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MBA HR Project Report o

Stress management is one of the burning issues nowadays. All human beings a
other mental or physical ailments like the blood pressure, heart attack, depress
Competition, availability of manpower in bulk, increases in daily targets, global
main reasons of stress. Stress management is desperately needed in the corpo
various studies:

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics -"neurotic reaction to stress" is the 4th disabling w
for Occupational Safety and Health-25% of those surveyed said their job was th
their life.

British Medical Journal- Studies-job stress may increase chances of coronary hea

were tested.

The facts mentioned above show that job is one of the major reasons of stress
management tools should be there to cope up with adverse situation. This stud
to choose the best tools for managing the stress so that they can become heal
to contribute in the organizational goals effectively. As the study will be condu
beneficial for them to decrease in absenteeism, high turnover, conflicts and inc
researchers can take benefits of this study in further studies. The study is benef
but also to the others, as they can analyze the causes and implement the suitab
their respective field.

Effective stress management is significant because it ensures that you are able
enjoy every minute of it. Actually this is pretty hard to look for something posit
at such a time, effective management will seek to bring out the good and disca

Review of Existing Literature

Everyone wants stress-free life. Yet, stress is ubiquitous. Of course, cannot be c
real cause of stress is anxiety or pressure which may ultimately lead to the neg
refers to the “circumstances that threaten one’s well being and thereby tax one

Stress is inevitable part of modern life. Stress has two faces. It is a good servant
it can be one’s best friend or worst enemy. A certain amount of stress is necess
stress causes distress.
The word 'stress' is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "a state of affair involvi
energy". A condition or circumstance (not always adverse), which can disturb th
health of an individual. In medical parlance 'stress' is defined as a perturbation
demand on mind-body occurs when it tries to cope with incessant changes in l
'relative' in nature. Extreme stress conditions, psychologists say, are detrimenta
moderation stress is normal and, in many cases, proves useful. Stress, nonethel

Cooper (1997) summarizes stress as:

"everything that deprives the person of purpose and zest, that leaves him with ne
anxieties, tensions, a sense of lost ness, emptiness and futility."

Statt (1994) draws attention to the physical response:

"The human body is biologically programmed to react to challenge from the env
resources. We can either confront the challenge and fight it or get away from it a
other words is 'fight or flight', whichever we deem to be more appropriate in the

Hence Stress is the response or reaction of one’s body and/or mind to a real or
change. The threat, event or change is commonly called stressors. Stressors can
attitudes or external (loss, tragedy, change).

Types of Stress
Positive stress (or eustress) is the result of competent management and mature
together and everyone is valued and supported. Positive stress enhances well-b
enhance performance and fuel achievement.

Negative stress (or distress) is the result of a bullying climate where threat, coe
existent management skills. Employees have to work twice as hard to achieve h
dysfunctional and inefficient management. Negative stress diminishes quality o
When people use the word "stress" on its own, they usually mean "negative str

Effective Stress Management :

Effective stress management is concerned with:

Understanding stress, its sources, causes, symptoms and results;

Designing the work environment and different aspects of organization an
effect of stress can be minimized;
Spirituality facilitates intra-personal relationships in practitioners. You come to
and try to grow as a person. Thereby you become more adept and more skillfu

So in this particular study spirituality has been taken as a major tool for stress m
to various reasons which are as follows:-

Faith and the use of prayer and religion to manage stress may provide health b
University of California researchers reported at the American Psychosomatic So

"Our findings suggest that spirituality may be protective of physical health," sa

graduate student and lead author of the study.

“We are looking at yoga consultants and mediation sessions to reduce their str
Call Centre Association of India, Sam Chopra.

Some BPOs have, however, welcomed the move. “It may lead to more travel tim
employees in the industry,” says Harsh Vinayak, MD, Keane BPO at Gurgaon.

Staying connected to your inner spirit and the lives of those around you can en
mentally and physically. Remember that spirituality is a dynamic process and a
journey. Your personal concept of spirituality may change with your age and lif
the basis of your well-being, helps you maintain a reasonable stress level and a

Focus of the Problem

Everyday speculation creates anxiety, fear, stress etc. employee stress has beco
organization, and especially where there are challenging targets are given and
Especially in BPO industry due to target pressure, loss of social life, unusual tim
competition the employees suffer from greater workloads and work for longer
concentrations of employees, absenteeism, high turnover, hypertension, conflic
severe impact on the productivity of the individual and thereby the organizatio
manage stress in an effective and efficient way. Hence the present study focuse
various ways to manage stress .It concentrate on spirituality as one of the impo

Objectives of the Study

To understand the concept of stress management.
To understand the causes and effect of stress.
To analyze the various tools of stress management
To analyze the role of spiritualism in stress management
Sample Size and Sampling

The sample size was 60 employees of Banking Sector in Haryana region and th
selected as per convenience.

Data Collection and Sources

The data was collected from primary and secondary sources. A survey of emplo
industry was done with the help of structured questionnaire.

Secondary data was collected through

Books related to the topic

HR magazines
Journals and

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