Regionalisation of Hydrological Parameters

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Dbas A Chenin } Sclentitio "Ceanteution ‘m3 ai] lo. : INCOWISAF 14/2002 REGIONALISATION OF HYDROLOGICAL PARAMETERS Dr. N.K. Gos! Prolssor Departmental Hyecigy, Inan stute of Tecrcloy, Roorkee 247657 ono Dr. Subhash Chander Former Professor Department CullEninsrng, IncanIstute of Technclony New Dar 10016, INCOH SECRETARIAT NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HYDROLOGY ROORKEE - 247 667, INDIA December, 2002 ay “§ Sclontitic “Contribution No. : INCOH/SAR-24/2002 REGIONALISATION OF HYDROLOGICAL PARAMETERS Dr. N.K. Goel Deparment ydolgy lnean Intute neha, ‘Roorkee. 247 637 ond Dr. Subhash Chander Former Professor Deparment ot Chl Engineering, tna ete of Technolgy, New Dehi- 11001. INCOH SECRETARIAT NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HYDROLOGY ROORKEE - 247 667, INDIA December, 2002 ho presanation of material trough the pubicstion does not imply the Pubiished by: Pr KS, Bhatia Member Secret INCOH a Scent : atonal Ist of Hydro Rootes «27687 nda Printed by: Alty Protea & Publishers 19, Gt Line (Conary Gate, eon 27 ee fr) ne 1827140, Se Fax :01992-274740 a nai PREAMBLE ‘The Indian National Commitee on Hyérolagy isthe apex boty on hydrology conetulew by the Government of inia mith the responeibiy cf eooranaing te Serous actives concerning hydrlogy in the county. The Commitao ie leo “Hoatvay parteipaing n the actives of UNESCO and ig the National Committoo {or international Hydrlogieal Programme (IMP) of UNESCO. In pursuance ofits ‘lesive ck preparing and periodially usdating tho statoo-art in hydrology In the world in general and India in partulr, the Commitee invites experts in the Country fo prepare these reports on important areas ol hydrology. ‘Realising t Importance of reianalieston in hydrology, the Commitee concerted It apprepiae tolgel prepared a staa-obat in ths important area, ‘This stat of ar report i devoted to regionatiation of ryote! parameters. Regionalisation of hydrological parameters facitates transfor of information frm {gauged sites to ungauged sites I alee haps in elective planning of hycrolopical Gata networks for ecent uso of avaiable funds, whichis pareulay important for developing counties Ike India. Prscticalepplication of regionalistion of hydrological data requires mary soquetal spe auch ae prblom detain, eystm ideteaton regional Gsctmination, ‘calito of vase ta and electon end apteation ofan appropiate repenastion fnode. Keeping it view the data imitations, many regional rolaionships have Been developed throughout tha word, These relationchips have Deon categorised tionships for estimation of peak flow and rune, (i) regional Jationshipe, i) raglonal food frequency realonships. (W) gional relsionships fr rainfall Intensity = duration = Wequency end (v) ragional flationships for catchment sall erosion. “The Inalan National Commitee on Hydrology with the assistance of ts ‘Pano! on Sure Water and Wlor Resources Systems has ienifid this important {opie for preparation of th slate-art report and tho report has been prepared by Dr. WK. Goal, Professor, Department of Hysrlogy, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee end bi. Subhash Chander, Former Proteseor, Cl Engineering. Indian Institue of Technology, Delhi. The report presents the developments in the area Up to mid nineties, the report hae boon compiled and finalized by Dr. KKS. Bhatia, Sciontst F & Member Secretary, INCOM and Sri A.Mehrota, the then Scientist in Charge, INCOH. Various regonal relaionshi9s used in Inca for estimation of peak flow land runol! have Been digeuseed in thia roport. The report slo contains basic tev of various repeal ot reph elaionties ee Rogol foes tecesee YOUN sides conducted nna noha Sonvents. 3) Sagaued or Indequatoly gauged ston. The report areas eed Bates ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sica ates for reglonal Hod reqwncy tayo saa, wseusion Uisr oF TABLES Metsu coocted In nin Tis rope ac Sen ok et UST OF FraunEs Siaiecaronsy ase ey eee eo Sat ih ana net! inn Ya on ona a acral, Seon poco a 1 wrnoquerion It is hoped tt sed In a separate chapter, 4.4 Background -mataal to praca cmp nectar repo 112 Need of reglonalisation ‘authors, who are Involved in comect neyo: 13 Tectnuc or egoraeaton water resources of the country, ot Setatlon and opti ‘3.1 Representative basing eames exelent, se Se sn 1332 Landscape units 13.3 Cluster analysis {244 Spit sample techniques 4.4 Stops for Reglonalsation 115 Type of Reganal Relationships covered in the Report [REGIONAL RELATIONSHIPS FOR ESTIMATION ‘OF PEAK FLOW. AND. FUN-OFF 21" Genera 22 Estimation of Peak Flow 221 Rational method 222 Empineal formulae 223 Envelope curves 29. Estimation of Rur-tt 2.1 Binale’s percentage 23.2 Barlowe table 2.33 Strange tale 2.3.4 Empirical formulae 24 Conclusions FEGIONAL UNIT HYDROGRAPH RELATIONSHIPS Si aredueton 52 tase Step for Reionl Unit Fyeropemn Develoment aa Unitysogranh Perameters 33 botantore br concestal models of 1 33 idk Teennsoe forthe Onrvaton of Regional Une Hiysogranh 29. Apponshes fr enone! Unt ‘heroranh Develement a7 Regional Unt Hyeroganh Relations for Uanising Canmore 351 Saysare rntonehip 37.2. Rettortip by Texas Water Development Boaré 573. Drea sto oper 26 38 se Stes fom Pa scion of Erosion Ri & ii 88 iden Sc euaton (ULE) 5 33 Ggnepoegs and caomeohocmate usp S22 Ke cath ened ‘Some Indian Basina 43 $24 Geretneye method 349° Exampie Derivation of SUH ” eae Epil riatorahi bY (1980) 65 S41 Conclusions a 635 Empiica yaar Fan é mpiteal relationship V REGIONAL FLOOD FREQUENCY sTuDiEs a8 ee a eer (tee a pepe 42 Technics of at-ate Regional and . : Papional iced Fieger ay 0 4 Concason ® S21 Modined Useene eat 2 _ 422 Nemo toe a REFERENCES 423 Metheds vane” x Probebiny ae 424 Rooiena rei ss trata 43° Homoganag mas se 123 US08 method ot homogeneity test Sf 432 Cveascaad se 433. lnniverate tigen se Fagan AT! on ealatsaton aporcanes. £2 25 ltonl Po recunnoy sree” rer ss “8 feSloal Hoos Fresuancy Sues UK 2 422 [Weal studies during tae, ® G82, Wicel studies etter yoey ee 48 Concluslone 69 Y REGIONAL ESTIMATION. oF RAINFALL ITY nen) DURATIONS - 'FREQUENCS” RELATIONSHIPS TY 51 inroducton 7 52 Review of Uo 10 7 5a QS9GrL OF relma tr indian Reson 3 54 Conclusion oF “I BEGIONAL rELATioNsHIPS FoR CATCHMENT SoM eRocioay x0 5:1" Soll Erosion pres? 24 Sediment Tanspot 39 | E141 "Raindrop erosar | S12 Eroton by oerand tow ~ S13 Suwesitace ton ocee 2 14 Riva ouly rosie ® 82 Sol Ernlon uogeage % S21, Empltea prediction equations 20 823 piace Eatedmodton moa, 223. Oynamic simutaton eer a 524 Shochaste maste a = seialidee ACKNOWLEDGEMENT tne authors are thanklul to nian National Committee on Hydrology for ens ane of praparation of th Stale of Ar apet The presen Par rien ne of ie eos put By Mi. Kara Taluk, Exezvtve Engiooy ig te ou cons Sra Gowana and Mr BN. Sanco, Aaitan Engine, Oossa Brana en, Bhivaneatwa’ es alee Oticors of Derartment of HON rg ete of Tecnology. Tet cooperation and whalehearted /Noheren en a and sorption me content ofthis report nd checkng rumber eae pe report ave tank acknoweages, Wahout tei nvovement We eee ould nat have come fo the present shape. tuk. Gost Subinach Chander 12 aaa 230 22 23 24 28 26 27 28 20 230 34 2a aa 5a 52 LIST OF TABLES ‘Examples of @ regional ‘Rogionalistion’ methods appropriate to examples of fequted pplication ‘co-tfcient ‘0 in Dickan’s formula forthe catchment ‘Western chats and MP tion’ application data mati, Dicker's constant © fr silent typet of watersheds Cco-licont ‘Cn Dieters formula for some catchments Im UP. or maxinum flood flow computation Ccocelficient ©” in Creager’ formula for some Gatebments io UP ‘Values of Co-lficent °C in Boston Society formula for ftlerent. zones of Punjab Binni's tun eoetficients Barlow's runoff eoaticiets K, in percentage Daily runoff aczording to Strange Lacey factor (F/8) Values of nine physiographic characterises for Uingeuged sub-catoamants in the Nipines Range of data used In study Parameters of uit hyérograph given by Texas ‘Water Development Boar. Names of hydromoteorologial sub-rones of Ind ‘SUH relationships in subzonal flood estimation reports om Intensity ~ duration - return period rlationshis, nds Values of °C for diferent regions of nds Dotaile of catehmants stu 19 2 4 16 7 20 a 2 a a 48 4 62 ™ 7 LIST OF FIGURES: 2.1 Dieken's constant for aiferem parts of Inala 2 22 Envelope cures for Indian rivers 2 21 Atypical unit hydroaraph 38 32 A third oxdor basin wih Stabler ordering system a 130 Hydrometeorlogic! subzones of India a 4:1 Homogeneity test enart ss 5.4 Locations of raingauge stations and ‘onal boundaries i Inia 7 52 Relation to convert one hour ean to Intense for other durations 7° 64 tb0-srosion rates in India 86 152 Land resource regions of India a 63 eo: erodent map of India 88 (84 Iso-erosion ete lines in Tonnes 20 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 44 BACKGROUND “tre ‘Suface Wate. panel of indian Natonsl Commites on Hysoleay, scented and wosommended tho tsk areas of reaarch the fel of Se, nt ts moving hel on Ape 16, 1081 at Nationa oa vrata oreeah on. Te pane recommended fat as 0 Wt ste, exact Hydra. a rospoctve Seis prepare the sat of “The trust areas Word by the panel re (Real ime high fow forecasting 8 Regionasaton of hycrolgicl parameters (2) Surface drainage aspects of agricultural areas {R)__Distibuted prysically based models (i) River tow measurements {§), Romina! food fequsncy analysis fei) Low fw forecasting (ie) od plan zoning and mapping hycrologica!consderalons (Design foe for mountainous areas (> Slater yl of ver basins- methodological guidelines and (3) Rain wator harvesting “The prosent report is sequel the above recommendatons, 4.2. NEED OF REGIONALISATION Hylogkal regionsisaton Is concemed with spate, enension, of riot rts oe hasbeen wed 0 a standard tooo facta exrapereson hylogia ci rm gauges oes fo ungauged ses. The ned of eign ice eas esenned mandi recon os asst of he cae tycolgical dat hs prloges record at allo Fave a record for vary Sor hycrlogca ore fom basis The hysroiogle engineering evaluation and dec a or ee or nor-avelaily of systematic records of 10 aban onder seen eis tensors, rysologists have resorted fo regonaisaton, Le combining the hydrological data of the gauged sites from a homogensous zone of feglon. This leads toa realtc estimation of hydlogial parameter, which may De ‘rapolated to the basins where shet records ae available or where records are hot at all avalatlo, Again hyologsis are intrested in accurate estimation of some hrytolegical parameters because of thir relaive importance (e.g, the magnitude hd frequency of fae food events). Lmiations of a single ste systematic recore fara that 2 sequence may be Yoo short to represent the population of the events ‘Adequately-In acon eieal valves In the recarée may be subjected 10 serous ‘rors in measurement. This has led the Ayerologist to search for records outside the atsite systematic records to improve upon their estimates. Regionalsed hyarlogical dala are used in such cases for'a more reaistc estmaton of ayerogial parameters, 1.3. TECHNIQUES FOR REGIONALISATION Fer hyetological data regionasation efforts in the past have been made mainly inte flowing four decors: (Representative basins (Landscape units (© Cluster anayas (iy) Spit sample tecniques 434 Roprosentative basins In view of the te consuming and costy nature of data collection, the idea of selecting a few representative basins for intensive instrumentation and study gained a fim ground and fomed the basis of the orginal Inierrationat "Representative Basins Programme” wihin which a representave basin was 45% ez Be = Monty not Po = Monthy rant ge om R20 Shen aesin st = Mean mo nihly temperature ofthe catchment in C, Sani coe igo ho a Natal Coma on =retan (@) Teptirver aie (495 F-17200) ea sin (64,400 0g, km, Gara) sybe sessed as the lots Ly may provisionally BS (b) Damodar ver Basia (1880089 km), WE $3400 - 5.75 x10") (232) () Ghatprabha river basin (248 9, km) ‘annual Runoft® © Ron concept andthe based ewan et vaporanepr ation Re (00 P- 389,000) 233) esa oo eae due vanes, of eaenmonan ini and F002 2 () Kangsabt vor bata (88059. on) Sin prsminary studies. watar-bance nose formu is incre tn oan monty tmperatur is w80d pean gia pos boon used on & UTD Of To rs eels forthe annual 00 P= 284000) pe, Amun and KC. Majumdar’ ations (1959) F ? 234) ” ervey tam conve wee HS) annual Reva in mon eubiem respon. eam {o) Maehiund River basin 222088 fe AP) 28) ” ae ten AF -Aatnntno wi 08 a th a, ents cee i (9950 8a. km., Madhya Pradesh) R= @ASP- 1510) 9.4m, Ar ra river basin (21,700 54 (@) Ganga bacin a Hardwar (23,400 69. km) 223) R= 5.45 pee 238) ‘ (&) Yamuna basin at Taewaa (11,1508, km.) “ shea Pracest) (eo ar R= (@05 P4800) ° wasn ean «Manan ver basin (805394) on = (70 P-254000) — inion on Nora Commins oa Fr = en | (414980 59. km) {@ Sarda basin at Banbasse Re2Te 039) Bundelkhand rivers {ey Gara basin at Hussinpur (28089 K™ son p=0s8P-28 (8) Gros asin at chor 6 «0.8 R=p-623 {fe agharbasin at Ohana (285 #8.) R=098P (Suva basin at Sura (1539, A) oan ea) R047 P28 {ey Kararmasa asin a Sia (618 8:4) R049? tin cm and P i rainfalls cm. 9) where, Ris runo aeons = nace ethene a . rainfall is in the Nil 7 Te wnt 08 Na ru do ‘of Tamilnadu, India have beer Os a TOAR. anon fh Se ei St as ye i 7 mn at ‘have been reportec ee Hite coe pecans ce ome we or Table28 ‘Values of nine physiographic charactristies for ungauged sub-estehments in ‘the Nilgires rea Gos Go 8 Re Dy Te (sak) (km) _ (am) x) ern?) (min) 1 403 096 1.00 O61 100 101 16980 319 861 2 S87 143 1.00 O71 090 116 21949 325 1215 3 Tai 191 100 078 082 125 25622 392 1485 10 1405 405 1.11 107 058 165 42745 343 2056 50 3360 11.07 128 152 040 219 72684 357 5085 00 49.09 17.07 136 179 033 251 8084 364 5455 Where, Le = perimeter of the catchment i, be a Re Fr Ss = Shape index Rr = Totalwatersheld rate, m, Dy = Drainage density, kmikm® Te = Time of concentration, minutes. ‘The regression equation developed is given by: pH acepow TRS es) 1519 FLT, Where, Q = annual runoff (om), P= annual ainfall em.) ‘A= watershed area (sq, km) Rr = Tolalraief (n) Fr = Length of he mainstream (km) Ty = Mean annual emperatre (°C), (Cieiccacmacin ran bara Commie on ey ithas been found that 100 0 096 Ae 41081 Rr iv py substitingocuaons 2.45, 2.48 and 247m equa et, isu ee (vi Relatonship eveopad by U.C Koya Gar data rom 39 catchrents or Er yao do e"vaneus sures by Kye ta nanan of dts eed for By De AO. incia wore comple ‘able 210 Range of data ueed in Study ; . ws 4 dation : eet, % iff crvanaton Sfatnca nla _ticsnsial tem cde and SM, Sot (1908) ‘twelve diferent states of (98s), Table 2.10 ‘347=132090 kr? The atonship bined for annual rao using matiple regression was ne R& 0s" @-o51) 264 - oe Je mule carson cote! or er 0.9189 and stance dato eros loongp som oF eOUBON 24 is The land use nth catchment senor Sateen classed under the oow Seta re pupote ene sy, Foret an nana IPAS have forte catcmant has a WAI rea Fy. The vegetal cover face} 250) 24 conc.usions, exe tn ancy Rt el nny a sto STS rt rt et einen nti ad ye ye CHAPTER -IIl REGIONAL UNIT HYDROGRAPH RELATIONSHIPS 34 INTRODUCTION technique for ‘and simple tech ‘one of the most popular and simple Weenies ce pysca ete fg or sr nk St Tee edi, he penog ce ae . r joel are ‘elationships between ot Sermon onthe development ofthe regional ieee Foph frst ey catlogia ala, he ut Nyon ata peered wg restootis are 2 eLOPMENT sia. Basie STEPS FOR REGIONAL UNIT HYDROGRAPH DEV! lopment of regional vei hyromraph requres folowing seqvera Development of region steps. () Choice of catchments: 4 In regonat_ study calchments shoud inom of aight 1 Be oregon rope. A mn fo ‘yefe re oonery rue oregon Boe ret a {a Spit Samp Test forthe reglon rn cxdrto tet the performance f the developed etna ationstips: ne r Jo ata of Oe toe. ouged caehents shoud be Kent Indeponden, c aac | ‘means that those catchments shoud be tested as shoul nt be considered while developing to ro (i) Ratofeltcunott data ‘ungouged catetments and they nal rlatonship. The rfl dea offeror calsents or each of ho major cod eves shot be considre for analy he catchment easerre one, sao changes uo to human saves, then the rafal nee dle roe at food ovenls shoud be conte ana: (0) Computation of excess rainfall 2 stale teenie shouldbe adosted to soperat the lst om ‘rainfall to get the excess rainfall hydrograph. Ne He ss fom tat () Base few separation “Te base Now should bes consistenl base flow separate hyarooreph parted from the team fow hydrograph using 3 =n Ywenigue to. got tho ret suroca nat (i) Derivation of unit hydrograph ‘Tho unit hygograph should be rect surface runat dats for technique decived by anslysing the excess rainfa- ‘ach event of cfeent catchments using 9 sulle (i) Derivation of representative unit hydrograph ‘Tho repeseiatve unt tystgraph dared by ver ont Sydeganhs biined tom tere evens fe. cere to eat Ereideble variations are obsavod in unt hyergraphs dated fey seer {ets ne catchment thn unt hare parsers each even wes Sonsiere, elena wih the cackman and son charsceracs oes ease (i) Splt sample test for storms ‘The performance of should be ost by rp Pol uso for deriving the rpresentative unt hyérograph ofthe catchment producing the wo oF tvaa independent storms, whieh wore tho representative us myerogranh (Sate Conran pon ae {o) Development of regional unit yaograph relationships sprite mutt near regression analy C2) 8 performed, taking the ent yarn pares ETE eT ee arabes, andthe nla" eae reactants at wdepence Y=ra8SS to davelop the cate ginal nt hyerographreatonsies C) egrecetative unit hyrograph for ungauge esther? “pe ralna cient amvtoed a 0p 8 5g spit sample sent one jonas deserves 00D: Ee eprecentave. uit st J othe ungauged | AE ae pydre-meteorcogical rear Tin canbe daved ving Meaeeres aterment andor cimatic homereeau ogo rand eatonae caveepedin 67 ga. UNIT HYDROGRAPH PARAMETERS smote pararos ae gaara consid fr Seo the shape ofthe ropresentaive unit hyerogr@P te = tino peakof te unit yeooreph Pai Se Bepange of unt hyerograph in S80 Beal eft uzation adopted in a speci SCH Uni eto he unt hyerograph i NOU. Bae wt ycropraph measured at echerd® ordinate to 80% of ‘yvge en of uit hyéragraph measured at Scho rcinate equalto rece yan of me rang S60 of A A ryorogeaph measured 0 Wino epee era equal 80% of Ox Tee soe a ae rang ceo, ege=Ph measured in hours at Wath, 9 oinate equal 075% of Ge In hour pec ashigaroyarh ceertig te above parser shown in Fig. 24 ub PARAMETERS FOR CONCEPTUAL MODELS oF IU aioe researchers such a late 104), Key TOES, (9957) and carat is nave proposed a numberof coezenn meee for WH. Some of Laurens (any used modes ae ceaebd a (lows (Gare model ry trae un nscar Sete hint Th tine a8 cena nan eee NE one 1 coe ra ee, ot vier, Y= the pendent vale ris daar oe, Se tregsa et eerie antes heh “ rea ble oar. The vit ay carenmaionas ac fo goto oe he a nyecoaaph Te 8 = Reason cont 2 dependent vaaoing 2 Parameter ie aie aie ot gk ttl a Migr of 8S Regesson concer s s Tee ea ae nna ovr a Tecra oa independent varie rit ogatan jy) orally model Vy os oar an pia ey is (ii) Mastipte tinear re the dependent renga characterises of seis oan mene oat nearer, Ute could bo a ression st) sui ar ono OH ge a reaontip i rage cones Y ivenby 80 BX + Bex +B ores ar roserair naira 2 plained by rout eve esenbe the ape OF pate through 3 inal es 2) ose wth of base wah fre, Tana Kare Bao ays gtr unk yr asa on Neh spore 5 i} = The dependent vai {uy Nash model | ‘ena, _fegmnoneoan ete) i repression Co ut trough | Coeficiente sang the wnit impulse iF og Thertore the two Storage ceefcent ferameters Th ash (1957) derived the 1UH BY nose eserors feat Ine enone compete sare oie UH i} as spate TECHNIQUES FOR REGIONAL URDERNATON | tn nasi crue oreo! UM dealon ae nso oc Coreotong | ™rvenesimaed method mndincude te 1009 a AP PRO, ane nega clan ACHES Fe {Simp inear repression AROS FOR REGIONAL UT HYOROGRAP (ple nee resresson | caponed S GECoEMe of ional unit hye 1H DEVELOPMENT re: Foloving are some oe soon (Graphical coretation | 9 cemcreeesnase ns a . ch Srydere appre ted approaches. vn rapt coalationwtiaut wt RYOTE parame are pated 2 @ tne ‘i95e). na nga Re Stacie oe mere ovat logertme | Sayan ee toto) a uct os ue anda besten an | ieee reas ses om) \w)Minshasaporoses (1080) {iy simple near regression hy isnecue sors (or 8 rays aca (3) gression, Is : hose approaches are eserbed in NIH review note no. 17 no. 17 (1986-86), tn simple tineer assumed that te parere vogartnns)are inary sata to eae omer O80 7 Seertie Cont ens rio oa Cone ron yer - © 7 REGIONAL UNIT HYOROGRAPH RELATIONSHIP FOR URBANISING ‘CATCHMENTS. sth un yéogra paramo ae modified © pri SOOT would cur es estar a aalrsed: Ee Oe ‘generally a a hyerograh by 2 reauen fag me 2 2° increase of peak fw. come of tn rginal unt ysooraph reiaontipg or uote catchments are given below Range of regression u “800 10 16,700 m S =0o6d eoeror 237% 100 k= 3010270 minutes Estimation of peak ig BRST Forno 74. Sayder'relatonshie: B= 19110! ge apne on en snyder exsontay consigeea ral dsinage bans his analysis, For B= 21x10! an pea eaten fr anton 228 Pv 22n ees 9 areas en suggested: aiven bee er Raameters of he unt hyerograh for ua eee eo it han nic . Tobie sab 64 Parameters of unit hyd * ograph given by Texas 1 pecanage of imperious 68 ee erent oe oak discharge of te unt hyarograph inmé}sectem? , and areas Joard, eats Wy 2 Bs 372 Relationships by Texas Water Development Board We = — 1, yu see an 7 2 We whore, Tx = Toate to peak oc 722 Pra4aos 2 Gbifornatral constons 38 (Rem sewere res) 8 sto sey entenave uariaton) LOO eer uy Sreamiengt ine seep = ee! elope min oe Boe 1 Impervious area % ——___ 85 10.11 + SO ease Seis z= SERENE TOE am aaa Taio i Son SEG ma Horton's Laws In a channel network In a basin the ‘sources! are the prints farthest psa, end te ou ste pit farthest downstream, The point a which Mo upstegombin toform oe felled a June, The channels nthe network Can chanteipored (or ordered) ecsoring to Statler scheme as follows: 4, Channels that originate a source are call the ist order channels 1. Ghent channels of ede in, a channel of order (+) is read 2 Yen two channels of ferert orders ol, the channel imeely renee cam of fe junction retains the higher of the orders of he two Joining channels TEN f= ter Snot the ruber of beams of order and pera NTIZigt2.8 race erg fe sear of rei saan Seam gh fdr, sven by the fori re n= the, aot Using the above ordering scheme, Horton's wall known laws of drainage may be expressed as follows. The law of stream numbers i ven by N, Ni Where Reis called the Horton bifurcation rato, "Fhe law of steam lengths ve by: Re fe BB en L, REA Bown 3 re vi = 23, 12) mere Re is the Horton stream length ratio. For natural basis the values of Re ‘ing rom sbout $0 5, and the vals for Range fomebout 1.5103. In aspit similar othe one behind the above laws, a law of crainage areas was proposed by Sehurnm ands gven By Ses Connon a nan Nora Ces on ISO = co) pore, the mean area othe basin region oF re sspectcally ay 1s i212, x ke a to he total area face region that For 1 Stahler asin aroa ratio. hy afrs Mlle area of the sur fy Consequenty Ay >A. “The constant Rais th aterm ote fh svoam afore and vdains decty Ito the jth seam of order i arora basins Ra is observed trange fm 316 ig. 2.2 shows athe oder ban wi SURES SOO system, tn tis que ovos a chngal staaf SEAN ‘onsemble of athe sigur Sees Say, dots an vee Beg order, tat chan fe eta fw aban ano ON rer the fstorcer an ens J ye wc hw erty te cranes of oe parameters ofthe Geomerphologie UH rowing relationships for | (1979) gave the fol podicuer - tube oth nna the Sane pskf te aeoiernege Rey 15) | q ee 2 ag ROR | % | : % Jength in on, of he highest order trea Maun velosty ofthe response In ECS. engi ato jure Ratio Fig. 8.2 A third o rder basin with Strabler’s orderin; 19 system nts otqeslaverse ote. (Tmey" & Unisof W Is ous Site Comaion rs atone 315 and 36 geet bo ita re Seale Param the Gil tal wh ners, press. the acter and tema ener har ‘ BF Sos numbers Rs Re and Ri out of seaman V 6 3.18 soars wsceee tl wot rs of Geomorphoct rameter vlonty ) of cae of cy nee (SUH ar en 982). 19 which, ein Coo) 19 aninkn nea rr sone en arf gest . tensity of effective rai 7 1, 7 Rinenaf wove paramo | we 629 a wre st order steer sqrammuernscte —— the equations 3.17 & 3. a Manny an as seh maybe CONN am in meter So * bo ‘Te celationship 0" oh me van 8 eee geomernaod he a 39 REGIONAL UNIT HYDROGRAPH RELATIONSHIPS FOR SOME INDIAN BASIN, Golection of adequate data to derve unit hydrographs for every site is impossbe, Hence Snyder has proposed synthe nt nyrograph (SUN) saat by when transform models er homogeneous regione could bs doves {SUH relationships have been established for 2 sub-zones covering 90% of Indian Raways net work as shown in Fig. 3.2 by Research Dasign end Sar Orpainsaton (ROSO) and Cental Water Commission (CWC). These rlsionsnicg sre cocumentad in various foed studies reports brought oul by CG, The nore oe “Tho relationships can ba used fer catchments between 25 km to S000 km to estimate ischaraes, wit their corresponding catchment sharactess, Than equations ae developed to deve he SUN eigen aa ‘catchment characterises instead of rainfal-nnof ata, Notations used for SUH relations Te unit hysograph has boan speciied by 6-parameters, viz. Ts. Op Wea Whss Ws Was wih same units as mentioned in socton So Catchment characteristics ae specified by he parameters Alc. S, & Sy were ‘A = catchment aoa in kr? L = length oflongest stream (im) te= length ofthe main sea fam a point near othe centre of gravity of catchment tothe sit {aulvalent stream slope in mk? Le, slope ofthe fine being drawn Such tha areas Below & above are equal Enfo..+P] z = Tongth of exch river segment e2n Fig. 9.9 Hy height above astum, sialstical seam slope in my en. 5, = slope of segment 62 The sub-zonal relations for deriving SUH parameters have been tabulated in ‘Table 33 for 16 sub-zones, Procedure for derivation of SUH is sxpained wah help cof an example in secon 3.10 Table 3.2 ‘Name of hydro-meteorological sub-zones of India ‘Sib Zone______ Name of Sub 3or 40 CChambat sin 10) Betwa Basin 1 10) 10 1@ 20) 38) 30) 316) 3 Mahanag Basin Ste) Upper Godavari Basin 30 Lower Godavari Basin 20) icishan & Penner Basin 30) Kavar asin 4@) Upper Eactom Coast 40) Lower Easter 40) South Eastern Coast drometeorological subzones of India Seerate co CHAPTER IV 595 149° a, 0.995 * (33) 2a2h REGIONAL FLOODS FREQUENCY ANALYSIS 50.832 1G MA Woon 22 8s) Sash 44 GENERAL Flood quaniies for diferent retun periods are required for planing and design of hysraulc structures. Hycroogiss have extensively used flood fequency tmethecs fortis purpose. This is cared out in the follwing ways, () atte od frequency analysis using data ofa parcuar sits only. @_atste regional food frequency analysie using dela of the sie in question aed sass avon a and other sites in the region and 341 CONCLUSIONS : : nays using te data of al the sites inthe region. hyarograph relaonsip, 1 8 oo ional Ssipota sre a ha hash ose and nt ee ote ol 1 Aan nba yaa rant hap l ersowon USCA a ee arta ces sana hog of ut TSE, MF han eet parameters. i avoids Sati cjume. However, i Indl Vey re ay model. THE ey peeons eeu en op rein Sapo efx cavlonng ht MYSORE et and unt on ar a os of fresnel I ie cn nyaoaenh so ‘Seaton. wo The only diference in ats regional and regional analysis ie that io regional_analysis’ mean annial flood is calulted from the. catchment characterises while onthe case of at-sito regional analysis its calculated fom he bserved data ofthe se For the regional analysis, varius methods have boon proposed in iterature and sil thre isa lt of conroverey regarding choice of ditibutln, Spe. of arareler estimation testing hamogenity ofthe regions et cat characters of te basi. 2 nan tom semen ti hasan or Wi tetris recent develop 42 TECHNIQUES OF AT-SITE REGIONAL AND REGIONAL FLOOD pose gtr capale of DEG FREQUENCY ESTIMATION. ve jaa of small umber ot Ore catchment on th se rer werk ES We ne Peerage ae acon ot OWN | gy (Taf amas of targa fond Haiacy aah x aed SL Senin rom ely Ne a eo cto i eg Se woud be queer | © Staton year methods spprosch vino great use orindan conten $8 {) —Moaites USGS method unit hydrograph enproe f 22 sub-zanes out Of 20 WYEe, | (i) Methods based on cimensiontoss moments rmgeeatcine eos 2 82sec ngan «Mats baad on cmensoiesmamans tne SUN iy momnognaaus repens ah Te Se | © Resortescenson dont estmaton) metous sree Ts very hat fo Urge | (0) Und states Water Resoueas Couel method aby | Gi Bayesian menos (Wh) Matted based on standardised prcbebity weighted omens fume) Two-component extreme value (TCEV) method Tien Camion So VEO = © (oq, Resional sppienion arBoxecox vaternaie” oe, Regions fandcansored sample Meson Ge), Byutaneous ase ane eo Pe exsimaton ‘a rot account ony on ft, COMES sea methods is given 0 8 scton Yin arma rms Cuan {Be maybe eoferedt© ‘424, Mostied USGS method erwis kaon a he InSOX 69S metiod (Dalymp's, cola ged wseranaae cones OF ight se uses mat soon Tesi anf 135 Spe as oven PHN en gg coe Shc «Bem tinea a Batteries assay abl 2 gran, oben cue oye aetna Paar. jo iiponnermeanmu tt « ieiccagiydae ge Danes eer ot annul erga caret re auay crac a viel in re region having silat forthe study “gauging sto uso? ‘ores ctor vin ee fadusing method of Teo be used °, on. 2 fo the mean at «ia cate probaly pape sot ene eight sean anungauges caer “he mocticatns eos Gand rand (ovaebia ent avy rose mee | “The end res mathe include (o) Re reelacer=n coment of the median ra pth of dal inthe above (he rep or of tainted of fe Hodifed USGS rot method us ing method of ‘moments In ie math fod parameters are estimated folowing equations: by method of moments sing aay 6 @2) locaton parameter, ss soa parameter, | afar mean a standa The remaling poctdce same ncasoer mean oes aeincase of moaied USGS 422 NERC (1975) method seston tania oraocoucmusoomeens sen se a maximum series Q,/Q .) and for each inter deompue mec a Fanarraeeent toad ‘smooth mean curve. ‘anioeen of Use the curve as the regional curve for quantle estimation of ungauged catchments " le est c wo 423° Meth lothods based or ed on standardized probability weighted ghted moments: site sample prot city weighed sae eet le ete os Mio = 2S wi We AGN 43) feed ana oo aes on yao o 2 LE G-wFOGN) sewage * sent mapa wns at Se eet a ee Bal of the assume a heen Me eipre unknown paramelen ae o ‘= cee wi gecntenes ieee Cee aA GST uct bearers? ation Weis (1980) propose tbat atte is reer area Sn vx see St TO ay = Mian “soul Bey = Erol a By ~ Zo nafs vos wine unit hen per ws ote ae values of Wy) OF Meo bee jTagjonal weighted <¥er20° iT a ee sont which aro exeree stributlons ye ily. an meters of aS ata tte) 1987, n ‘uaniles X; of such distributions can be scaled by at ste mean @ to gle _aquantlo estate for any paricuar sit. Ose 48) 4424 Rogional application of Box-Cox transformation Box-Cax ransformaton was, suggasted fr feed hycklegy by Chander et i, (1978), Kuczera (1963) used tho seme and called & power normal (EN) {sirbubon. For sulabe 3, which may be regarded as a shape paramter the variate: ao a) =n, aso is assumed to be nownalydistibuted 25 Nix 02 ). Fem a given sample of @ ‘ales 2,1! and 0, may be estimated Joint by method of maximum likelihood (Box and Cox, 1884) or as suggested by Chander eta, (1970). Flood quantles ae then estimated by: Krak +07, 4.10) where yr isthe N(0.1) variate vale for excaedance prbabity of 17 anc flea J” an [Chander et al, (1978) expressed satisfaction with PN for estimating food ‘uantles onthe basis of 15 Jong records of foods examined by them. Hadgrat (982) found thatthe PN mathoa provides a belie ft to flooe daa of Gueensiand than id anyother of twelve tested candidate itbutons, | Box-Cox transformation has been used fer caning out regional food | Fequency ansiysis also (Kuczera, 1967; Perumel and Seth 1985; Cadevid et a, Siac cone

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