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Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks

3.1 General Design Features

The reinforced concrete slab typ~ deck (Culvert) is generally used fOf small
spans. This type of superstructure is economical for spans up to 8 m. For larger
spans, prestressed concrete slab decks are more economical since the depth of
the slab can be reduced. Slab decks are simpler for construction due to easier
fabrication of form work and reinforcements and placement of concrete. Generally
in culverts, the deck slab is supported on the two opposite sides on piers or
abutments. The deck slab is designed as a one way slab to support the dead load
and live load with impact.
In the case of reinforced concrete Tee beam and slab decks.. the slab spans in
two directIOns since it is supported on main girders and cross girders anegular
intervals. Hence the slab is designed as a two way slab for wheel loads. The deck
slab is generally designed for the worst effect of either IRC Class AA tracked
vehicle loading or IRC Class A load train. Based on analytical investigations,
Victor has reported the use of IRC Class AA wheeled vehicle loading for spans
up to 4 m and IRC Class AA tracked vehicle for spans greater than 4 m for
computations of live load bending moment in the case of one way slabs. Fo~
computations of maximum live load shear in two lane bridge decks, Class AA
tracked vehicle should be used for spans from 1 to 8 m. The distribution
teinf0rcement is designed for 0.3 times the live load moment and 0.2 times the
dead load moment in one way slabs.
The IRC:21-1987 code prescribes the following guide lines for control of
cracking to satisfy the serviceability requirements under the limit state of local
a) For slabs, the diameter and spacing of reinforcing bar shall not exceed
25,mm and 150 mm respectively.
b) For beams. including top and bottom flanges and in rectangular voided
slab and box beams and for solid slabs in balanced cantilever bridges, the
diameter and spacing of reinforcing bar shall not exceed 32 mm and
150 mm respectively.
c) For columns, the diameter and spacing of reinforcing bar shall not exceed
32 mm and 3000 mm respectively.
The code also specifies that if these detailing criteria are not satisfied, the
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 25

designs have to be checked for the limit states of cracking by computing the
crack widths as specified in Appendix-I of the IRC:21-1987 Code.
The nominal cover requirements specified as per the IRC code are compiled
in Table 3.1

Table 3.1 Nominal Cover Requirements

Concrete M-20 M-40 and

Grade above
Conditions , Nominal Cover in mm
of Exposure !
Moderate 30 30 25
Severe 50 30
Note: (I) The cover may be reduced by 5 mm III case of slabs of thickness up to and
including 150 mm
Oi) At each end of a reinforcing bar, the nominal cover shall be not less than
twice the diameter of such bar.

The design of reinforced concrete bridge decks should conform to the

specifications ofIRC: 21-1987 code which specifies the basic permissible stresses
in concrete and steel reinforcement indicated in Tables 3.2 and 3.3.

Table 3.2 Properties and Basic permissible Stresses in Concrete

Sl. Properties and Grade of Concrete

No. Permissible Stresses ~~-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
Modulus of Elasticity
Ee - Design value (GPa) 20 25 28 31 33 36
2 Permissible Direct
Compressive Stress (MPa) 3.8 5.0 6.2 7.5 8.5 8.5
3 Permissible Flexural
CompressIve Stress (MPa) 5.0 6.7 8.3 10.0 11.5 11.5
Note: For calculating stresses in a section, a modular ratio (Es/Ee) of 10 may be adopted.

Table 3.3 Permissible Stresses in Reinforcing Bars

Bar Grade Type of Stress in Permissible Stress

Steel Reinforcement (MPa)
S-240 Tension in Flexure 125
S-415 Shear or Combined Bending 200
S-240} 115
Direct Compression
S-415 170
26 Design of Bridges

Based on these permissible stresses, the design constant~ to be used· for

computation of effective depth 'd' of beam or slab and the area of steel AS! in the
tension zone along with the neutral axis depth 'n', lever arm factor 'j' and the
moment factor 'Q' expressed as a function of the permissible compressive stress
(acb ) in concrete as given by the following expressions are compiled in Table

n -11· a
-Il mach

Q=O.5 achnj
The value of modular ratio '/11' to be used in the computations being 10 as per

Table 3.4 Design Coefficients

Grade of Concrere m at·" a,., n Q

and Steel (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

Fe-2S0 10 S.O 125 0.28 0.90 0.63

Fe - 41S 10 S.O 200 0.20 0.94 0.47

10 6.7 200 0.25 0,9] 0.762
Fe - 415
Fe - 41S 10 8.3 200 0.29 0.90 1.100

Fe- 41S 10 10.0 200 0.333 0.889 1.480

Fe-41S 10 11.5 200 0.36S 0.879 1.844

3.2 Analysis of Slab Decks

a) Slabs spanning in one direction

For slabs spanning in one direction, the dead load moments can directly be
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 27

computed assuming the slab to be simply supported between the supports. Bridge
deck slabs have to be designed for I.R.C. loads, specified as class AA or A
depending on the importance of the bridge. For slabs supported on two opposite
sides, the maximum bending moment caused by a wheel load may be assumed to
be resisted by an effective width of slab measured parallel to the supporting
edges. .
For a single concentrated load, the effective width of dispersion may be
calculated by the equation,
be = K X (l - xlL) + b w
Where be = Effective width of slab on which the load acts
L= Effective span
x= Distance of centre of gravity of load from nearer support
bw = Breadth of concentration area of load
K= A constant depending on the ratio (BIL) where 'B' is the width of
The values of the constant 'K' for different values of the rat;o (BIL) is compiled
in Table 3.5 for simply supported and continuous slabs.

Table 3.5 Values of K (lRC: 21-1987)

BIL For Simply For Conti- BIL For Simply For Conti-
Supported nuous Slab' Supported nuou~ Slab
Slab Slab
0.1 0.40 0.40 1.1 2.60 2.28
0.2 0.80 0.80 1.2 2.64 2.36
0.3 1.16 1.16 1.3 2.72 2.40
0.4 1.48 1.44 1.4 2.80 2.48
0.5 1.72 1.68 1.5 2.84 2.48
0.6 1.96 1.84 1.6 2.88 2.52
0.7 2.12 1.96 1.7 2.92 2.56
0.8 2.24 2.08 1.8 2.96 2.60
0.9 2.36 2.16 1.9 3.00 2.60
1.0 2.48 2.24 2.0 & 3.00 2.60

b) Slabs Spanning in two Directions

In the case of bridge decks with tee beams and cross girders, the deck slab is
supported on all the four sides and is spanning in two directions. The moments in
the two directions can be computed by using the design curves developed by M.
The method developed by Pigeaud is applicable to rectangular slabs supported
freely on all the four sides and subjected to a symmetrically placed concentrated
load as shown in Fig. 3.1 (a).
28 Design of Bridges

The notations used are as follows:

L = Long span length
l· \ ",~. j ' <'" B = Short span length

':~'" bt,. v = Dimensions of the load spread after allowing for dispersion through
",'" , .' ~ ; the deck slab
K = Ratio of short to long span
M, = Moment in the short span direction
M2 = Moment in the long span direction
m, & m2 =Coefficient for moments along the short and long spans
p.. = Poisson's ratio for concrete generally assumed as 0.15
W = Load from the wheel under consideration.
The dispersion of the load may be assumed to be at 45 degrees through the
wearing coat and deck slab according to IRC:21-1987 code specifications.
Consequently, the effect of contact of wheel or track load in the direction of span
length shall be taken as equal to the dimension of the tyre contact area over the
wearing surface of the slab in the direction of the span plus twice the overall
depth of the slab inclusive of the thickness of the wearing surface as shown in
Fig. 3.1 (a). According to Victor, it is also sometimes assumed to be at 45
degrees through the wearing coat but at a steeper angle through the deck slab.

~t. 8 +

f U .r vain girder
;-+-J~. . __~I~
I :.
t- L---- ___ J

cro~ girder

r<%~~~'-"I -=tWe~ring coat

R C slab
Dtspersion width ....
Fig. 3.1 (a) DisperSIOn of Wheel Load through Deck Slab
, Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 29

v\ B =2. 5 m -----:>11'-"

-,1'- r - - - - -,
E I to·Sm-f I I.

~ I ~~-
L=4m '! I jO.2Sm
o I
"I _ _ _ _ _~

f-u=O·66 m-+

.C· 80mm
R.C.slab=200 mm

Fig. 3.l(b)
Dispersion of Wheel Load through Wearing Coat

W= 57kN

. '. " " , , .... ",./~,e~,,~g. c~ mm

R.e. ~Jab
200 mm

L- 0.5 m ---It'-J,
L 1 1
..,1,j<----~-- u =1·06 m -------.,/Lf'

Fig.3.1(c) Dispersion of Wheel Load through Wearing Coat and Deck Slab
30 Design of Bridges


Fig.3.l(d) Dispersion of Wheel Load at Different Angles through

Wearing Coat and Deck Slab.

The bending moments are computed as

M j = (mj + J..lm2) W
M2 = (m2 + pmj) W
The values of the moment coefficients mj and m2' depend upon the parameters
(uIB), (vIL) and K.
Figs. 3.2 to 3.8 are the Pigeaud's curves used for the estimation of moment
coefficients mj and m2 for values of K ranging from 0.4 to 1.0. Moment coefficients
for slabs completely loaded with uniformly distributed load (deal load of slab)
for different values of K and 11K are obtained from Fig. 3.9.
A comparative analysis of the bending moments developed in the short and
long span directions of a typical slab deck supported on main and cross girders
of a Tee beam slab deck assuming different types of load distribution through
wearing coat and slab thickness is presented for three different types of cases for
a wheel load of IRC Class A loading using the following data:-
Wheel Load - 57 kN
Wheel Contact Dimensions = 500 mm by 250 mm
Thickness of wearing coat = 80 mm
Thickness of Slab = 200 rom
Slab dimensions: L = 4 m and B = 2.5 m

Case-J Dispersion of Wheel load through wearing coat only

Referring to Fig. 3.1(b),
u = (0.5 + 2 x 0.08) = 0.66 m
v = (0.25 + 2 x 0.08) = 0.41 m
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 31

= =
(uIB) (0.66/2.5) 0.264
(vIL) = (0.4114.0) = 0.102
K = (ElL) = (2.514.0) = 0.625
Using Pigeaud's curves for value of K = 0.6,
m, = 0.188' and m:: = 0.148
.. M8 = W(m] + j.lIn 2) = 57(0.188 + 0.15 x 0.148) = 11.99 kNm
ML =
W(m2 + pm]) = 57(0.148 + 0.15 x 0.188) = 10.04 kNm

Case-2 Dispersion of Wheel Load, through wearing coat and R. C. Slab

Referring to Fig. 3.1 (c)
u = (0.5 + 2 x 0.28) = 1.06 m
v = (0.25 + 2 x 0.28) = 0.81 m
(utB) = (1.06/2.5) = 0.424
(vIL) = (0.8114.0) = 0.202
K = (BIL) = (2.5/4.0) = 0.625
Using Pigeaud's curve for value of K = 0.6,
m] = 0.148 and m z = 0.098
M8 = W(m] + pm2) =57(0.148 + 0.15 x 0.098) = 9.27 kNm
ML = W(m2 + 11m]) = 57(0.098 + 0.15 x 0.148) = 6.84 kNm

Case-3 Dispersion of Wheel Load at 45 degrees through wearing coat and 85.9
degrees through R.C slab
Referring to Fig. 3.1(d)

U =~(x+2D)2 +H2

=~(0.5+2XO.08)2 +0.22
= 0.689 m

v = ~ (0.25 + 2 x 0.08) 2 + 0.2 2

= 0.456 m
(utB) = (0.68912.5) = 0.275
(vIL) = (0.45614.0) = 0.114 and K = (BIL) = (2.514.0) = 0.625
Using Pigeaud's curve for value of K = 0.6,
m] =0.18 and m z =0.14
.. M8 = W(m] + pm z ) = 57(0.18 + 0.15 x 0.14) = 11.45 kNm
ML = W(m 2 + pm]) = 57(0.14 + 0.15 x 0.18) = 9.52 kNm
A comparative analysis of the moments resulting from the different types of
dispersions of wheel loads indicates that the maximum values of moments are
obtained for Case-I. in which the dispersion is assumed through wearing coat
only. If the dispersion is assumed at a steeper angle of 85.9 degrees through the
slab, the resulting moments are only 5 percent less than that of Case-I. However
32 Design of Bridges

.if the. dispersion of the load is assumed at a uniform angle of 45 degrees through
the wearing coat and slab, the resulting moments are the least with a difference
of 22 percent in comparison with the results of Case-to Hence it is recommended
that Case-l type of load dispersion yielding maximum moments may as well be
used for the design of two way slabs.



volun 01 u/B valulZS of ul B

O. Co<zIIIC !4nt mix 100 b.CO<llllclent m2 x 100

Fig. 3.2 Moment Coefficients ml and ~ for K = 0.4

-- - i - f--

- ~

-- -- J._


> -'
~-I",-j--.>,d- '> O. 6 .......

--- ---------
+"'<I-'''<:"t''<.-t~f'<- Pi"-i-"..-t---'i---l'<-+- 0
~ 0·4+"'-.;f'",-"\,,"'d ~~f'c--P\+"rt~f--''I- '"~ O· 4 '-:!. ........
"0 ~
-- -
~ >

O· 2 :--;,;
t::::: ::::: :::::
:::::::-- ::::::-
~ ;::: ~ -:::::
~ 3§§
O,() 0·2 0'4 0·6 0·8 1·0 0·0 02 0·4 0·6 0'8 1·0
ydUCZ5 0' ulS yoluczs 01 u/8
o.Cocz'flclCznt ffil x 100 b .COIlII.c ICUll ffi2 x 100

Fig. 3.3 Moment coefficients ml and mz for K = 0.5

Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 33

1· v
~ "- "- "
'" "-'"

~ 1"-.. ~ ~

,,"" " """- '" '"

ot:I !'..
'""- '\~ '\
!\. [\. '\
i'., 1'.."
~ Q. ~0'6+-+--t-~~~~~~~~~
~ '\ \. '\

r-.... !\. 1:;
15 '\
4 ~~ i'x ,'\ \. \. \
~ t\\ ~ \ \ \ 1\ \
~ ~ ~ 1".\ \ \\ \ \ \
~ ~ 1\\' .\ i\ \ \ ~
~ ~\~\\\ \\ ,\ \\
0.2 . ' 0.4
1\ 1\ 1
0.0 C·6 0-8 1)

vcluczs of uta voluczS of utI?>

c.Coqfl,c,cznt m, x 100 b.Coczff,t'llnt m2 x 100

Fig. 3.4 Moment Coefficients ml and m2 for K = 0.6

vo!uczs ot u/B IIDluczs ot u/B

o. CO!l/r'Cl1lnt rTll x 100 b .COIltflcMtnt m2" 100

Fig.3.5 Moment Coefticients ml and m2 for K = 0.7

3.3 Design Example

Design a reinforced concrete slab culvert for a National highway to suit the
following data:
Carriageway - two lane (7.5 ill wide)
Foot paths - 1 ill on either side
Clear span =- 6 ill
Wearing coat = 80 mm
Width of bearing = 0.4 ill
Materials-M-25 Grade Concrete and Fe-415 Grade HYSD bars
34 Design of Bridges

voluas 01 u/B vollJ<ZS 01 u/B

b. COcztllclCznt m2x 100

Fig. 3.6 Moment Coefficients /Ill and 1Il2 for K = 0.8

~ '~~~~~-~~~r-~-+~~+~

~ O·~rl...-'tt'rl~d'-''rt-'<-f-'t-.d-'.+-¥-+++ ~O'tH~"d-"-<~d--4c--1-""''''!>--+'~~.p.....+

0·0 0'2 ,·0

voluozs or uI B voJuozs 01 u/8
o.Coozlllcloznt ml x 100 b.CoozlllCloznt m2x 100

Fig. 3.7 Moment Coefficients 1111 and m 2 for K = 0.9

Loading-I.R.C. Class AA tracked vehicle

Design the R.C. deck slab and sketch the derails of reinforcements In the
longitudinal and cross section of slab.

1. Data
Clear span = 6 m
Width of bearing = 0.4 m
I.R.C. Class AA tracked vehicle loading
M-25 Grade concrete and Fe-4l5 Grade HYSD bars
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 35

-J o·~--'t-""t+'Irll--''t-t--\-i-'Id----''t---+\-+-~

volUa5 01 u/ B

Fig. 3.8 Moment Coefficients nil and nl2 for K = 1.0

eo- 05 . . .-
. .- r-- .....

~0-03- - -/H'-+-+~-+- ... "" -.:::...,. - .. ~---+---+--~---+--4---+--r---
2 ~,
~ 0·02 'I--fl/-f/'I-~-I--I---I-If-+-+--+-+-' -- ~-+~--+--+--~--I--t-+--~
~ 0·01- /1-- -- -f-+--j-f-f-f-- ..- -+---+.:::-.--lr--::---I-r---+_-+---- -
0·0 0·2 0-4 0-6 0-8 1-0 1·2 1-4 1-6 1·8 2·0 2-2 2-4 2·6 2-8 3.0
Volulls of K or 11K
Fig.3.9 Moment Coefficients for Slabs Completely Loaded with Uniformly
Distributed Load, Coefficient is nil for K and nl2 fUr 11K

2_ Permissible Stresses
Cfeh = 8.3 Nlmm 2 m = 10 Q = 1.1
Cfw = 200 N/mm2 j = 0.9

3. Depth of slab and effective span

Assume thickness of slab at 80 mm per metre of span for highway bridge decks.
Therefore overall slab thickness = (80 x 6) = 480 mm
Adopt overall depth of 500 mm for the slab
36 Design of Bridges

Using 20 mm diameter HYSD bars with clear cover of 30 mm.

Effective depth = 500 - (30 -7- 10) = 460 mm
Width of bearing == 400 mm
Effective span is the least of
a) (clear span + effective depth) = (6 ..,. 0.46) = 6.46 m
b) Centre to centre of beanngs == (6 .;.. 0.4) =:: 6.4 m
Effective span = L = 6.4 m
The cross section of the deck slab is shown in Fig. 3. j O.

roo 7500 I 1QCX)

,eo rrm Wrzor:ng coot j

r---______________ ~9~50~O
! 500 mm Deck

Fig. 3.10 Cross-section of the Deck Slab

4. Dead Load BendiflR Moments

Dead weight of slab = (0.5 x 24) = 12 kN/m2
Dead weight of w.e. = (0.08 x 22) = ! .76 kN/m~
Therefore Toralload = i4.00 kN/m"
Dead load bendmg moment = [( l4 x 6.4 2)/8]
= 72 kN.m

5. LIve Load Bendlllg Moment

Generally the bending moment OUI.O to lIVe load wili be maXImum for LR.C cJas~
AA tracked vehIcle. Impact facro[ for class AA tracked vehicle IS 250/c for 5 m
span, decreasing linearly to 109c for 9 m span.
Therefore for 6.4 m span
Impact factor = [25 - 15/4 x (6.4 - 5)] = 19.7%
The tracked vehIcle is placed symmetncally on the span. Effective iength of load
= 3.6 + 2 (0.5 -1- 0'()8) = 4.76 m. Effective wIdth of slab. perpendicular to span is
expressed as,

Refernng to Fig. 3.l1

'-- 4760' R C~ Class, AA LOad

-- I
~ x = 3200 _, ----"
I-- 6400 ----J
Fig. 3.11 Position 'If Load for Maximum Bending Moment
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 37

x = 3.2 m, L = 6.4 m, B = 9.5 m, (BIL) = 1.48

hw = (0.85 + 2 X 0.08) = 1.01 m
From Table 3.1, For (BIL) = 1.48
simply supported slabs, K = 2.84
he = 2.84 X 3.2(1 - 3.2/6.4) + 1.01 = 5.56 m.
The tracked vehicle is placed close to the Kerb with the required minimum
clearance as shown in Fig. 3.12.

r-1 __~!:;:

1200! 850 I

~ __ -
1200 I

"'>.::::-_ ; ; "
850 ,
!; ___
........... __ ~
-.. ____
t: -- I -__ _---
2625~ 2050 _ (5560( 2 ) !
I i 7455 r f
Fig.3.12 Effective Width of Dispersion of I.R.C. Class AA Loads

Net effective width of dispersion = 7.455 m

Total load of two tracks with impact = (700 x 1.197)
= 838 kN
Average intensity of load = [838/(4.76 x 7.455)]
=23.61 kN/m2
Maximum bending moment due to live load is given by,
M llwx = [(23.61 x 4.76)/2 x 3.2]
- [(23.61 x 4.76)/2 x 4.76/4] = 113 kN·m
Therefore Total design B.M. = (113 + 72) = 185 kN'm

6. Shear due to class AA Tracked Vehicle

For maximum shear at support, the LR.C. class AA tracked vehicle is arranged
as shown in Fig. 3.13.

t I IRe Closs AA Tree k"d

Fig. 3.13 Position of Load for Maximum Shear

Effective width of dispersion is given by

Where x = 2.38 m
B = 9.5 m (BIL) = 1.48
L = 6.4 m K = 2.84
h",= 1.01 m
38 Design of Bridges

Therefore be = 2.84 X 2.38 [I - (2.38/6.4)] + 1.01

= 5.256 m
Therefore width of dispersion = [2625 + 2050 + 5256/2]
= 7303 mm
(Refer figure 3.12)
w = [838/(4.76 x 7.303)] = 24.1 kN/m

Therefore shear· force VA = (24.1 x 4.76 x 4.02)/6.4

=72 kN
Dead load shear = [(14 x 6.4)12] = 45 kN
Therefore Total design shear = (72 + 45) = 177 kN

7. Design of Deck slab

Effective depth required is

d = ~ M/(Q·b) = ~(185 x 10 6 )/(1.1 x 1000) = 410 mm

Effective depth provided = 460 mm
ThereforeA,., = M/( o:"j ·d)
= [(185 x 106 )/(200 x 0.9 x 460)]
= 2234 mm 2
Spacing of·20 mm diameter bars = [(100 x 314)/2234] = 140 mm
Adopt 20 mm diameter HYSD bars at 140 mm centres as main reinforcement to
conform to the criteria of control of cracking according to IRC:21-1987.
Bending moment for distribution steel is
= (0.3 ML + 0.2 M D ) + (0.3 x 113) + (0.2 x 72) = 49 kNm'
Using 12 mm diameter bars,
Effective depth = 460 - (10 + 6) = 444 mm
Therefore A" = (49 x 106 )/(200 x 0.9 x 444) = 613 mm 2
Spacing of 12 mm diameter bars = [(1000 x 113)/613] = 184 mm
Provide 12 mm diameter HYSD bars at 150 mm centres as distribution steel.

8. Checkfar Shear Stresses

As per IRC:21-1987, shear stresses in the slab are checked as follows:-
Design Shear stress 'r = (Vlbd)
where V = Desigrl shear force
b = width of section
d =effective depth
:>ermissible shear stress in slabs without shear reinforcement is computed as,
'rc = k, . k2 ''rco
",here 'rc = The permissible shear stress
k, = (1.14 - 0.7 d) ~ 0.5 where'd' is expressed in meters
k2 = (0.5 + 0.25 p) ~ 1
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 39

rco== Basic values given below for different grades of concrete in

Table 3.5
p == Percentage of longitudinal reinforcement ratio (100 A/bd)
A, Area of longitudinal reinforcement which c.ontinues at least 'd' heyond
the section considered or fully anchored when support section is
b width of the section.

Table 3.5 Basic Values of Permissible Shear Stress (rcO>

Grade of M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40

0.28 0.34 OAO 0,45 0.50 0.50

r = (V/bd) == [(117 X10 3)/(1000 X 460)] = 0.254 N/mm 2

k J = 0.14 - 0.7 X 0.460) == 0.82 2 0.5
k2 == (0.5 + 0.25 p) wtJere p == (100 A/bd)
Assuming 20 mm diameter bars spaced at 280 mm at support section (alternate
bars bent up)
A, == (1000 X 314)/(280) == 1121 mm 2
.. p = (100 X 1121)/(1000 x 460)
= 0.243
.. k, == (0.5 + 025 x 0.243)
=.: 0.5602 I

For M-25 grade concrete, reo == 0.40 N/mm 2

:. r( == k J • k2 ·r('(l
== (0.82 x 1 x 0.40)
= 0.328 N/mm2
Since r < r c ' the shear stresses are within safe permissible limits. The details of
reinforcements in the slab is shown in Fig. 3.14.

3.4 Design Example

Compute the design live load moments fOf the reinfofced concrete slah specified
in design example 3.3 using the LR.C. class A loading. Show that the live load
moments are significantly lower when compared with those resulting from LR.C.
class AA loading. Adopt the data of example 3.3.

1. Data
Effective span L == 6.4 m
Width of road B == 9.5 m
Wearing coat == 80 mm
LR.C. class A two-lane loading.
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 39

Tco = Basic
values given below for different grades of concrete In
Table 3.5
p = Percentage of longitudinal reinforcement ratio = (100 A/bd)
A, =Area of longitudinal reinforcement which c.ontinues at least 'd' beyond
the section considered or fully anchored when support section is
b = width of the section.

Table 3.5 Basic Values of Permissible Shear Stress (T(.,)

Grade of M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40

Concrete .,
0.28 0.34 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.50

r = (Vlbd) = [(117 X 103 )/(1000 X 460)J = 0.254 N/mm2

k J = (1.14 - 0.7 X 0.460) = 0.82:2: 0.5
k2 = (0.5 + 0.25 p) w~ere p = (100 A/bd)
Assuming 20 mm diameter bars spaced at 280 mm at support section (alternate
bars bent up)
A, = (1000 X 314)/(280) = 1121 mm 2
:. p =(lOOx 1121)/(1000 x 460)
= 0.243
:. k2 = (0.5 + 0.25 X 0.243)
= 0.560:2: I
For M-25 grade concrete. Teo = 0.40 N/mm 2
:. Tc = k J • k2 'Tco
= (0.82 x I x 0.40)
= 0.328 N/mm 2
Since T < Tc. the shear stresses are within safe permissible limits. The details of
reinforcements in the slab is shown in Fig. 3.14.

3.4 Design Example

Compute the design live load moments for the reinforced concrete slab specified
in design example 3.3 using the LR.C. class A loading. Show that the live load
moments are significantly lower when compared with those resulting from LR.C.
class AA loading. Adopt the data of example 3.3.

I. Data
Effective span L = 6.4 m
Width of road B = 9.5 m
Wearing coat = 80 mm
LR.C. class A two-lane loading.
40 Design of Bridges

4'-------- 75 m
t-1 m
~4-20 ip.
" 10.-10 ip. - 300 clc 10" -300 clc ~Omm W. C.
I--'" I-" /I ,- ..
~ "
.. :-.::-, "'",7J

-/ . "' V
,.. i
4- 20 IR 12 ip. -150 c/c 20 ~ -140 clc
(a) Cross section of deck slab

1Oip. -300c/c 80 mm w.c.

mmtm.m,;:~=':;;::' :-,,±:'"'::;",,':::::':'::::::''':::~''
,: -t
20 ip. -140 clc

- , / ' - - - - - - 6 m(span)

(b) Longitudinal section of deck slab

Fig. 3,14 Reinforcement Details in Deck Slab

2. Position of loads for maximum R.M.

The two heavier axle loads each of 114 kN (LR.C. class A load train) are to be
placed in the span so as to produce maximum bending moment. The position of
loads for maximum bending moment is shown in Fig. 3.15.

114 kN '14 kN

x= 2'6m---i

Fig.3.15 Position of I.R.c. Class-A Loads for Maximum B.M.

3. Impact Factor
The impact factor for class A loading is given by,
1= [4.5/(6 + L)] = [4.5/(6 + 6.4)] = 0.363
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 41

4. Effective width of Dispersion

The effective width of dispersion perpendicular to span is given by
be =K X (1 - x/L) + bw
Where x = 2.6 m
L = 6.4 m B/L= 1.48
B = 9.5 m

I 1000150 500 500 500 500 1 1000 I

I .. I

Fig. 3.16 Effective Width of Dispersion for Class-A Two Lane Wheel Loads

From Table 3.1, K = 2.84

b w = (0.5 + 2 x 0.08) = 0.66
be = (2.84 x 2.6) (l - 2.6/6.4) + 0.66 = 5.05 m
The wheels are arranged as shown in Fig. 3.16.
The effective width of dispersion exceeds the width of slab. Hence effective
width of dispersion is taken as 9.5 m.
The intensity of loading including impact
= [(4 x 114 x 1.363)/(2.61 x 9.5)] = 27.36 kN/m 2
Width of dispersion parallel to span
= [0.25 + 2(0.5 + 0.08)] = 1.41 m
The 114 kN wheels are placed symmetrically on the span as shown in Fig. 3.17.
Mmax = [(27.36 x 2.61/2] x 3.2 - (27.36 x 2.61)/2 x 2.61/4]
= 91.00 kN'm

. 3·2 m

Fig. 3.17 Position of LR.C. Class-A Wheel Loads for Maximum

Bending Moment
42 Design of Bridges

This value of bending moment is significantly less than the value of 113 kN·m
obtained for LR.C. class AA loading.

3.5 Design Example

The slab panel of an R.c.c. Tee beam and slab deck is 2.5 m wide between main
beams and 4 m long between cross girders. Design the R.c. slab for LR.C. class
A loading. Adopt M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade HYSD bars.

1. Data
Two way slab panel 2.5 m by 4 m supported on all the four sides and continuous
over supports.
Loading-I.R.C. class A train
Materials-M-20 grade concrete, Fe-415 grade HYSD bars

2. Bending Moments
The arrangement of wheel loads are as shown in Fig. 3.18.

1 I

I - - - B : 2" 5 m ----JI
Fig. 3.18 Arrangement of Class A Wheel Loads

WI = W2 = 57 kN, L=4m
Wearing coat = 80 mm, B = 2.5 m
B.M. due to WI
u = (0.5 + 2 x 0.08) = 0.66 m
v = (0.25 + 2 x 0.08) = 0.41 m
ulB = 0.6612.5 = 0.264
vlL = 0.4114 = 0.102
K = BIL = 2.5/4 = 0.625
Using Pigeaud's curve (Refer Fig. 3.4) for K = 0.6, the moment coefficients are
. read out as,
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 43

m) =0.188, m2 =0.148
M8 = W(m) + 0.15 1n2 ) = 57 (0.188 + 0.15 X 0.148)
= 11.99 kN'm
ML = W (m2 + 0.15 In) = 57 (0.148 + 0.15 X 0.188)
= 10.04 kN'm
B.M. due to load W2 (Unsymmetrical load)
An imaginary load equal to W2 is placed symmetrically as shown in Fig. 3.19.

~ B: 2'5m ---j
Fig. 3.19 Arrangement of Imaginary Load (Class A) on Slab

W, = 57 kN
In;ensity of load = [57/(0.41 X 0.66)] = 210.6 kN/m 2
ulB= 0.66/2.5 = 0.264
vlL= 2.81/4 = 0.702
K = BIL = 2.5/4 = 0.625
Using Pigeaud's curve (Fig. 3.4) for K = 0.6, m) = 0.12 and mz = 0.038
M8 = W (m) + 0.15 Inz)
= (210.6 x 2.81 x 0.66) (0.12 + 0.15 x 0.038)
=49.10 kN'm
ML = W (mz + 0.15 In)
= (210.6 x 2.81 x 0.66) (0.038 + 0.15 x 0.12)
= 21.87 kN·m
Subtracting the moments due to the load as shown in Fig. 3.20.
ulB = (0.66/2.5) = 0.264
vlL = (1.99/4) = 0.498
K = (BIL) = (2.5/4) = 0.625
Using Pigeaud's curve (Fig. 3.4) for K = 0.6
44 Design of Bridge,

L: 4m

J---- B = 2" 5 m - - - i

Fig. 3.20 Arrangement of Imaginary LoacJ(Class A) on Slab

= 0.142, and in2 = 0.049

in l
M8 = W (1111 + 0.15111 2)
= (210.6 x 1.99 x 0.66) (0.142 + 0.15 x 0.049)
=41.30 kN'm
ML = W (1112 + 0.15 1Il 1)
= (210.6 x 1.99 x 0.66) (0.049 + 0.15 x 0.142) .
= 19.44 kN·m
Moments due to W,
M8 = (112) (49.10 - 41.30) = 3.9 kN·m
ML = (112) (21.87 - 19.44) = 1.22kN·m
Total design moments due to WI and W2 :
Applying the impact and continuity factors,
M8 = (1.25 x 0.8) (11.99 + 3.9) = 15.89 kN·m
ML = (1.25 x 0.8) (10.04 + 1.22) = 11.26 kN'm
Assuming 200 mm thick slab and a wearing coat of 80 mm.
Dead weight of slab = (0.2 x 24) = 4.8 kN/m 2
Dead weight of W.e. = (0.08 x 22) = 1.76
Total dead load = 6.56 kN/m 2
Total load on panel = (4 x 2.5 x 6.56) = 65.60 kN
Referring to Pigeaud's curve (Fig. 3.9)
lllB= l,vIL= I,K=BIL=0.625
I1l J = 0.049 and 1112 = 0.015
M8 = 65.60 (0.049 + 0.15 x 0.015) = 3.36 kN·m
ML = 65.60 (0.015 + 0.15 x (l.O49) = 1.468 kN·m
Taking continuity into effect,
M8 = (0.8 x 3.36) = 2.688 kN'm
Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridge Decks 45

ML = (0.8 + 1.468) = 1.174 kN'm

Total design moments are given by,
M8 = (15.89 + 2.688) = 18.578 kN'm
ML = (11.26 + 1.174) = 12.434 kN·m
Design of Slab
The effective depth required is given by

Adopt effective depth = 160 rnrn

Overall depth = 200 rnrn
AS! (For M B ) = [(18.578 x 10 )/(200 x 0.91 x 160)]
= 638 rnrn
Use 12 rnrn diameter HYSD bars at 150 rnrn centres.
Using 10 rnrn diameter bars in the long span direction,
Effective depth = [160 - (6 + 5)] = 149 rnrn
ASI (For M L ) = [(12.434 x 106)1(200 x 0.91 x 149)]
= 459 rnrn 2
Use 10 rnrn diameter HYSD bars at 150 mm centres.

3.6 Examples for Practice

1. A reinforced concrete simply supported slab is required for the deck of a road
bridge having the data given below:
Width of carriageway = 7.5 m
Width of Kerb = 600 rnrn
Clear span = 5 m
Width of bearing = 400 rnrn
Type of loading LR.C class AA or A whichever gives the worst effect. Materials
M -20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade HYSD bars
Design the deck slab and draw the following views:
a) Half cross-section of deck slab showing details of reinforcements
b) Half longitudinal section of deck slab showing details of reinforcements and
bearing pads. (Bangalore University 1985)
2. A road bridge deck consists of a reinforced concrete slab continuous over tee
beams spaced at 2 m centres and cross girders spaced at 5 m centres. Thickness
of wearing coat = 100 rnrn. Type of loading is LR.C class AA or A whichever
gives the worst effect. Using M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade HYSD bars
design the R.C slab and draw the following views:
a) The cross section of the deck slab over two spans showing reinforcement
b) Longitudinal section of the deck slab showing reinforcement details.
(Bangalore University 1984)
46 Design of Bridges

3. Design a reinforced concrete slab culvert for a state highway to suit the
following data:
Carriageway - two-lane
Footpaths - 1 m on either side
Clear span - 6 m
Depth of foundation = 1.5 m below bed level
Bed level = 100.00
H.F.L. = 103.00
Road level = 105.00
Slope of approach embankment = 1.5 : 1 adopt I.R.C. class AA or A loading
whichever gives the worst effect. Materials-M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415
grade high yield deformed bars. Design the R.C. deck slab, abutment and wing
walls. (Mysore University 1984)
4. The reinforced concrete slab panel of an R.c.c. tee beam and slab deck is 2 m
wide between main tee beams and 4 m long between cross girders. Design the
R.C. slab panel of I.R.C. class. A loading using M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415
grade HYSD bars.
5. Design the reinforced concrete slab of an R.C.c. tee beam and slab deck using
the following data:
Spacings of main tee beam = 3 m
Span of the tee beams = 20 m. No cross girders have been provided. Adopt
M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade HYSD bars. Sketch the details of
reinforcements in the slab.
Loading: I.R.C. class AA tracked vehicle.

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