of more than one page, we can navigate through the Menu Bar (go to 6. Measurement 10
Pages Menu > Click on Next Page or Previous Page) and the Toolbar (click on the double
icon arrows on the Toolbar). 7. Count & Classification 12

Adding Signature to the Report Tool 8. Particle Measurement 14

This command allows adding a signature i.e. a scanned bitmap of a signature to our report. 9. Segmentation 16
Go to Edit Menu > Add Signatures. A dialog box will open, where we can choose a bitmap
image from the Hard disk. After choosing drag the mouse to the place, where you want to 10. Grain Size 18
place that signature.
11. Decarburization 28
Adding a New Organization to the Report Format 12. Nodularity 29
By default there is one organization in the report format dialog box. We can add a new
organization to our report tool report format dialog box. Go to Edit Menu > Organization Info. 13. Flake 31
Fill the information and click OK. Next time when the user opens the report tool the
14. Coating Thickness 33
information will be in the dialog box.
15. Inclusion 36
16. Grain Crack 38
17. Porosity 39
18. Report Tool 41

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4

Fig. 8

Fig. 6
Inserting a stamp

Changing the Color of Line Objects

We can change the color of the objects like lines, ellipses and rectangles. To do this draw any
line object > select that object > go to the Object menu > select line color. A Color Picker
window will open, where the user can pick a color of his/her own choice. Press OK. The
selected object line color will change.

Changing the Width of Line Objects

We can change the width of the objects like lines, ellipses and rectangles. To do this draw
any line object > select that object > go to the Object menu > select line width. A Line
Property window will open, where the user can put the width in pixel of his/her own choice.
Press OK. The selected object line width will change.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Fig. 7 (Procedure of changing Line Width)


Select: this command is used for selecting any object in the report or deselecting the options
which are already selected.
Text: this command is used to add text to the report. To add text, choose Text option from the
Draw menu and click on the report. A text area with a blinking cursor will appear. Start typing. It is new generation image analysis software, meant for scientists to do analysis in the
If the area does not increase while typing, drag the text area by clicking on the surrounding simplest way. It is a single screen Windows based system. The system is flexible and
dots of the text area. independent to adopt any capture cards, cameras and microscopes.
Line: this command is used to draw a line in the report. Choose Line option from the Draw
menu and start dragging the mouse in report. It will draw the lines. To deselect the line tool or It can handle both gray monochrome (8 bit) and color (24 bit) images. Multiple images of any
to stop drawing the line, double click. size can be opened and displayed on the screen for analysis or comparison. The software
Arrow: this command is used to draw an arrow in different angles in the report tool. Choose supports most common formats like BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF and PSD. Live images also
Arrow option from the Draw menu. An arrow window will appear, where the user can change can be observed and captured on the same platform. Since the system is made in Windows
and select different properties and parameters of an arrow, such as height, width, hollow or environment, graphs and charts displayed on the monitor can be quickly transferred into
transparent; direction - up, down, left, right, and color of the arrow. After selecting this other Windows based programs like MS Word, MS Excel or any other commercial Windows
based software for using reports and presentations.
command, go to the report and click the left mouse button in the place where you want to
have an arrow. To deselect the arrow command, go to the draw menu and choose select. We
can also rotate the arrow after drawing it in the report. For that select the arrow you want to
rotate and choose the Rotate Arrow option from the Edit menu. It will rotate the arrow.
Ellipse: this command is used to draw an elliptical shape in the report. Go to the Draw menu,
choose Ellipse and start dragging the mouse to draw an ellipse. To deselect this tool just
double click.
Rectangle: this command is used to draw a rectangle shape in the report tool. Go to the Draw
menu, choose Rectangle and start dragging the mouse to draw a rectangle. To deselect the
tool just double click.
Highlight: this command is used to draw a highlighted transparent yellow rectangular area to
highlight any object. Go to Draw menu, choose Highlight and start dragging. To deselect this
tool just double click.
Stamp: this command is used to draw various stamps such as Approved, Checked etc.,
which we can choose from the stamp's sub menu. Go to Draw menu, Stamp option and
choose your desired stamp. After choosing, drag the mouse on report, it will draw the stamp.
To deselect the stamp tool just double click.
Add Header: this command is used to add a textual message on the top of the report as a
header. Go to Draw menu, choose Add Header. Come to report and start dragging to draw
and add text. To deselect this tool just double click.
Add Footer: this command is used to add a textual message on the bottom of the report as a
footer. Go to Draw menu, choose Add Footer. Come to report and start dragging to draw and
add text. To deselect this tool just double click.

Delete Draw Tools

We can delete all the tools which are drawn by above commands. Select the object and right Fig. 1
click on it. A pop up menu will appear, choose Delete. The selected object will be deleted. We
can also delete objects from Edit menu by selecting Del or by pressing Ctrl+Del. Main Interface Of Software
Resizing Draw Objects
To resize the objects drawn by the Draw menu commands, select an object first. Dots will
appear around the object. Place the mouse over those dots, the cursor will change into a
double headed cursor. Drag the mouse to resize.

44 1
Installation of Software

To install the Software run the software CD. Run Setup.exe file inside Disk1 named
folder. The new installation window will open. Follow the steps given in the new Drawing in Report
installation window and click Next button. To draw different objects (lines, shapes, stamps, arrows, etc.) in the open report go to the
Draw menu. It contains:
1. Select 2. Text 3. Line 4. Arrow 5. Ellipse
6. Rectangle 7. Highlight 8. Stamp 9. Add Header 10. Add Footer

Step 1

Fig. 4

Fig. 1


Step 2
Fig. 5

Fig. 2 Drawing in Report

2 43
Icons In Tool Bar

Opening Report in Report Tool New - Open a new Blank File.

To open a report, select Report Data Menu. It will show corresponding measurements. Open - Open an existing Image File.
Select the measurement you want to open. A sample ID window will be opened where the
user can select the sample ID, which is given by the user while saving the report. Click OK. Save - Save the Processed image.
The corresponding original and processed images and tables related to the measurement
Cut - Cut a selected area of an image.
will open.
Copy - Copy a selected area of an image.

Paste - Paste a cut or copied image from clipboard.

Undo - Undo or cancel a process.
ABC TECHNOLOGIES Redo - Redo the process.

Refresh - Refresh an image.

Print - Print an image.

About Us - Know about software and company.

Help - Get the help of Software.

Dewinter Capture - Capture images from microscope through Digital camera.

Live Measurement - Measurement on Live image camera.

Resize - Resize the image at different level.

2X Zoom - Zoom at 2X ie; 200%

3X Zoom - Zoom at 3X ie; 300%
Fig. 3
4X Zoom - Zoom at 4X ie; 400%

Calibration - Calibrate the measurement unit according to need before doing

Moving and Resizing the Objects in Report image analysis.
We can adjust the position and resize the objects (images, tables, text etc.) in the report
Measurement - Open measurement module todo the measurement on image.
viewer of the report tool. To do this click on any object in the report tool and select it. Dots will
appear around the corners of the object, which shows that the object is selected. Dragging
Count - Automatically identify and count objects in an image on the basis of
such an object by mouse the user can move it and change its position in the report tool. their gray scale/intensity.
To resize the object, put the mouse cursor over the dots around the selected object, it will
convert into double headed arrow, then just drag and the object will resize. Particle - Measurements of a specific particle identified on the basis of their
grayscale/intensity range.

Histogram Segmentation - Create a grayscale histogram for grayscale image to

measure intensity and phase on the basis of ASTM 562.

Color Segmentation - Create a separate coloured image of a color source on

42 3
Report Tool

Nodularity - Calculate the size and number of nodules in a image. Report tool is an integrated module used for viewing reports of the analysis done and saved
by the user in main software.
Grain Crack - Count the number of cracks and number of intercepts in a grain
image by circle and square method. To open the report tool viewer go to Reports > Reports Viewer.
Flake - Measure the numbers of flakes in a image.
Coating Thickness - measures the thickness or width of a coating at multiple
positions along a sample. It is useful to measure a layer of one metal applied to
another to protect it or layer of paint etc.
Inclusion - Measure the inclusion of an image on the basis of ASTM.
Porosity - Recognize and measure the porosity of your material sample
according to ASTM B276.
Decarb - measures the depth or width of decarburisation occurs, for example
with carbon is burnt from the surface of steel during the process of heat
Report Tool - Opens Report tool application for viewing printing Reports.

Delete Report - Delete the repot of report tool.

Select and Move Tool - Used to Select and move an object drawn on image.

Pencil Tool - Used to draw irregular shapes on the image.

Eraser - Erase the shapes drawn by pencil.

Fig. 1
Text Tool - Used to write text on the image.
It will open Report Format Window where the user can select predefined formats of reports
Spray Tool - It will spray a selected color on the Image.
and press OK to open a formatted report. If the user doesn't want to open a predefined
Arrow Tool - It will put arrow on the image in any direction of any size and any format, press New to open a blank report.
Ellipse Tool - Used to draw circle or ellipse.

Rectangle Tool - Used to draw Square or Rectangle.

Flip Horizontal - Used to flip the image horizontally.

Filp Verticlly - Used to flip the image Vertically.

Magnifying Glass - Use to see the image through a magnifying glass.

Color pallette - The command change color of Marker, Arrow, Text, Camera
Lucida, Grid, lines in measurement module.

Fig. 2

4 41
Capture Through Camera

Follow these steps for capturing an image:

1. Click on Start Capture from Capture Toolbar.

2. A Live Picture will get displayed.
3. Click on Capture Properties icon for 'White Balancing' and other settings of the image.

Step 1

Step 4

Fig. 2

Fig. 1

Step 2

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Fig. 3

Fig. 2

40 5

4. Do the desired balancing to the image. The module allows a user to recognize and measure the porosity of the material according to
5. To adjust color & light settings click on 'Color Adjust' and 'Exposure' respectively. the ASTM B276 standard.
Important Note: The Default settings are the best settings. The total number of pores is counted along with their percentage and min/max perimeter
and area of each pore.

1. Load the image to be analyzed.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop
down list to perform analysis in the image.
Step 3 3. Click Porosity icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
4. Click Automatic if you want the system to pick the pores. Click Set Thresold , if you want to
set the intensity range yourself. A new window will open. Move the lines till all the
pores are properly pseudo colored. Press OK .
5. To display the porosity results, click on Display Result .
6. Click on Add to add the results to the data grid.
7. To see the graph of the measurement, click on Graph .
8. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
9. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Step 4 Send to Report .

10. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .

Fig. 3

1. Click on Capture Frame to capture an image. Step 1

2. To view a full screen preview of the live image click on Full Screen icon .
To get out of full screen mode just right click the mouse button once.
1 Step 3
Step 5

Step 2
Fig. 1

Step 6
Fig. 4
6 39
Grain Crack Calibration

PROCEDURE Calibration should be performed on all the objectives of the microscope, where a digital
1. Load the image to be analyzed. camera is installed. Calibration should be performed only when all the hardware and
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop equipment are finally fixed. In case of readjustments or a replacement of any part,
down list to perform analysis in the image. calibration should be done again.
3. Click Grain Crack icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
4. Choose Circle or Square from the Measurement Option. PROCEDURE
5. Select Automatic to automatically set the intensity range. Select Set Thresold to set the 1. Focus a stage micrometer under the first objective (2.5X or 4X or 10X) of your
intensity range manually. In this case a new window appears, move the lines to set microscope in X-Direction. Capture the image and give it a proper name, e.g. if an
the range. Press OK . objective is 4X, save the image as 4X-X. Move the stage micrometer in Y-
6. Click on the image. A circle or a square will appear on the image (as per Direction. Capture this image and save it as 4X-Y.
Measurement Option selection). 2. Repeat the procedure for other objectives 10X, 20X, 40X, 60X, 80X, 100X
7. Click Add to add the measurement data to the grid. (depending upon availability).
8. If needed, click on the image once again. One more circle or one more square (as 3. Load all the images of the stage micrometer captured in X&Y directions of all the
per Measurement Option selection) will appear. Click Add and the results for the objectives available in the microscope.
second area will appear in the grid. 4. Click on icon of Calibration either from the Toolbar or from the Menu bar.
9. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report . 5. A dialogue box of calibration will appear.
6. Open the first image captured on the first objective in X-Direction.
7. Provide a name to your calibration. It maybe 4X for 4X objective.
8. Choose a measurement unit. Usually all MICRO measurements are done in
Step 1 micron & MACRO in mm.
9. Click on Calibration along X axis

1 or Step 3
Step 4
10. Move a clicked left button of a mouse from the upper part of any line till the last big
2 Step 5 line of the image. Usually the distance between two small lines is 10 Microns. If you
move a mouse between two big lines the distance will represent 100 Microns. It is
better to choose maximum lines to get better accuracy. The mouse should be
released on the top of the last big line, not on its bottom.
11. The zoom preview is available move line pixel by pixel.
12. Suppose you moved your line between 500 Microns, type this value in the combo
box available in front of Scale X.
13. Do not click on Save at this moment.
14. Open the image of 4X objective captured in Y-Direction.
15. Click on .
Calibration along Y axis

16. Repeat steps 10 to 12 for Y axis.

Step 2
17. Click on Save . This is the calibration of the first objective 4X.
Fig. 1 18. Open the image of the second objective captured in X-Direction. Provide a new
name to this calibration. For example if the objective is 10X write 10X.
19. Repeat steps 8 to 17 for the second objective.
20. The calibration of the software for the third, forth or fifth objectives are done as per
To use your calibration, just choose it from the calibration name list box on the status bar.
After that all the measurements will be calculated by that calibration.

Fig. 2

38 7
Step 1

Step 2

Step 5

Step 4

Fig. 1
Fig. 2

Step 5
Step 3
Step 4

Step 6

Step 6

Fig. 2
Fig. 3

8 37
Step 7

Using Material Plus software a user can identify four types of inclusion:
Each type is further divided into Thin and Heavy, based on the width parameters.

1. Load the image to be analyzed. Step 9
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop
down list to perform analysis in the image. Step 10
3. Click Inclusion icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
4. Click Set Thresold . A new window will appear. Move the lines to set the min and max
range of threshold. Press OK .
5. Click Show Result to see the result in the measurement grid.
6. If the results are satisfying, click Report to transfer them to the report tool. Otherwise,
repeat step 4 once again.
7. After clicking the report button a sample information window will appear. Fill the
required information. Click on Send to Report .
8. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .

Fig. 3

Step 1

Step 3
Step 11

Step 2

Fig. 1

Fig. 4

36 9
Measurement Coating Thickness-
Trace Method Using Mouse
With the Measurement module one can obtain measurements on manually outlined objects (by This is a much more accurate method in case a layer can not be separated on the basis of
drawing lines or traces or shapes) which can not be distinguished from the background of the color intensity from the other parts of the image.
image. All the measurements can be accumulated and logged on to the results worksheet from
where they can be stored to a file, printed or transferred to a spread sheet for further analysis or PROCEDURE
statistics. The unit of the measurement depends on the currently selected spatial calibration. The 1. Load the image to be analyzed.
following set of measurements can be obtained using this mode: 2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop
STRAIGHT LENGTH: Distance between the two end points of a straight line. down list to perform analysis in the image.
ANGLE: Degree between two straight lines. 3. Click Coating Thickness icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
CURVED LENGTH: Length of an irregular object. 4. Choose Trace Method from the dialogue box.
AREA: Area of an enclosed shape, outlined with any one of the 5. Activate Using Mouse button.
tools provided in the software. 6. Click on Draw Traces .
RADIUS: Three points radius of an enclosed shape. 7. A new dialogue box with instructions will appear. Do not click on Cancel .
PERIMETER: Length of the line surrounding an object. 8. Click left mouse button at the starting point of the upper part of the layer. Drag the
AREA BY KEY: Area of a surface, measured by a line drawn by the arrow clicked mouse slowly to the end of the layer.
keys of the keyboard. 9. Similarly click left mouse button on the starting point of the bottom of the layer. Drag
PROCEDURE the clicked mouse slowly till it reaches the last point of the layer. The moment, the
1. Load the image where the measurements are to be done. second line is drawn, two lines are automatically drawn between the MAX & MIN
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration, available on the bottom in a drop down combo thickness points and results get displayed in the grid.
box, to perform live measurements on the object. 10. To transfer results of the first layer click on Add .
3. Click on Measurement icon either from the Toolbar or from the Menu-bar. 11. Click on Report to transfer the report with the images to the report tool.
4. A dialogue box will open. 12. If there are more layers to be measured, repeat steps 5 to 9.
5. Select a parameter to be measured from the drop down combo box. 13. To delete a single measurement from the record of the grid, click on Delete , and to
6. Length: Click the left button of the mouse on the starting point of the object and drag the delete all the previous steps, click on Delete All .
clicked mouse to the last point. Zoom Preview is available to identify two points. 14. To undo the measurement click on Undo .
7. Curved Length: Move the clicked mouse smoothly on the object and release the button on 15. To save & print the analysis, click on Report .
the last point. The moment, the mouse button is released, the results get displayed. 16. To open the analysis in Excel, click on To Excel .
8. Angle: Click three points on the object to get an angle between two lines.
9. Radius: Click on three points on the boundary of the object to get the circle radius.
10.Perimeter: Draw a line around the object and release the mouse when the original starting
point is very near. The line automatically meets original coordinates (starting point) and the
result gets displayed immediately.
11. Area: Four tools are available to outline the object to be measured. These are Rectangle,
Circle, Free Hand Line Movement & Arrow Keys. Zoom Preview is available for the line
Rectangle: This is a tool to get an approximate & quick area of the object which is rectangular in
shape or fits in rectangle. Draw a rectangle from the upper left corner to the bottom right corner.
Circle: This is applicable to circular objects and is useful to get an approximate and quick result
Draw a circle, which encloses the object. The moment you release the button of the mouse,
results are displayed.
Freehand: Useful for irregular shaped objects. Outline precisely the object and release the left
button of the mouse when the line is near to the starting coordinates (starting point). The line
will automatically meet the starting point to enclose the area of the object. Results are
displayed once the button of the mouse is released.
Area By Keyboard: This tool is controlled with the help of the four arrow keys provided on the
keyboard. Since Zoom Preview is available, move lines precisely pixel by pixel with the help of
the arrow keys. The line should be drawn on the outer boundary of the object. To start the line,
press the left button of the mouse. Use arrow keys to change the direction of the line. Once
the line joins the starting point, press the ENTER key. The result gets displayed.
Fig. 1
Coating Thickness-
Parallel Line Method
This method is suitable to measure the width of a layer which can not be distinguished on the 12. Angle between two lines: Draw two lines on the edges of the object to know the angle
basis of the gray scale from the background or from other layers. Two straight lines are between them.
available to move them to two extremes of a layer. The method provides approximate width. 13. Click on Report to save and view measurements in Report Tool.
14. The Sample Information Window will appear. Fill the required information.
PROCEDURE 15. Click on To Excel to send measurements into Microsoft Excel.
1. Load the image to be analyzed. 16. Click on Delete All to delete all the measurements in the grid.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop 17. Click on Delete to delete the selected measurement from the grid.
down list to perform analysis in the image. 18. Click on Exit to exit from the Measurement module.
3. Click Coating Thickness icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
4. Choose Line Method from the dialogue box.
5. Click on Select .
Step 1
6. A new dialogue box with two cursors will appear. Two lines will also appear on the
image. Bring the first line to the upper part of the layer. Move the second line with the
second cursor till it touches the bottom of the layer.
7. Click on OK .
8. The thickness of the layer will get displayed.
9. Click on Add to transfer the results in the grid.
10. If there are more layers to be measured repeat steps 4-9.
11. To delete a single measurement from the record of the grid, click on Delete and to
delete all the previous steps, click Delete All .
12. To undo the measurement click on Undo .
13. To save the analysis in the report tool click on Report .
14. To open the analysis in Excel, click on To Excel .

Step 2
Fig. 1

Step 3

Step 1 gth
Le n

Fig. 1

Step 4

Fig. 2
34 11
Count & Classification Coating Thickness-
Pseudo Color Method
The Count & Classification command is used to automatically identify objects in an image, This application rapidly measures thickness or width of a sample coating at multiple
count them and to obtain several featured measurements provided in the module. Objects positions. Compared with conventional manual techniques, this module provides a
are identified on the basis of their gray scale/intensity, which has to be either defined by the significant improvement of laboratory productivity. Not only does it have greater sample
user or can automatically be determined by the software on the basis of predefined intensity throughout capability but also have measurement repeatability. Microthickness module
range. Additionally the objects to be counted should have a gray level/intensity different from produces tabulated results measured at multiple positions. Detailed results including mean,
the background and distinct from other features in the image. Counted objects could also be minimum and maximum widths are displayed.
classified on the basis of their dimensions. PROCEDURE
1. Load the image to be analyzed.
SELECTION OF OBJECTS 2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop down
Three options are provided to specify the grayscale/intensity range that defines the objects list to perform analysis in the image.
to be identified and counted. They are: 3. Click Coating Thickness incon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
MANUAL: Select this option if you want to manually mark the intensity range in the count 4. Open Pseudo Color Method flap.
window. 5. Choose Horizontal or Vertical line as per image position.
AUTO BRIGHT: Select this option if you want the software to automatically set the
grayscale/intensity range for the objects to be identified. This option will assume that these 6. Click on Select .
objects are brighter than the background. 7. A Set Range dialogue box will appear with two cursors. Move these cursors till the
AUTO DARK: Select this option if you want the software to automatically set the desired thickness is pseudo colored.
grayscale/intensity range for the objects to be identified, assuming that they are darker than 8. Click on OK . Thickness of the desired area is displayed.
the background. 9. To add the result in the data grid click on Add .
The numbers of each particle can be tagged in any color selected from the Palette Box for 10. If another layer has to be measured, repeat steps 6 to 9.
numbering. 11. To delete a single measurement record from the grid click on Delete , and to delete all
RANGE the records from the grid click on Delete All .
Four ranges can be chosen for calculation. 12. To undo the measurement click on Undo .
13. To save the measurement in the report tool, click on Report .
14. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .
Step 1

Step 1
Step 3.1
Step 3
or Step 4

Step 3.2 Step 5

Step 3.3

Step 2 Step 2
Fig. 1 Fig. 1

12 33
Step 7
Step 4 Step 4
Step 5
Step 5
Step 6
Step 8

Step 6
Step 9

Fig. 2
Fig. 2
1. Load the image where counting is to be done.
2. Click on Count icon either from the Toolbar or from the Menu-bar.
3. Select the appropriate saved calibration from the status bar in the drop down list to
perform measurement & counting of particles.
4. Choose Automatic Bright/Automatic Dark if objects are brighter/darker than the
5. Choose Manual if you want to manually threshold (fill with red color) the particles. A new
platform with two scroll bars will appear. Move both scroll bars till all the particles are
properly pseudo colored (filled with red color).
6. Click on OK .
7. Click on Choose Parameter . Select the parameters that you want to measure. Available
parameters are length, width, area, aspect ratio, roundness, shape, orientation,
elongation, equal circular diameter and equal sphere volume.
8. Click on Count . Total counted particles, max/min perimeter, max/min area get displayed.
9. Set a range if you want to know the number of particles in a particular range. Otherwise,
by default it will get divided into equal four ranges on the basis of area.
10. Click on OK . The details of each particle like length, width, area & perimeter etc.
(Selected Parameters) appear in a grid. All the particles in the image get marked with
Step 7 numbers.
11. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
12. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information.
Click on Save Data For Report Tool .
Fig. 3 13. Click on Font to change the font of numbers in the image.
14. Click on Graph to see the analyzed ranges demographically.
15. Click on To Excel to see the result in Excel.

32 13
Particle Measurement Flake

This command is related to various measurements of a specific particle to be identified on

This module measures graphite flakes length, width, distribution and percentage as per
the basis of its grayscale/intensity range. This has to be either defined by the user or can
ASTM A-247-67 standard.
be automatically determined by the software on the basis of its preset limits. The objects
should have grayscale/intensity different (darker or brighter) than the background.
1. Load the image to be analyzed.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop
There are three options to specify grayscale/intensity range which defines the objects to be
down list to perform analysis in the image.
identified and measured. The options are:
3. Click Flake icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
MANUAL: Select this option if you want to manually mark the intensity range.
4. Three options are available to mark graphite flakes for the further analysis: Manual ;
AUTO BRIGHT: Select this option if you want the software to automatically set the
Automatic Dark ; Automatic Bright .
grayscale/intensity range for the objects to be identified. This option will assume that the
objects are brighter than the background. 5. Automatic Bright and Automatic Dark have preset intensity range to determine
AUTO DARK: Select this option if you want the software to automatically set the flakes. If all the necessary flakes are not filled with the red color automatically, select
grayscale/intensity range for the objects to be identified, assuming that they are darker than
Manual option. A new window with two scroll bars will appear. Move the bars till all
the background. the flakes are pseudocolored. Click OK .
6. After setting the intensity range, click Measure . Results get displayed in the grid.
PROCEDURE 7. To get analysis of flakes type, choose Automatic from Flake Type part of the window.
1. Load the image to be analyzed. Flake Type Results part of the window will show percentage of Type A, B, C, D, E
2. Click on Particle Size icon either from the Toolbar or from the Menu-bar. The and Combined.
particle size dialogue box will open. 8. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
3. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop 9. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Send to Report .
down list to perform measurements on the specific particles.
4. Choose any of the three modes available to threshold the particles (Pseudo Color). 10. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .
These modes are (i) Manual (ii) Automatic Bright Object (iii) Automatic Dark Object .
5. The moment the dialogue box opens dark particles are picked up by default,
because in most cases particles are darker than the background.
6. In case some particles or some of their parts are left out because of the less preset
intensity range, the Manual mode is useful. Click on Manual button.
7. A new window with two cursors will appear. Move the cursors gently till all the Step 1
particles of your interest are properly pseudo colored (filled with red color).
8. Click on OK .
9. The Auto Bright mode is used if particles are brighter than the background. Step 3
10. Bring the mouse on the object of your interest, click the left button of the mouse on it
and obtain the results.
11. This procedure can be repeated unlimited times to obtain the results on other
particles of your interest.
12. The results are displayed in a grid. The available measurement parameters are
length, width, area, aspect ratio, roundness, shape, orientation, elongation, equal
circular diameter, equal sphere volume, centroid X, centroid Y, major Y, minor X,
minor Y, box area etc.
13. The color & font of the tagged numbers on the image can be changed from the
palette box which gets activated if you click on Font & Color .
14. To save the report to the report tool, click on Result . Step 1
15. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information.
Click on Save Data For Report Tool .
16. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel . Fig. 1

14 31
Step 1

Step 5

Step 6

Fig. 2 Step 2
Fig. 1

Step 3

Step 4

Fig. 3

Fig. 2

30 15
Segmentation Nodularity

Segmentation is a method of image partitioning based on the intensity/grayscale range of its This module is designed to analyze spheroidal graphite (nodules) in cast iron. The nodules
parts. Since a phase is detected and its area is estimated on the basis of its are separated from non-nodules on predefined spheroidicity. Nodules acquire blue color and
intensity/grayscale, an option for delineating phases from the histogram is also provided. non-nodules get red color. Nodules form (designated by Roman numbers from I to VI) and
Multiple phases are identified by colored overlays and can be simultaneously displayed in size (designated by Arabic numbers 1 to 8) are reported along with the calculated nodules/sq
the same field of view. The results and images displayed get stored in the industrial standard mm.
To distinguish the phases prominently various filters like Despeckle, Smoothing etc can be PROCEDURE
used before doing the phase analysis. 1. Load the image to be analyzed.
A histogram for gray scale images is created once you open the Segmentation Module. The 2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop down
X-axis represents intensity scale between 0-255. The Y-axis represents number of pixels in list to perform analysis in the image.
the image. 3. Click Nodularity icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
4. Click on Analysis . A new dialogue box Roundness Limit gets displayed. The preset range
HISTOGRAM: Phase allows the user to designate up to ten different threshold settings to for roundness fills nodules with blue color and non-nodules with red color. If the
identify material phases and name each of these phases. The color between two lines results are not satisfactory, move the lines till you get satisfied. Click . OK
signifies a particular phase. 5. Click on Add to add results in the data grid for field 1. For fields 2, 3, etc, repeat the
INTENSITY: The Gray/Intensity range of the current phase gets displayed continuously in procedure.
the dialogue box. 6. To see the graphs of the measurement, select Nodularity % , Diameter (1-8) or Form (I-VI) Graph.
SELECTED PHASE: This property enables the user to know the percentage area of a 7. To see the range, click Range .
specific range of intensity just by clicking the mouse. All previous operations have to be 8. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
deleted and Preview should be on None. 9. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Send to Report .

PROCEDURE 10. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .

1. Load the image to be analyzed.
2. Select Phase Segmentation icon either from the Menu-bar or from the Toolbar.
3. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop
down list to perform segmentation analysis in the image.
4. The intensity distribution (histogram) for the current image will appear. Step 4
5. The histogram will have one movable line. The line can be adjusted. To move this
line, place the cursor over the line and click the left mouse button. The cursor will
Step 3
change into a directional arrow. Drag the line to the new position by moving the
mouse with the left mouse button pressed. Release the left mouse button at a new
Step 4
6. Click on New for the second phase. The second line will appear. The color of the
second phase can be changed with a mouse click on the color box; otherwise a
default color will appear.
7. The second line can be adjusted the way the first line was adjusted. Repeat the
procedure for the third, the fourth, etc phases, if needed.
8. Press Delete to delete the last phase.
9. To restart the whole operation click Reset .
10. All the phases can be given respective nomenclatures. For this go to Edit . It
provides appropriate nomenclatures to required phases.
11. Results are displayed in percentage area & total area of each phase.
12. Click on any phase. Type out a new name of the phase if required so. The new
name will remain in default settings till you change it further. Step 4
13. To know the result of a single phase automatically, click on a specific area of the
image. Click Selected Phase . Results will appear and can be printed. Fig. 1
14. Click on Report to save data in the Report Tool.

16 29

This module measures the depth or width of decarburization (for example when carbon is
burnt from the surface of steel during the process of heat treatment). As the decarburized Step 1
surface layer can influence the properties of the finished product, it is important to be able to
analyze it.
Step 4
Compared with traditional manual techniques, this method can provide a significant
Step 3
improvement of laboratory productivity. The method is confirmed to the industrial standard
ASTM E-1077.

1. Load the image to be analyzed.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop down
list to perform analysis in the image.
3. Click Decarb icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
4. Choose a flap according to your needs: 1) Complete Decarb; 2) Partial Decarb;
3) Total Decarb.
5. Activate Partial Decarb . Draw a line from the starting to the end point of partial decarb.
6. Activate Complete Decarb . Draw a line from the starting to the end point of complete
decarb. Blue displays width of partial decarb and red represents complete decarb.
7. Click on Total Decarb . The total of both gets displayed in the result window for the field 1.
8. Steps 5-7 can be repeated for fields 2, 3 or more.
Step 2
9. If you need to know only complete decarb, activate Complete Decarb .
10. Draw one or more lines on the complete decarb layer. Fig. 1
11. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
12. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Send to Report .
13. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .

Step 3
Step 1

Step 5

Step 2
Fig. 2
Fig. 1

28 17
Grain-Comparison Method Grain-Automatic Line

This method is to be applied for completely recrystallized or cast materials with equiaxed PROCEDURE
grains. 1. Load the image to be analyzed.
PROCEDURE 2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop down
1. Load the image to be analyzed. list to perform analysis in the image.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop 3. Select Grain Measurement either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
down list to perform analysis in the image. 4. Grain Size Measurement wizard will open. Select Automatic Line ASTM method.
3. Click Grain Measurement icon either from the Menu- bar or from the Toolbar. 5. Choose Set Thresold . A new platform with two scroll bars will appear. Move both scroll
4. Grain Size Measurement dialogue box will open. Select Comparison method. bars till all the boundaries are properly pseudo colored (filled with red color). Click OK.
5. Different grids with numbers from 1 to 8 are available. Impose various grids and 6. Click Measure . Several lines will be drawn automatically. The software automatically
choose one that suits the captured image. The grain size would be reported does the calculations.
accordingly. Please note that image should have magnification of 100X times. If 7. If number of lines has to be increased or decreased according to your requirements
magnification is less or more this is not a suitable method. go to No. of Lines. Change the number.
6. To save this processed image, click on Report . 8. The angle of lines can also be changed from 1 to 90 degrees. This may be required
for the elongated grains.
9. Click on Add to transfer the results in the data grid.
10. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
11. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Send to Report .

12. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .

Step 1

Step 2
Step 1

Step 2
Step 3

Fig . 1
Step 3

Fig. 1

18 27
Grain-Automatic Circle Grain-Manual Method

This method is suitable to determine the grain size in metals in a strained condition or when PROCEDURE
the grains are not equiaxed. 1. Load the image to be analyzed.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop down
PROCEDURE list to perform analysis in the image.
1. Load the image to be analyzed. 3. Click Grain Measurement icon either from the Menu-bar or from the Toolbar.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop 4. Grain Size Measurement dialogue box will open. Select Manual method.
down list to perform analysis in the image. 5. To know the grain size of a particular grain, drag a line on the boundary of that grain
3. Click Grain Measurement icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar. with the help of the mouse. The moment the mouse is released, the line
4. Grain Size Measurement dialogue box will open. Select Automatic Circle ASTM automatically joins the starting point, the grain number is automatically calculated
method. and corresponding data appear in the box.
5. Choose Set Thresold . A new platform with two scroll bars will appear. Move both scroll 6. To add these data to the data grid click on Add .
bars till all the boundaries are properly pseudo colored (filled with red color). 7. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
Click OK . 8. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Send to Report .
6. Click on Draw Intercepts . Three circles of different radius (as per ASTM guidelines) are
drawn according to the calibration selected. The software automatically calculates 9. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .
distance between interception by three circles. The average grain number is
calculated and displayed.
7. Click on Add to transfer the results in the data grid.
8. To delete all the previous operations click on Delete All .
9. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report . Step 1
10. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Send to Report .
11. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .
Step 2
Step 3

Step 4
Fig. 1

Step 2

Step 1
Step 5

Step 6

Step 3

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

26 19

1. Load the image to be analyzed.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop down
list to perform analysis in the image.
3. Click Grain Measurement icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
4. Grain Size Measurement dialogue box will open. Select Grain Selection method.
5. Click on Set Thresold . A new platform with two scroll bars will appear. Move both scroll
bars till all the boundaries are properly pseudo colored (filled with red color).
Click OK .
6. Select the grain by clicking the mouse in the middle of the grain. The Grain number is
automatically calculated and corresponding data appear in the text box. Step 3
7. To delete the data from the data grid click on Delete All and to undo previous operations
click on Undo . Step 4
8. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
9. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Send to Report.

10. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .

Step 5

Fig. 2

Step 1

Step 2

Fig. 1

Step 6

Step 7

Step 3 Step 8

Fig. 3
Step 4

Fig. 2

20 25
Grain-Manual Line Grain-ALA Grain Method

This method is suitable for poorly etched samples which do not have well defined boundaries PROCEDURE
and are unsuitable for Automatic Line Interception Method. 1. Load the image to be analyzed.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop
PROCEDURE down list to perform analysis in the image.
1. Load the image to be analyzed. 3. Click Grain Measurement icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop down 4. Grain Size Measurement bialogue box will open. Select ALA Grain method.
list to perform analysis in the image. 5. Click on Set Thresold . A new platform with two scroll bars will appear. Move both scroll
3. Click Grain Measurement icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar. bars till all the boundaries are properly pseudo colored (filled with red color).
4. Grain Size Measurement dialogue box will open. Select Manual Line ASTM Click OK .
method. 6. Click on Measure . Detail results of each grain get displayed in the data grid. Every
5. Choose Set Thresold . A new platform with two scroll bars will appear. Move both scroll OK grain will acquire a different color according to its size. Click Color distribution to get the
bars till all the boundaries are properly pseudo colored (filled with red color). Click . color chart for each size.
6. Click on Draw Intercepts . Several intercepts will appear on the image. 7. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
7. Click the mouse on those points of grains boundaries which are intercepted 8. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Send to Report .
(touched) by the lines. Small circles are formed once you click the mouse on any
point. Continue the procedure till all the points are marked. 9. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .
8. Click on Measure . The software will automatically measure distance between the
points clicked. The average grain size gets displayed.
9. Click on Add (Add) after every field study. Repeat the procedure for fields 2, 3
etc, if necessary.
10. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report . Step 1
11. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on Step 2
Send to Report . Step 3
12. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .

Step 4

Fig. 1

Step 2 Step 1

Fig. 1

Step 5

Fig. 2

24 21
Grain-Manual Circle

This method is particularly well suited for measuring austenitic grain size of high alloy steels
in general and specially for high alloy tool steels, including high speed grades.
This method is recommended by ASTM for the samples which are etched poorly, as well as
for the samples where boundaries are either darker or less dark. In both cases Automatic
Method is not recommended.

1. Load the image to be analyzed.
2. Select the appropriate saved calibration available on the status bar in the drop
down list to perform analysis in the image.
Step 4
3. Click Grain Measurement icon either from the Menu bar or from the Toolbar.
4. Grain Size Measurement dialogue box will open. Select Manual Circle ASTM
5. Choose Set Thresold . A new platform with two scroll bars will appear. Move both scroll
bars till all the boundaries are properly pseudo colored (filled with red color).
Click OK .
6. Click Draw Circles . Three circles appear on the image.
7. Click the mouse on those points of grains boundaries which are intercepted
(touched) by the circular lines. Small circles are formed once you click the mouse
on any point.
Fig. 2
8. Once all the points of the grain boundaries are marked click Apply . The average grain
size is calculated automatically and gets displayed.
9. To save the report to the report tool, click on Report .
10. A sample information window will appear. Fill the required information. Click on
Send to Report .

11. To open the analysis in Microsoft Excel, click on To Excel .

Step 1
Step 2
Step 5
Step 6

Step 3 Step 7

Step 8
Fig. 3


22 23

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