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Unpacking of Standards Template


Using your curriculum guide:

▪ indicate the grade level, learning area, and quarter.

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Learning Area: Math
Quarter: 1st
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Learning Objectives Assessment Remarks
Number and Number The child demonstrate The child shall be able 1. Rote count up to 20 a. count numbers from (1-3)
Sense (NNS) an understanding of … to… 1-20
The teacher will give a
the sense of quantity perform simple addition worksheet where the
and numeral relations, and subtraction of up to 10 2. Count objects with a. represent object student will count the
that addition results in objects or one-to-one which corresponds from objects inside the box
increase and subtraction pictures/drawings correspondence up to numbers 1-10 and write the number
results in decrease quantities of 10 that corresponds to it.
After that, Let the
3. Compare two groups students count the
of objects to decide a. Identify sets with one objects inside their bag
which is more or less, more or one less (such as their pens,
or if they are equal element notebooks etc.) and
compare the number of
Identify sets with the objects inside their
one more or one less bag to their classmates.

4. Recognize and (4-10)The teacher will

identify numerals 0 write random numbers
to 10 on the board and the
a. recognize and students will guess it.
5. Read and write identify numerals 0-10
numerals 0 to 10
a. identify and write

Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar

numerals 0 to 10
6. Match numerals to a set of a. match numerals to a The teacher will
objects set of objects provide manipulative
materials for the
7. Identify the number that a. identify which activity. The teacher
comes before, after, or in number comes first, will ask the student to
between comes next or in match the numerals to a
between set of objects. Then, the
teacher will give the
student three set
8. Arrange three numbers materials with different
from least to greatest/ a. arrange numbers number of objects. The
greatest to least from least to greatest teacher will ask the
student to arrange it
9. Identify the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, b. identify the rack of from least to greatest/
up to 10th object in a given each object greatest to least. The
set teacher will arrange the
objects and let the
10. Recognize the words students identify which
“put together”, “add to.” is 1st, 2nd, 3rd, up to 10th
And “in all” that indicate the object. The teacher will
act of adding whole ask the student to “put
numbers. together”, “add to”, and
“in all” objects.


The teacher will give a

worksheet where the
students have to solve a
simple problem
regarding adding and
11. Recognize the words subtracting. After the
“take away,” “less,” and “are a. Recognize the words seatwork, the teacher
left” that indicate the act of “take away,” “less,” and will divide the class
subtracting whole numbers “are left” that indicate into 3 groups according
the act of subtracting to their columns. Each
students will assign a
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
13. Take away a quantity whole numbers representative to
from a given set using answer the simple
concrete objects to represent a. represent the concept mathematical problem.
the concept of subtraction of subtraction (for example : the
teacher will present 5
14. Add quantities up to 10 a. add quantities up to chalks and 7 pens, all
using concrete objects 10 using concrete they have to do is to
objects add it all. The teacher
15. Subtract quantities up to can also dictate the
10 using concrete objects a. subtract objects using equation). The
concrete objects. students can use
16. Use a variety of popsicle sticks or
materials and communicate . anything that can help
strategies used to determine them in counting
answers to addition and a. use any materials to except from using
subtraction problems communicate strategies calculator. The group
listened to for addition and who got the right
subtraction. answer will be given 1
17. Solve simple addition point. Coaching is
and subtraction number allowed during this
stories (up to quantities of activity but the noise
10) read by the teacher using a. solve simple addition should be minimized.
a variety of ways (e.g., and subtraction read by The first group who
concrete materials, the teacher. gained 5 points will
drawings) and describe and have additional 5
explain the strategies used points in the next

(18-20)write addition
18. Write addition and a. write addition and and subtraction number
subtraction number subtraction number sentences in a bond
sentences using concrete sentences using paper given by the
representations concrete teacher and apparently
representations. will pass to their
teacher after being
a. recognize and accomplished.
19. Recognize and visualize visualize situations that Reminiscing
experiences that is
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
situations that require require addition and related to addition and
addition and subtraction subtraction. subtraction in which
they think that the
20. Group, represent, and a. represent the equal operation is being used.
count sets of equal quantity quantity of materials up Students will be given
of materials up to 10 to 10. cartolina and what they
(beginning of multiplication) are ought to do is to
group, represent, and
21. Separate and represent a. separate groups of count sets of equal
groups of equal quantities equal quantities using quantity of materials up
using concrete objects up to concrete objects up to to 10 (beginning of
10 (beginning division) 10. multiplication) .The
teacher will give
22. Divide a whole into two students a realia or toys
or four equal parts (halves a. divide the whole into in which students may
and fourths) halves and fourths. use in separating and
representing groups of
equal quantities using
concrete objects up to
10 (beginning
division). After that the
teacher will group the
class into two and be
given a printed pictures
of pizza with halves or
fourths cuts and what
they are going to do is
to paste the cuts to
make the pizza whole

Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar

Number Sense

Content Standards

The child demonstrate an understanding of the sense of quantity and numeral relations, that addition results in increase and subtraction results in decrease.

Performance Standards

The child shall be able to perform simple addition and subtraction of up to 10 objects or pictures/drawings.

Learning Competency

The child shall be able to compare two groups of objects to decide which is more or less, or if they are equal.

Learning Objectives

a. count numbers from 1-20

b. represent object which corresponds from numbers 1-20
c. identify sets with one more or one less element

Task Description
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
● The teacher will ask the students to count the items inside their bags. After that, the teacher will ask the students to find their partner. Each student will compare the
number of items they have to their partner. Each pair will identify who got more or less number of items.
● The teacher will give 10-15 minutes to accomplish their task.
● The students can use any item inside their bag (e.g. notebook, pens, pencils, eraser, colors, etc.).
● The students are facing their partners. The teacher is monitoring the student’s performance to make sure if he/she accomplished his/her task.

Holistic Rubric
Analytic Rubric

Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar

Analytic Rubric for Number Sense

Criteria Exceeds Expectations Developed Developing Beginning Score

(4 pts) (3 pts) (2 pts) (1 pt)

Counts Orally Student counts orally 1-20 Student counts orally Student counts orally Student counts orally
numbers without skipping between 1-20 numbers between 1-10 numbers. between 1-5 numbers.
numbers. skipping no more than 2

Name Numerals Student recognizes 16-20 Student recognizes 11-15 Student recognizes 6-10 Student recognizes 0-5
numbers. numbers. numbers. numbers.

One-to-one Student counts 16-20 items Student counts 11-15 items Student counts 6-10 items Student counts 0-5 items
Correspondence with one-to-one with one-to-one with one-to-one with one-to-one
correspondence. correspondence. correspondence. correspondence.

Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar

Holistic Rubric for Number Sense

Points Description
10-9 ● Student counts orally 1-20 numbers without skipping numbers.
● Student recognizes 16-20 numbers.
● Student counts 16-20 items with one-to-one correspondence.

8-7 ● Student counts orally between 1-20 numbers skipping no more than 2 numbers.
● Student recognizes 11-15 numbers.
● Student counts 11-15 items with one-to-one correspondence.

6-5 ● Student counts orally between 1-10 numbers.

● Student recognizes 6-10 numbers.
● Student counts 6-10 items with one-to-one correspondence.

4-0 ● Student counts orally between 1-5 numbers.

● Student recognizes 0-5 numbers.
● Student counts 0-5 items with one-to-one correspondence.

Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar

Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar
Prepared by: Micah Camyla Gonzales and Noemi Palayar

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