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UT VEREITS ot Utilities & Building Operations Gaweanz Focites Senses Commissioning Process Overall Building Commissioning bate: 03/28/2017 REV Ta Te Seawa] ae : sh stor corion nati Gimesk wane | SY [ee aur Senior Manager, Aoprover deere Wo Mechanieat One pale. fot! sens meme 77 | ooronr | ules tne tin nae | Operations Ey cute Dr, , sonore feieme De Conta oes dee cour scat Dre, F foprover Serwood tase [QA port & fevenserren Utilities & Building Operations TORONTO Focltis & Services “Table of Contents lnvoduetin. of 14. General 4 1.2, Purpose i 4 Defritons.. 6 Responsibilities. 7 8.4. Projet Manage senna 7 32. Designers (mechanical, Electcal eta). a 33, Contactor Vendor i i hi mere en é 34. Commissioning Authority (CA)... 8 3.5. Facies Representative .nvnmssnnnannnnenn 10 36. — lnformation Technology. meet 10 Procedure... 10 Ce eee 42. Commissioning Documenta arnsesnnnnnene - 1 43, Operational Training = 1 44, System manuals am 1 45. Operations and Maintenance Manas... nese os 1 48, Postoccupancy operation commissioning 2 47. Specie Roles & Responsitillies Matix. ae) ‘Acknowledgment of reading and understanding the University of Toronto overal bulng commissioning recess doo MER nnn itis : ald SA. Genera... 14 BR: | Processes a4 Page|2 6 SiNERT System handover Appendix A Page |3 Utilities & Building Operations Facilities & Services 15 ninssrey oF Uuities & Bullaing Operations é TORONTO Faas Senes 4. Introduction 4.4. General 4.4.4.The Commissioning Process isintended to direct he commissioning acy inte execution uf the Bulding systems for ll new, expanded or renovated systems. Its not intended to provide instalation dretion, but instead o provide a process and responsibilty mati ensuring consistent delivery o the commissioning task 12. Purpose 4.2.4The purpose ofthis documents to stout he Univesity of Toronto commissioning proces for ‘al projets involving changes to existing ad ew buikings systems and equipment instalation. supplemental i he processes and document sted in CSA standard 2320-1 in regards fo reeponsbities, procedure and deliverables, and toad references to standard ANSJASHRAEIIES where applicable 4.22.The purpose of his documents also to ensure al te project stakeholders have read and understand fhe process and se this document. 1.2.3,The intended autlence fortis documents ae the ones fsied under Responses secon Page| 4 2. Definitions Page 5 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Terme Basis of Design (800) Beneficial Occupancy ‘albration Tolerance Limits (CTL) Change Commissioning Authority End Device Funetional Performance Test Protocol (1) Address ‘inion training requirements chack sheet Utilities & Building Operations Faclties & Services Deaion "Documentation ofthe primary thought processes and assumptions behind design decisions that were made to meet the owners project requirements (OPR]. The bass of design describes thesystems, components, and methods chosen to meet the OPR, ‘When the building can be occupied forts intended purpose, When itis functional complete "The accepiable variation in instrument indieation fora given pu for which no adustment i required. The CTLis derived from the Instrument Manufacturer Limits. The CTLis within the Process Calibration Tolerance Limit of an instrument. ‘Any addition to, deletion from, or modification to an aspect, ‘material faclty, utility, equipment, logic o practice within the stope ofthe Building system. This lifes From a deviation due to “unplanned events requiring temporsry actions to be remediated to ‘the intial conditions prior to the unplanned event ‘an indldal or company identified by an owner to ead the ‘commissioning activity in the implementation ofthe commissioning process. ‘device nthe Fed that measures, monitors or controls ‘range of tess under actual load, conducted to verify that specie ‘systems, subsystems, components, and interfaces between the systems conform too given err “Rinumerielabel assigned vo ‘Ghesk sheet provided foreach equipment, when the contractor ‘wishes to perform traning on equipment peor to meeting the UNIVERSITY oF TORONTO Network ‘switch ‘Occopaney ‘Operating Instruction for ‘Emergency ‘work ‘Dperational Training ‘Operation and Maintenance Manual Page |S ‘Owners Project Requirement 10°) Patch Panel Proceie Calibration Tolerance Limits (Pere) Utilities & Building Operations actites & Services ‘equirements for ral handover. The Uist hall indeate the status of the documents ‘network devke that connects devices together ona computer network ‘When the building is substantially complete and can be occupied, “A dataled narrative providing, in Bulding operator’ layman language the specif instructions for start-up, shutdown and _seasonal changeover ofthe sytems/components. This shall be provided including all relevant details suchas: exact type and specific location of each device andinteriocks; Ist of conditions to be flied prior to attempting the equipment startup (correct valve positioning, etc) “Training ofthe Property Manager and Faclities Representative {lnvduals who use, operate, or maintain) using cutrent versions of| ‘the commissioning documents including operations and ‘maintenance manuals, The taining shall be designed specifically for each group delivered bothin classroom and onsite Tin operations manval detals modes of operation with astocated Aliagrams to ilustrate the sequence of operation foreach system and Interaction between systems. The mantenance manual describes maintenance requirement and sequences, with the requiced bill of material ‘Document that provides the explanation of the Weas, concepts and criteria that are considered tobe very important tothe owner, The ‘OPR cites specific measurable goals forthe owner's objective, The ‘OPRis defined by the PP. ‘device witha nuriber of pars between Fel envirenmentsand network (EMS) switches “The maximum alowable deviation of a quality subject to ‘measurement from the true value before there san impact on the control ofthe process. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Project Planning Report (PPR) Satie Verieation Seartp Verification Utilities & Building Operations Facies & Services Specifies all desired functional requirements and/or special facies consistent with the academic priorities and requirements. PPR's are ‘repared for al individual Capital Projects and Infrastructure Renewal Projects for which Projet Committees are established, ‘The verification and documentation hat all system elements are in ‘accordance with the design requiements, correct installed, connected and labeled with consideration for accessbilty, “The verification that documentation complete, sensors ae ‘calibrated, control wiring integrity checked, correct response ofall point in system verified with correc sponse of allend devices in the system, system A detaied description ofthe design philosophy, design atent, and Systems Description with narrative design criteria foreach system. Includes details of syste type, ‘composition location of areas served inthe bullaing, and function of ‘major components. Sistem Aye focused composite document tat includes the design and ‘System Operation Manual 3. Responsbiities 34, Projet Manager construction documentation, facility gulde and operation manual, ‘maintenance information, taiing information, Commissioning Process record, and additional information of use to the owner uring occupaney/operation 3.1.1.Rapresents te ntress ofthe faclly as directed bythe Universily. Act as Owner Rep, 3.1.2 Provides projec final dalvry requirements as directa by the University 3.1.3 Explanation of ideas, concepts and citeria considered important othe Universily 3.14 entiation of speci, measureable expectations deliverable othe University Page |7 G18kNFo Utes & ing Operations 3.2. Designers (mechanical, Electrical etal) '32.1.Develops the design so thatthe complete fait wil function as intended bythe Universi as communicated trough the Owners Project Requirement (OPR), functionally described in the sis of Design and informed by the Unversity Design Standards 3.22.Provides detalles design requirements forthe intended fcity or fcity change. 32.3 Reviews the constructed work, process changes if necessary and identifies deficiencies nthe contractors werk. 3.24 Ensures adherence othe design to Regulations, Standards and Practices including hose speci lo the Univers in the execution and product delivered ‘33, Conrecor/ Vendor '3.4.Responsibleo execute the speciiccrectons ofthe detaled design requirements provided by the Desiness 3.32 Responsive to execu the deed design requirements as specified in compliance fo all Reguatons, Standards and Univers accepted pacts '33..Execule the component and system commissioning in acordance wth he Commissioning ‘Author’ requtements, 34. Commissioning Authority (CxA) 34.1.As defined inthe CSA Standard Buiding Commissioning, 2320-1 (or atest standart) andin ‘accordance fo ASHRABJANSVIES when speciicalyreferonced, provides the commision ‘he installation fm the design phase tothe complete operational eye including preparation of ‘manuals and training oversght and sign of, The standerd CSA 2320-11 apps inits entirety expect when specially mentioned otherwise: 41. Form and lead the commissioning actly an team preparing an organizational chart wih role defniton descbing responstiies and accountabilities, to be reviewed and aoceptedby the Project Manager. ‘2 Develop and ulize @ commissioning panto manage time and resources tat includes timeline for commissioning procedures fo all aspects of building and commissioning phases. Ienly with the Page| 8 cf ee oe Utilities & Building Operations & TORONTO Faces & Severs Project Manager the specific tems to be commissioned based on Project Manage’ ries and projet isk. 3. Development of sie procedures and checklss with specific deliverables to vty acceptance of instalation, start up, and fnel performance tesing, bth individual and systematcaly win the fecity at spcied component, system and environmental condions as defined bythe Owners Project Requirement (OPR) 4, Prepares updated OPR document thal adresses ites as cutined in ANSUASHRAENES ‘Standard 2022019 section 6.23 5. Review the Contractors inclusion of submits into the constuction documents forall Buiding $ysiems tobe commissioned. This review must be concurent wih the review of the Acitecure Engineer of record and all comments ae tobe submited to the Project Manager. 6. Constuction hase responsbiies include parcintion in ful and complete review and vrifation of the receipt of as designed component in callaboraton wih the Architect or Design Engineers of recor. 7. Onsite verification of proper instalation, wth petting as posible, of system components during construcon wit continuous Projet Manager feedback rough prompt communication and follow up. Ensure coecson of deviations immediately using speciicatons and Projet Manager representation as requied. 8. Conduct sie vss, 2s required o witness compliance vith the procedures and checksts developed for instalation vericaon start-up tesing, and funcional performance esting forthe ‘vatous bung systems fo be commissioned 98, Accountable o act as @ Project Manager rpreseniav o document, atminister and oni erty all aspects of design seeco, instalation, stat up anda commissioning for a defined aspects ofthe fait, s speci bythe Project Manager. 10. Coordinate and winess the Wining of designated faces reresenatives, i, bulking operations personnel. Altaning shel be recorded. Commissioning agent shall co-ardinae rearing and ding ofthe recording, 11. Oversee through review and crite the Operations and Maintenance Manual to describe buing systems defining components and systems operating methodology and generally accepted Imsntenance practices. The document development and defton fo be reviewed and approved by the Fites Representative or designated representative, Document include equipment il of materials and OEM maintenance recommendations to be provided in both hard copy and electronic versions 12, Provides System manual as outned in ANSVASHRAB/ES Standard 2022013 secon 14 and inforalve appendix incuing system descpion wit narrative and OperaingInstucon for Emergency Wor. System manuas shall be provided tothe owner forthe use in bung operation and traning of personne. Page | UNIVERSITY OF Utilities & Building Operations é TORONTO Froese Serves 13. Preparation, vetfetion and completed execution of proc tumover. 14. Conduct a 10 month warrenty review withthe Facies Representabve fo ensure that any warrany issues ae identified pir to the end ofthe warranty period. 15. Review biking operation with the Facies Representaive over the fist year of operation and develop a pan for esohing oustanding commissioning related issues incuding how occupants ‘may report Intra Air Cualty (JA) concerns, how these [AQ issues willbe investigated / ‘addressed, and how the results wil be reported back to the occupants. 18. Post occupancy operation commiss ong, including detayed and seasonal testing and warrenty Issues, shallbe performed as ound in ANSVASHRAENES Standard 2022013 section 16. 35, Facilities Representative '3.51.The Facty User, Operator and Maintainer o whom the mechanical electicd and controls aspects are delivered 3.8.2. Ensure he insta projec as designed and demonstrated rough te commissioning process ‘manageable in the daly operation ofthe fact to meet the Owners Project Raqurements win the Operations responibites. 36, information Technology '36.1.The provision of resources, bth equipment and human, to implement syetom componcats 9s 0 Pp POR Fage|12 & UNIVERSITY OF Utilities & Building Operations TORONTO Facilities & Services Tesh & , at 2 2 2@ @ 48 te of) § Fas § [BS G3 a aa eet ea bo Po TO. Schedule and lan raining PO Pp fommR 7 pais wearers Mars 2 0 0 Rk OO TE Seno Ta |p gp =a 1 Opal Tae ae 7 ae 7 Spa Pop Toroer Deemer PoP oP R 15. Provide List of Outstanding Non Per, Conomare ine PoP aie i Peal Ope opran Canmioong Fao > fe Tra wana ee ; ; Response PPariepaing Oversigt Blank Not Required *OPR defined by Project Planning Report (PPR) “Occupancy to be obtained between OQ and PO 2, Beneficial Occupancy tobe cbiained ater Operational Training Page |13 é TORONTO tetera Pets ‘5. Acknowiedgment of reading and understanding the University of Toronto overall building commissioning process document 541. General 5.1.1.The purpose ofthis section sto ensure that internal and extemal stakeholders have read and ‘understand on how to use this document 52. Process §5.21.This process shall be documented via sign of document forwarded tothe Adminstration Assisan! ofthe Dieclr of Uti and Building Operations fo fing athe end of the project by the Project Manager. 5.2.2 Updated training va the reading tis procedure wll be required annually by the Facies and ‘Senices, Unversity Planning Design and Consiucton. 5.2. Individual projects wil equi acknowedgement ofthis requtement as pat ofthe bid process: 5.24. The Project Manager shal provide signoff sheet atthe onset ofthe projct that wil be signed off by inleral ard extemal stakeholders as they become involved a various stages ofthe project. 5.25 Parties invoted {)_ The functional areas responsible forthe Management, Operation, Mainlenance, Ptaning, Design and Construction ofthe building system incusve but not resticed to personne in Facilites and Services and University Panning Design and Constructon 8) The Contacte service provers (consulta, contacts, ec) hatimpact changeit ay aspect ofthe Guling system, documentation of such rng wil be included inthe completed Commissioning document as descrbedin he Commissioning Documentaon Section of his prove Page| 14 University oF Utilities & Building Operations. TORONTO Faclities& Services 6, System handover — Appendix A University of Toronto Date, UofT Facilities & Services Handover Accoptance Checklist (to be used for Mechanical and Electrical Disciplines) Equipment ster Desenpon: “The eearclennaatiion ofthe aeled eqapnenTy now CORDA ‘The tlonng hancover rcsturelsocunentaun have btn receives by UnT Fates & Sere Det Tae econ Oy UT ‘Opening ng latenance Mania, chang cers) Sang Spanctsomet cons corp sso “Tasdenesbon Eger. Vas. “Teh benensabone Sper yopmet Seed LEASE NOTE THAT STE 7 (TRANINGIDEMONSTRATON HALL BE CONDUCTED ONLY AFTER ‘The waranty peso ts equpmensatys__ yeas sartogn, For saree win he waranty peo, pease al sumac, fae eee on bo fn UT ain era scpanc cpg ard meen eps ‘Slant teat canes batch s ene} am be pa eo eee eee EE ar Fp aE Tae eae ere Page | 15

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