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Revisiting Oustaloup’s Recursive Filter for Analog Realization of Fractional Order Differintegrators Saptarshi Das, Indranil Pan, Suman Saha, Abhishek Kumar, Shantanu Das, and Amitava Gupta Abstract-Rational approximation of fractional order (FO) ‘elements is becoming incre control design and signal processing. An ‘continuous time and diserete rational approximation techniques, the Oustaloup’s recursive filter which gives a band-limited realization of FO elements is the focus of the present study. Its another variant, commonly known as modified Oustaloup’s i also analyzed in the same light, x0 as to produce low order analog approximation of FO differ-integrators Index. Terms—Constant phase elements; differintegrator; fractional order elements; Oustaloup's filter; approximation; Simulated Annealing 1, IntRopver TUDY of fractional order clements are becoming increasingly important in system and control theory as well as signal processing [1}-[2]- Many continuous time and discrete time realizations have been invented over the years [3]-9]. Fractional order elements generally shows a ‘constant phase curve, hence are also known as Constant Phase sments (CPE) [10}{14]. In practice, fractional order clement can be approximated as a higher order linear system Which maintains a constant phase within a chosen frequency ‘band [5]. Among the continuous time rational approximation techniques Carlson's method, Oustaloup's method, Charet's ‘method ete, are most popular. The present study throws light on the Oustaloup's recursive approximation technique which is basically an analog approximation of FO differ-integrators with real poles and zeros The Oustaloup’s recursive filler was invented as a part of the CRONE control (French acronym for non-integer order robust control). The CRONE principle [15] was developed as HON ‘This work has Doce supported by the Deparment of Science & Technology (DST), Gov of India under the PURSE progr, '.Das and A. Gupia are with School of Nuclear Studies and Applications, Jadavpur University, Sut Lake Campus, LB-8, Sector 3, Kolkat- 100098, Inia (email: soptrshidipejusl2ci). Pan and A. Kuma ate with Departnent of Power Engineering, Jadavpur Univeiy, Silt Lake Campus, LBA, Sector 3, Kokats-70009, ina, ', Saha is with Drives and Como! Sysem Technology Group, CSIR, (Cental MeskanialEngncering, Research Insite, Mahim. ‘Gandh ‘Avenue, Dugapur715203, nda ‘Sh. Das is with Reactor Control Division, Bhabha Atomic: Research Cotes, Mumti-400085, adi. 978-1-4673-0136-7/11/$26.00 1011 IEEE control system design tool [16], to ensure constant phase margin and has gradually evolved in its three generations [17] [19], The recursive pole-zero distribution based complex non- integer order differ-integral operator was proposed in [20] and js known as Oustaloup's recursive filter, Here, the term “non= integer order” implies that order of the integro-differential operator can be aay real or complex number. Xue ef al. (21) improved the scheme of approximating fractional order integro-differential operators within a chosen frequency band and termed it as the modified Oustaloup's filter. MATLAB based routines for Oustaloup’s filter (CRONE) and modified Oustaloup’s filter can be found in [22]-[25] The Oustaloup’s recursive filter and Oustaloup’s filter are widely used as approximation tool for FO systems and controllers [26}-{29], Rachid er al. [30] have also shown the effect of FO differentiator and integrator based approximations for FO slate-space systems using the CRONE realization. The present paper shows the achievable accuracies of these two analog approximations to maintain a constant phase, for different regimes of differ-integrator orders Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section IL introduces the basics and few simulation studies with rational approximation method for FO integro-differential operators via Oustaloup’s filter. Similar kind of simulation studies are done for modified Oustaloup’s filter also in section Ill. The paper ends with the conclusion as section IV, followed by the the modified ‘a numerical I, RATIONAL APPROXIMATION OF FRACTIONAL OR ELEMENTS BY OUSTALOUP’S RECURSIVE FILTER A. Basic Formulation of Oustaloup's Recursive Filter It has been shown in (5], [20], (22}{23] that Oustaloup's| recursive filter is capable of producing a very good fitting to the fractionalorder elements (s*,ge [Il] R) within a chosen frequency band. Let us assume that the expected fitting range is, ). Then the approximated analog filter can be writen as: G,(s)=8 = KT] a where, the poles, zeros, and gain of the filer can be recursively evaluated as K=of ‘Thus, any signal y(r) can be passed through the filter (1) and the output ofthe filter can be regarded as an approximation to the fractionally differentsted/integrated signal D* y(t). In (1)- Q).qis the order of the differ-integration, (26 =1)is the order of the filter B. Simulation Studies for FO Differ-integrators Here, the Oustaloup's recursive filter has been used to approximate the FO differintegrator (1) within the frequency range of ge [10,10" Jad /s . Equation (3)-(5) represents the anslog approximations of FO semi-integrator (q =~0.5) with increasing order of approximation. It is interesting to note that in pole-zero form, the approximated filter gains (K ) are constant for different orders of realization. Sonsratsne sete s68))] ° (5+ 100) (s+ 0.2154) (++ 0.004642) 0.01(s +3981)(s +100)(s+2.812) (s+0.0631)(s+0.001585) @ “FOI (s +1S.85)(5+ 03981) (s+0.01)(s+0.0002512) [ 0.01(s-+5179)(s+372.8)(s+26.83) (s+1.931)(s +0.1389)(s+0.01) (00007197) 6 {4 0.03728)(«+0.002683)(«- 0.000199!) Figure 1 Boe diagram for increasing order of approximation. It can be seen that the order of the filter rapidly increases with the order of approximation (.¥ }. The frequency responses of Oustaloup’s approximation for semi-integrator are shown in Fig. 1-3 with increasing order of realization, Figure. Phas ofthe Oustaloup's filer wih increasing onder of spproximation a various g It can be seen from the frequency response curves that the higher order approximations are more capable of maintaining constant phase. But aflerW =3, the improvement in the flat Phase response is negligibly small and the resultant complexity of the rational approximations becomes high. So, from economic point of view, 3° order Oustaloup's approximation is sufficient as a trade-off between the accuracy and complexity. Fig. 4 shows the phase response of the CPEs for the order of approximation of 1 ¢ {1,2,3,4} with varying integro-differential order g € {0.1,0.2,---,0.9}- Fig. 4 shows that even with the first and second order realization the ripples ‘of the CPEs are small for the orders close to zero and unity. ‘The ripple increases for orders nearer to 0.5. Fig. 5-7 shows the phase curve of the CPEs at different fractional order (q ) ofthe differentiator and order of approximation, It can be seen that the ripple in the phase curve decreases with increased ‘order of approximation and the surface becomes smoother. But the approximation near the bounds at low and high frequency are not satisfactory. Figure 6, Phase of the CPEs with second onder Oustaloup’s approximation. ; St nn Le . z ARES i SS L SERS E RRR oR Figure 7. Phase ofthe CPEs with hed ender Oustaloup's approximation. IIL, IMPROVED ANALOG REALIZATION VIA MODIFIED ‘OUSTALOUP'S FILTER A. Background for Modified Oustaloup's Recursive Filter Xue ef al. [21] proposed a new analog realization method forthe fractional-order derivative in the frequency range of imterest(a,a,)- It gives a better approximation than Ovstaloup’s method [20] with respect to both low frequency’ and high frequency regimes. Let us assume thatthe frequency range to be fitted is defined as(a,,«,). Within the pre- specified frequency range, the fractional-order operator s* can be approximated by the rational order transfer function: 1+(bs/d@,)\° oy T= iba) where, 0< 4 <1,s Using Taylor series expansion of (6) and truncating atthe first. term we get the continuous rational transfer function model as in2} as! = bays ) oo oe ‘where, the poles, zeros, and gain of the filter can also be recursively evaluated as; a, (2% w|i ys © Ko) o da) So, (By NS Ut fas alo boon eget in 21}{22) tat the modied Oustaloup' ter (6) eves optus ing ford 10. which has been further fprved in this paper with an Spread spac B. Simulation Studies for FO Differ-integrators It has been suggested in Xue et al, [21] that modified Ovsialoup’s filer can only be used 10 approximate FO differentiatrs. Analog realization of FO integrators with this method firstly needs approximation of a fractional differentiator, followed by multiplication with a full order Integrator. ie. 5° = s/s, qe [0,1] o Equation (10)-(12) represents the analog approximations of a FO semi-differentiator (g=0.5) with increasing order of approximation, Also, the approximated filter gains (K) are constant for different order of realization as also in (3)-(3). 189.7367s(s + 0.004642) (s-+ 0.2154) _| (+ 100)(s 11110) (s+ 0101) (945x107) (9+ 4.642) (+2154) (s+ 22220) 189.7367s (s + 0.002512) (s + 0.01) (s+0.3981)(s +15.85)(s + 631)(s + 11110) |) (5+ 0001385) (s+ 45x10 )(s +0.0681) (s+2.512)(s +100) (s-+ 3981) (s + 22220) cao) 189.7367s(s + 0,0001931)(« + 0.002683) (s+0.03728)(s +0.5179)(s+7.197) (5 +100)(s-+1389)(s #11110) (12) (5+ 0.000TI9T)(s + OT)(s +0.1389) (s-+1.931)(s+ 26.83)(s-+372.8) (545179)(s+22220)(s44.5% 107 Phase curve of the FO differentators ge [0, ]with modified Gx ‘Oustaloup's filter has been shown in Fig. 8-11. It can be seen that (even at low order of approximation) the phase curves are smoother than the corresponding phase curves, presented in section Il. Also, the fitting performance is better near the frequency bounds «, and a, Figure 10, Phase ofthe CPs wih second onder modi¥ied Outaloup's spprexination. Figue 8. Phase ofthe modified Oustloups filter with increasing order of ‘Sppmimaton sk yaaus Figure 1, Phat ofthe CPEs with third order modified Ousalop’s eet tna sppreximation, ‘The effect ofthe filter parameters, d on the phase response of a semi-differentiator with 3 order modified Oustaloup’s filter is shown in Fig. 12, The relative impact of bd ean be judged from Fig. 12 which shows the effect of variation in one filter parameter while keeping the value of the other parameter as recommended in [21] Le. =10,d = 9) Figuee9, Phas of the CPEs with rt der modified Oustaloup’s approximation. Figue 12. Eifest on the phase ofa semiaiffventator with varying and d ‘The rationale behind the recommended value of 6 d as in [21] is shown in the surface plot (Fig. 13) which represents the deviation in the constant phase of a semi-differentiator (q = 0,5) with 3" order modified Oustaloup’s approximation for varying level of filler parameters ,d.. Fig, indicates that the deviation from the constant phase (£/4) is less not only for the recommended values in [21], but also for any constant (b/d) ratio, which can be optimized to get a 13 clearly desired level of accuracy for other values of g also. Figure 13. Deviation from constant phase wih filter parameters ad C. Optimization of the Modified Oustaloup's Filter with Simulated Annealing Here, a custom objective function (J) is defined that rinimizes the discrepancy between the idel/esired (4, ) and rationalizedobtaned (4, 07 orcPes. JF = [ay ®f= 94/2)~ Pas ssl 03) “The objective function (13) is basically dependent on the order of the rational approximation (1), factional order of the CPE (q) and the frequency band of realization Le. (a2) _natg) Phase CUFVES Fig. 13 shows the surface plot of objective funetion (13) with varying levels of{4,d} while considering other parameters asq=0.5,N =3and@,=10",@, 10° rad/s, The deviation from the corresponding constant phase response for CPEs can now be minimized using a suitable optimization algorithm with the objective function (13) by considering the two filter parameters ,d as the decision variables, Table 1 reports Simulated Annealing (SA) based optimization results for approximated filter parameters at different fractional orders of the CPEs (q)). The upper and lower bound of the decision variables has been chosen as {5,d}< [1,30]. The Simulated Annealing algorithm corresponding to Table I have been run for 10 independent random initial conditions within the adopted search range of filter parameters, Simulated annealing is basically 2 stochastic global ‘optimization technique that is inspired from the physical process of annealing in metallurgy. Annealing refers to the technique in which heating and controlled cooling of a ‘material is done to increase the size of their crystals and reduce their defects, The heating procedure vibrates the atoms and makes them leave their initial position (which is a local ‘minimum of the internal energy) and drift randomly into the higher energy configurations. The slow cooling phase gives these atoms the flexibility to find configurations with lower intemal energy than the initial ones. In accordance with this physical process, the SA algorithm generates a random point in each iteration which might decrease or increase the objective function based on a probability. This allowance for uphill movement, increasing the objective function ensures that the SA algorithm does not get stuck in Tocal minimas like other greedy algorithms. The points with higher values of objective functions are accepted probabilistically based on the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution. The probebility ?, of moving a point from x, to x, is calculated using the following expression: 1 its (x,)< F(x) _liledesanifar aay otherwise ete,c, > 018 the Boltzmann constant an isthe temperature of the system. The annealing schedule consists of an inital Value ofthe temperature and a certain rule for lowering the temperate asthe number of iterations increases, The inital temperature is considered to be 100 and an exponential temperature update rule is used. Table I shows tht the minima of the objective function (J) is smaller at g closer fo zero and unity and gives poor fit forg closer to 05 TARLEL _ Ramtooe'nie SA ase» OrniUM MomireD ‘OUSTALOUP'S FILTER PARAMETERS AT DIFFERENT FRACTIONAL ORDERS ‘Fractional Order of Minima ofthe Objective | Optimum Ravi of ter the CPE (@) Fuetion Jae) parameters db oO 215 2 204 0 T1588 199 04 14.0292 18 0 Ta 1s oF 1a26856 10917 oe 905549 0st 9 0306 Diwos 88 Aso, the nonm ofthe deviation from ideality wil be higher forthe FO elements closer to aity and willbe small for FO elements elote to zero. To elimivate the chance of biged optimization at high the norm of phase eror (13) isto be normalized by the corresponding ideal phase (gt /2) as: . L ——|0. ea/2)- ©, (5) Loree lo42)- Paul In (15), the fractional order of the CPEs are g = 0.1k From Table 1 it is evident that the generalized objective funetion (15) based approximation yields @ (/d)ratio of 1.099 which is very elose and probably a better approximation of wide range of FO clements than the recommended settings in Xue et al. [21] as(10/9) = 1.1111 IV, Coxctusion ‘Simulation studies are done to revisit the achievable accuracies of the Oustaloup’s and modified Oustaloup’s filter for the approximation of FO elements. It is seen that the modified Oustaloup’s filter is capable of maintaining better accuracy near the bounds of the higher and lower frequency of fit. Two parameters ofthis filter are optimized with Simulated Annealing wo obtain an order specific and generalized ‘optimum (b/d) ratio for the analog realization. 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