Basic Electrical Engineering

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Multiple Choice Questions

Q.1) In a transformer:
a) All turns are equally insulated
b) The end turns are more strongly insulated
c) The end turns are closely wound
d) The end turns are widely separated
Ans: b

Q.2) Laminated insulations coated with varnish are normally used in the transformer:
a) To reduce reluctance of magnetic path
b) To reduce the effect of eddy current
c) To increase the reluctance of magnetic path
d) To reduce the hysteresis effect
Ans: b

Q.3) The required thickness of lamination in a transformer decreases when

a) The applied frequency increases
b) The applied frequency decreases
c) The applied voltage increases
d) The applied voltage decreases
Ans: c

Q.4) Oil in transformer is used to

a) Transfer electrical energy
b) Insulate the windings
c) Cool the windings
d) None of the above
Ans: c

Q.5) The windings of a transformer are divided into several coils because
a) It is difficult to wind as one coil
b) It reduces voltage per coil
c) It requires less insulation
d) None of the above
Ans: b

Q.6) The size and construction of bushings in a transformer depend upon the
a) Size of winding
b) Size of tank
c) Current flowing
d) (d)Voltage supplied
Ans: b,d
Q.7) Transformer humming sound is reduced by the
a) Proper bracing of transformers assemblies
b) Proper insulation
c) Proper design
d) Proper design of winding
Ans: a

Q.8) Sludge in transformer oil is due to

a) Decomposition of oil
b) Decomposition of insulation
c) Moisture content in oil
d) None of the above
Ans: a

Q.9) A transformer used only for electrical isolation between two circuits has turns ratio which is
a) More than unity
b) Less than unity
c) Equal to unity
d) More than 0.5
Ans: c

Q.10) If 90 per cent of normal voltage and 90 per cent of normal frequency are applied to a
transformer, the per cent charge in hysteresis losses will be
a) 20%
b) 4.7%
c) 19%
d) 21%
Ans: b

Q.11) If 110 per cent of normal voltage and 110 per cent of normal frequency is applied to a
transformer, the percentage change of eddy current losses will be
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 25%
d) 21%
Ans: d

Q.12) A transformer has two 2,400 V primary coils and two 240 V coils. By proper connection
of the windings, the transformation ratio that can be obtained is
a) 10
b) 5
c) 20
d) 9
Ans: b
Q.13) A single-phase, 2,200/200 V transformer takes 1 A at the HT side or no load at a power
factor of 0.385 lagging. The iron losses are
a) 167 W
b) 77 W
c) 88 W
d) 98 W
Ans: b

Q.14) Neglecting resistance, at constant flux density, the power required per kilogram to
magnetize the iron core of a transformer is 0.8 W at 25 Hz and 2.04 W at 60 Hz. The
power required per kilogram for 100 Hz is
a) 3.8 W
b) 3.63 W
c) 3.4 W
d) 5.2 W
Ans: b

Q.15) Select the correct statement:

a) emf per turn of both the windings are equal
b) emf per turn in HV winding is more than the emf per turn in LV winding
c) emf per turn in HV winding is less than the emf per turn in LV winding
Ans: a

Q.16) The flux involved in the emf equation of a transformer has

a) rms value
b) Average value
c) Total value
d) Maximum value
Ans: d

Q.17) The no-load current in a transformer lags the applied voltage by

a) 90° – 95°
b) About 80° – 85°
c) 0° – 15°
d) About 110°
Ans: b

Q.18) High leakage impedance transformers are used for applications such as
a) Power distribution
b) Electrical toys
c) Arc welding
d) Fluorescent lamps
Ans: c
Q.19) Transformer 2,000 kVA, 250 Hz is operated at 50 Hz. Its kVA rating should be revised to
a) 400 kVA
b) 10,000 kVA
c) 2,000 kVA
d) Cannot be revised
Ans: a

Q.20) The transformer which will have the largest size is

a) 100 kVA, 25 Hz
b) 100 kVA, 100 Hz
c) 100 kVA, 50 Hz
d) 100 kVA, 60 Hz
Ans: b

Q.21) The magnetic flux of a transformer follows

a) High reluctance path
b) Low reluctance path
c) Low conductivity path
d) High conductivity path
Ans: b

Q.22) The efficiency of a transformer is usually in the range of

a) 50–60%
b) 65–75%
c) 70–90%
d) 90–98%
Ans: d

Q.23) Transformer is laminated to reduce

a) Hystersis loss
b) Eddy current loss
c) Partly (a) and partly b)
d) Increases exciting current
Ans: b

Q.24) Transformer changes the value of

a) Power
b) Frequency
c) Voltage
d) Current
Ans: c
Q.25) Transfer of electrical power from primary to secondary in a transformer takes place
a) Electrically
b) Electromagnetically
c) Magnetically
d) None of these
Ans: b

Q.26) The thickness of a 50 Hz transformer lamination is

a) 0.35 cm
b) 0.35 mm
c) 0.33 m
d) 0.30 cm
Ans: b

Q.27) A power transformer is a constant

a) Current device
b) Voltage device
c) Power device
d) Main flux device
Ans: d

Q.28) The value of flux in the emf equation of a transformer is

a) rms
b) Average
c) Maximum
d) Integral wave cycle
Ans: c

Q.29) The leakage flux in a transformer depends upon the value of

a) Load current
b) Supply frequency
c) Mutual flux
d) None of these
Ans: a

Q.30) The voltage regulation of a transformer at full-load 0.8 power factor lag is 6 per cent. Its
voltage regulation at full-load 0.8 power factor lead will be
a) Negative
b) 54%
c) Positive
d) Zero
Ans: a
Q.31) The full-load efficiency of a transformer at 0.85 p.f. lag is 97 per cent. Its efficiency at full
load 0.85 bpower factor lead will be
a) 99%
b) 96%
c) 97%
d) 98%
Ans: c

Q.32) If a load on secondary side of a transformer increases, the current on the primary side
a) Remains constant
b) Increases
c) Decreases
d) None of these
Ans: b

Q.33) If a sinusoidal exciting current is applied to a transformer, the mutual flux produced is
a) Negative
b) Sinusoidal
c) Zero
d) Flat top
Ans: d

Q.34) To get sinusoidal flux in a transformer the mutual flux produced is

a) Non-sinusoidal
b) Sinusoidal
c) Direct current
d) Zero
Ans: a

Q.35) A 220V, 150V bulb is connected in series with the primary of a 220/1,100 V, 50 Hz
transformer. If the load on the secondary side is disconnected, the brightness of the bulb will
a) Decrease
b) Increase
c) Be unaffected
d) Decrease to a very low value
Ans: d

Q.36) The open circuit test of a transformer gives information about

a) Core losses of the transformer
b) Cu losses of the transformer
c) Exciting current
d) None of these
Ans: a.
Q.37) The short circuit test of a transformer gives the information of
a) Cu losses of the transformer
b) Core losses of the transformer
c) Winding circuit impedance
d) None of these
Ans: a

Q.38) During testing of a transformer

a) Both SC and OC tests are performed at rated current
b) Both SC and OC tests are performed at rated voltage
c) OC test is performed at rated voltage
d) SC test is performed at rated current
Ans: c

Q.39) All-day efficiency of a transformer is

a) Equal to its power efficiency
b) Less than its power efficiency
c) More than its power efficiency
d) None of these
Ans: b

Q.40) Routine efficiency of a transformer depends upon the value of

a) Load current
b) Supply frequency
c) Power factor of load
d) Both (a) and b)
Ans: a

Q.41) A ferrite core has less eddy current loss than an iron core because ferrites have
a) Lower permeability
b) High hysteresis
c) Alnico as the main constituent
d) High resistance
Ans: d

Q.42) The maximum regulation of a transformer occurs at a power factor of

a) Unity
b) images
c) images
d) images
Ans: b

Q.43) The zero of regulation of a transformer occurs at a power factor of

a) Zero
b) images
c) images
d) images
Ans: b

Q.44) Circular coil sections are used because they

a) Reduce iron material
b) Reduce copper material
c) Have the strongest mechanical shape
d) All of these
Ans: c

Q.45) A transformer is connected to a constant voltage source. If the supply frequency

decreases, the magnetic flux in the core will
a) Increase towards saturation
b) Decrease
c) Remain unchanged
d) None of these
Ans: a

Q.46) The power in autotransformer is transferred through

a) Inductive process
b) Convection process
c) Conduction process
d) All of these
Ans: a

Q.47) The cross-sectional area of the common portion of an autotransformer is

a) Kept constant
b) Proportionally decreased
c) Proportionally increased
d) None of these
Ans: b

Q.48) The efficiency of an autotransformer for the same output compared to a two-winding
transformer is
a) Greater
b) Lesser
c) Poor
d) None of these
Ans: a

Q.49) The condition for successful parallel operation of transformer is

a) Correct polarity
b) Per unit impedance based on their rating should be equal
c) Identical voltage and frequency rating
d) Equal ratio of equivalent resistance to reactance
Ans: d

Q.50) During parallel operation of transformers incorrect polarity will result in

a) Open circuit
b) Dead short circuit
c) Regeneration of power
d) Power factor of transformer will be different from that of the connected load
Ans: b

Q.51) In an autotransformer of voltage ratio images and V1 > V2, the fraction of power
transferred inductively is
a) images
b) images
c) images
d) images
Ans: d

Q.52) A 10 kVA, 400/200 V single-phase transformer with 10 per cent impedance draws a
steady short circuit line current of
a) 50 A
b) 150 A
c) 250 A
d) 350 A
Ans: c

Q.53) A 400/100 V, 10 kVA two-winding transformer is reconnected as an autotransformer

across a suitable voltage source. The maximum kVA is
(a) 50 kVA b) 15 kVA (c) 12.5 kVA (d) 8.75 kVA
Ans: a

Q.54) An autotransformer having a transformation ratio of 0.8 supplies a load of 10 kW. The
power transferred inductively from the primary to the secondary is
a) 10 kW
b) 8 kW
c) 2 kW
d) Zero
Ans: c

Q.55) A single-phase induction regulator is a constant input transformer to obtain smooth

variation of the output voltage by varying the
a) Ratio of turns between primary and secondary winding
b) Frequency
c) Flux-density in the core
d) Angle between the magnetic forces of the primary and secondary windings
Ans: d

Q.56) In operating a 400 Hz transformer at 50 Hz

a) Only voltage is reduced in the same proportion as the frequency
b) Only kVA is reduced in the same proportion as the frequency
c) Both voltage and kVA rating are reduced in the same proportion as the frequency
d) None of the above
Ans: c

Q.57) In performing the short circuit test of a transformer

a) High-voltage side is usually short-circuited
b) Low-voltage side is usually short-circuited
c) Any side is short-circuited with preference
d) None of these
Ans: b

Q.58) In performing open circuit test of a transformer

a) High voltage is usually kept open
b) Low voltage is usually kept open
c) Any side can be kept open
d) None of the above
Ans: a

Q.59) Transformer core usually uses grain-oriented laminated sheets. The grain orientation
a) Copper loss
b) Eddy current loss
c) Hysteresis loss
d) None of the above
Ans: b

Q.60) In the circuit model of a transformer, the core loss is represented as

a) Series resistance
b) Series inductance
c) Shunt resistance
d) Shunt inductance
Ans: c

Q.61) While performing short circuit test on a transformer, the impressed voltage magnitude is
kept constant but the frequency is increased. The short circuit current will
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Remain the same
d) None of the above
Ans: b

Q.62) A transformer has hysteresis loss of 30 W at 240 V, 60 Hz. The hysteresis loss 200
V, 50 Hz will be
a) 20.8 W
b) 25 W
c) 30 W
d) 36 W
Ans: b

Q.63) In a transformer, the exciting current will be in phase quadrature with the impressed
voltage provided
a) Only the leakage impedance drop is ignored
b) Only the core loss is ignored
c) Both the leakage and impedance drop and the core loss are ignored
d) Only no-load copper loss is ignored
Ans: b

Q.64) Magnetizing impedance of a transformer is determined by

a) Short circuit test
b) Open circuit test
c) Both open circuit and short circuit tests
d) None of these
Ans: b

Q.65) A transformer is to be tested at full-load conditions consuming only losses from the
mains. We do
a) Load test
b) Open circuit and short circuit tests
c) Back-to-back test
d) None of these
Ans: c

Q.66) In a transformer operating at constant voltage if the input frequency increases the core
loss will
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Remain constant
d) Increase as the square of the frequency
Ans: a
Q.67) Grain-oriented laminated sheet steel in a transformer reduces
a) Copper loss
b) Eddy current loss
c) Hysteresis loss
d) None of above
Ans: c

Q.68) R1 is the resistance of the primary winding of a transformer. The turns ratio in terms of
primary to secondary is a. The equivalent resistance of the primary referred to as
secondary is
a) R1/a
b) a2 R1
c) R1/a2
d) None of these
Ans: c

Q.69) Choose the correct statement:

a) emf per turn in high-voltage winding is more than the emf per turn in low-voltage
b) emf per turn in both the finding are equal
c) emf per turn in both the windings are not equal
d) None of these
Ans: b

Q.70) If E2 and V2 be the induced emf in secondary winding and V2 be the terminal voltage
during load, the regulation of the transformer is given by
a) images
b) images
c) images
d) images
Ans: a

Q.71) One transformer has leakage impedance of 1 + j 4 Ω and 3 + j 4 Ω for its primary and
secondary windings, respectively. The transformer has
a) Low voltage primary
b) High voltage primary
c) Medium voltage primary
d) Insufficient data
Ans: a

Q.72) A single-phase transformer has its maximum efficiency at 60 per cent of full load. At full
load copper loss will be
a) Equal to core loss
b) Less than core loss
c) More than core loss
d) Zero
Ans: c

Q.73) The flux in a magnetic core is alternating sinusoidally at a frequency of 600 Hz. The
maximum flux density is 2 T and eddy current loss is 15 W. If the frequency is raised to
800 Hz and maximum flux density reduced to 1.5 T, the eddy current loss will be
a) Same
b) Reduced to half
c) Doubled
d) Increased by 50%
Ans: a

Q.74) The core flux in a transformer depends mainly on

a) Supply voltage
b) Supply voltage and frequency
c) Supply voltage, frequency and load
d) Supply voltage and load but independent of frequency
Ans: b

Q.75) In case of Inductive circuit, Frequency is ___________Proportional to the inductance (L)

or inductive reactance (XL).
a) Directly
b) Inversely
c) No Effect
Ans: a
Q.76) In case of Inductive circuit, Frequency is ___________ Proportional to the Current.
a) Directly
b) Inversely
c) No Effect
Ans: b

Q.77) In case of Inductive circuit, inductance (L) is ___________Proportional to the inductive

reactance (XL).
a) Directly
b) Inversely
c) No Effect
Ans: a

Q.78) In inductive circuit, when Inductance (L) or inductive reactance (XL) increases, the circuit
current decreases, but the circuit power factor ________?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remain Same
d) None of the above
Ans: b

Q.79) In inductive circuit, when Inductance (L) or inductive reactance (XL) increases, the circuit
current ________?
a) Also Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remain Same
d) None of the above
Ans: b

Q.80) In case of Capacitive circuit, Frequency is ___________Proportional to the Capacitance

(C) or Capacitive reactance (XC).
a) Directly
b) Inversely
c) No Effect
Ans: b

Q.81) In case of Capacitive circuit, Frequency is ___________ Proportional to the Current.

a) Directly
b) Inversely
c) No Effect
Ans: a

Q.82) In case of Capacitive circuit, Capacitance (C) is ___________ Proportional to the

Capacitive reactance (XC).
a) Directly
b) Inversely
c) No Effect
Ans: b

Q.83) In a Capacitive circuit, when Capacitance (C) increases, ( the circuit current also
increases), then the circuit power factor ________?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remain Same
d) None of the above
Ans: a

Q.84) In a Capacitive circuit, when Capacitive reactance increases, then the circuit power
factor ________?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remain Same
d) None of the above
Ans: b

Q.85) If Current and Voltage are 90 Degree Out of Phase, Then The Power (P) will
a) Infinite
b) Maximum
c) Minimum
d) Zero
Ans: d

Q.86) In pure inductive circuit, the power is __________?

a) Infinite
b) Maximum
c) Minimum
d) Zero
Ans: d

Q.87) In pure capacitive circuit, the power is __________?

a) Infinite
b) Maximum
c) Minimum
d) Zero
Ans: d

Q.88) If Power factor = Cos θ = 1, it means that _____________.

a) Input = Output
c) The circuit is resistive only
d) The angle (θ) between Voltage and Current is Zero.
Ans: d

Q.89) Reciprocal of Power Factor = _________?

a) Q Factor
b) Demand Factor
c) Diversity Factor
d) Utilization Factor
Ans: a

Q.90) The relationship between Impedance (Z) and Admittance(Y) is ___________ ?

a) Z=1/Y
b) Z=1+Y
c) Z=1-Y
d) Z=Y2
Ans: a

Q.91) As per Coulomb's Law, force between two point charges is____.
a) (distance)2
b) (distance)
c) 
d) 
Ans: d

Q.92) ε0 is ________ F/m.

a) 8.854 × 10−12
b) 6.654 × 10−12
c) 8.854 × 10−10
d) 6.654 × 10−10
Ans: a

Q.93) Electric flux density________medium.

a) Depends on
b) Independent of
c) Both (a) and b)
d) None of these
Ans: b

Q.94) An a.c. current given by i = 14.14 sin (ωt + π/6) has an r.m.s value of — amperes.
a) 10
b) 14.14
c) 1.96
d) 7.07
Ans: a

Q.95) If e1 = A sin ωt and e2 = B sin (ωt − ), then

a) e1 lags e2 by θ
b) e2 lags e1 by θ
c) e2 leads e1 by θ
d) e1 is in phase with e2
Ans: b

Q.96) From the two voltage equations eA = Emsin 100πt and eB = Em sin (100πt + π/6), it is
obvious that
a) A leads B by 30°
b) B achieves its maximum value 1/600 second before A does.
c) B lags behind A
d) A achieves its zero value 1/600 second before B.
Ans: b

Q.97) A resultant current is made of two components : a 10 A d.c. component and a sinusoidal
component of maximum value 14.14A. The average value of the resultant current is —
a) 0
b) 24.14
c) 10
d) 4.14
Ans: c

Q.98) The r.m.s. value of sinusoidal a.c. current is equal to its value at an angle of — degree
a) 60
b) 45
c) 30
d) 90
Ans: b

Q.99) Two sinusoidal currents are given by the equations : i1 = 10 sin (ωt + π/3) and i2 = 15
sin (ωt − π/4). The phase difference between them is — degrees.
a) 105
b) 75
c) 15
d) 60
Ans: a

Q.101) Which of the following is a correct statement of Ohm's law?

a) R = VI
b) I = V/R
c) I = R/V
d) V = I/R
Ans .b

Q.102) The flow of electric current in a conductor is due to the flow of:
a) Electrons
b) Protons
c) Electrons and ions
d) Charged particles
Ans: a

Q.103) The resistance of the wire varies inversely as:

a) Area of cross section
b) Length
c) Resistivity
d) Temperature
Ans .a

Q.104) A terminal where more than two branches met is called:

a) Node
b) Terminus
c) Loop
d) None of the above
Ans: a

Q.105) The superposition theorem requires as many circuits to be solved as there are:
a) Nodes
b) Sources
c) Nodes and Sources
d) Nodes, Sources and Mesh
Ans: b

Q.106) Calculate the effective resistance of the following combination.

a) 52 Ω
b) 12 Ω
c) 49 Ω
d) 39 Ω
Ans: c

Q.107) Calculate the effective resistance of the following combination.

a) 8Ω
b) 16 Ω
c) 6Ω
d) 3Ω
Ans: d
Q.108) Which of the following is correct :
a) Norton's equivalent resistance is the same as Thevenin's equivalent resistance
b) Norton's equivalent is the current equivalent of the network
c) The load is connected in parallel to the Norton's equivalent resistance and Norton's
equivalent current source
d) All the above
Ans: d

Q.109) An ideal voltage source should have:

a) Zero source resistance
b) Infinite source resistance
c) Terminal voltage is proportional to current
d) Open-circuit voltage nearly equal to voltage of the load current
Ans: a

Q.110) Resistivity of a wire depends on

a) length
b) material
c) cross section area
d) none of the above.
Ans: b

Q.111) A circuit contains two un-equal resistances in parallel

a) current is same in both
b) large current flows in larger resistor
c) potential difference across each is same
d) smaller resistance has smaller conductance.
Ans: c

Q.112) If the length of cable decreases then insulation resistance

a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains unchanged
d) none of above
Ans .a

Q.113) Superposition theorem is applicable only to networks that are:

a) linear.
b) nonlinear.
c) Time-invariant.
d) passive.
Ans: a

Q.114) 1 joule = 1 _______

a) N m2
b) 2.
c) N m
d) N2 m2
Ans: a

Q.115) The unit of power is _______

a) watt per second
b) joule
c) kilo joule
d) joule per second
Ans .d

Q.116) Name the physical quantity which is equal to the product of force and velocity.
a) work
b) energy
c) power
d) acceleration
Ans: c

Q.117) The region around a magnet in which magnetic forces can act is called the
a) magnetic field.
b) pole.
c) domain.
d) solenoid.
Ans: a

Q.118) Faraday's laws of electrolysis are related to the:

a) atomic number of the cation
b) atomic number of the anion
c) equivalent mass of the electrolyte
d) speed of the cation
Ans: c

Q.119) The electric charge for electrode deposition of one equivalent of the substance is:
a) one ampere per second
b) 96,500 Coulombs per second
c) one ampere per hour
d) charge on 1 mole of electrons
Ans: d

Q.120) When a fourth resistor is connected in series with three resistors, the total resistance
a) increases by one-fourth
b) increases
c) decreases
d) remains the same
Ans: b

Q.121) When one of three series resistors is removed from a circuit and the circuit is
reconnected, the current
a) increases
b) increases by one-third
c) decreases by one-third
d) decreases by the amount of current through the removed resistor
Ans: a

Q.122) All the voltage drops and the source voltage added together in a series circuit is equal to
a) the total of the voltage drops
b) the source voltage
c) zero
d) the total of the source voltage and the voltage drops
Ans: c

Q.123) To measure the current out of the second resistor in a circuit consisting of four resistors,
an ammeter can be placed
a) between the second and third resistors
b) at the negative terminal of the source
c) between the third and fourth resistors
d) at any point in the circuit
Ans: d

Q.124) When an additional resistor is connected across an existing parallel circuit, the total
a) remains the same
b) decreases by the value of the added resistor
c) increases by the value of the added resistor
d) decreases
Ans: d

Q.125) When the speed at which a conductor is moved through a magnetic field is increased,
the induced voltage
a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains constant
d) reaches zero
Ans: a

Q.126) For a given wire wound core, an increase in current through the coil
a) reverses the flux lines
b) decreases the flux density
c) increases the flux density
d) causes no change in flux density
Ans: c

Q.127) When the current through the coil of an electromagnet reverses, the
a) direction of the magnetic field reverses
b) direction of the magnetic field remains unchanged
c) magnetic field expands
d) magnetic field collapses
Ans: a

Q.128) A coil of wire is placed in a changing magnetic field. If the number of turns in the coil is
decreased, the voltage induced across the coil will
a) increase
b) decrease
c) remain constant
d) be excessive
Ans: b

Q.129) The unit for reluctance is

a) tesla
b) At/Wb
c) At/m
d) Wb
Ans: b

Q.130) The unit for permeability is

a) Wb/At × m
b) At/m
c) At/Wb
d) Wb
Ans: a

Q.131) The induced voltage across a stationary conductor in a stationary magnetic field is
a) zero
b) reversed in polarity
c) increased
d) decreased
Ans: a

Q.132) An electromagnetic field exists only when there is

a) an increasing current
b) decreasing current
c) voltage
d) current
Ans: d

Q.133) When a solenoid is activated, the force that moves the plunger is
a) an electromagnetic field
b) a permanent magnetic field
c) varying voltage
d) a steady current
Ans: a

Q.134) Current is measured in

a) watts
b) volts
c) henries
d) amperes
Ans: d

Q.135) In a network made up of linear resistors and ideal voltage source values of resistors are
doubled. Then the voltage across each resistor is
a) doubled
b) halved
c) decreased four times
d) not changed
Ans: d

Q.136) Which of the following theorem is applicable for both linear and non-linear circuits?
a) Superposition theorem
b) Norton theorem
c) Thevenin’s theorem
d) None of these
Ans: d

Q.137) The elements which are not capable of delivering energy by its own are known as
a) passive elements.
b) unilateral elements.
c) bilateral elements.
d) active elements.
Ans: a

Q.138) A practical current source is represented by

a) a resistance parallel with an ideal current source
b) a resistance series with an ideal current source
c) a resistance parallel with an ideal voltage source
d) none of the above
Ans: a

Q.139) The efficiency for maximum power transfer to the load is

a) 100 %
b) 75 %
c) 25 %
d) 50 %
Ans: d

Q.140) Which of the following materials has negative resistance temperature coefficient ?
a) Steel
b) Carbon
c) Tungsten
d) Tin
Ans: b

Q.141) If the resistance of a conductor does not vary in accordance with the Ohm’s laws it is
known as
a) Non-conductor
b) Non-linear conductor
c) Bad conductor
d) Reverse conductor
Ans: b

Q.142) The material which has zero temperature coefficient of resistance is

a) Manganin
b) Porcelain
c) Carbon
d) Aluminium
Ans: a

Q.143) For most of the solid substance, the value of dielectric constant is
a) between 1 and 10
b) more than 20
c) nearly 100
d) less than 1
Ans: a

Q.144) Dielectric constant for vacuum is

a) 100
b) 1
c) infinity
d) zero
Ans: b

Q.145) Conductor is constant and field is varying then emf will induce. This principle is called
a) Dynamically induced emf.
b) Virtually induced emf.
c) Static induced emf.
d) None of the above.
Ans: c

Q.146) Conductor is varying and field is fixed then emf will induce. This principle is called
a) Dynamically induced emf.
b) Static induced emf.
c) Both A and B.
d) None of the above.
Ans: a

Q.147) Resistance of a wire is r ohms. The wire is stretched to double its length, then its
resistance will be
a) r/2
b) 4r
c) 2r
d) r/4
Ans: b

Q.148) Kirchhoff's second law is based on law of conservation of

a) charge
b) energy
c) momentum
d) mass
Ans: b

Q.149) One coulomb of electrical charge is contributed by how many electrons?

a) 0.625 X 1019.
b) 1.6 X 1019.
c) 1019.
d) 1.6 X 1012.
Ans: a

Q.150) Three 3 Ω resistors are connected to form a triangle. What is the resistance between any
two of the corners?
a) 9 Ω
b) 6 Ω
c) 3 Ω
d) 2 Ω.
Ans: d

Q.151) The number of milli-volts in 0.06 kilovolts is

a) 60000 mV
b) 600000 mV
c) 600 V
d) 6000 mV
Ans: a

Q.152) Which of the following is not an electrical quantity?

a) power
b) current
c) distance
d) voltage
Ans: c

Q.153) The device used for measuring potential difference is known as _____________.
a) potentiometer
b) ammeter
c) galvanometer
d) voltmeter
Ans: d

Q.154) The work done in moving a unit positive charge across two points in an electric circuit is
a measure of ___________.
a) current
b) potential difference
c) resistance
d) power
Ans: b

Q.155) The current in a wire ______.

a) depends only on the potential difference applied
b) depends only on the resistance of the wire
c) depends on both resistance and potential difference
d) does not depend on resistance and potential difference
Ans: c

Q.156) When there is an electric current passing through a wire, the particles moving are
a) electrons
b) protons
c) atoms
d) ions
Ans: a

Q.157) A positive charge released from rest __________.

a) moves towards the regions of lower potential
b) moves towards the regions of higher potential
c) moves towards the regions of equal potential
d) does not move
Ans: a

Q.158) Insulation resistance of HV circuit breaker is more than

a) 100 Ohms
b) 1 M Ohms
c) 500 kOhms
d) 100M Ohms.
Ans: d

Q.159) Units for electric field strength

a) A/cm2
b) mho/meter
c) cm2/V.s
d) V/cm
Ans: b

Q.160) The transformer connection which has gained considerable popularity to serve 3-phase
equipment and single phase lighting load is
a) Star/Star
b) Delta/Delta
c) Delta/Star
d) Star/Delta
Ans: c

Q.161) 1 Ampere of current is defined as

a) 1 volt/sec
b) 1 coulomb/sec
c) 1 ohm/second
d) 1 coulomb
Ans: b

Q.162) Voltmeter is always connected with circuit in:

a) Series
b) Parallel
c) Sometimes series sometimes parallel
d) None of the above
Ans: b
Q.163) Direction of conventional current is taken from
a) Negative to positive
b) Positive to negative
c) It could be from positive to negative or negative to positive
d) None of these.
Ans: b

Q.164) With increase in temperature, resistance of a conductor

a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) c .May decreases or increases depending on temperature
d) It does not depend on temperature.
Ans: b

Q.165) In series combination, resistance increases due to increase in

a) Temperature
b) Humidity
c) Length
d) Area of cross-section.
Ans: c

Q.166) The total work done by an electrical appliance during its operation, is called electrical
a) Current
b) Power
c) Energy
d) Potential
Ans: c

Q.167) The unit of specific resistance is

a) A .Ohm/m2
b) Ohm-m
c) Ohm m3
d) Ohm/m3
Ans: b

Q.168) Magnetic force acting on a unit positive charge moving perpendicular to the magnetic
field with a unit velocity is called
a) magnetic flux
b) magnetic field intensity
c) magnetic induction
d) self inductance
Ans: c
Q.169) What is the value of the current in a wire of 10cm long at the right angle to a uniform
magnetic field of 0.5 Weber/m2 when the force acting on the wire is 5N?
a) 1A
b) 10A
c) 100A
d) 1000A
Ans: c

Q.170) Two parallel wires carrying currents in the opposite directions

a) repel each other
b) attract each other
c) have no effect upon each other
d) they cancel out their individual magnetic fields
Ans: a

Q.171) A magnetic field

a) always exerts a force on a charged particle
b) never exerts a force on a charged particles
c) exerts a force if the charged particle is moving in the direction of the magnetic field
d) exerts a force if the charged particle is moving perpendicular to the magnetic field
Ans: d

Q.172) The magnetic force experienced by a charge particle moving in a magnetic field will be
minimum when it moves
a) perpendicular to the field
b) parallel to the field
c) inclined parallel to the field
d) at an angle of 45
Ans: b

Q.173) Magnetic flux and flux density are related by

a) magnetic flux = flux density / area
b) magnetic flux = flux density x area
c) flux density = magnetic flux area
d) flux density = magnetic flux x area
Ans: b

Q.174) The standard vector symbol for flux density is

a) M
b) L
c) H
e) B
Ans: d

Q.175) An ammeter measures the total current flowing through a circuit when it is connected
a) in series with the circuit
b) in parallel with circuit
c) in series with any of the parallel resistances in the circuit
d) in parallel with any of the series resistances in the circuit
Ans: a

Q.176) Three resistance values 10 ohm, 10 ohm and 5 ohm are to be connected to a 5V
battery so as to obtain 0.5 amperes current in the circuit. This can be done by
a) all resistances in series
b) all resistances in parallel
c) two 10 ohm resistance in parallel and 5 ohm resistance in series
d) 5 ohm and 10 ohm resistances in parallel and 10 ohm resistance in series.
Ans: c

Q.177) The emf of a cell does not depend on the:

a) size of the cell
b) material of the anode
c) material of cathode
d) electrolyte
Ans: a

Q.178) The equivalent resistance of a combination of resistances in parallel is:

a) more than the resistance of either
b) more than the resistance of the smaller of the two but smaller than the resistance of
the larger of the two.
c) less then the resistance of either
d) none of the above
Ans: c

Q.179) The algebraic sum of currents meeting at any point is:

a) greater than zero
b) less than zero
c) equal to zero
d) not possible to say anything
Ans: c

Q.180) Which of the following is not a similarity between magnets and electrical charges?
a) There are attractive and repelling forces between unlike or like poles or charges.
b) Both magnets and electrical charges establish fields.
c) Both exert forces at a distance.
d) Both magnetic poles and electric charges can be separated.
Ans: d

Q.181) An electric motor can be understood in terms of what kind of energy conversion?
a) mechanical energy to electrical energy
b) magnetic energy to electrical energy
c) electrical energy to mechanical energy
d) electrical energy to magnetic energy
Ans: c

Q.182) The force between two charges is 120 N. If the distance between the charges is
doubled, the force will be
a) 60 N
b) 30 N
c) 40 N
d) 15 N
Ans: b

Q.183) The electric field intensity at a point situated 4 metres from a point charge is 200 N/C. If the
distance is reduced to 2 metres, the field intensity will be
a) 400 N/C
b) 600 N/C
c) 800 N/C
d) 1200 N/C
Ans: c

Q.184) The lines of force due to charged particles are

a) always straight
b) always curved
c) sometimes curved
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.185) The electric field at a point situated at a distance d from straight charged conductor is
a) proportional to d
b) inversely proportional to d
c) inversely proportional to d
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.186) The direction of electric field due +0 positive charge is .

a) away from the charge
b) towards the charge
c) both a) and (6)
d) none of the above
Ans: a

Q.187) A field line and an equipotential surface are

a) always parallel
b) always at 90°
c) inclined at any angle 0
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.188) The ability of charged bodies to exert force on 6ne another is attributed to existence
a) electrons
b) protons
c) neutrons
d) electric field
Ans: d

Q.188) If the sheet of a bakelite is inserted between the plates of an air capacitor, the
capacitance will
a) decrease
b) increase
c) remains unchanged
d) become zero
Ans: b

Q.189) A capacitor stores 0.24 coulombs at 10 volts. Its capacitance is

a) 0.024 F
b) 0.12 F
c) 0.6 F
d) 0.8 F
Ans: a

Q.190) For making a capacitor, it is better to select a dielectric having

a) low permittivity
b) high permittivity
c) permittivity same as that of air
d) permittivity slightly more than that of air
Ans: b

Q.191) The units of capacitance are

a) volts/coulomb
b) coulombs/volt
c) ohms
d) henry/Wb
Ans: b

Q.192) If three 15 uF capacitors are connected in series, the net capacitance is

a) 5 uF
b) 30 uF
c) 45 uF
d) 50 uF
Ans: a

Q.193) If three 10 uF capacitors are connected in parallel, the net cararitance is

a) 20 uF
b) 30 uE
c) 40 uF
d) 50 uF
Ans: b

Q.194) A dielectric material must be

a) resistor
b) insulator
c) good conductor
d) semi conductor
Ans: b

Q.195) An electrolytic capacitor can be used for

a) D.C. only
b) AC. only
c) both D.C. as well as A.C.
Ans: a

Q.196) The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected by

a) distance between plates
b) area of plates
c) thickness of plates
d) all of the above
Ans: c

Q.197) Which of the following is not a vector ?

a) Linear momentum
b) Angular momentum
c) Electric field
d) Electric potential
Ans: b
Q.198) Two plates of a parallel plate capacitor after being charged from a constant voltage
source are separated apart by means of insulated handles, then the
a) Voltage across the plates increases
b) voltage across the plates decreases
c) charge on the capacitor decreases
d) charge on the capacitor increases
Ans: b

Q.199) If A.C. voltage is applied to capacitive circuit, the alternating current can flow in the
circuit because
a) varying voltage produces the charg¬ing and dicharging currents
b) of high peak value
c) charging current can flow
d) discharge current can flow
Ans: a

Q.200) Voltage applied across a ceramic dielectric produces an electrolytic field 100 times
greater than air. What will be the value of dielectric constant?
a) 50
b) 100
c) 150
d) 200
Ans: b

Q.201) Which of the following statements is correct ?

a) Air capacitors have a blackband to indicate the outside foil
b) Electrolytic capacitor must be con¬nected in the correct polarity
c) Ceramic capacitors must be con¬nected in the correct polarity
d) Mica capacitors are available in capacitance value of 1 to 10 pF
Ans: b

Q.202) The dissipation factor of a good dielectric is of the order of

a) 0.0002
b) 0.002
c) 0.02
d) 0.2
Ans: a

Q.203) "The total electric flux through any closed surface surrounding charges is equal to
the amount oflcharge enclosed".
The above statement is associated with
a) Coulomb's square law
b) Gauss's law
c) Maxwell's first law
d) Maxwell's second law
Ans: b

Q.204) Three capacitors each of the capacity C are given. The resultant capacity 2/3 C
can be obtained by using them
a) all in series
b) all in parallel
c) two in parallel and third in series with this combination
d) two in series and third in parallel across this combination
Ans: c

Q.205) For which of the following parameter variation, the capacitance of the capacitor
remains unaffected ?
a) Distance between plates
b) Area of the plates
c) Nature of dielectric
d) Thickness of the plates
Ans: d

Q.206) Which of the following statement is true ?

a) The current in the discharging capacitor grows linearly
b) The current in the dicharging capacitor grows exponentially
c) The current in the discharging capacitor decays exponentially
d) The current in the discharging capacitor decreases constantly
Ans: b

Q.207) Which of the following expression is correct for electric field strength ?
a) E = D/E
b) E = D2/t
c) E = jtD
d) E= nD2
Ans: a

Q.208) In a capacitor the electric charge is stored in

a) metal plates
b) dielectric
c) both a) and b)
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.209) Which of the following materials has the highest value of dielectric constant?
a) Glass
b) Vacuum
c) Ceramics
d) Oil
Ans: c

Q.210) Which of the following capacitors will have the least variation ?
a) Paper capacitor
b) Ceramic capacitor
c) Silver plated mica capacitor
d) None of the above
Ans: c

Q.211) Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

a) The leakage resistance of ceramic capacitors is generally high
b) The stored energy in a capacitor decreases with reduction in value of capacitance
c) The stored energy in a capacitor increases with applied voltage
d) A wire cable has distributed capacitance between the conductors
Ans: b

Q.212) Which of the following capacitors has relatively shorter shelf life ?
a) Mica capacitor
b) Electrolytic capacitor
c) Ceramic capacitor
d) Paper capacitor
Ans: b

Q.213) The sparking between two electrical contacts can be reduced by inserting a
a) capacitor in parallel with contacts
b) capacitor in series with each contact
c) resistance in line
d) none of the above

Q.214) In the case of a lossy capacitor, its series equivalent resistance value will be
a) small
b) very small
c) large
d) zero
Ans: c

Q.215) The power dissipated in a pure capacitor is

a) zero
b) proportional to applied voltage
c) proportional to value of capacitance
d) both b) and c) above
Ans: a

Q.216) In a capacitive circuit

a) a steady value of applied voltage causes discharge
b) an increase in applied voltage makes a capacitor charge
c) decrease in applied voltage makes a capacitor charge
d) none of the above

Q.217) When a dielectric slab is introduced in a parallel plate capacitor, the potential difference
between plates will
a) remain uncharged
b) decrease
c) increase
d) become zero
Ans: b

Q.218) Capacitance increases with

a) increase in plate area and decrease in distance between the plates
b) increase in plate area and distance between the plates
c) decrease in plate area and value of applied voltage
d) reduction in plate area and distance between the plates
Ans: a

Q.219) A capacitor consists of

a) two insulators separated by a con¬ductor
b) two conductors separated by an in¬sulator
c) two insulators only
d) two conductors only
Ans: b

Q.220) A paper capacitor is usually available in the form of

a) tubes
b) rolled foil
c) disc
d) meshed plates
Ans: b

Q.221) Air capacitors are generally available in the range

a) 10 to 400 pF
b) 1 to 20 pF
c) 100 to 900 pF
d) 20 to 100 pF
Ans: a
Q.222) The unit of capacitance is
a) henry
b) ohm
c) farad
d) farad/m
Ans: c

Q.223) A capacitor charged to 200 V has 2000 (iC of charge. The value of capacitance will be
a) 10 F
(6) 10 uF
c) 100 nF
d) 1000 uF
Ans: b

Q.224) A capacitor in a circuit became hot and ultimately exploded due to wrong con¬nections,
which type of capacitor it could be ?
a) Paper capacitor
b) Ceramic capacitor
c) Electrolytic capacitor
d) Any-of the above
Ans: c

Q.225) Energy stored in the electric field of a capacitor C when charged from a D.C source of
voltage V is equal to joules
a) CV2
b) C2V
c) CV2
d) CV
Ans: a

Q.226) The absolute permittivity of free space is given by

a) 8.854 x 1(T9 F/m)
(6) 8.854 x 1(T10 F/m)
c) 8.854 x KT11 F/m
d) 8.854 x 10"12 F/m
Ans: b

Q.227) The relative permittivity of free space is given by

a) 1
b) 10
c) 100
d) 1000
Ans: a
Q.228) Electric field intensity is a quantity
a) scalar
b) vector
c) both a) and (6)
d) none of the above

Q.229) When 4 volts e.m.f. is applied across a 1 farad capacitor, it will store energy of
a) 2 joules
b) 4 joules
c) 6 joules
d) 8 joules
Ans: d

Q.230) The capacitor preferred for high frequency circuits is

a) air capacitor
b) mica capacitor
c) electrolytic capacitor
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.231) The capacity of capacitor bank used in power factor correction is expressed in terms of
a) kW
b) kVA
c) kVAR
d) volts
Ans: c

Q.232) While testing a capacitor with ohm-metre, if the capacitor shows charging, but the final
resistance reading is appreciably less than normal, it can be concluded that the capacitor is
a) short-circuited
b) open circuited
c) alright
d) leaky
Ans: d

Q.233) If a 6 (if capacitor is charged to 200 V, the charge in coulombs will be

a) 800 µC
b) 900 µC
c) 1200 µC
d) 1600 µC
Ans: c
Q.234) Which capacitor will be physically smaller for the same ratings ?
a) Ceramic capacitor
b) Paper capacitor
c) Both will be of equal size
d) None of the above
Ans: a

Q.235) What is the value of capacitance that must be connected in parallel with 50 pF
condenser to make an equivalent capacitance of 150 pF ?
a) 50 pF
b) 100 pF
c) 150 pF
d) 200 pF
Ans: b

Q.236) A mica capacitor and a ceramic capacitor both have the same physical dimensions.
Which will have more value of capacitance ?
a) Ceramic capacitor
b) Mica capacitor
c) Both will have identical value of capacitance
d) It depends on applied voltage
Ans: a

Q.237) Which of the following material has least value of dielectric constant ?
a) Ceramics
b) Oil
c) Glass
d) Paper
Ans: b

Q.238) Which of the following capacitors will have the least value of breakdown voltage ?
a) Mica
b) Paper
c) Ceramic
d) Electrolytic
Ans: d

Q.239) Dielectric constant for mica is nearly

a) 200
b) 100
c) 3 to 8
d) 1 to 2
Ans: c
Q.240) The value of dielectric constant for vacuum is taken as
a) zero
b) 1
c) 4
d) 10
Ans: b

Q.241) Which of the following capacitors is marked for polarity ?

a) Air
b) Paper
c) Mica
d) Electrolytic
Ans: d

Q.242) Which of the following capacitors can be used for temperature compensation ?
a) Air capacitor
b) Ceramic capacitor
c) Paper capacitor
d) None of the above
Ans: b

Q.243) Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

a) The thinner the dielectric, the more the capacitance and the lower the voltage breakdown
rating for a capacitor .
b) A six dot mica capacitor colour coded white, green, black, red and yellow has the
capacitance value of 500 pF
c) Capacitors in series provide less capacitance but a higher voltage breakdown rating for
the combination
d) A capacitor can store charge because it has a dielectric between two conductors
Ans: b

Q.244) Paper capacitors usually have a tolerance of

a) ± 5%
b) ± 10%
c) ± 15%
d) ± 20%
Ans: b

Q.245) For closer tolerances which of the following capacitors is usually preferred ?
a) Paper capacitor
b) Mica capacitor
c) Ceramic disc capacitor
d) None of the above
Ans: b
Q.246) The electrostatic force between two charges of one coulomb each and placed at a
distance of 0.5 m will be
a) 36 x 10fa
b) 36 x 107 N
c) 36 x 108 N
d) 36 x 109 N
Ans: d

Q.247) The units of volume charge density are

a) Coulomb/metre
b) Coulomb/metre
c) Coulomb/metre
d) Coulomb/metre
Ans: c

Q.248) "The surface integral of the normal component of the electric displacement D over any
closed surface equals the charge enclosed by the surface".
The above statement is associated with
a) Gauss's law
b) Kirchhoff s law
c) Faraday's law
d) Lenz's law
Ans: a

Q.249) Dielectric strength of mica is

a) 10 to 20 kV/mm
(6) 30 to 50 kV/mm
c) 50 to 200 kV/mm
d) 300 to 500 kV/mm
Ans: c

Q.250) The dielectric constant (relative permittivity) of glass is given by

a) 0.1 to 0.4
b) 0.5 to 1.0
c) 2.0 to 4.0
d) 5 to 100
Ans: d

Q.251) capacitors are mainly used for radio frequency tuning.

a) Paper
b) Air
c) Mica
d) Electrolytic
Ans: b

Q.252) capacitors can be used only for D.C.

a) Air
b) Paper
(e) Mica
d) Electrolytic
Ans: d

Q.253) capacitors are used in transistor circuits.

a) Ceramic
b) Paper
c) Air
d) Electrolytic
Ans: a

Q.254) capacitors are used for audio frequency and radio frequency coupling and tuning.
a) Air
b) Mica
c) Plastic film
d) Ceramic
Ans: b

Q.255) The inverse of capacitance is called

a) reluctance
b) conductance
c) susceptance
d) elastance
Ans: d

Q.256) When the dielectric is homogeneous, the potential gradient is

a) uniform
b) non-uniform
c) zero
d) any of the above
Ans: a

Q.257) The potential gradient across the material of low permittivity is than across the material
of high permittivity.
a) smaller
b) greater
c) both a) and b)
d) none of the above
Ans: b
Q.258) ________field is associated with the capacitor.
a) Electric
b) Magnetic
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
Ans: a

Q.259) A capacitor having capacitance of 5 uF is charged to a potential difference of 10,000 V.

The energy stored in the capacitor is
a) 50 joules
b) 150 joules
c) 200 joules
d) 250 joules
Ans: d

Q.260) A single core cable used on 33000 V has conductor diameter 10 mm and the in¬ternal
diameter of sheath 25 mm. The maximum electrostatic stress in the cable is
a) 62 x 105 V/m
b) 72 x 105 V/m
c) 82 x 105 V/m
d) 92 x 105 V/m
Ans: b

Q.261) Two infinite parallel plates 10 mm apart have maintained between them a potential
difference of 100 V. The acceleration of an electron placed between them is
a) 0.56 x 1015 m/s2
b) 1.5 x 1015 m/s2
c) 1.6 x 1015 m/s2
d) 1.76 x 1015 m/s2
Ans: d

Q.262) The total deficiency or excess of electrons in a body is known as

a) current
b) voltage
c) potential gradient
d) charge
Ans: d

Q.263) The relative permittivity has the following units

a) F/m
b) m/F
c) Wb/m
d) no units
Ans: c

Q.264) The phenomenon of an uncharged body getting charged merely by the nearness of a
charged body is known as
a) pholoelectric effect
b) chemical effect
c) magnetic effect
d) induction
Ans: d

Q.265) A unit tube of flux is known as tube

a) Newton
b) Faraday
c) Michale
d) None of the above
Ans: b

Q.266) The number of Faraday tubes of flux passing through a surface in an electric field is
a) electric flux
(6) electric flux density
c) magnetic flux density
d) electric charge density
Ans: a

Q.267) The value of E within the field due to a point charge can be found with the help of
a) Faraday's laws
b) Kirchhoff s laws
c) Coulomb's laws
d) none of the above
Ans: c

Q.268) at a point may be defined as equal to the lines of force passing normally through a unit
cross section at that point.
a) Electric intensity
b) Magnetic flux density
c) Electric flux
d) None of the above
Ans: a

Q.269) Electric intensity at any point in an electric field is equal to the at that point.
a) electric flux
b) magnetic flux density
c) potential gradient
d) none of the above
Ans: c

Q.270) Electric displacement is a______quantity.

a) scalar
b) vector
c) both of the above
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.271) All good conductors have high

a) conductance
b) resistance
c) reluctance
d) thermal conductivity
Ans: a

Q.272) Voltage dependent resistors are usually made from

a) charcoal
b) silicon carbide
c) nichrome
d) graphite
Ans: c

Q.273) Voltage dependent resistors are used

a) for inductive circuits
(6) to supress surges
c) as heating elements
d) as current stabilizers
Ans: b

Q.274) The ratio of mass of proton to that of electron is nearly

a) 1840
b) 1840
c) 30
d) 4
Ans: a

Q.275) The number of electrons in the outer most orbit of carbon atom is
a) 3
b) 4
c) 6
d) 7
Ans: b

Q.276) With three resistances connected in parallel, if each dissipates 20 W the total power
supplied by the voltage source equals
a) 10 W
b) 20 W
c) 40 W
d) 60 W
Ans: d

Q.277) A thermistor has

a) positive temperature coefficient
b) negative temperature coefficient
c) zero temperature coefficient
d) variable temperature coefficient
Ans: c

Q.278) If/, R and t are the current, resistance and time respectively, then according to Joule's
law heat produced will be proportional to
a) I2Rt
b) I2Rf
c) I2R2t
d) I2R2t*
Ans: a

Q.279) Nichrome wire is an alloy of

a) lead and zinc
b) chromium and vanadium
c) nickel and chromium
d) copper and silver
Ans: c

Q.280) When a voltage of one volt is applied, a circuit allows one microampere current to flow
through it. The conductance of the circuit is
a) 1 n-mho
b) 106 mho
c) 1 milli-mho
d) none of the above
Ans: a

Q.281) Which of the following can have negative temperature coefficient ?

a) Compounds of silver
(6) Liquid metals
c) Metallic alloys
d) Electrolytes
Ans: d

Q.282) Conductance : mho ::

a) resistance : ohm
b) capacitance : henry
c) inductance : farad
d) lumen : steradian
Ans: a

Q.283) angstrom is equal to

a) 10-8 mm
(6) 10"6 cm
c) 10"10 m
d) 10~14 m
Ans: c

Q.284) One newton metre is same as

a) one watt
b) one joule
c) five joules
d) one joule second
Ans: b

Q.285) at a point is equal to the negative potential gradient at that point.

a) Electric intensity
(6) Electric flux
c) Magnetic flux
d) Magnetic flux density
Ans: a

Q.286) The unit of dielectric strength is given by

a) V/m
b) V2/m
c) m/V
d) m/V2
Ans: a

Q.287) Dielectric strength ______ with increasing thickness

a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains unaltered
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.288) The property of a capacitor to store electricity is called its

a) capacitance
b) charge
c) energy
d) none of the above
Ans: a

Q.289) is that property of a capacitor which delays any change of voltage across it.
a) Inductance
b) Capacitance
c) Potential gradient
d) None of the above
Ans: b

Q.290) A capacitance of 100 fiF is connected in series with a resistance of 8000 £2. The time
constant of the circuit is
a) 0.2 s
b) 0.4 s
c) 0.6 s
d) 0.8 s
Ans: d

Q.291) In a cable capacitor, voltage gradient ismaximum at the surface of the

a) earth
b) conduction
c) sheath
d) insulator
Ans: b

Q.292) The time constant of an R-C circuit is defined as the time during which capacitor
charging voltage actually rises to ______ percent of its______value.
a) 37, initial
b) 63.2, initial
c) 63.2, final
d) 37, final
Ans: c

Q.293) The time constant and R-C circuit may also be defined as the time during which the
charging current falls to ______ percent of its initial maximum value,
a) 37
b) 42
c) 63
d) 73
Ans: a

Q.294) A capacitor consists of two

a) ceramic plates and one mica disc
b) insulators separated by a dielectric
c) silver-coated insulators
d) conductors separated by an insulator
Ans: d

Q.295) Permittivity is expressed in

a) Farad/sq-m
b) Farad/metre
c) Weber/metre
d) Weber/sq-m
Ans: b

Q.296) Dielectric strength of a material depends on

a) moisture content
b) temperature
c) thickness
d) all of the above
(e) none of the above
Ans: d

Q.297) What will happen to an insulating medium if voltage more than the breakdown voltage
is applied on it ?
a) It will become magnetic
b) It will melt
c) It will get punctured or cracked
d) Its molecular structure will get changed
Ans: c

Q.298) Which medium has the least dielectric strength ?

a) Paraffin wax
b) Quartz
c) Glass
d) Air
Ans: d

Q.299) 1 volt/metre is same as

a) 1 metre/coulomb
(6) 1 newton metre
c) 1 newton/metre
d) 1 joule/coulomb
Ans: c

Q.300) One volt is the same as

a) one joule/coulomb
b) one coulomb/joule
c) one coulomb
d) one joule
Ans: a

Q.301) The capacitance between two plates increases with

a) shorter plate area and higher ap¬plied voltage
b) shorter plate area and shorter dis¬tance between them
c) larger plate area, longer distance between plates and higher,applied voltage
d) larger plate area and shorter distance between plates
Ans: d

Q.302) The capacitance C is charged through a resistance R. The time constant of the
charging circuit is given by
a) CIR
b) 1/RC
c) RC
d) RIC
Ans: c

Q.303) The bridge used for the measurement of the value of the capacitance is
a) Wien's bridge
b) Wheatstone bridge
c) Schering bridge
d) Hay's bridge
Ans: c

Q.304) If an ohmmeter reading immediately goes practically to zero and stays there, capacitor
a) charged
b) short-circuited
c) lossy
d) satisfactory
Ans: b

Q.305) Out of the following capacitors of identical rating which one will have the smallest
dimensions ?
a) Aluminium foil capacitor
b) Mica capacitor
c) Ceramic capacitor
d) Paper capacitor
Ans: c

Q.306) An uncharged conductor is placed near a charged conductor, then

a) the uncharged conductor gets charged by conduction
b)the uncharged conductor gets charged by induction and then attracted towards the
charging body
c) the uncharged conductor is attracted first and then charged by induction
d) it remains as such
Ans: b

Q.307) he presence of an uncharged conductor near a charged one increases the

a) charge of the charged conductor
(6) capacity of the charged conductor
c) potential of the charged conductor
d) all of the above
Ans: b

Q.308) Paper condenser is

a) always polarised
(6) usually of fixed value
c) electrolytic condenser
d) a variable condenser
Ans: b

Q.309) Mica capacitors are characterised by all of thte following except

a) stable operation
b) accurate value
c) low leakage reactance
d) low losses
Ans: c

Q.310) A potential of 400 V is applied to a capacitor, the plates of which are 4 mm apart. The
strength of electric field is
a) 100 kV/m
b) 10 kV/m
c) 5 kV/m
d) 2 kV/m
Ans: a
Q.311) For a good 0.05 uF capacitor ohmmeter reading should
a) show low resistance momentarily and back off to a very high resis¬tance
(6) show high resistance momentarily and then a very low resistance
c) go quickly to 50 ohm approximately and remain there
d) not move at all
Ans: a

Q.312) The ohmmeter reading for a short circuited capacitor is

a) infinity
b) few kilo ohms
c) few megaahms
d) zero
Ans: d

Q.313) Which of the following statements is correct ?

a) Mica capacitors are available in capacitance values of 5 to 20 \iF
b) Air capapitors have a black band to indicate the outside foil
c) Electrolytic capacitors must be connected in correct polarity
d) Ceramic capacitors must be connected in correct polarity
Ans: c

Q.314) Which of the following capacitors preferred for high frequency circuits ?
a) Air capacitor
b) Electrolytic capacitor
c) Mica capacitor
d) none of the above
Ans: c

Q.315) An electrolytic capacitor is generally made to provide

a) low capacitance
b) fixed capacitance
c) variable capacitance
d) large value of capacitance
Ans: d

Q.316) In order to remove static electricity from machinery

a) construct insulated cabins
b) insulate the machinery
c) ground the framework
d) humidify the surroundings
Ans: c

Q.317) If a third equal and similar charge is placed between two equal and similar charges,
then this third charge will
a) move out of the field of influence of the two charges
b) remain in stable equilibrium
c) not be in equilibrium
d) be in unstable equilibrium
Ans: b

Q.318) A region around a stationary electric charge has

a) an electric field
b) a magnetic field
c) both a) and b)
d) none of the above
Ans: a

Q.319) The minimum value of potential gradient in a cable occurs in

a) insulation
b) conductor
c) outer sheath
d) uniformly all over
Ans: a

Q.320) Dielectric strength of medium

a) increases with rise in temperature
b) increases with moisture content
c) is same for all insulating materials
d) none of the above
Ans: d

Q.321) A charge which when placed in vacuum from an equal and similar charge repels with a
force of 9 x 10 N, is known as
a) milli-coulomb
b) micro-coulomb
c) pico-coulomb
d) coulomb
Ans: b

Q.322) Dielectric strength of a medium is usually expressed in

a) J/mm
b) C/m2
c) kV/mm
d) N/mm
Ans: c

Q.323) A positive and a negative charge are initially 50 mm apart. When they are moved close
together so that they are now only 10 mm apart, the force between them will be
a) 5 times smaller than before
b) 5 times greater than before
c) 10 times greater than before
d) 25 times larger than before
Ans: d

Q.324) Which is the most superior dielectric out of the following ?

a) Air
b) Glass
c) Bakelite
d) Paper
Ans: c

Q.325) When a dielectric is placed in an electric field the field strength

a) decreases
b) increases
c) reduces to zero
d) remain unchanged
Ans: a

Q.326) To prevent the generation of static charges on rubber or flat leather

a) surface is moistened
b) conductive dressing is done
c) oil compound dressing is done
d) talcum powder is sprayed on the surface
Ans: b

Q.327) Which of the following capacitor is preferred in case of single phase motor ?
a) Mica capacitor
b) Paper capacitor
c) Electrolytic capacitor
d) Ceramic capacitor
Ans: c

Q.328) A capacitance is a circuit component that opposes the change in circuit

a) current
c) impedance
d) none of the above
Ans: a

Q.329) A condenser suitable for D.C. only is

a) metallic plate variable gang condenser
b) metallic paper capacitor
c) oil impregrated paper condenser
d) poled aluminium electrolytic condenser
Ans: d

Q.330) In a capacitor, the electric charge is stored in

a) metal plates
b) dielectric
c) dielectric as well as metal plates
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.331) Tesla is a unit of

a) field strength
b) inductance
c) flux density
d) flux
Ans: c

Q.332) A permeable substance is one

a) which is a good conductor
b) which is a bad conductor
c) which is a strong magnet
d) through which the magnetic lines of force can pass very easily
Ans: d

Q.333) The materials having low retentivity are suitable for making
a) weak magnets
b) temporary magnets
c) permanent magnets
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.334) magnetic field exists around

a) iron
b) copper
c) aluminium
d) moving charges
Ans: d

Q.335) Ferrites are materials.

a) paramagnetic
b) diamagnetic
c) ferromagnetic
d) none of the above
Ans: c

Q.336) Air gap has _______reluctance as compared to iron or steel path

a) little
b) lower
c) higher
d) zero
Ans: b

Q.337) The direction of magnetic lines of force is

a) from south pole to north pole
b) from north pole to south pole
c) from one end of the magnet to another
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.338) Which of the following is a vector quantity?

a) Relative permeability
b) Magnetic field intensity
c) Flux density
d) Magnetic potential
Ans: b

Q.339) The two conductors of a transmission line carry equal current I in opposite directions.
The force on each conductor is
a) proportional to 7
b) proportional to X
c) proportional to distance between the conductors
d) inversely proportional to I
Ans: b

Q.340) A material which is slightly repelled by a magnetic field is known as

a) ferromagnetic material
b) diamagnetic material
c) paramagetic material
d) conducting material
Ans: b

Q.341) When an iron piece is placed in a magnetic field

a) the magnetic lines of force will bend away from their usual paths in order to go away from
the piece
b) the magnetic lines of force will bend away from their usual paths in order to pass through
the piece
c) the magnetic field will not be affected
d) the iron piece will break
Ans: b

Q.342) Fleming's left hand rule is used to find

a) direction of magnetic field due to current carrying conductor
b) direction of flux in a solenoid
c) direction of force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field
d) polarity of a magnetic pole
Ans: c

Q.343) The ratio of intensity of magnetization to the magnetization force is known as

a) flux density
b) susceptibility
c) relative permeability
d) none of the above
Ans: b

Q.344) Magnetising steel is normal’s difficult because

a) it corrodes easily
b) it has high permeability
c) it has high specific gravity
d) it has low permeability
Ans: d

Q.345) The left hand rule correlates to

a) current, induced e.m.f. and direc¬tion of force on a conductor
b) magnetic field, electric field and direction of force on a conductor
c) self induction, mutual induction and direction of force on a conductor
d) current, magnetic field and direc¬tion of force on a conductor
Ans: d

Q.346) The unit of relative permeability is

a) henry/metre
b) henry
c) henry/sq. m
d) it is dimensionless
Ans: d

Q.347) A conductor of length L has current I passing through it, when it is placed parallel to a
magnetic field. The force experienced by the conductor will be
a) zero
b) BLI
c) B2LI
d) BLI2
Ans: a

Q.348) The force between two long parallel conductors is inversely proportional to
a) radius of conductors
b) current in one conductor
c) product of current in two conductors
d) distance between the conductors
Ans: d

Q.349) Materials subjected to rapid reversal of magnetism should have

a) large area oiB-H loop
b) high permeability and low hysteresis loss
c) high co-ercivity and high reten-tivity
d) high co-ercivity and low density
Ans: b

Q.350) Indicate which of the following material does not retain magnetism permanently.
a) Soft iron
b) Stainless steel
c) Hardened steel
d) None of the above
Ans: a

Q.351) The main constituent of perm alloy is

a) cobalt
b) chromium
c) nickel
d) tungsten
Ans: c

Q.352) The use of permanent magnets is. not made in

a) magnetos
b) energy meters
c) transformers
d) loud-speakers
Ans: c

Q.353) Paramagnetic materials have relative permeability

a) slightly less than unity
b) equal to unity
c) slightly more than unity
d) equal to that ferromagnetic materials
Ans: c

Q.354) Substances which have permeability less than permeability of free space are known as
a) ferromagnetic
b) paramagnetic
c) diamagnetic
d) bipolar
Ans: c

Q.355) Two infinitely long parallel conductors in vacuum anf' separated 1 metre between
centres >rhen a current of 1 ampere flows thn. ugh each conductor, produce on each other
a force of
a) 2 x 1(T2 N/m)
b) 2 x KT3 N/m
c) 2 x 10"5 N/m
d) 2x 1(T7 N/m)
Ans: d

Q.356) In the left hand rule, forefinger always represents

a) voltage
b) current
c) magnetic field
d) direction of force on the conductor
Ans: c

Q.357) Which of the following is a ferromagnetic material ?

a) Tungsten
b) Aluminium
c) Copper
d) Nickel
Ans: d

Q.358) Ferrites are a sub-group of

a) non-magnetic materials
b) ferro-magnetic materials
c) paramagnetic materials
d) ferromagnetic materials
Ans: d

Q.359) Gilbert is a unit of

a) electromotive force
b) Magnetomotive force
c) conductance
d) permittivity
Ans: b

Q.360) The working of a meter is based on the use of a permanent magnet. In order to protect
the meter functioning from stray magnetic fields
a) meter is surrounded by strong magnetic fields
b) a soft iron shielding is used
c) a plastic shielding is provided
d) a shielding of anon-magnetic material is used
Ans: b

Q.361) Reciprocal of permeability is

a) reluctivity
b) susceptibility
c) permittivity
d) conductance
Ans: a

Q.362) The relative permeability is less than unity is case of

a) ferromagnetic materials
b) ferrites
c) non-ferrous materials
d) diamagnetic materials
Ans: d

Q.363) Which of the following is the unit of magnetic flux density?

a) weber
b) lumens
c) tesla
d) none of the above
Ans: c

Q.364) The magnetism left in the iron after exciting field has been removed is known as
a) Permeance
b) residual magnetism
c) susceptance
d) reluctance
Ans: b

Q.365) Which of the following is not a unit of flux?

a) Maxwell
b) Tesla
c) Weber
d) All of the above
Ans: b
Q.366) Which of the following is expected to have the maximum permeability ?
a) Brass
b) Copper
c) Zinc
d) Ebonite
Ans: d

Q.367) One telsa is equal to

a) 1 Wb/mm2
b) 1 Wb/m
c) 1 Wb/m2
d) 1 mWb/m2
Ans: c

Q.368) Out of following statements, concerning an electric field, which statement is not true ?
a) The electric intensity is a vector quantity
b) The electric field intensity at a point is numerically equal to the force exerted upon a
charge placed at that point
c) An electric field is defined as a point in space at which an electric charge would
experience a force
d) Unit field intensity in the exertion of a force of one newton on a charge of one coulomb
Ans: b

Q.369) When a magnet is in motion relative to a coil the induced e.m.f. does not depend upon
a) resistance of the coil
b) motion of the magnet
c) number of turns of the coil
d) pole strength of the magnet
Ans: a

Q.370) One Maxwell is equal to

a) 10 webers
b) 10 webers
c) 10 webers
d) 10 webers
Ans: d

Q.371) When two ends of a circular uniform wire are joined to the terminals of a battery, the field
at the centre of the circle
a) will be zero
b) will be infinite
c) will depend on the amount of e.m.f. applied
d) will depend on the radius of the circle
Ans: d

Q.372) Susceptibility is positive for

a) non-magnetic substances
b) diamagnetic substances
c) ferromagnetic substances
d) none of the above
Ans: c

Q.373) Two long parallel conductors carry 100 A. If the conductors are separated by 20 mm,
the force per metre of length of each conductor will be
a) 100 N
b) 10 N
c) 1 N
d) 0.1 N
Ans: d

Q.374) A 300 mm long conductor is carrying a current of 10 A and is situated at right angles to
a magnetic field having a flux density of 0.8 T ; the force on the conductor will be
a) 240 N
b) 24 N
c) 2.4 N
d) 0.24 N
Ans: c

Q.375) A 200 turn coil having an axial length of 30 mm and a radius of 10 mm is pivoted in a
magnetic field having a flux density of 0.8 T. If the coil carries a current of 0.5 A, the torque
acting on the coil will be
a) 4.8 N-m
b) 0.48 N-m
c) 0.048 N-m
d) 0.0048 N-m
[Hint. Torque = 2BIlNr N-m]
Ans: c

Q.376) The electromagnet has 50 turns and a current of 1A flows through the coil. If the length
of the magnet circuit is 200 mm, what is the magnetic field strength ?
a) 2500 AT/m
b) 250 AT/m
c) 25 AT/m
d) 2.5 AT/m
Ans: b
Q.377) What is the magnitude and the direction of force per 1.1m length of a pair of conductors
of a direct current linecarrying 10 amperes and spaced 100 mm apart ?
a) 22 x 10"8 N
b) 22 x 10"7 N
c) 22 x 10-6 N
d) 22 x 10"5 N
Ans: d

Q.378) A square cross-sectional magnet has a pole strength of 1 x 10 Wb and cross sectional
area of 20 mm x 20 mm. What is the strength at a distance of 100 mm from the unit pole in
air ?
a) 63.38 N/Wb
b) 633.8 N/Wb
c) 6338 N/Wb
d) 63380 N/Wb
Ans: c

Q.379) The unit of flux is the same as that of

a) reluctance
b) resistance
c) permeance
d) pole strength
Ans: d

Q.380) Unit for quantity of electricity is

a) ampere-hour
b) watt
c) joule
d) coulomb
Ans: d

Q.381) The Biot-savart's law is a general modification of

a) Kirchhoffs law
b) Lenz's law
c) Ampere's law
d) Faraday's laws
Ans: c

Q.382) The most effective and quickest may of making a magnet from soft iron is by
a) placing it inside a coil carrying current
b) induction
c) the use of permanent magnet
d) rubbing with another magnet
Ans: a

Q.383) The commonly used material for shielding or screening magnetism is

a) copper
b) aluminium
c) soft iron
d) brass
Ans: c

Q.384) If a copper disc is rotated rapidly below a freely suspended magnetic needle, the
magnetic needle shall start rotating with a velocity
a) less than that of disc but in opposite direction
b) equal to that of disc and in the same direction
c) equal to that of disc and in the opposite direction
d) less than that of disc and in the same direction
Ans: d

Q.385) A permanent magnet

a) attracts some substances and repels others
b) attracts all paramagnetic substan¬ces and repels others
c) attracts only ferromagnetic sub¬stances
d) attracts ferromagnetic substances and repels all others
Ans: a

Q.386) The retentivity (a property) of material is useful for the construction of

a) permanent magnets
b) transformers
c) non-magnetic substances
d) electromagnets
Ans: a

Q.387) The relative permeability of materials is not constant.

a) diamagnetic
b) paramagnetic
c) ferromagnetic
d) insulating
Ans: c

Q.388) The materials are a bit inferior conductors of magnetic flux than air.
a) ferromagnetic
b) paramagnetic
c) diamagnetic
d) dielectric
Ans: c
Q.389) Hysteresis loop in case of magnetically hard materials is more in shape as compared to
magnetically soft materials.
a) circular
b) triangular
c) rectangular
d) none of the above
Ans: c

Q.390) A rectangular magnet of magnetic moment M is cut into two piece of same length, the
magnetic moment of each piece will be
a) M
(6) M/2
c) 2 M
d) M/4
Ans: b

Q.391) A keeper is used to

a) change the direction of magnetic lines
b) amplify flux
c) restore lost flux
d) provide a closed path for flux
Ans: d

Q.392) Magnetic moment is a

a) pole strength
b) universal constant
c) scalar quantity
d) vector quantity
Ans: d

Q.393) The change of cross-sectional area of conductor in magnetic field will affect
a) reluctance of conductor
b) resistance of conductor
c) a) and b) b >th in the same way
d) none of the above
Ans: c

Q.394) The uniform magnetic field is

a) the field of a set of parallel conductors
b) the field of a single conductor
c) the field in which all lines of magnetic flux are parallel and equidistant
d) none of the above
Ans: c
Q.395) The magneto-motive force is
a) the voltage across the two ends of exciting coil
b) the flow of an electric current
c) the sum of all currents embraced by one line of magnetic field
d) the passage of magnetic field through an exciting coil
Ans: c

Q.396) What will be the current passing through the ring shaped air cored coil when number of
turns is 800 and ampere turns are 3200 ?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
Ans: b

Q.397) The S.I. unit of power is

a) henry
b) coulomb
c) watt
d) watt-hour
Ans: c

Q.398) What will be the magnetic potential difference across the air gap of 2 cm length in
magnetic field of 200 AT/m ?
a) 2 AT
b) 4 AT
c) 6 AT
d) 10 AT
Ans: b

Q.399) Which of the following statements is correct ?

a) The magnetic flux inside an exciting coil is lower than its outside surface
b) The magnetic flux inside an exciting coil is zero
c) The magnetic flux inside the exciting coil is greater than its outside surface
d) The magnetic flux inside the exciting coil is same as on its outside surface
Ans: d

Q.400) A certain amount of current flows through a ring-shaped coil with fixed number of turns.
How does the magnetic induction B varies inside the coil if an iron core is threaded into
coil without dimensional change of coil ?
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remains same
d) First increases and then decreases depending on the depth of iron insertion
Ans: b

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