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Hypertension: Update 2017

Anna F. Dominiczak, Denise Kuo

A s Hypertension begins its 38th year, the current editorial

team, led by Editor-in-Chief Prof. Anna F. Dominiczak
and Deputy Editor Prof. Rhian M. Touyz, begins their sec-
on Hypertension 2016 Scientific Sessions to accept the award
in person, but also had the opportunity to discuss the novelty
and clinical implications of their work in front of the cam-
ond 5-year term at the helm of this prestigious Journal. The era. The short interviews filmed in Orlando during the AHA
editors appreciate the time and effort our many readers have Council on Hypertension annual conference are available on
spent reviewing manuscripts, submitting the best research to the AHA Science News YouTube channel (
Hypertension, and providing feedback that has improved the
Journal. Thank you for the commitment and energy.
Although the publishing landscape has changed over Clinical–Pathological Conferences
the past 5 years, the goals for Hypertension, an American Conducting a Clinical–Pathological Conference (CPC) at the
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Heart Association (AHA) Journal, remain largely the same. European Society of Hypertension annual meeting has become
The editorial team continues working on (1) publishing a regular event for Hypertension. Again in 2016, 2 cases were
the highest quality original basic, clinical, and popula- presented. Dr David Calvet (Paris) presented an interesting
tion research relating to hypertension, (2) increasing the case about ischemic stroke risk in a patient with carotid artery
readership and scientific importance of Hypertension, (3) stenosis, and Dr Laurence Amar (Paris) led the international
providing fair and quick reviews for submitted manuscripts audience through the discussion of a patient with primary aldo-
followed by rapid publication of all accepted articles, and steronism but discordant hormonal and computed tomographic
(4) serving well the international community of hyperten- findings.
sion researchers and practitioners while being an important This relatively new feature for Hypertension has proven
vehicle for achieving the mission of the AHA. On behalf of sufficiently popular to warrant expansion to 2 additional con-
the entire editorial team, it is with pleasure that we share ferences in 2016. Two CPC cases were presented for the first
with you a few key highlights from the past 12 months and time at the AHA Council on Hypertension annual conference
also provide a glimpse of what you may expect from the held in Orlando, FL, United States, 14 to 17 September. Also in
Journal in 2017. September, the International Society of Hypertension held its
biennial conference in Seoul, South Korea. This was an excel-
Top Papers Published in Hypertension lent opportunity for Hypertension to conduct yet another CPC
Each June, Hypertension editors select the top 1 or 2 articles session with local presenters and a global audience discussing
in each of 3 categories, basic science, clinical science, popula- 2 difficult cases.
tion science, published in the Journal throughout the previous The videos for all 6 CPC cases filmed in 2016 are avail-
calendar year. All six 2015 Top Paper Award articles,1–6 pub- able on the Hypertension website; accompanying manuscripts
lished in 2015 and selected in 2016, were highly accessed by will be published in future issues of the Journal.
readers and clearly novel and have important clinical implica-
tions. The 2015 award winning articles span a wide variety Guidelines
of topics. Those topics include insomnia with physiological Early in 2016, we invited many regional hypertension societies
hyperarousal, cardiac inflammation and fibrosis, mineralocor- to contribute to a guidelines debate series with the goal of bring-
ticoid receptor antagonism, a meta-analysis of current diuret- ing opinions and comments of key leaders involved in regional
ics, intensive blood pressure lowering in diabetic patients, and and international hypertension guidelines to the hypertension
low diastolic blood pressure as a potential risk factor for recur- community. Researchers representing Hypertension Canada,
rent cardiovascular events. Latin American Society of Hypertension, International Society
This year for the first time, corresponding authors of each of Hypertension, and European Society of Hypertension shared
selected Top Paper were not only invited to attend the Council their opinions on the challenges faced by guideline writers and
clinicians referring to guidelines in their daily practice.7–10 We
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the look forward to learning how experts across the globe address
American Heart Association. the difficult questions and concerns discussed in this series and
From the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Science, University
of Glasgow, United Kingdom. facing clinicians today when the next iteration of guidelines is
Correspondence to Anna F. Dominiczak, Hypertension, AHA, 7272 released over the next few years.
Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231-4596. E-mail
(Hypertension. 2017;69:3-4.
DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.08683.)
Coming in 2017
© 2016 American Heart Association, Inc. As part of our ongoing effort to improve the author experi-
Hypertension is available at ence with Hypertension, the Journal will feature a stream-
DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.08683 lined submission process early in 2017. Although there will
4  Hypertension  January 2017

be a few visual and functional changes to the online sub- 2. Li Y, Vgontzas AN, Fernandez-Mendoza J, Bixler EO, Sun Y, Zhou J,
Ren R, Li T, Tang X. Insomnia with physiological hyperarousal is asso-
mission form, the primary change will be a reduction in the
ciated with hypertension. Hypertension. 2015;65:644–650. doi: 10.1161/
amount of information required to submit an article for peer HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.04604.
review. 3. Wang X, Wang HX, Li YL, Zhang CC, Zhou CY, Wang L, Xia YL,
There will be multiple opportunities for hypertension Du J, Li HH. MicroRNA Let-7i negatively regulates cardiac inflam-
mation and fibrosis. Hypertension. 2015;66:776–785. doi: 10.1161/
researchers to participate in Journal-sponsored CPC case HYPERTENSIONAHA.115.05548.
presentations and discussions in 2017. As each CPC case 4. Bender SB, DeMarco VG, Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Habibi J, Garro
discussion is not only filmed but also transformed into an M, Pulakat L, Aroor AR, Jaffe IZ, Sowers JR. Mineralocorticoid
receptor antagonism treats obesity-associated cardiac diastolic
article, each audience member significantly contributing to
dysfunction. Hypertension. 2015;65:1082–1088. doi: 10.1161/
the discussion has an opportunity to be a coauthor of the CPC HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.04912.
article. The first opportunity to participate in a CPC will be 5. Franklin SS, Gokhale SS, Chow VH, Larson MG, Levy D, Vasan RS,
in Milan at the 27th European Congress on Hypertension and Mitchell GF, Wong ND. Does low diastolic blood pressure contribute
to the risk of recurrent hypertensive cardiovascular disease events? The
Cardiovascular Protection in June, and later in the year, there Framingham Heart Study. Hypertension. 2015;65:299–305. doi: 10.1161/
will be another opportunity in San Francisco at the AHA HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.04581.
Council on Hypertension 2017 Scientific Sessions. 6. Soliman EZ, Byington RP, Bigger JT, Evans G, Okin PM, Goff DC Jr,
Chen H. Effect of intensive blood pressure lowering on left ventricu-
In summary, your Journal is thriving, and the editorial team
lar hypertrophy in patients with diabetes mellitus: Action to Control
is poised to deliver the best possible science in the next 5 years. Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Blood Pressure Trial. Hypertension.
We look forward to publishing the all-important hypertension 2015;66:1123–1129. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.115.06236.
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guidelines, and we are also looking forward to receiving your 7. Weber MA, Poulter NR, Schutte AE, Burrell LM, Horiuchi M,
Prabhakaran D, Ramirez AJ, Wang JG, Schiffrin EL, Touyz RM.
best articles in basic, clinical, and population research. Among Is it time to reappraise blood pressure thresholds and targets?
these, we would be particularly interested to publish on recent A statement from the International Society of Hypertension-a
advances in precision medicine because this theme grows in global perspective. Hypertension. 2016;68:266–268. doi: 10.1161/
significance in the United States and worldwide. HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07818.
8. Rosei EA. Target blood pressure for treatment: should current recom-
mendations be changed? Hypertension. 2016;68:263–265. doi:10.1161/
Disclosures HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07469.
None. 9. López-Jaramillo P, Coca A, Sánchez R, Zanchetti A; Latin American
Society of Hypertension. Hypertension guidelines: is it time to reappraise
blood pressure thresholds and targets? Position statement of the Latin
References American Society of Hypertension. Hypertension. 2016;68:257–262. doi:
1. Roush GC, Ernst ME, Kostis JB, Tandon S, Sica DA. Head-to-head com- 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07738.
parisons of hydrochlorothiazide with indapamide and chlorthalidone: 10. Padwal R, Rabi DM, Schiffrin EL. Recommendations for intensive blood
antihypertensive and metabolic effects. Hypertension. 2015;65:1041– pressure lowering in high-risk patients, the Canadian Viewpoint. Hyper­
1046. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.05021. tension. 2016;68:3–5. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07573.
Hypertension: Update 2017
Anna F. Dominiczak and Denise Kuo

Hypertension. 2017;69:3-4; originally published online December 5, 2016;

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doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.08683
Hypertension is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Copyright © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
Print ISSN: 0194-911X. Online ISSN: 1524-4563

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