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Grading ScaleGrading:10 - Exceptional: High impact quality proposal which falls in top 1% of proposals

in the area.9 - Excellent: High probability of major contribution to basic knowledge and will fall in top
10% of proposals in the area.7-8 - Very Good: Technically well presented and has potential for important
contribution to the basic knowledge in the area. Will fall in top 1/3 proposals in the area.6 - Good: While
technically well presented, but lacks imagination. Contribution to knowledege is possible.Falls in middle
1/3 proposals in the area.5 - Fair: Has some merits but seems flawed in presentation and content. Major
revision may be appropriate. Falls in lower 1/3 proposals in the area.Below 5 - Poor: Technically
unsatisfactory, poorly organized and should not be funded.
Conflict of Interest
Comments (2-5) will be shared with PI(s)
1. Opinion on academic qualification and professional competence of the applicantTrack record of the

applicant as evident from academic record, Ph.D. & Post-Doctoral Work

Character left: 2800

2. Comments on ObjectivesDoes the proposal address well-defined scientific questions? Is it focused?

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3. Comments on the the Scientific & Technical merit of the proposal.Will the research enhance our
understanding of the problem being studied? What is the perceived impact of the proposed research?

Character left: 2800

4. Comments on the work plan & methodology.Does the work plan & methodology lead to successful

outcome? Character left: 2800

5. Comments on the Budget."Is the proposed budget for equipment & consumables justified? Is the

proposed manpower justified?" Character left: 2800

6. General comments on the suitability of the applicant for the Early Career Research Award.

Character left: 2800

7. Your recommendation*
[Select Recommendation]

[Select Recommendation]
 [Select Recommendation]
 Strongly Recommended
 Recommended
 Not Recommended
 Minor Revision
 Major Revision
 Not Decided
8. Overall rating on a scale of 10, 10 being the highest.*

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