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Illegal Logging

Published by:


Department of Environment and Natural Resources
3rd Floor, DENR Building, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City

In a historic agreement signed on August 29, 1990, the Depart-

ment of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Depart-
ment of Justice (DOJ) have agreed for the first time to put up a common
stand against the pernicious evils of illegal logging. Thus, was born the
prosecutors and DENR lawyers in all the regions all over the country.
Upon its organization, the Special Task Force was immediately con-
fronted with the "seriousproblem of having to go through a maze of
regulations, issuances, circulars and administrative orders issued by the
Forest Management Bureau and the DENR to implement the basic laws
on illegal logging.
This PRIMER was, therefore, prepared and compiled by the DENR
Legal Affairs Office to address the problem. The PRIMER incorporates
all the basic laws, the pertinent rules and regulations, issuances, circulars
and administrative orders relating to illegal logging including a brief
discussion of the principles of criminal procedure and guidelines in the
administrative confiscation and disposition of illegal forest products and
We hope that those who have a stake in the success of the cam paign
against illegal logging especially the DENR people in the field, the REDs,
PENROs, CENROs, DENR Lawyers, DOJ prosecutors and judges will
find this PRIMER a handy and useful tool.

ssistant Secretary
for Legal Affairs
Co-Chairman, Special Task Force





A. Section 68 of Presidential Decree No. 705 4

(Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines),
as amended

B. Offenses punishable under Section 68 of 5

PD 705, as amended by E.O. No. 277,
Series of 1987.

C. Persons liable 7

D. Penalties Imposed

E. Authority to cut, gather, collect or remove

timber or Forest Products

F. Transport of Timber or other forest products 11



l. Documents required for the shipment 12

(transport) of logs/timber.

2. Transport of Lumber (Domestic Transport) 13

3. Transport of Lumber (Export) 14

4. Minor Forest Products (Domestic Transport) 15

5. Minor Forest Products (Export)

e. "Pulpwood" shall mean any wood ofwhatever form or size commercially
m. "Lease" is a privilege granted by the State to a person to occupy and
used for the manufacture of any type of pulp.
possess in consideration of specified rental, a~y fores: ~and of t~e
f. public domain in order to undertake any authonzed activity therem.
"Chipwood" shall mean basic wood materials, other than those used
as firewood, fuelwood or raw materials for the manufacture of solid
n. "License" is a privilege granted by the State to a person to util.ize
wood products, which are suitable for conversion into chips by
forest resources within any forestland, without any right of occupation
means of either a chipping machine or hand tools in the bulk
and possession over the same, tothe exclusion of othe~s,. or ~stabl~sh
processing and manufacture of paper, chipboard, fiberboard, and operate a wood processing plant, or conduct any activity involving
hardboard, and other fiber products.
the utilization of any forest resources.
g. "Fuelwood" shall mean trees or parts thereof used for industrial or
o. "License Agreement" is a privilege granted by the State to a person
commercial fuel generation.
to utilize forest resources within any forest land with the right of
h. possession and occupation thereof to the exclusion of others, except
"Wood waste of timber" shall mean wood generated incidental to the government, but with the corresponding obligation to develop,
harvesting timber such as log trims, tree tops, branches buttresses,
protect and rehabilitate the same in accordance with the terms and
culls, splits, crooks, and the like.
conditions set forth in said agreement.
"Forest Product" mean timber, pulpwood, firewood, bark, tree top, "Permit" is a short-term privilege or authority granted by the State
resin, gum, wood, oil, honey, beewax, nipa, rattan, or other forest to a person to utilize any limited forest resource.s or undertak~ a
growth such as grass, shrub, and flowering plant, the associated limited activity within any forest land without any nght of occupation
water, fish, game, scenic, historical, recreational and geologic resources and possession therein.
in the forest lands.
q. "Annual Allmuoble Cut" is the volume of materials whether of wood
j. "Destination" shall be deemed to be the place where the forest or other forest products that is authorized to be cut yearly from a
products are unloaded from common carriers or towed by water forest.
which place shall be outside the geographical boundaries of the
areas covered by the forestry license. r. "Forest Officer" means any official or employee of the Bureau who
has been appointed or delegated by law or by competent authority
k. "Reshipment" shall be .understood to mean the removal of forest to execute, implement or enforce the provisions of the Revised
products from the original destination as appearing on the auxiliary Forestry Reform Code, other related laws, as well as their implementing
invoice. regulations.
"Processing Plant" is any mechanical set-up, device, machine or s. "Person" includes natural as well as juridical person.
combination of machines used for the conversion oflogs and other
forest raw materials into lumber, veneer, plywood, fiberboard, t. "Illegally cut, gathered. transported; declared; classified. and possessed
blockboard, paper board, pulp, paperorotherfinished wood products. lumber, logs and other forest products" are those which were cut,
gathered, transported, declared, classified or possessed without
authority, permit or license in accordance with forest laws, rules and

2 3

B. Offenses punishable under Section 68 ofP.D. 705, as

CHAPTER II amended by E.O. No. 277, Series of 1987:

1) Cutting, gathering, collecting or removing of T~mber

or other Forest Products from any forest land WIthout

A. Section 68 of Presidential Decree No. 705 (Forestry there must be cutting, gathering, collecting or
Reform Code of the Philippines), as amended. removing of timber or other forest products;

the timber orotherforestproducts is cut, gathered,
collected or removed from any forest land;
Executive Order No. 277, series of 1987, provides:
the cutting, gathering, collecting or removing
"Section 1. Section 68 of Presidential Decree (P.D.JNo. 705, without authority.
as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Cutting, gathering, collecting or removing of ti~ber
"Section 68. Cutting, Gathering and or collecting timber or 2)
fl'bm alienable or disposable pu bHcland orfrom pnvate
other Forest Products without license. Any person who shall cut
gather, collect, :emove timbe~ or other forest products from an;
forest land, or timber from alienable or disposable public land, or
fromprwate land without any authority, or possess timber or other
fo~es~ products without the legal documents as required under there must be cutting, gathering, collecting or
existing forest laws and regulations, shall be punished with the removing of timber;
penalties imposed under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal
Code; P~ovided, that in the case of partnership, associations, or
the timber is cut, gathered, collected or removed
corporations, the officers who ordered the cutting.gathering, collection b)
from alienable or disposable public land or from
or poss.ession .s~all be liable, and if such officers are aliens, they
shall, l~ addition to the penalty, be deported without further Ilrivate land;
proceedings on the part of the Commission on Immigration and
the cutting, gathering, collecting or removing is
Deportation. c)
without authority.
"The Court shall further order the confiscation in favor of the
of .1mber or other forest Ilroducts without
government of the timber or any forest products cut, gathered, 3)
the legal documents as required under existing forest
~ollected, removed, orpossessed, as well as the machinery, equipment,
implements and tools illegally used in the area where the timber or laws and regulations.
forest products are found."

ELEMENTS: C) Persons liable:

a) possession of timber or other forest products; 1) the cutter

2) the gatherer
b) the possession is without the legal documents 3) the collector
as required under existing forest laws. 4) the remover b
5) possessor or any and all persons who appear to . e
responsible for the commission of offense defined III
Section 68 ofP .D. No. 705 as amended by E.O. No. 277,
In offense No.1, Section 68 ofP.D. 705, as amended by E.O. No.
277, Series of1987, prohibits the cutting, gathering, collecting or removing Series of 1987. .
6) in case of partnerships, associ~tions, or ~orporatlO~s,
of timber or any forest products from any forest land without authority. / the officerswho ordered the cutting, gathenng, collection
or possession.
In offense No.2, the act prohibited is the cutting, gathering and
removing of timber only from alienable or disposable public land or from
private property.
C) Penalties imposed:

Section 68 ofP.D. 705, as amended byE.O. No. 277, Series of 1987, 1) the offenders shall be punished with the pena~ties
is silent on the question as to whether or not one could cut, gather, collect, imposed under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised
and remove other forest products from alienable or disposable public land Penal Code;
or from private land and escape liability therefrom.
2) if the person liable is an offic~r of a ?artnershi?,
association or corporation, and IS an allen, shall, III
The basic provision oflaw is silent and, indeed, one may cut, gather, addition to the penalty above.imposed, be ~e~Ol1;ed,
collect and remove other forest products (other than timber) from alienable without further proceeding, by the CommlsslOn on
or disposable public land or from private land, yet he may be liable under Immigration and Deportation. (Sec. 68 ofP.D. 705 as
offense No.3 (possession). amended by E.O. 277)

Offense No.3 penalizes one in possession of timber or other forest E) Authority to cut. gather. collect or remove timber or
products without the legal documents as required under existing forest
Forest Products:
laws and regulations. The basic provision of law does not distinguish as
to whether or not timber or other forest products being possessed are Authority to cut, gather, colect or remove timber or ot~er forest
derived from forest land, from alienable or disposable public land and/ products from any forest land, or timber from alienable or dlS~?sable
or from private land. What is material in offense No.3 is that the public land or from private land might be in the form of anyh is dulv
possession of the timber or other forest products is without the legal agreement or permit issued by the Secretary of the DENR or by IS U Y
documents as required by forest laws and regulations. authorized representative.

6 7

Some of the powers and functions of the Department Secretary has

been delegated to specific officers of the Department under DENR amended). Realty Tax Declarations are not acceptable pr~of
Administrative Order No. 20as amended by DENRAdministrative Order of ownership (DENR Administrative Order No. 121, Senes
No. 38, Series of 1990. of 1989)



1) Permit to cut narraand other premium hardwood

a) in the forest areas, civil/military reservations or resettlement
Timber License Agreement (TLA) and other existing license
permits: areas:

These permits were issued by the DENR, pursuant to A written authority from the Secretary ofDENR to cut
P.D. 705 and the old constitution and continue to be in full narraand other premium or hardwood from allowable clearings
force and effect until their expiry dates subject to the same within civil or military reservations/resettlement or
terms and conditions as originally granted and approved resettlement areas; and in allowable clearings (skidways,
unless Congress may provide otherwise. (Sec. 3, Executive roadways, cableways, log landings) inside forest lands covered
Order No. 278, Series of 1987.) by timber license/permits limited to fifteen (15%) pe~cent for
skidding/truck logging and yarding based on the lo~~ng a~ea
b) under operation (Par. 2.2 & 2.3 or DENR Administrative
Timber Production Sharing Agreement (TPSA)
Order No. 78, Series of 1987).
All licensed issued by the DENR to utilize timber
resources from forest areas, in lieu of TLA, in compliance Premium Hardwood refers to narra, molave, dao,
with Sec. 2, Article XIIofthe New Constitution as implemented kamagong, ipil, acacia, akle, apawit, banuyo, batikuling,
under EO 278, series of 1987. (DENR Administrative Order hetis, bolangeta, teak, tindalo, and manggis (Par. 1, DENR
No. 78, Series of 1990.) Administrative No. 78, Series of 1987).

Private Land Timber Permits (PLTP)
2) Permitto cut narraand other premium hardwood
A license granted by the DENR to landowners found (natural grown) in private lands:
themselves to cut, gather, collect, remove timber found
(natural grown) within their private lands. For purposes of This authority is called a Special Private Land Timber
PLTP, Private Lands refer to lands covered by either Permit (SPL TP) issued to land owners themselves by the
administrative or judicial title or FREE PATENT Secretary of DENR to cut, gather, collect, o~ rem~ve ~arra
HOMESTEAD and SALES PATENT and TORRENS TITLE and other premium hardwood species found In their private
obtained under the Land Registration Act (Act No. 496, as land (DENR Memo Circular No. 22, Series of 1990)

For this purpose, Private Lands, in addition to the 2) BENGUET PINE
definition under DENR Administrative Order No. 121, Series
of 1989, also includes titled lands and alienable and disposable If planted in private land or tax-declared A & D lands
lands with approved applications for homested, free and permits shall be secured under PLTP (DENR Adm.
emancipation patents as defined in Par. 2.1 of DENR Order No. 121 (1989 last Par. DENR Adm. Order No.
Administrative Order No. 78, Series 1989. 79, Series of 1990).

3) For Firewood, Pulp Wood or Timber produce

from Ipil-Ipil (Ieucaenia spp.), Falcata (Albizza Falcataria
and other tree species planted in private lands. Iffound within public lands - permit should be secured
under DENR Adm. Order No. 15 (1990).

No permit is required in cutting, harvesting, transporting If found in private or titled lands - permits should be
and sale of firewood, pulpwood ortimber produced from Ipil- secured under PLTP under DENR Adm. Order
Ipil, Falcata, orothertree species PLANTED in private lands No. 121 (1989) (Par. 4, Memo Cir. No. 22 (1990).
or tax-declared alienable and disposable lands with a
corresponding application for patent or acquired through
court proceedings.

F) Transport of Timber or other forest Products:

Instead of permit, ONLY A CERTIFICATION, which
will accompany shipmentfrom the Community Environment
and Natural Resouces Officer (CENRO) concerned to. the Transportation of timber or otherforest productswtthout autbority
effect that said forest products came from private titled land or without the legal documents required under forest laws and regulatiOns
or tax-declared alienable and disposable land (Min. Adm. is punishable under Sec. 68 ofP.D. No. 705 as amended by E.O. No. 277,
Order No.4, Series of 1987, amended by: DENR Adm.
series of 1987.
Orders No. 86, (1988); 26 (1990) and 79 (1990).
Although the act of transporting timber or other forest products
without authority or without the legal documents required under forest
EXCEPTIONS: (Forest products ortimberfrom tree species laws and regulations is not specifically enumerated as one of the off~nses
planted in private lands or tax-declared A & D) punishable underSee, 68 ofP.D. 705 as ame~de~ by E.O. 27~, Senes of
1987 it is believed that said act of transporting 1S embraced in Offense
No.3, that is, possession of timber or othl>" rr"'est pr~ducts without the
1) N arra or other premium hardwood (permit should be legal documents required uy {ole::'Llaw" and regulations.
secured under DENR Adm. Order No. 78 (;1.987)and
Memo Cir. No. 22 (1990).

10 11
II) LEGAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BYFOREST LAWSAND B) Sanctions on Shipments ofLogjTimber Without

Timber/Logs transported or shipped without the

1) A) Documents required fortheshipment (transport) accompanying CTO shall be presumed as coming from
of logs/ti,mber: illegal sources and shall be subject to confiscation and
disposition in accordance with Executive Order No.
277 and other laws, regulations on the matter. The
offender shall be subj ect to prosecution (Par. 9, DENR
1) Certificate of Timber Origin
2) Auxiliary Invoices Adm. Order No. 34, Series of 1988)
3) Sales or Commercial Invoices
4) Log Supply Contract or LSPA
5) Logs must be scaled and marked with Forest C) Validity of CTO
Officer's marking hatchet and Timber
Licensee's Registered Private Log Mark The CTO shall be issued on a one-shipment basis. The
(Par. 7, DENR Adm. Order No. 34, Series CTO shall be valid only for a period of fifteen (15) days
of 1988) (including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) from
6) Certificate of Transport Agreement (Sec. 3 date of issuance or after loading in case of export, or
DENR Adm. Order No. 59, Series of 1990) in case of domestic transport, upon discharge at the
point of destination, which ever serve first. In Case
of expiration, before reaching the point of destination,
(Note:) renewal or extension thereof should be secured from
The Certi!icate ofTransport ofAgreement the nearest DENR Office (DENR Adm. Order No. 34,
can be dispensed with:
Series of 1988).
if the owner of CONVEYANCE is the same
owner of the timber or other forest product to
be transported/shipped Transport of Lumber (Domestic Transport)
2. . if immediately prior to loading of any forest
a) Original Copy of Certificate of Lumber Origin
product, the conveyance owner notifies the
Community Environn. entand Natural Resources (CLO)
Officer (CENRO) coi.cemed of the planned
b) Lumber Sales Invoice (in case of lumber sale)
~hipment, in which case, the CENRO shall
Issue instead a CLEARANCE FOR THE
c) Tally Sheets
(DENR Administrative Order No. 59-a, series Delivery Rec~:pt (BFD Circular No.8, Series of
of 1990.) d)

12 13
e) Certificate of Transport Agreement unless doors and other builder woodworks, picture
dispensed with under DENR Adm. Order No. frames, tool handles, decorative articles, wooden
59-A, Series of 1990. shoes, toothpicks, chopsticks, etc., coming from
local or imported logs are allowed to be exported
(DENR Adm. Order No. 05, Series of 1990)
3) Transport of Lumber (Export)

a) Original Copy of Certificate of Lumber Origin ) /

4) Minor Forest Products (Domestic Transport)
a) Original Copy of the Certificate of Origin of
J j
Minor Forest products
b) Log Sale Invoices (in case of sale of logs from
which the lumber were produced)
b) Auxiliary Invoices
c) Lumber Sale Invoices (in case of lumber sale)
c) Delivery Receipt (required under BFD Circular
d) Tally Sheets No.8, Series of 1983)

e) Delivery Receipts d) Certificate of Transport Agreement (unless

disposed with)
f) Certificate ofInspection (as required under BFD
Circular No.8, series of 1983)
5) Minor Forest Products (Export)
g) Certificate of Transport Agreement (unless
dispensed with) a) Original Copy of Certificate of Origin of Minor
Forest Products

(Note:) Export Ban on Lumber b) Auxiliary Invoices

As of May 15, 1989 exportation of Lumber is c) Delivery Receipt

banned under DENRAdm. Order No. 19, Series
of 1989. d) Certificate of Inspection (required under BFD
Circular No.8, series of 1983)
Exempted From the Ban:
e) Certificate of Transport Agreement (unless
Lumber Products, wood manufacturers disposed with)
and other wood fi nished products which are
further manufactured from lumber or wood,
including but not limited to wooden furniture
and toys, packing cases and parquet floors,

14 15
CHAPTER III In the absence of Certificate of Timber Origin (in case
of timber or other forest products) and Certificate of Lumber
Origin (in case of lumber) accompanying the transport,
possession or shipment, it is pressumed that said timber,
forest product or lumber being transported, possessed or
shipped came from illegal source. [BFD Circular No.8
1. (1983); DENR Administrative Order No. 34 (1988); DENR
A) For purposes of prosecuting violations of Section 68 of P.D.
Administrative Order No. 96 (1989).]
705asamendedbyE.O. No. 277, Seriesof1987, the title shall
be the same as those in ordinary criminal complaint/
information but shall be docketed as, to wit: FOR VIOLATION

2. The criminal complaint/information shall befiled, preliminary

investigated and prosecuted in accordance with the
Memorandum ofAgreement, dated August 29, 1990, between In the prosecution of illegal logging cases, the following topics and
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and principles must have to be considered as they are likely to be raised in
the Department of Justice. court by the defense lawyers:

1. The need to identify the offense covered;

2. The persons authorized to enforce the law;
B) WHAT DOCUMENTS WARRANT CRIMINAL PROSECUTION 3. Arrest and apprehension of the offenders;
OF OFFENSES DEFINED IN SECTION 68 OF P.D. NO. 705 4. Search and seizure;
AS AMENDED BY E.O. NO. 277, SERIES OF 1987. 5. Preliminary investigation; and
6. Prosecution of the offender in court.

1. Documents common to Offense Nos. 1 & 2 (please refer to

paragraph I-B, Chapter II of this Primer, pp. 3-4)
1. The need to identify the offense covered
In the absence of any license, permit or special permit,
it is presumed that the cutting, gathering, collecting or Illegal logging case is likely to be dismissed or the accused is
removing of timber or other forest products from any forest acquitted because the investigator ta~ked to b~ild-up th7 .case,. or th:
land or timber from private land or alienable or disposable prosecutor who will pursue the case III court IS not familiar with th
public land is illegal. offense charged and its elements.
2. Documents for Offense No.3 (please refer to I-B, Chapter II The offenses covered in an illegal logging case and the elements are
of this Primer, p. 4). enumerated in paragraph I (B), Chapter II of this Primer.

16 17
2. Persons involved or authorized to enforce the law
In the first two instances, the person arrested without warrant
shall be surrendered or delivered to the nearest police station or jail and
. The persons authorized to enforce the law (re: law on illegal
shall be proceeded against in accordance with Rule 121, Section 7 of the
logging) are the DENR Secretary or his duly authorized representative
new rules on criminal procedures.
and such other authorized person and/or officers enumerated in Par:
I(C), Chapter IV of this Primer.

Prior to the amendment, the law required only "reasonable ground

3. Arrest and apprehension to believe" on the part of the person affecting the arrest without warrant.
Now, the rule requires "personal knowledge" by the person affecting the
arrest without warrant.
. In cri~inal cases, it is necessary that the offender should be taken
into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the commission
of an offense.
Other instances where an offense is committed in the "presence"
ofthe arresting officer or person without warrant are; 1. when the officer
As a general rule, any person who commits a crime is subject to or person sees the acts constituting the offense although he is at a
arrest. No VIOlenceor unnecessary force shall be used in making the arrest distance; 2. when the officer or person hears the disturbance and he
and t~e person to be arrested shall not be subjected to further restraint proceeds at once to the scene where the lack of seeing is made up for by
than ISnecessary :or his detention. If the offender resists, the arresting hearing.
officer may be required under the circumstances to overcome the resistance.

Generally, arrest and detention shall be made only by virtue of a It must also be considered that an officer or person has the
warrant ", However a peace officer or a private person may also arrest a authority to break open the outer or other doors of a dwelling of a person
person Without warrant in the following instances: in order to effect an arrest either by virtue of a warrant or is lawfully
authorized to make such arrest in instances without warrant, if he is
refused admittance thereto after he has announced his authority and
1. When in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed purpose.
is actually committing or is attempting to commit an offense;
2. When an offense is in fact being committed and he has Offenders and/ or persons liable and subject to arrest with warrant
knowledge ofthe fact indicating that the person to be arrested or in instances without warrant, with respect to acts punishable under
has committed it; and
Section 68 of P.D. 705, as amended by E.O. 277, series of 1987, are: l.
3. the cutter; 2. the gatherer; 3. the collector; 4. the receiver; and
When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped 5. the possessor or any persons who appear to be responsible to the
~rom a penal establishment or place where he is serving final commission of the offence. In case of partnerships, association, or
Judgment or temporarily being transferred from one corporation, the officer who orders the cutting, gathering, collection, or
confinement to another.
possession shall be subject to arrest.

4. Search and seizure
2. warrantless search for moving vehicles containing contraband;
. !he Philippine ~onstitution guarantees one's right against arbitrary 3. warrantless search for evidence of a crime in plain view of
intrusion by persons into the privacy of one's home or his person.
the searching officer;

4. seizure of goods in which the duties have not been paid; and
. Section 2, Article 3 of the Bill of Rights of the present Constitution
provides: 5. search and seizure conducted pursuant to a waiver of such
right by the person affected.
"The right of the people to be secured in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches
and seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose shall
be inv~olable, and no search warrant or warrant of arrest It must be noted that with respect to warrantless search of moving
shall issue except upon probable cause to be determined vehicles for contraband, there must be probable cause for the search,
personally by the judge after examination under oath or otherwise it would be illegal.
affirmation of t~e complaint and the witnesses he may
produce, and particularly describing the place to be searched As regards to search and seizure conducted to a waiver of the right
and the persons and things to be seized." by the person affected, it must appear that: 1. the right exists; 2. the
person involved has knowledge, actual or constructive, of the existence
of such crime; and 3. the said person has the actual intention to relinquish
Consequently, the general rule is that the search and seizure shall the right. The fact that the accused failed to object to the entry into his
only be made by virtue of a valid warrant. Search warrant or warrant house does not amount to a permission to make a search therein.
of arrest shall only be issued upon probable cause to be determined
personally by the judge after examination under oath or affirmation of
the c?~plainant and the witnesses he may produce and particularly 5. Preliminary investigation
describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
Preliminary investigation is an inquiry or proceeding for the
purpose of determining whether or not there is a prima facie case to be
Exceptions to the general rule wherein instances of warrantless filed in court.
search case be lawfully made are:
In illegal logging cases, the DOJ prosecutors enumerated in the
1. ~hen the warrantless search is an incident to a lawful arrest: DENR-DOJ Joint Circular, dated November 13, 1990, can conduct
i.e. search of the premises where the arrest is 'l1ade in order preliminary investigation.
~ofind a~d seize things connected with or bywhich the crime
1S committsd, weapons and other things and/or prevent the A preliminary investigation is not a constitutional right but it is
offenders' escape from custody; merely a statutory right that it may be denied by law and therefore, cannot
be part of due process.

. ~owever, if t.he law provides for a preliminary investigation, a right
. It exists
.. and denial
'. of the same is a denial of due process . Prell' mmary
mv~stigatlOn of Crimes cognizable by the regional trial courts is a matter
of right.
I. Confiscation of Timber or Forest Products

A) Judicial Confiscation:

The court shall further order the confiscation in favor of the

government of the timber or any forest products' cut, gathered, collected,
removed or possessed, as well as the machinery, equipment implements
and tools illegally used in the area where the timber or forest products
are found (2nd par. Sec. 68 of P.D. 705 as amended).

Judicial confiscation presupposes that an illegal logging case has

been filed in court and confiscation has been ordered as part of the
judgement or decision of the court.

B) Administrative Authority of the DENR Secretary

Executive Order No. 277, Series of 1977 provides:

"Section 2. Presidential Decree No. 705, as

amended is hereby further amended by adding Section
68-A and 68-B which reads as follows:

"Section 68-A Administrative Authority of the

Department Head or His DulyAuthoriud Representative
to order Confiscation. In all cases of violation of this
code or other forest laws, rules and regulations, the
DEPARTMENT HEAD or his duly authorized
representative may order the confiscation of any forest
products illegally cut, gathered, removed, orpossessed or

22 23
abandoned and all conveyances used either by land, water D) SUBJECT OF ADMINISTRATNECONFISCATION/
or air in the commission of the offense and to dispose of SEIZURE:
the same in accordance with pertinent laws, regulation
or policies on the matter. "

1) Illegally cut, gathered, collected, removed or

possessed timber or other forest products;
C) Other Persons Authorized to Confiscate/Seize 2) All conveyances, either by land, water or air, used
in the commission of the offense (Section 68-A,
P.D. 705, as amended byE.O. 277, Series of1987).
1) Forest Officer or Employee of the Bureau (refers The term conveyance includes any type or class of
to the Forest Management Bureau) Section 80 of vehicle, craft, whether motorized or not, used
P.D. 705 as amended by P.D. 1775; either in land, water, or air, or a combination
thereof or any mode of transportation used in the
2) Personnel of Philippine Constabulary/Integrated movement of any forest products including all its
National Police (Sec. 80, P.D. 705 as amended by implements and accessories (Section 1, DENR
Administrative Order No. 59, Series of 1990).
3) Any agency, barangay or barrio official or any
3) All tools and equipments used in committing the
qualified person to be deputized by the Department
offense shall be confiscated and seized and forfeited
Head (par. 3, Sec 80, P.D. 705 as amended by P.D.
1775); in favor of the government.

4) Special Force ofthe Armed Forces ofthe Philippines

organized in every region to enforce forest laws
DENR Officers and other authorized personnel of
DENR subject however, that their authority is
within their respective jurisdiction. COENR)
BY E.O. NO. 277 SERIES OF 1987:

Administrative Order Nos. 20 «988), 36 (1988)

and 38 (1990).

6) 1) Immediately after seizure of the forest products

Such other persons and officers that may be
together with the tools, conveyances and instrument
designated by the Department Hsad in the exercise
used in the commission of the offense, the
of his administrative authority.
apprehending forest officer shall execute his sworn
statement/affidavit surrounding the facts of the

case. He shall also take the affidavits or statements shall be placed under the custody of any licensed
of witnesses. [Forms of Affidavits are attached as sawmill operator orthe nearest local public official
Appendices "A" and "B"in DENR Adm. Order No. such as the Barangay Captain, Municipal/City
36 (1988)J Mayor, Provincial Governor or the PC /INP; at the
discretion of the confiscating officer taking into
2) The scaling or measurement of the seized forest account the safety ofthe confiscated forest products.
products shall be conducted immediately and the All "LA holders shall, upon request, provide
assessment thereof shall be based on the gross transportation facilities for the transfer of the
volume without benefit of deduction for natural confiscated/seized forest products from the place
defects, after which the corresponding seizure of apprehension to the place of custody. In any
receipt shall be issued by the signing DENR case, the custody of the forest products shall be
officer(s). All logs confiscated and are to be sold duly acknowledged and receipted by the official
shall be marked with the marking hatchet at both taking custody thereof.
5) All expenses incurred by the CENRO /PENRO /
3) In cases where the apprehension are made by the RED in the hauling and transportation of the
PC /INP, EIIB, Coast Guard and other government forest products from the place of apprehension to
law enforcement agencies, the apprehending agency the depository area as mentioned above shall be
shall notify the nearest DENR office and turn over reimbursed by the office in the amount equivalent
the seized forest products to the CENRO /PENRO / to not more than ten (10) percent ofthe proceeds
RED as the case may be for proper investigation of sales through public bidding of the confiscated
a~d disposition. In the same manner, forest products forest products as administrative costs.
seIzed/confiscated by the DENR Central Office
personnel shall likewise be turned over to the 6) Filing of Complaint. - The forest officer shall
CENRO /PENRO /RED concerned for further forthwith file the complaint with the Fiscal's Office
investigation and proper disposition in accordance in the form prescribed by said office or if the Office
with the procedure herein provided. of the Fiscal is too far from the place where the
offense is committed, the criminal complaint shall
4) In cases where the apprehension is made by the be filed with the Municipal Trial Court of the
field DENR officer, the forest products and the locality in the form attached as Appendix "C"
conveyance used shall be deposited to the nearest under DENR Adm. Order No. 36 (1988), against
CENRO /PENRO /RED office, as the case may be, any and all person who appear to be responsible
for safekeeping, wherever it is most convenient. If for the commission of the offense penalized under
the transfer of the seized forest products to the Section 68 of P.D. 705, as amended by Executive
above places is not immediately feasible, the same

26 27
Order No. 277. In case ofpartners hips, associations, Order No. 12, Series of 1990 and D.ENR
or corporations, the complaint shall be filed against Memorandum Circular No. 19, Senes of
the officers who ordered the cutting, gathering, 1990).
collection or possession of the forest products.

7) Referral of Complaint. - Immediately after the b) Exception: Confiscated/Seized Forest

complaint is filed, the forest officer shall transmit Products that can not be disposed and/or
copy of complaint and all supporting documents sold at public auction:
to the Regional Office for proper handling and
disposition, copy furnished the Assistant Secretary
for Legal Affairs. Those that are subject of judicial
proceedings until ?rop~~ authority i.s
8) Prosecution of Offenses. - The prosecution of obtained for their disposition from C?Ul t
cases filed under these regulations shall be the where the case is pending (representations
primary responsibility of the Regional Office shall be made with the proper court for the
concerned subject to the supervision and control immediate disposition thereof throug.h
of the Assistant Secretary for Legal Affairs. public auction to avoid loss of economic
value during pendency of the case. The
proceeds of the sale shall be deposited as
the court directs and the same shall be
F) DISPOSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVELY awarded by the latter to whoever shall be
CONFISCATED/SEIZED FOREST PRODUCTS/ entitled thereto based on the final court
CONVEYANCE, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS: decision. [paragraph 5-b (ii), ~ENR
Administrative Order No. 36, senes of

a) Generally. the Regional Executive Director those earmarked for donation to other
(RED), Community Environment and agencies or charitable and similar
Natural Resources Office (CENRO) or the institution;
Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Office (PENRO), as the case - those determined by the DENR for
maybe, shall without delay, sell at public its own infrastracture needs [paragraph
auction and/or dispose all confiscated 5-a (i-iii»).
products in accordance with existing laws,
rules and regulation particularly paragraph
No.5 to 12 ofDENRAdministrative Order
No. 36, Series of 1988;DENR Memorandum

28 29
a) Supplies and equipments acquired by the 1. Posting of cash bond equal to the
Departmentthrough confiscation/forfeiture value of the conveyance or a GSIS
are considered government properties and Surety Bond double the value of the
henceforth must be entered in the books conveyance as determined by the COA;
of accounts (paragraph I, DENR
Memorandum Order No. 12,Series of 1990). 2. Guarantee from a responsible public
official that the conveyance will be
3) CONFISCATED/SEIZED CONVEYANCES: produced whenever required by the
DENR during the pendency of the
a) All seized/confiscated conveyances shall case (Sec. 10, DENR Administrative
be declared forfeited in favor of the Order No. 59, series of 1990.)
Government in accordance with Sec. 68-A
of P.D. No. 705 as amended by E.O. No.
277, series of 1987 which can be used
c) STRICTLY NO temporary release of
at the discretion of the DENR in forest
conveyance on the following circumstances:
protection and development activities or be
disposed through public bidding by the 1. The transport of forest products is
Secretary or the Regional Offices as the
not covered by transport agreement
case maybe (Sec. 9, DENRAdministrative
(or if such document purported to be
Order No. 59, series of 1990.)
a transport agreement is fictitious or
invalid). (Exception: In the case
However, for purposes of complying
of owner of conveyance is the same
with due process, the Secretary, RED /
owner of forest products to be
PENRO/CENRO or their duly authorized
transported or where a Certification
representatives shall give the owner or his
by the CENRO is only required under
representatives a WRITTEN NOTICE of
DENR Administrative Order No. 59-
the seizure by requiring said owner or
A, series of 1990.
representative to submit sworn statements
or affidavits within three (3) days from
2. The owner or his duly authorized
receipt of such written notice (DENR
representative has previous derogatory
Administrative Order No. 75, series of1990.)
record involving the same or similar
irregularity in the DENR;
Temporary release of conveyances can be
The irregularity is so patent than an
made after one (1) month from confiscation
ordinary prudent man exercising due
and .the. case has not been resolved, upon
diligence could not have detected the
a~phcation to be filed with the Secretary
with the following requirements: same (Sec. 10, DENRAdministrative
Order No. 59, series of 1990.)

30 31
Acknowledgements are herewith given to:

d) The confiscation of conveyance is without Hon. Secretary Fulgencio S. Factoran, Jr.

prejudice to any criminal action to be filed Hon. Secretary Franklin M. Drilon
against the owner thereof or any person Hon. Undersecretary Silvestre H. Bello III
who used the conveyance in the commission Hon. Assistant Secretary Romulo D. San Juan
of the offense. Provincial Prosecutor Dennis Villa Ignacio
Director Jose Antonio C. Elum
Note: DENR Administrative order No.4, series of 1991,
amended DAO No. 39, series of 1990, and it for their inspiration and encouragement;

"1. As provided for in the Section 4 of DENR The other members of the DENR-DOJ Special Task Force:
Administrative Order No. 59, series of 1990,
forest officers and/or natural resources Director Lope D. Reyes
officers, or deputized officers of the DENR Atty. Vicent Robles
are authorized only to seize conveyance subject Mr. Marcial Amaro
to pertinent policies and guidelines. State Prosecutor Claro A. Arevalo
State Prosecutor Alvin C. Go
"2. Only the Secretary can confiscate/forfeit or State Prosecutor Ramon R. Garcia
release said conveyances, subject to the same
guidelines. And the members of the Central Committee Secretariat:

"3. Whenever a seizure is made under these Atty. Romulo A. Redula

rules, the forest officers or natural resources Atty. Arthur P. Castillo
officers concerned shall submit a report Mr. Alberto P. Mondragon
thereofwithin three (3) days to the Office of Mr. Osorio G. Flores
the Assistant Director, Forest Management Mr. Redentor T. Guzman
Bureau, for evaluation, instead of directly Ms. Myrna C. Balatayo
submitting the same to the Secretary as Ms. N oemi M. Buganan
provided for in Section 6 of DAO 59, series Ms. Rowena M. Rosales
of 1990." Ms. Rosario A. Cruz

for the assistance and cooperation they have given in th~

preparation and compilatio~ 1.1l1i.§..!rimer on Illegal Loggzng.

Atty, ~~
Chief, R sech and Legal Opinion Division
Legal Service
Member, EN -DOJ Central Committee Secretariat


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