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and reduces for small strains to (see also Appendix 12)

e ¼ ln
¼ ln
lo þ l _ lo
¼ ln 1 þ l _ lo
_ l _ lo
Side deformation also occurs and lateral strain is _ne where n is Poisson’s ratio
(n_0.5). n¼0.5 corresponds to volume conservative deformation. As detailed in the
main part of this book, Poisson’s ratio depends on glass type and increases as glass
structure packing density increases. It is_0.2 for oxide glasses (Cg
_0.5) and 0.4 for
metallic glasses (Cg>0.7).
Consider now a solid under shear stress t (Fig. A9.2). Distortion appears and shear
strain g is written
g ¼ tanu_u
Stress and Strain Tensors
Considering a general loading of a specimen requires the stress and strain tensors to
be considered (Fig. A9.3). Stress tensor [s] is
½s_ ¼
s11 s12 s13
s21 s22 s23
s31 s32 s33
Fig. A9.1 Surface force, normal and shear stresses.
Fig. A9.2 Solid under (a) stress and (b) shear stress; elastic
deformation and distortion are exaggerated for clarity.

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