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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

“Anthony Braxton.” Jazz In America.

The image shows a photo of Anthony Braxton, an African American jazz musician. The
source will be used to provide an image to the topic of African American jazz players.

“Clayton's Weekly.” Chronicling America, Chronicling America,
The image is a newspaper article on James Weldon Johnson and his upcoming meeting
for the NAACP. The source will be used to talk about the impact Johnson has made for
African American musicians.

“Florida Folklife from the WPA Collections, 1937-1942.” Accessed January 25, 2018.”
The source gives a an overview of the WPA and the life of people in Florida during the
Great Depression. The source will be used to provide information on summaries
regarding the Great Depression.

“History of jitterbug dancing,” Digital Public Library of America, Accessed January 25, 2018.
The source presents a photograph of group dancing. The source will be used to provide a
graphic along with informational text regarding music during the Great Depression.

“Jitterbugs, Swing Kids, and Lindy Hoppers.” Digital Public Library of America. Accessed
January 25, 2018.
The source gives a summary of the different activities people did to entertain themselves
during the 1920s to 1930s. The source will be used as an introduction to the topic of
music during the Great Depression.

“Parker & Monk.” Jazz In America.

The image shows two African American jazz musicians playing among a crowd. The
source will be used to provide an image of African American jazz players during the
Roaring 20's.

Wolcott, Marion Post, “Jitterbugging in Juke Joint, Clarksdale, Mississippi,” Digital Public
Library of America, Accessed January 25, 2018.
The source presents a photograph of people dancing in a Juke Joint. The source will be
used to provide a graphic along with informational text regarding music during the Great

“WPA Poster.” Library of Congress. Accessed January 25, 2018.
The source presents a graphic of a WPA poster. The source will be used to provide a
graphic along with informational text regarding the WPA and other New Deal Acts
during the Great Depression.

Secondary Sources

“About the Great Depression.” Accessed January 25, 2018.
The source gives an overview of the Great Depression along with statistical information
and charts regarding the panic and economic statuses of European countries. The source
will be used to give key points and logical information for the Great Depression.

Amanda Angel. “Notable Classical Musicians Who Served in World War I.” WQXR, 24 July
The source lists five notable musicians who served during World War I and the music
they wrote during their time fighting. The source will be used to further expand the role
of music in American history.

“America In A Song: A Cultural Study Through Music.” The Artifice,
The source gives an explanation between the relationships of America and the music
industry. It also gives a brief description of notable American songs that have made an
impact on American history. The source will be used to show the significance of music
and how it is diffused throughout the country.

Dunn, Austin. “Impact of Music on American Culture.”, 2 June 2014,
The source gives summaries on the impact of music during different times in American
history. The source will be used to introduce conflicts during the Roaring 20's and how
music affected American lifestyle.

“Great War & Jazz Age.” America's Story, America's Library,
The source gives a summary of foreign relationships the U.S. had during World War I. It
also provides details of those staying in the country did while others were at war. The
source will be used to compare the lifestyles of those who had music written about those
who would have probably never heard the songs about them.

“Music Therapy During the Great Depression.” Musicandtherapy. Accessed January 24, 2018.
The source gives information about how the WPA helped the spread of music during the
Great Depression. The source will be used to provide information about the WPA and the
support musicians got and relief programs made to calm people during the Great
Sanders, Sam. “Remembering the Great Depression’s Sunny Side.” National Public Radio, Inc.
Accessed January 25, 2018.
The source gives information about how people provided for themselves as well as their
families during the 1920s. It goes into depth of the hardships they went through to dance
and still watch over their family. The source will be used to provide information
regarding the lives of those during the Great Depression trying to live.

Schranck, Mary. “How the Blues Changed America.” Molly Schranck World Music,
The source provides information of the impact of Blues on America. It also lists music in
the genre. The source will be used to for the 1960's portion of the topic.

Songs of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl Migrants. Online Text. Retrieved from the
Library of Congress.
The source gives an overview of the Great Depression as well as summaries of famous
songs during the time and the effects of the Dust Bowl. The source will be used to give
information about specific Great Depression songs.

Struthers, James. “Great Depression.” Last modified March 4,

2015. Accessed January 25, 2018.
The source gives information on the effects of the Great Depression and how it impacted
the economy negatively. The source will be used to give specific problems and solutions
to topics as well as give other factors to what people did besides distracting themselves
with music and competitions.

“What is Jazz?” Jazz in America,

The source gives a definition and outline of the impact of Jazz music in America. The
source will be used to explain the effects of Jazz during the Roaring 20's.

“What was the impact of World War One on music?” What was the impact of World War
One on music? |, 11 Nov. 2014,
The source gives information of the motives of composers for their music. It also
provides the role of women in the music industry the rise of jazz. The source will be
used to give a background summary of the jazz era.

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