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UHM 2018, Vol. 45, No.


Research Report
Analysis of factors related to failure in the pressure test:
a six-year experience in Taiwan
Wei-Shih Tseng, MD 1,2; Man-Yuan Huang, MPH 1; Hui-Chieh Lee, MD 1;
Wen-Shyan Huang MD 1,3; Bor-Hwang Kang, MD 1,4
1 Department of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Zuoying Branch of Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2 Department of Neurology, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
3 Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, Zuoying Branch of Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital,

Kaohsiung, Taiwan
4 Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung,



Pressure testing is part of the selection protocol for
Introduction: The Republic of China Navy instituted the trainees entering submarine service in the United States.
pressure test as one of the selection tools for diving troops The test examines whether a trainee could smoothly
and submarine crews. We analyzed factors associated with undertake the pressurization process. Failure during
failure in the pressure test. the pressure test is the leading cause for exclusion of
Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study designed Navy trainees. The most common cause of failure in
to investigate pressure test failure in Navy recruits between these individuals is middle ear barotrauma (MEB) [1].
January 2010 and August 2015. The recruits received MEB is a mechanical tissue damage following failure
pressurization in a hyperbaric chamber to a simulated depth to equalize middle ear pressure with pressure changes
of 112 feet of seawater (fsw) at a rate of 25 fsw/minute. in the surrounding environment. The middle ear cavity
Data describing trainee demographics, disease history, causes connects with the nasopharynx via the Eustachian tube
and depth of failure, as well as type of injury, were extracted
(ET). In clinical hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy,
from case notes and facility databases for statistical analysis.
a treatment that requires pressurization and admini-
Results: Of 3,608 trial cohorts, there were 435 failures,
stration of 100% oxygen, some risk factors of ET dys-
with an overall failure rate of 12.06%. About 95% of these
function are associated with MEB. These risk factors
failure trials were within a simulated depth of 60 fsw. Fifty-
include upper respiratory tract infection (URI), allergic
seven (57) failures did not record causes of failure. Among
rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy, smoking tobacco, and
the other 378 failures, the most commonly identified
other factors [2-5].
causes were ear barotrauma (365 trials, 96.56 %) and sinus
barotrauma (10 trials, 2.65%). Statistical analysis revealed The pressure test has been adopted by the Republic of
that recent upper respiratory tract infection, allergic rhinitis, China (ROC) Navy for personnel selection and used for
and cigarette smoking were all significantly associated more than four decades in Taiwan. The testing facility
with higher incidence of middle ear barotrauma. is located in the Zuoying Branch of Kaohsiung Armed
Conclusions: Our results suggest that pressure testing Forces General Hospital within a Navy base in southern
to a depth of 60 fsw is effective in disqualifying personnel Taiwan. As the main provider of the pressure test for the
entering diving and submarine service. Recent infection of the ROC Navy, about 600 recruits receive the pressure test
upper respiratory tract, allergic rhinitis and cigarette smoking each year at this facility. Here, we report our six-year
are risk factors for middle ear barotrauma, resulting in experience concerning incidences of test failure, causes
failure of the pressure test. and depth of failure, as well as degree of MEB if present.


KEYWORDS: navy; pressure test; hyperbaric; middle ear barotrauma

Copyright © 2018 Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. 33


TABLE 1: The modified Teed classification
Training facility of middle ear barotrauma [6]
Pressure testing was conducted in a multiplace hyper-
grade tympanic membrane and middle ear findings
baric chamber at Zuoying Diving Medical Center,
0 normal
operated with a simulated depth to 112 feet of seawater
(fsw), with air as the breathing gas. 1 TM injection or retraction
2 slight hemorrhage in the TM
Medical screening 3 gross hemorrhage in the TM
Recruits enrolling in the pressure test were candidates 4 hemotympanum
of Navy diving or submarine troops. Medical screening 5 TM perforation
included a physical exam, laboratory tests, self-reported TM = tympanic membrane
medical history questionnaire, and a review of personal
history. Prior to testing, each candidate received expla- tification numbers and genders were concealed, and
nations about the chamber environment, test procedure, gender variant was not available for statistical analysis.
hazards, contraindications to enrollment, emergency Data were expressed as percentages for categorical
actions to take if needed, and training in middle ear variables and mean ± standard deviation (SD) for con-
pressure equalization techniques. The entire medical tinuous variables. Age and body mass index (BMI) were
record of each candidate was reviewed by diving medi- converted into categorical variables for analysis. Statis-
cal officers in the Zuoying Diving Medical Center. The tical analysis was performed using SPSS software ver-
record had to include a report of a normal chest sion 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, U.S.). T-tests and
X-ray within one year. chi-square/Fisher exact tests were used to evaluate the
distributions of continuous and categorical variables,
Pressure test respectively. Binary logistic regression was used to in-
After informed consent, candidates underwent the spect the correlation of risk factors and MEB, and the
pressure test, pressurized at a rate of 25 fsw/minute, to results were presented as odds ratios (OR) with 95%
reach a simulated depth of 112 fsw. There was a one- confidence interval (CI). A two-tailed P-value < 0.05
minute stay at 112 fsw, followed by decompression at a was considered to indicate statistical significance.
rate of 10 fsw/minute. Candidates were allowed to abort
during the test; those who did want to terminate were RESULTS
brought out through the transfer chamber. Failure or Figure 1 is a flowchart of this study. Between January
disqualification is defined as a candidate withdrawing 2010 and August 2015, 3,612 Navy recruits, potential
from the pressure test for any reason. All can- candidates for diving and submarine units, received
didates were examined by otoscope to evaluate pressure tests. Four subjects self-withdrew from the
degree of MEB and observed for 10 minutes for any test, stating they had no desire to enter the chamber.
neurologic signs, pains or other symptoms of decom- Final numbers included 3,608 subjects who underwent
pression sickness/arterial gas embolism. full testing. Of these 3,173 subjects passed the pres-
sure test; 435 failed, with a total failure rate 12.06%.
Data collection and analysis Characteristics of the subjects are shown in Table 2.
Results of the pressure test – causes of failure, depth The average age was 23 ± 4 (range 17-47), with the
attained and degree of MEB – were recorded on site. 20-29 age group being the most numerous. The disquali-
The modified Teed classification was used for grading fied rate was lowest in the 40-49 age group (8.7%) and
severity (Table 1) [6]. highest among the age group of < 20 (13.97%). However,
Data, including basic demographic information, the difference was not statistically significant. Average
self-reported medical history, pressure test results, BMI was 23.0 ± 2.7 kg/m2 (range 14.7-34.7), with the
physical exam, and X-ray for each candidate, were majority of candidates having normal BMI (18.5 ≤
retained in facility databases. BMI <24). The disqualified rate ranged from 11.57% in
A few of the candidates were females from military the normal BMI group to 16.42% in the underweight
intelligence units. Because of this, their personal iden- group. The difference was not statistically significant.

34 Tseng W-S, Huang M-Y, Lee H-C, et al.



FIGURE 1. Flowchart of the present study. See text for detail.

analysis of factors related to failure in the pressure test:

a six-year experience in Taiwan
(N = 3,612 subjects)

exclusion: 4 subjects with no intention

study population for failure of pressure test:

(N = 3,608)

success failure
(N = 3,173) (N = 435)

failure with certain causes 57 subjects excluded with

(N = 378) undocumented causes

middle ear barotrauma sinus barotrauma other causes

(N = 365) (N = 10) (N = 3)


Candidates who smoked cigarettes had a higher failure fort psychologically and were presumed to be claustro-
rate than those who did not smoke (19.81% vs. 11.58%, phobic. The other withdrew due to fear of a pressure-
P = 0.001). The subjects with recent upper respiratory related accident as a result of recent eye surgery, which
tract infection (URI) had a higher failure rate than those was not disclosed to medical officers during review
without URI (26.67% vs. 11.29%, P < 0.001). The data of his medical history.
also showed that candidates with allergic rhinitis had a Figure 2 shows the cumulative failure rate as a
higher failure rate than those without (21.63% vs. function of the increase in pressure. About 95%
11.13%, P < 0.001). (349/368) of these failures occurred within a simulated
As shown in Table 3, 378 failures had documented depth of 60 fsw, which is the current depth used for
causes of failure. The most commonly identified causes the pressure test by the United States Navy [7]. Four
of failure in the pressure test were MEB (365 subjects, candidates completing the 112-fsw pressure test were
96.56 %) and sinus barotrauma (10 subjects, 2.65%). Three disqualified due to a Grade 4 MEB upon eardrum
failures self-withdrew during the test; two felt discom- inspection.

Tseng W-S, Huang M-Y, Lee H-C, et al. 35



TABLE 2: Characteristics of the study subjects

____________________ pressure
variables test ____________________ P-value 3
total qualified disqualified
n n % n %

total 3608 3173 87.94 435 12.06

age, years 1 0.598
(23 ± 4, 17 - 47)
<20 401 345 86.03 56 13.97
20-29 2858 2516 88.03 342 11.97
30-39 150 134 89.33 16 10.67
40-49 23 21 91.30 2 8.70

(23.0 ± 2.7, 14.7 - 34.7) 0.326
<18.5 (underweight) 134 112 83.58 22 16.42
18.5 ≤ BMI <24 (normal) 2195 1941 88.43 254 11.57
24 ≤ BMI <27 (overweight) 835 733 87.78 102 12.22
≥ 27 (obese) 283 244 86.22 39 13.78

cigarette smoking 0.001

with 207 166 80.19 41 19.81
without 3401 3007 88.42 394 11.58

recent URI <0.001

with 180 132 73.33 48 26.67
without 3428 3041 88.71 387 11.29

allergic rhinitis <0.001

with 319 250 78.37 69 21.63
without 3289 2923 88.87 366 11.13

BMI = body mass index; URI = upper respiratory tract infection

1 176 values were missed in the variable of age. 2 in kg/m2, 161 values were missed in the variable of BMI.
3 chi-square test, P < 0.05

The degree of MEB was classified by the modified
TABLE 3: Causes of pressure test failure 1
Teed scale, and the results are shown in Table 4. The
subjects %
distributions of each degree of MEB in different depth
middle ear barotrauma 365 96.56
ranges are also shown. A total of 365 subjects reported
sinus barotrauma 10 2.65
ear discomfort. Of these, 317 subjects had documented
other 2 3 0.79
degrees of MEB. Six subjects did not have documented
Total 378 100.00 depth when MEB occurred. More than 85% of these fail-

1 57 subjects without failure causes reported. ures (270/317) had Grade 0 or Grade 1 injury. Grade 2,
2 Three persons self-withdrew during the test.
3 and 4 injuries accounted for 11.04%, 2.52% and 1.26%,
See text for details. respectively. There was no incidence of ear perfora-
tion, a Grade 5 injury, during the study period. Grade 3
or 4 injury was seen only at depths deeper than 20 fsw.

36 Tseng W-S, Huang M-Y, Lee H-C, et al.



FIGURE 2: Cumulative percentage of failure as a function

of the increase in pressure (the depths in seawater)

cumulative percentage of failure



TABLE 4: Modified Teed classification of middle ear barotrauma 1

grade _____________________________________
0 1 2 3 4 5 total
subjects (%)
depth (D, fsw) 133 (41.96) 137 (43.22) 35 (11.04) 8 (2.52) 4 (1.26) 0 (0) 317

0< D ≤10 58 62 5 0 0 0 125
10< D ≤20 42 40 16 0 0 0 98
20< D ≤30 9 14 7 1 0 0 31
30< D ≤40 7 8 2 2 0 0 19

40< D ≤50 4 4 3 3 0 0 14

50< D ≤60 2 3 1 0 0 0 6

60< D ≤70 3 2 1 0 0 0 6

70< D ≤80 3 0 0 1 0 0 4

80< D ≤90 2 0 0 0 0 0 2

90< D ≤100 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

100< D ≤112 1 0 0 0 4 0 5
undocumented 2 3 0 1 0 0 6

1 48 subjects did not have documented degree of middle ear barotrauma

Tseng W-S, Huang M-Y, Lee H-C, et al. 37


Binary logistic regression was applied to analyzing
TABLE 5: Factors associated with middle ear barotrauma 1
factors associated with MEB, as shown in Table 5.
______ middle
variables ear barotrauma ______
Cigarette smoking (OR = 2.19, 95% CI = 1.51, 3.19,
OR 95%CI P-value
P < 0.001), recent URI (OR = 2.72, 95% CI = 1.84,
age, years 0.99 0.95 - 1.02 0.347
4.03, P < 0.001), and allergic rhinitis (OR = 2.20,
BMI 1.02 0.98 - 1.06 0.463
95% CI = 1.60, 3.04, P < 0.001) were significantly cor-
cigarette smoking 2.19 1.51 - 3.19 <0.001
related with higher incidence of MEB. URI 2.72 1.84 - 4.03 <0.001
allergic rhinitis 2.20 1.60 - 3.04 <0.001
DISCUSSION __________________________________________________________________________

The purpose of this study was to determine the fail- BMI = body mass index; URI = upper respiratory tract infection
ure rate, depth and causes of failure, as well as factors 1 by binary logistic regression analysis
associated with MEB in navy recruits during the pres-
sure test. The main findings showed that there was an 20.5 years) and female gender did not serve as risk factors
overall test failure rate of 12.06%, with 95% of these for MEB. In this present study, we found that there was
failures occurring at depths equal to or shallower than no association between age and risk of MEB (OR=0.99;
60 fsw. The main cause of failure during pressure test 95% CI 0.95 to 1.02; P=0.347). However, because of
was MEB, and the known risk factors of ET dysfunc- our mostly male population and a concentrated age
tion, such as cigarette smoking, recent URI and allergic distribution (17-47 years), there was insufficient data
rhinitis were associated with higher test failure rate. in our study to determine whether age or gender were
O’Donnell et al. [1] reported an 11.23% (321/2859) risk factors for MEB.
failure rate of students ranging in age from 17-59, with In the present study, we found that there was no sig-
a median age of 22 during the pressure test. We showed nificant correlation between BMI and MEB (OR=1.02;
similar findings in the present study, with a 12.06% 95% CI 0.98 to 1.06; P=0.463). Similar to that of concen-
(435/3608) failure rate in a group of navy recruits, trated age distribution, 87.9% of our navy recruits had
ranging from 17-47 years old, with a median age of 23. BMI between 18.5 to 27. BMI lower than 18.5 or greater
During the pressure test, the most common cause of than 27 accounted for only 3.9% and 8.2% of the popu-
failure was MEB, which accounted for 86.92% (279/321) lation, respectively. The relationship between BMI and
failures reported in a previous study [1] and incidence of MEB remains an issue to be determined.
96.56% (365/378) in ours. Cigarette smoking, URI and allergic rhinitis are well-
Recent studies have shown MEB had a wide-ranging known risk factors of ET dysfunction and MEB [2-5].
incidence of 8.9%-66.7% in individuals receiving HBO2 In our study, recruits with one or more of the above-
therapy [8-11], and most MEB (49.7%-60.2%) occurred mentioned risk factors had a higher rate of MEB than
during the first session [9,10,12]. The relatively low those without any risk factor: The odd ratios were all
incidence of MEB in our study might be due to the greater than 2 and were statistically significant. However,
fact that these recruits were selected candidates for there were no significant differences in the failure
navy submarine and diving troops and who were rate between recruits with one risk factor only and
young, with generally good health. those with two risk factors (data not shown).
It is controversial as to whether age is a risk factor The underwater task or submarine escape training
for pressure equalization and MEB [8,11-14]. Several requires compression and decompression processes.
studies reported that age greater than 60 years old was The pressure test serves as a measure mainly to screen
an independent risk factor of cessation of HBO2 therapy out those unable to equalize middle ear pressure. Ac-
due to MEB [10,12, 4]. On the other hand, Fitzpatrick, cording to Boyle’s law of physics, the volume of a gas
et al. [13] and Hadanny, et al. [11] found that younger shrinks proportionally to the increase in pressure. Ear
people (< 40 years in Fitzpatrick’s study and < 16 years discomfort or pain may be noted with a descent from
in Hadanny’s study, respectively) were at higher risk of the surface to 6.6 fsw, which causes approximately a 17%
MEB. Some studies have suggested that females have in- reduction in the middle ear air volume if the ET is ob-
creased risk for MEB [10,11,13,14]. A prospective study structed [15]. As seen in Figure 2 and Table 4, about 70%
by Bessereau, et al. [8] reported that age (mean age 37.5 ± of these failures occurred within 20-fsw limit. Nonethe-

38 Tseng W-S, Huang M-Y, Lee H-C, et al.


less, 30% of failures occurred at deeper depths, which sation by the fluid and less negative pressure to cause
might reflect that a partially obstructed ET may have pain. These above observations suggest that it would
compensated the volume reduction initially but even- not be necessary to bring candidates to deeper than 60
tually failed. This phenomenon suggests that a pressure fsw, since very limited screening efficacy could be fur-
test of an appropriate depth is needed to screen out ther obtained, and greater danger might be encoun-
candidates with poor ability of pressure equalization. tered at deeper depths. Considering the efficacy and
The 112-fsw pressure test for ROC Navy, instituted safety of the pressure test, it would seem reasonable to
in 1975, was adopted from the U.S. Navy. More than implement the 60-fsw pressure test for the ROC Navy.
27,000 candidates have been screened since then.
Currently the U.S. Navy uses the 60-fsw pressure test CONCLUSION
for submarine crew instead of the 112-fsw test [1,7]. Our results suggest that pressure testing to a depth
Our present study shows approximately 95% of the of 60 fsw is effective in disqualifying personnel who
failures in the 112-fsw pressure test occurred at depths are entering diving and submarine service. The most
equal to or shallower than 60 fsw. Only 19 (5.0%) candi- common cause of pressure test failure is MEB. Recent
dates failed the test at depths greater than 60 fsw. This URI, allergic rhinitis and cigarette smoking are risk
result suggests that the 60-fsw pressure test may be factors for MEB, resulting in failure of the pressure test.
efficient enough to screen out those not suitable to n
participate in diving or submarine service. It should be
noted that four subjects completed the 112-fsw pres-
Supported by Ministry of National Defense-Medical Affairs
sure test despite having Grade 4 barotrauma, indicat- Bureau Research Program (MAB-104-102).
ing some subjects may have higher tolerance for – or be
insensitive to – pain. Further, once middle ear effusion/ Authors declare no conflicts of interest exist
hemorrhage occurred, there would be volume compen- with this submission.



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