Primavera (PEC 280115) Presentation PDF

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Hands on Training


BSc. (Civil Engg), MSc (Civil Engg), MPM
Introduction of Instructor
(Professional Expereince)


BSc. (Civil Engg), MSc (Civil Engg), MPM
My Employers
 2003-2006: Site / planning Engineer, CB, Gujrawala & Lahore.
 2006-2007: Project Engineer, DES, Lahore
 2007-2010: Assistant Director, NHA, Islamabad
 Since 2010: Project Director / Deputy Director, NHA, Islamabad
My Professional Work Experience
 Has worked in PMO which has managed three portfolios of 2800 projects in last three years
 Has successfully worked and completed seven (7) Programs
 Completed more than 80 projects in Transportation / Highway Planning, Engineering & Management feild in
the capacity of individual consultant.
 Completed more than 30 projects in Project Management field in the capcity of individual consultant.
Introduction of Instructor

I have taught courses of; Project Cost Management (Different Institutions)

Project Risk Management (Bahria University, Islamabad) Project Time Management (Different Institutions)

Construction Project Administration (NUST, Islamabd) Pavement Management System in Pakistan (Different
Risk Management in Construction (NUST, Islamabad)

Procurmenet Management of projects (Different Institutions)

Development & Management of Complex Projects (CIIT,
Islamabd) MS Project 2007 & Primavera P6 (Different Institutions)

Development & Management of Complex Projects (VComsat, Software Aided Quantitative Risk Analyses (NUST,
Islamabd) Islamabad)

*(institutions include, CIIT, Islamabad. NUST, Islamabad. UET, Lahore. PIDE, Islamabad.
Seminars in Project Management (VComsat, Islamabd) IEP, Islamabad Chapter. & different project executing government agencies)
Part I
Introduction to Project Schedule
Management & Network
What is a Project?

(Guide to the Project Management – Body of Knowledge,

the Project Management Institute,)
Project Planning: A Sentence to Remember
Project Time Management Processes

 Activity definition: Identifying the specific activities that the project team members and
stakeholders must perform to produce the project deliverables.
 Activity sequencing: Identifying and documenting the relationships between project
 Activity resource estimating: Estimating how many resources a project team should use to
perform project activities.
 Activity duration estimating: Estimating the number of work periods that are needed to
complete individual activities.
 Schedule development: Analyzing activity sequences, activity resource estimates, and
activity duration estimates to create the project schedule.
 Schedule control: Controlling and managing changes to the project schedule.

 Breaking of a single task into multiple tasks

 Breakdown can be based on
 Area
 Sequence of work
 Any strategy
 others
Work Breakdown Structure: Example 1


Manage Rqmts Design Build Deliver

Plan Assess Engineer Construct Install
Execute Determine Prototype Test Train
Control Analyze • Validate

Close Propose • Integrate

• • • •

• • •

Work Breakdown Structure: Example 2
Work Breakdown Structure: Example 3
Activity Definition

 An activity or task is an element of work normally found on the

WBS that has an expected duration, a cost, and resource
 A Project is divided into set of manageable activities
Activity Sequencing

 Involves reviewing activities and determining dependencies.

 A dependency or relationship relates to the sequencing of project

activities or tasks.

 You must determine dependencies in order to use critical path analysis.

Dependencies Types
PDM includes four types of dependencies or logical relationships:
 Finish-to-start (FS). The initiation of the successor activity depends upon the
completion of the predecessor activity.
 Finish-to-finish (FF). The completion of the successor activity depends upon the
completion of the predecessor activity.
 Start-to-start (SS). The initiation of the successor activity depends upon the initiation
of the predecessor activity.
 Start-to-finish (SF). The completion of the successor activity depends upon the
initiation of the predecessor activity.
Task / Activity Dependency Types
Network Diagrams

 Network diagrams are the preferred technique for showing

activity sequencing.

 A network diagram is a schematic display of the logical

relationships among, or sequencing of, project activities.

 Two main formats are the arrow and precedence

diagramming methods.
Project Network Diagram Example
(Graphical Depiction of the Network Components)
Burst Construction Staff Report Occupancy
Activities Plans

Approval of Traffic Study Commission Wait for
Application Approval Construction

D The Basic
Service Avail- Network
ability Check Structure
Sample Activity-on-Arrow (AOA) Network Diagram for Project X
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)

 Activities are represented by boxes.

 Arrows show relationships between activities.

 More popular than ADM method and used by project management


 Better at showing different types of dependencies.

Project Network Diagrams: The Node

EARLY START: When can the activity start at the

ES earliest?
S EARLY FINISH: When can the activity finish at the
L earliest?
C DESCRIPTION LATE FINISH: When can the activity finish at the
ACTIVITY LATE START: When can the activity start at the

The CRITICAL PATH of a project is the sequence of activities that

SLACK: The time for which the determine the project completion date – any delay in an activity or
project activity can be delayed activities comprising the critical path will delay the project by a
(also called float) corresponding amount of time
Some useful definitions

 Free slack or free float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed
without delaying the early start of any immediately following activities.
 Total slack or total float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed from
its early start without delaying the planned project finish date.
 A forward pass through the network diagram determines the early start and
finish dates.
 A backward pass determines the late start and finish dates.

Activity Description Preceding Activity

Activity Duration

A Approval of Application None 5

B Construction Plans A 15
C Traffic Study A 10
D Service Availability Check A 5
E Staff Report B, C 15
F Commission Approval B, C, D 10
G Wait for Construction F 170
H Occupancy E, G 35
Project Network Diagram Example
(Determining the Forward Pass)
5 B 20 20 E 35
Construction Staff
Plans Report

15 15 15 35

0 A 5 5 C 15 20 20 F 30 200 H 235

5 Traffic Commission
Approval Study 15 Approval

5 10 10 30 35

5 10
5 D 10 30 G 200
Wait for 200
Forward Pass
5 ES + Duration = EF 170
Project Network Diagram Example
(Determining the Bckward Pass)
5 B 20 20 E 35
Construction Staff
Plans Report

5 15 20 185 15 200 200


0 A 5 5 C 15
20 20 F 30 200 H 235
Application Traffic Commission
Approval Study
20 Approval

0 5 5 10 10 20 20 10 30 30 200 35 235

15 20
5 D 10 30 G 200
Wait for
Backward Pass
15 5 20 LS + Duration = LF 30 170 200
Project Network Diagram Example
(Determining Slack and the Critical Path)
5 B 20 20 E 35

Construction Staff
0 165
Plans Report

5 15 20 185 15 200

0 A 5 5 C 15 20 F 30 200 H 235

Application Traffic Commission Occupancy

0 5 0 0
Approval Study Approval

0 5 5 10 10 20 20 10 30 200 35 235

5 D 10 30 G 200
Wait for
10 0 Construction
Slack = LS – ES
15 5 20 Slack = LF - EF 30 170 200
Activity Resource Estimating

 Before estimating activity durations, you must have a good idea of the
quantity and type of resources that will be assigned to each activity.
 Consider important issues in estimating resources:
 How difficult will it be to complete specific activities on this project?
 What is the organization’s history in doing similar activities?
 Are the required resources available?
Activity Duration Estimating

 Duration includes the actual amount of time worked on an activity plus the
elapsed time.

 Effort is the number of workdays or work hours required to complete a task.

 Effort does not normally equal duration.

 People doing the work should help create estimates, and an expert should review
Schedule Development
 Uses results of the other time management processes to determine the start and
end dates of the project.

 Ultimate goal is to create a realistic project schedule that provides a basis for
monitoring project progress for the time dimension of the project.

 Important tools and techniques include Gantt charts, critical path analysis, critical
chain scheduling, and PERT analysis.
Schedule Development
Part II
Primavera Practice Project
Why Software?
 To estimate project’s completion time
 To estimate project’s budget
 To find out the critical path and activities
 To link resources and activities (who is going to perform what?)
 To monitor the project’s progress
 To develop a sequence of activities in an order
 To break a single task into sub tasks.
Oracle’s Primavera P6

 Primavera P6 is the high performance project management

software, designed to handle large scale highly sophisticated
and multifaceted projects.
 It can be used to organize projects up to 100,000 activities with
unlimited resources and target plans.

 Installation can be tedious

 Install the following versions for practice
 P 6.1
 P 6 ( V 7.0)
Working on Primavera
How to Start..
Logging In…
Show Welcome Dialog Box

 Show Welcome Dialog Box at start up

Show Welcome Dialog Box

Check this box

Welcome Dialog Box

Click here for first

Create a new EPS

 Create an Enterprise of your company

Create a new EPS
Create a new EPS
 Click ‘Add’ > click on ‘EPS Name’ and modify it
 Click ‘EPS ID’ and change it to any alpha-numeric value
Create a new EPS
 Add Sub companies for your enterprise
 You can use arrow buttons
Create new project
Create new project
Numeric ID is preferred here
Open a project
Open a project
Open a project

Right Click
Open a project
Show all the toolbars

 Check all toolbars

Go to activities mode
Activities Mode
Adding new activity
Adding new activity

 Add activity name and press finish

Enter All activities
Setting up columns
 You can hide columns which you don’t need at this time
Setting up top & bottom view
 This is default view
Creating a calendar

Three types
Creating a calendar
Creating a calendar
Creating a calendar
Creating a calendar
Applying calendar on the activity

 Sort activities by ID
Applying calendar on the activity
Insert durations column
Insert durations column
Insert durations column
Insert durations column
Enter All durations
Applying relationships
 Default relationship is FS
 Select all activities using SHIFT + DOWN ARROW
Applying relationships
 Don’t press it twice
 If you don’t see the links on Gantt chart Press
Applying relationships

 Now you can see links but without any calculation (you cannot
see waterfall)
 This is because by default calculation mode in on “manual”
 Change calculations mode to “Automatic”
Applying relationships
Applying relationships
Applying relationships

 While in planning phase, your current data date should be project start
Applying relationships
How to apply calendar on all activities
 Insert a column showing calendar
How to apply calendar on all activities
How to apply calendar on all activities

 Select all activities including row one.

How to apply calendar on all activities
How to apply calendar on all activities
How to show total length of the project
How to edit relationships
How to edit relationships
Apply these relationships
Find total float or free slack

 To print according to your divide line

To print some specific interval
Creating WBS Dictionary
Creating WBS Dictionary
Creating WBS Dictionary
Adding activities to WBS
Adding activities to WBS

 Another method of doing same thing is to add a WBS

column and select WBS from there
Grouping according to WBS
 View > group n sort
Apply this WBS
Creating OBS
Create this OBS
Assign Responsible Manager

 Goto WBS mode > add column “responsible manager”

Creating activity codes

 Division wise / city wise / contractor

 Enterprise > activity codes

 Used for grouping

Creating activity codes
Assigning Activity Codes

 Pre-requisites for resources

 Default currency
 Costing unit
 Material measuring units
 Edit > user preferences
Default currency

 PKR won’t be available

Default currency
 Admin > currencies
Default currency

 Normally contracts are in USD

Changing defaults of project
Changing costing unit
Defining Material Unit
 Admin > admin categories
 Enterprise > resources
resource dictionary
Creating resource dictionary
Creating resource dictionary
Creating resource dictionary

 OBS is organizational structure

 Resources are people working on the project in actual
 Role Vs Resource
 Chief Justice is role
 Iftikhar is resource
 We can plan project based on roles or resources
Enter needed resources
Assigning resources to activities
Assigning resources to activities

Now assign resources to your every activity.

Resource Leveling
Resource Leveling
Resource Leveling

 There may be problem in resource leveling if the resource

calendar is different from activity / project calendar
 In start of project add a general resource calendar and use it
during project. Project calendar will not work
Activity Types
 Resource dependent & task dependent
 Task dependent is default
 For effort driven (in activity details)
Resource curves

Add a column for resource curve

Adding your own customize curves
Adding your own customize curves
Cost usage – cash flow

Bottom layout > activity usage profile

Cost usage – cash flow
Cost usage – cash flow

 Two types
 Direct
 Indirect (admin expenses etc)
 Enterprise > cost accounts
Cost Accounts
Assign Indirect Costs
 Admin > admin categories > expense categories
Assign Indirect Costs
Securing your project

Make 3 or 4 copies of your final project at this

Create baseline of project
Assign baseline to the project
Display the assigned baseline bars

 View > bars

Update progress

 Important point
 Data date will calculate what should have been done
till now.

 Once new data date selected , you can’t go back to

any previous date
Update progress
Activity % complete column
Update project progress
Progress calculations using activity steps

 Define steps
Progress calculations using activity steps
Progress calculations using activity steps
Good judgment comes
from experience, and
experience comes from
bad judgment

End Note

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