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Architecture and Freedom?

Programmatic Innovation in the Work of Koolhaas/OMA

Author(s): Kim Dovey and Scott Dickson
Source: Journal of Architectural Education (1984-), Vol. 56, No. 1 (Sep., 2002), pp. 4-13
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Association of Collegiate Schools of
Architecture, Inc.
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Accessed: 04-02-2017 10:43 UTC

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KIM DOVEY AND SCOTT DICKSON Architecture and Freedom?
University of Melbourne

Programmatic Innovation
in the Work of Koolhaas/OMA

The work of Rem Koolhaas/OMA has long been identified with the attempt to break with architec-
tural ideologies embodied in spatial programs. Programmatic innovations include the production of
fields of social encounter, new functional juxtapositions, and forms of spatial segmentation. These
are designed to resist the role of architecture in reproducing social roles and structures-to enable
certain freedoms. This paper is a spatial analysis of two recent projects that reveal both achievements
and limits to this project. Koolhaas's work succeeds through a certain magic; and some of the free-
doms are illusory.

Introduction Buildings as Spatial "Fields" More like a sadist than a surgeon, he has
Koolhaas' designs are blatantly straightfor- The works of OMA have been termed the "social begun to knife the brief, hacking away its fat,
condensers of our time."4 This reflects a return to even its flesh, until he has exposed its
ward .... [O]ne and only one cultural aim
drives the work ... to discover what real, the early modernist imperative toward an architec- nerve.... The focus on these reductions is
instrumental collaboration can be effected ture that would remake the habitat and habitus of always on disestablishment, that is, always on
between architecture and freedom. everyday life. However, this is not a return to the excising the residues in the project of un-
Kipnis' social engineering reflected in ideas like the "social warranted authority, unnecessary governance
condenser." Rather, it is a vision fueled by the and tired convention. Reductive disestablish-
The success of the work of Koolhaas/OMA in formal and social multiplicities of urban life, a vision ment provides the crucial stratagem in each of
professional discourse rests strongly on the claim to reflected in the name of the Office for Metropolitan Koolhaas' recent projects, the intellectual
be an architecture of emancipation.2 This paper is Architecture, which we read as both an architecture modus operandi by which the architect begins
an examination of this claim and a critique of two of the metropolis and an insertion of the metropolis to transform the design into an instrument of
of his buildings through the lens of an adapted into the architecture. Koolhaas's work is strongly freedom.5
method of spatial syntax analysis. This may seem an ordered by trajectories of movement through the
odd coupling because spatial syntax analysis, as building. The role of vertical movement via escala- Koolhaas seeks an architecture that encourages an
developed by Hillier and Hanson, is a structuralist tors, stairs, ramps, and lifts is a key to the order irruption of events, social encounters, and opportu-
critique of buildings and urban structures that that is set up, as they become the modes of access nities for action. Rather than designing with a
would surely be anathema to Koolhaas. Yet our to fields of encounter or "event-fields." Koolhaas is particular hierarchy of spaces and narratives of
adaptation of such methods is not intended to be inspired by the notion of an architecture of libera- spatial movement in mind, he generally works
reductionist. Rather, it is an interrogation and exca- tion in terms of the multiple "freedoms" for new towards a spatial structure that allows a multiplicity
vation of the spatial program and a critique of the forms of action that architecture is seen to make of choices for pedestrian flow and encounter. Kool-
ways in which architectural ideologies may have possible. Space is programmed for indefinite func- haas wants to "liquefy rigid programming into
been deconstructed, reconstructed, or reproduced. tion and chance encounter. Koolhaas seeks an non-specific flows and events ... to weave together
To do this, we will first set aside any formal critique architecture that can resist the imperative to exterior, interior, vestigial and primary spaces into a
of Koolhaas's work except as it informs this task, become a diagram of social and institutional struc- frank differential matrix that rids the building of the
not because such formal expression is any less inter- ture, which he terms social mimesis. For Kipnis, hackneyed bourgeois niceties of cosmetic hierar-
esting or innovative, but because it is better Koolhaas's version of "freedom" is not an overt chies."6

theorized. Indeed, it is all that many critics see of resistance to authority but rather a form of Koolhaas often designs interiors as if they were
his work. programmatic sabotage: exteriors, importing lessons from exterior urban

5 DOVEY AND DICKSON Journal of Architectural Education,

pp. 5-13 ? 2002 ACSA, Inc.

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1. Spatial Analysis Lines, Fans, and Networks

Linear Plan Fanned or Branching Plan Permeable Network

or Ringy Plan

space into interior space. These interiors are often

designed as fields of play or artificial landscapes ......

that dissolve boundaries between inside and

outside, between architecture and metropolis. Such
spaces are often functionally open and visually
transparent to maximize social encounter. Jameson
situates Koolhaas's work in the context of the
Linear Fanned or Networkor
Syntax Branching Syntax Ringy Syntax
prevailing social dialectics of publicity/privacy and
freedom/ control in what he terms the post-civil
society. He suggests that Koolhaas's work enables
patterns of free play within a rigid spatial order:
utilized such strategies in the interiors in terms of the link between spatial st
of buildings
the originality of Koolhaas is that his work ture and institutional
where they contribute towards the emergence of authority. Syntactic anal
does not simply glorify differentiation in the the
new kinds of social space. The promise most
here is sophisticated
that available.
conventional pluralist ideological way: rather the field-like nature of Koolhaas's work Not enough
opens up space is available here for mo
he insists on the relationship between this than
the work to multiplicities of experience a cursory
and action. account of spatial syntax, and
randomness and freedom and the presence of are a range
This idea of the building as a "field" rather than of
an analysis techniques. Our analys
some rigid, inhuman, non-differentiated form loose adaptation
architectural object entails a shift in critique from of syntactic analysis that tra
that enables the differentiation of what goes the do
form to spatial analysis. To what extent building
these plan into a diagram of how life a
on around it.7 social encounter is framed within it.'2 Figure 1
designs restructure social space or reproduce
familiar spatial structures? shows how similar plans with different access
There is an interesting connection here with what yield quite different syntactic structures and i
Allen suggests is a shift in architectural thinking Spatial Syntax trates three primary cluster relations: the stri
from a focus on the architectural object to a focus enfilade)
Methods of spatial syntax analysis, first with no choice of pathway, the fan
on field relations, paralleling the development of branching)
by Hillier and Hanson, represent an attempt to structure with access controlled fro
field theory in mathematics.8 A field consists of single segment, and the ringy network or pe
reveal a deep social structuring of architectural
contingent relations, forces, trajectories, and structure
space." From this view, buildings operate with multiple choices of pathway. Ar
to consti-
patterns of movement such as those that govern a tecture inevitably involves combinations of t
tute social organizations as spatial dispositions;
flock of birds. Allen describes field conditions as architecture mediates social reproduction
The linear syntax is an enfilade of spac
"any formal or spatial matrix capable of unifying controlled
spatial "genotypes." These are not formal typesmovement,
or which is common in trad
diverse elements while respecting the identity of tional centers
archetypes but clusters of spatial segments struc- of power (such as Versailles) an
each.... Field conditions are bottom-up some rules
tured in certain formations with syntactic modern
of retail buildings (with an entry
phenomena: defined not by overarching geometrical end seen
sequence and adjacency. Genotypes are and an
as exit at the other)."3 The network
schema but by intricate local connections."9 The institutionally and epistemologically is defined by
embedded. Thea choice of pathways and is oft
field is a material condition rather than a discursive forms of schools, offices and houses called
are reproduced
permeability. The fan is characteristic of
practice. Allen draws analogies between field theory bureaucratic
from a limited number of spatial genotypes. Each organizations
of with large number
and architectural attempts to encourage a sponta- cells controlled
these is linked to specific social institutions (school, by a hallway. When a linear sy
neity of action. He suggests that systems with corporation, family) embodying formscombined with a fan, the result is a tree, a lin
of knowledge,
"permeable boundaries, flexible internal relation- series
production, and reproduction. The work of fans. A key dimension of syntactic an
of Hillier
ships, multiple pathways and fluid hierarchies" are is the
and Hanson is widely perceived within the field
degreeofof network connectivity or "ring
capable of responding to emerging complexities of versus
architecture as positivist and reductionist. a tree-like hierarchy of spatial control.
new urban contexts.10 A major innovation in Kool- we share some of these concerns, Koolhaas's
network structure is defined by its multiple an
haas's work lies in the extent to which he has lateral and
programmatic innovations demand analysis connections, many possible pathways

Architecture and Freedom? 6

Programmatic Innovation in the Work of Koolhaas/OMA

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through it, and dispersed control. Tree-like struc- sarily interpretive, but they have an empirical basis freedom, yet any conflation of physical enclosure
tures control circulation and social interaction in in the flows of movement through the buildings. with social constraint, or of open space with liberty,
certain key access spaces. Thus, a hallway or foyer For our purposes here, the diagrams should not be is a dangerous one. Buildings are increasingly called
that is the only access to a cluster of rooms has a read mechanically but as fields of sociospatial upon to produce an illusion of freedom coupled
high level of control over the flow of everyday life. encounter. with the reality of control and surveillance. Trans-
The permeable network or ringy structure offers parency may be used to couple a proliferating gaze
The spatial structure is a "structuring structure"
many possible pathways and diverse encounters; the of what Bourdieu terms the habitus, the embodied
with diminishing access.17 And freedom of associa-
flow of life through space is only loosely controlled. tion within a particular social group can build the
divisions and hierarchies between things, persons,
Another key characteristic is the depth or shal- social capital of that group vis-a-vis other groups.
and practices that construct the social world.15 Our
lowness of any segment from the nearest external "positions" within buildings lend us our "disposi-This is what Hillier and Hanson term the correspon-
entry points and the overall depth of the structure. tions" in social life; the spatial "division" of our dence model of urban space in which spatial zones
A deep structure requires the traversing of many world becomes a "vision" of our world. The build- "correspond" to social groupings. High correspon-

segments with many boundaries and points of ings we inhabit, our habitat, our spatial habits, alldence is when all those who share a spatial zone
control. The diagrammatic method shows the spatial also share a social label."8 A high level of correspon-
reproduce our social world. Syntactic analysis opens
segments of the building layered into levels of up many questions. What kinds of agency are dence is relatively deterministic of patterns of social
depth so that the level of a space indicates the encounter: space operates to exclude random
enabled and constrained by the particular building
shortest route from the exterior. Depth is an impor- genotype within which it is structured and whose encounter and to keep "difference" at a distance. A
tant mediator of social relations both between non-correspondence system will mix people of
interests are served? How is everyday life bracketed
inhabitants (kinship relations or organizational hier- and punctuated into sociospatially framed situations
different social identity; it is a spatial model that
archies) and between inhabitants and visitors. and locales? How does architecture frame the socialbreeds encounter with difference. There is a social
Domestic space is often structured along age logic to the boundary between exterior and interior
gaze through structured realms of visibility? What
(adult/child) and gender divisions in its deeper space in that interior space is more strongly struc-
regimes of normalization are enforced and in whose
segments, while mediating contact between insiders interest? tured and segmented: the correspondence model
and visitors in shallower space. The syntax of disci- Hillier distinguishes between "long" and prevails with a primary function in the reproduction
plinary institutions (prison, hospital, asylum, school, "short" (or deep and shallow) models of interior of social relations. This is countered by the non-
and factory) locates subjects under surveillance space: the long model conserves and reproduces correspondence model more common in exterior
deep within the structure.14 status and hierarchy, whereas the short model space. Each of these is in contradiction: random
Many contemporary buildings, those of Kool- generates new possibilities for social relations: encounter would undermine the social reproductive
haas among them, are designed with flowing and function of interior space, and the determinism of
fragmented spaces, pursuing deliberate ambiguities A ritual is a long model social event, since all
interior structures would kill urban diversity. This is
of enclosure, visibility, and permeability. What precisely what happens in urban space when tree-
that happens is governed by rules, and a ritual
happens to spatial genotypes when they are like genotypes (such as the housing enclave) invade
typically generates a precise system of spatial
subjected to such tactics, and does syntactic anal- relationships and movements through time....
public space. Koolhaas is attempting the opposite,
ysis make sense when space is not clearly A party is a short model event, since its object
playing with this tension between inside and
segmented? It is our view that the analysis is worth is to generate new relationships by shuffling outside, using the encounter structures of urban
the effort so long as it is coupled with a serious them in space, and this means that rules must
space to effect innovations in interior space.
warning about the status of the diagrams. The be minimized by using a spatial "short model." This attempt at a forced fit between spatial
diagrams are not plans; they are designed to reveal ... In a short model situation, space evolvesfields
to and spatial syntax is surely a contentious issue
the modes of access and control through the spatial structure, and often to maximise, encounterand one which we cannot deal with at any length
structure. The diagrams have a mimetic relationship density.16 here. The concept of space is very slippery and
to the plan but are not mechanically derived from it. changes meaning between disciplines and between
Boxes on the diagrams include both separate rooms A permeable network of spaces and the open different ideologies within architectural theory. In
and semi-separated spatial fields. They are neces- plan have long been linked to practices of social general terms, Hillier's definition is more empirical


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2. Educatorium, University of Utrecht

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and materialist, whereas Koolhaas appears to rooms.

adopt (See Figure 2.) According to the project the users of its diverse functions, whilst allowing a
a Deleuzian epistemology incorporating idealsarchitect's
of statement, it was conceived as the hubpragmatic
of and nearly autonomous use of individual
campus servicing fourteen faculties and researchspaces."" This architect's statement introduces
"smooth space."19 Yet the work of both restsaupon
shared claims about the importance of social facilities, a "rendezvous and exchange point, a series of key phrases and metaphors that have
encounter and shared concerns for architecturecreating
as a new center of gravity," which is to become the primary frameworks of critique in other
"machine." We now move to a spatial analysis"embody
of the university 'experience': the social journals." The characteristic blurring of inside and
two of Koolhaas's recently completed projects.
encounters of the cafeteria space, the learning outside in OMA projects is described through the
and exchange in the auditoria/classrooms, and the
metaphor of the "synthetic landscape." The entry to
Factory of Learning: individual rites of passage played out in the exami-
the building is described as a tilted ground plane
The Educatorium at Utrecht nation halls."20 There was a deliberate attempt to and urban plaza that then continues as an interior
The Educatorium for the University of Utrecht wasgenerate diverse forms of social encounter in sloping "field" upon which the two auditoria are
completed in 1997; it houses a cafeteria, two large
the building: "seeking potential overlap between placed like figures in a landscape. This rising floor-
lecture theaters, and a cluster of examination the programs and encouraging exchange betweenplate, which folds upwards and back to become the

Architecture and Freedom? 8

Programmatic Innovation in the Work of Koolhaas/OMA

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3. Educatorium, ground and first levels
(Photo by Christian Richters).

... :.

.. .
wall and then roof of the building, is described by
Koolhaas as a "social magic carpet," an urban land-
scape of play and social encounter imported into
the architecture. (See Figure 3.) The floor that folds
into a wall has become the iconic image of the

i- . r a
building: one of the photographs provided for
publication shows a skateboarder "surfing" the
curved surface of the interior landscape. One of the
auditoria has an entire wall open to the view and is r?'~

described as an amphitheater set in the landscape.

Examination rooms are also described as interior
landscapes that are able to be flexibly subdivided
for different functions. A permeable spatial struc-
ture is deliberately designed "to act as a network in
which students and users are free to discover their
own alternative shortcuts and to 'drift' through
(the) building. Rather than attempting to dictate
any particular pattern of use, the design of the
educatorium seeks to create a synthetic landscape
open to individual choice."" Circulation areas are
in the examination rooms, in which students
designed as a series of "pause spaces" for
perform for lecturers and knowledge is tested under
impromptu hanging out between exams or lectures.
ritual conditions of surveillance. This
with a is what Hillier m
The spatial analysis diagram (Figure 4) shows a
describes as the long model of spatial planning
building that is accessible, shallow, and highly
derived from the reversed spatial syntax
open cir of discipli-
permeable. The building is accessed publicly
(See Figure 4.) nary institutions of the enlightenment that place
through eleven entry points from the exterior and
The Educatorium is repeatedly described in the subjects under surveillance deep within the spatial
other buildings. For a building of this size and
literature as a "factory of learning," a phrase that structure. In the sense that this building is seen as
complexity, this is a very shallow structure indeed:
resonates with Koolhaas's aesthetic, his machine the "hub" of the university, one would expect to
all major spaces are accessible within six levels of
metaphors, and the role of the university as a find staff offices and laboratories (the production of
depth. With the exception of service spaces (which
knowledge factory. While knowledge is produced in knowledge) on the branches of the tree-like struc-
have been omitted for clarity), there are no dead-
the research centers and staff offices deeper in the ture. The spaces where student performance is
ends whatsoever. The building has three major
functional "attractors": the auditoria, examination university (in the spokes of the "hub"), fragments legitimated are found deep within the hub. Here,

rooms, and the cafeteria - each of which is coupled of this knowledge are revealed in the spectacle of the Educatorium becomes partially reversed,

with a major social circulation space. These three the lecture theaters, discussed in the foyers and inducting its subjects into regimes of normalization

zones are organized vertically with the cafeteria on cafeteria spaces, and then examined in the enclosed and surveillance in relatively deep space. The exami-
the ground floor, auditoria above, and the exam rooms above. Markus has shown how the spatial nation zone is five to six levels deep within the
rooms occupying the upper levels. The major circu- structure of the lecture theater surrounded by a building; it does not receive the level of architec-
field of highly permeable social space dates from tural attention of the shallow zones and does not
lation spaces and routes between them are
unenclosed. (Spaces enclosed by doors are marked the enlightenment; here knowledge is brought into figure in the published photographs in magazines.
by dark frames on the diagram.) Four major foyers the light from a deeper source and discussed in Here the field of play stops and work begins.
or "pause spaces" form a series from the ramped social space.24 Knowledge is legitimated in part by Although all examination rooms have multiple
plaza on the exterior to the main foyer, which leads locating its sources in deep spatial programs. The points of entry, they are each end points to spatial
upwards to the folded foyer and then back to a communication from lecturer to student is reversed movement. The shortest routes of access and egress


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4. Educatorium spatial analysis.


Open Foyer EXAMS


Bordeaux was described by Koolhaas as aFOYE
and the father himself describes the new house as
his "liberation."27
The house is organized with a total of four
Stair Stair Ramp vertical-movement
Stair systems connecting three
formally distinct floors: a highly transparent living
floor sandwiched between the heavy mass of lower
Ramp Ramp MAIN FOYER Stair Stair (kitchen/entry) and upper (sleeping) floors. (See
Figure 5.) The base level is an entry courtyard with
car access, framed by the house on one side with
guest and servant quarters on the other. At this
Stair FOYER Entry PLAZA-RAMP CAFETERIA level, the house is excavated from the hillside and
likened (by Koolhaas) to a "sequence of caves" or
"cellar" housing the entry, kitchen, wine cellar, and
television room.28 The middle level is a fully trans-
Other Buildings parent, glass-enclosed slice of living/dining and
gallery/study areas structured into one large field of
Exterior Access
visual and functional encounter. (See Figure 6.) A
motorized glass wall slides away to erase the
boundary with the outdoor terrace, landscape, and
to these levels are not through the open foyers acceptance of prevailing social and economic forces,
commanding views across Bordeaux. Just as the
but via the enclosed stair and the elevator. (See the rejection of an architecture that simply resists
interior is opened to the landscape, so the exterior
Figure 4.) authority in favor of a realpolitik wherein the desire is to be furnished with artworks using a special
One can read the Educatorium as a radically for the new is harnessed to make what one can in a
tracking system in the ceiling. The bourgeois
innovative building at its shallow levels with a difficult world. The circulation system in this
drawing room (once the "withdrawing" room) slides
conservative depth. The socialization of students, building is in many ways a masterful piece of out from the house. The bedroom accommodation
contact between students and staff, and the design, but it achieves this by integrating such on the top level is enclosed in a horizontal slab,
delivery and sharing of ideas all take place in the programmatic innovation with entrenched spatial pierced with porthole-sized windows, and designed
relatively shallow network of social spaces. Yet the genotypes. Its freedoms of movement and to appear as if suspended above the transparent
grading of student performance, the legitimation of encounter urbanize its interior, but only to the point living zone, like a sandwich about to collapse on its
institutional knowledge, remains deeply embedded that it does not threaten the knowledge/power contents.

in the spatial structure. The two key metaphors of regime that produces the building in the first place. The four vertical-movement systems are three
"synthetic landscape" and "factory of learning" stairways and an open elevator. The elevator
reflect the ways that the field relations of the land- Machine as Heart: The House provides the wheelchair access: a platform of 3 by
scape have been imported into the factory to at Floirac 3.5 meters that rises and descends on a hydraulic
urbanize the building. Yet the synthetic landscape The house at Floirac was completed in 1998 on a column to align with each of the three floors. The
of the folded floor/wall/roof does not encompass hilltop site outside Bordeaux in northern France and
platform has no walls or balustrades, and it
the examination rooms wherein the building more has been widely published since then.26 The client is
becomes a part of each room it aligns with. As
closely resembles the instrumentalism of the factory. a family whose father was recently confined to a Koolhaas puts it: "The movement of the elevator
Graafland has suggested that Koolhaas's work is a wheelchair as the result of an accident, and the changed, each time, the architecture of the house.
somewhat Faustian practice that embodies a house was largely designed around his needs. Kool-A machine was its heart."29 At the ground floor, the
dialectic between the freedoms he seeks and the haas suggests that it is not a house for an "invalid"platform becomes an alcove off the entrance/
tree-like institutional structures in which such prac- but an architecture that denies "invalidity." The kitchen and provides the access to a wine cellar.
tices are embedded.25 This entails a certain family's previous house in the medieval section of At the middle floor, it becomes an unenclosed part

Architecture and Freedom? 10

Programmatic Innovation in the Work of Koolhaas/OMA

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5. House at Floirac, Bordeaux plans.
6. House at Floirac, middle floor (Photo by Christian Richters).
Bed Bath Bed

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Bed Bed Bed Bed

Upper Level

"ti' " f!I:'Ir ' ? i I

I Terrace

Study i Live
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Living Level

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Kitchen V . .. ... ~ ... ? : ..'- . .


Lower Level


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7. House at Floirac spatial analysis.

A E . A T.

entirely severed from the adult zone and inacces-

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sible to the father. Surveillance over children is the
only function not afforded the father.
The house at Floirac is in many ways a recon-
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struction of the bourgeois house with its servant
quarters and cellar dug into the hillside, surmounted
by the piano nobil with its commanding views, and
the attic story with its tiny windows. The house can
F R be construed as a play on the Bachelardian arche-
type, itself firmly based in the French bourgeois
house, with its cellar and garret framing the
- - - _ " everyday life of the middle floor.1" (See Figure 7.)
However, it is a radically innovative and imaginative
'4 ..
PW Illif
house, both formally and spatially. It combines a
rethinking of the dialectics of inside/outside (as in
Mies' Farnsworth house) and vertical/horizontal
M iutt
(Corbusier's Villa Savoye), but with greater
programmatic dynamism and complexity (as in the
Rietveld Schr6der house). Although the structure of
of the living/dining areas with views out to the handrails and at least one reviewer has suggested the house is highly ringy on the lower levels, it is
landscape and terrace. At the top floor, it becomes that the space produces a sense of genuine insecu- also conceptually tree-like with the elevator as its
an alcove off the father's bedroom. At each level, rity and risk.30 This void (reminiscent of Eisenman's
stem. It embodies new forms of both liberation and

the platform slides across bookshelves that line famous hole in the floor between the twin beds) social control, and gender divisions are enhanced
one side. can be read as a deconstructive challenge to the rather than challenged. As Koolhaas puts it, "a
The four vertical-movement systems generate traditional idea of house and home as reinforcing machine is its heart," and the machine is a patriar-
a highly interconnected spatial structure for the ontological stability. Yet the void is created and chal prosthesis. Although positions could be
lower floors. (See Figure 7.) However, they are also erased in a gender-specific manner: the central transposed (with a woman controlling the space),
organized for specialized use: the mother's stair to the structure of the house would remain hierar-
living space of the house is secure only when the
the east, the guest stair near the entry, and the father is present. chical. Is this new spatial hierarchy an accidental
children's stair to the west. Koolhaas regards the The elevator is furnished in some photographs byproduct of Koolhaas's obsession with the
elevator as the key liberating technology of our era, as a study with a desk and lamp. Because it is lined elevator? Or is it a deliberate tactic of bringing
and here it is the elevator platform that renders the with bookshelves and controls all access to the wine authority into the light rather than resisting it,
house accessible by wheelchair. However, unlike the cellar, it can be interpreted as a reconstruction of exposing the "nerve," as Kipnis puts it. In either
urban elevator, which is shared by wheels and feet, the male "den" brought into the light and mobi- case, it seems a dangerous move.
here it is the domain of one person because use by lized, transposed from deep to shallow space with Comment
others would leave the father stranded. This the walls removed. However, when the platform
Liberty is a practice ... [lit can never be
machine is the "heart" of the house, where it trans- retreats to the top floor, it seals the gap to create a
inherent in the structure of things to guarantee
forms the architecture and places the father in fully enclosed space, deep within the spatial struc-
the exercise of freedom. The guarantee of
charge. The father controls the architecture, and the ture. This adult bedroom zone is structured in a
freedom is freedom.
position of the elevator becomes a signifier of his long loop with the two bedrooms at once separated Foucault32
presence and absence. When the father is out, on and connected by a bathroom and a balcony. (See
the ground floor, or in bed, then the main living Figure 7.) The children's bedrooms form a more So what can be made of Koolhaas's desire to
space is left with a central void. This void has no traditional tree-like syntax on the same level but unhinge architecture from its role in social reproduc-

Architecture and Freedom? 12

Programmatic Innovation in the Work of Koolhaas/OMA

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All use subject to
17. Markus, Buildings and Power, p. 18.
tion? Koolhaas's goals are generally laudable: he Notes

1. Jeffrey Kipnis, "Recent Koolhaas," El Croquis 79, (1998): 26-31,18. Hillier and Hanson, The Social Logic of Space, pp. 255-261.
treats interior space as a field of play that resists
19. G. Deleuze and F Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus (London: Athlone,
p. 27.
any simple mimetic relationship with social struc- 1987), ch. 14.
2. Alejandro Zaera and Rem Koolhaas, "Finding Freedoms: Conversa-
ture, and a permeable spatial network is a primary tions with Rem Koolhaas," El Croquis 53 (1992): 6-31.
20. Christian Cornubert, "Educatorium, Utrecht, Holland," Domus 800
(Jan. 1998): 42-47, p. 43.
design tactic. He wants to defy the "social logic of 3. Bill Hillier, Space Is the Machine: A Configurational Theory of Archi-
21. Cornubert, "Educatorium," p. 44.
space," to free up the programmatic imperatives tecture (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996); Bill Hillier
22. Peter Buchanan, "Rem Koolhaas/OMA: Educatorium at University
and Julienne Hanson, The Social Logic of Space (New York: Cambridge
that lock architecture into the service of a highly of Utrecht," Architecture and Urbanism 336 (1998): 24-45; F. Irace,
University Press, 1984).
choreographed and ritualistic reproduction of social 4. Arie Graafland, "Of Rhizomes, Trees and the IJ-Oevers, Amsterdam,"
"Educatorium: OMA a Utrecht," Abitare 379 (Dec. 1998): 104-114;
Raymund Ryan, "The New Dutch School," Architecture 87/3 (1998):
life. Yet the freedoms of which he speaks remains Assemblage 38 (1998): 28-41, p. 36; Bart Lootsma, Superdutch: New
136-143; and Connie Van Cleef, "Campus Landscape," Architectural
assertions that cannot be easily tested. Kipnis Architecture in the Netherlands (London: Thames and Hudson, 2000),
Review 1225 (March 1999): 50-53.
p. 181. This account of Koolhaas's work also relies strongly on Zaera
suggests that, "For Koolhaas, architecture is able 23. Cornubert, "Educatorium," p. 45.
and Koolhaas, "Finding Freedoms," and Kipnis, "Recent Koolhaas."
... to engender provisional freedoms in a definite 5. Kipnis, "Recent Koolhaas," pp. 29-30.
24. Markus, Buildings and Power, p. 230-233.
25. Graafland, "Of Rhizomes." See also Kim Dovey, "Multiplicities and
situation, freedoms as the experiences, as the 6. Ibid., p. 30.
Complicities: Signifying the Future at Euralille," Urban Design Interna-
sensations, as the effects pleasurable, threatening, 7. Fredric Jameson and Michael Speaks, "Envelopes and Enclaves: The
tional 3/3 (1999): 89-99.
Space of Post-Civil Society," Assemblage 17 (1992): 31-37, p. 33. See
and otherwise of undermining select patterns of 26. OMA Rem Koolhaas LIVING (Bordeaux: Birkhauser, 1998); Beatriz
also Graafland, "Of Rhizomes."
regulation and authority."33 What this suggests is Colomina and Blanca Lleo, "A Machine Was Its Heart: House in Floirac,"
8. Stan Allen, "From Object to Field," Architectural Design 127 (1997):
that such claims need to be considered in the Assemblage 37 (1998): 36-45; Colin Davies, "Machine for Living,"
Architecture (Dec. 1998): 72-82; M. Emery, "House at Floirac, Gironde,"
context of everyday experience and social practice 9. Ibid., p. 24.
Architecture d' Aujourd Hui 320 (Jan. 1999): 24-33; and M. Nesbit,
enmeshed in the micropractices of power and liber- 10. Ibid., p. 31.
"House Play," Artforum 37/3 (1998): 94.
11. Hillier and Hanson, The Social Logic of Space; Hillier, Space Is the 27. Colomina and Lleo, "A Machine Was Its Heart."
ation that infuse everyday life. Yet such critique of Machine.
28. Emery, "House at Floirac."
place experiences is one that Koolhaas explicitly 12. For a more detailed theoretical account of this adaptation of spatial
29. Quoted in Colomina and Lleo, "A Machine Was Its Heart," p. 42.
eschews.34 analysis, see Kim Dovey, Framing Places: Mediating Power in Built Form 30. Davies, "Machine for Living."

Koolhaas's work is brilliantly innovative, but it (London: Routledge 1999), ch. 2. For other uses of spatial analysis, see 31. Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space (Boston: Beacon, 1969).
Thomas Markus, Buildings and Power (London: Routledge, 1993); Julia 32. Michel Foucault, "Space, Power and Knowledge," in Neil Leach
is not always what it seems. In her critique of the
Robinson, "Messages from Space," in Roberta Feldman, et al. (eds.), (ed.), Rethinking Architecture (London: Routledge 1997): 367-379,
Floirac house, Colomina suggests that he operates Power by Design (Oklahoma: EDRA Proceedings, 1994), pp. 145-151. p. 371.
in the mode of a magician, distracting the eye with 13. Dovey, Framing Places, pp. 22-23. 33. Kipnis, "Recent Koolhaas," p. 27.
one hand, concealing what he is up to with the 14. See Hillier and Hanson, The Social Logic of Space; Markus, Build- 34. Rem Koolhaas and Bruce Mau, Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large
other.35 Koolhaas's formal inventiveness distracts ings and Power; and Dovey, Framing Places, ch. 2. (New York, Monacelli Press, 1995); Rem Koolhaas, "No Grounds Against
15. Pierre Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice (London: Cambridgea Non-Place," in Euralille (Basel: Birkhauser, 1996): 51-71.
critical attention from his programmatic surgery,
University Press, 1977), ch. 1; Pierre Bourdieu, Pascalian Meditations 35. Colomina and Lleo, "A Machine Was Its Heart." The magic seemed
which at times constructs illusions of "freedom" that
(Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2000), ch. 4. to work on this critique which is curiously gender blind.
can conceal what has not changed. Programmatic 16. Hillier, Space Is the Machine, p. 7. 36. Koolhaas, "No Grounds Against a Non-Place," p. 190.

innovation can be reduced to significations of prac-

tice. Koolhaas has indeed alluded to himself as a
magician producing "sublime moments of illusion,"
and there is no suggestion here that the "magic"
does not work in certain ways.36 What is missing,
however, is an understanding of freedom as a form
of practice: something people do rather than
consume. Koolhaas does indeed challenge the
primary genotypes of sociospatial reproduction, yet
at the same time he generates illusions of an archi-
tecture that has been freed from spatial ideology.
And these illusions can be a cover for new practices
of power or for more of the same.


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